Hurlford Street Design Project: Explore the Designs

We are now entering the Design Stage of the project where you can view and feedback on the initial designs from Monday 9th to Monday 30th March.

The initial designs have been developed with the community following activities and surveys undertaken since September 2019.

Please take a look through this booklet to view the initial designs and complete a feedback form to help us refine these further. Alternatively you can feedback on the project website:


@SustransScot Hurlford Street Design Project

Welcome to the Design Stage.

Please have a look through and feedback on the initial designs that have been developed with the community since September 2019.

You can also get involved online:

Project Background Sustrans and East Council are working in partnership on an ambitious collaborative design project to re-imagine Hurlford Village Centre.

The project follows a successful application by Ayrshire Roads Alliance, in partnership with colleagues in Council, to Sustrans Scotland last year for support through Sustrans’ Street Design Programme. The application came from community desire to improve the current vehicle dominated street environment and underutilised public space.

The project will work directly with the local community of Hurlford and neighbouring Crookedholm between now and June 2020 to develop a concept design which aims to: • Celebrate local history and heritage; • Provide access for all; • Address vehicle dominance and speeds; and • Enhance public space.

The initial designs have been inspired so far by the community and will be developed further following your feedback. This is your opportunity to develop a better quality street environment for Hurlford Village Centre!

Who is Involved? Sustrans is the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle. Funded by the Scottish Government, Sustrans’ Street Design projects work to bring communities together to help them re-imagine and re-design their streets and public spaces so they are safer and more attractive places to live in and travel through.

East Ayrshire Council (EAC) and Ayrshire Roads Alliance are the project delivery partners who will support Sustrans with the development of a concept design. If approved, funding is available from Sustrans to develop the design further and deliver the project.

The project partners make up a Delivery Group who will develop the project in line with its aims and objectives. This will be steered and supported by a Steering Group made up of key community representatives including:

• Local residents • Hurlford Community Association • Hurlford Primary School • Local Councillors • East Ayrshire Tenants & Residents Federation • Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce • Young people • Project Timeline

AUTUMN 2019 - DISCOVER • Introduce and generate awareness • Meet the local community • Build a picture of the neighbourhood through information gathering, activities, observations and surveys

WINTER 2019 - DEVELOP • Feedback to the community on the Discover phase • Collect and Develop identified ideas and opportunities using an analyse interactive model of the street environment information • Gather feedback on initial design sketches

SPRING 2020 - DESIGN We are here! • Feedback on what has been discovered and Develop developed so far community design ideas • Present the designs in the form of plan view and sketches • Explore the designs through collecting comments on the street, at events and online

SUMMER 2020 - DISPLAY • Bring the design ideas to life through either street trials or exhibitions Refine designs • Presenting behaviour change recommendations • Handover to the project partner for further development

Pathway to Delivery A common pathway for delivery of a Street Design Project is normally three years from concept design to delivery (subject to funding and approvals)

Concept Design Detailed Design Delivery

1 year concept design Approximately 2 years detailed design to construction Dumfries Neighbourhood Street Design Project (example) What have we done so far?

Pop up park Over 10 events held Workshops locally to involve the community and develop designs

Talking Pictures

Over D 250 people at i events and sc ov 400 visitors to the er project website

Big Street D Survey e Live v Meetings Drawings el held with op Hurlford Community Association, Hurlford Primary School, Cuppa & Blether, Mother & Toddler, Sheltered Housing, the

Parent Council and Wreath many more. making What have we found out?

Bet Fred Bomba Gathering Data Grill Peking Star We have conducted the following surveys to better Co-op understand how people currently use and travel Pharmac within Hurlford. Some of the highlights of our findings are presented here: Lifestyle Express Road/ Blair Road/ Cessnock Road Public Life Study to observe movements

Community survey to understand people's views and travel behaviour

Parking and loading survey Mauchline Road/ Union Street / Academy Street Academy Street Traffic speed and volume counts observed people movements

Vehicle Movements What are the barriers to walking and wheeling in hurlford? We conducted a traffic count to understand the number and speed of vehicle movements within the village centre.

Union Street (between Academy St Academy Street (between Union St and Riccarton Rd): and Academy Ct):

Mauchline Rd (Between Academy Mauchline Rd (Between Academy * Respondents to the community survey could select more than one barrier St and Riccarton Rd): St and Cessnock Rd): Union Street Parking Demand

* VPD = vehicles per day (VPD) * 85th percentile speed = the speed at or below which 85% of vehicles are observed to travel at We are undertaking further surveys to better understand the purpose of vehicles travelling through Hurlford.

Parking We conducted a study to better understand parking demand: • Demand for parking reaches 26% of capacity across Weekday Weekend Current capacity the surveyed area • Demand for parking in Academy Street car park reaches Academy Street Parking Demand 55% of capacity from 2.30-5pm during the week and 50% from 1-1.30pm at the weekend. This indicates the car park is underutilised. • During the week, parking on Union Street stays consistently high from 8.30-5pm indicating this is used by people who work in Hurlford. At the weekend, demand for parking reaches 16% of capacity. • During the week, parking on Academy Street peaks at 8.30-9am and 2.30-3pm indicating this is used for drop off and pick up. At the weekend, parking peaks at 12.30-1pm and 5.30-6pm indicating this is used for meal trips.

We are undertaking further parking surveys on Union Street Weekday Weekend Current capacity and Academy Street to understand peak hours better. * Surveys undertaken on one Tuesday and one Saturday during November Developing the Design

Narrow Pavements kkeyey themes Maintenance During the Develop Stage, Safer Route to School Through Traffic we analysed the communities Roundabout comments from the Discover Public Transport ActivityAccess Visibility Stage. Public Realm The word cloud to the right Anti-social Behaviour Match Day Parking Signage indicates the general themes

CommunityPollution that were highlighted by Litter Clutter you with the most popular Crossing Safety Formalise Parking appearing the largest. ParkingIdentity GreenerySpeedingPlay These have been used to Economic Vitality develop the design objectives. Traffic History & Heritage studstudyy area Following early engagement, the original project boundary that we asked the community to comment on and suggest ideas for has been refined to reflect the following boundaries:

Design Focus Area: This will be the focus of the design, addressing key movement corridors for the community accessing shops, school, nursery and Design area subject to other local facilities. further analysis: This encompasses This area will be developed Union Street, Academy following further traffic Street (inc car park), analysis including the Mauchline Service Road Mauchline Road corridor and the junctions across and roundabout. Mauchline Road.

Project Boundary: The dashed line is the extent of the area we asked for your comments on. All comments received out with the 'Design Focus Area' but within this boundary will be passed onto East Ayrshire Council and Ayrshire Roads Alliance for further consideration. Snapshot of your Comments

Galston Road/ Riccarton Rd/ Roundabout Co-op Car Park Main Issues: Main Issues: • Vehicle speeds and volume • Parking not optimised • Poor visibility at roundabout due to • Fly-tipping vegetation • Anti-social behaviour • Anti-social driving on Riccarton Rd. • Vehicle speeds at the roundabout mouth on Opportunities: Galston Rd arm • Improve signage to encourage use • Formalise parking to optimise space

Primary School Area, including Union Street and Academy Street Service Road Main issues: Main Issues: • • Traffic volume including HGV’s The Thack Inn Increased through traffic

• Access The • No pavement for pedestrians • Parking Thistle • Unsafe for children walking to school • Pavements too narrow Spa Taste of Asia Opportunities: Butcher Funeral Village Centre • Signage to other parking Service Main Issues: • Safer environment during school time Supper Sonic • Parking on the land behind the bus stop • Create environment for parents to socialise after pick Bet Fred • Lack of enforcement on parking restrictions up and drop off Bombay Grill • No clear identity Peking Star Co-op • Unwelcoming Pharmacy • Lack of safe crossings (Mauchline Rd and Health & Child Facilities Academy Street) Main issues: Lifestyle Express • Poor quality public realm (design and materials) • Access and Parking during school times • Clutter/Litter • Vehicle dominance • More frequent buses to centre Blair Road • Empty buildings Main Issues: • Lack of café or things to do • Match Day Parking • Lack of proper maintenance • Speeding/cut through • Traffic volume and behaviour • Litter/Dog mess • Short stay parking • Drainage Opportunities: • Re-purpose library into a community space or café Opportunities: • Lots of space to improve public realm • Propeller is well loved • Make Hurlford's rich history and heritage visible • Space for planting and artwork Zebra Crossing and Cessnock Rd. Junction • Visually link to the and landscape Main Issues: • Outdoor activity (e.g.. community garden, outdoor • Safer crossing for children going to school gym) • Poor visibility • Vehicle speed and volume

Opportunity: Mauchline Road • Potential for small quality place at junction Main Issues: • Vehicle speeds and volumes • Not enough safe crossing points • Narrow pavement in some sections Other Opportunities • Better signage and information for Chris Hoy Way • Improve access and facilities for Play Park • Better signage to walking routes along the River Community Centre Irvine Opportunities: • Clean up area behind the old Co-op • Better promotion of events

Village Centre / Mauchline Road Union Street & Academy Street "Public notice board would be good next to bus shelter at "Academy street should be closed when Roundabout / Galston Blair Road / Cessnock Road the cross majority of people will pass by and see school opens and closes." Road / Riccarton Road it." "Old library - what is being done with " There is a big car park but doesn't "Vegetation overgrown and this?" " I like the propeller theme on the paths but they seem to get used by cars or vans." unattractive" are very old. If replaced/updated, keeping the "Cars speed in both directions along propeller pattern on the ground would be nice." "Poor entrance to school... Entrance "Traffic coming onto Cessnock Road. Beyond the bottle-neck Improving the Public Realm could be colourful!" roundabout from Galston near the junction with Mauchline Road, "Clutter, rubbish and equipment left outside Road travels far too fast" there is nothing to slow them down." Many people commented about making the village centre a nicer place to meet friends, with opportunities to connect with each other Coop all the timeand Unattractive" socialise. People said they liked the propeller, and suggested more opportunities"unable to sit, to play,see or oncoming enjoy planting vehicles in the area. on exit from coop car park due to vehicles "Mono block is awful veryComments easy to highlighted slip on thein badvillage centre is not inviting with street clutter, poor lighting and drainage,on corners." slippery surface, and poor/dirty weather"signage making the area feel unwelcoming.

The desire to create better use of this space alongside the area behind the bus stop was shared by many respondents.

Designed by gstudioimagen / Freepik Design Objectives

Since the project commenced in September 2019, the project team have analysed hundreds of comments from the community.

These comments have been developed into a set of design objectives so that the designs for the ‘Design Focus Area’ endeavour to address the current issues and opportunities identified so far by the community.

All design proposals and options are subject to further investigation and development, and some measures would also require formal advertisement through the promotion of traffic orders prior to implementation.

Re-design public spaces so they feel more inviting to spend time in and travel through by: • removing unnecessary street clutter (e.g poles and railings); • creating intergenerational public spaces for community activities; • removing inappropriate parking; • moving the bus stop to a more central location; and • adding build outs, trees and street furniture.

Designed by gstudioimagen / Freepik

Create a safer street environment by slowing down vehicles and enhancing crossings by: • raising the junctions along Mauchline Road to improve visibility; • introducing a one-way on Mauchline Service Road with a contra-flow for cyclists; and • building out the pavements along Academy Street and Union Street to reduce the carriageway to approx. 6m.

Designed by Freepik

Improve local journeys by making it easier for people of all ages to access local facilities and businesses by: • improving formal crossings along Mauchline Road; • adding informal crossing points along Academy Street, Union Street, Blair Road and Cessnock Road; • using continuous pavements along Academy Street; • creating a pedestrian friendly environment along Mauchline Service Road; Designed by pikisuperstar / Freepik • highlighting the route to school, shops and local facilities; and • improving signage.

Better utilisation of road space by formalising parking and highlighting links to existing public car parks by: • formalising vehicle parking, where possible; • physically reinforcing waiting restrictions; • introducing a timed-loading bay for businesses on Mauchline Road;

Designed by Freepik • highlighting links to existing car parks; and • trialling a Park & Stride within walking distance of the primary school.

Strengthening community identity by: • highlighting the village's history and heritage; • creating spaces where people can meet and spend time in; and • signposting to activities and points of interest within the village.

Designed by studiogstock / Freepik Initial Designs - Overview

The initial designs aim to address key movement corridors across Mauchline Road for the community Back wall removed accessing shops, school, nursery and other local facilities along 20mph on Mauchline Road Mauchline Service Road, Academy Street and Union Street New bus stop location Continuous footway (option A) Terminology: New path through car park Existing car park entrance Continuous Footway extends the pavement material Park and Stride across a side road junction, at the same level as the pavement. Continuous footways give greater Existing light controlled crossing priority to people walking across side Build out pavement roads, making it easier for people Narrowed radii at junction with mobility aids, prams and walking Informal crossing difficulties to move across junctions. Timed loading bay for businesses Build out pavement Drivers exiting or entering side streets Narrowed junction with material change will in effect be driving over the footway New public space and will need to be more aware of Contra-flow for people on bikes people and be required to stop before entering or exiting a side street. Visual crossing material change Raised junction with material change Raised Table Junction New bus stop location raises the road across the junction. Raised table junction,with (option B) This makes the junction more visible coloured surface to drivers, and makes it easier for people to cross the road, as well as Narrowed radii at junction helps to ensure drivers slow down at junctions. New pavement on desire line Existing car park entrance Narrowed Radii at Junction builds out the pavement to make the corners sharper. This helps to ensure drivers are slowing down as they turn New blue badge parking the corners.

Street Dimensions

One-way for vehicles (on Mauchline Service Road) 4.2m Narrowed radii at junction 6m 7.5m Visual crossing material change Material change to residential street 8.5m 4.3m New public space Raised junction with material change 6m Existing zebra crossing 2.5m (this would be raised) 8.2m 20mph on Mauchline Road 6m 6m


Informal crossing Widened pavement Continuous footways *All designs subject to further Enhanced greenspace Existing nursery parking New blue badge parking investigation and development Build out pavement (access to existing school entrance) Provision for positive parking N Mauchline Service Road & MAuchline / Blair / Cessnock Rd Junction

Mauchline Service Road The design for this area aims to remove non residential traffic from the street, making it quieter and safer for those living here and more attractive as a quiet route for people to walk and cycle to the village centre. Key proposals include: • Creating a safer environment for residents and people travelling on foot, bikes, scooters and with mobility aids, by making the service road a one-way for vehicles, with contraflow for people on bikes • Creating a usable pavement for people not comfortable or able to walk on the road by paving the desire line on the verge • Enhancing the residential feel of the street by discouraging non-resident vehicles using the street as a through route • Indicating a shift to a residential environment by using a change of materials at the entrance and exit of the street • Visually highlighting the route to the school and village centre through artwork and way-finding

Proposed Mauchline / Blair / Cessnock Rd Junction The design for this area aims to make it safer and easier to cross Mauchline Road, and more attractive for people to walk and cycle to the village centre, school, and local amenities. Key proposals include: • Creating a safer environment with a physically enforced 20mph speed limit • Making it easier to cross by raising the road to pavement level, and including tactile paving for people with visual impairments • Slowing the speed of vehicles turning by narrowing the radii of the junction mouth at the corners • Making the movement of people walking and cycling more visible to drivers by highlighting desire lines with informal crossings • Creating a gateway feature for entering the village centre with a new public realm space and higher quality materials • Visually highlighting the route to the school and village centre through artwork and way-finding


*All designs subject to further investigation and development N Mauchline / Blair / Cessnock Rd Junction

Proposed sketch

*Not to scale


Existing view Academy Street & Mauchline Road junction

Academy Street and car park The design for this area aims to enhance the residential character of the street, make it safer and more attractive for people to walk and cycle to the school and local amenities, and improve links to the River Irvine Walk and Crookedholm. Key proposals include: • Providing an attractive path through the car park and removing the back wall to better connect to the river and Crookedholm • Formalising parking bays outside residential properties and the Dentist • Discouraging parking on the areas with double yellow lines and near junctions by directing people to the under-utilised car park through clearer signage • Making it easier for people to cross side roads by extending the pavements over junction mouths, providing appropriate tactile paving for people with visual impairments

Junction The design for this area aims to make it easier to cross Mauchline Road and Academy Street, and safer and more attractive for people to walk and cycle to the village centre, school, and local amenities. Key proposals include: Proposed Academy Street parking • Making it easier to cross by raising the road to pavement level, and including tactile paving for people with visual impairments • Slowing the speed of vehicles turning by narrowing the radii of the junction mouth at the corners • Making the movement of people walking and cycling more visible to drivers by highlighting desire lines with informal crossings • Making it easier for people to move around on foot by physically reinforcing waiting restrictions • Providing a timed loading bay for deliveries to local businesses

Public Space The proposals for this area aim to provide a new public space for people of all ages to spend time in. Key proposals include: • Increasing the amount of public space by moving the bus stop to a new location (Option A is to the north of Mauchline Road; Option B is to push it slightly south form its current location) • Screening the public space from the noise and poor air-quality of Mauchline Road with planting and trees • Suggesting ideas for how to use the public space for meeting, sitting, playing, and other activities Existing • Celebrating the history and heritage of Hurlford through artwork and public realm features • Creating a path through the space to better *All designs subject to further investigation and development connect desired crossings N Mauchline Rd & Academy St Junction

Proposed sketch

*Not to scale


Existing view Union Street & Academy Street

Street Layout Parking The design for this area aims to Nursery drop-off enhance the residential feel of the street and make it safer and more attractive for people to walk and cycle to the school and local amenities, and create more quality spaces for people to use and spend time in.

Key proposals include: • Making it easier and safer to cross Academy Street and Union Street by raising the road at the junction • Slowing the speed of vehicles 4.2m • Making the movement of people walking and cycling 6m more visible to drivers by highlighting informal crossings • Providing new disabled parking bays in front of the 4.3m school and surgery • Physically restricting parking 6m outside the school on the 2.5m keep clear zig-zag lines, and re-allocating short stays to 6m 6m the currently under-utilised (space for parking when disabled bay Academy Street car park not in use) • Creating more space for people on the pavements by widening them where possible • Improving the air quality and feel of the area outside the school entrances by physically N restricting parking, and including low-level planting *All designs subject to • Re-designing the greenspace further investigation for people of all ages to use to and development Proposed meet and spend time in

Parking To enhance the residential feel of the street and make the environment safer and more attractive for people accessing the school, nursery and local amenities, the design seeks to re-organise space for vehicle parking along Union Street and Academy Street.

Current capacity: Across both streets, parking peaks at different times throughout the day.

Union Street parking capacity and demand Union Street Academy Street parking capacity and demand Academy Street Weekday parking Weekday parking demand demand stays consistent reaches 71% of capacity at 76% of capacity between 8.30-9am and 2.30- between 8.30-5pm. This 3pm, indicating the street is indicates the street is mainly used for the school mainly used by people run. At the weekend, parking working in Hurlford. At demand reaches 54% of the weekend, demand capacity between 12.30-1pm for parking only reaches and 5.30-6pm indicating this 16% of capacity. is mainly used for meal trips. Weekday Weekend Current capacity Proposed capacity (inc 1 blue badge) Weekday Weekend Current capacity (inc 1 blue badge) Proposed capacity (inc 2 blue badge)

Proposed capacity The initial designs have been developed to ensure there is enough space provided for residents, nursery drop offs, patients and, where possible, those who work close by. However, to provide more pavement width (especially outside the school), the initial designs would provide less space for vehicle parking along Union Street and Academy Street.

Those doing short trips (for example, the school run and meal trips), will be encouraged to use the proposed Park and Stride in the under-utilised Academy Street car park. Academy Street From Academy / Union St Junction

Proposed sketch

*Not to scale


Existing view Union Street

Proposed sketch

*Not to scale N

Existing view Exciting Changes Being Progressed

Scottish Government's Town Centre Regeneration Fund East Ayrshire Council has allocated Town Centre Regeneration funding to deliver some exciting changes to Hurlford over the coming months following suggestions made by the community through the Hurlford Street Design Project. We're progressing permissions for delivering the following:

Dog New waste Resurface Historical behind images plaque for bag the Mauchline for the bus dispensers Road bus stops propeller stop

Cycle Shutter parking d art Communityd for local for Hurlfor noticeboar Primary businesses School

Temporary Parklet

Through discussions with the community, we have identified an exciting opportunity to temporarily transform the area of land behind the bus stop where Academy Street meets Mauchline Road.

A temporary parklet would allow us to see how this space could be transformed through: • Colourful benches • Raised beds and planters • Dog waste bag dispenser • Cycle parking • Historical images displayed on the bus shelter

The trial would encourage feedback from the local community on how this space should function, test out street furniture positions, work with Hurlford Primary School's Eco Club to look after the plants and help shape the design for this area further. If successful, the parklet could remain in place until the project is delivered or it could also be removed.

Permission is being sought from East Ayrshire Council for the trial and exact locations of the temporary street furniture will be determined with closest residents and businesses. What’s Next?

In partnership with Hurlford Primary School, we're planning several exciting activities to help and encourage more pupils to Big Pedal: walk and cycle to school as part of the national Big Pedal event! y We will be working with pupils to develop a Park & Stride and 22 April - 5 MaMay walking buses to encourage more use of the Academy Street car park during peaks hours. We're looking for volunteers to 2020 help with walking buses. If you are able to help, please email: [email protected]

Pedal Active Street Cinema Breakfast Trial

Upcoming public events: Complete a survey Join us at the following events throughout March: You can also view and • Monday 9th, 2-4pm at Hurlford Church feedback on the project • Wednesday 18th, 12:30-2pm at Hurlford Community Centre website: hurlfordproposals. • Thursday 26th, 2:30-4pm & 6-7:30pm on Mauchline Service Rd or complete a survey at: Hurlford Church; Or join us for a walk through of the initial designs on Community Centre; or Hurlford Wednesday 18th or Thursday 26th March between Primary School. 11.30-12.30pm starting from Hurlford Community Centre. Both will finish with a cuppa. Please feedback by Monday 30th March The Project Team are looking for... • Green fingers to help with planting and make the village centre more green • Parents & guardians to help out with walking buses • Help to name the triangle of land behind the bus stop, where Academy Street meets Mauchline Road • People to share stories of old Hurlford and Crookedholm to help us understand the History and Heritage of the area Active Travel Hub - weekly walks

Mondays at 1pm (various locations) Wednesdays at 5.30pm (Kilmarnock) Fridays at 1pm ()

If you would like to find out more, please contact the Hub on Facebook, email [email protected] or phone 01563 532416

@SustransScotland @SustransScot [email protected]