1. Dendrites Are Branching Extensions Of

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1. Dendrites Are Branching Extensions Of

Brain Exam 1. Dendrites are branching extensions of: a. Neurotransmitters b. Endorphins c. Neurons d. Glial cells 2. The function of dendrites is to: a. Receive incoming signals from other neurons b. Release neurotransmitters into the spatial junctions between neurons c. Coordinate the activation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system d. Control pain through the release of opiate-like chemicals into the brain 3. The longest part of a neuron is most likely to be the: a. Dendrite b. Axon c. Cell body d. Synapse 4. In transmitting sensory information to the brain, an electrical signal within a single neuron travels from the: a. Cell body to the axon to the dendrites b. Dendrites to the axon to the cell body c. Axon to the cell body to the dendrites d. Dendrites to the cell body to the axon 5. The speed at which a neural impulse travels is increased when the axon is encased by a(n): a. Association areas b. Myelin sheath c. Endocrine gland d. Neural network 6. A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the: a. Synapse b. Threshold c. Action potential d. Refractory period 7. The minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse is called the: a. Reflex b. Threshold c. Synapse d. Action potential 8. Increasing the intensity of a stimulus above the threshold will not similarly increase the intensity of a neural response to that stimulus. This highlights the nature of the: a. Synaptic gap b. Myelin sheath c. Reward deficiency syndrome d. All or nothing response 9. The chemical messengers released into the spatial junctions between neurons are called: a. Hormones b. Neurotransmitters c. Synapses d. Genes 10. The reuptake of a neurotransmitter such as serotonin would involve the reabsorption of serotonin into a(n): a. Axon terminal b. Receiving neuron c. Myelin sheath d. Glial cell 11. Transferring messages from a motor neuron to a leg muscle requires the neurotransmitter known as: a. Dopamine b. Epinephrine c. Acetylcholine d. Insulin 12. Endorphins are: a. Neurotransmitters b. Hormones c. Endocrine glands d. Morphine antagonists 13. Jose has just played a long, bruising football game but feels little fatigue or discomfort. His lack of pain is most likely caused by the release of: a. Curare b. Dopamine c. Acetylcholine d. Endorphins 14. The two major divisions of the nervous system are the central and the ______nervous systems. a. Autonomic b. Sympathetic c. Parasympathetic d. Peripheral 15. In order for you to experience the pain of a sprained ankle, ______must first relay messages from your ankle to your central nervous system. a. The limbic system b. Interneurons c. The reticular formation d. Sensory neurons 16. Sensory neurons are an important part of the: a. Limbic system b. Reticular formation c. Peripheral nervous system d. Central nervous system 17. Neurons that serve as “jumper wires” during a reflex. a. Interneurons b. Motor neurons c. Sensory neurons d. Neurotransmitters 18. Messages are transmitted from your spinal cord to muscles in your hands by the ______nervous system. a. Central b. Peripheral c. Parasympathetic d. Autonomic 19. The parasympathetic nervous system ______digestion and ______heartbeat. a. Accelerates; decelerates b. Decelerates; accelerates c. Accelerates; accelerates d. Decelerates; decelerates 20. You are getting pumped up for the homecoming game. Your heart starts beating faster and your breathing speeds up. These physical reactions are triggered by the: a. Somatic nervous system b. Sympathetic nervous system c. Parasympathetic nervous system d. Limbic system 21. After the excitement of the competition was over, Ralph’s blood pressure decreased and his heartbeat slowed. These physical reactions were most directly regulated by his: a. Parasympathetic nervous system b. Sympathetic nervous system c. Somatic nervous system d. Sensorimotor nervous system 22. Neural networks refer to: a. The branching extensions of a neuron b. Functionally interconnected clusters of neurons in the central nervous system c. Junctions between sending and receiving neurons d. Neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body 23. Hormones are the chemical messengers of the: a. Cerebral cortex b. Autonomic nervous system c. Endocrine system d. Limbic system 24. The brainstem is to arousal as the limbic system is to: a. Emotion b. Muscular coordination c. Respiration d. Language comprehension 25. Which lobes of the brain receive the input that enables you to feel a golf club as you are swinging it? a. Parietal b. Temporal c. Occipital d. Frontal 26. The surgical removal of a large tumor from Allen’s occipital lobe resulted in extensive loss of brain tissue. Allen is most likely to suffer some loss of: a. Muscular coordination b. Language comprehension c. Visual perception d. Speaking ability 27. Auditory stimulation is first processed in the ______lobes. a. Occipital b. Temporal c. Frontal d. Parietal 28. The sense of hearing is to the ______lobes as the sense of touch is to the ______lobes. a. Frontal; occipital b. Temporal; parietal c. Parietal; temporal d. Occipital; frontal

29. The sensory cortex is most critical for our sense of: a. Taste b. Sight c. Hearing d. Touch 30. The association areas are located in the: a. Spinal cord b. Brainstem c. Thalamus d. Cerebral cortex 31. The most extensive regions of the brain, which enable judging and planning, are called the: a. Reticular formation b. Projection areas c. Sensory areas d. Association areas 32. The capacity of one brain area to take over the functions of another damaged brain area is known as brain: a. Tomography b. Phrenology c. Aphasia d. Plasticity 33. Damage to the left cerebral hemisphere is most likely to reduce a person’s ability to: a. Solve arithmetic problems b. Copy drawings c. Recognize faces d. Recognize familiar melodies 34. In order to determine the best move to make in a given situation, one would likely use the ______lobe. a. Frontal b. Occipital c. Parietal d. Temporal 35. What is the term used to identify damage to one of the language areas of the left hemisphere? a. Aphasia b. Stroke c. Paralysis d. Phrenology

Determine whether each of the following actions is controlled primarily by the left (L) or right (R) side of the brain: 36. You recognize that a friend is offended by what you said based on his body language. 37. When your teacher hands you a worksheet in class to review, you think of various other ways the material could be reviewed. 38. You like problem-solving in math when you follow a set of steps to get to the correct answer. 39. When you read poetry, you like to point out word-plays that the author uses for effect. 40. You like to debate in class since you like to express yourself in words.

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