Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf Crossing - Meeting Note

Title: R2CW Port of Authority Liaison Date 05-03-19 Timing: 14:00-16:00 Type: Meeting Location: PLA Offices, Pinnacle House, London EC3 Attendees: Nick Evans (NE) PLA (River Pilot) Stephen Milford TfL (Sponsor) Tom Chick (TC) TfL (Sponsor) Marinas (Various)

Aim of the meeting: To update the London marinas on project progress since the last consultation and gain insight into potential concerns.

Topics of discussion: Key topics of discussion were: i. Project Update; ii. Marina concerns

No. Action Owner Deadline

1 TfL to provide information on the minimum height SM 31-03-2019 over the main span

2 TfL to meet/liaise with SKD and Limehouse SM 31-03-2019 marinas with regards to bridge operation generally, as well as potential of communication between marina lock and bridge bookings specifically








Issued 14-09-18 Page 1 of 3

Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf Crossing - Meeting Note

Key outcomes (dis/agreements, notable information shared)

1. Marinas concerned about vessels being unable to make bookings 2. Marinas appreciative of concept of ‘proactive bridge operator’ 3. PLA and Marinas like idea of communication between bridge and marina lock bookings 4. Marinas expect some form of accommodation for river users awaiting a lift such as mooring buoys

Ref. Description Action 1.0 Introductions/Overview 1.1 NE outlined meeting agenda and gave a brief overview of planned river traffic in 2019 – the majority of commercial traffic will be due to Tideway Tunnel construction 2.0 PLA Updates 2.1 PLA/Marinas discussed licencing – all commercial vessels on the Thames must be licensced 2.2 PLA are currently reviewing the lighting arrangements for tugs 2.3 PLA gave information about the use of arches at : Arches 1 and 2 are currently closed for Tideway, with a ‘traffic light’ system currently on the navigational channel that sometimes requires recreational vessels to wait. 2.4 PLA are trialling a ‘dynamic sign’ for vessels to use arch 2 – information will be provided in an ‘advice to mariners’ notice published in coming days 2.0 Project Update 2.1 SM outlined the project and its current design state

2.2 Various marinas made it clear they are worried that openings will be restricted during rush hour

2.3 SKD Marina stated that they were concerned about TfL to meet with leisure vessels needing to know their own air draught, SKD (SM/TC) and said that many that use their marina do not.

2.4 Various marinas, especially SKD and Limehouse, had TfL to meet with concerns about vessels being unable to go through Limehouse Marina due to not being able to arrive at the booked time (SM/TC)

2.5 SKD Marina raised that they did not view an operating concept ‘in line with ’ as being sufficient for leisure users as vessels will not turn up when booked

2.6 The possibility was raised of ‘linking’ marina lock bookings (especially SKD and Limehouse) with bridge

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Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf Crossing - Meeting Note

Ref. Description Action bookings

2.7 PLA stated that they are looking into the possibility of layover berths but expect some form of communication between marina lock and bridge bookings 2.8 Limehouse marina stated that they currently track boats on AIS as far as the to give an idea of when they might arrive (~50% of boats can be tracked this way) 2.9 Marinas stated they would have an expectation of visitor moorings/facilities for leisure users – potentially both for those waiting for a bridge opening and those not – i.e. overnight moorings. PLA suggested that the northern piers would likely be non-navigable and therefore a potential holding area 2.10 Marinas stated they would like a booking system where you can see already placed bookings, including the boat name and what direction it would be going 2.11 It was raised that bridges in Rotterdam have optical detectors that know how high they need to lift and when the boat has safely passed through 2.12 The marinas agreed that the painted steel option for the final bridge was preferred over weathered steel due to higher visibility for river users. 3.0 Next PLA/Marinas meeting in September - TBC

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