Belfast Model School for Girls

Achievement for All

Admissions Criteria

Agreed by Board of Governors: Jan 2012 To be reviewed as required

The Board of Governors expects that all applicants for admission to the Belfast Model School for Girls will support the ethos of the school as outlined in the school prospectus.

The Board of Governors delegates to the Principle and/or the Vice-Principal (Junior school) those functions relating to the admissions of pupils.


1. A girl whose sister attends or has attended the Girls’ Model School (name and dates of attendance must be indicated on the Transfer Report Form).

2. A girl whose brother attends the Belfast Boys’ Model School (name and dates of attendance must be indicated on the Transfer Report Form). PLEASE NOTE: Half-sisters will qualify for admission if they reside at the same address as the older sibling who attends or has attended either school.

3. A girl whose mother attended the Girls’ Model School (name and dates of attendance must be indicated on the Transfer Report Form).

4. A girl whose father attended the Boys’ Model School (name and dates of attendance must be indicated on the Transfer Report Form).

5. A girl whose parent, guardian, sister or brother is a permanent employee or governor of the Girls’ Model School or Belfast Boys’ Model School (name of employee or governor must be indicated on the Transfer Report Form).

6. A girl who is the first child in the family to transfer to a mainstream secondary school (non- grammar). The relevant information must be indicated on the Transfer Report Form.

7. A girl who is entitled to “Free School Meals” will mean applicants who are on the Education and Library Board/ESA register as entitled to Free School Meals at the date on which their parent or guardian has signed their post-primary Transfer Form. Should any family circumstances change after completion of the Transfer Form it is essential that the parent/guardian informs the Transfer/Open Enrolment office immediately.

8. Those applicants for whom the Belfast Model School for Girls is the closest school. 9. It the number of applicants in any of the above groups within each category exceeds the remaining number of places available, the applicants will be further ranked for acceptance on the basis of a computerised random selection process which will have the names and dates of birth of the applicants as shown on their Transfer Form.