THUUDAT, AVGUST lA IM f, f AGB 8UTIEM Comfug 9»n>Ui ATsrsfs Daily Nat Praaa Ran F*r the Week Ended Tba Wutliar Ang. a, ISU EWiuencl af O. a Wiaikar Mr. and MM. Frank IL Hawttt ahildran, Nancy, > , 9 6 3 About Town atssan, of Mlaasl UprUtgt, FM.. are Fhir tcnlaht and Hntnrdey, < aialUnir at the honM af Mm. fan* e cC the AndH c*pt few Into nftenwen Mww* Mambtra of tb« MaiwhMUr Fortin. 10 Hondack atraat JOri le t r - ■ fir* Dcpartmmt wH* wiMi to go HawKt latkaf swssi Um MlnImnm tonifk t In middle die. t« th* parad* aaO eonvaatlan In l u y i i y o u R M anchester—" A City o f Viilage Chdrm Naugatuck on aaturOay, Aug. 10 Mr. and Mrs. BraraU CamboU ar* raquaatad to moat at th* flr* of Bast Osntar stsaat CL CBrls- MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. AUGUST 18, 1058 \OW ON SALT * houa* at 10:M gaturday nwmlng. tansan and Mrs. AmMia Bddy (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS of East Hartford, and William A aon waa hom at th* a t Fran* VIdIta af Nova gcatla kava loft tor eta Hoapttal, Hartfoid, Aug. IS to a tbr***wa*k tour af aorthem Naw _____ M «k*T » n Mr. and Mrs. Witfston Chavallar of Migland and Oinada. H m ultimata Leads Hungary SB Oltvar toad. ^ daatlnatlan af th* pari^ Is Mid* ri£!*SfWa ■■iptH prMf *f Mm tnw dlatan, Nora Scatla, tha ham* of n e s ■wT ^ A t ***‘r tt fw M« tk« way M "Itwmr Murial K. Armstrong of 10 Mr. VidIta wha la Mrs. Eddy's Bdgarton atraat, ratuming from bratbar. ^ S S m r S i Mw - FIWEHFEW O ftO O nT " CMirily Mm Eur<v*, arrlvad In Naw Torkyaa- U. S. Warns A-Bomb, Germ w wan nfcata" «war N yw»a aga aai Mm way wa ha*a tarday on board th* Cunard Whlta i«aa«” a«ar alaaa Mm . aMar la atar Unar Quaan Mary which docked at Ptar 00 In th* North 2 Red Drives Rlvar with 1000 paaaangara from Weddings GOOD THINGS TO EAT Europ* and th* Cnanhal porta. Seoul, Kotea, Aug. 16—(fl*)—American Marines twice to­ QMlitr u 4 V»ta# AB TkrMith Tba Damocratle Town Commit* ABoa-Vaadarhoidt day crushed Chinese Communist attacks on Bunker Rill fn a n d s p e a k i n g o f W A L r n r ^ D v ^ b , to* arill bold an important moat­ Mias Barbaim J. Allan, daugh­ tire latest of a series of western front batUes which the corps 8IIWR THESE FARM FRESH BOBART FARM ing at th* Municipal .EuUding. Faces Aggressors ter of lUv. and Mrs. Ftadarick C. said has cost the Reds 3,014 ih dead and wounded since Satur-' t u r k e y s w e o f f e r a g a i n t h i s w e e k a t t o e , Friday night, Aug. IS. All mam- bars ar* 'raguastad to ,attend. Anon, tormarly af Manahaatar, win day. UnltM NcUon* fighter bomb-v LOW PRICE OF 6te lb. Wa bontMly think thay a^far b* married Aug. SS at th* Matho- er* ttrafed and plaatortd Itod poal waaiarfni antlnr aa4 Jwt ns wanBafnl w O t,.. tiena with bomb*, rocket* and Mrs. W. J. Crockett of OS Elga- diat Church In Futnam, to Bdarin ( aaanlln* •* th* Leatherneck* forc­ low atroct left yaatarday aftar- A-Vondorhald* of Otatan Island, In Food at HALE The Veep Lends a Hand A 1 } '• ' ed back SOO Chine** who tri*d to Stalin Hails noon for nMttfc, Washingtan, . N. T. Beth graduatad from Oyra* advance on the b*ttle-*carr*d hill Girl Lost Two Days; Calls Soviet ROSART fARM wbtr* ah* will m n d a month cuaa Onhrarmty In lOBi. thl* afternoon. vtalting bar *on, w . H. Crockett Mias Allan, win teach Orot grad* A briefing officer •atimatod SS this fan at ih* North atanlngton - R*d* wer* killed In the onc-bour Red K orea Mrs. Anna Ninon of Miami, MhooL Vondailwld* win study at battle, th* aixth fntll* Communlat Arm s P lan Fla., is spending th*< month of Hartford Theological Bamlnary a n D Matya* Bakaal, aacratory-geu- 100 Com bing Forest attempt to recapture Bunker HiU. V U r i n. A u g ^ at the hem* of bar end wttl bo student pnstor of th* • Before dawn today, Marin** r^ W ar Effort eral af tha Huugarhui Oammualst coualii, Mrs. AUca Oarlck, of Methodist Church at Norwlchtsown. pulsed • 400-man force which Party, Was elaetad' Prawler at North Main atraat. Buckland. Th* coupl* win real da after gap- launched a sneak attack on the ■uagary la a raakuMUng at the Jackson, N. H„ Aug. 15—</P)—About 100 men and two Just P aper tamber 1 at th* NorwlChtown HALE'S JACK FROST bin from two directions. '' Moscow, Aug. 15— (/P) — •attaa’s top pasts. Bakael la a SMAliROIARTmSHHIN bloodhounds today beat their way methodically through a nWIMan WMWPaMi. r m » « a Mathodlat Farsonag*. Froah Gnaiid Co oat 8*1 Dead All Moscow newspapars today fanaar vieo-praiular, aud has heeu large tract of the White Mountain Natiimal Forest in search Unltod Nations, N. Y., Aiig. Iter, Frodartek C. Allan eras pas­ *111* Leathernecks aeisad Bunker caned the "uadMputfd leader” al tor of th* aaoond Cangragatlonal SUGAR Beech-Nut . gave front page display to a tke eoustry. (NEA Teiephota). of Charlotte Cook, 13, of Windham Center, Conn., who disap­ 18—-(/Plp-Tha Stalaa Hill early Tuasday, tb* tourlb day message of Prime Minister peared two days ago. On* of the ----- Church from 10S8 to 1030 in Man- COFFEE of Sgbting In the area. The U.8. warned today that it reaervM HALE'S ehaatar and Barbarn waa barn In Stalin to North Korean Pre­ searcher* waa the glrl'a father, Turkeys <^59 * Eighth Army aaid 1.1U Chineac Edan C. Cook, purehaalng agent .the right to use the A-b<nBb la town. Kav. Akan Is at praaant 1 Lb. 5 Lb. Bog BABY F O O D S mier Kim It Sung expressing oaator of th* Mathodlat Church bay* been wounded and SST count­ of the Smith and Wincheeter and germ warfare to luinirMl Lamb Pattlaa Hsoilqiforttff In Futnam. STRAINED 4 JARS 39c ed or believed klUad in Had *f- strong support of “The J a il T e rm Manufacturing Company. He ar­ Young Heir aggression until such y t e a p * W I K N O W 1 H A T forta to recaptur* th* hill. Lh. CBc Korean Pemle’s Democratic rived heia last night with his wife. - pna are eliminated by t o FDR JUNIOR 2 JARS 29c Allied lights bomber* aupported Republic.” The occasion was As the search got underway, al ^ fiMh «alM waaMwr yan wM aajay a Marab-Jacabaon the Sere* ground action with from Daybreak, Ceok. visibly ehaken by iron-clad system of intoniB* aaHMT wwa aay at Mwaa Haaw lar FocMaga af Laaib t)r. Floraaea Marsh and Dr. Our froquont purchnseo insuro 800 to 1,000 individual strikes the World War II liberation Is S ta rte d Arrested in tional safeguards, \ j^eer ssset ssufss* # • # # # hla daughter's plight, pointad to a Far Bmiaiat Lb. 4Sc FhUIpp* Jaoehaan, both of Man- complete otocks of ell varieties. Bgalnet enemy poeltlona einc* Sat­ of Korea from Japan. rtdga and said: ^■nia wamlng waa auda by U. K Moiar, nnnisune* tlulr aomlng urday, tha U.S. Fifth Air Force At th* asm* Urn* Pravada; of- 'I'm auta ahe'a over In there.; P*l*g*ta BaaJamln V. Cohan Be- Rafnlar Hambarf marrtog*. Tha caramony wfll taka wi iDBH mn-Nur ooutnnr cans •aid. fidat nswspaper of tba Soviet ghe'a been coming here since she fora tba UN diaatmamant '•timmlY plac* In Brldgaport. No dot* has The Air Force cald Its pilot* Oommuklal party, calM for a By Costello Grime Case whara Russia has rapaatalBy FONL^nilOUUE Lb. B»e naan oat. waa a mere tyke, and aha must ba i today destroyed 78 troop and sup- peaceful **tU«ment of th* Korean pll right' I damandad that tha UN touB atraSe weapon* and garm warfara- Intga Maa, Aag. BaM. Lana Gronnd Baaf JACK FROST . ply buildings, six supply dumps, war, although It also aaid tha New York, Auc< 15—(/R— Air Force planes from Orenier New York, Aug. 15—<A»)— CONKCnONUS 11 supply stacks, 17 gun positions, North Korean* war* “unyifiviaiing mad* It aiaar, howavtfc Lb.7»e PILLSIURY 38 bunkers, four personnel eheltere, in their una'mlnotu atruggla to Frank Cogtello, underworld A socially-registered young that tha Unltad SUtaa dbaa net IB- And Brawa heir to an olemacyarins for­ •ad seven Seld^ pieces. defend the Independence of thalr gambiinf kingpin,surren­ Jacksoa, N. H., Aug. 18—Ori— tond to uaa aueh waapona at ally .T!??.T!*^aMh llJ t Fraah Franka FTaai CAKE MIX Fresh ftuil and Vegetables Today's Red drive began at 1:30 country and aav* thalr nation from dered today to ^gin serving Mtoaiag Charlotte Coak, 18. af tune waa arreatod* today for Uma contrary to tha tarms at tha Am. J fot. one of 3M Chinese tha threat of ansUvament by allegedly allowing his fash­ Unltad Nations chartar, that It lat Priaa, Handy, ' • ^ KiatAM SUGAR his first prison term in 37 Wladbam Ceater, Ooaa., waa would reserve them for tha aBib* GoMca, f^i^eolate. White •potted sneaking through A can­ Amarican imparlaUsm.” years.
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