Unit V Identifies: the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era

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Unit V Identifies: the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era

UNIT V IDENTIFIES: THE GILDED AGE AND THE PROGRESSIVE ERA * - Substantial Understanding # - Also See Enduring Vision CHAPTER 16 John D. Rockefeller# Progress and Poverty; Looking Backward Oklahoma Territory Protestant work ethic Settlement house* Frederick Jackson Turner; Standard Oil Trust# Frontier Thesis* Social Gospel movement# Sherman Antitrust Act*# Indian wars National American Women’s United States v. E.C. Knight Suffrage Movement Dawes Severalty Act*# Social Darwinism*# Women’s Christian Ghost Dance movement# Temperance Union; Gospel of wealth* Antisaloon League Wounded Knee Concentration of wealth W.E.B. DuBois; Mark Twain New South* Upward mobility Frederick Law Olmstead Crop lien system Middle class* Joseph Pulitzer; William Segregation laws* Randolph Hearst Iron law of wages Civil Rights Cases of 1883 Melting pot; cultural Railroad Strike of 1877 diversity Plessy v. Ferguson*# National Labor Union# CHAPTER 19 Jim Crow laws* Knights of Labor*# Solid South* Grandfather clause; poll tax; literacy test* Haymarket bombing Stalwarts; Halfbreeds; American Federation of Mugwumps* Commercial farming Labor*# Pendleton Act*# Crop-price deflation Homestead strike*# McKinley Tariff Cooperatives* Pullman strike Sherman Silver Purchase Granger laws*# In re Debs* Act*#

Munn v. Illinois Marxism# Populist Party*#

Interstate Commerce Act# CHAPTER 18 Panic of 1893#

CHAPTER 17 Old immigrants; new Cross of Gold immigrants*# Federal land grants* Free silver Chinese Exclusion Act* Transcontinental railroads* Grand Army of the Republic# Contract labor law Second Industrial CHAPTER 20 Revolution* Victorian morality# Alaska purchase J.P. Morgan; Andrew Urbanization Carnegie# Pan-American Conference Ghettos; tenements; suburbs (1889) U.S. Steel Cuba UNIT V IDENTIFIES: THE GILDED AGE AND THE PROGRESSIVE ERA * - Substantial Understanding # - Also See Enduring Vision Jingoism* Conservation; National Sedition Act (1918)*# Reclamation Act# Schenck v. United States* Yellow journalism* Federal income tax; Sixteenth Selective Service Act Spanish-American War* Amendment* Bolsheviks Teller Amendment Socialist Party of America; Eugene V. Debs* Fourteen Points Hawaii Puerto Rico; Guam# Industrial Workers of the Treaty of Versailles World# Philippine annexation* League of Nations Bull Moose Party Platt Amendment*# Henry Cabot Lodge Underwood Tariff Open Door policy* Reservationists Federal Reserve Act*# Boxer Rebellion Irreconcilables Clayton Antitrust Act* Big-stick policy Red Scare Federal Farm Loan Act Panama Canal Palmer Raids Urban migration Roosevelt Corollary*# Strikes; race riots National Association for the Great white fleet Advancement of Colored Influenza pandemic# People; National Urban Dollar diplomacy League*#

CHAPTER 21 National American Woman Suffrage Association; Progressive National Women’s Party movement/Progressive Party*# Nineteenth Amendment*

Muckrakers*# League of Women Voters

Standard Oil Company CHAPTER 22

Australian ballot Neutrality

Direct primary Lusitania

Seventeenth Amendment* Sussex pledge

Initiative; referendum; recall Propaganda/Committee on Public Information# Social welfare Zimmermann telegram Square Deal* Trust-busting* Russian Revolution

Pure Food and Drug Act; War agencies Meat Inspection Act Espionage Act (1917)*#

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