Mole Valley District Council Register of Enforcement and Stop Notices and Other Enforcement Action
Mole Valley District Council Register of Enforcement and Stop Notices and other enforcement action Enforcement Location Type of Notice Summary of Alleged Authorised Date Effective Date Compliance Due Date Appeal Lodged Date Complied Ref Breach Date 1950/001/ENF The Ramblers, Horsham Enforcement Unauthorised installation of a 27-Apr-1950 25-May-1950 25-May-1950 Road, Beare Green, Notice mechanical saw and Enforcement Dorking, Surrey, RH5 manufacture and display of Details 4QU fencing. 1951/001/ENF Crossways Cottage, Enforcement Development of land & 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-1951 23-Jul-1951 Leigh Road, Betchworth, Notice building for use as Builders Enforcement Surrey, RH3 7AW Yard without permission. Details 1951/002/ENF Street Record, Lazenby Enforcement The placing of construction 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-1951 27-Jul-1951 Lane, Wallis Wood, Notice thereon of (i) a timber framed Enforcement Surrey and asbestos hut Details approximately 7ft by 13ft, (ii) a wooden hut on brick piers approximately 6ft by 18ft, (iii) a timber framed asbestos hut approximately 6ft by 15ft, with breeze block outhouse approximately 7ft by 7ft, and a brick and timber earth closet. 1951/004/ENF Land at Woodbine Enforcement The use for a hut or tool shed 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-1951 25-Jul-1951 Cottage, New Road, Notice adjoining the said premises Enforcement Forest Green, Dorking, for the purpose of spraying Details Surrey, RH5 5SA and carrying out minor repairs to motor vehicles. 1951/005/ENF 3, Wayside Cottages, Enforcement Use of the said premises as a 29-Jun-1951 29-Jun-1951 25-Jul-1951 New Road, Forest Notice Builders Yard & Store without Enforcement Green, Dorking, Surrey, planning permission Details RH5 5SA 1951/006/ENF Smiths Garage, Enforcement The placing or construction 12-Dec-1951 17-Jan-1952 16-Mar-1952 Walliswood Green Road, Notice thereon of a temporary Enforcement Wallis Wood, Dorking, structure used as a garage Details Surrey, RH5 5RD which said structure adjoins garage No.
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