Verification of Platooning using Large-Scale Fading Ziqi Xu* Jingcheng Li* Yanjun Pan University of Arizona University of Arizona University of Arizona
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Loukas Lazos Ming Li Nirnimesh Ghose University of Arizona University of Arizona University of Nebraska–Lincoln
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract—Cooperative vehicle platooning significantly im- I am AV proves highway safety, fuel efficiency, and traffic flow. In this 2 and I follow AV model, a set of vehicles move in line formation and coordinate 1 acceleration, braking, and steering using a combination of path physical sensing and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) messaging. The candidate verifier authenticity and integrity of the V2V messages are paramount to platooning AV AV safety. For this reason, recent V2V and V2X standards support 2 distance 1 the integration of a PKI. However, a PKI cannot bind a vehicle’s digital identity to the vehicle’s physical state (location, velocity, Fig. 1: Platooning of AV1 and AV2: The AV1 acts as a verifier etc.). As a result, a vehicle with valid cryptographic credentials to validate AV2’s claim that it follows the platoon. can impact platoons from a remote location. In this paper, we seek to provide the missing link between the However, the complex integration of multi-modal physical physical and the digital world in the context of vehicle platooning. sensing, computation, and communication creates a particu- We propose a new access control protocol we call Proof-of- larly challenging environment to safeguard. The safety of the Following (PoF) that verifies the following distance between a platoon relies on the veracity of the V2V messages exchanged candidate and a verifier.