Draft for Internal Circulations: v1: Spring Semester, 2012, v2: Spring Semester, 2013 v3: Spring Semester, 2014, v4: Spring Semester, 2015 Lecture Notes on Quantum Field Theory Yong Zhang1 School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, China (Spring 2015) Abstract These lectures notes are written for both third-year undergraduate students and first-year graduate students in the School of Physics and Technology, University Wuhan, China. They are mainly based on lecture notes of Sidney Coleman from Harvard and lecture notes of Michael Luke from Toronto and lecture notes of David Tong from Cambridge and the standard textbook of Peskin & Schroeder, so I do not claim any originality. These notes certainly have all kinds of typos or errors, so they will be updated from time to time. I do take the full responsibility for all kinds of typos or errors (besides errors in English writing), and please let me know of them. The third version of these notes are typeset by a team including: Kun Zhang2, Graduate student (Id: 2013202020002), Participant in the Spring semester, 2012 and 2014 Yu-Jiang Bi3, Graduate student (Id: 2013202020004), Participant in the Spring semester, 2012 and 2014 The fourth version of these notes are typeset by Kun Zhang, Graduate student (Id: 2013202020002), Participant in the Spring semester, 2012 and 2014-2015 1yong
[email protected] 2kun
[email protected] [email protected] 1 Draft for Internal Circulations: v1: Spring Semester, 2012, v2: Spring Semester, 2013 v3: Spring Semester, 2014, v4: Spring Semester, 2015 Acknowledgements I thank all participants in class including advanced undergraduate students, first-year graduate students and French students for their patience and persis- tence and for their various enlightening questions.