PREFLIGHT Right main gear – check FRONT COCKPIT CHECK Prop area clean Remove oil cooler cover if installed Mag switch to OFF Cowl shutters tight Check fuel level in right tank Starter Switch guard down Fuselage straight Drain fuel sump All switches off Gear Struts 5-6” min. Mags off front cockpit All radios off Check for oil leaks Batt, Ign, & Gen switches – off in Gear lever down and safety lock in Remove oil drip can(s) front cockpit place Check cowl and engine Check oil level – min 9 - 10 Liters Brakes set and locked Cowl latches tight Remove aileron and rudder tie Turn main air on Nose gear & latch OK downs, if installed Emerg. and Main air supply level OK Left main gear-check Pull prop thru 12-14 blades Recheck Mag switch in rear cockpit Check fuel level in left tank Prime as necessary set to 1 & 2 Remove pitot cover Pull prop thru 4 add’l blades FOD Check Static Ports clear Turn on main air valve Pitot opening - check Set front brake lock ENTERING THE COCKPIT Left aileron – check condition Check gear latch – set to right security & freedom of movement REAR COCKPIT CHECK Adjust rudder pedal as req’d. Left flap – check (SOLO FLIGHT FROM FRONT Fasten Parachute Air fill port – check for leaks COCKPIT) Fasten seatbelts and adjust Horizontal Stab – Check for security Mag control up – Front Cockpit Headset connected Elevator – check cables, condition, Gear control – neutral Check canopy movement security and freedom of movement Flap control – neutral Check controls for freedom of Trim Tab – check for condition & Instructor switches – down movement security Mag switch to 1&2 Elevator trim – adjust Rudder – check control cables Brake override off (to rear) Clock - wind and set attachment, rudder condition, Parachute removed (if installed) Start elapsed time indicator (if security and freedom of movement All straps secured desired) Right flap – check Canopy closed and locked Right aileron – check security, FOD Check condition and freedom of movement STARTING ENGINE ENGINE WARM UP Gear latch – slide to left Brakes On and Lock Set Check temps and pressures Check cooling controls – set friction Air supply – recheck Set cooling controls as req’d. lock Cooling controls as required Cage attitude indicator Annunciator lights – press to test Prop control – full forward All breakers – On (except #2) Secure canopy Throttle – 1/3 Open Radios set Set Transponder to ALT Fuel supply – On Transponder to 1200 Carb Heat – Off Strobes on TAKE OFF Eng Inst breaker #3 – On Nav lights on (as req’d) Brakes off Annunc. Lights breaker #5 - On Apply full power Master/Batt switch – On (up) TAXIING 60 MPH - Lift nose just clear Ignition Switch – On (up) Test Brakes Climb at 105 MPH Generator Switch – On (up) Test gyros and T & B Gear Up Call CLEAR Test Flaps Gear latch – slide to right CHECK prop area is CLEAR Set Altimeter and DG Power to 80% and 80 mm Engage Starter Button After engine fires switch Mag switch RUN UP CLIMB OUT to 1 & 2 Brakes Set and locked Power to 70% and 70mm Check primer – locked and vertical Oil Temp at least 40 Deg C Check Instruments Warm up at 40% Oil Pressure in green arc Check controls Check oil pressure CHT minimum of 120 deg C. Check gear and latch Check fuel pressure Fuel pressure in green arc Monitor CHT Turn on Breaker switches Advance throttle to 70% 1, 4, 6, 7, 8 Check Mags (max 3% drop) CRUISE POWER SETTINGS Turn on Radios and Transponder Cycle prop 3 times Prop – 65% Set Transponder to STANDBY Throttle to 40% Manifold – 68-72 mm Elevator trim – set Speed – Approx. 135 MPH 1 pilot – 45 deg. 2 pilots - neutral Check flaps – Up DESCENT AND LANDING SHUT DOWN AEROBATICS Prop 70% & 40 mm Check gear latch No Fuel in Aux. Tank CHT > 120 deg. C Breakers 1,4,5,6,8 – Off Prop 82% & 80mm (or as req’d) 105 MPH in pattern Prop – Max Fuel Qty - > 40 Liters total Speed below 115 – gear down on Run up at 70% for 10 sec. All items secure in both cockpits downwind CHT 140-150 deg. C Check Engine Instruments Check gear down lights and poles Throttle – 27% Flaps – Up Prop – Max on Base (optional) Breakers 3, 7 – Off Seat Belts/Shoulder Harness 95 MPH on Final Radios and Nav equip. – Off Secure Flaps down – Short final Nav & Strobe lights - Off Power to idle when runway made Mags – Off V SPEEDS - CAUTION Flare and Touchdown at 75 MPH Batt, Ign, & Gen switches – Off Max level speed – 190 MPH Pull off Active Runway Cowl louvers and oil cooler door- Stall – Gear & Flaps up – 70 MPH Flaps Up closed Stall Speed Inverted – 88 MPH Gear latch – slide to right Clock Timer – Off Stall –Flaps Down – 64 MPH Air Valve – Closed Never Exceed (VNE) – 260 MPH Drain “Snot Bottle” on Exiting Max Gear Extended – 128 MPH Best Glide Speed – 108 MPH Max Glide Speed – 102 MPH EMERGENCY PROCEDURES


Establish 108 MPH Glide Set gear lever to NEUTRAL in both cockpits Retract Landing Gear Wait for air to exhaust Check Mags, Fuel and Pump Reduce speed to 82 MPH Turn Pump to left and pump fuel pressure to .1 to .2 Open Emergency Gear Extension Valve Attempt restart Check for green lights and barber poles Close Emergency Air Valve ONLY after shutting IN-FLIGHT FIRE down the engine

Pull Fuel Cut-Off to REAR GLIDE RATIOS Set Glide speed to 108 MPH Side slip to blow flames away from cockpit Gear and Flaps up – 7 to 1 Perform Emergency Landing Gear Down – 5 to 1 Do not increase speed Gliding turns best bank angle – 45 0