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U. S. Warns A-Bomb, Germ W Wan Nfcata" «War N Yw»A Aga Aai Mm Way Wa Ha*A Tarday on Board Th* Cunard Whlta I«Aa«” A«Ar Alaaa Mm

U. S. Warns A-Bomb, Germ W Wan Nfcata" «War N Yw»A Aga Aai Mm Way Wa Ha*A Tarday on Board Th* Cunard Whlta I«Aa«” A«Ar Alaaa Mm

THUUDAT, AVGUST lA IM f, f AGB 8UTIEM Comfug 9»n>Ui ATsrsfs Daily Nat Praaa Ran F*r the Week Ended Tba Wutliar Ang. a, ISU EWiuencl af O. a Wiaikar Mr. and MM. Frank IL Hawttt ahildran, Nancy, > , 9 6 3 About Town atssan, of Mlaasl UprUtgt, FM.. are Fhir tcnlaht and Hntnrdey, < aialUnir at the honM af Mm. fan* e cC the AndH c*pt few Into nftenwen Mww* Mambtra of tb« MaiwhMUr Fortin. 10 Hondack atraat JOri le t r - ■ fir* Dcpartmmt wH* wiMi to go HawKt latkaf swssi Um MlnImnm tonifk t In middle die. t« th* parad* aaO eonvaatlan In l u y i i y o u R M anchester—" A City o f Viilage Chdrm Naugatuck on aaturOay, Aug. 10 Mr. and Mrs. BraraU CamboU ar* raquaatad to moat at th* flr* of Bast Osntar stsaat CL CBrls- MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. AUGUST 18, 1058 \OW ON SALT * houa* at 10:M gaturday nwmlng. tansan and Mrs. AmMia Bddy (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS of East Hartford, and William A aon waa hom at th* a t Fran* VIdIta af Nova gcatla kava loft tor eta Hoapttal, Hartfoid, Aug. IS to a tbr***wa*k tour af aorthem Naw _____ M «k*T » n Mr. and Mrs. Witfston Chavallar of Migland and Oinada. H m ultimata Leads Hungary SB Oltvar toad. ^ daatlnatlan af th* pari^ Is Mid* ri£!*SfWa ■■iptH prMf *f Mm tnw dlatan, Nora Scatla, tha ham* of n e s ■wT ^ A t ***‘r tt fw M« tk« way M "Itwmr Murial K. Armstrong of 10 Mr. VidIta wha la Mrs. Eddy's Bdgarton atraat, ratuming from bratbar. ^ S S m r S i Mw - FIWEHFEW O ftO O nT " CMirily Mm Eur

S' - fL-Vl MANcmSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONNu FRIDAY, AUGUST 15. 1952 ■JWM3B' DedthBLoBi Night founders of tha Bnehalora Club of culmination of seven months work. Akometer in Action Amarica, whose mambarsMp in­ Tha group aaised, ha sold, waa not R h ee PI J a i l T e r m Y o u n g H e ir cludes a number of New York a part of any ring. Patrons of tha m r TUB AaaciATEO ***** , playboys. Ho waa conaldarad one girla paid from $50 to Licf' eupcraonic aircraft. Killed In Jet usM narcotics, replied "No, sir." (or her apartment and admitted to plane exploeion. (Ganttanad (ram Pbg* One) (OenHnnsi tra a Pngs Om ) Arrested also in the round-up, having been convicted of petty lar­ retention of Oommuntst priauug(L” New Tork—tarael Cohen. W. * •" town . . . iooot down to Burton'i to aM tho ToonArert ed at the door, took him by the less than 20 years old. attractive ployad. Asked whathar ha used take his oath of office. Armed m - of the B a st* Members of the Manchester Police Department view the newly-arrived alcometer in speratfon narcotics, ha raplikd “not a b it" Dob Shop . . . crommod full of tho moot oncltln* bock-to-oehool clothoo for TcL H ail arm a ^ escorted him Into the Robert Bchlagg, (In background wearing civilian clothes) Inatructed the membere in uae of the alco­ udth reddish-brown hair, was dieldelberg, Oennaay, Aug. 15 ditra, gaily dressed paopla Shd office. meter yesterday afternoon. John J. O'Connor (extreme left). Town Oiurt Prosecutor, also watched taken Into custody at her parents' Othara salaad ware Nancy Haw­ —(41 ie nater Renter E. Cape- naked children craned their HB0U kins, 23-yesr-old blonde model and for a look at the procaadlnga. f pro-toeno, toono ond Juniors 1 Our oxport young toonog* sslMgnlo know oU An-OONDinONBD FUN A courthouse spokesman said the demonstration. Police, from left to rixkt, are Chief Herman O. Bchendel, and Patrolmen Alvin Manhattan home. hart (B-Ind), haa been admitted, Costello would be held in the M d t, Thomas Graham, Frederick Tedford, and Gordon Neddow. The alcometer measures the per­ Litbler aald she waa a material occupant of a 1150-a-month pant- to the D. S. Army Hospital hers The men from 16 natlona fig ll- Federal House of Detention hetp centage of alcohol in the aubject'a blood to help ietermtne whether or not he is intoxicated witnaas and that she would not housa apartment at 74th atraat . with a vtrna iafoetton, Mt was Ing in Korea, Rhaa said, "have Mm About whot’s now and wondorful In tho fashion world . . . lysd right in your SHSMlliiLSritlTil and Rtvarsida drive; Joan Doug­ will and tho capability to daflMt over the week end and that the 4- "be identified In open court." annoonead today. Ospahart, 55, own littio shop you can buy your sportawoar, drossos. Ilngerio, accossorios. director of prisons would decide Jelke'a father, oleo king John F. las, >0. a modal and roommate of who hna hem on a tour a( whatavet power tha Comminilst VIrtlala Her. aaa aa.ria.a Mias Hawkins; Gloria Sinclair, 34; Amerloaa mllltanr iaataJIatloaa snemiea may pour'against u a"? , Beaeia Beeaea Jaba LaaS where Coetello would serve hta Jelke. of Chicago, sold his 25 mil­ lion dollar a year business to Lover Ray Ruaaell, 84, husband of Miss la Enrape alaea last meath. la Offleiala aid South Korean am hosiory . . . coaU and suiU and all tho gadgots that'll knock your groat "g h a’B ;V llN D % sentence. He wlU be eligible for Egypt Imposes ‘‘gnat Aerem parole in eix months. Alibi Ike Out of Business Brothers Co. in 1048. Officials said Sinclair. safferiag from a “rather severe lice had aearchad tha city and ffea Working surrounding hills for possible trqu- big beautiful oyos out! So c'mon ovor and soo for yoursolf . . . and don’t MEET THE BIG WHEELS! Tha OI\’es Dp Fight his mother waa Mrs. Ralph Tea. of Two other woman and a man, upper napiratary lafeetlan af a Her Way ins'll PL virus nature aeeempaaird by a blsmaklng Communists. B ut hy Thru College” atiaet” Only yesterday did Costello's Censorship on Danbury, Conn., divorced from the not Identified, al*o wars taken In­ forgot wo’vo a spocial. oxciting gift for ovary singlo ono of you 1 With New Alcometer Tests elder Jelke. to custody. modemta favor,* aa Army aa- early afternoon, no dtstu ' CU Celeri counsel give up frantic legal had bean raportad. say "hallo" to tha thraa gals (plus a staff of four) who tiiaoiiMiM l:U.SiN L ; ati-ii-im ld maneuvers to keep his client out Young Jelke waa one of the Ltsbier said the raids wgra the IN TKCHMICOLOBI side prison walls. A federal court Outgoing News will halp you pick your baek-to-school wardroba! nickara Caaetaaca The accuracy, if not the truth-,blnstruct police department mem- WlCaiark CaUlk Jury convicted him on April 4T bers ih the use of the alcometer in Costello's first trial for con­ fulness, of the sge-old "JuM-two- “RED SKIES (Conttaned from Fnga One) beer" alibi haa been eitablished siispeeted caeca of intoxication and ■iniiujLiBfai OF * tempt of the Senate ended In a driving under the influence of ' hung Jury laat Jan. IS. But the ecientifically. ^'BARB" H ILLS army or the atate. All auch items, In a demonstration of the alco­ liquor. '53 P am rt KlU prosqcution, headed by U. S. At he said, would be subject to cen­ SHARE THE SAVINGS IN KEITH'S AUGUST SALES! s S TEOHNICXIUMR HlTSt Ta«k«r Balaaa meter conducted yesterday after­ Surprisingly the subject who ikctehed from ctoek tomey Myles J. Lane, quickly consumed 10 ounces of whiskey “FIOHTINQ moved for a second trial and ol^ sorship but he did not explain noon at police headquarters, two '^PRUDY" RICHMOND '53 VlrflaU Mere naa SaerlSaa COAST ODABD* what would be considered as In­ ■ubjecta who had drunk two cans performed the standard aobrlety Dee* Nelwm tained the conviction. tert well and departipent members “She’s C*ba l.u a ' I—Cartaaae—a Often termed the ‘‘Prime volving security. of beer breathed into the inatru- I—TEEN-SIZE CORDUROY ...... I.T I Minister of the Underworld,” CoS' Newsmen In Cairo regarded this ment designed to measure the per­ generally .agreed that they would ''PAT" CAMPBELL '54 Working “Jnat not have errested him on the basis I ■ua Carson's atrlpad corduroy drasa la piped la Mack . . . Her Wny tcUo previously served only one as; in effect, a fresh ImposiUon of centage of alcohol in the blood.- stripad in blackl It alpa down tha back and wiahas lUia a Aeroaa The rJaa.. "Pallaw Mk Jail sentence—a 10-month stretch censorship. The Indicator rfead .0275 for one of the test. Throngh 1 laa” aaS “SwarS af The test consists of performing draom . . . aaa it In tavantaen . . . buy It In •urtoo'a. Dab Coltoge” Stioet” MaaU Criata" In a New York State institution in An official spokesman said yes­ and .025 for the other. A person *50 TRA D E IN a h ^ In Man bIms T-18, turquolsa, rad and purpU. TetamMetor 191S for Illegally carrihng a gun, terday that the Army has asked is assumed to be sober, according various simple physical acts, walk­ SiM Cita-iiU During his meteoric rise to a the government to censor only to physiological tests, if he has ing a straight line, picking up a E v e ^ a i ^ at the East Windsor coin, standing erect with eyes SDNDAT___ ^ la n good all-famUy show—you can top underworld figure, the gov­ outgoing ‘‘military newa concern­ lesa than .05 alcohol in his aystem. 2— PURE WOOL JUMPER oioooooac 17.91 closed and not wavering. “The IVOBY HDNTEBS” depend upon It! ernment tried to Jail Costello on ing the security and Integrity of Two other volunteer ttib^cots Jumpars ora nawa . . . Jumpara ara Just paaehy-dandy for (In Technleolar) rum-running, stolen Jewelry and the state." He did not elaborate. did not fair eo well, howrever One The alcometer, manufactured by aehool and for dancM.. . our favorlta has a wonderful collar • EAST PBEE PABKINO a Cont. Every Night EVom Onak tax charges, but he beat off every Another Army spokesman said consumed 4 ounces of whiskey. Hie Alfred Btcknell Aesociatee, wuv ALLOWANCE .and fun Skirt and cornea In luaeloua haathsr brown and dark attempt. last night that the big pro- alcometer reading was .185. developed by the Yale University For Your Old Washing Machine, Regardless Of Its Ago oxford grajf. . . buy It In suss 10-lA He was sentenced four days Wafdist newspaper Al MIsri would According to the standards set School of alcoholic studies, depart­ Or Condition, On The purehsoe Of An ElRcient New after his 10-count contempt con' escape further action on AriM up, readings between j05 end .15 ment of applied physiology, head­ victlon. Including 85,000 in fines, charges that it had disturbed tne Indicate the subject's control of his ed by Dr. Leon A. Greenberg. S^ O R D U R O Y SUIT ...... IA.9I S-BIB DAYS-3 by Federal Judge Sylvester J. nation by publishing false reports. facilities is questionable. Oor- In the operation of the machine, WESTINGHOUSE BvaryenC, butavaryona, lavas eorduAy . . . and our taan- Ryan. • The spokesman said no mesa- roborative evidence would be need­ the subject breathes Into a tube, anart lova this slick, handaomcly Ullorcd cult with two neat T0N18HT thru SUN. 8e«n on TV urea' would be taken against the ed to convict him of intoxication. the vapor of his breath is trapped slash pochau at tha hip. Tha four gorod skirt la fins for Costello, In and out of bigUme paper or its editor, Ahmed Abul The subject who drank 10 ounces by valves in the machine and re­ LAUNDROMAT saparataa too , , . buy It In mouth wataring ahadaa of mul- racket news for more than a quar­ Path. He made his statement of whiskey had a reading of .225. acts on a chemical fluid in a vial. b a ^ , turkey rad, graan and purple. In slaaa lO-SA ter of a century, held the interest shortly after an .hour-long talk Anyone who has a reading of more An electronic eye measures the de­ Fully sutonlatlc, super When Sted-N^ Railroadeis CbM. of the nation during the televised between Path and Army officera. than .15, the alcometer's manufac­ gree of discoloration of tht fluid efficient new model that | 4—TURTLE-NECK SWEATER ...... 5.98 crime committee hearings headed Accord Benched turers ray bluntly, is drunk. and translates it into a percentage Wodhes, Rinses, Damp by Sen. Elstes Kefauver (D.,' A "full underatnnding” waa The demonstrations were held to which regIsteM on the dial. Drita, that Cleans and ' Wa fall In leva with our ombre.atripod swaaUra . . , this one Tenn). reached at the meeting and every­ Empties Itself! 82M.95 la made of purs aaphyr wool with n turtle naok and dolman After he refused to have his thing waa aettM in a friendly -Value, with old washer, 249®* alsava . , . buy It In oxford gray or haathsr brown atrlpea /face televised, millions watched way, the apoketman added. only ...... on white, slaaa SS to 40 . . . but buy ttl hlS' nervously twisting hands The Army yesterday charged ’ while he hoarsely croaked his an­ that AI Misri, which usually sup- Bleum 8.00 swers to committee probers. porta the powerful but now out- WESTINGHOUSE DRYER ' i ^ r E-TEEN SEf^ARATES • • • Skirt B.M Costello's scratchy voice is due of-offlee Wafdiat party, had car­ 1235.55 VALUE! Companion Taka tattaraoU checks . . . a . real man's atarchad collar, nnd to a chronic throat ailment, the ried repor^ that the government model to tha Laundromat, to wonderful Jawalad stud buttons and you have our knockout aftermath of a cancer of the would fire a large number of five you soft, dry, fluffy Judy Kant cotton shirt that's tatterad to a T . . . pra>tsana CMENJWfDEN throat apparently arrested 18 Buperfluous civil servants and that clothes regardless of tho 11 leva It... add our corduroy gently flaring skirt with lU years ago. He claimed he was the Army had submitted a plan weather. Outstanding Keith wide etneh belt and big shiny gold pin . . . and you've get a jradior unable to testify because of his foe lowering house rents to the value at ...... ‘199®* SvJ baek-to-KhooI outfit that can't ba liaat. The akirt comas In throst condition on the days he government. teal blue, dark graan and bright rad. tn^prataan alaas 10-14. walked out. Neither of these reports waa LIBERAL KEITH BUDGET TERMS» ‘ Costello reputedly ran a slot true, a spokesman declared. He machine racket in Louisiana and said they were "aimed at creating 8—PRE-TEEN CHECK C O H O N ...... 8.98 shared ownership of aome of the Instability in Egypt." ICMROLHMSH] liook. look at tha grown up atyling on our prataan miracle nation's biggest gambling places. Military police threw a cordon ZASUFinS He also Invested in legitimate oil, around the offices o f the newspa­ fabric draaa! lU fashioned In checked Dan Klvsr wrtnkla.ohsd per for a few hours but withdrew Bunk Bed cotton that raalata wrinkles, dirt, mlldtw and washaa and real estate and other business in­ terests. It under orders from the Army irons quick Ilka a bunny. Tha collar Is aparkllng white and • ON TOE SAME SHOW * commander-in-chief, Maj. Gen. tha buttona are Hilny gold In staas 10-14. Living quietly but sumptuously 850.50 VALUE! Sturdy, with his wife of mahy years, Cos­ Mohammed Naguib. smart, a apace saver! In rich ^ANYTHING tello always tried to dodge the Rioter Indicted Maple finUh, ma7 be used 7—ELASTIC CINCH BELT...... 1.00 limelight. Naguib led the military coup ox a double docker or sepa­ which ousted ex-King Parouk July This bait la the rags of the campuaaa all over America . . . He once protested to newsmen rate twin beds! iC ^ HAPPEN that he didn't have enough politi­ 26 and installed the present re­ and Surton’a Dab Shop has hundradt of thasa wonderful form government of Premier Aly waUd.cllnehlng baits . . . thay*ra trimmed with calf Uba and cal influence in New York City “to fix a traffic ticket." Maher. ahtny gild metal cloainga and era a must In avarybedy'a Meanwhile, a seven-man milt' wardiobs . . < buy one In black, na^^ or rad In small, medium tary court In the cotton mill town and Urge alasa. of Kafr el Dawar, near Alexan­ Marines Whip dria. indicted an alleged ringlead­ er of labor rioting Tuesday which LIBERAL TERMS 8—GENUINE LEATHER BAG 0 0 • • o > . 2.98 1 SHOW TONIGHT AT TllS left seven persons dead and scores If aver thtra was THB bag In tha world . . . this la It and 2 Red Drives Injured. you simply must aaa It . . • IMAOINB . . . hand-tnelad, s a t ! and SDN. CO N TIN D O U s'^STA BTS AT * il5 ganutna laathar at only I2.M . (plus tha tax) . . . it has (Cootinned from Page One) a roomy Uurtda alppar and It can ba worn ever tha shoulder If you want It... buy It In balga,. rad, luggage, mahogany, •r Hill with 100 rounds a minute Leatherette brown or black. aa 200 more Reda scrambled out of the darknea In a furioua Whnt pats os nU frontal attack. Marines, firing STROLLER n good moodT from their prefabricated timber The nrmna and tnsto ▲ bunkers, cut the Reds down at the 813.50 VALUE! Ught la of waO-oeoked ^ lower slopes of the hill. BEAT THE wsight, strong and durable! food. By 3:35 a. m., the (Chinese were Leatherette body on folding reported In full retreat. steel frame. Daylight brought waves of UN fighter bombers which atung DANdNS CqmiTiunist frontline positions V PRICE INCREASE! with bombs, rocketa and flaming s | 0 9 5 T0NI6HT gasoline. AND The U. S. Eight Army briefing f o r im m e d ia t e No Money Down SATURDAY officer said entrenched Reda V DELIVERY barked up with heavy mortar and artillery fire have withstood six ^ UNITED NUMiER OF Regular Price Allied attempts since Wednesday $59.50! to capture a hill west-northwest of Yonchon, on the central front. The ______, T , action was described as minor. 841 MAIN STa Ah-h-b-h-hl At Inst Pve arrived at the?U > T < H U Q A N T ^ Save s20! Sealy aeoree af that marvelous aroam!“ mnmc»mXTXR,r LOCATE FOW CAMPS Tokyo, Aug. 15—(41—United 1952 NASH Nations command headquarters said today the Clommuniats have Golden Sleep Mattress yielded to Allied demands for AMBASSADORS AND RAMBLERS maps showing the new locations of three Red prisoner of war camps in North Korea. ' MaJ. Gen. William Harrison, the TODAY'S SPECIALS senior UN armistice negotiator, ,50 AT THE received the information from WE’RE TRADING HIGH! North Korean Gen. Nam II. chief Red negotiator. It also included AIR-CONDITIONED maps showing the boundaries of two other camps—holding Allied The famous ‘Golden Sleep' Mattress, in deluxe deco­ Kroehier Sofa bed prisoners—which had been ex-, rator covers . . with resilient coll spring construction panded. ^mmR USED CARS 8109.50 VALUE! Nationally famous The UN command released with­ H tCf^esT to give you form, restful support. A Keith August Sale Kroehier quality in heavy Tapestry. PRINCESS RESTAURANT out comment a note from the Red i savings opportunity . . don't miss It! - Easily opens to a comfortable full ' MAIN STREET AT PEARL STREET general saying the Communists length bed for two. now luive located all camps hold­ P filC E S WANTED ‘8 9 ^ 0 ing UN prlBoners. CAR No Monty Down! LIBERAL TERMS BROILED Seven Day Recces Broiled Freeh The Allies had complained laat Wednesday that the Reda were en­ WHOLE LIVE dangering the Uvea of their cap- SWORDFISH Uvea by falling to pinpoint the O F MANCHESTER LOBSTER camp sites. It demanded-the in­ " rttm A Pried Patntoea formation “without deUy." FOR FINE - Drawn Batter, PVeach Pried The truce talks at Panmunjom, PaU teee npd OhePa gelad. nnd caters Salad. BOLAND MOTORS Korea, are in a seven-day recess. K e i t h ' S Nam R'a letter waa delivered by 841 MAIN ST. "YOUR HOMHOWN NASH DEALER" 841 MAIN ST. Ualaon officers. The full delega­ m s MAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL $1.50 tions meet again next Tueeday to try resolving the major ebsUcle 349 CENTER $T. AT WEST CENTER ST. TELEPHONE 4079 l«E A IlG WHEELl SHOP BURTON'S D EI SHOP] to a truce—repatriation of prison­ ■MBEKSSflOR ers. \ MANCHttTKB BVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTEB. CONM, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, IflM ^lANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1982 PAGE FOUE at A t 3:80 pjn. thws wUl tbs story. He also called drroneous support him.’’ He srinild lii formally of South Coventry, have M ary's Church H alt Prises ware and Wilmina Blambarg o f Man- chastar on Silver straeL be a baby show for children up to Bulgarians Shoot GOP Meeting Aog. 22 liouisiana Seen a States story yaaterday quoting elaborate. Official Notice^' just moved Into thalr new home awarded, as follows: Women’s two years of age; at 8:30 p.m. a WUNB—1418 w n R u - is a t first, Mrs. Olga Brady o f BUIng- Alaev Marion P. Dion c f Ifans- him aa saying tha feentral commu­ Before the national damocraUc ^ d c k v i U e South Coventry pnrchaaad from his bretl)sr Fran­ doU carriage for children up to te# would maha It as easy as pos- convention In Chicago, Kennon Making ‘ ^ ton; saoond. Mrs. Lnona Beradath (M d to Joseph F. and Agnas M. Radio and TV W H AT— t i t The monthly meeting of the Voting lo r Ike The Selqotihea and TOwb CUFr cis a. Clatk who is developing the • la h t. years o f age; at 4:80 w n o —1888 Greeks, K ill Two Republican. Town Committee sibla (or Democrats to cast their told reportera "If the Demoemta Penny Wood project In MansSald of Stafford Springs; third, Mrs. Coughlin In Lakaviaw tarraoa; o f the Town o t Mancheatar Iiareby Charlas W. Nslaca of Newington am . a square dance exlribltion. will be held Friday, Aug. 38 iMlIota for the Republican preal- coma up wtth an unpalatabla can- OMiW. rra ad s Crandall o f Mandmatar. Katufad WlU be parcel post W M IfM - 848 give noUoi that they svlll be la gatriotie Groups Mull Plan Man’s first. Chartso M. PInaay: Bmast H. Otknott of Farm­ (Oeatiiaei (reoe Page (| | U ) Inst^ul o f today aa waa i>ra- ( Oeatlawed frees Page O at) dentlal nominee. didata of platform, then I would Ih a Republican Town Conunlt- booths, fancy work, novritlso, Kenmm gave hie views on the have more than a passing Intsraat session at tha Town Cterk'S oMoa taa w ill meat Wadnaaday at 8 p. second, Charles Jaeobssn o f Staf­ ington to Mildred F. and Jota M vloiialy announced in Tha in the Municipal BulUttag' fo r tba ford; third. H am Haven, (teaclala U M of Want BarUord la taka- horns .baked foods, fresh v a ^ with mechlneguns and mortsua on Herald. mlttse, which must deetda whsther GOP yesterday after a question in tha Republican chotca.” m.. a t tha home o f Mrs. JiUui M. tables, lea cream and soda. A t SiCS—WHAT-WHAT —Kows; FoUmFo|] H en _ n lilS —WTHT—Moratas DsvoUoa. purpose o f eum lnlng the qos" ~ 'X’To Observe Armistice Day Tba Board Of Flnaaea opan pwat- Mrs. John H. Wsstland, fyaneia vlaw tarraoa; uniaa J. Ayar to N aylor WQN8—Jaeh■ ■ ~Downty's ■ Mutlo ahap. WOK8-Ntwa. tiny Gamma ialand in tha border Many important taauea will to Uat ths StsvanaoBtSparkmah about a statement made by John Few Republicans'have gon4 so Tyiar, Morland Farm, South Cov- CarMon C. and EvMyn M. M ^ 5:80 to 7:80 p.m. thara wUl be an smO-4ackMsSt Wtte. W nc-B ob Stools; Wsotbof. ttekat undsr tha roostar—Loula- Minor Wtadom, Louisiana's OOP far aa to predict that Louisiana cationa o f electiMB. and adfmtl ing fo r raeatvlag budget raqnaats antry. Roydan F. Smith, S r, wlU D. Frans, Mrs. Oraeo Sparman. WTHT—Oil TliiBsy. T-.S»-WTHT-K«wa; Top O' th* Mom- Bvroa river to force a Bulgarian be dlscuaaed at the meeting a to the Electors .Oath tl Thera wlU be a stinHar paN v In Oak Orova Aevalopmant; Oail- nld fashioned baked bean s u ^ . patrol from the island, claimed lana'a traditional Democratic aym- national committeeman, that will give Riaenhower a mitiotity will be bald Tuesday at 8 p. m. at be speaker. The committee Is Tha program w ill conclude with • WDBC—It Hoyptss n**ry TUbs; 8L weak from today and It ia bol. Btaenhower would draw the largest vote, howaver. shall ha found quAllflad '^Rockvlll.. Auf. ISlarSSJSi sponsoring a chicken barbaqua Aug. 87 with Mrs. Frederick Fla- Um C. Marks and Bvalyn M. tnvla llatlaoo. ■ SV^O—Morning Watch. by both Oountriea. An earlier hoped that aa many members tba Town Offloo Building. CSiarlas Marks ef Hartford to Bernard F. antartslnmant at 8:18 p.m. WKKB—Nows; lUeuMl MsUbm. WDRCJRC—Ths ~ "Music ■ Bon.“ _ , vote aver given a Republican In The state has not goha Repub­ neadny, Auguat aotii, 1888!,' W & rtty wlUhaw an AmU«uc«T«»“P- Aug. 84 at tha Manchester Rod heny and M ra Alax D. Proulx la WCOC-Hrm: Good Mornlnn Good Greek ultimatum failed to dis­ of the Town Committee as p4>s- Tha New Orleans States re­ M v «n l BMntlia « f o foUowIni B. Nyaeb, chainnan, w ill prealda Benaid of Hartford m Oak Orova A tlA ^ O K S —Jock Dowaoy't Musie ported yesterday "Thera haa bean thia atata. lican In a preai^ntlal election 5 p. ni, until 8 p. m. ONLY..* jS v MtobnUon thia yMT (or tte ; u and Gun a u b on D alw road. c h a i^ Music. lodge the Bulgara. T h e. Mtuatlon, aible w ill be presenL Naturalised ctOsena must over tba session. davalopmant; Frank D. O iiffln c f vmR^Atolto IMIaa. WON8—Rsanr' s Hl-JIns. looking somewhat imilnoua (or a srids talk that tha lantral oemmlt- A t the same time. Kennon de­ since 1878 when RutherfOrd B. ASt tu«* in•“ man/“ « yoarfc For equipment haa bean aold, trana- South Coventiy. M n. PhUlp L l:S4-WTHT-Wisstbsr. clined to give his view on thf Hayes turned the trick In a sent natuiallsation certifleata ■ RockvlUo naa only had Holway and John F. Chappells, Om nlv to Cbarlaa A and or ISMtna SlSa-WPKC-KsdU Hanio. _ , . time, quieted down. taa would attampt to hava Dtmo- MOM Town farr^ to other oetnpany mlUa The H w b S u b mat yastardsy at About 114 mors warrantee deads Robarts Lom ba^ of RFD Storrs, 4ilS— — Boa snS Csrolya's WONS-^WtoUmr. cratle elactora lietsd alphabatically Democratic prasidenUal alata of contested election. fora being, admitted. Doewnaatai^ ,«bM rvanc«inca ot cloaad banka, a acrappad. chairman and vice chairman, re- have bean raoordad during the Srst KliclMn. WDRC—Nswt. Tha report of the ntnv incident be served by the Orange between evidence must ha preaea ted ./ a aiMl curtaUad mall aandoa, tha Oaprilands Herb Farm horns speetively, of the party town com- in Pina Lake Shores development; IBrnragti WTHT—KSdl* AmolU TImo. iiSP-W DRC—Nsws. r* on tha IjRtlot srithout party aym' fit IlUnoU Gov. Adlai Stevenson With little likMlhood that tha savan months this ysar as ecm- Manfrad Olsen and John H. West- WCCC—Ntwt; Music, W O I^N sw i. comes fram an Informed source 8 and 7 p.m. Mixlem and old boU." and San. John Sparkman ~ of LaVge SlqsMStore cases o f dcrlvativt eltlsenship .^', patriotic organl* of Mrs. Oserga B. Slmmona vma- mlttaa, attended a S8th district LOW PRICES WTHT—Mows. at EdIme (Adrianapole) near the milla will raaunM operations again gars ware again dlartissad with par^ with tha aanm period last land to Lao L. I-aMay In Hemlock w n o —Touag WIddtr Brown. fashioned dancing to tiia music of This would give votara, a chanee . John Hancock's signature W «% « d mer employaa have taken poaltlona January, about 88 ware recorded; to Uoyd C. and Toni Babcock of Drag Sttrai ^ WTHT-Rtwn; Jos Olrsad. WHAT—Nsws. . . . BnlgaiTan frontiers. The source to In the Community Hiiuae AuiUto- liand, the. goveriior comment^ '" I ^ larga that his name hea been . Natalia G. M clnf^* Latea o f KIka, hava decided that vbiagara that can be made althar Office to Oase I A 8L to 11 P. M. ^ formally voting Rapubllean. In tha dafenaa Induatry, many of 1853, 80; . February, 1881, 78; Hartford la Pina Lake Shores de­ iEASY , W nC-^usI PUln RUL S ;U ^ D R C ^ h o p p srt tpsetsL close contact with Greek's rium from 8 until midnight. Denies Story have said If Truman wars ^ the eynpaUa, prasident. Ar- will on Ripley Hill; Clayton A. Q. L W L U S 3 S isp -w n c—Rmll Cote OIss aub. WONS—Klddla Rertsw. ' complete. The executive committee laad fun coogaration and iriU Ruisia S^our Note Rev. Kenneth ^!*Tha? ot tha rangamenta win ha made for a and Orissa L. Andrews o f Baltic MMY GROMEN WON8—News; Music for Amsrics. WHAT—Voles of Local M. has been meeting throughout the In England the hood o f an auto­ nama the nka* oommlttaa at the to Louis B. Clark in Waterfront I SON, Ian ! WDR^ u y Lomb^o WCCO-Kssplng tip with tba Kids year, and It to expected that this SPORTSWEAR First Obagragatlonal Church o f chidian barbaqua Aug. SO. W Tfrr—isisno Gainmsll. ' w n c —Mliid 'nur Mannera. mobile Is callad a "bonnet.’’ Lo^'a MXt maatlng o» Aug. In Hate Campaign Willmantlc will be guest praaehsr , Oansss A re A iy e d Heights; Joseph N. Dube to 8 MAIN ST.. TEL. 8188 I t;44—WDRC—Nsws. WTHT—No School Today. popular agricultural fa ir w ill easily Marion B. Skewas o f Mancheatar WMD The First Time w n c —Three SUr Ratra. meet the expectations of Ita many iu 4 1 -1 - Sunday at tba First Congregation Thata ware 15 and one-half WTHT-^tock Market: Sports, ISilS-WDRC-Galen Drake. ^ at Church la South Coventry. Rev. tables o f sat-back In iday at tha In Lakaviaw Urrace; Oeorga A >70 MAIN ST. You Try M:SS-WDRC-Ouli Kids. friends. Premium books have been Nancy and Jean Fntarawi, S:44—WONS^^^rU. „ WONS—Public Senrice Program, {OKI >OM ) Teed w ill use as sermon topic. card party Wednesday nlj^t at St. Hayes, Jr, at al to Slagmar F. Jr. f;SS—WDRC—Robert Q s Wsnworka. WKNB;;;Uptown Rhythms. distributed throughout Whpiping TOPCOATS mlaan. and Carl Pateraon. thalr The Unoonquerabla" taken from inrt FoNow Tlw Nambw WHAT—Symphony Hall. WCCC—Nsws; 13 Hundred and W and can be obtained in several father, hare InaUtutad civil action and other intaraatad govammant W n c —Guy Lombardo Show. HIU. local storaa In addition to the ut Robert Toat of 9S Orova text salactad from varsas of wUb your WTHT—Wuthsr; Journal of tha Air, w n c —Mary Lee Taylor. agenclaa. One obvious conclusion Ronuas: P, during tha P:S0-I0:80 WONS—Fulton Lewis. Jr. WTHT—SpecsWTHT—Spaes Patrol.Patrol Community House auditorium and it. claiming M,t00 damapa, Is that slnea tba United Stataa Is WKNR—Nsws: Bd Swstt'Show. 1S:44—WONS—Saturday. } :44—WONS—Saturi Serenade. ita aeveral rooms, the Wapping _jiaa a Boaar dog la allag^ to a. m. oarvloaa Sunday. O lU FTIU na t : 14—WONS—Tsllo-Taat. 11:00—WDRC— BUI Shadell; Let's RAINWEAR ^ OFF tha leading powar la tha wastora Fair will also use six tents for fiwva kmad a Panlan eat In June. Sunday maasaa at S t Mary's WTHT—Elmer Davla Preteni.'. dafenaa aUlanoa It Is tha logical Church la South Coventry w ill be fits —WONS—Gabtisl Haattsr. WKNB—News; 140 aub. exhibits. Two tents have been The action ia ratumabla In tha target for Soviet vituperation. OR. rURTRie SET w n c —News. ■ WTHT—French Program. • purchased and four w ill be rented. Tolland County Court o f Common at 7:10 a. at, P:80 a. m., and 10:80 WHAT—Symphony RalL WONS—Pua With Claaslca. Anothar Idea advaaoad by tha Ju»t follow tha number* ond be­ WTHT—Lons Ranger. The parade, always an attractive home comfort Plaaa on tha ftrat Tuaaday o f gap- asparta is that tha Russian rulers a. m.« at S t Joseph's Church In w n c —My Seeret ttory. OF THE MARKDOWNS lambar and proparty.of Oia da- ItaglevUla a t 8:80 a. m. hold. WKKB—Best on wax. WHAT—lUIUi: Music. feature of the afternoon program, HERE ARE A FEW may be whipping up thalr propa­ Your own oil pointings begin to 1:44—iraRC—Ed Murrow. 11:14—WONS—Adrentures on Tundsr will start at 3 p.m. This year, (andant In tha action haa bean at­ Tha Volunteer Fire Company 1 NOTICE w n c —One Man's Family. ganda to t^ to ovarcema the unfold. Hill; News. several additional oVganisatlona tached. of South Obvantry wUl play a aoft- WONS—Perry Como. 11:14—WCCC—Nsws: 13 Hundred and UEO. .SALE FRIGE $45 . YOU BA VC $1G .«0 . . o „.-SUJErail)|SN i. TOV'ffAVBMMO' waarlnaaa and Indtffaranca o f tha You don't hove to mix, you don t Vi44—WONS—News. ^ , M HIU. have expressed interest In placing MORIARTY Bros. It la atetad hi the complaint people they contirOL baU game Friday about S:80 p.m. hove to guess, |i44—WDRC—MuJricUnd. V. R A. that tba "defendant rcfuaed to wtth North WlnAuun fire Depart­ WHEN ACCURACY COUNTS WONS—BandtUnd. floats In the p*u:ade. New farm 3 I i C i N I i » '.1 Still anothar ipvaulatlon No experience needed, seeiealeed WTHT—Top Ouy. _ ^ WDRC-OIrs and Take. machinery, trucks, care, decorated control hla doga or to raatraln ment in that town. BENSON'S TV & APPLIANCE. INC- WHAT—Cots Glee Oub. WHAT-Maraano Program. T t i S I .1 REG. .SALE FRIGE $52 — — YOb. SAVE 818.08 REG. .SttEMIOEIIt YOU ffAvs sitjis bean that they might ha trying to raccRttt timm from roaming at lawa u ^ Tewn MssHag WONS—Syinphonlc Strings, w nO —Hollywood Lots Story. bicycles and aaveral bands will craata a war psychology In Rus- You'll be well pleased, |ust wait Y o u f Prescriptions w n o —To Bs Annouaesd. WKNB-440 aub. complete the line. The fa ir w ill the prmlaaa o f tha aald Carl Pe- But the' asparta ganarally Tha ipaelal town meeting today and tee, t:t4-rWHAT—Here's To VsU. 11:44—WONS—Here's to VaUrana. taraon." A t tha time the klUIng WlU be at 8 pjn. at tha Robart- To find you eon point to beauti­ •iU —WHAT—Red Sox vs. New Tork. WHAT—Boionl Program. feature an old faahioned ox-draW' MEN’S DRESS. SPORT AND WORK gg tha kitten took ptaea Nancy discount this on the ground that g;as—WTHT—This to Tout FBI. Aflernssa ihg contest. Phil Wellea la super­ ChokoOt there are no other aigna that tbs sou SchooL t it e r s wlU be asked NOW MOVED AND LOCATED AT fully. w n c —Bob and Hav. GOAL ind Jean Pataraon ware la tha Im. Exactly Filled . ot Today. intendent of thla event. Ruaffana are dsHborataly prepar­ to decide wliathar or not tha sale It's to eety to do ond lelexles too. WONS—Grace Ftslds Show. WCCC—DIac Jockey. BMdIaU d d n iw and "the aak of aloohoSe bavatogas wUl be al­ Craft Master sett ore Just for WDRC—The BIx Tims. WKNB—Newa; Morle Time. The popular Grange supper will brutal klUlng ^ tha kitten oauaad ing for war In tba pradletabla fu­ YOUll WHAT—Darld Rom. WONB—Man on tha rMTtn, ture. lowed on Sunday patwaan noon tits —WDRC—The BtgTiins. i ;rousers Summer Suits them both Aock, fright and men­ Into each prescription goes WTHT—101 Ranch Boya. and 8 p.m. at local restaurants, ladodee Iveiytliias Yea Need WTHT—Newstand Theater. w n c —Newa; Weather. ial aufferlng and analaty." clubs and hotsls. The maatlng has a Sie whisS »S Miert w n C —Msrio Lanxa Show. WHAT—Italian Voice. PUiQ or fancy. Sices 28 i o % Tha plaintiff. Carl Patanon, 1085 MAIN ST. CORNER EIDRIDGE the experience and know­ WONS—News: Salon Music. 11:14—WKNB— freedom to Our Rual' bean raqusstad by petition. e rte ptioMe ifx i* " tilS_WONS—Charles Xaihar. to 50. R«g. 15.50 to blaima foOO dainagaa and the oth- Rescuers Haul 'Hw twenty-first annual 4-H — u lO d ! neaa. ■r two plalntiffa Nancy and dean e Twe irtM SrwUut . how of onr registered phar- S;I4—WTHT—Summer Cruise, w n c —Down Homera. $17.25 Tslttc. I W O FF (air tomorrow wttt bagln at 1 pjn. PORMMLY OF 713 MAIN STREET — JOHNSON RLOCK e NMeyrsKWe * SACK w n c —Music by Hantovanl. 8“ " Ov*'' Hollywood, NUraon, claim l>,000 damagaa at tha Church OonununlW House e CewieWe leUretHees 4 WDRC—Stere Allen Show. WHM—laRoas Program. Body from Cavf macist, pins only the finest WONS—Armed Forces Ravlew. WCOC-Newa. and grounds In North Oovantry. Sil4—WTHT—News Roundup. 30% Off Attcmoy H u iy H. Lugg of Flak WTHT—Swadlah Program. Tha com supper wUl be served at Althouffh not conpletaly nattlnd, wn are OPEN FOR IStSS—WDRC — News: Capitol aoak WKNB—Man on tha Street lad Lugf la rapaaaantlng the from raga One) 6:80 and 8:80 p.m. wtth enter- BUSINESS with onr itsaal good buys in TV, Radlon and drags. Room. WONS—B;30^We Tha Psorie. I Union May INaolva gled to find a way out of the 9:00—Doonray to Danger. A special meeting has been set cavern, but SS-yaar-oM Malray 9:30—College All-Stare vi Lot Angelu Augs 15 te Aug. 25 301.315 CENTER STREn — TaEPHONE 5135 PULLOVERS Or Aug. 38 by local leader of held hla head above the Icy water Rama. NOW TO jl;0O—The Hunter. be taxUla union here to take up for 34 hours until It ebbed. 11:30—Moyle Tims. $ 1 1 5 ha matter o f dissolving tha unit. 13:30—Newa Xical 68 TU-CIO at one time American anjoyad roast­ TsaMrrsw Rif. 245 New $241 . Rod 248 New $240 A. M. iumberod tba employes o f the ed crickets, as wall aa tha queens 9:30—Test Pattern and Muik. f. T. Stevens and Soiui at the of laaf-cuttlng ants. 10:00—Space Patrol. , 10:30—The Power of Women. REG. $1.50 NECKWEAR NOW 11:00—Wild Bill Hickok. 11:80—Film. . . P. M. ALL POLO SHIRTS REDUCE^ 13:00-Blg Top. 1:00—Boetor. BUckle. it’s time for Rs|.148Now 75c Rtf. 240 Now $240 MEN’S DRESS BELTS PAPER COLLECTION Board of Relief Ref. 145 Now $140 Ref. 245 New $245 IN V H I \ iXSmH— mf Mu w>|.W Sq SfMith Mfliichestcr INITIAL TONGUE and SLIP BUCKLES msanpe wbbaat aatka. *OpNMl aEdpii«M,aMladdaefaMraa,aKtf, Fire District Rif. 145 Now $145 Rod $45 Now $240 Notice la hereby given to all * Reg. $1.50 to $3.50. SOUTHEAST SECTION Yon may Ittf yonr present car bnt diis xlfiw drive system swxUowrs up tremor sod vibrxtioo. taxpeyere In the South Manches­ WiUjrs you’re g^ fig to LOVK * Drive St normal speed over tough, bumpy road ter Fire Dtitrict. that a board of Come in and take x low-xnd-lovely Amro-Wiug and you'll say we’re modeat in callihe it an "air­ R elief meeting will be held In the Fire House at Spruce and Florence $1 J$ ™ SLW o r A tro-A eo out on the roed. borne” ride. Monday, Aug. 18 Streets. Thursday evening, Au- SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTSm Tskeitexnatirtt. That's no ordinxty cn^ne Check all else you get in an Am Willyt: Viil- glut 31, 1983, from 7 to 8 o’clock, (Aad Fiabliad m Taesdsy WbM NacasRary) under that dowm-swept hood—it’s die ptnrer- D. 8. T. for the purpose of hearing bility that lets you see all four fendera. Seating Tokff odvofftaq* of Aim notivo fruits aiid.vff9 0 tablo8 pricod right. Cou this REDUCED! A U STYLES AND COLORS crammed F-head H m rria m t 6—end it w ill sprint width, front and rear.^l inefaea- And mileage any and all complaints regarding the tax list N yoa Htra aa oay af Ilia stiaatt b tWi Mcriaa bava yoar papar aat from 20 to ^ in a m atter o f seconds. wfith the Hmrricumt Engine and overdrive* that, Andrew Ansaldi yoor! Pricks wM bo oxtromoly high this wintor oo oN connod goods. Rtg. 1.75 Now $1JI0 Rog. 2.95 Now $2.35 Off Maaday. Fiocaade. fraai lhasa. caRactlaM af papar saiva lo Heed into a hairpin curve and fsel the road- apeed for apccd. under the aame conditiona. aur- Jack M. Gordon AIR CONDITIONED steadiness you g « w ith a 23-inch center o f gravw paaaca every other aix-pasignger American car! George W. C. Hunt bay aaw aipripaiaat for tba Maacbatlar Maaiertal HasjpItaL * Commleeionera Rog. 1*95 NAw $1.55 Rog. 3.95 Now $115 ity. Idle h down, d>en stomp on h. Ask us about a, spoeid prico oo oN your noods including jars, sugar., otc. Fall in love with it? You'll be wUd about it! Yours truly, MAGAZINES — PAPER AND PAPIR CARTONS PICRiD UP See how W ill^ ’ exclusive fubberenshiooed Come oo in . . . try it! South Manchester >8Mre District, Rog. 2.5$ Now $2.90 Rog. 4.95 Now $3i5 Monthly Payinents . Georg/W . C. Hunt IF PUT OUT AT THE CURl %ammiasionsr For Your Cool, A S L O W A S - Treasursr PLEASE NOTE; CaRactiaas WM la M a d a ^ Scbadalad Rab ar LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Notice Comfortable Shopping Sbba— Uabw It Robn-b a- The Tri-Angle Stand $43.93 Bolton Board of Edneatioa REDUCED! A U SIZES AND COLORS Desires Bids LOOK FOR THE MANCHESTER PAPER SALVAGI h IuCK— (or supplying Fusl Oil for tha IM * CLIARLY IDENTIHED RY SIGNS ON a iM R S»E1 ton Bllmentary School (or the Open 9 A M.-10 P. M. Open Snndays and Holidays Rog. 3.5$ Now $2.51 Rog. 5.95 Now $4.5$ school year 1983-68. CEHOliSEfiSON All those Interested contact Rog. IJ5 Now $3.0$ Rog. $.50 Now $5.5$ ^ YOUR WASTI PAPER TO TMS WORTH-WNM PROJICT1 DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES, Inc. lira. John Erickson, Secretary, M. A. MALONEY JOE MAORI. Piopt. 22 MAPLE STREET MANCHESTER South Road, Bolton: mall addraaa, Rog. 4.95 Now $4J$ Rog. 7.95 Now $6.95 W E GIVE JtW O» FFW STAIEFW. RFD No. 1, Andover, Oonn., for further Informatloo. V .. -i'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN* FRIDAY, AUGUST It, 1952 tjm MANCH18TXB XVXNIlfO HKBAU). MANCHI8T1B. OOMII. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16^ 1951 - II- " If WpW p a c k MX Tbo Foots farm has approxUnatoly ftowaro. It la a^wetad thara wUl tar of the John Clough Oeneologi- aad son. Kevto. plan a trip to Ubarty ahd damocracy, but with Pick Hebron Farm 180 aerea to paatura. Moat of toa moment la why tha Kocth Koroaa Dewey is tha former Jean gwaat Smith to Deliver j Coinmbia ] be eratta and photography axklMts cal Boctato hold BuiMlay at the Antrim. N. H., to vlrit ralaUvas. crop to saoded to Ladlno clover and THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB iUmriiratrr prmnlar haa finally abandonad hla aa altamaUra alavery of tha Ellington daugMar of Mr. and Mrs. Burton to tha boll as waU as eooMMrclal home af Mr. and Mra. Btosrart WhUa thara Mrs. Robtoaon ptoaa Ttbbtts, Labs road, was waU at- to taka ,har aunt Mia. Bamlea For Green Fields orchard grass. own uaual pnipaganda «aalma of| auttorltarlan right. Ona antramal gwaat foraaar EOtogton raaldanta Sermon Sunday TELEVISION onto, which win Include home ap- Dairyman Foots and hla son put > Osya tsndtd In aptta of tbs rate. About Ctorka of Antrim and go on to lEomittg IfrraUt Idafianoa vietory to>coma not la aa bad for Amarloa, and aa nn- Vandala Crop Vp for many years' ho# of Itockvllla. pUaacaa aad talavirion. On tha up more than 600 tons oPgram ol- • AIHMVBCMMMMS Oola daya ara aebadnlad for Oo- rounds, traetoca sad farai aqnlp- 40 paraons ware praaent A bual- Denmark. , whom the artU I wlUi thia prtaeipla la a public way. Amarleaa, aa tha other. It laj Joaaph Daiadul of thla town ra- naes moating waa followed by a visit Miss Ruth Robtoaon of tola Hebron, Aug. IB—A local farm lago and too farm haa a herd of ' ^SS?»a porta that damaga aatlmatad at M rTandM rs. Oarenca Kallam ir iB T u e t been annou&ead that REPAIR—SERVICE tumbia on Aug. 33 and 3$ whan laat will ba on diaplay. about 100 Hotatotoa. with 90 cowa ikrnia apaculation la to Um af* llloglcat that wo ahould forglva aa o f'lW gouth street, Rockville, an­ Rev. Chariaa X Hutchinson of N ou Bad at Oouraa pot luck aad tha aftarnoon was town, who to a counstlor and m irie baa been doaignatad as ono of too 1300 waa cauaed to land, crape and tkt Votaataar Flra Dapaitmant diroctor at Camp Wyonagonaa on now being milked. [fact that ha waa apaaklnf for] Indialduai who changaa from ona vahlclao on a farm laaaed by him nounce tha marriage of tholr Norwich, Conn., who waa achad- Right Away S»vie»,NoFix,NePar Robart F. Foblmann, 30, who an- epant In a social way. tbroo wlaiMro to too otato Oroon Judging to tbo regional compotl- dictatorial crado to another, but daughter Lorraine Helen to Leon ulad to apeak at tha gout«> Metho­ iMlda Ita two-day country fair. Hstod la tha Air Fores to Juna is Offlcera etoctod tocluda: Har- Moosa Labs. Pastures contest Robert B. Foote North Koraa alono, and net for tha la Broad Brook. beri Ctough of ProvtdenM, R. L, Mava lata ■( Uon atorU Monday and roaulU will have no charity for tha individnal | The vandaliam ia under Invao- Robert Baoeett son of Mr. and Mre. dist Church on gunday will be oa- Nevar bafora oa far aa ean ba aa- complatlag his AF basic airman's aad Bon of Hobroa aleng with be annotmcod tan days later, I C9ilhaaa Oommunlata—that tha ahla to bo hare and that tha preridant; Mrs. CaUa Clougb Mr. omirMra. EmU Sadlon kava Nowtown aad Litchfield farms, who laavao a (Uetatcrlal erode UgaUon by Marcel gimon of the Adolphus Baoeett-of Egm t road, oertal— has any ouch event bean todoetriaatloa oouraa at Lackland North Korcaaa thamaalvaa ara Hartford otata police barraeka EUlnirtoa/ Rev. GBrI gaunders Rev. Percy F. Bmlth win deliver HitU bare. Newton B. Smith Air Fores Bass, Bon Antonio, Tax. ward at TOUand, vies praoldent; movod Into tkrir naarly complotod will new bo ontorod to tbo Now EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT and ratuma to nattvo Amarleaa | tha sarmon at both servleaa. wrought beme toe Idas to toe fire­ Leonard Clough of Hartford, homa on Lako riiad. Mio. Badhm'a Bi^and pooturo eompotltlons. , CIvlUaod man acoTOo InaocU aa and la ballavad to have occurred pastor, of the Methodist Church Hla baric training la proparing him motbor MM Oart Bbanaar; bar food but HottontoU oonridor a STARTING AT 8il5 SHARP tha caunaaa—and that, tharafora. damocracy. Wadneaday' night pnrtormod tha earamony at t Rev. gmith, who has boon vaca- man. havtog bean to a oimllar one for antranca Into A ir Foroa toebnl- traaauTM'; Mrs. Halmi Clougb of Wtonon wore aoloriod on too m Waterford. Tbs man naadad new eal training and aarignmant In TalcottvlUa. aacratory; and Mre. atotar Mtoa Atvea BoorAsr and bar baris af tholr woU balaaeod paa- locVwt ploguor as manna from 20 REGULAR GAMES—3 SPROALS According to authoritlae, the home of tha bride’s parents. Mra. Uonlng along tha BRUNNER'S - n upl graadmothar lir a . WUUam Horn- baa von. • n S a a fn a ti i u t m It*** ■ P *«* • « vandala uaod form vehlctaa Rasa III wlU make ba home with Ooaat. win preach tha third to a ______,m>vniLEPHONE wnartam 61fiMB IdoM far ralstog traasury funds spaclallsad work. Foblmann to hus­ Ctortrude Clougb of Bristol, bto- turo program for dairy farmoro. , l^aMa la Jkmm apUt batwaan tha Obmmunlat al« ■eriaa of sermons which ha began 358 EAST CENTER ST. •ad tola is difficult because state torlan. Mra. TlbblU to tha fatlr- beck ara to maka thair hoaaa arlto •hot rods" and hold racea on tha bar huaband’s parents as Mr. Bas­ g Days band of Mra. Barbara Kelly Pobl- the young couple for toe prasinL property which la owned to r Jo­ sett waa Inducted inUi tha Army In tha early summer on the Ufa of U Tanr ]mr protoMta ao many of the monn of Woodland tarraea. tog president n^oetba ...... —•aaaa#**** aadaaa•v*” Thera la aoma Indication that Bolton David. Tha sermon on Wa Win Laon Tau A pillar tuikay ratflea and such. Shirlay and Brenda AUan. Made Librarian U . Robert Beaannan, ara ef Mr. aaaa«»* aa^ad* seph Bonalll of Windsor Locks. Tuesday. Mtoa net Trewhelto of Kaat and Mrs. U F. Baaennan of Oahua- aaaaaadaadaaa*****...... - ® ' thla apllt might ha ao dafIniU aa Dadd Mahr M ta During tha facing and cavorting, Maelaal Fregtam ba enUUed, "Hla Oreat M M al^" Cist March they set up commit­ daughtara of Mr. and Mrs. 8am The Scripture laaann wW be toe tees a ^ mada plans. For toe laat AUan of Hebron road, ara vtriting Hartford, who has been a turn- Ua Laka to atotionad at Camp Itos. I Oopr to inrohra an affort on tha part of XM. I load of tobacco waa overturned, to- Orange mat Wadnea mar reeldant on Columbia Laka Va. cadet Richard Baaarmaa to at baceb lath and netting tom, and a day night In the BUlngton Town Rrat PMm. Bhererood Treadwell, fow waeks the nien have 1 thair graadparanta Mr. and Mrs. North Koraa to daelara an armla* lay aaoistant of toe church, will Harry AUan to RockvlUa. aince childhood, has completed a oumoMr ROTC at MoQuira Air tractor and two old cars used to Hall and tha Broad Brook cem- working bard gatttog things to six weeks' course to Library Bet- Force Rosa, Trenton, N. J. tica ragardlaaa fit ^ n a aa Oonmu- haul wagons, ware also subject to mlttaa praaentad a.vary Bno pro­ aoelst In toe sendees and Barnard Mra. WUUam Bobtoaon, H. an O-mnegna, tenor, will ba tha aiBo- tartalnad toa CX)OS at bar homo cnce at New Haven Teachers Col­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Duma of nlat wlahaa In tha matter. The Board ef EducaUon haa an­ gram of a ladlaa* orebostra. Tha Jt w ill taka place, for toe moet lege. She haa accepted a poolUon Wcot Hartford and their childran, other damaga by vandala has mambera ware cuotomed to rep- 1st for tha servleaa. He vdU ring pari, to toa area at toa tear of Columbto Loka Wadneaday Wa hava our doiibta about any nounced that a raglatraUon aaaaicn Voioa of Ood by Salter. night Tha young woman made at the Raymond U brfry to Eaat are at the Wolaaar eottaga for tbe IM ef ipa^ auch dramatic poaatMUUaa. Wa bean reported In recant weeks at raoent a minstrel. Mr. and Mrs. too firabouaa and Horaea W. Por- Hartford. month. for all puplla antaring tha alaman- tha B ro ^ Brook school. tarwtoool. SmaUer axhlMta wUl be plane for a trip to Mtoeuemacut raaaread. think the North Koraana ara ac Frank Mackey e f Branford ware Septic Tanks Cleaned OaedwIR T ew Plana I-1 tary achool for tha Brat tlnm wilt To Mark Analveraary g u a ^ as erere others from East held to Yeoman's Hall, Walter Beach, Bapt. 6. ai aarriM ellant el W. ■. A ■arw I to tha Chl-I ba held at the achool Aug. M from OUbert H. Storrs, acUve In Tol tually ao c^ptlva, Mr. and Mrs. WUliam E. Kibba, Hartford Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Card, to charge of grounds, with FOnu Oraup Mqeta land County 4-H work, has sent RepiaaanUlleaat J V I naoa Oommunlata, that they could 9 to IS g r„ of goroars toad wUl observe kis coounlttaa, has bean marking smoU group of the membere Tha board ia alao eaahlng Mda Mackey ware former EUington S p g e W b It information here regarding a thair d l waddbig annlyersa^ at realdeBta. c«l M m d w g f r*> out ptota for such avanta aa boraa *ra«i«n to dactora or fol- for aupplylng fuel oil to tha achool tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis puOtog, motoreycia aacapadaa, mid. the Farm Bureau, met at too OfOARS-WES -i. ' i miimmin' ' fS 'I*®wpoUcy for thcmaalvaa. for the neat achool term. Anyone a gchluda on Maple street where way aad rafraahment stands. Wal- home of Mrs. Lester Hutchins toe County 4-H Club. A young man LMBfMRS — WAWBB Intaraatad la Invltad to contact tha EXTENDED FOEBOAgT or woman will be Choaen for a six CXiXECB — WALLRE a :tiSSSIfeoiS?®” Tha atatamant haa Ibi only Im- thay wUl receive thair relaUvaa tar Wbaaton. to eharga of hous­ Monday oventog for a picnic sup­ Clark o f tha board, Mra Agatha and frianda gunday during tha per and bustoesa meetlnf. Plana month tour to Europe, helping to n e mmU WaMaa Caomaar. Im.. I portanca, aa.wa w . ^aaa . It,h la Ita pub- ing, la buUdtog booths; Harry support club work for rural youth nif»»»NGNEEP6 Erickaon, for further dataila afternoon. . Aim. Jonas la buUdtog on outdoor staga for nest year’s program were iM M M MMdai Nci^ ^ I Ue amphaata of tha only baala on A achool bua achadula la now paratura to NNew » England during thara. The delegate wUl vlrit Eng­ Arlhir Drif SiMti M which tha Koraan war can and. McKDMEY BROS. wbara dancing (round and aquara made aad laaders solectad to at- land. Holland, - Oermany. France, being prepared by tha clerk. It will Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryan of tha next Bva daya gaturday to the tuna aad call of Owabutuck taad training mecUnga. Mrs. John Tha Miaebaaiar ■etBita iUfalt!. |«po have that acknowledged and' ba pubUanad to detail during the through next Wadnaaday, will av- Scotland and Wales. Each town In gprinjrlleld. Mass, have moved to arago taro to Bva degree# above SEWERME Dnrasu. OOiMMY Orange) 'wUl taka plaed’ and pro- Woodward, chairman of tha the county to helping to finance iloalna bourat omphaalaad, by tha anamy, ahould weak precadlng tha achool opening iS Mountain atreet. They are Uvlng fooskmal vaudavllla acta wUI an- group, announced that the tour to AND ridav OB gaptambar S. erlth an aunt, Mra Clara Keeney, tha seasonal normal. Warm Bat' f m ^ m r l E d h r l M y tartato toa erowda. the united Nations In November, tha tour and making nominations. bo avantually hatpfnl to tha urday and a little cooler Bunday. D R A I N A M o b 4 SiWIRAGE ENGINinS Funds must ba to ^ Jan. 1; the atmoaphere In which tha truce In accordance with party mlaa, TT>ay have a son and daughter I p b ^ PhUlp H. laham, chairman of planned by the ToHand County -t p.^gj, VajC n fe ’. tha Republican Town OommIttaa U vl^ with them. Mr, and Mra Warmer Monday and continued axhibithms, has namad Mrs. John Fkrm Bureau, wiU be by train, delegate wlU be atocted and wlU PRE-FAB talka ara batng eonductad. warm ^ rest of tha period. sail In April. baa advarUaad thia weak that it Bryan are the papenta of Mra Er< 130-132 F «oil St-e MBEch tH F-TgL S30t X Cragla and Mrs. Isham to haad up and at special raUs, If 90 par­ will nomtoata ato eandldatoo for PraciplUtion during thla period sons from tha county sign up. She Any individual, organisation or GARAGES nest Meyer of n iia ^ road. M M M c e c c I tha naadlacraft and home canning society may donate to the fund by LARGE SELECTION OF TOF-QUALITT §tf tf pebUeSidB Mmigt fctsrier-' Mm Dg Makd Hist«nr Juatiea of the Paaoa and a ean- Mr. and Mrs. Elmar Dewey of wlU on tha average total two to axhlMts, and aoks that anyone to- raqueata all toteraatad in going to TEL. fi» , mu _ didata for RapteaantaUva to tha six tenths of an Inch qecurring f k o m 7 7 3 7 contact her Immediately ao - that gatttog to touch with .county di­ Olostonbury are the parents of a taraotad contact tham. Thera is no rector to the community. Colum- Friday, Auguat l » It la 'often argued thait In- Oanaral AaaamMy to ita party daughter bora at tha Manchastar as showers gaturday and again entry fee but there will be many aha caa oidar tha propw numbtr 2 M l f dtylduala do ,not make hiatory— caucua on kept. IS. Candldataa cash and ribbon prisaa. loiiam has of tlekato. Ma’a directora are WUliam Robin MATERIALS AT OUR LOW FEICBSt aon and Mrs F. C. Savage. 2-OOIf that hiatory la made by ourranU muat gla their Intantlon to aaak Mgr’aaMiii3nmie«uaawaaiftlBr;''^'foia k ry *- announcad that Raymond Clarke BauMaa Is HoM Mlwinf An Opportwiltr the nomlnaUona not later than KSUBB Tba -iimi-i reunion and picnic Mra. WUUam Robtoaon and non daapar than what la taalda any a?B»rua«roiwiiiiMBBi »nnfi win ba to charge of tha vagatabla Although tt la parfaetty ap- gapt. • with tha cleA of the cem- a x l^ t aad Fronda Lyman, toa meeUng of toa ConnaeUcut Chap- BUly and' Mrs. Francto tqnnan parent why tha BrIUah ato ba- apadflo Individual. mlttaa, Mra Doria M. D’ltalla Blank forma for flllng may bo ob­ haying tha way they ara bahavlnc Tat, wlthcut any dtoerodlt to Odnaral Matthew B.- lUdgway, It tained from any eomaUttaa mem­ anrifiWiBBi aBa-aKEatas ' i iHiw liiiliiiw i i i l r i l MANCHESTER about tholr own approaching ber. atomlo anplodon, wa ara dlaap- la apparent that the cauaC of potntad that they ara not aalaing European mflltory unity la auf- « largar opportunity open to faring from tin abaanca qf hla LUMRER COMPANY pradiocaaor aa auprama com­ them. Wapping ru Tha aray thay ara going, thay mander of BHAFE. Young home makers love them 255 CENTER STREET TELEPHONE 5144 gra to oonduet thair taat In aacrai; i Tha dlffaranoa between tha two Court Ctoffe Re ports man la not Oanaral IUdgway*a John F. Coyne, town court clerk, I with BO Amarloan oboaryara prao* reports that 338 caaaa were han­ ant Thay haya Juat declared M,* fau lt It ao bappana that ha la a dled for tha year by the local oeurt and everyone with young ideas. It's here! It's beautiful! goo aquara mllaa o ff tha north- military man, period, while Oan- which meato oha evening a wea* want ooaat of Auatralla a for- aral Blaanhowar waa military Of tbasa, U caaaa wars civil ori man, diplomat and atataaman small claims and the balance were Mddan none, barring It to all criminal. Motor vehicle violations ahlpplng and pinnae, and thay ara cembinad. accounted for most of the latter First showing exclusively at Watkins! gotng to haya thair aaploalon aU The dlffaranca In tha perform­ #lth IM oases and brearii of toe | Cotton Broadloom Rugs to thamaalyaa, untaoB, of oouraa, ance of tha two man la that Oan- paaoa, I I caaaa. • The criminal raealpts of tha| acme other naUoa auoooada to eral Btoanhowar waa capable of making hla rola aa BKAPB com­ oeurt ware $SAH aad civil, 160. anaaklng a apy Into tha altuation. Of thriia, $3,061 Jl went into town I Tha roaaen Britain la doing thla mander a aupranatlonal rola, funds. Tha next largest Itom of la aimpla. Thora ware once thrao while Oanaral lUdgway aaama to $661.64 was turned over to too eommlarionar of motor vahlclaa on equal atomlo parhMra to the remain merely an American com­ mander to Europe. Oanaral Elaen- violation cases. Other Items of 9®» world, who daaaloj^, by tholr court expenses accounted for tool joint talanU and raaoureaa, tha howar, by hla own nature, talanta remainder. Balariaa of tha judge r a p R Bfat atomic bomb. They were tha and ballafa, Inaplrad other nationa and Clark are not paid out of court to coo^atlon and teamwork. rooripta but directly from town| Big/ Big M ilk Class Lamps Ttoltad gtatoa, Canada, and Brit­ funds. ain. But tha Vnltad BUtaa, which Oanaral lUdgway, being a dif­ had phyaleal pooaeaatcn of tha ferent kind of man, undoubtedly Atwaye gtrawbarrtaa Reproduction of a milk glaM oil lamp with product paaaad a law which at- aima toward tha aama goala, but raised grape design, mounted on brass. 16- tempted to oonvert tha partnor- aaama to gto only aa tacraaaad The bulk af tha Aiaarioan straw-1 inch white shades With sold marbelizing; 31" berry crop Is haiWested In April, I ghlp of thrao Into a monopoly of amphaala oh haUcaaUaUe jeal- high; 3-Ute. Reg. 312.60. oualaa, quarrala and dtvlaiona. May and June, but strawberry-1 one. Tha law made'It a crime for plektaf gees on In ona port of toe I •ny Atoartean to Impart atomlo Oanaral Hldgway ia juat an­ United Btataa or another ovary | InformatloB to the people who had other among tha many naUcnal BMnth e f tha year. helped 11B dayalop tha bomb, tha oommandara on tha iH A PB aoena. Britlah and tha Oanadlana. Oanaral Eiaanhowar waa an In- go Britain, whan tt gate ready temaUonal oommandar. to have aa atomlo anploalon of Ita Thia la ao iaflacUon upon Oan­ own, forblda ua to aaa I t thua ra- aral Rldgway. Ha la' what ha la, taliating agatoat our atomlo cur­ and ha la good at being what ha tain with aa atomlo curtain o f Ita la. But tha quallUaa and capacitiaa tm own, and thua, wo auppoaa, hop­ and the kind of vlalen Biarahowaf ing to jar and ahock Amarloa out took to hla European taak—ra- e f Ita own blind policy. flacttng what ha la—accompUMiad Britain la r e ta lia te In kind, Bomathlng to hiatory which a dif­ WAIKINS gROTNBgJ. INC 16^® latuming aacracy for aacrocy, cur­ ferent klad e f Individual perform- I tain for curtain, and apraadlng tha anca could not have accompliahed. FUNERAL .15 rumor, quite joyfully, that the SERVICE 9 X 12ft. Size 29'®^ Britlah oKplooloa may rayolu- ’Wrong Kind of CoBTOPsioB? C olonial tlonlae the arhola buatoaaa e f OrgMBi JlVto and 16 other aizee from The Osaverrioo from Oommualsm atomic war. * payo off, heavily. If toe In­ small mats to 12 x 18 ft. Polisjied Brass to aB thla, Britain la babaytog dividual being eonverted swlnga Mturally—and mlaalng a graat all too way from the authori­ Choke of Lounge lamp, opportunity. Folks with young Idasa . , . whether they’re 16 and helping mother Super 60 tarian extrema e f Oommualsm to or Bridge lamp with How aUrrlng—and ombarraaa- to dress up their bedroom . . . or 60 with an appreciation of what new swing arm. Smartly tai­ lag tor ua—It would ba If Britain tha other authoritarian extreme of things can 'do for an dd home . « • are ‘‘going^ tor Cotton Broad- tha reactionary right But there's 3996 lored beig^ tafetta toritad our obsaryara—and the looma in a big way. They like the deep, Pl«*hy. loop pile th ^ ^vea shades. Equipped for 3- obaarvara of all other luUlona aa BO aalvatloa, apparently, tor toe a highlighted effect to expanses of floor the giorloua the government* more and more control individual who, after abandoning lite lamp bulbs. Usually Men have died to leave you these 4 sym­ wall—to Itb own atomlp axpto- fie Siga e#B eolora cottons can be dyed! And partieularly-they like Watkins low 118.95 and 319.60. aionl Oommuniony cornea to rest any­ Sale prices! over American life. where abort M extreme reaction. WORTHY SnVICI bols o f freedom: Tha gaatura open to Britain X "The government should take over, Abandon Cbmmuniam and veer I would ba thia; that Uataad of 142 Ehut Center SL A Holy iiblo-sym bol of your right to making Ita own entry Into ' the toward that brand o f . Ameri­ Maneheiter 17 Sizes they say, and run the railroads, and the world atomlo race, tt would ba canism which would also put 19 Colors worship as you wish. everybody's thought to a kind o f I R uby o r G reen electric companies.*’ But what they mmo dramatiaing the ridiculoua futility .. 98e (Pint AmtaJmnil, U. S. CamUiMka) tovolvad to having any nation strait ja ^ e t and you ara a hero. Sandalwood 18 X 80 inch . is, "Let’s have socialized railroads, social­ Abandon Communism, and come White 21 X 86 inch . .... 1.59 Imagine that It caii dominate that ..1.79 A door koy—your right to lock your door race, toataad of merely joining in to rest as an Amarican liberal, be­ Blue *24 X 36 inch Fonts ized electricity.’’ ' < WHEN ITS 24 X 45 inch . ..2.75 tha arorld madneaa, it might atrlke lieving to freedom of thought and Green against illegal government force and prying. Even though socialism is one thing^mw/ a blow for aanity. It might trade you are stllT suspect Flamingo Red 24 X 48 inch . ..2.89 TIME TO AOT ....2.99 .50 (Paarlk AmtmJmtal, V, S. Camlilaliam} candor for aacracy, and aharihg These are the tandenclea Il­ Yellow 27 X 50 inch . Americans d o n *t want! for pitiful attempta at monopoly, Oivhld 80 X 54 inch . ..3.75 8 lustrated by the fact that James ..4.29 A poncil—freedom to speak or write truat for tuapiclon, cooperation A, Wechaler,*adltor of the llberat Grey *30 X 60 inch It is wise for us always to question fad 36 X 60 inch . ...4.89 Ruby or green swirl-glass what you think, whether you agree with for aulcidal riyalry, and thereby radical New York Poet but alao UTHROP iMSURtNCE Hunter Green fonts mounted on hand decor­ weigh the forces that influriice our govern­ taach a mon^ leaaon to tha whole Pink 4 x 6 feet ..,. . . . .7.50 a militant foe of Communism, haa . . . 15.95 ated milk glass and brass. the government Or not. World. been dropped from 'a TV pro­ Beige 6 x 9 feet . . , ment. It’s up to us a ir whether we’ll leaYoj 8 X 10 feet .. .28.50 Linen-textured parchment (Pint Amtmdmtai, U. S. CamtiMiamf We're aurprlaad Churchill gram. "Starring the Edltoro,” be­ P e a ^ shades to match fonts. R«tf. LID BASKET saveg you our children freedom—or socialism. doaon’t aaa ‘the grandeur of hla cause another New Tork news­ American Beauty *9 X 12 feet . ..29.95 9 X 15 feet . • ..45.95 39.95. dozens of steps every day . . . Afid a fro# ballot—your right to choose opportunity, and tear that cur­ paper, a few weeks ago, rehashed 0 Aqua stores psn lids, cooky sheets, * * * tain down. the known fact that Wachaler, IS Brown 9 X 18 feet... . .84.95 ..88.95 cuttfas boards and •serving the people who represent you in govern­ years ago, waa a member of toe Dusty Rose 12 X 16 feet . Socializod oloctrk lighi ond i ^ o r Is ono 12 X 18 feet . , .79.50 trays. Other features Include The Right Princip!* Young Communist league while Chartreuse C rifli^ sa t and Handy Towel ment—your protection against government The Communist premier and aa undergraduate'at Columbia. Burgundy -Limited atock of toaaa i of Iho first goals o f Iho pooplo w ho w ont hand; all oUiara to order. Drier. v W otkiss IrotlM n proudfa pr»SM fs a sporidlRO tyranny. oommandar la chief of North Hia conversloa was not the LipsUck Rdd to push Amorico dow n tho hlM to $oeiall8in#l Korea has used tha right words—^ right kind of conversion. ' Hand Decorated * s«w Bfaefrie roso* desigsed, BEglEBBwd asd (Anklt /, U, S, CamliMiaa} the words which ought to be ac- Had he, on the other hand, moEiifechirBd by Hw $bhib h im who mod* tbo Thoy'vo modo hoodwoy, and oro working; eepted as guidance for both sides turned ‘into on American reac­ ToppoE G as Roogo fho Riost booririful ood siost C h in a i H alf the world is trying to destroy these for moro. Eoch stop thoy gain b a sorieosi —to describing the kind of armiS- tionary, preaching that aU social wcMtod cookisq oppHoscB tbo coMofry wido. , tlce which ought to coma to the reform and advance Is merely gymbob—and what they stand for. throat to ovory bownoss-ond ovorybody'* Korean war. Communism in disguise, aad advo­ It Is slgEMcoot that Toppaa bos spadansod is tbo bvMliig ,of domosHc cooUog rasgog. to tbo ok- Ha oald "we hope to gat an cating that all Americans submit Even'in thb country, there are people froodom. That's why wo fool it's knpoiW armistice agreement wherein themselves to a thought dlsclpUne ebnioH o f o l othor oppHoocoB. for 71 yogrs . .. tont to bring you thb mossogo- these la neither victor nor van- from the right as abaoluta aa any­ It pays to be cenaideratc. "Rodc-A-Bye-Bab/' Lovely china hues hand de- | sbico Ittl. Iwho attack our freedoms, by trying to give fulahed." thing tha Communlata themoelvea Aad right BOW we are talk- wrated with green and gold & might try to imppee from the left iBg abM t being considerate b It osy woodor wo'ro eefbeslegtic? Jogt wboo That is tha kind o f result which leaves on brass mounting; s baa to cmne to Korea, If tha war —then he would have bean a hero to your bank aseom t.. . by wo tboogbt owdem raogos bod ovon^log . . to hla aponaora. Then It would haTing the right inaurance. 3 ,9s tellored tafetta shades. Reg. | there la not to expand Into World 312.60. ! oloog comos Toppaa wHb o looHy SUPtR gloetfk have been considerad toot any Let BB hdp yon ptaa yonr Musical Rockers War m . It Is, likewise, toe kind roooo. Como Is ood BOO for yoonolf! o f result to ba daalred If the world publicity oonoeratog his past af­ p retra a k VISUALITE OVEN. You c m aee has, to ita beetle experlmeea to an filiation with communism and his Sturdily built rocker by Thayer fa waxed worresa of baking through window era of two world wars, learned the conversion from It was an aooet to birch finish plays "Ro^-A-Bye-Baby’ of double-pane, shock-resisting truth about the ihtog called “vic- him, rather than a UabiUty. baby rocks. Entertaining as well as prac- No more guessing; no more cake xaii- tary." tha truth betog that victory What Is on view la tha fact that (HAR[[$W UTHROP . tieaj. Nothing to wind; nothing to get oat nres. Gleaming chromium ov«i and Boas not oaam to breed peace at we are not very eucoeoaful at REAL ESTATE of order. Reg. 310.96. door interior are as easy to clean aa $n. Aad tt is the Idea which has keeptog our attitude toward Ooib- your car bumpqrl * bean struggltog for recognitloo to munlsm clean from the thoughU INSURANCE ... the whola Korean offoir. and Influence « f thoaa who w$ht V -20184-IOOE center ' The tmportant quaotion o f the to rqplaoo COmmunlam, not with •8 -!4r -• •• >|- \ , .X , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. 1952 FAGS PAOB EIGHT OUR BOARDING HOUSE O U T O U R W A Y BY J. R. WILLIABI8 AiM w tr to Frovlouo Piinlo Unionville Man Teen«Age Styli) ExperU BurtonV Opens OP cou R «e TMey MI6TAH MAJOR. V>e IS ccfT Democrats WUl Clear O b itu a ry , a k e h o u .'"CHARtieB 6 0 T Sense and Nonsense CaUs m m -fUK OB OOR. J m HOUR HA6^ STRUC. f a i r n w FAiwr, A LUNCH BOX a r e A U . 6 t P r OFF6N THB HORN* OB OOR. — W o r i d T o u r ' •S>AATD HO HIS TIMBRE WITH W L E ^ H A / vJene 60TTH« Pays $65 Fine New Deb Shop CHARLIE 7 MEMORlCfrOE BSSSoSM^raSGrrS *now If TCccoHEgTo’oS^^^yTff^^® , \n a tc h - i HANP vTK PAST/WITH > Foch’s chauffeur w • ■ Pre-Primary Situation R D e a tliB Arms Plati VjATCH r^wwn«»

WiF<^ \T ^ OM.V igHE M£>JeO 6CIU.IANT «OS —Punck pdlticai confusion In Mancheatar Conviction Obtained; For Younger Girls; Mrs. Sarah Ann Wilson of Pet- CStntlerd aa PI m IMi and? what do you bw T ^is axpactad to t* unKramblad to- Just P a p e r [SLOW AS V JON { -• NOW FOR. / vBiMa The chauffeur put oTHE ALUMNI *- PPInlartttco they agree with the committee’s stages In such an effectlva iffatam ppBgg.]a]rar ports raccawnandad that tha eom- ident) and Foreigfi Minister An­ apprehended in Bast Hartford since this in-between youngster in th* Bast Cemetery. of diacloaur* and variflatioa, The men In the nudist colony miaslonera’ Jobs ba nboUahad. preferences. drei Vithlnsky to their opposite after police sent out a call. An usually finda it difficult to aelset Friend* may call at th* Holmee Alraoat Over! BY J.ANK LEONARD Ptlnvlteratlaf At present, although the dead- agreed measures should b iiiin e MICKEY FINN PPWar pad of wora all giving tha aye to a shape* numbers tn Korea. unidentified person at \ the scene clothing adult enough for her Funeral Horn*. 400 Main street, effective providlag tor th* m p e s- Oroaoa ly new entrant. One-man turned to Studant (airing bla knowladga 4lln* for filing for the primary CItM UBSB A k* tookr. th* license plate number of tasua. tomorrow afternoon from 8:15 tm slv* curtxUment ct produdiom th* 4PUait af forct the fellow next to him and aald, In the home )—H i explain natections la only 10 days off, only Messages from similar official* the Longhl car. Aa Knopp said, "W e have al- Sunday noon. progressive dtaaunutng of planie Saaayyy! I bet she'd look great deduction. In our backirnrd, for ox- two Democratic candidates for of North Korea expressed prohiie James Perotta, driver of the car 4rays felt that the pre-teen child i t w o w . 4 1 B u p ^ wttli mm-M and progresstv* deetruetion of ATIMMO we MC9MTN in a sweater." ample, U n pile of nahee. B y ^ -major local office have announced gratitude for th* help of the that was struck, did not know who was mature enough to 'Select her Mrs. Bknche M. BmHkwalt* MAMTWtr Hthay will run. The avowed can­ ■tochpilea of baeteriologloal wea­ IB MUM ductlon that U evidanca wa’va had USSR hit him. When Longhi was ar- own clothes, and have encouraged Mrs, Blanch* M. Braithwelte, pon* and related apMUMOae.” 4 P ? 5 ? " ” didates are Director Walter T. Kim II Sung’s message etressed raated, Parotta i>aid the $125 bond manufacturers to produce a great­ NWITWi CPAllCetiBg with IT Speaking at a large political Ores going, this winter. a^e of Rhey J. Braithwelte, well He mad* it clear, now aw , that w S S u d f WiWUWTIWmOOLM , Father—By the way, John, you iiklahoncy, who said he wilt seek Soviet assistance ” ln economic and for his friand. er variety end selection of fash- known looal locksmith, died sud­ •TMP fumaa * gathering, the late Alfred B. Smith ra-Mection, and Ekiward M. Kose, The oaa* of Marehall Aitkin, IS, until such Urn* the Uhitad States iBiiTfihw HiiBWiniir m m If ignored a particularly cantanker­ might go out and sift tha avl- culturisl construction” .as having lons'ln this else range. The pre- denly at her home this noon when would not be hound by any Epeete. FOR 49 Sotbicki n political newcomer, seeking a of 7 Tyler circle, charged with SSwMUetrMIHI MM M r NOW/J ous heckler. Finally the man yell­ donce. been "on* of the main factors of teen might go for bubble bathe she was getting ready for a trip to manta other than the UN elttitar. - PI Hearing arfan seat on the Board of Directors. our successes in the struggle for violation of tha rules of tha road one day and mbbU gum th* next PP Supwrilcial ed. "Oo ahead, Al; UU ’em all you Gape Old. She waa M m In West ’’The United States as a aeai- Lawyar—Hera’s my blU. Please •», • -The two other incumbent Demo- freedom and Independence of our In bonnectlon with an accident But ahe always wenU clothe* with Avon An Oct. II, l$$9, th* daugh­ oxiant w w know! It won’t tnko long!” Ticratte directors, Melvin 8. Hath- Wednesday whan the truck he F k a grown-up air, and th* Deb Shop ber of th* United Nattona ' She Smiling amiably, Smith replied: pay down $100, and $$0 a woak country against the American and ter of Willie and Flora Clark eemmitted Itaelf, se have all other ppiamlnino iiway and Katherine D. Bourn, Ebiglish imperialists.” was driving struck a police cruiser la crammed full of them." ‘T’ll teU them all we both know. thereaftar for tan waaka, Woodruff and has been a resident auRix a ien t—Sounds Uks buying an- -ohnve not yet made up their mmds. ^ch anges of messages between at Woodbridga street and Middle Three tecn-ag* experta have of thla town for the last 88 yeara. MWatoring ’ It won’t take any longer.” turnpike' eaaL was nolled on rec­ _ ^ , Herald Photo been In training during the cum­ th* os* of ik>li th* automobile. Mrs. Bourn, mentioned as a pos- Stalin and the Korean Premier Teen-aS* clothes experts, wearing their new fall Deb Shop out­ She waa a member o f tha Center ■“"“™ •’■is;® ,a"”' plooo tr IT — Donald F. Burrows In the Sat. ommendation of Prosecutor John mer to know the needa of th* use of germ warfiS^harO wus* of Lawyer—I am. aible candldats for stqte repre- are usual on annivessary tdataa. fit* are. shown waiting on their first pre-teen customer this morning Congregational Church. Plba Phrasing Poet. -aentatlve in the event that State The main thing abept the ae- J. O’Connor. Deba and to help them co-ordinate SM is siH^rlved by three eona, fore* of any hWl 4|SUhr)t to tho in Burton’s new Deb Shpp.' The three girls, who have been speciatly I4W of tta'Ghart4t,Fhii aald. "And SPNawcaaaara iRepresentative John D. LaBelle compan3ln g Pravda comment wax Other Court Artiim trained In qelling and co-ordinating the latest fashions are. left to their wardrobes. CUats', suite, Winiem Braithwelte of this town, CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNBR disase*. Itngeris, eceeasorita hos­ by that ooihmitment the-United Btnap become* yi* Democratic etate the heavy streaa laid upon the en­ Other cases disposed of were right. Prudence Richmond, Barbara Hills, and Pqtricia Campbell. a iffo rd Bralthwalt* of Florida, William N. Sweet, Jr., 21, of 62 iery, girdles and bras will all Statae intendo to atdde I M haa a A t Lnat P.V Rn^’AR m a r t i n .torial nomine.* from the dorsement and support of the "Ko­ The shop, which will last through September, features not only and Harold Bralthwalt* of this BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 'ourth Senatorial District, will rean People’s Democratic Repub­ Starkweather street, reckless driv­ be assembled In th* new shop. right to expoet othar miSilim to BY GALBRAITH pre-teen clothes but also high school .and college outfit*. Including town; three daughters, Mrs. Paul SIDE GLANCES ibably not decide which office lic” In both its war and its nego­ ing, $15; Joseph M. Courturicr, Every teen-age girl will receive Welmann and Mrs. Joseph iSitrlC' abldo." . - ■?» Mi: