April 25, 2020 Ezra Taft Benson (American farmer) Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen 12 the body and the spirit. Art & Culture License Holder: Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) Editor-in-Chief: Kambakhsh Khalaji Analyst: Virus crisis may spur Editorial Dept. Tel: +98 21 88755761-2 Editorial Dept. Fax: +98 21 88761869 Subscription Dept. Tel: +98 21 88748800 more Hollywood studio mergers ICPI Publisher: +98 21 88548892, 5 Advertising Dept. Tel & Email: +98 21 88500617 -
[email protected] We b s it e : www.iran-daily.com “We have a strong belief that the production and distribution newspaper.iran-daily.com of media content will be permanently changed by this crisis,” Email:
[email protected] Michael Nathanson wrote about the coronavirus pandemic in Printing House: Iran Cultural & Press Institute a report entitled, ‘Say Goodbye to Hollywood’. Among his predictions: The US will end up with fewer cin- Address: Iran Cultural & Press Institute, #208 Khorramshahr Avenue Tehran-Iran ema screens, and most studios will have to look for mergers Iran Daily has no responsibility whatsoever for the advertisements and promotional material printed in the newspaper. and acquisitions as “only a few studios will have the right mix of assets to survive” and profit from an accelerated shift to streaming services, The Hollywood Reporter wrote. “Heading into 2020, we had argued that the fundamental pillars of media were starting to crack,” Nathanson wrote. “Now, we fear that they will crumble as customer behavior Armenian-Iranian musician Tjeknavorian permanently shifts to streaming models. The impact should be felt in both the traditional TV ecosystem and the film industry as content producers re-examine the economics of producing linear TV content and feature films.