At Village Hall

Present – Councillors – R Milton – Chair J Barlow, P Broomby, S Chalk, E Evans, S Jones, M Lee, J Middleton and A Milner


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors I Ashley (work), W Cheetham (on holiday), V Byrne (on holiday), V Edwards ( work), P May ( sick) and P Milner ( sick)

At this point the chair stated that item 4 on the agenda, a visit by Ambulance Service, would be brought forward so that the speakers could go if they wished to before the public participation started.

4.0 Robert Marsh spoke about the ambulance service in . – Mr Marsh praised the location that they were in at Rhydycroesau and said that they have had no call outs to the location this year. They have 1178 other hamlets to serve in SY10 area and there have been 231 emergencies from April – June 2014. Most people in the Parish area do not abuse the ambulance service and a review has been done which looks at the views of patients and nurses. The upside is that ambulances are available but the downside is that patients have to be taken into Oswestry. There are 10 ambulances in Oswestry but in any emergency a community responder will arrive first and assess the situation and an ambulance will follow if required.

Questions followed.

Q. Cllr S Chalk asked whether it would be advantageous to acquire defibrillators for the Parish?

A. Mr Marsh replied that defibrillators are in heated boxes, are easy to use and cost £1000. Some are funded by the Community ambulance service who will train people to use them and co-ordinators are needed to check them once a week. Lives have been saved by these community defibrillators. British Heart Foundation can also help with acquiring them .

Q. Cllr J Barlow commented that figures of emergencies had gone up by 20% recently Why was this?

A. Some of the emergencies were drink related and also the figures seemed to be higher in the daytime and they were trying to analyse these figures.

Q. Cllr P Broomby – At what point is a helicopter needed .

A. This is on a case by case basis and the ambulance men and control room would decide if a helicopter needs to be called in. 1

Q. A member of the Public, Mrs D Wakefield asked to speak and was allowed. She asked if someone had a stroke, which hospital would the patient be taken to.

A. Telford is the specialised hospital in this area.

Q. Cllr E Evans – Do Shropshire and Welsh ambulance services co- operate with each other.

A. There is cross county working with /Cheshire/Ellesmere Port and Shropshire import more ambulances than export them.

He also added that a number of hospitals in Shropshire were being looked at and there will be more urgent care services in the future. There will be a lot of money going into the Health Service to improve it.

Q. Cllr J Barlow asked if post codes were used to find locations

A. Not often because they had a CLI system that matched land lines against addresses. If a caller is on a mobile but does not know where they are told to go to the next junction of the road to help with locating them.

Mr Marsh was thanked for his presentation and left at this point.


There were twenty two members of the public who recorded their presence at the meeting.

The first speaker was Mrs Rosemary Harper from Maesbury who was speaking in support of the planning application 7.8 on the agenda. 14/02643/OUT - Land At Maesbury Marsh. She commented that this application would be a natural extension to the village, considered as in-fill, sustainable, close to the main road and easy to access the national road network. The access will have little modification and adjoining residents will not be affected. She asks the Parish Council to support this application.

The second speaker was Mr Malcolm Andrew speaking for himself and his neighbour, Mrs Lloyd Williams. He had spoken at the last Parish meeting and could see no further additional information regarding the Little London Lane, Trefonen proposed development, 7.7 on the agenda.The agent had brought some correspondence to the meeting for councillors but Mr Andrew stated that they could not decide after a few moments perusal. Councillors should not make a decision as the fundamentals cannot be changed. Housing on a greenfield site outside the village boundary that will affect the rural setting and will affect the location and diameter of the location including Offas Dyke path. Traffic at Bellan Lane is impossible with 90% blind bends and limited passing places. Mr Andrew has been advised by the planning officer and the clerk that there is no link between this application and the one for the Barley Mow. He 2

requested that the Council supports all the residents in opposing development in any form at this site.

The third speaker was Mr Howard Martin who spoke on planning application 14/00426/OUT – Development Land at Chapel Lane, Trefonen, 7.4 on the agenda. He wished to make 3 important points. Firstly that the development at Whitridge Way, Trefonen was a separate application and has nothing to do with this application. The many comments on the Shropshire planning portal following the drop in at Trefonen Village hall showed a skewed response because the agent of this application did not attend. Also, that he discounted the personal abuse but took on board some comments and the houses now face outwards not inwards as first planned. The development is to meet the need of second time buyers who have outgrown their current residence. There are 11,000 population so the adverse comments are from a small number.

The fourth speaker was Mr Rob Bennett who is the agent for Mr D Jones. He wished to ask for support for the development 14/01510/OUT - Land on south side of Little London Lane, 7.7 on the agenda.. He was aware that councillors were unable to make a decision at this meeting because although details had been sent into Shropshire Council planning they had not appeared on the planning portal. A Highway’s consultants report is in on the portal but other information will follow. A vote was taken that councillors would defer their decision until the information is available. All councillors were in favour.

The next speaker was Mr Phil Hayes, a Trefonen resident wishing to speak on behalf of the Trefonen Rural Protection Group (TRPG). The protection group has been formed to avoid any large scale development in Trefonen. Representatives of the group want to meet the Parish Council to discuss what can be done in Trefonen. Comments regarding planning application 14/00426/OUT Land at Chapel Lane were Highways – a mini roundabout on the junction of Chapel Lane/Chapel View should not be used because the nature of the position of the devel;opment would remove the green area there. A landscape Impact Assessment is needed. Ecology – a pond with newts is present and 4 surveys should have been undertaken between Mid March and Mid June. There is no evidence that this has been undertake.

The last speaker was Andrew Heaton who wished to comment on the planning application on Little London Lane, Trefonen. He stated that English Heritage was not a statutory consultee. Dr George Nash spent an hour looking at the site and will provide a report to Shropshire Council. He has already produced a report for the development at Whitridge Way and it was of a very good quality.


Councillor R Milton declared an interest in planning Application 14/02077/FUL. Ridgewood, Coedygo – Close Neighbour

4.0 Visit by WMAS ( see above) 3


CSO Kurt Mabe attended and reported the following incidents since the last meeting:

Theft of a bulldozer from Weston, Morda, High Risk missing person incident in Trefonen, Suspect gas man- always ask for ID for any unexpected visitors at the door, P C Dale has done speed checks in Trefonen and although no one was reported for speeding it was a deterrent to some vehicles who were pushing the limits. CSO Mabe was thanked and he left following the report.


To confirm the Minutes of the last meeting on 27 th May 2014 The minutes were proposed as a true record by Cllr J Middleton and seconded by Cllr S Chalk. All councillors were in favour excepting Cllr M Lee who abstained because he had not attended the May meeting.

ACTION: 14.6.1 Put copy of May minutes on Council website


Councillor M Lee read out the recommendations from the planning sub-committee.

7.1 14/02395/FUL- Hamilton House, Oswestry Road, Trefonen - Erection of an extension to garage – Cllr P Broomby read out an email received from Cllr J Barrow regarding an ongoing investigation by the enforcement officer at Shropshire Council regarding this property. It was proposed by Cllr M Lee and seconded by Cllr S Chalk that a decision on the application is deferred until the outcome of the investigation is decided. All councillors were in favour.

7.2 14/02266/OUT - Proposed Dwelling SW Of, Crickheath, Shropshire - Outline application for the erection of one dwelling and garage to include means of access. The planning sub-committee recommended that the Council do not support this application. Information on the Shropshire Council planning portal states in the design statement that the development is sustainable because it is in Pant but this is not the case. It is situated in Long Lane, Crickheath as confirmed by a resident in Crickheath who lives next door to the site. The clerk will contact planning for clarification of this point . It was proposed by Cllr M Lee and seconded by Cllr T Milner that the Council do not support this application.All councillors were in favour excepting Cllr S Chalk who abstained.

7.3 14/02077/FUL - Ridgewood , Coed-Y-Go, Oswestry - Erection of a replacement eco- dwelling and partial replacement of an outbuilding and associated works. – The planning sub-committee recommend that the Council support this application. Councillor comments were that the bungalow would be nicer because it was quite old and needed some work. It also overlooks three cottages and there could be privacy issues. Councillor P Broomby proposed that the recommendation is accepted and this


was seconded by Cllr M Lee. All were in favour excepting Cllr R Milton who abstained.

7.4 14/00426/OUT - Development Land Off Chapel Lane, Trefonen, Oswestry – amendments – The Planning sub-committee have looked at the amendments put forward on this application and would recommend that the Council stand by their original comments not to support the development.

They would also recommend that the mining risk assessment commissioned by the applicant is taken heed of where it says that: ‘Information available from the Coal Authority’s website indicates that the site is within a “Development High Risk Area” and a “Coal Mining Reporting Area”. Of the 7 risks listed. 3 are a risk on this site.There is a significant probability that there are unrecorded shafts on the site and in close proximity and they cannot be evidenced without intrusive site investigations.

A proposer to accept this recommendation was requested.

Cllr J Middleton stated that she was in favour of the development because she was a school governor at Trefonen School and it was vitally important to have more young people moving into the village and using the school. Councillor T Milner stated that he was supporting the views of the public and would vote against the development.

Councillor T Milner proposed that the Council support the recommendation .Three councillors voted not to support the recommendation and four to support with two abstaining. It was carried to support the recommendation.

Following the meeting the clerk sent the comments to Shropshire Council planning portal to not support the development and the following morning had a call from the applicant to say that the decision at the meeting was to support the application not the recommendation. The clerk rang the councillors who had voted to clarify that they had voted for the recommendation and not the application.

Councillors J Middleton, M Lee, S Chalk and E Evans had voted to support the application not the recommendation of the sub-committee and Councillors P Broomby, T. Milner and Janet Barlow had voted for the recommendation of the sub-committee and not to support the application. Councillors R Milton and S Jones had abstained from voting.

This meant that the statement on the Shropshire Planning portal was incorrect. After speaking to the chairman, the clerk contacted Liz Kilvert in Planning who said that she needed an email asking them to delete the comment. This was done and a comment to support the application was then sent in.

7.5 14/02604/OUT- Land Adj Stone House , Maesbury Marsh, Oswestry, SY10 8JA - Outline application for the erection of 24 No dwellings and formation of estate road – Due to the fact that the notices for this development had only just gone up it was recommended by the planning sub-committee that the decision was deferred and an


extension for comments was requested until after the July meeting. All councillors were in favour.

7.6 14/02507/FUL- 1 Cae Onan, Morda - Erection of single storey rear extension - The planning sub-committee recommend that the Parish Council ask for an extension for comments so that councillors can visit the site and make an informed opinion. The recommendation is to send comments in following the July meeting .Cllr M Lee proposed that the Council accept the recommendation and this was seconded by Cllr S Chalk. All were in favour excepting Cllr J Barlow who abstained.

7.7 14/01510/OUT – Land on south side of little London Lane, Trefonen – outline application for development – Following the discussion in the public participation session this application was deferred to the July meeting.

7.8 14/02643/OUT - Land At, Maesbury Marsh, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 8JD - Outline application (All Matters Reserved) for residential development - The planning sub- committee feel that residents need more time to comment . Site notices were not posted until this week and councillors need time to look at the site. Again, the sub- committee would like to recommend that an extension for comments is extended until the end of July.

7.9 Planning Decisions since the last meeting on 27 th May 2014

A list of planning decisions since the May meeting was circulated to all councillors.

ACTION: 14.6.2 Put comments on Shropshire Council Planning Portal

8.0 MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES 8.1 Parish Planning – Survey update

Cllr P Broomby reported that the Parish Survey is now complete and posted on the Parish website. The steering group had met and listed some ‘quick fixes’ that the Parish Council could look at. Some of these were to look at speed limits, Maesbury W I – hut access, organise a litter pick around the Parish, improve the website and set up a Face Book page with some training for councillors, dog fouling solutions, R Morda flooding, introduce Best Garden in Parish/Wards, google analytic, notice boards, re cycling and Trefonen to Treflach footpath. Some of these could be followed up and councillors were asked to volunteer to take on some of these areas. It was suggested that the Parish Survey is reviewed each May and that Parish businesses are contacted regarding litter picking to see if they could help in any way. The business survey has also been completed and put on the website. The clerk will now produce a financial report to confirm the costs of the survey. Councillor M Lee commended the work that the steering group had undertaken and also volunteers in the community who had helped.

ACTION: 14.6.3 Draw up a list of all expenditure for Parish Surveys


ACTION: 14.6.4 The ‘quick fixes’ are followed up and councillors are asked to take on particular areas in their ward.

8.2 Cemeteries/ Outdoor Spaces –:Cemetery Management

The clerk reported that planning has been granted for Trefarclawdd Cemetery to change the use of new land from agricultural to cemetery land and to form a second access when required. The clerk was thanked for the extra work and perseverance to acquire the planning permission.

8.3 Play Area for Maesbury- Update

Cllr S Chalk had nothing to report concerning the Play Area except that the fencing around the site was being pulled down and that she has reported this to Shropshire Council. Cllr T Milner commented that children are playing on the site. Correspondence had been received by the clerk from a Maesbury resident asking that Maesbury Community Group has ongoing discussions with the Maesbury councillors regarding the future of the Maesbury School Playing Field land. Due to the holiday period and sickness with a member of the Community Group the intended time scale has been put back for the moment.

8.4 Morton Old Post box Post – repair – Nothing to report at present. Cllr V Byrne will be contacted to discuss the matter.

ACTION: 14.6.5. Contact Cllr V Byrne concerning the repair to Old Post Box Post repair

8.5 Land at Glentworth Avenue- update

The transfer papers are with the Council’s solicitor and following checks and land registry will be available for signing. Unfortunately Shropshire Council have failed to cut the grass and residents are complaining. The clerk will report this matter

ACTION: 14.6.6 Report to Shropshire Council the fact that the grass has not been cut at Glentworth Green Area.

8.6 Green Spaces within the Parish

A small steering group of councillors are due to meet on Wednesday, 25 th June and will report to the next meeting.

8.7 Trefonen Shop – update

Cllr V Edwards, whose mother owns the shop was not at the meeting so no update was available.


Councillors were disappointed that the shop and post office has not been leased/sold. They asked if a sympathetic letter could be sent to the owner pointing out that the frontage of the shop was not very inviting to prospective buyers.

ACTION; 14.6.7. Write a letter to Mrs M Martin regarding the frontage of Trefonen Shop


Councillor J Barrow was unable to attend due to her attendance at a function so no report was available.


An up to date report on highway issues was circulated to councillors. Some issues are still not finalised. Outside ‘Lima’ in Coedygo is still pooling with water when it rains. It was suggested that when there is a few days of rain a site visit is requested to Highways so that they can see the situation when it arises. Cllr E Evans requested a site meeting at Cross Foxes, . This is an ongoing issue and he would like it to be finished. The Aston sign at the top of Penylan needs cleaning and the cast iron finger pointing to Llansilin is in need of repair.

ACTION 14.6.8 Report outstanding issues to Highways


Shropshire Council

11.1 Road Closure – Morda Road , Oswestry 15 th August 2014 for 4 days – Micro surfacing – For information

11.2 Public Path Diversion – Footpath 11 (part) – For Info

This item was missing in the pack and councillors requested a copy.

ACTION: 14.6.9 Copy & send to all councillors

11.3 Planning Decision Notice – Trefarclawdd Cemetery – For Information


11.4 Oswestry Town Council – completion of internal audit – Cllr J Barlow proposed that the Year End Account is signed off along with the Annual Governance Statement. This was seconded by Cllr J Middleton. All were in favour and the chair signed the Return.

ACTION: 14.6.10 Complete and return Year End notice to Mazaras, Auditors



It was proposed by Cllr M Lee and seconded by Cllr J Barlow that the list of payments is accepted. All councillors were in favour. Chq No Payee Amount

201506 Bibby Factors Manchester Ltd – replacement for lost chq 201501 2902.80

201507 V Smout – Clerk – Salary for June 2014 726.68

201508 Inland Revenue – Tax /NI for June 2014 173.19

201509 Highline Electrical – Street Light Repair 37.20

201510 Lawrence Direct – Stationery & Copying for May and 16 copies of 106.12 Parish survey for Cllrs

201511 Micro Plus – ink 56.78

201512 Oswestry Town Council – Internal Audit for 2013/14 192.00

201513 Royce Landscapes – ground maint for end of May/June 674.00

Councillors asked that they recognised a recent newspaper article concerning Morton Playing Field and would like it minuted that Parish Council maintained the grass and hedges around the field for many years.


Trefonen School

Defibrillators for the Parish

Events in the Parish – regular item for agenda

Meeting Closed at 8.43pm