Ugly Mondays Bad Boys, Bad Boys DailyTitaN Columnist discusses issues of Campus troublemakers sow up in www.dailytitan.comOnline kharma OPINION, p. 6 Cop Blotter PAGE TWO Since 1960 Monday Volume 84, Issue 31 April 9, 2007 DailyThe Student Voice of California StateTitan University, Fullerton ASI Presidency Undetermined tive Vice President Javier Gamboa, est number we’ve had in the last two Run-off election results who is running for president with years,” Meza said. and new president will be Linda Vasquez as his executive vice “This has been the craziest elec- president. tion I’ve ever seen and I’ve been announced next week Over 40 people gathered in the involved with each one for the last Legislative Chambers of the Titan three years,” said CSUF student An- Student Union to hear the election gela Meyers, who was campaigning BY KRISTINA JUNIO results Thursday night. for Williams and Schlaufman. Daily Titan Staff Writer Gamboa and Vasquez had 1,202 After the polls closed, Williams
[email protected] votes while Williams and Schlaufman said she was feeling pretty good. had 1,132 votes. Kerry Belvill and “Last year I was out talking to a The results of the Associated Stu- Cassandra Rehm had 218 votes and lot of people, but this year I did not dents, Inc. spring presidential race would not be participating in the hold back what so ever, every person prompted a run-off election between run-off. who walked by I talked to and a lot the two highest voted pairs because “In order to win, according to the of people said they voted,” Williams none of the candidates won by a ma- bylaws, you have to have 50 per- said.