Checklist of the 167 of SC Observer(s): ______PIERIDAE - 15 spp. in SC - 27 spp. in SC Sulphurs () Blues (Polyommatinae) ______Orange-barred Sulphur - philea __ Eastern Tailed-Blue - Cupido comyntas Date: ______Large Orange Sulphur - P. agarithe __ Ceraunus Blue - Hemiargus ceraunus Time: ______Whites () - 1 sp. in SC __ Falcate Orangetip - midea Location: ______Metalmarks (Riodininae) __ Great Southern White - Ascia monuste __ Little Metalmark - Calephelis virginiensis County: ______Checkered White - Pontia protodice - 44 spp. in SC Weather: ______Cabbage White - Pieris rapae __ West Virginia White - P. virginiensis Snouts (Libytheinae) Species Total: ______American Snout - Libytheana carinenta LYCAENIDAE - 27 spp. in SC Notes: Milkweed (Danainae) Harvesters (Miletinae) __ Monarch - Danaus plexippus __ Harvester - Feniseca tarquinius __ Queen - D. gilippus Coppers (Lycaeninae) Heliconians and Fritillaries (Heliconiinae) __ American Copper - Lycaena phlaeas __ Julia - Dryas iulia Hairstreaks (Theclinae) __ Zebra Longwing - Heliconius charithonia __ Great Purple Hairstreak - Atlides halesus __ Gulf Fritillary - Dione vanillae __ White-M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album __ Variegated Fritillary - Euptoieta claudia __ Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops __ Meadow Fritillary - Boloria bellona __ Gray Hairstreak - Strymon melinus __ Diana Fritillary - Argynnis diana PAPILIONIDAE - 8 spp. in SC __ Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus __ Great Spangled Fritillary - A. cybele Swallowtails (Papilioninae) __ Hessel's Hairstreak - C. hesseli __ Aphrodite Fritillary - A. aphrodite __ Zebra Swallowtail - Eurytides marcellus __ Brown Elfin - C. augustinus Admirals and Relatives (Limenitidinae) __ Pipevine Swallowtail - Battus philenor __ Frosted Elfin - C. irus __ Viceroy - Limenitis archippus __ Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes __ Henry's Elfin - C. henrici __ Red-spotted Purple - L. arthemis __ Eastern Giant Swallowtail - Heraclides Emperors (Apaturinae) cresphontes __ Eastern Pine Elfin - C. niphon __ Hackberry Emperor - Asterocampa celtis __ Spicebush Swallowtail - Pterourus troilus __ Coral Hairstreak - Satyrium titus __ Tawny Emperor - A. clyton __ Palamedes Swallowtail - P. palamedes __ Oak Hairstreak - S. favonius True Brush-foots (Nymphalinae) __ Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - P. glaucus __ King's Hairstreak - S. kingi __ European Peacock - Aglais io __ Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail - P. __ Striped Hairstreak - S. liparops appalachiensis __ Banded Hairstreak - S. calanus __ Small Tortoiseshell - A. urticae __ Mourning Cloak - Nymphalis antiopa - 15 spp. in SC __ Edwards' Hairstreak - S. edwardsii __ Question Mark - Polygonia interrogationis Sulphurs (Coliadinae) Blues (Polyommatinae) __ Eastern Comma - P. comma __ Dainty Sulphur - iole __ Eastern Pygmy-Blue - Brephidium pseudofea __ Green Comma - P. faunus __ Barred Yellow - daira __ Cassius Blue - Leptotes cassius __ American Lady - Vanessa virginiensis __ Little Yellow - Pyrisitia lisa __ Silvery Blue - Glaucopsyche lygdamus __ Painted Lady - V. cardui __ Sleepy Orange - Abaeis nicippe __ Spring Azure - ladon __ Red Admiral - V. atalanta __ Clouded Sulphur - philodice __ Holly Azure - C. idella __ White Peacock - Anartia jatrophae __ Orange Sulphur - C. eurytheme __ Summer Azure - C. neglecta __ Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia __ Southern Dogface - cesonia __ Appalachian Azure - C. neglectamajor __ Baltimore Checkerspot - Euphydryas __ Cloudless Sulphur - phaeton

March 2021 Butterflies of the Carolinas - Printed on 2021-09-29 NYMPHALIDAE - 44 spp. in SC HESPERIIDAE - 72 spp. in SC HESPERIIDAE - 72 spp. in SC True Brush-foots (Nymphalinae) Spread-wing Skippers (Pyrginae) (Hesperiinae) __ Gorgone Checkerspot - Chlosyne gorgone __ Juvenal's Duskywing - Erynnis juvenalis __ Pepper and Salt - Amblyscirtes __ Silvery Checkerspot - C. nycteis __ Horace's Duskywing - E. horatius hegon __ Texan Crescent - texana __ Zarucco Duskywing - E. zarucco __ Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper - A. aesculapius __ Pearl Crescent - tharos __ Funereal Duskywing - E. funeralis __ Dusky Roadside-Skipper - A. alternata __ Phaon Crescent - P. phaon __ Wild Indigo Duskywing - E. baptisiae __ Common Roadside-Skipper - A. vialis Leafwings (Charaxinae) Grass Skippers (Hesperiinae) __ Bell's Roadside-skipper - A. belli __ Goatweed Leafwing - Anaea andria __ Palatka Skipper - Euphyes pilatka __ Swarthy Skipper - Nastra lherminier Satyrs () __ Berry's Skipper - E. berryi __ Neamathla Skipper - N. neamathla __ Southern Pearly-eye - Lethe portlandia __ Dion Skipper - E. dion __ Eufala Skipper - Lerodea eufala __ Northern Pearly-eye - L. anthedon __ Dukes' Skipper - E. dukesi __ Clouded Skipper - Lerema accius __ Creole Pearly-eye - L. creola __ Two-spotted Skipper - E. bimacula __ European Skipper - Thymelicus lineola __ Appalachian Brown - L. appalachia __ Dun Skipper - E. vestris __ Southern Skipperling - minima __ Gemmed Satyr - Cyllopsis gemma __ Delaware Skipper - Anatrytone logan __ Salt Marsh Skipper - Panoquina panoquin __ Little Wood-Satyr - Megisto cymela __ Arogos Skipper - Atrytone arogos __ Ocola Skipper - P. ocola __ Carolina Satyr - Hermeuptychia sosybius __ Byssus Skipper - Problema byssus __ Brazilian Skipper - Calpodes ethlius __ Intricate Satyr - H. intricata __ Rare Skipper - P. bulenta __ Least Skipper - __ Satyr - Neonympha areolatus __ Fiery Skipper - Hylephila phyleus __ Yucca Giant-Skipper - Megathymus __ Helicta Satyr - N. helicta __ Whirlabout - Polites vibex yuccae __ Common Wood-Nymph - Cercyonis pegala __ Crossline Skipper - P. origenes __ Cofaqui Giant-Skipper - M. cofaqui HESPERIIDAE - 72 spp. in SC __ Tawny-edged Skipper - P. themistocles __ Peck's Skipper - P. peckius Dicot Skippers (Eudaminae) Developed by: Dennis Forsythe and Tom Howard. __ Southern Broken-Dash - P. otho __ Dorantes Longtail - dorantes __ Northern Broken-dash - P. egeremet __ Hoary Edge - T. lyciades __ Little Glassywing - Vernia verna __ Southern Cloudywing - T. bathyllus __ Sachem - Atalopedes campestris __ Northern Cloudywing - T. pylades __ Leonard's Skipper - Hesperia leonardus __ Confused Cloudywing - T. confusis __ Cobweb Skipper - H. metea __ Long-tailed Skipper - proteus __ Dotted Skipper - H. attalus __ Golden Banded-Skipper - Telegonus cellus __ Meske's Skipper - H. meskei __ Silver-spotted Skipper - clarus Spread-wing Skippers (Pyrginae) __ Indian Skipper - H. sassacus __ Aaron's Skipper - aaroni __ Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus __ Yehl Skipper - P. yehl __ Hayhurst's Scallopwing - Staphylus hayhurstii __ Broad-winged Skipper - P. viator __ Common Checkered-Skipper - Burnsius __ Hobomok Skipper - Lon hobomok communis __ Zabulon Skipper - L. zabulon __ White Checkered-Skipper - B. albescens __ Twin-spot Skipper - Oligoria maculata __ Tropical Checkered-Skipper - B. oileus __ Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna __ Dreamy Duskywing - Erynnis icelus __ Loammi Skipper - A. loammi __ Sleepy Duskywing - E. brizo __ Carolina Roadside-Skipper - Amblyscirtes __ Mottled Duskywing - E. martialis carolina __ Reversed Roadside-Skipper - A. reversa March 2021 Butterflies of the Carolinas - Printed on 2021-09-29