भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF भारतीय भूवैज्ञानिक सवेक्षण प्रनिक्षण संस्थाि GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA TRAINING INSTITUTE हैदराबाद /

भूवैज्ञानिकोⴂ हेतु भौगोनिक सूचिा प्रणािी पर ग्यारहवाⴂ पाठ्यक्रम नवदेशमⴂत्रािय,भारतसरकारकेतत्वावधािमᴂ


(31.01.2020 to 29.02.2020)

पाठ्यक्रम प्रनतवेदि / COURSE REPORT

कायय सत्रकाययक्रमक्रमांक /FSP id: M5RSIC/C/TI_RHQ/2019/25566

कायय सत्र /Field Season: 2019-20

उद्देश्य /Objective:इस काययक्रम कामुख्य उद्देश्य सामाजिक कारणⴂ के निए भू-स्थानिक डेटा के कैप्चर,

ववश्लेषण और एकीकरण मᴂ भौगोनिकसूचिा प्रणािी के उपयोग मᴂ अंतरायष्ट्रीय प्रनतभानगयⴂ कोप्रनिजक्षत

करिाहै। The main objective of this program is to train international participants in the use of Geographic Information System in capture, analysis, and integration of geospatial data for societal cause.

ववदेि मंत्रािय, भारत सरकार, िई दद쥍िी के आईटीईसी काययक्रम के त配वावधाि मᴂभूवैज्ञानिकⴂ के निए

भौगोनिक सूचिा प्रणािी पर ग्यारहवᴂ पा腍यक्रम का उद्घाटि श्रीएम. श्रीधर, महानिदेिक, भाभूस द्वारा

ददिांक31 ििवरी,2020 को श्री सीएच. वᴂकटेश्वर राव, उप महानिदेिक एवं प्रमुख नमिि-V, भाभूसप्रसं,

हैदराबादतथाश्री श्विीतवब गंगोपाध्याय, उप महानिदेिक, क्षेप्रप्र एवं फीप्रकᴂ ,भाभूसप्रसं तथा भाभूसप्रसं के अन्य

संकाय सदस्यⴂ की उपजस्थनत मᴂ दकया गया। यह प्रनिक्षणकाययक्रम सीिीएमटी, भाभूसप्रसं, हैदराबाद मᴂ 31

ििवरी 2020 से 29 फरवरी, 2020 तक आयोजित दकया गया।इस पा腍यक्रममᴂ 16 देिⴂ के 18 प्रनतभानगयⴂ 1

िे भाग निया। यह काययक्रम को भारत सरकार के भारतीय तकिीकी और आनथयक सहयोग (आईटीईसी) के

तहत ववदेि मंत्रािय द्वारा ववत्त था।पोवषत श्री .एम श्रीधर, महानिदेिक, भाभूस िे सभी प्रनतभानगयⴂ का स्वागत

दकया और प्रनतभानगयⴂ को कक्षाओं/ प्रयोगिािा मᴂसाथयक संवाद करिे की सिाह दी, क्यⴂदककेवि परस्पर

संवाद से ही निक्षण कीगुणवत्ता कोबढ़ाया िा सकता है और साथ साथ ज्ञािाियि को भी पररष्कृत दकया

िा सकता है। श्रीसीएच . वᴂकटेश्वर राव, उप महानिदेिक एवं प्रमुखनम िि-V, भाभूसप्रसं, हैदराबाद िे वैज्ञानिक

क्षेत्र के ववनभन्ि िाखाओं मᴂ िीआईएस-आधाररत आंकड़ा एकीकरण अध्ययि के मह配व पर िोर ददया।

पा腍यक्रम सूची:पा腍यक्रममᴂनि륍िनिजखतववषयिानमिहℂ:-

 पररचया配मक िीआईएस

 स्थानिकआंकड़ⴂ के अवधारणाओं और आंकड़ा प्रा셂प

 प्रक्षेपण और समन्वय प्रणािी,जियोरेफे रेनसंग

 िीपीएस और मोबाइि मैवपंग,प्वाइंट, िाइि और बहुभिु आंकड़ⴂ का अनधग्रहण

 डीबीएमएस, उन्ित संपादि

 टोपोिॉिी, डोमेि और उपप्रकार, डेटा और समन्वय पररवतयिⴂ

 स्थानिक डेटा ववश्लेषण और बूनियि का प्रयोग करते हुए मॉडनिंग, इंडेक्स ओवरिे और फजी िॉजिक

 नियता配मक और भूस्थैनतक प्रक्षेप

 ववजुअिाइजेिि, मािनचत्रसंकिि और काटोग्राफी

 डीईएम और इसके व्य配ु पन्ि ववषयगत मािनचत्रⴂ का उपयोग करते हुए स्पेनसयि एिानिस्ट, ड्रेिेि

निष्कषयण और दडजिटि मॉफेट्री

 साइट-उपयुक्तता ववश्लेषणतथा खनिि अन्वेषण मᴂ िी.आई.एस. का उपयोग

पररयोििा कायय:पा腍यक्रम केअंत मᴂ पररयोििा कायय दकया गया। इसके पश्चात पा腍यक्रम के भाग के 셂प

मᴂ सामाजिक-आनथयक, स्थिाकृ नतक और दरू -संवेदी स्थानिक आंकड़ा समूहⴂसे संबजन्धत मू쥍यांकि और

प्रस्तुतीकरण परीक्षाएँ आयोजित कीप्र配येक गई। प्रनिक्षु िे अपिे संबंनधत क्षेत्र मᴂ आकय िीआईएस केआवेदि

की उपयोनगता का उ쥍िेख करते हुए एक छोटी प्रस्तनु त दी। पा腍यक्रम के अतं मᴂ प्रनिक्षुओं िे अपिे-अपिे

देिⴂ मᴂ कर रहे कायⴂ के बारे मᴂ प्रस्तुनत दी। 2

सांस्कृनतक ववरासत स्थिⴂके दियि: ववदेि मंत्रािय,भारत सरकार के निदेिािुसार आईटीईसी प्रनतभानगयⴂ के

निएहैदराबाद के आसपास के सांस्कृनतक ववरासत स्थिⴂ वविेष 셂प से गोिकुंडा दकिा, नििपरम, चौमािपिेस,

चारमीिार, आदद का तीि ददवसीय यात्रा का आयोिि दकया गया।

प्रनतपुवि :प्रनिक्षुओं िे इस पा腍यक्रम के आयोिि मᴂ भारत सरकार और भाभूसप्रसं के प्रयासⴂ की प्रिंसा की।

उन्हⴂिे व्यक्त दकया दकभाभूसप्रसं आवश्यक हाडयवेयर और सॉफ्टवेयर से सुसजजित है और प्रनिक्षुओं को

ज्ञाि प्रदाि करिे के निए यहाँ संकाय की एक सक्षम और समवपयत टीम है। कुि नमिाकर प्रनतभानगयⴂ िे

पा腍यक्रम के दौराि सामग्री ववतरण और संकाय द्वारा प्रदत सहयोग के प्रनत अपिी संतुवि व्यक्त की।सभी

प्रनिक्षुओं िे अपिे संबंनधत गनतववनध क्षेत्रⴂ िैसे दक कैडस्ट्राि मैवपंग, अन्वेषण, पयायवरण अध्ययि, भूनम

उपयोग योििा, अिुसंधाि और निक्षण, प्राकृनतकसंसाधि प्रबंधि, राष्ट्रीयभूवैज्ञानिक और अन्वेषण डेटाबेस

निमायण और िीआईएस परतⴂ के रखरखाव और कैप्चररंग मᴂ प्रनिक्षण की उपयोनगता को स्वीकार दकया।

The Eleventh Course on Geographic Information System for Geoscientists under the aegis of the ITEC program of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi was inaugurated on 31st January 2020 by Shri M. Sridhar, DG, GSI in the august presence of Shri Ch. Venkateswara Rao, DDG & Head Mission-V, GSITI, Hyderabad, Shri BiswajiGangopadhyay, DDG, RTD’s &FTC’s, GSITI and other faculty members of the GSITI. The training programme was conducted at CGMT, GSITI, Hyderabad from 31st January 2020 to 29th February, 2020. The course was attended by 18 participants from 16 countries. The programme was sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs under The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) of the Government of India. Shri M. Sridhar, DG, GSI welcomed all the participants and advised the participants to be interactive in the theory classes / laboratory, as interaction alone could enhance the quality of teaching and in turn accentuate the level of learning. Shri Ch. Venkateswara Rao, Dy. Director General, Geological Survey of India Training Institute & Head Mission - V emphasized the importance of GIS based data integration studies in various spheres of scientific domain.

Course content: The course covered the following topics  Introduction to GIS  Spatial data concepts and data models 3

 Projection and coordinate systems, georeferencing  GPS & Mobile mapping, capture of point, line, and polygon data  DBMS and advanced editing  Topology, domains and subtypes, data and coordinate transformations  Spatial data analysis and modeling using Boolean, Index Overlay and Fuzzy Logic  Deterministic and geostatistical interpolation  Visualization, map composition and cartography  DEM and its derivative thematic maps, drainage extraction and digital morphometry  Site-suitability analysis and use of GIS in mineral exploration

Project Work: A project work was carried out at the end followed by evaluation and presentations as a part of the course using socioeconomic, topographic and remotely-sensed spatial datasets. Each trainee gave a short presentation outlining the utility of the application of Arc GIS in their respective field and in their area of interest. The trainee presented their work which they had been carrying out in their respective countries at the end of the course.

Cultural Heritage site visit: As desired by MEA, Govt. of India three day visit to cultural heritage sites in and around Hyderabad was arranged for ITEC participants, covering Golkonda fort, Shilparamam, , , etc. Along with these, the trainees had also visited the Birla Planetarium, Birla Science Museum and Art Gallery and INCOIS, Hyderabad.

Feedback: The trainees praised the efforts of the Government of India and GSITI in organising this course. They felt that the GSITI is well-equipped with the necessary hardware and software and possesses a competent and dedicated team of faculty to impart knowledge to the trainees. Overall the participants expressed their satisfaction towards the content, delivery and the cooperation extended by the faculty during the course. All the trainees recognised the utility of the training in their respective domains of activity such as in cadastral mapping, exploration, environmental studies, landuse planning, research and teaching, natural resource management, national geological and exploration database creation and maintenance and capture of GIS layers.

पा腍यक्रम समन्वयक/Course Coordinator: Dr. Taraknath Pal, Director (G), TC Division, GSITI, Hyderabad. 4

संकाय/Faculty: भाभूसप्रसं केमुख्य संकाय/ Core faculty from GSITI

श्री आर बािािी, निदेिक, सीिीएमटी / Shri R. Balaji, Director, CGMT

श्रीमती निनध नमश्रा, वररष्ठभूवैज्ञानिक , सीिीएमटी / Smt. Nidhi Misra, Senior Geologist, CGMT

श्री ए सी पात्रा, वररष्ठभूवैज्ञानिक , सीिीएमटी / Shri A.C. Patra, Senior Geologist, CGMT

डॉ. नििा रािी, अधीक्षणभूवैज्ञानिक , पीिीआरएस / Dr. Nisha Rani, Supdt. Geologist, PGRS

श्री अिूप वी ,एम वररष्ठभूवैज्ञानिक , पीिीआरएस / Shri Anoop V.M., Senior Geologist, PGRS प्रनतभानगयⴂ कीसूची / List of Participants:

क्र. सं. िाम दहन्दी मᴂ Name in English निंग / राष्ट्र / Country S. no. Sex 1 श्री अबुजीदी महमिे इदड्रिा Mr. Abouzeidi Mahamane Male िाइिर Idrisa Niger 2 श्रीमती िुईस तुतुनगि Mrs. Louise TutugirlGrenwon Female िाइबेररया ग्रेिवि Liberia

3 Mr. ZeryihunHailu Male श्री िेईहुि हैिु इनथयोवपया Ethiopia 4 श्री ओदकिेह तेफए अिेमु Mr. Workineh Tesfaye Alemu Male इनथयोवपया Ethiopia 5 Mr. Andulem Ayele Male श्री अदिु ेम येि इनथयोवपया Ethiopia 6 सुश्री अिेकसन्र Ms. Aleksandra Female 셂स Kadashnikova कदािनिकोवा Russia 7 श्रीमती िविेस िोगेिा Mrs. Loveness Njogela Female तंजानिया Tanzania 8 श्री केववयि राय झूरी Mr. Kervin Roy Jhurry Male मॉरीिस Mauritius 9 श्री मोएमडी सेगवती Mr. MoemediSegwati Male बो配सवािा Botswana 10 श्री िे쥍सि ओकोट मिसे Mr. Nelson Okot Manase Male दजक्षण सूडाि South Sudan


11 श्रीमती रिाकामीहािा Mrs. Razakamihaja Olisoa Female मेडागास्कर Jenny ओिीसोआ िेिी Madagascar

12 सुश्री ववववयि उिा Ms. Vivian Uju Okafor Female िाइिीररया ओकाफोर Nigeria

13 श्रीमती जैिब िमस्परवर Mrs. Zaynab Shamsparvar Female ईराि Iran 14 श्री उग्येि डोरिी Mr. UgyenDorji Male भूटाि Bhutan 15 श्री ओसमाह अि िेख Mr. Osamah Al Sheikh Male इराक Iraq 16 Mrs. Fazna Abdul Majeedh Female श्रीमती फजिा अब्दिु मािदीव मिीद Maldives क्र. सं. िाम दहन्दी मᴂ Name in English निंग / राष्ट्र / Country S. no. Sex 17 श्री वानथक चहभािे यूसुफ Mr. Wathik Chahabane Male कोमोरोस Youssouf Comoros 18 श्रीमती डᴂबेरेिडुिम Mrs. Dembereldulam Female मंगोनिया Munkhjargal मुिखिरगि Mongolia


गनतववनधयाँ/Glimpses of Activities

Lightning of lamp during the inauguration of the Inauguration of the 11th ITEC Course on GIS for 11th ITEC Course on GIS for Geoscientists by Geoscientists Shri M. Sridhar, Director General, GSI by Shri M. Sridhar, Director General, GSI

Distribution of Welcome kit by Shri M. Sridhar, DG, Distribution of course related books by Shri M. GSI to the participants of 11th ITEC Course on GIS Sridhar, DG, GSI to the participants of 11th ITEC for Geoscientists Course on GIS for Geoscientists

Group Photo of DG, GSI, DDG & Head M-V, faculty Practical Session at CGMT Lab. and International participants


Visit to INCOIS, Hyderabad Visit to Dr. William King museum, GSI, SR, Hyderabad

Visit to Rock Garden, GSI, SR, Hyderabad Visit to Birla Planetarium, Hyderabad

Shri Ch. Venkateswara Rao, DDG & Head Mission-V, Certificate distribution to the participants of 11th GSITI, Hyderabad chairing the Valedictory session of ITEC Course on GIS for Geoscientists the 11th ITEC Course on GIS for Geoscientists


Group photograph with the participants of 11th ITEC Project Presentation by the participants Course on GIS for Geoscientists

Group photograph of the 11th ITEC Course on GIS Media Coverage Clippings for Geoscientists

Media Coverage Clippings Media Coverage Clippings


Annexure-I: Course Schedule (final executed course schedule)

DATE SESSION TOPICS FACULTY FN Course Inauguration 31/01/20 AN 1& 2 Registration, Facilitation and ITEC/GSI video show RB/ACP FN 1 Introduction to GIS RB 01/02/20 FN 2 Handling of data over GIS interface ACP AN 1& 2 Hands-on exercise on Familiarization with Arc GIS Desktop ACP / RB 02/02/20 SUNDAY FN 1 Spatial data models RB FN 2 Datum, coordinate systems & projection ACP 03/02/20 AN 1 Hands-on: Geo-referencing RB/ACP/NM AN 2 Hands-on: Projection RB/ACP/NM FN 1 Geodatabases, Feature dataset and Feature Class RB Hands-on: Digitization of points, lines & polygons in Arc GIS, Spatial Data RB/ACP/NM FN 2 04/02/20 handling AN 1 Hands-on: creation of shape files and geo-database feature class RB/ACP/NM AN 2 Hands-on: Vector data editing, familiarization with advance editing tools RB/ACP/NM FN 1 & 2 Hands-on: Feature class conversion- Line to polygon RB/ACP/NM 05/02/20 AN 1& 2 Hands-on: Attribute tables and attaching of attribute data RB/ACP/NM FN 1 & 2 Spatial Adjustment - Edge matching, append & dissolve ACP 06/02/20 AN 1& 2 Hands-on: Spatial Adjustment - Edge matching, append & dissolve RB/ACP/NM FN 1 Spatial Analysis: Concepts and methods NM 07/02/20 FN 2 Vector data Spatial Analysis in Arc GIS NM AN 1& 2 Hands-on: Spatial analysis of vector data in Arc GIS RB/ACP/NM 08/02/20 Visit to heritage/cultural site in & around Hyderabad 09/02/20 SUNDAY FN 1 Automatic digitization using Arc Scan NM 10/02/20 FN 2 Hands-on: Automatic digitization RB/ACP/NM AN 1& 2 R2V & V2R conversion with hands-on ACP Domains and subtypes and hands-on exercise on attribute domains & RB FN 1 & 2 subtypes 11/02/20 AN 1 Topology: Concepts and types-Geo-database & Map topology NM AN 2 Hands-on: Topological editing RB/ACP/NM FN 1 & 2 Digital Elevation Models & their applications RB 12/02/20 AN 1& 2 Hands-on: Use of DEMs in extraction of slope, aspect, hill-shade, contour, RB/ACP/NM topographic profiling, etc. FN 1 & 2 Extraction of drainage from DEM RB 13/02/20 AN 1& 2 Hands on: Drainage extraction from DEM RB/ACP/NM FN 1 & 2 Lecture & Hands-on exercise on Lineament density mapping RB/ACP/NM 14/02/20 AN 1& 2 Lecture & Hands-on exercise on deterministic interpolation RB/ACP/NM FN 1 Concepts of GPS and methods of Mobile Mapping NM FN 2 Concept of Web GIS with demo NM 15/02/20 AN 1 Demo on GPS data collection, downloading GPS data in Arc GIS NM/ACP AN 2 Hands-on: downloading GPS data and its utility in QGIS NM/ACP 16/02/20 SUNDAY Visit to heritage/cultural site in & around Hyderabad 17/02/20 Study tour-Visit to INCOIS 18/02/20 FN 1 Concept of raster data processing NR


FN 2 Image processing with special reference to ARC-GIS AVM AN 1& 2 Hands on: Image processing in ArcGIS AVM/ACP FN 1 Elements of Geostatistics. NM FN 2 Introduction to Arc GIS Geostatistical Analyst NM 19/02/20 AN 1 Hands on Geostatistical mapping RB/ACP/NM AN 2 Hands on Variogram Modelling and Kriging using Geostatistical Analyst RB/ACP/NM FN 1& 2 Demonstration on processing of survey data by TIN modeling. ACP 20/02/20 AN 1& 2 Hands on exercise on processing of survey data by TIN modeling. RB/ACP/NM FN 1 GIS Modelling: Data-driven & knowledge driven approaches in GIS NM FN 2 Site Suitability Analysis in GIS using Boolean & Index Overlay methods NM 21/02/20 AN 1 Hands on Site Suitability Analysis in Arc GIS using Boolean method RB/ACP/NM AN 2 Hands on Site Suitability Analysis in Arc GIS using Index Overlay method RB/ACP/NM 22/02/20 Visit to heritage/cultural site in & around Hyderabad 23/02/20 SUNDAY FN 1 Integration of multi-thematic data in GIS NM Mineral Prospectivity Mapping by integration of geological, geophysical and 24/02/20 FN 2 NM geochemical data AN 1& 2 Hands-on: Mineral prospectivity mapping RB/ACP/NM FN 1 Concepts of Fuzzy logic in GIS NM 25/02/20 FN 2 GIS Modeling using Fuzzy Logic NM AN 1 & 2 Exercises on GIS Modeling using Fuzzy logic RB/ACP/NM FN 1 & 2 26/02/20 Project work Trainees AN 1& 2 FN 1 & 2 27/02/20 Project work Trainees AN 1 & 2 FN 1 & 2 28/02/20 Project work Trainees AN 1& 2 FN 1 & 2 Presentation on Project work Trainees 29/02/20 AN 1& 2 Valediction

Core Faculty GSITI, Hyderabad: RB: R Balaji, Director, CGMT NR: Dr. Nisha Rani, Suptd. Geologist, PGRS NM: Nidhi Misra, Senior Geologist, CGMT AVM: Anoop V M, Senior Geologist, PGRS ACP: Amrit Chandan Patra, Senior Geologist, CGMT

Annexure-II: Details of Expenditures

Breakup of expenditures: 1. Honorarium to guest faculty - Nil 2. TA DA to guest faculty - Nil 3. Refreshments – Rs. 5400/- 4. Stationary 5. Certificates. Rs 600/- 6. Photographs. Rs 360/- 7. Labours 8. Drivers 9. POL 10. Any other specific details of expenditures. Rs 12800/- (working lunch) Entry tickets to cultural heritage sites in Hyderabad - Rs. 13425/- Toll Fee en-route visit to INCOIS – Rs. 200/- ITEC partner country flags. Rs. 7965/-


Flex and banner print. Rs 5200/- 11. Miscellaneous. Rs. 1539/- 12. Total expenditure of programme. Rs. 47489/-

Annexure-III: Summary Table

S. No. Number of Officers/Officials/Research Scholar/Students trained

Male Female GSI Non GSI* Gr-A Gr-B Gr-C SC ST OBC UR PH

10 08 -- 18 ------

*Non-GSI: Details of Department/Institute/Organization/University/College may provide below the table of Annex-III