Butler High School Cheerleading Tryout Packet
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Thank you for your interest in the Howard Middle School Cheer Team. In this packet, you will find the following: tryout information with a list of important dates, an information sheet, the 2014-2015 Rules for Cheerleading, and the Statement of Permission and Agreement. You will also need to complete and turn in a Middle School Physical Screening Packet Form, and other documents that are listed in this packet. These forms can be found on the HMS website. Please read and understand all the enclosed information before tryouts.
CHEERLEADING TRYOUT DATES ● Cheer Clinics will be held on April 24 and 25 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. (PAPER WORK MUST BE TURNED IN BEFORE PARTICIPATING IN ANY CLINICS). Tryout material will be taught during this time. ● Official try-outs will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm.
PLEASE NOTE: Failure to be picked up on time will jeopardize your chance to be selected for the cheer team. .
ELIGIBILITY To be eligible in the fall/spring of 2014-2015 for cheerleading, a student must have: Been Promoted Been present at least 85% of the previous semester
REQUIRED PAPERWORK The following MUST BE turned in BEFORE you can participate in clinics or tryouts:
Statement of Permission and Agreement Candidate Information Sheet Middle School Code of Conduct Form for Students/Parents Proof of Insurance Form and Copy of Insurance Card Statement of Permission and Agreement Middle School Athletic Physical Screening Packet (PLEASE NOTE: FREE Physicals will be available at Howard High School on Monday, April 21, 2014 at 6pm.There are three forms that you must take with you to the physical screening: 1. Bibb County Athletic Participation/Consent Form 2. Piedmont Orthopedics Permission & Medical Release Form 3. GHSA Pre-participation Physical Evaluation—History Form Note: The deadline for turning in all paperwork is April 23, 2014; however, the earlier you get this paperwork in, the better. Participation in cheer clinics and try-outs will be prohibited if any of the forms are missing or incomplete. SELECTION CRITERIA Cheer/chant/dance (these will be taught during the two clinic days). You may also be required to create an original cheer within a group. Jumps (toe touch, right or left hurdler are required- descriptions and pictures of these jumps can be found on the UCA website—www.uca.com) Athleticism and physical fitness Scholastic achievement and eligibility Conduct Attitude, initiative, teamwork, leadership, work ethic, enthusiasm, and coachability Gymnastic skills—these skills are not required; however, they will increase ratings
(See the Howard Middle School Cheer Team Constitution for more details)
CLINIC/TRYOUT ATTIRE o During clinic days and the day of try-outs, please wear comfortable, length- appropriate black shorts and a white t-shirt. Appropriate bras must be worn, if you are female. Please do not wear bras, or other items, that can be seen through the t-shirt. Basketball shorts and pajamas are not permitted. Additionally, denim shorts, jewelry, and artificial nails are not permitted. Your hair should be pulled back off the shoulders.
o On the official try-out day (Saturday, April 26, 2014), you will need to wear dark colored shorts (black or navy blue) and a solid white t-shirt. Your hair should be off your shoulders, and no jewelry, nail polish, or artificial nails should be worn.
o Please do not wear any previous cheerleading or dance attire during tryout week.
For those who make the squad:
Practices will begin on Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 4pm. An official practice schedule will be given at that time. These practices are mandatory. Additionally, there will be a mandatory meeting with parents, prior to this date.
ESTIMATED COSTS (See the Cheer Team Constitution under the “Financial Responsibility” section.)
Again, all paperwork must be in no later than April 23, 2014. The earlier it is submitted, the better your chances are for meeting all deadlines. You can either drop the paperwork off or mail it to Howard Middle School. If you are mailing the information, it must be received no later than April 23, 2014. Please make sure that all paperwork clearly indicates the candidate’s name. MAILING INFORMATION : Howard Middle School c/o Coach Wilcher 6600 Forsyth Road Macon, GA 31210
I look forward to seeing you at tryouts. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]. Information Sheet
Please complete the following information. Please write LEGIBLY.
Student Name: Student ID #:
Current Grade Level: School you attended 2013-2014:
Home Address:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Email address: Birthday:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Home address (if different from above)
Parent/Guardian Phone (If different from above)
Mother’s Work Phone: Mother’s Cell Phone:
Mother’s Email:
Father’s Work Phone: Father’s Cell Phone:
Father’s Email:
Emergency Contact Name: Relationship to You:
Emergency Phone: Emergency Cell Phone:
Allergies/Health Problems/ Medications (Please describe in detail): Have you been involved in any behavior infractions (ISS or OSS) during the 2013-2014 school year? If yes, please explain on a separate sheet of paper.
Statement of Permission and Agreement
If you make the cheerleading squad, realize that you are making a commitment to Howard Middle School, your coach, your teammates, and yourself for the complete season (full year). The decision to tryout should not be taken lightly. You will be expected to put cheerleading as one of your top priorities. Furthermore, as a representative of Howard, you must maintain proper behavior at all times. You must follow the cheerleading guidelines set forth in the Howard Middle School Cheerleading Constitution and the Rules for Cheerleading. Students who break the rules and defy the constitution will be disciplined. By making this commitment to the Howard Middle School Cheerleading program, you will receive many valuable and rewarding educational experiences that you will remember long after you leave middle school. These activities will not only channel your enthusiasm and spirit in a constructive and beneficial manner, but will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment in being a part of a distinguished group.
Student Agreement
I, ______, have read and understand the 2014-2015 RULES FOR CHEERLEADING and the HOWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL CHEER TEAM CONSTITUTION. I agree to abide by the policies described if I am chosen as a member of the squad. I am agreeing to the information in the packet and understand that failure to adhere to these rules policies could result in dismissal from the squad.
______Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I, ______, the parent or legal guardian of ______, have read and understand 2014-2015 HOWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL CHEER TEAM CONSTITUTION and the 2014-2015 TRYOUT INFORMATION. I agree to abide by the policies described if my child is chosen as a member of the squad. I also agree to the financial obligations as they are described in the information provided. I understand that failure by me or my child to adhere to these policies could result in dismissal from the squad.
______Parent Signature
HOWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL 2014-2015 Rules for Cheerleading
PURPOSE The objective of the Howard Middle School Cheer Team is to effectively execute a school spirit program that supports the athletic teams and promotes the school itself. Cheerleaders will serve as positive role models and leaders for HMS and should promote sportsmanship within our school and among other schools. The highest priority should be to display and encourage spirit and pride for HMS.
TEAM MEMBERS Members will be chosen at a formal tryout session. (See the Constitution for more details.) The squad will consist of up to 22 students.
PRACTICES AND GAMES The cheer team will have practice each week. A tentative schedule will be given out at the beginning of each month. All practices are mandatory, and other schedules should revolve around cheerleading practices. Additional practices may be added, when needed. During football season, games are usually held on Wednesdays. However, the schedule has not been posted. Once the schedule is received, it will be posted. Cheerleaders will be expected to be present at all games, including playoff games. During basketball season, games are usually held on Wednesdays and Fridays. Occasionally, games may be held on other days of the week (especially during inclement weather when games must be rescheduled). Again, the schedule has not been posted. Once it is received, it will be posted.
ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS ABSENCES CAN BE THE DOWNFALL OF A GREAT CHEERLEADING SQUAD! If one or more squad members are absent from a practice or game, the other members are forced to make last minute changes. This can be both stressful and dangerous to squad members. You will be expected to be at all games and practices. Club activities, extracurricular activities, etc. must not interfere with cheerleading. If you commit to cheerleading you are committing to attend every game. Unexcused absences are those caused by anything other than illness or family emergencies. In addition, just because a cheerleader asks to be excused doesn’t mean that the excuse will be granted. If you are ill or have a family emergency, the coach needs to be notified by a parent or guardian in order for this absence to be excused. Please notify the coach before the absence or as soon after as possible; only under extreme circumstances will prior notice not be expected. Please call Howard Middle School at (478) 779-3500 to notify the coach of any excused absences. If the coach is unavailable, please leave a message. GRADES Cheerleaders are student-athletes. Therefore, they are students first and athletes second. Progress/Grade reports will be turned in so the coach can monitor academic progress. If you are failing a class, you will be required to attend tutoring; Failure to attend tutoring will result in suspension or dismissal.
EXPECTED BEHAVIOR All HMS guidelines must be followed at all times. Consequences will be issued for misbehavior or poor conduct Cheerleaders must promote a positive image for the school community— your peers, parents, teachers, and community members. Part of a coach’s job is to know where you are at all times during practices, games, and special events. Consequences will be issued for failure to follow the coach’s direction or to stay in assigned areas during events. Cheerleaders can not wear or loan HMS cheerleading uniforms/outfits when attending non-cheerleading activities. All official cheerleading decisions and activities will be made by the coaching staff. All coaches and captains are to be given respect and cooperation by cheerleaders and parents at all times. Lack of respect will not be tolerated and can be grounds for dismissal.
The coach reserves the right to make changes/additions to the rules as needed. In addition, if you have any questions or concerns, please respect the following chain of command: Cheer Team Coach, Athletic Director, and School Principal. For more detailed information, please see the Howard Middle School Cheer Team Constitution.