RangeGL000501.doc NFAA® Archery and Bowhunter Range Guidelines by Paul H. Davison Consultant, Archery Range Development RangeGL000501.doc SPECIAL NOTICES ¨ There are no restrictions on the reproduction and distribution of this material; however, it will be appreciated if acknowledgment is made of its source, its author, and its sponsors. ¨ It is suggested that all questions regarding document maintenance and change control be directed to the author at
[email protected]. ¨ These guidelines are the abridged and updated range guidelines originally documented in Archery and Bowhunter Range Guidelines, published by the author during the period 1992-1995. ¨ These guidelines are presented for information only, and are not to be treated as officially certified design or safety specifications. Neither the author nor the NFAA assume any liability for the use or misuse of these guidelines. i RangeGL000501.doc CONTENTS Section ...........................................................................................................Page Introduction .......................................................................................................iii I – Summary of Outdoor Archery Games .........................................................1 I.A. Field Archery.......................................................................................1 I.B. Target Archery ....................................................................................4 I.C. Outdoor Target Archery......................................................................4