Elimination Is Promised Wife Saniti in Slaying Is Checked
lull Local Coverage Complete News, Pictures \ Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly die Community Interest Snbepenbent - leaber And Impartially Each Week f ()I XI.III—NO. 34 Knti»rfi1 n* Knroml Cla»» Matter WOODBRIDGE, N J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, limt Kvorv V «>>e r'o»t Offl,:8, ffooill>r|<|B<), N. , strfft, WfiodlirllKC PRICE FIVE CENTS '\0nis Club Cabin in Park for Underprivileged Plant Dust Housewife, Held for Killing Spouse Dodges Lens Wife Saniti Unship Kids to be Built Soon from Show Proceeds y K Mii;|illll><» —SUrtlnir construction ot a cabin lor many years. It IN the former twnator's most Elimination lvV,|i 1'nrk, reatrlcted to the use of Wood c!ierlHh<sd chnritj project. Plans are to be forrnu- In Slaying i,unships underprivileged children, will aU 'I a! thh jnwlan on mrins to finance ! 'ie balance M ,,.,. very near future, through the financial of tl^e ronitrurtion costs. ln ,,f this project by the YVoodbridge Is Promised Homer, the committee is composed of Is Checked 1:111) nnw on hand in the form of- receipt* B s Adams, John Rchwam, Stephen K. Werlock, Philadelphia Quartz in Fords Woman Who S))e ,,,,. ,,i Rnnination-ipot^wrrd wrestl nt show Wlllliinw, John Molriar. Robtrt Drumttiond , ,IKI the one held the previous year, the Windsor .1. I.akls. Avcnel Plans Device Hufthanri With SliotgH :,„,• hrncled by Lou Horner Jr. will go'ahead To , Remove Nuisance i plui, to Imlld another cabin in the cump, This Tear's outdoor show was far superior, not Still Silent on Cnu , ,,s wrrstllnr show broujht in $1,871.55 oi .y financially, to Ihnt of the previous year, and WOODBRIDGE—Appi ox imatel y WOODBRIDOE^-Thp' prosec I, ,.vpon»e« were deducted.
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