Sustainable, innovative, digital - all of this applies to the ABB FIA Formula E Championship and is what makes it state of the art. Since 2014, when it was launched by Jean Todt (FIA president) and Alejandro Agag, the electric racing series has enjoyed increasing popularity and media attention. Formula E attracts support from many including UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Change Leonardo DiCaprio, who himself supports a Formula E team and is also chair of the race series.

Increasing numbers of manufacturers such as BMW, , Jaguar etc. are rapidly moving into Formula E and are also adapting the technology for components including drives and batteries for road-legal models.

Formula E is therefore also more accessible than other race series. The races always take place in major cities and not on specially created race circuits away from urban areas. Alongside the races, events are set up and themes are addressed promoting sustainability and smart cities. The FIA itself has a smart city programme which develops smart and sustainable concepts together with the major cities.

The future of transport and mobility is electric, autonomous and connected. This is a revolu- tion. Formula E is going to shape the way we are going to drive our cars in the future.

CEO Formula E – Alejandro Agag


SUSTAINABLE The entire race series is run on the premise of sustainability. The ABB FIA Formula E Championship is the first-ever motor sport series where the fully-electric race cars are powered by a zero-emission (glycerine) fuel. This is perfect for companies also seeking to communicate sustainability goals.

ELECTRIC RACING Electric vehicles are also the future for road transportation. It is only logical that the world of motor sport, which is otherwise dominated by petrol-driven race cars, looks to a new type of drive and thus presents itself as environmentally sustainable.

INNOVATIVE It starts with the electric drive and culminates in the smart city approach which is embraced in Formula E in all aspects of a race event. Manufacturers, sponsors and companies are also able to showcase their sustainability with innovative concepts.

SOCIAL No race series involves and activates fans as much as Formula E. Using targeted activation via social media during the race such as the fan-boost, Formula E is parti- cularly effective at reaching the public and the target audience.


DIGITAL Not only is target-audience involvement optimised on social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter), but they are also supplied with Formula E content in digital offers from Eurosport, FOX and twitch.

CITY CENTRE All 13 races take place in major cities and are therefore much more accessible for the fans. Events are organised around the race day and in each case an E-Village is set up in which fans can find out about the latest e-technologies and try out the various innovations for themselves.

TECHNOLOGICAL The latest electric drive technologies are applied and tested in Formula E. Road-legal vehicles also benefit from this. The aim of manufacturers is to take the technology and knowledge acquired in the extreme conditions of Formula E and adapt them for everyday use.

ACCESSIBLE Formula E appears more accessible than other race series. This is due in part to sta- ging the races in cities, but also because the latest technologies can be tested out in the E-Villages, making them much easier to experience at first-hand.


The fans make the sport, and the fans are what make the race series an event. Formula E fans differ in one respect from fans of other race se- ries: their age. The majority of Formula E fans are aged between 21 and 45, well, educated and interested in technology. Most of the Formula E spectators are Millennials. This target group is particularly passionate when it comes to sustain- ability and issues such as connectedness and technical innovation.

However, what Formula E has understood more than any other race series is the activation of the young fans. During the race, fans can vote 2.1 MIO. for their favourite driver via social media and followers on social media even give them a “fan boost”. This boost can be used by the driver, for example during an over- taking manoeuvre, to gain an advantage over their competitor. +75% compared to last season


AUDI SPORT ABT SCHAEFFLER BMWi ANDRETTI #66 #28 António Félix da Costa #11 #27 Alexander Sims

DS FORMULA E TEAM ENVISION #36 André Lotterer #2 #25 Jean-Éric Vergne #4

GEOX DRAGON HWA RACELAB #7 José María López #5 #6 Maximilian Günther #17

MAHINDRA RACING NIO FORMULA E TEAM #64 Jérôme D‘Ambrosio #16 #94 #8

NISSAN E.DAMS PANASONIC #23 Sébastien Buemi #3 Nelson Piquet Jr. #22 #20



The fact that Formula E has raced to winning over fans’ hearts is also shown by increases in TV ratings. Formula E is broadcast globally live on TV and digitally. The partners in this include Eurosport, ARD, Cannal+, FOX Sports and many others. Overall Formula E is broadcast in 197 countries.

Viewing figures have increased steadily over the first four seasons and have now reached 330 million viewers globally (season 4). The biggest jump, however, occurred from the third to the fourth season when Formula E viewing figures increased by more than 100 million.

By way of comparison, 17 million viewers watched each race in the first season. By the fourth season, this figure was already 27 million viewers, and rising.



SEASON 1 SEASON 2 SEASON 3 SEASON 4 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18


PARIS RACE 8 – 27.04.2019 BERN RACE 11 – 09.06.2019 RACE 12 – 13.07.2019 RACE 13 – 14.07.2019 HONG KONG RACE 5 – 10.03.2019 RACE 10 – 25.05.2019

MEXICO CITY MARRAKESH RACE 4 – 16.02.2019 RACE 2 – 12.01.2019

AD DIRIYAH RACE 1 – 15.12.2018 SANYA RACE 6 – 23.03.2019 SANTIAGO RACE 9 – 12.05.2019 RACE 3 – 26.01.2019 RACE 7 – 13.04.2019


The setting provides a superb opportunity for companies to present themselves as sustainable and innovative. Since January 2018, the ABB FIA Formula E Championship has also had a name sponsor in the form of ABB. However, it‘s not just since the arrival of ABB that Formula E has been attractive to sponsors. It is a platform, for example, for well-known brands such as DHL (“Delivering green logistics”), Allianz (“Insuring the future of mobility”), enel (“Powering the Championship sus- tainably”) and BWMi (“Demonstrating the next generation of electric vehicles”).

In addition to the sponsors, Formula E also provides a context in which car manufacturers can present themselves as innovative and forward-looking. There are very good reasons why, in addition to BMWi, also Jaguar, , and Citroen have a presence in Formula E, and are soon to be joined by Mercedes-Benz and Porsche.

“Formula E is the biggest innovation in motor racing and entertainment of the last 10 years.”

Jean-Claude Biver CEO of Tag Heuer (active as a time sponsor)


Tricorp, formerly the main sponsor of the Tilburg Willem II football club and the Tilburg Trappers ice hockey club, has decided to sponsor the HWA Racelab team in Formula E. Our Dutch colleagues persuaded Tricorp to make this commitment.

Director Gertjan van Eck explained to the Dutch platform Sponsorreport why Tricorp sees Formula E as an appropriate venture for the company.

From Willem II and the Tilburg Trappers to Formula E seems quite a change of direction. Why this step?”

“When you look at it like that, it might not seem an obvious choice. But Tricorp has, in fact, been involved in motorsport for a while now. For example, think of the WTCR and the Dakar Rally, where we have been working closely with Tom Coronel for two years. Or the MXGP and GT4 scene, where we have been active sponsors for some time. This puts the switch to Formula E into a different perspective and makes it not so much of a surprise.

Tricorp is in a continuous process of evolution, keeping up with new trends. This fits perfectly with Formula E, where in- novation and sustainability are very much to the fore. Seen in that way, the step to a sponsorship deal between Tricorp and Formula E is a completely logical move.”

Gertjan van Eck

Read the full interview and much more information about Formula E by clicking on the link in the confirmation email you received.

10 Matthias Mämpel E-MAIL T +49 (0) 40 376 774 62 | M +49 (0) 151 422 443 34 | E [email protected]

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