2016–2017 Annual Report 1


ANNUAL REPORT 2016–2017 2 Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy


This past year, dramatic is personal, changes in our political visceral, and grounded in system and in public reality. discourse have highlighted the heightened urgency With a decade of of addressing climate experience educating change. We are on the and activating leaders edge as a human race. to engage in solutions, we are building climate- The U.S. administration’s literate young people, rejection of climate change and science is educators, businesses, and communities who showing up in damaging ways, from canceling are equipped to take action and inspired to environmental regulations to trying to silence lead the way in creating the resilient world scientists. Preventing experts from expressing and we envision. bringing truths to the public is a harmful initiative. This past year has inspired immense gratitude. There is evidence of climate change all around us. Our 10-year anniversary celebration last This past year, we have witnessed unprecedented December came at a time when we needed , floods, wildfires, and extraordinary our supporters to lift us up and carry us hurricanes. Climate change is no longer a emotionally and financially down the long road concept of the projected future; it’s with us now. ahead. I’m watching West Antarctica closely, where irreversible changes loom frighteningly close. On a national scale, we saw a continuation of The waters around the Amundsen Sea in West climate change facts tangled up in a complex Antarctica have warmed dramatically over the web of misinformation. For instance, special past few decades, and the rate at which ice is interest groups funded classroom curricula melting and calving has quadrupled. If all the designed to discredit the perceived risks of vulnerable ice became unmoored, it would raise climate change. More states pushed anti- the sea level by 10 feet, drowning coasts around science bills, and misinformation campaigns the world. spread fake climate science mass mailings to K–12 schools. We also saw rollbacks to policies I’ve long believed that the fight for climate that would promote a just, clean energy change action is a continuous struggle with ups economy at the local and federal level. The and downs. We may feel like we’re down now, but obstacles we face today mark the threshold there is no place to go but up. I’ve seen the power we must cross to realize a future that supports of the human spirit. When we come together, resilient and thriving communities. This is the we can do the impossible. I believe storytelling future we all deserve. and interpersonal conversation are powerful tactics to build public support; this approach has As I said at our 10-year celebration: it’s easy to guided Climate Generation for over ten years be hopeful when things are going well, but we and will guide the next ten. I personally have need hope most when things are at their worst. found renewed resolve and a commitment to our vision that shines stronger than ever. At Climate We are honored that you chose to support Generation, we rededicate ourselves to the work us. Thank you for investing in our increasingly of uniting diverse individuals and communities critical education, , and around the desire to halt climate change. public engagement programming. Sincerely, Onward,

Nicole Rom Will Steger 2016–2017 Annual Report 3


Building on the experience of our founder equitable solutions to climate change. Will Steger, polar explorer and science Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Climate educator, Climate Generation: A Will Steger Generation is a nationally connected and Legacy’s mission is to empower individuals trusted nonprofit dedicated to climate and their communities to engage in literacy, , youth solutions to climate change. Our vision leadership, and citizen engagement for is a world of resilient communities with innovative climate change solutions.


This year we said goodbye to Abby Fenton who worked at Climate Generation for 11 years. As a founding staff member, Abby began as Education Coordinator for the 2007 Global Warming 101 Expedition to Baffin Island, coordinating our annual Summer Institute for Climate Change Education before launching our local YEA! MN high school program. During her tenure as Youth Programs Director, Abby also built a robust Midwest youth program and served as the Youth Caucus Coordinator for the RE-AMP network, connecting youth to clean energy and climate policy campaigns across the region.

We welcomed Robin Thorstenson as our new Office Manager. Nicole Ektnitphong moved on from YEA! MN Coordinator and Jason Rodney joined as the new YEA! MN Coordinator; Katie Siegner wrapped up as Communications Coordinator to pursue graduate studies and Lauren Boritzke joined our team as Communications Coordinator.

Board of Directors member Tim Brownell finished his term as Vice Chair after serving three years, supporting the organization through a time of growth and transition during our name change.

We thank Chuck Bennett for his time on our Advisory Board and welcome several new members: Jessica Hellmann, Julianne Laue, Sally and Richard Leider, Judy Poferl, and Lissie Schifman.

Will Steger with staff at 10-Year Celebration, from left to right: (back) Janet Brown, Katie Siegner, Abby Fenton, Kristen Poppleton, (front) Nicole Rom, Jenna Totz, Jothsna Harris. Not pictured: Nicole Ektnitphong, Robin Thorstenson, Megan Van Loh. 4 Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS


10-Year Celebration: A Night of Radical, Resilient Hope

Less than one month after the presidential election results, our 10-Year Celebration inspired a positive, solutions-oriented wake- up call that many of us needed. Over 450 people packed Nicollet Island Pavilion, filling the space with enthusiasm and impact. YEA! MN alumni traveled back to Minnesota for the evening, education partners from around the We acknowledged and celebrated 10 of our country attended, and Minnesota business partners and supporters who have truly and political leaders were present. Together, made our work this last decade possible the room represented a powerful array of with the “Climate Gen 10” awards. Our youth climate leaders dedicated to realizing the just and educators collaborated on a powerful and resilient climate future that has been at performance piece. Hip-hop artist Dessa was the core of our organization’s vision since our phenomenal emcee for the evening. our founding. As a fundraising event, the night was a resounding success. We raised over $230,000 to support our programming at a critical time in the , thanks to generous donations from individuals and businesses. We are incredibly thankful for our wonderful honorary chairs, our host committee, our corporate sponsors, the businesses that donated auction items, and our wonderful volunteers for their invaluable role in the event’s success. A full list of supporters can be found in the back of this report.

New Business Partnerships Accelerate During the 10-Year Celebration program, Climate Action Will Steger challenged attendees to “stand up, brush ourselves off,” and work together In the wake of the presidential election, we to solve this issue. Governor Dayton re- saw companies step up to take the reins committed his administration to climate of climate action, locally and nationally. action. Senator Amy Klobuchar highlighted Several businesses reached out to us the critical importance of this moment, about supporting our work—a new and saying “a kite only rises in opposing winds.” very much welcome trend in the current Our Executive Director, Nicole Rom, spoke political environment we’re in. Two of our of a radical, resilient hope: “hope that allows events from the past year exemplified us to dig in and be the climate champions the importance of corporate action and that future generations need us to be.” Our the power businesses have to make a keynote speaker, Marshallese poet Kathy difference. Jetnil-Kijner, performed a powerful poem written for the evening. 2016–2017 Annual Report 5

Climate Generation staff acknowledged partners and supporters from the last decade with the “Climate Gen 10” awards.

Preserving our Favorite Things • Climate Communications for Business • April 2017 June 2017

Coffee. Honey. Wine. Chocolate. Beer. We convened over 50 representatives from These are a few of our favorite things. Twin Cities businesses at McKnight Foundation But what happens when climate change for a three-hour workshop on climate bites, disrupting the land, resources, and communications and actions businesses could communities that create these wonderful take in their workplaces. Participants ranged products. And, what can we do about it? from multinational companies like Avangrid We hosted an evening at Norway House Renewables, Best Buy, General Mills, Andersen in partnership with Peace Coffee and Corporation, and Aveda to local companies local growers and vendors for a night that like Birchwood Cafe, Rahr Corporation, and explored these questions. Representatives Askov Finlayson. The timing of this event from Bang! Brewing, Mighty Axe Hops, felt prescient: less than a week earlier, the Alexis Bailly Vineyard, Peace Coffee, president announced his intention to withdraw Manos Campesinas, Ames Farm Honey, the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement. and Untiedt’s Vegetable Farm discussed Twin Cities businesses have a long and proud the impacts, challenges, and adaptations history of safeguarding the special, unique that each sector must navigate due to environment that makes Minnesota such a climate change. great place to live and work, and that mindset was on full display during this workshop. 6 Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy


Climate Change Education Program Reaches New Heights “It was refreshing to be among people whose only agenda for talking about climate change was an honest desire to ensure a better future.”

Energy Engagement Student Internship Highlights Energy Career Pathways

This summer, eight post-secondary interns spent their days learning about energy and climate change. With majors like graphic design, urban studies, environmental This year, Climate Generation had the studies, and engineering, these students opportunity to connect with educators each brought a unique perspective to the at all levels, from the Twin Cities metro to experience. Marrakech, Morocco. Partnering with the MN Department We held our first Institute for Non-Formal of Commerce State Energy Office, this Climate Change Education in March. Over 60 internship provided energy mentors for our individuals, from naturalists to church officials, students and an introduction to energy- convened at the Audubon Center of the North related careers. The main goal was to assist Woods in Sandstone, Minnesota. The institute students in expanding their communications focused on guiding people’s understanding of abilities, professional development, and climate change, how to communicate about leadership skills, each relating to energy. it, and how to engage their communities in At the end of August, students worked at solutions. the Minnesota State Fair’s Eco Experience exhibit, helping fairgoers navigate which LED Over 50 educators from more than 10 states light bulbs fit their needs and showed them convened for our 2017 Summer Institute for the Solar Suitability App that displays how Climate Change Education for four impactful suitable resident’s roofs are for solar. days. The institute gave educators the tools to integrate climate change into their classroom and culminated with a field trip to Cedar Climate Convening Toolkit Brings Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve. Our work Climate Solutions to Your Community also reached Washington, D.C., through our partnership with the Lowell School. After one Designed by our Public Engagement year of strategizing with our education staff, program, the 6th-grade Lowell Humanities program the Climate launched its first year of fully integrated Convenings climate change curriculum. Toolkit is a 20+ page guide that shares essential We continued our yearly Window Into COP elements for program by sending a delegation of youth and effective public teachers to COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco. engagement Regular blogs, digests, and live webinars on climate during the COP were especially poignant this change, as well past year while the U.S. presidential elections as the practical coincided at the same time. We continue tools for to find inspiration through the individuals implementing a and communities we work with, and we find convening in your community. hope in statements like this one, shared by The Toolkit is free and downloadable an educator at the 2017 Summer Institute for at climategen.org. Climate Change Education: 2016–2017 Annual Report 7


Youth Lobby Day Engages Over 200 “Youth Lobby Day 2017 was a light in the Students in Climate Action dark for climate issues, proving the power of youth voices on this issue and that hope In March 2017, our Youth Environmental remains for a bipartisan advancement of Activists of MN (YEA! MN) program hosted climate action in Minnesota.” the 9th Annual Youth Climate Lobby Day and Governor’s Summit. Over 200 young people from 38 schools rallied together at the Capitol. They met for an hour with Policy Connections: Taking Storytelling Governor Dayton and Lt. Governor Smith. to New Levels Over the Students shared their personal stories last several and climate change concerns and asked years, Climate the governor and lt. governor about their Generation visions for Minnesota’s clean energy has coached future. Students met with over 30 hundreds of legislators throughout the day and spoke individuals, at a committee hearing to defend the from farmers Environmental Quality Board. and residents to youth and professionals, on finding and crafting their climate stories. We share these stories at public events, conferences, and in our online climate storytelling collection. Most notably over the last year, we worked with storytellers in preparation for meetings with Minnesota legislators and the National Adaptation Forum’s (NAF) Opening Plenary where an audience of over 1,000 professionals attended from across To prepare, student leaders collaborated the country. with partners in the Clean Energy Alliance and other groups to develop a 2017 policy “It took me a while to recognize that as a platform. They created a petition calling for youth my voice is important and should policies that would hasten our pace toward contribute to mobilizing change. Even now, renewable energy, strengthen pathways to I often struggle with that and find myself clean energy jobs for marginalized groups, constantly frustrated with how youth and more. voices are not being valued or involved in different spaces.” Youth took this petition to schools across —Isabel Watson, featured NAF the state and gathered over 1,000 postcard youth speaker signatures. With training from our partners at TakeAction MN and the , These stories have become a valuable public youth leaders taught their peers how to record of our collective witness of climate engage in the public policy process. change. Our hope is to continue to cultivate these stories, to empower people to share Claire Mathews-Lingen, the YEA! MN them, and to diversify the types of stories in student policy intern this spring, emceed an effort to create a broader understanding the Governor’s Summit and spoke about of how climate change has and will impact the experience: our lives.

Climate Generation invites you to share your own climate story with us at climatestories.org. 1,629 MILES 163,921 BIKED TO WORK BY OUR STAFF website views OVER THE YEAR followers 626 education DONORS 2,440 twitter 3,966 EDUCATORS ENGAGED IN OUR 253 facebook 5,000TRAININGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND new #TEACHCLIMATE DONORS! 850 NETWORK MEETINGS instagram

EMERGING SUMMER INSTITUTE LEADERS 17 EXPERTS from the University of Minnesota 1,500+ students presented at our 2017 Summer Institute for Climate Change Education ENGAGED IN YEA! MN on topics related to climate change Students plugged into the program TEACHER through action projects, network SCHOLARSHIPS meetings, and campaign initiatives 13 OFFERRED PEOPLE ATTENDED OUR PUBLIC FORUM, students from 38 schools CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE attended our Youth Lobby Day AGE OF ALTERNATE FACTS 170 200and Governor’s Summit YOUTH POSTCARDS 50+educators SIGNED IN SUPPORT represented 10 states OF A MN CLIMATE 1,000+JUSTICE PLATFORM by the numbers

1,629 MILES HONORARY CHAIR 163,921 10 MEMBERS BIKED TO WORK BY OUR STAFF website views OVER THE YEAR “CLIMATE GEN 10” 276 AWARDEES 462 followers 10 donors attendees 626 ELECTED OFFICIALS education DONORS 2,440 10 ATTENDED twitter 56 3,966 educators EDUCATORS ENGAGED IN OUR 253 facebook 5,000TRAININGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND new #TEACHCLIMATE DONORS! 850 NETWORK MEETINGS instagram 2 34 youth

Custom-made EMERGING 12 beverages, &YEA!MN SUMMER INSTITUTE LEADERS created by alumni Bent Paddle 17 EXPERTS and Peace year anniversary from the University of Minnesota 1,500+ students Coffee celebration presented at our 2017 Summer Institute for Climate Change Education ENGAGED IN YEA! MN 38 board members on topics related to climate change Students plugged into the program & advisory board members TEACHER through action projects, network 25 SCHOLARSHIPS meetings, and campaign initiatives 69 13 OFFERRED HOST COMMITTEES corporate AUCTION PEOPLE ATTENDED AND VIP TABLE SPONSORS sponsors ITEMS OUR PUBLIC FORUM, students from 38 schools 72 CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE attended our Youth Lobby Day AGE OF ALTERNATE FACTS Since 2006, Climate Generation has 170 and Governor’s Summit 200 reached over 75,000 people through our programming and public YOUTH POSTCARDS engagement efforts. Thank you for $213,884 50+educators SIGNED IN SUPPORT represented 10 states OF A MN CLIMATE celebrating with us, and for everyone RAISED 1,000+JUSTICE PLATFORM who made this night so special. Revenue pie chart: 10 Year Event - change the 10% Special Projects (SP) color to a lighter purple that matches the Foundations (F) purple - Remove the white line between SP and F and replace with a light dotted Expenses line. Fundraising - Take the Special Projects line and color square in the menu and put it underneath the Foundations line item (as an indented, subset of Founda- tions) 9% Expenses pie chart: Administration - change the 9% 10 Year Event color to a lighter blue color that matches 13% the Fundraising blue 39% - Remove the white line between 10 Year and Fundraising and replace with a light dotted line 7% Emerging Leaders - Move the 10 Year Event line and color square to an indent beneath Fundraising

32% Education


Climate Generation strives to build Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents $327,949 financialSupport stability through multi-year Restricted Cash 137,970 and diverse funding sources. Receivables 117,281 Prepaid Expenses 8,952 Equipment - Net of Depreciation 4,320 REVENUE Total AssetsProgram & Speaker Fees $596,472

4% 4% Liabilities 10% 10% AccountsIn-Kind Payable 12,525 2% 2% 21% 21% Accrued Expenses 26,404

Total LiabilitiesGovernment Grants $38,929

10% 10% Net Assets Special Projects Unrestricted Net Assets 319,573 13% 13% Temp Retricted Net Assets 237,970

Total NetFoundations Assets $557,543

Liabilities and Net Assets $596,472 Corporate 40% 40% STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENSES SeptemberIndividual 1, 2016–August 31, 2017 Revenue pie chart: Individual Government Grants Unrestricted10 Year Event Temporarily Total - change the 10% Special Projects (SP) color to a lighter purple that Corporate In-Kind Restricted Ind. Contributions 223,883 1,230 225,113 matches the Foundations (F) purple Foundations Program Fees, Misc. Corporate 49,690 93,423 143,113 - Remove the white line between SP and F and replace with a light dotted Special Projects Expenses Foundations 66,150 349,016 415,166 line. *Special ProjectsFundraising 0 103,984 103,984 - Take the Special Projects line and color square in the menu and put it Government Grants 18,946 17,400 36,346 EXPENSES underneath the Foundations line item (as an indented, subset of Founda- Investment Income 2,471 0 2,471 tions) Special Events 65,835 0 65,835 In-Kind 47,203 0 47,203 9% 9% Program fees, Administration Expenses pie chart: Misc. income 31,983 0 31,983 - change the 9% 10 Year Event color to a lighter blue color that matches 13% 13% Release from the Fundraising blue 39% 39% Restriction 367,297 [367,297] 0 - Remove the white line between 10 Year and Fundraising and replace Total Support $873,458 $197,756 $1,071,214 7% 7% Emerging Leaders with a light dotted line Expenses - Move the 10 Year Event line and color square to an indent beneath Program Services 646,125 0 646,125 Fundraising Administration 55,953 0 55,953 Fundraising 110,282 0 110,282 10-Year Event 84,641 0 84.641 32% 32% Education Total Expenses 897,001 0 897,001

Beginning Education Fundraising Net Assets 343,116 40,214 383,330 Emerging Leaders 10-Year Event Change in Net Assets [23,543] 197,756 1 74,213 Administration Ending Net Assets $319,573 $237,970 $557,543 *Special Projects include one-time Global Greengrants and Clean Energy Alliance funds


Program & Speaker Fees 4% 10% 2% In-Kind 21%

Government Grants 10% Special Projects 13% Foundations

Corporate 40%

Individual 2016–2017 Annual Report 11


Thank you to our supporters Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN Institute on the Environment for contributions made during Leigh and Peter Currie Michael and Donna Kaplan fiscal year 2017: September 1, Hennepin County Environmental Will and Claudia Kaul 2016–August 31, 2017 Services Dan and Joann Knuth Indeed Brewing Company LLC Jon Kramer and Julie Martinez FOUNDER CIRCLE Jim and Susan Lenfestey Ron Kroese and Kimberly ($25,000 and above) Network Colburn Avangrid Foundation Lew and Connie Remele Peggy Ladner Avangrid Renewables Macalester College Energy Foundation “YEA! MN has shown me the Philip and Lynda Murray Olseth Family Foundation energy that can be created Stuart and Kate Nielsen Xcel Energy Foundation when lots of young folks Cheryl Olseth and James come together. I’m ready to Empson LEADERSHIP LEGACY take to the streets with a new Owens Companies ($10,000–$24,999) generation of youth leaders Raj Rajan and Kavitha Sitaram Anonymous (X2) and let it be known that we are Peter and Mindy Rechelbacher Askov Finlayson fighting for for Royal Norwegian Embassy Aveda Earth & Community Care all.” RxArtisans R. Michael and Sharon Conley R.T. Rybak and Megan O’Hara David Dayton —Isabel Strebe, Carolyn Sampson Ross and Bridget Levin YEA! MN Core Member '16–'17 Timothy Seck and Denise General Mills Inc. Kirkeby Seck Richard and Joan Meierotto CLIMATE CHAMPIONS Don and Barb Shelby Minneapolis Foundation ($1,000–$2,499) John Shepard Minnesota Environmental Fund Anonymous (X2) Chuck and Elise Smith-Dewey Patagonia Accredited Investors Inc. The Queenan Foundation Rahr Foundation Adventure North Minnesota Two Bettys Green Cleaning Co. Rahr Corporation Jackie Alschuler and Jan Baker UnitedHealth Group Sampson Family Charitable Apex Efficiency Solutions Nick Zelle Foundation David and Rita Baden Steven Zimmerman Joseph and Michael Bailey STEGER SOCIETY Chuck and Estelle Bennett CIRCUMPOLAR CIRCLE ($5,000–$9,999) Bent Paddle Brewing ($500–$999) Anonymous Heidi Bing Able Seedhouse + Brewery Marlys Barry Timothy Brownell Alexis Bailly Vineyards Jodi Billy Brownstein Family Fund of The Ellen Anderson Judson Dayton Saint Paul Foundation Peter Bachman and Janet Rice EverGreen Energy Suzanne Brust Gordon and Josephine Bailey District Energy St. Paul Inc. David Bryan and Ann Linda Bruemmer Green Partners Hennepin Longfellow Christina Carleton County Dan Buettner Canadian Consulate Knopf Family Foundation Climate Ride John and Lisa Daniels Judy Poferl Community Power Maria Dillon Prairie Woods Environmental Eric and Cornelia Dayton Daniel and Connie Dunn Learning Center Chuck Dayton and Sara Evans Kirsten Eukel Lois Quam and Arshad David Durenberger and Susan Barry Greenwald Mohammed Foote William and Jeannette Gregg Matt and Anne Schuerger Robert Elde Hamline University Minneapolis Foundation Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Mark and Melissa Hortman Sarah and Kevin Shriver Foundation Curt Yoakum and Anne Kanyusik Still Ain’t Satisfied Foundation Andrew Gibbons Yoakum Nancy Gibson and Ron Sternal Sam and Sylvia Kaplan POLAR PARTNERS Lynn Gordon Patricia Klass ($2,500–$4,999) Mark and Anne Hooley Sam and Kate Knuth Anonymous (X2) Kathy Koch 12 Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy

Melanee Meegan Reed Millar Morsman Family Foundation Laura Mullen and Bent Paddle Brewing Prairie Restorations Inc. John Ringer Lisa Ringer William and Sue Roberts Ray Rodney and Wilderness Travel Jim and Sandy Rutzick Darryl and Diane Sannes Laura Sherar Justin and Kristin Small Sean Smith and Ryanne Overom Paul Snyder and Robert Payne Jim Sorensen Terry Talbert Karen Tonnis Kerry Walsh White Bear Lake Unitarian Universalist Church

GENERATION GUARDIANS ($250–$499) Sigurd and Sharon Anderson Nan Bailly David Bergstrom Darrell Bigalke Jennifer Birnbaum Katherine Bolsinger Abby Breyer Climate Generation 10-Year Celebration LuAnn Brown Kevin and Karen Brown Larry and Sally Brownell Jason C Stinson and Shawna Peace Coffee Margo Brownell Hedlund Angela Preimesberger Samantha Chadwick Judith Hoffman Dave Rapaport and Jeanne Kathleen Christie-Blick Jamie Horter Kirby Craig and Karlyn Coleman Timon and Sandra Iverson Andy Rhode Jay and Page Cowles Sara Johnson Win and Binky Rockwell Eleanor Crosby Timothy Jung William and Holly M. Rom Jan Dash Sharon and John Kohlhaas Mindy Sachs Joy Davis Larry Kraft Jim and Lissie Schifman Sherry Ann and Edward Dayton Connie Lanphear Eric Schlotterbeck Joe and Christine Decker Tom Lee Lola Schoenrich Flannery Delaney Loll Designs Steven Severson Jonathan and Christine Maureen Manley J.B. and Bryn Shank Dettmann David Massey Doug Shoemaker and Patricia Jim DeVries Ben McCoy Schoenecker Nicole Dotin Ian McKiel Allan W. Siegner Jr. and Sarah Julia Eagles David and Kathleen Miller Smith Mike Evenocheck Jed Norgaarden Andrew Steiner Janet Freudenstein Jonathan O’Conner Susan Stodolka Barbara Golden Chris and Cristina Palmisano Joe Sullivan Wesley Hanna Germana Paterlini Jessica Tritsch Therese Paulsen Nicolle VanWie 2016–2017 Annual Report 13

Andy Bellefy Ann Hamilton Karen Beltz Mary Handke Beth Beste Sarah Hartman Bonnie and Gary Birnbaum Kale Hedstrom Laura Bishop Stefan Helgeson Rolf Bjornson and Lisa Kaul- Jessica Hellmann Bjornson Cynthia Henning Katherine Blauvelt John Herman Niki Bohne Amanda Hinrichs Katie Bovee Kathryn Hoffman Per Breiehagen Homewood Tai Chi Margit Bretzke and J. Hanson Virginia Homme Mike and Janet Brown Sam Horak Elton and Emily Brown Dick Howard Kristin Byrlev Skip Humphrey Sharon Carey Sue Hytjan Steven Carleton Ari Jaffe Reid Carron and Becky Rom Kirsi Jansa Stuart and Jean Chastain Isabella Johnson Maeve Christenson Elaine Johnson Karen Christenson Marlene Johnson Thomas and Susan Christiansen Alissa Johnson Alex Clark Michelle Jordan David and Wendy Coggins Sherrie Kamm Crystal Colby-Mulry Michael Keeler Lee Coleman Cathryn Kennedy Clara Copp-LaRocque Linda and Will Kenny Alexandra Dahmes Amy Kenow Joy Danielson Kevin Kling and Mary Ludington Dessa Darling Kimball Knutson Annamary Dean Meghan Krause Liam DelMain Jennifer Kretser Climate Generation 10-Year Celebration Greg Downing Charlie and Anne Leck Trevor Drake and Erik Gamradt Richard and Sally Leider Nancy Duncan Lauren Leith Malcolm Vetterlein Mary Jo and Eric Duncan Diane Levendusky Wallace Wadd Heather Durenberger Steve and Lynn Lewis Kristan Wegerson Linda Erlandson Kathy Lucas Bob Weidman Anika Fajardo Mark Lystig William Weimer Sandra Kay Fenton William D. Manahan Joel Wessman Russell Fenton Julie Marckel Adam Wolf Aaron Rutzick and Abby Fenton Joan Marks Kate Wolford Chet and Sandie Fenton John Marty FOUNDATION FRIENDS John Fenton Nirupa Matthan ($100–$249) Kjell and Heidi Ferris McKnight Foundation Steve Andersen and Maggie James Ford Morgan Mclaughlin Pastarr Milou Francel Cyndi McReavy-Seitz Michael Anderson Christina Frederickson Kurt Mead Karen Anderson Sarah Gainey Alexandra Miller Richard and Susan Andre Katie Galloway-Theole and Greyson Morrow Ulrike Axen Owen Theole Julia Nerbonne Dawn Baker Ellen Gibson Tim Nixon Dick and Debbie Bancroft Michael Gottschalk Lois Norrgard and Gay Hansen Jenae Batt Bill Grant Barbara Norrgard Helen Bauer Sharon Graper Kimberly Nowicki Michael Bauer Kate Greenberg Rita O’Connell Sheila Bayle Judy Gregg Eugene and Julie Ollila 14 Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy

Eric and Heidemarie Olson ARCTIC ADVOCATES Marie Donahue Ady Olson (Under $100) Savannah Duby Chad Olson Jennifer Albright Laura Durenberger John Owens Alliance for Sustainability Annie and Smitty Ektnitphong Lara Page Patricia and Norman Andersen Megan Elledge Patrick Pelstring Cindy Angerhofer Sabine Engel Naomi Perman Wendy Armitage Thomas Engrave Sarah Peters Anne Aronson Kathryn Erickson Juliet Peterson Laney Austin Sarah Falcon Gayle Peterson Robert Bach Emily Franklin David Powell Mary Bang Rita Farmer Cora Preston Sarah Berger Kyle Feldman Irene Qualters Joan Bibelhausen Carole Feldman Jamie Racine Cathy Bockenstedt Thomas and Patricia Fenton Molly Reichert Kelly Bolling Katherine and Peter Flaherty Nicole Rom Helen Boy Meryn Fluker Barbara Rom David Braslau Joe Foss Jim Rustad Kyra Brown Karen Fraser Nancy Samuels Scott, Marcy and Ethan Buckner Debra Frost Ben Santer and Kris Aydt Michelle Chamberlain Jim and Carol Fruehling Mike and Patricia Sazy Kathy Capra and Brenda Peg Furshong Tammy Schmitz Douville Erin Gavin Elizabeth Schneider Lisa Brown Carey Diane Genova Seven Sundays LLC Lisa and Brett Carey Curtis Ghlin Sacha Seymour-Anderson Tara Gibbs Brian Shekleton “Your work comes from such Robert and Susan Giesen Lacy Shelby an uplifting and foundational Dan Gilchrist Robert Shepard core—the bedrock of your Dan Goettsch Katie Simonson organization—and is why, I Sean Gosiewski Brendon and Carissa believe, Climate Generation is Hildi Hagedorn Slotterback so impactful. I am honored to Suzanne Savanick Hansen Amy Sparks Amber Hansen be a small part of it.” Suzanne Starr Michael Harley Steele County Indivisible —Pat Schoenecker, Connie Hart Jim and Judy Strande Climate Generation supporter Mark Haugen Patricia Strong Inna Hays Aszya Summers Geoff and Gina Carroll Chris Heeter Rich and Kathy Svanda Patience Caso Paul and Janelle Higdem Andrew Tate Kristina Casper Stephanie Heim Paul Thompson and Mindy Ahler Joanne Chappellaz Markie Henry Rolf Thompson Joe and Connie Chouinard Sue and Kevin Hoese Lyndon Torstenson Jo Ellen Christiansen Megan Holleran Sarah and Bryan Toov Daniel Clarkin Shirley Huskins Karen Van Norman Brian Clough Zach Huston Vermilion Country School Robin Cole Linda Imbertson Dale and Diane Wahlstrom Natalie Cook Michael Menzel and Kathy Courtland Carrie and Isabel Patricia Corcoran Iverson Watson Jean Cox Deborah James Ben Weisner Mary Jo Cristofaro Aimee Jaroscak Jim Welna and Sue Richards Catherine Cronin Gina Jarvi Welna Kathleen Crook Lois Jenkins Lisa Wersal Kari Davis Catherine Jordan Mick Wirtz MaryAnn Deeg Rachael Kantaris Aimee Witteman Kelsey Depew Christopher Karounos Dave Wormald Caroline DeVinck Ruth Katz Justin Young Jane Dickerson Sierra Keenan Amy Dombro Cory Kell 2016–2017 Annual Report 15

Audra Kerlin Theresa, Joni and Zoe Redfern- Nancy Thysell Tessa King Hall Jenna and Travis Totz Mary Ann Knox Douglas Reynolds Ronnette Trulson Karen Knudtson Chelsea Reynolds Rachel Valcour Jillian Kochanek Mark Riegel Bill and Jane Van Loh Mark and Christie Kraabel Julie Ristau and Jay Walljasper Christine Wahlstrom Joe Kruse Dan Rogers Jon Wallace Amanda and Ricky Kueper Traut Mike Rothman Clifton and Bettye Ware Lisa Larges Maggie Royce Eric Watkins Penny Larsen Akilah Sanders-Reed Janiece Watts Linda Larson Terry Webster Greta Larson “It’s a wonderful workshop Alyson Weiss Craig and Barbara Laughlin with valuable resources and Amy Wilkes Jeff Ledermann amazing instructors. [The Margaret Winchell Joshua Low Summer Institute for Climate Bryan Wood Catherine Lundoff Change Education] keeps Steven Young-Burns Kelly MacGregor you actively engaged while Katrina Zabinski Martha Magnuson you’re there and has you Joanna Zimny Stan and Geraldine Maisel leaving with an abundance Thomas Mathisen of knowledge and know-how. SUSTAINING SUPPORTERS Cori and Ryan Mattke The relationships are ongoing (Monthly Donors) Sarah McKenzie and I love that. Seriously, the Jackie Alschuler and Jan Baker Erin Meier best days of professional Sigurd Anderson Krista Menzel development I’ve had...so Dawn Baker Margaret Merkow worth it!!! Love, love, love this Brett and Lisa Carey Stacy Miller group.” Christina Carleton Martha Minchak —Summer Institute for Climate Christine Decker Dan and Moira Moga Change Education attendee, Janet Dickerson Abby Moore 2017 Sarah Falcon John Mooty Kyle Feldman Herb and Virginia Morgenthaler Dorothy and Roy Satre Shirley Huskins Victoria Morrison John Saxhaug Will and Claudia Kaul Paul Moss Connie Schad Kathy Koch Marjorie Mountain Tess Schlicksup Connie Lanphear Laura Muskatevc David Schluchter Tim Nixon Dawn Newbrough Jenny Scholtes Robert Payne and Paul Snyder Cecelia Newton Susan Schonfeld Lena Ransohoff Susan Nielsen Michael and Shira Schwartz Elizabeth Schneider Barbara Norblom Will Seuffert Jim Sorensen Maddie Norgaard Tina Sheppard Patty O’Keefe Katie Siegner and Dirk Van DONATIONS IN HONOR Paulette Olsen Duym Craig Johnson John Olson Helen Sievers Kristen Poppleton Terry and Joan Osell W. Michael Smith Don Shelby Joseph and Mary Palen Bruce and Barbara Snyder Staff at Climate Generation Pratibha Patil Beth Soholt Doug Paulson Steve and Kim Squillace 1% FOR THE PLANET Jon Pederson Tony Squillace Loll Designs Theresa Pick St. Thomas Moore School Ann Piotrowski Walton Stanley EMPLOYEE GIVING PROGRAMS Matthew Plant Steve Steuber 3M Don Plerchee Nancy Stier Accenture Matt and Kristen Poppleton John Stine Ameriprise Financial Employee Sherri Racine Deborah Summers Giving Campaign Christina Ramsey Jon and Linnea Swenson Blue Cross Blue Shield Lena Ransohoff Tellekson Faegre Baker Daniels Bridget Rathsack Marcela Telleria United Health Care 16 Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy

PROGRAM PARTNERS 350.org Able Seedhouse + Brewery Accredited Investors Alexis Bailly Vineyard Alliance for Climate Education Ames Farm Honey Art House Askov Finlayson, Keep the North Cold Campaign Arcadia School Northfield Armstrong High School Arts High Northfield Audubon Center of the North Woods Avalon School Aveda Earth & Community Care Bang! Brewing Barbette Restaurant Beer Dabbler Bent Paddle Brewing Co. Best Buy Former and current YEA! MN students alongside staff Abby Fenton and Birchwood Cafe Nicole Ektnitphong, pictured with 10-Year Celebration emcee, Dessa. Birchwood Financial Partners Blaine High School BlueCross BlueShield MN Environmental Initiative Lake Superior Trading Post BlueGreen Alliance ESG Architects Linden Hills Children’s Breadsmith Eureka Recycling Experience Breck High School Forest Lake High School Loll Designs Bryant Lake Bowl Fresh Energy The Lowell School Burnsville High School Freshwater Society Lunds & Byerlys Canal Park Brewery Futures North Manos Campesinas Cannon River Winery Gertens March for Science Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Global Greengrants Fund Mighty Axe Hops Reserve Grand Aspirations Milkweed Editions Center for Energy and the Great River School Minneapolis South High School Environment Guthrie Theater Minneapolis Southwest High Chapter2Books Harding Senior High School School Charities Review Council Hennepin Theater Trust Minnesota Department of Chinook Book Hopkins High School Commerce Clancey’s Meats & Fish Humphrey School Center for Minnesota Department of Climate Literacy Network Science, Technology and Education Climate Ride Public Policy Minnesota Environmental Clean Energy Alliance iMatter Partnership Clean Energy Resource Teams Indeed We Can, Indeed Brewing Minnesota Environmental Commodore Company Quality Board Common Roots Institute on the Environment- Minnesota Interfaith Power and Como Park High School University of Minnesota Light Dangerous Man Brewing Jeffers Foundation Minnesota Pollution Control DeLaSalle High School Jim Brandenburg Agency Dessa JUUT Uptown Minnesota Public Interest District Energy & Ever-Green K’ul Chocolate Research Group Energy Kitty Anderson Youth Science Minnesota Timberwolves Eastside Food Co-op Center Minnesota Wild EcoAdapt Kowalski’s Mississippi National River and Eden Prairie High School Kyatchi Recreation Area El Colegio High School L’Etoile du Nord Mississippi River Connection 2016–2017 Annual Report 17

Renewable Energy Partners WISPIRG Rivers Edge Academy Wolf Ridge Environmental Rochester Learning Center Rogers Environmental Explorers Worker B Saint Paul EcoDistrict Xcel Energy Saint Paul Saints Youth Energy Summit (YES!) School of Environmental Young People’s Action Coalition Studies Science Museum of Minnesota SUMMER INSTITUTE SPONSORS Seven Sundays Apex Efficiency Solutions Seward Community Co-op Avangrid Foundation Shakopee High School Avangrid Renewables Sierra Club North Star Chapter Aveda Earth and Community Sierra Club John Muir Chapter Care Sisu CrossFit Global Greengrants Fund Smart Set Design General Mills Inc. Software for Good Xcel Energy Foundation Solo Vino Bottle Shop IN-KIND PROFESSIONAL Soulardarity SUPPORT South High School Ellen Anderson Spoonriver Nina Axelson St. Paul Central High School Rebecca Barney St. Paul Washington Technology Devarati Bhattacharya Magnet School Kenny Blumenfeld St. Louis Park High School Emily Bowen Mississippi Watershed Steger Mukluks David A. Brown Jr. Management Organization Stone Harbor Wilderness Supply Zara Brown MN350 Sunrise Movement Dave Casey Mother Earth Gardens Surdyk’s Mark Chandler National Adaptation Forum Surly Brewing Alex Clark National Network for Ocean SustainUS Heather Durenberger and Climate Change Tangletown Gardens Watson Durenberger Interpretation Take Action MN Cory Forbes Neighborhoods Organizing Tamales y Bicicletas Jamie Gerber for Change Tiny Diner Lynn Gordon Nightingale Trader Joe’s Barry Greenwald Northern Lights Training for Change Jessica Hellman North House Folk School The Angry Catfish Craig Johnson Norway House The Crooked Spoon Cafe Steve Kelley NOAA The Draft Horse Cathryn Kennedy Our Children’s Trust The Inn on Lake Superior Kimberly Long OutFront MN The Pebble Spa Cora Lund Preston Patagonia The Lowry Rebecca Meyer Patrick Henry High School The Third Bird Abby Moore Peace Coffee Three Rivers Parks Germana Paterlini Penumbra Theatre Untiedt’s Vegetable Farm Doug Paulson People’s Climate Movement Urban Eggplant Lisa Aston Philander Phillips Garden US Green Building Council Caitlin Potter Power Shift Network Valley Natural Foods Ben Santer Piragis Northwoods Company Venture Academies Will Steger Prairie Restorations, Inc. Vikre Distillary Cathy Techtmann Punch Pizza Visit Duluth Bob Weidman RE-AMP W.A. Frost Margaret Winchell Red Stag Supperclub Wedge Community Co-op Jessica Winkelaar Regional Sustainable Wintergreen Dogsled Development Partnerships of Adventures the U of MN Wise Acre Eatery 18 Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy

Reunion at our 10-Year Celebration with our COP21 Education Ambassadors from our Window Into Paris program.

Care and Green Economy Great River Energy PARTNERSHIP CAMPAIGNS Judy Poferl, Senior Vice Loll Designs Askov Finlayson – Keep The President, Xcel Energy Media Sponsor North Cold Initiative Will Steger, Founder & ($2,500) Clean Energy Community Polar Explorer Andersen Corporation Awards (CECA) Kate Wolford, President, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Two Betty’s Earth Month The McKnight Foundation Minnesota Center for Energy and the VOLUNTEERS AND INTERNS VIP Table Sponsors: Environment Allie Belyaev Jodi Billy Event Support Tier 1 JoEllen Christiansen Judson Dayton ($1,000) Liam DelMain Bridget and Ross Levin Accredited Investors Inc. Kelsey Depew Darby Ringer Bent Paddle Brewing Heidi Ferris Lois Quam and Arshad Eureka! Recycling Jesse Huff-Larson Mohammed ESG Architects Aimee Jaroscak Peace Coffee Kathy Koch 10-Year Sponsors: Royal Norwegian Embassy Jared Sousa Expedition Lead Sponsor Software for Good John Sticha ($25,000) Event Support Tier 2 Susan Maris Stodolka Xcel Energy ($500) Adam Wolf Antarctic Sponsor Alexis Bailly Vineyard Justin Young ($20,000) ArtHouse 10-YEAR Aveda Phillips Garden Aurora Borealis Sponsor Prairie Restorations, Inc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ($15,000) Smart Set Design Askov Finlayson Honorary Chairs: Vice President Walter Mondale Arctic Circle Sponsor Host Committee: Governor Mark Dayton ($10,000) Gordon and Josephine Bailey Former U.S. Senator David Avangrid Foundation Joseph and Michael Bailey Durenberger Avangrid Renewables Chuck and Estelle Bennett U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison Best Buy Heidi Bing U.S. Senator Al Franken Rahr Corporation David A. Brown Jr. U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar North Star Sponsor Tim Brownell and Eureka! U.S. Congresswoman Betty ($5,000) Recycling McCollum Birchwood Financial Partners R. Michael and Sharon Conley Lois Quam, Consultant, Health Ever-Green Energy District Energy Saint Paul Inc. 2016–2017 Annual Report 19

Leigh and Peter Currie 10-Year Planning Committee Members: Chuck Dayton and Sarah Evans Sara DeKok Joann Knuth Jonathan Dettmann and Faegre Katie Galloway Brian Shekleton Partners Aimee Jaroscak Susan Maris Stodolka Fourth Sector Consulting Jeanne Kirby Margaret Winchell Lynn Gordon and French Meadow Bakery & Cafe and Climate Generation is an outstanding team. Your dedication, Bluestem Bar perseverance, creativity, humor, and intelligence are superior. Jessica Hellmann and Institute I am in awe of the energy you all sustain. I am honored to on the Environment have been able to work with and for you to help bring about Will and Claudia Kaul such a magnificent evening. Cathryn Kennedy Consulting, Ltd - Margaret Winchell, Climate Generation supporter, 10-Year Joann and Dan Knuth Celebration attendee Kate and Sam Knuth, Kerry Walsh and Tom Meyer, Jonathan O’Conner and Eric Staff and Consultants Board Committees Schlotterbeck Nina Axelson Ron Kroese and Kimberly Nicole Rom, Executive Director Janet Brown, Associate Director David A. Brown Jr. Colburn Kristen Poppleton, Director Germana Paterlini Jim and Susan Lenfestey of Education Bob Weidman Stuart and Kate Nielsen Jothsna Harris, Education Margaret Winchell Megan O’Hara and RT Rybak Coordinator Cheryl Olseth and James Robin Thorstenson, Office ADVISORY BOARD Empson Manager John Abraham Roopali Phadke and Macalester Lauren Boritzke, Ellen Anderson College Communications Coordinator Chuck Bennett Winthrop and Binky Rockwell, Jason Rodney, YEA! MN David A. Brown, Jr. Dodd and Ann Cosgrove, Coordinator R. Michael Conley Jenna Totz, Education Kathleen and David Miller, Chuck Dayton Coordinator Becky Rom and Reid Carron Judson Dayton Megan Van Loh, Programs Paul Douglas Raj Rajan and Kavitha Sitaram Coordinator Mindy and Peter Rechelbacher David Durenberger Robert Elde Timothy and Denise Seck Former Staff Lynn Gordon Don Shelby Nicole Ektnitphong, YEA! MN Patrick Hamilton Coordinator Dr. Jessica Hellmann SPECIAL THANKS TO: Abby Fenton, Youth Programs Hubert H. (Skip) Humphrey III Director Will Kaul Floral decorations: Kimball Katie Siegner, Communications Ron Kroese Knutson and Patsy Noble Coordinator Julianne Laue Photographer: David J. Owen Jon Wallace, Administrative Sally Leider Photography LLC Coordinator Richard Leider Videos: Don Shelby, Jerry Jim Lenfestey Bridget Levin Stenger of In Tandem Inc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Meredith McQuaid Peace Coffee: “Wake Up Call” Michael Noble coffee blend Will Steger, Founder Megan O’Hara Bent Paddle Brewing Company: Leigh Currie, Chair Gayle Peterson Climate Generation Black IPA Tim Brownell, Vice Chair Raj Rajan Penny Larsen: 10-Year jewelry Sean Smith, Treasurer Winthrop Rockwell Joann Knuth, Secretary Dr. Ben Santer Jennifer Birnbaum Lissie Schifman Natalie Cook Tim Seck Jon Dettmann Don Shelby Andrew Gibbons Barry Greenwald Cathy Kennedy Roopali Phadke 2801 21st Avenue South, Suite 110, Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-278-7147 climategen.org

Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy empowers individuals and their communites to engage in solutions to climate change.

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