5. Genetic Resources Conservation and Distribution
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V. Analysis of Risk Items
Overall Objective: Protection and effective use of ICARDA’s germplasm collections (including safety backups kept for other Centers and institutions)
Recent reviews:
June 1995 CGIAR Stripe Review of Genebank Operations March 1996 CCER of Projects Concerning Cool Season Legumes and Seed Production (component) February 1997 CCER of Cereal Germplasm Improvement and Genetic Resources (component) 2002 Preparation of GPG1 Proposal for Genebank Upgrade 2003 EC Review
1 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
GRU conserves, in a timely way, See Genetic erosion is endangered genetic material before it above moving apace, at the is lost forever same time that collection activities could be stalled by insufficient funding, more restrictive national bioprospecting laws or reluctance to grant appropriate approvals
GRU fails to collect Collection Head SGRP policy; H M Bi-annual collection genetic material GRU FAO Code of missions, financed under before it is lost due to Conduct restricted projects, such factors as focused on Central Asia urbanization, land use and Caucasus where change and climatic major collection gaps events exists.
Some countries in region (e.g. Ethiopia, Morocco) have begun restricting ability to take samples outside the country.
Genetic material is Collection Head SGRP policy; H L ICARDA obtains collected for GRU GRU; FAO Code of collection permits in all without appropriate Project Conduct countries where it sends national permits Leaders of missions. collection projects Genebank operations Finance MC, H H CGIAR System and FAO not financially Head are working together to sustainable in the GRU establish an international long term endowment fund (Global Crop Diversity Trust) 2 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
(in the past this has that would provide long relied on unrestricted term financial support to funding to ICARDA. the CGIAR Centers’ However this form of international genebanks funding has as well as regional and significantly shrunk national genebanks. compared with However the final terms restricted project of access to endowment funding.) funding are not yet established
Failures in partner Partnership MC H L This is closely related relationships Management Head with ICARDA jeopardizes GRU GRU institutional activities to germplasm collection foster effective activities partnership relations
Genebank samples are safeguarded from physical loss (due to disease, pests, genetic contamination, poor storage conditions, theft, vandalism or disaster) Introduction of Receiving process – Head, H L Incoming material are diseases and pests (to introduction and GRU (could accompanied by genebank, host quarantine result in phytosanitary certificates revocation country in the case of (preventive controls) of Govt recognized by Syria. samples coming from permits; outside Syria) Safety backups damage to Seed health testing by through incoming (recovery measure) genebanks Seed Health Unit follows samples) samples International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and US National Seed Health System protocols. 3 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
To minimize errors in seed health units laboratory techniques for detection of pathogens, pathology labs are subject to periodic inspection and equipment calibration tests.
GPG1 Project is helping ICARDA to upgrade its seed health testing and treatment of all new genebank introductions from seed-borne fungi and viruses in barley, chickpea, faba bean, and lentil; field inspections of material under multiplication; cleaning of genebank accessions from seed-borne pathogens to meet international standards
Depending on the material and results of tests, incoming samples may be subject to treatment and outgrowing in greenhouses GPG1 Project is funding new isolation screenhouses 4 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
for faba bean growouts to ensure seed purity, to address recognized constraints in this area
Non-permitted material is destroyed in accordance with quarantine regulations
Logs documenting compliance are kept by seed health unit
Physical separation of processing areas (drying cleaning, propagation ) from collection storage areas
Introduction of Regeneration process Head, H L Regenerated material diseases and pests (preventive controls) GRU also subject to present in Syria (to phytosanitary testing as genebank) through described above. regeneration process GPG1 is assisting with the expansion of GHU to cope with expanded regeneration program funded by the same project.
Genetic Receiving process – Head, H L So far no collection crops contamination due to introduction and GRU (big exist in transgenic form reputation 5 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
presence of quarantine issue) except in experimental transgenes in samples (preventive controls) form for wheat. (either introduced in However as the genebank samples or through Safety backups is located in a center of cross-breeding) (recovery measure) origin this could become a significant issue in future for ICARDA.
No transgenic wheat included in GRU collections or handled by ICARDA at Tel Hadya.
ICARDA participating in CGIAR-wide workshops on testing for transgenic material
Genetic Regeneration process Head, M L Regeneration planting contamination due to (preventive controls) GRU; (impact plans designed to out-crossing of Head ES on minimize risk – can track collection samples during Safety backups would be what was planted in plots regeneration (recovery measure) contained for past years, avoid to using same plots for particular regeneration of different samples) samples where potential risk of out-crossing with survivors of past plantings.
GPG1 Project is financing new screen- houses for faba been multiplication/ regeneration to prevent
6 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
cross-pollination of this partially cross-pollinating species
Storage conditions at GRU Infrastructure Head, FAO/IPGRI H L A new cold store is genebank not suitable (preventive controls) GRU Genebank operational for medium (temperature, Standards term temperature (4C) humidity, exposure to Safety backups pests, exposure to (recovery measure) Design of Seed Long term storage at other damage to Storage -20C will operation in samples) Facilities for the next few months. Genetic Conservation Seed samples carefully (DSSF) sealed. specifications Alarm systems for open FAO and doors, temperature/ University of humidity changes in Reading storage areas. storage standards for Samples stored in various multiple containers to species/varieti minimize container- es specific risks.
Cold store GRU Infrastructure Head M L compressors fail (preventive controls) GRU (failure would shorten Safety backups storage (recovery measure) life) Power supply cutoff GRU Infrastructure Head M L GRU relies on ICARDA (preventive controls) GRU (failure Tel Hadya backup power would generation. This is shorten Safety backups storage subject to regular testing (recovery measure) life) and maintenance to 7 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
ensure good working order.
Theft or vandalism GRU Infrastructure Head H L GRU benefits from by intruders (preventive controls) GRU ICARDA Tel Hadya 24 hours perimeter security Safety backups (recovery measure) Genebank building access controls.
Damage due to GRU Infrastructure Head H L GRU building designed weather elements (preventive controls) GRU and built to ensure weather protection – Safety backups subject to periodic (recovery measure) maintenance checks Damage due to fire GRU Infrastructure Head H L GRU building rated for (preventive controls) GRU fireproofing; fire suppression measures – Safety backups subject to periodic fire (recovery measure) safety checks Damage due to GRU Infrastructure Head H L GRU building designed earthquakes (preventive controls) GRU and built to earthquake proof standards Safety backups (recovery measure) Damage due to other Safety backups Head H L Safety backup catastrophic events (recovery measure) GRU arrangements are in (e.g. war) place. However there are backlogs in safety duplication and regeneration of accessions, which GPG1 project is helping to address. In situ collections at ES Management Head M L 8 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
Tel Hadya damaged GRU by pests and Safety backups at Head, ES vandalism other locations managed by partners Integrity of genebank samples is safeguarded from accidental mixing of samples Loss of integrity of Receiving, and Head M L GRU quality control samples due to regeneration GRU (impact measures ensure that the accidental mixture of processes on seed samples are not collection material during (preventive controls) would be mixed and that their processing in GRU contained collection histories are to preserved. particular samples) Seed samples are electronically tracked using bar codes. Viability of samples in collection is maintained New material in Receiving process – Head GRU Manual M L Viability testing during collection is not introduction and GRU (impact initial processing. GPG1 viable testing on Project is funding the collection (preventive controls) would be replacement of aging contained equipment to (dehumidifiers and particular germinators) for essential samples) seed processing and testing . Loss of viability due Storage (monitoring) Head FAO and H L Monitoring of viability to backlogs in processes GRU University of according to (or within) regeneration (preventive controls) Reading recommended intervals. storage (equipment, standards for Seed stock control manpower various system 9 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
limitations) species/varieti es The continuous collection and acquisition of genetic resources presents a challenge for the GRU to keep up with some of the regeneration requirements. GPG1 Project will help address this
Only healthy germplasm is distributed from GRU Germplasm Distribution Head H L Distributed material also distributed from processes GRU subject to phytosanitary genebank has (preventive controls) testing as desribed above. diseases Appropriate seed health checks made according to the phytosanitary standards of the importing country. All outgoing material must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate
Sufficient seed stock Storage (monitoring) Head H L Seed stock control is maintained to meet processes GRU system alerts GRU to requests for (preventive controls) need to multiply and distribtuion regenerate seed
GRU complies with international undertakings and agreements with providers concerning the distribution of germplasm Recipients of Distribution Head ICARDA H L Standard MTAs for 10 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
“designated” processes GRU Policy on (particular “designated” and germplasm or (preventive controls) MTAs ly ICARDA-created “non- reputation ICARDA-created al issues) designated” germplasm. “non-designated” MTA for “designated” germplasm attempt to material developed in claim IP rights over collaboration with FAO the germplasm and other CGIAR Centers. As set forth in the MTA, all recipients must agree: - not to claim legal ownership or seek intellectual property protection over the designated germplasm or related information; and - to make any subsequent transfer of the designated germplasm or related information subject to these conditions.
Standard MTA for “designated” germplasm is printed as a reminder on wrapper covering shipped samples (“shrinkproof”MTAs).
Note that new MTAs to be adopted under the ITPGRFA (expected early 2005) will replace current FAO-agreed MTAs for “designated” germplasm. In the period 11 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
between ITPGRFA coming into force (June 2004) and the adoption of new MTAs there is to some extent a “legal limbo”
Non compliance with Distribution Head H L Such germplasm is not restrictions placed on processes GRU (particular identified on the website non-ICARDA “Non (preventive controls) ly used for entry point for reputation designated” al issues) germplasm requests germplasm – (minimizes possibility of distribution or inadvertent distribution). subsequent use by recipients in contravention of restrictions
Germplasm data is complete, accurate and in a form that can be widely accessed as a global public good by those who can productively use the data in the furtherance of ICARDA’s mission Incorrect Accession process Head M L Where there is doubt classification of (preventive controls) GRU about the identity of an accessions accession, voucher specimens are sent to taxonomists working on that group of plants.
In process of putting digital images of voucher specimens on the website so any taxonomist in the 12 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
world can see what is identified and can advise if this is incorrect. Delays in recording Accession process Head M M Potential backlogs in of accessions and (preventive controls) GRU recording accessions can declaring them to occur at two levels – FAO & SINGER upon entry and later on when designating the materials to FAO and SINGER.
GPG1 Project is helping to address ICARDA backlogs in characterization, multiplication, regeneration and viability testing of genebank accessions that have accumulated across the years because of budget constraints
Inflation of accession Accession process Head M L Risk relates to multiple numbers (preventive controls) GRU counting of identical samples as multiple accessions. Insufficient Receiving process – Head M M GPG2 proposal aimed at characterization and characterization GRU addressing current evaluation of (preventive controls) constraints germplasm constrains usefulness of collection to potential users
13 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU Objectives Associated Risks Processes/ Manager(s Policy, Recent/ Risk – Risk – Comments systems and activities ) Procedure planned Potentia Likeli responsibl Document reviews l Impact hood e References
Limited ICT capacity Database Head M M GPG1 Project helping constrains management GRU ICARDA to upgrade its accessibility of genebank DBMS. GPG2 germplasm and proposal aimed at related data to addressing current potential users information constraints
14 DRAFT Version: Updated December 2005 John Konopka-ICARDA GRU, Vijay Sridharan-ICARDA DOF, V.Salazar-CGIAR IAU