2017 White County 4-H Awards
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2017 Award Instructions, Page 1 2017 White County 4-H Awards “By the Numbers”
This document is your step-by-step guide to White County 4-H awards for members and clubs. Outlined below you will find award descriptions, the specific application process the member must follow, as well as any action required by the club leaders.
White County 4-H is blessed to have great community supporters that offer a variety of physical and monetary prizes to recognize members. Please review this document, talk with your 4-H leader, and decide which awards are right for you. We encourage you to type your applications, proofread, and be proud of your achievements.
Members DO NOT need to make copies of their 4-H Highlights form for each award they apply for. One copy is sufficient, but members should be encouraged to make a copy of their records before they are turned into the county office.
All of the award forms & instructions can be downloaded from the Extension Website at: http://web.extension.illinois.edu/ghhpsw/white4h/2706.html Non-competitive Awards For Members 1. Participation Award Certificate Every member should be awarded a PARTICIPATION AWARD CERTIFICATE. (if Cloverbud, award CLOVERBUD CERTIFICATE). Each member will also receive a number pin, noting the number of years they have completed in 4-H.
MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: None LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Order a certificate for each member on the “2017 Awards Order Form.” Order the total of “Number Pins” needed for your club on the “2017 Awards Order Form.” 2. Perfect Attendance Pins Members who attend 100% of the monthly club meetings should be awarded a PERFECT ATTENDANCE PIN. Please note: Members must have actually attended the meetings to get credit. Members are allowed two “make up” meetings to make their “standard,” but make up meetings are not allowed to qualify for perfect attendance. The only “excused absence” is for 4-H members who are absent because they are attending another 4-H event.
MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: None LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Order a perfect attendance pin for each member who qualifies on the “2016 Awards Order Form.” 3. 4-H Member Experience Level Recognition Packet To be a “BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD, DIAMOND, OR EMERALD CLOVER,” 4-H members must meet certain requirements. Review these carefully. The rules for this award are very specific and increase in difficulty depending on the level achieved. For example, to be a SILVER Clover you must complete two experiences in each of the four dimensions (Participation, Community Service, Leadership, and Project Learning), at least two of those experiences must be at the county level or beyond.
MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Member Experience Level Recognition Packet” form. This is available from your leader or on the website. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review the members’ checklists, sign & submit. 2017 Award Instructions, Page 2 AWARD LEVEL REQUIREMENTS LIMITATIONS
BRONZE Complete 1 experience in Members may not count each of the four the same experiences two CLOVER AWARD dimensions. years in a row.
SILVER Complete 2 experiences in Members may not count each of the four the same experiences two CLOVER AWARD dimensions; at least 2 of years in a row. those experiences must be at the County level or beyond. GOLD Complete 4 experiences in Members may not count each of the four the same experiences two CLOVER AWARD dimensions; at least 2 of years in a row. those experiences must be BEYOND the County level. DIAMOND Complete 6 or more Each activity/event can experiences in ONE only be used once within a CLOVER AWARD dimension; at least 4 of level or in a single those experiences must be dimension. You cannot use BEYOND the County level. Participation activities to achieve Diamond Level. EMERALD Complete 8 or more Each activity/event can experiences in ONE only be used once within a CLOVER AWARD dimension; at least 4 of level or in a single those experiences must be dimension. You cannot use BEYOND the County level Participation activities to PLUS at least 2 must be at achieve Diamond Level. the State or National level. 2017 Award Instructions, Page 3 Competitive Awards For Members 4. Project Medals 4-Hers may complete applications for PROJECT AWARD MEDALS in the following categories. There are no age requirements. 4-Hers must have taken the project THIS YEAR to qualify for the medal, but their work in all years will be taken into consideration when graded. Each medal can only be awarded once during the 4-Her’s entire career. Achievement for Entire 4-H career—all areas. Agriculture—includes project work in beef, cat, dairy, goats, horse & pony, poultry, rabbit, sheep, small pets, swine and vet science Community Involvement Global Awareness—includes project work in citizenship, community service, intercultural. Environment & Natural Resources—includes project work in camping & outdoor living, conservation, entomology, forestry, geology, sports fishing, wildlife and natural resources Food Nutrition & Health—includes project work in foods & nutrition & health Home and Family—includes project work in child development, intergenerational, family relations, clothing, consumer education and interior design Engineering & Technology—includes project work in aerospace, bicycles, computer, electricity, safety, GIS/GPS, small engines, tractor, welding and woodworking Personal Development—includes project work in communication, photography, visual arts, leadership, recreation and theater arts Plants & Soils—includes project work in crops, horticulture, and plant & soil science
MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and a “White County General Award Application” (front & back sides) for each medal they are applying for. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign. Check the past winners list to be certain they have not previously been awarded a medal. 5. Project Blue Awards 4-Hers who have already won a medal in a certain project area, but still do good work in that area, may apply for a BLUE AWARD CERTIFICATE. You cannot apply for a blue award until you have already received the medal !!!! MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and a “White County General Award Application” (front only) for each blue award they are applying for. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign.
6. Special Electricity Award 4-Hers who complete the Electricity Project may wish to apply for this special state award. The ILLINOIS ELECTRIFICATION COUNCIL PLAQUE can only be won once in 4-H career MEMBER’S APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and the “White County General Award Application” (front & back sides). LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign.
7. Outstanding First Year Member Two camp scholarships (valued at $199) are awarded to the top two first year members in the county. MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and the “White County General Award Application” (front only). LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign. 2017 Award Instructions, Page 4 8. Victory Awards FORMER RULE: Small gifts are awarded to the top 4-H applicant in each club in each of the following age divisions: (AGE 8 OR 9) (AGE 10 OR 11) (AGE 12) A county winner from each age is also selected. MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and the “White County General Award Application” (front only). LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign.
9. Health Award Cash prizes ($25, $15, $10) are awarded to the top applications in each division: (age 8-12) (age 13-18) MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and the “White County Checklist of Health Activities” form which includes a checklist and essay instructions. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign.
10. Safety Award Cash prizes ($25, $15, $10) are awarded to the top applications in each division: (age 8-12) (age 13-18) MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and the “White County Checklist of Safety Activities” form which includes a checklist and essay instructions. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign.
11. Community Involvement Award Cash prizes ($25, $15, $10) are awarded to the top three essays in both age categories: (age 8-12) (age 13-18) MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and the “White County Community Involvement Award Application” form which includes your essay question. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign.
12. White County HCE Home & Family Award A $50 Cash prize is awarded to the top essay in both categories: (age 8-12) Members may only win once in each age category during their 4-H career. (age 13-18). Members may only win once in each age category during their 4-H career. MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form and the “White County HCE Home & Family Award Application” which includes your essay question. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign.
13. Kiwanis Corn Day Royalty Intent to Participate The Carmi Kiwanis is honoring 4-H members. The Corn Day Royalty consists of ten 4- H members. They also receive cash & prizes from the Kiwanis Club. Candidates must be at least 14 years old. MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Complete the “4-H Highlights” form, sign the “Kiwanis Corn Day Royalty Intent to Participate” form and participate in an interview with the Kiwanis Selection Committee. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Review and sign.
14. Encouragement Award 2017 Award Instructions, Page 5 The ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD is intended to encourage children to keep trying their best. Nominees should have completed the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. Four youth are selected annually, and the award can only be won once in the 4-Her’s career. MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: None. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Prepare the “Encouragement Award Application.”
15. I Dare You Award The I DARE YOU AWARD is intended to reward high school 4-Hers who demonstrate outstanding leadership, compassion and character. Nominees should have completed the 9th grade. Four youth are selected annually, and the award can only be won once in the 4- Her’s career. MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: None. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Prepare the “I Dare You Award Application.”
16. Officer Awards Special prizes are given to the following top club officers: President MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Write an essay about your leadership as the club’s president. Include your involvement in preparing the club agenda, planning programs, assisting members, holding officer meetings, etc. which might give a clue into how you personally led your 4-H club.
Secretary MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Submit secretary book and all supplemental material. The secretary’s book may be typed instead of handwritten, but all additional sections of the secretary’s book must be completed.
Treasurer MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Submit treasurer book, bank statements and all supplemental material. THE AUDIT MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED.
Office Reporter MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: None. Forms have been collected at the county office each month.
Newspaper Reporter MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Submit all club reports. You must submit actual copies which appeared in the newspaper or photocopies of the actual stories.
Scrapbook MEMBER’S APPLICATION PROCESS: Submit club scrapbook. Not Due Until October 20, 2017 LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Complete the “Club Officer Transmittal Form.”
Adult Recognition Awards 2017 Award Instructions, Page 6 17. Alumni Award Special plaques are awarded annually to adult volunteers and businesses which have shown tremendous support to the county 4-H program. The ALUMNI AWARD honors past 4-H club members who continue to serve the 4-H program. Winners may only receive the awards once in their lifetime. A list of past winners is also included. This application is the ONLY information we have to go on to select winners, so please include as much information as possible.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Anyone can nominate applicants by completing the “White County 4-H Alumni Award Application Form.” 18. Friend of 4-H Award Special awards are awarded annually to adult volunteers and businesses which have shown tremendous support to the county 4-H program. The FRIEND OF 4-H AWARD honors individuals and businesses who help the county 4-H program. Winners may only receive the awards once in their lifetime. A list of past winners is also included. This application is the ONLY information we have to go on to select winners, so please include as much information as possible.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Anyone can nominate applicants by completing the “White County Friend of 4- H Award Application Form.”
Club Awards 19. Community Service Awards $50 Cash Awards are given to clubs which turn in a one-page report detailing the community service projects their club has accomplished during the 4-H year. LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Complete the “Community Service Award Application.”
20. White County 4-H Club of the Year Award One club is recognized and its name engraved on a plaque for scoring the most points on the “Club of the Year Application Form.” LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Complete the “White County Club of the Year Application.” Also submit club secretary, treasurer and scrapbook. 21. Illinois 4-H Club Excel Level Recognition Award The State of Illinois 4-H Office selects the top 10 clubs in each of the following areas of interest: Community Service Leadership Project Learning
LEADER RESPONSIBILITY: Complete the “Illinois 4-H Club Excel Level Recognition Award.