August 1995 Council Minutes
AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY COUNCIL MINUTES Burlington, Vermont 05 August 1995 Abstract The Council of the American Mathematical Society met at 1:00 p.m. on Satur- day, 05 August 1995, in the Emerald Grand Ballroom in the Sheraton Burlington, Burlington, Vermont. These are the minutes for the meeting. Members present were Georgia Benkart, Joan Birman, Robert Daverman (vot- ing Associate Secretary), David Epstein, Robert Fossum, John Franks, Ron Gra- ham, Steven Krantz, Andy Magid (Associate Secretary), Cathleen Morawetz, Frank Morgan, Franklin Peterson, Marc Rieffel, Cora Sadosky, Norberto Salinas, Peter Shalen, Lesley Sibner (Associate Secretary), B. A. Taylor, Jean Taylor, and Sylvia Wiegand. Staff and others invited to attend were Don Babbitt (Publisher), Annalisa Cran- nell (Committee on the Profession Representative), Chandler Davis (Canadian Mathematical Society Representative), John Ewing (Executive Director), Tim Gog- gins (Development Officer), Carolyn Gordon (Editorial Boards Committee Repre- sentative), Jim Lewis (Committee on Science Policy Chair), James Maxwell (AED), Don McClure (Trustee), Susan Montgomery (Trustee), Everett Pitcher (Former Secretary), Sam Rankin (AED), and Kelly Young (Assistant to the Secretary). President Morawetz presided. 1 2 CONTENTS Contents IAGENDA 4 0 CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS. 4 1MINUTES 4 1.1March95Council...................................... 4 1.2 05/95 Meeting of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees. 4 2 CONSENT AGENDA. 4 2.1Resolutions......................................... 4 2.1.1 Exxon Foundation. ......................... 4 2.2CommitteeAdministration................................ 5 2.2.1 Dischargewiththanks............................... 5 2.2.2 CommitteeCharges................................ 5 3 REPORTS OF BOARDS AND STANDING COMMITTEES. 5 3.1 EDITORIAL BOARDS COMMITTEE (EBC). .................. 5 3.1.1 TransactionsandMemoirsEditorialCommittee................. 5 3.1.2 Journal of the AMS .
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