MINDEN HILLS Regular Council AGENDA Thursday, April 28, 2016 9:00 A.M
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MINDEN HILLS Regular Council AGENDA Thursday, April 28, 2016 9:00 a.m. Page 1. Call to Order/Approve Agenda a) Agenda Approval - April 28, 2016 Be it resolved that Council approves the April 28, 2016 Council Meeting Agenda as circulated. 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest or General Nature Thereof 3. Public Meetings a) None. 4. Delegations 13 - 16 a) Donna Both & John Mitchell, Board Members - Allsaw Pentecostal Church Re: Re-zoning of Church Property 17 - 31 b) Tina Jackson, Community Transportation Project Coordinator & Lisa Tolentino, Project Lead for Rural Transportation Options Committee Re: Community Transportation Project. 5. Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting 32 - 41 a) March 31, 2016 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Be it resolved that the March 31, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes be approved as circulated. 6. Payment of Accounts 42 a) Accounts - April 28, 2016 Be it resolved that accounts in the amount of $ 400,169.91 be approved for payment. 7. Correspondence and Communications Page 1 of 65 Page a) Library March 2016 Circulation Totals Be it resolved that the Library Circulation totals for March 2016 be received for information. b) Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Re: Extension of Closing date for written submissions on the Strategy for a Safer Ontario. Be it resolved that Council acknowledges receipt of Correspondence dated April 7, 2016 from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services regarding input into the strategy for a Safer Ontario; 43 - 50 c) Upper Trent Water Management Partnership - Support Resolution Be it resolved that Council of the Township of Minden Hills confirm our participation in the Upper Trent Water Management Partnership (UTWMP); And further, that Council of the Township of Minden Hills endorse the Upper Trent Water Management Partnership Charter and Partnership Operating Principles document dated March 2016; And further, that Council appoint ___________________________ to represent the Township of Minden Hills on the Partnership.
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