ADULT CHILD TWIN TRIPLE SGL ROOM HALF TWIN WITH BED NO BED TAXES $2188 $2188 $2588 $2088 $2088 $1888 INCL. * Tipping to Mandarin Speaking Guide/Driver/Tour Leader SGD$60 Person/Trip (Collect when booking)

FLIGHT DETAILS: SIN/DXB 17 JAN SQ494 1505-1845 GETAI SINGER DXB/SIN 22 JAN SQ495 2000-0715 + 1 Optional Tour: Ferrari World Entrance fees: USD70

Day 01: Singapore 4 Dubai (MOB+D) Day 04: Dubai City Tour/Desert Safari Tour B/L/D) Assemble at Singapore International Airport and your vacation start Proceed on a city tour which will mesmerize you with the Old and with a pleasant flight to Dubai. Upon arrival at Dubai International New Dubai. Pass by some of Dubai’s magnificent landmarks like the Airport, meet and greet by our local representative. Transfer to hotel and the . Then arrive at the Jumeirah for check in. Mosque for a photo stop. Next, visit the old Dubai and the Dubai Hotel: Radission Blu Hotel, Dubai Canal View or Similar Museum. This museum was initially a fort, known as Al Fahidi Fort. Then, head to the exotic Gold and Spice Souks. By late afternoon, go Day 02: Dubai/Bluewaters Island//Butterfly on a Desert Safari (4WD) with several photo-stops on an exciting Garden/Palm Island/Dubai Mall/Khalifa Tower (B/L/D) dune drive to a camel farm. The drive continues and you will stop to watch the sunset before reaching the campsite. You may choose to Proceed to Bluewaters Island for a photo stop at Ain Dubai (Dubai try camel riding, or henna painting on hand or feet. Enjoy a delicious Eye), the largest Observation Wheel in . Next visit Butterfly barbecue dinner, shisha (Arabic water pipe), and a belly dancing Garden and Palm Island – an of the future world view performance around a campfire under the starlight. plan. After arriving on the island by Monorail, photo stop at the Hotel: Radission Blu Hotel, Dubai Canal View or Similar Atlantis, The Palm. Thereafter, visit , one of the world’s largest shopping malls. Then head up to the 124th Floor of the world’s highest building standing at 828m, the and Day 05: Dubai Theme Park (B/D) also visit – The Biggest Musical Fountain in the Enjoy loads of fun at Dubai Parks and Resorts (2 Parks: MOTION- world, transfer back to Hotel. GATE Dubai + Bollywood Parks Dubai). First, visit the MOTIONGATE Hotel: Radission Blu Hotel, Dubai Canal View or Similar Dubai, which has the best in branded entertainment from 3 of the largest and most successful motion picture studios in Hollywood. Day 3: Dubai/Abu Dhabi Tour/Ferrari World/Dubai Next, visit the Bollywood Parks Dubai . With five fascinating zones, you can experience different environments inspired by the greatest (B/L/D) Bollywood blockbusters. After breakfast in the hotel, transfer to Abu Dhabi for a city tour. Hotel: Radission Blu Hotel, Dubai Canal View or Similar Thereafter, visit the Grand Mosque, which has very beautiful and impressive marble walls, intricate stone work and crystal chandeliers [Note: Please wear long trousers/long dress/long sleeve clothes & Day 06: Dubai 4 Singapore (B) (Reminder: Check out of hotel room by 12pm) dark colored headscarves/scarf (for females) to visit the mosque]. After breakfast, free at leisure till transfer to airport for flight home Next stop, visit the Qasr Al Watan and Abu Dhabi Corniche. The Yas with sweet memories. Island offers the Yas Marina Circuit racetrack, which hosts the Formula One Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. There will be a photo stop at Ferrari World. Visit Yas Mall before proceeding back to Dubai. Day 07: Singapore Hotel: Radission Blu Hotel, Dubai Canal View or Similar Arrival in Singapore.

For more information, please call: (TA 106) www.newshan.com 6481 1181 [email protected] 20 Maxwell Road, #01-02 Maxwell House S(069113) www.facebook.com/NewShanTravelService www.instagram.com/newshantravel/ 7D5N THEUAE BEST OF (DUBAI-ABU DHABI) WITH ARTISTE LI PEI FEN ēǯ᧡ѩბĭĠᖊᶶŀഉ ӞՆݺޫ դڌ ӞՆݺޫ 17 Jan 2021 ؆س ъל TWIN TRIPLE SGL ROOM HALF TWIN WITH BED NO BED TAXES $2188 $2188 $2588 $2088 $2088 $1888 INCL. * Tipping to Mandarin Speaking Guide/Driver/Tour Leader SGD$60 Person/Trip (Collect when booking) ৰࣀੵ㖊͵ SIN/DXB 17 JAN SQ494 1505-1845 GETAI SINGER DXB/SIN 22 JAN SQ495 2000-0715 + 1 Optional Tour: Ferrari World Entrance fees: USD70 ऩङ௰ק߄ࣳ䛈ࢠऩ澝䎀䎿ܨ٠୳澝னݪ٠୳ͧ ֨଑ୌу ޏஞ޲஠܇ݰԅֵ 4㬧 ם▁ॕ ߂҄ە௎֪ڢ՟߽ङ଒Ս௚ॠͫީѽ௠ڔѲ ୐ਫսͫљՃ՟ܞЄЗ୅୸଼۱ুۨङ  ஋ं ܦ㬹ڪݟЫ઼Ԣؚߑ௏ ٢৴ଖ উڏ߶֪ۅں߶ܦ࡯ँㅓ澝 ֨㬹ۿ澞ନ৆ 咫ষהङֽ Ծە֢௎ڑ࣫їՁѮ৏澝ҭࢠޘ澞଑З؟Ҹ֢֢ם৻ՠ ߂ӵࢬङாऩީ 燱ӎ࠺燲澞 ৆௠Йܦ澞㬹ڦࣩ࠺䇨ݢࠖ՟ڂ ыћӱ࠴ଭઘ澞ږ⩾॰ङЅਰঊͫࢋࢋޗՊԗײ١ͫؕ वֱࢠЫؚङ֚૶௜աޯ૱࡙ͫ֨ЎФ୿ऒ橉ڐङ՛ߑئ ङ࡙ЎͫࣀեҔӏЈԾͫ҂Օљѽچଇ֚мԝچУऄਲਲ਼ⳓ߷㴈 ͫӏЇֶ܇㬧ٍٸਡ৸㰺܇㬧 םॕз ૩澞ߎљڶؼީڱՒ澝ࠪշФИͫࣨط澞୍ע௠ӱि޶ङ ޏ֋֪୚ैࡄׇ֔ࡂ਽ࢇݾԟ܇㬧ٍ ݌࡙֨ࢧФИࠫ૒؍கͫФեޗУऄͧ О૱੽৬дͫ߂ե԰߄ۖ܇ݹङ 㬧ڐޏࣁй߂ܠ ٍͧٸਡ৸㰺 ڪ௑եͫӹޝ ܞ࡙ࢧИङ஋ڪஆ੊ЈФեӹןࣔ࠺ङѽ௠ͫٯஆͫளט Ѝउ߂௤ͫ௤狤狣狢 জ澞Հ઀ ਲਲ਼ⳓͧⴃӄ੣੤傱௏ͫް਩ ܚՕљ橥Ы橛橒ͫͫڭङ࠮ڔѲܞՉ஋ݎଜङ ߷㴈ٍ澞 Ыݟԥ Ѳੈ֪ͫ֨଑ୌרםՀ઀ੴઉОЍउআҷڪ㔒ы澞৐ Ѳਘԉࢻ䏟௑ͫ௑ѿ؏Ҷ஗懵֨Ѯ৏剎ܞцऀ஋ٷકࢢ֋ ࡊࢹͫ܇㬧 ڪӹͫڧऊڃ੼࡭େם૳ࢮ૱َ࣪ͫ֨ੋդङ ॱФЈ澞ޤ澞 जਟ੮ࢦՃ؏Ҷ࡚߄Ұ؞ङڃ૆࣒֌֫ͫ֌֫ӄ߄狣狤狢狢୿ੋդս࣎֌םЍउ߂ ͵֪  ࠡЇͫكЍउ߂௤Ф ୚Ӯࡄளׇͧ ׈௤狪狤狪Ҹؾ澞֨狣狤狦  ޏШⳓݾ܇㬧 ם澞 ॕлڃФஉШ֔ࡂե֛ଏେם䨫ઃҶް澞ࣀե઀૒Ѝउ߂ ⴃםֺङПொЩⴃͫⴃӄһ߄֚םܦ㬹ڪ௑㒑ͫӟ䤚ӹޝ УୈШⳓոؖਏ⴮Шⳓͧࣔڦ୹ॕ ࣔםԚͫ۩ћݕ҈Д ޏӮШⳓݾԟۿ୚١૖ࠢࡄ܇㬧 םॕЅ ࣌ОਅްङӈகЩⴃͫڧҸ՛ੋդڧੀⵞऄױУୈ ީљڦ йИהନ࣪Ѷյଶ۵ѽѫٝ૯ڍ୚١૖ࠢͧ ڪݎ ௑եޝ ࢽ୹ऄچ澞ؖਏ⴮Шⳓ ީЍउ௙ЗՉԭޑউ澝௤ࠡߥ һ߄狤狩ா࢕ЩગڏԢщ◒ङ઼ͫ؟娑ङ֢ئѲԡَЇ߂ܞБ஋ 刃ծѩ২ङͫە௎چ۱կՇङЩⴃ澞એ҂۟ՉࡼԼङԭڧ ࣲी۸ם͵࡯ँㅓל ऴउڐםјыثॹङୃѫް઀্ͫ ஺Щչਟ式澞چଭङ୐䬐恁䑀Ѝउ߂ؐѭФࢎऱㆃ澞ࡴ概ܶଘ  ૡҴ࡯ँ ԭ ு৸ۏஏאஏुେ娠ͧେੂͧ׭אࣕͧٺஏॏڶㅓͧुਚ  4ݰԅֵݾ ܇㬧 םॕҸ ۿࡄڇ▲ଂͧ ֨ҶЍउআל࣫؜ͧࢄࡢלٞ ୚١૖ࠢע ⴃ澞࢓概ݕ؟ߑ֛֫ͫଏڪ୿ଟޞ௑եͫਘंࡴԈͫӱޝ ֌֫澞ם9'?ڪਘોҵ୹ॕ;9*狩狢ӹڧӮОஙШⳓऊ 澞 ୉͹ИԠ狣狤ࢵӹଞ۰ܦଏ㬹֛

ݰԅֵ םીݾԟ ॕЃސ٠ԙࡶ࠺Ѝ֙ૅ஫ԇՠ܇㬧 םॕ֙ Ԇֶ澞ޏଇܙ ޏ ࣍ߎކљਸ਼ر߄ٛઑײ࣍ߎ澞ކ࣍੧३৬ઠਘਸ਼ކѱׄⵜ ݷ ԢۿԷ՗ͫं ୚ٶךՀ઀߄狣狧狢ڪ௑եͫசեӹޝ ޾ݷљेޞӑ৲஬Лەள௄ߊ֪ڢ۪֜پԧࢢ஦ͧ ௗӄՕरӱђՎਙяङԷ՗଴ଜͫ О߶ӕ੧३ி܇ङ 㬧ۨ৲ڏ ிଟ ґ੧३ிӯ଒੧㕀Љ௄үճऽ澞ڪӹۓԗ߄޾ࢋङдઆ澞சե٫ކङԷ՗ܦ㬹ث৲ђ

For more information, please call: (TA 106) www.newshan.com 6481 1181 [email protected] 20 Maxwell Road, #01-02 Maxwell House S(069113) www.facebook.com/NewShanTravelService www.instagram.com/newshantravel/