Board Goal 1: Vary Learning Experiences to Increase Success in College and Career Pathways

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Board Goal 1: Vary Learning Experiences to Increase Success in College and Career Pathways

2016-17 Cobb County School District Strategic Plan

Board Goal 1: Vary learning experiences to increase success in college and career pathways. District Focus Priorities 2016 2016-2019 -17 Align ed Actio ns and Mea sure ment s (Due Sept emb er 1, 2016 )

Focus Priorities: Key (Based on priorities identified by IE2, Actio AdvancEd-AdvEd, Superintendent-S, and ns: Academic Division-AD) (List Focus Priority Resourc as Status: Measured by: Owner(s): es Results many NM = Not Met Needed Of Key Actions: action IP = In Progress : (Due June 30, 2017) s as M = Met neede d in each box.) 1. Organize student performance data through CTLS for full accessible use by N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A teachers and school leaders. (S) (AdvED) N/A 2. Organize, examine, and adjust Use TKES Certified Touchst 93% of teachers scored IP instruction based on student progress differ Teachers/Staff/ ones, a level III or IV in the monitoring data. (AD) entiat Admin Academ area of differentiation ed ic Coach during walks and instru and observations ctiona TTIS l Support strate gies and activit ies across the curric ulum. Collec t data to show stude nt growt h. 3. Develop and deliver flexible formative Creat TKES Certified Touchst 94% of our teachers IP assessments in all core content areas for e and Teachers/Staff/ ones, created formative monitoring student progress and use Admin Academ assessments in CTLS adjusting instruction to meet individual comm ic Coach student learning needs. (S) on and forma TTIS tive Support assess ments such as the Touch stone s throu gh CTLS. 4. Align critical professional learning by Creat TKES Certified Bi- 100% of walks and M grade level/content area and ensure e Teachers/Staff/ monthly observations were access for all teachers. (AD) differ Admin Academ conducted in the area entiat ic of reading ed Coach, profes TTIS sional and learni Teacher ng Leader modul Support es in Reade r’s Works hop and FFAS based on staff needs . 5. Increase percentage of students Use Reading/Writing Assessment Certified Commo 77% of students in K-5th IP reading on grade level. (S) differ Teachers/Staff/ n grades are proficient or (Based on CCRPI 2014 Reading Scores) entiat Admin Assess advanced on the SRI ed ments instru Quarter ctiona ly Tier l, RTI, 2&3 EIP, Meeting ESOL s and Café SPED strate gies for stude nts below grade level. 6. Increase percentage of student Use Math Assessment Certified Commo 68% of students K-5th IP performance in math/algebra at every differ Teachers/Staff/ n grades are proficient or grade level. (S) entiat Admin Assess advanced on the SMI (Based on CCRPI ES-MS Math & HS ed ments Algebra Scores) instru Quarter ctiona ly Tier l, RTI, 2&3 EIP, Meeting ESOL s and SPED strate gies for stude nts below grade level. 7. Increase number of students Follo RTI Data Teachers/ N/A 13 students retained in NM academically completing every grade.(S) w RTI Admin and 2016 and 14 students and Counselors retained in 2017 Additi onal Year Proce dures 8. Other: Conti Surveys Teachers/Staff/ Funding Decreased the number M (Priorities specific to school, division, or nue Admin/PTSA for of discipline referrals by area. Can be multiple.) the rewards 50% from 15-16 school imple year. menta tion of “Pa ws-a- tively” Great Behav ior- school -wide positi ve behav ior plan Board Goal 2: Differentiate resources for students based on needs. District Focus Priorities 20 2016-2019 16 - 17 Ali gn ed Ac tio ns an d M ea su re m en ts (D ue Se pt e m be r 1, 20 16 ) Focus Priorities: Ke (Based on priorities identified by IE2, y AdvancEd-AdvED, Superintendent-S, and Act Academic Division-AD) ion s: (Lis t as ma Focus Priority ny Resource Status: Measured by: Owner(s): Results act s NM = Not Met Of Key Actions: ion Needed: IP = In Progress (Due June 30, 2017) s M = Met as ne ed ed in ea ch bo x.) Identify local school innovations through N/ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A system flexibility to increase student A achievement. (IE2)

Divisionally support local school innovations identified through system flexibility for N/ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A increasing student achievement. (IE2) A Provide targeted resources for students 1. & 2. Pre/Post Assessment Certified IXL 1. On the ELA section of the IP 1. not reading on grade level (Lexile) 1. DRA Data Teachers/Staff Reading milestones, all students increased by 6.4% from 2016 2. unsuccessful in Math/Algebra Us 3. RTI data in CSIS & Data in Goalview /Admin and Math to 2017 (Based on 2014 CCRPI Math/Algebra e CAFÉ 2. On the Math section of the scores) of Model milestones, all students Re Materials increased by 6.7% from 2016 3. not on-track for graduation (S) to 2017 ad Read 3. On the ELA section of the er’ 180/Syste milestones, SWD students s/ m 44 increased by 16% and 10% for Wr Fundation math ite s r’s 6 Min W Solutions ork Systemati sh c op Sequentia Mo l Phonics del an d Su ppl em ent al Ma ter ials

2. Us e of Ma th W ork sh op Mo del an d Su ppl Identify and provide resources to increase opportunities for advanced, on-level, and remedial students to earn initial credit, N/ embedded credit, dual credit, recovered N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A A credit, distance learning, and certifications in areas of student interest. (AD) Other: N/ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (Priorities specific to school, division, or A area. Can be multiple.)

Board Goal 3: Develop stakeholder involvement to promote student success. District Focus Priorities 201 2016-2019 6- 17 Ali gne d Act ion s an d Me asu re me nts (Du e Sep te mb er 1, 201 6) Focus Priorities: Key (Based on priorities identified by IE2, Acti AdvancEd-AdvEd, Superintendent-S, and ons: Academic Division-AD) (List as man Focus Priority y Resource Status: acti Measured by: Owner(s): Results s NM = Not Met ons Of Key Actions: Needed: IP = In Progress as (Due June 30, 2017) M = Met nee ded in eac h box. ) Seek and evaluate stakeholder input for Anal Survey Results CCSD N/A Need data from AdvED critical processes. (AdvED) yze the par ent surv ey data to incr eas e stak ehol der invo lve men t in deci sion mak ing Establish programs and practices that Exp Survey Data Staff members N/A 259 dads volunteered M enhance parental involvement and reflect and this year. 92% of the the needs of students and their families.(S) the dads surveyed strongly Wat agreed that their ch experience as a Watch DO DOG was rewarding GS pro gra m to incr eas e volu nte eris m amo ng fath er figu res Other: Me Anecdotal Notes Admin and N/A Successfully met M (Priorities specific to school, division, or et Presidents of monthly area. Can be multiple.) reg Each Group ularl y with Sch ool Cou ncil, Bull ard Fou nda tion and PTS A Boa rd Board Goal 4: Recruit, hire, support and retain employees for the highest level of excellence. District Focus Priorities 2016- 2016-2019 17 Aligned Actions and Measur ements (Due Septem ber 1, 2016) Focus Priorities: Key (Based on priorities identified by IE2, Actions: Focus Priority AdvancEd-AdvED, Superintendent-S, (List as Resource Status: and Academic Division-AD) many Measured by: Owner(s): Results s NM = Not Met actions Of Key Actions: Needed: IP = In Progress as (Due June 30, 2017) M = Met needed in each box.) Seek and hire teachers who meet the Seek to Certificates Admin District 100% of our staff meet M qualifications for a highly effective hire Support the qualifications for teacher. (IE2) teachers highly effective with a teacher. variety of certificati on areas Seek and hire school administrators who meet the qualifications for a N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A highly effective school leader and who are best suited for the school’s environment. (IE2) Support local school teachers and N/A N/A leaders to improve retention rate. N/A N/A N/A N/A (IE2) (S) Ensure that teachers are highly Develop Surveys Admin Academic 100% of the teachers M trained in the standards, learning differenti Coach, surveyed believe that engagement strategies, formative ated TTIS and the professional assessments, and student progress school Teacher learning activities this monitoring. (AD) focused Leaders year changed their professio instruction for the nal better. learning for all staff using the academic coach, TTIS and teacher leaders. Fully implement and evaluate state N/A N/A system of teacher and leaders N/A N/A N/A N/A evaluation (TKES and LKES). Use results of TKES and LKES to School- TKES Admin District Out of the 177 walks M improve professional performance wide Support and observations (IE2) focus on completed, 94% were standards levels III and IV 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Other: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (Specific to school, division, or area. Can be more than one.)

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