Malheur Education Service District Region 14
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Malheur ESD Board Meeting
Pursuant to notices sent to newspapers of general circulation the board meeting was held on Tuesday, September 19th, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. at the Malheur ESD, Vale, Oregon.
Board Chair Dennis Hironaka called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Board members in attendance and comprising a quorum were: Don Hodge, Don Bullard, Jill Conant, Dave Westerberg, Les Linegar, Dennis Hironaka and John McDonough. Also in attendance were Superintendent Mark Redmond, Business Manager Matt Mejia, Ellen Martinez from Field Waldo Insurance, and Special Education Director Teresa Jones.
Board Chair Dennis Hironaka started on Business Item A, Ellen Martinez from Field Waldo. Ellen presented in detail the Insurance coverage the ESD has purchased for this current year. She discussed property coverage, liability, etc. Several questions were asked by the Directors, and discussion followed.
Consent Agenda:
A MOTION WAS MADE by Don Bullard, seconded by John McDonough, to approve the Consent Agenda (Items A-C). The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0 vote.
A. Approve the Minutes of the August 15th, 2017 Board Meeting B. Approve payment of the bills for September 2017 and monthly financial statement. C. Approve Section 125 Plan (Employee Flexible Spending Accounts)
Personnel Items:
A MOTION WAS MADE by Jill Conant, seconded by Don Hodge, to approve Matt Mejia as the ESD Business Manager. The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0 vote.
Superintendent Redmond presented the proposed classified salary schedule to the Board for review. This salary schedule will have steps for classified employees. Discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE by Les Linegar, seconded by Jill Conant, to approve the classified salary schedule presented by Superintendent Redmond, and make that schedule be effective on the October payroll. The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0 vote.
Business Items:
Superintendent Redmond presented information on resolutions 18-006 and 18- 007. Resolution 18-006 for the new ELL Coordinator working with ODE, and the adjustments needed on resolution 18-007 for the STEM Hub.
A MOTION WAS MADE by Dave Westerberg, seconded by John McDonough, to approve resolutions 18-006 and 18-007. The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0 vote.
ESD Business Manager Matt Mejia presented the end-of-year unaudited fiscal report to the Board. This outlines predicted balances in funds for the ESD. Discussion followed.
OSBA policies EEBB and CBA were presented to the Board for review. Discussion followed over two versions of the policy CBA. After the discussion, the Board decided to go ahead and vote on the policies this Board meeting.
A MOTION WAS MADE by Les Linegar, seconded by McDonough, to select for approval Board Policy CBA Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent Version 1, as written. The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0 vote.
A MOTION WAS MADE by Dave Westerberg, seconded by John McDonough, approve Board Policy EEBB Use of Private Vehicles for ESD Business as written, and Board Policy CBA Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent Version 1, as written. The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0 vote.
Superintendent Redmond presented the ESD Annual Report as required by SB 250. This is an annual report that must be presented to the ESD Board. Discussion followed.
Other Items: A. stORy time recap discussion Superintendent Redmond thanked the Board members who helped with this event. The Board discussed ways to provide better contact points for those individuals wishing to act as a volunteer. Discussion followed. B. OSBA Fall Regional Meeting—Monday, October 16th, 2017, at 6:00pm Malheur ESD All Board members indicated they are planning on attending.
C. OAESD Fall Summit, Portland Mariott, November 9th, 2017 Chair Dennis Hironaka, Vice Chair Les Linegar, and Superintendent Mark Redmond plan on attending this.
D. Drivers Education Update Superintendent Redmond indicated that both LaGrande and Burns would be willing to help either fund or provide vehicles to help with Driver’s Edu- cation costs. He indicated he is still trying to make contact with Baker.
E. Safety Committee Update Superintendent Redmond provided an update to the Board on the quarter- ly safety committee meeting. There were no accidents or issues to report.
Adjournment A MOTION WAS MADE by Jill Conant, seconded by John McDonough, to adjourn the Board meeting at 5:15 p.m. The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0 vote.