X53 bus time schedule & line map

X53 Axminster View In Website Mode

The X53 bus line (Axminster) has 5 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Axminster: 6:35 AM - 4:25 PM (2) : 8:23 PM (3) Melcombe Regis: 6:28 AM (4) Uplyme: 4:58 PM - 6:23 PM (5) Weymouth: 7:27 AM - 9:40 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest X53 bus station near you and nd out when is the next X53 bus arriving.

Direction: Axminster X53 bus Time Schedule 92 stops Axminster Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:58 AM - 4:25 PM

Monday 6:35 AM - 4:25 PM Kings Statue, Weymouth Tuesday 6:35 AM - 4:25 PM Holland Road, Westham Wednesday 6:35 AM - 4:25 PM Holly Road, Westham Thursday 6:35 AM - 4:25 PM

Cromwell Road, Westham Friday 6:35 AM - 4:25 PM Road, Weymouth Saturday 6:58 AM - 4:25 PM The Adelaide, Westham

Dennis Road, Westham

Quibo Lane, Westham X53 bus Info Direction: Axminster Fiveways, Lanehouse Stops: 92 Trip Duration: 138 min Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse Line Summary: Kings Statue, Weymouth, Holland Road, Westham, Holly Road, Westham, Cromwell Road, Westham, The Adelaide, Westham, Dennis Budmouth School, Charlestown Road, Westham, Quibo Lane, Westham, Fiveways, Road, Weymouth Lanehouse, Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse, Budmouth School, Charlestown, Army Camp, Army Camp, Charlestown Charlestown, Glennie Way, Chickerell, Dental Surgery, Chickerell, Meadow Close, Chickerell, Courage Way, Glennie Way, Chickerell Chickerell, Knights In the Bottom, , Chickerell Road, Chickerell Kings Arms, , Village Hall, Portesham, Swan Inn, Abbotsbury, Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury, Dental Surgery, Chickerell West Street, Abbotsbury, Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington, The Bull Inn, , Cogden Beach, Meadow Close, Chickerell , Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock, The Garage, Burton Bradstock, Three Horseshoes, Courage Way, Chickerell Burton Bradstock, Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay, Marsh Barn Farm, West Bay, The George, West Knights In the Bottom, Langton Herring Bay, Meadowlands, West Bay, Opposite Roundham Gardens, Bridport, The Crown Inn, Bridport, Training Kings Arms, Portesham Centre, Bridport, Doctor Roberts Close, Bridport, Pierrepoint Gallery, Bridport, Natwest Bank, Bridport, Village Hall, Portesham East Street Bridge, Bridport, Travis Perkins, Bridport, Goose Hill, Portesham Knightstone Rise, Bridport, King's Head, , Colfox School, Bradpole, Colfox School, Bradpole, Swan Inn, Abbotsbury Kings Head, Bradpole, Knightstone Rise, Bridport, Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Civil Parish Co-Op Supermarket, Bridport, East Bridge, Bridport, Natwest Bank, Bridport, Town Centre, Bridport, Bus Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury Station, Bridport, Park Road, West Allington, Bridport 20 Market Street, Abbotsbury Civil Parish Medical Centre, West Allington, West Mead, West Allington, Business Park, West West Street, Abbotsbury Allington, Sprakes Corner, Symondsbury, London Inn, Bridport, Broadmead, , The George Inn, Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington Chideock, Chideock Bridge, Chideock, Village Hall, Chideock, Star Lane, , The Bakery, The Bull Inn, Swyre Morcombelake, Ship Knapp, Morcombelake, Newlands Holiday Park, , Georges Close, Cogden Beach, Burton Bradstock Charmouth, St Andrews Church, Charmouth, Old Lyme Hill, Charmouth, Wood Farm, Charmouth, Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock Fernhill Hotel, Charmouth, Golf Club, , Frosts Corner, Lyme Regis, Football Ground, Lyme The Garage, Burton Bradstock Regis, Anning Road, Lyme Regis, The Square, Lyme Regis, Langmoor Gardens Temp, Lyme Regis, Holm Bush Car Park, Lyme Regis, Kent House, Lyme Regis, Three Horseshoes, Burton Bradstock Travis Perkins, Lyme Regis, Medical Centre, Lyme High Street, Burton Bradstock Civil Parish Regis, Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis, Whalley Lane, Uplyme, Talbot Arms, Uplyme, Lime Kiln Lane, Yawl, Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay Cathole Lane, Yawl, Stonecrest, Raymond's Hill, Hunters Lodge Inn, Raymond's Hill, Woodbury Lane, Marsh Barn Farm, West Bay Raymond's Hill, Loup House, Axminster, Lamb Inn, Axminster, Trinity Square, Axminster, Co-Op, The George, West Bay Axminster, Rail Station, Axminster 18 George Street, Bridport Civil Parish

Meadowlands, West Bay

Opposite Roundham Gardens, Bridport Roundham Gardens, Bridport

The Crown Inn, Bridport

Training Centre, Bridport

Doctor Roberts Close, Bridport 150 South Street, Bridport

Pierrepoint Gallery, Bridport 72 South Street, Bridport

Natwest Bank, Bridport 23 East Street, Bridport

East Street Bridge, Bridport

Travis Perkins, Bridport Sea Road North, Bridport

Knightstone Rise, Bridport Knightstone Rise, Bridport

King's Head, Bradpole

Colfox School, Bradpole

Colfox School, Bradpole Ridgeway, Bradpole Civil Parish

Kings Head, Bradpole

Knightstone Rise, Bridport

Co-Op Supermarket, Bridport

East Bridge, Bridport

Natwest Bank, Bridport 24 East Street, Bridport

Town Centre, Bridport 24 West Street, Bridport

Bus Station, Bridport Tannery Road, Bridport

Park Road, West Allington

Bridport Medical Centre, West Allington

West Mead, West Allington

Symondsbury Business Park, West Allington

Sprakes Corner, Symondsbury

London Inn, Bridport

Broadmead, Chideock

The George Inn, Chideock

Chideock Bridge, Chideock

Village Hall, Chideock

Star Lane, Morcombelake

The Bakery, Morcombelake

Ship Knapp, Morcombelake

Newlands Holiday Park, Charmouth

Georges Close, Charmouth

St Andrews Church, Charmouth The Street, Charmouth Civil Parish

Old Lyme Hill, Charmouth

Wood Farm, Charmouth

Fernhill Hotel, Charmouth

Golf Club, Lyme Regis Frosts Corner, Lyme Regis A3052, Lyme Regis Civil Parish

Football Ground, Lyme Regis

Anning Road, Lyme Regis Road, Lyme Regis

The Square, Lyme Regis 67 Broad Street, Lyme Regis

Langmoor Gardens Temp, Lyme Regis Langmoor Close, Lyme Regis

Holm Bush Car Park, Lyme Regis

Kent House, Lyme Regis

Travis Perkins, Lyme Regis

Medical Centre, Lyme Regis Uplyme Road, Lyme Regis Civil Parish

Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis

Whalley Lane, Uplyme

Talbot Arms, Uplyme

Lime Kiln Lane, Yawl

Cathole Lane, Yawl

Stonecrest, Raymond's Hill

Hunters Lodge Inn, Raymond's Hill

Woodbury Lane, Raymond's Hill

Loup House, Axminster Loup Court, Axminster Civil Parish

Lamb Inn, Axminster

Trinity Square, Axminster A358, Axminster

Co-Op, Axminster

Rail Station, Axminster Station Yard, Axminster Direction: Bridport X53 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Bridport Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:23 PM

Monday 8:23 PM Kings Statue, Weymouth Tuesday 8:23 PM Holland Road, Westham Wednesday 8:23 PM Holly Road, Westham Thursday 8:23 PM

Cromwell Road, Westham Friday 8:23 PM Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth Saturday 6:23 PM - 8:23 PM The Adelaide, Westham

Dennis Road, Westham

Quibo Lane, Westham X53 bus Info Direction: Bridport Fiveways, Lanehouse Stops: 39 Trip Duration: 62 min Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse Line Summary: Kings Statue, Weymouth, Holland Road, Westham, Holly Road, Westham, Cromwell Road, Westham, The Adelaide, Westham, Dennis Budmouth School, Charlestown Road, Westham, Quibo Lane, Westham, Fiveways, Chickerell Road, Weymouth Lanehouse, Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse, Budmouth School, Charlestown, Army Camp, Army Camp, Charlestown Charlestown, Glennie Way, Chickerell, Dental Surgery, Chickerell, Meadow Close, Chickerell, Courage Way, Glennie Way, Chickerell Chickerell, Knights In the Bottom, Langton Herring, Chickerell Road, Chickerell Kings Arms, Portesham, Village Hall, Portesham, Swan Inn, Abbotsbury, Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury, Dental Surgery, Chickerell West Street, Abbotsbury, Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington, The Bull Inn, Swyre, Cogden Beach, Meadow Close, Chickerell Burton Bradstock, Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock, The Garage, Burton Bradstock, Three Horseshoes, Courage Way, Chickerell Burton Bradstock, Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay, Marsh Barn Farm, West Bay, The George, West Knights In the Bottom, Langton Herring Bay, Meadowlands, West Bay, Opposite Roundham Gardens, Bridport, The Crown Inn, Bridport, Hollow Kings Arms, Portesham Way, , Pasture Way, Bothenhampton, East Bridge, Bridport, Natwest Village Hall, Portesham Bank, Bridport, Town Centre, Bridport, Bus Station, Goose Hill, Portesham Civil Parish Bridport

Swan Inn, Abbotsbury Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Civil Parish

Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury 20 Market Street, Abbotsbury Civil Parish

West Street, Abbotsbury

Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington

The Bull Inn, Swyre Cogden Beach, Burton Bradstock

Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock

The Garage, Burton Bradstock

Three Horseshoes, Burton Bradstock High Street, Burton Bradstock Civil Parish

Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay

Marsh Barn Farm, West Bay

The George, West Bay 18 George Street, Bridport Civil Parish

Meadowlands, West Bay

Opposite Roundham Gardens, Bridport Roundham Gardens, Bridport

The Crown Inn, Bridport

Hollow Way, Bothenhampton

Pasture Way, Bothenhampton Sea Road South, Bridport

East Bridge, Bridport

Natwest Bank, Bridport 24 East Street, Bridport

Town Centre, Bridport 24 West Street, Bridport

Bus Station, Bridport Tannery Road, Bridport Direction: Melcombe Regis X53 bus Time Schedule 70 stops Melcombe Regis Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:28 AM Talbot Arms, Uplyme Tuesday 6:28 AM Whalley Lane, Uplyme Wednesday 6:28 AM Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis Thursday 6:28 AM

Medical Centre, Lyme Regis Friday 6:28 AM Uplyme Road, Lyme Regis Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational Travis Perkins, Lyme Regis

Kent House, Lyme Regis

Co-Op Store, Lyme Regis X53 bus Info 38 Broad Street, Lyme Regis Direction: Melcombe Regis Stops: 70 Anning Road, Lyme Regis Trip Duration: 117 min Ferndown Road, Lyme Regis Line Summary: Talbot Arms, Uplyme, Whalley Lane, Uplyme, Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis, Medical Football Ground, Lyme Regis Centre, Lyme Regis, Travis Perkins, Lyme Regis, Kent House, Lyme Regis, Co-Op Store, Lyme Regis, Anning Frosts Corner, Lyme Regis Road, Lyme Regis, Football Ground, Lyme Regis, Frosts Corner, Lyme Regis, Golf Club, Lyme Regis, Golf Club, Lyme Regis Fernhill Hotel, Charmouth, Wood Farm, Charmouth, Old Lyme Hill, Charmouth, St Andrews Church, Charmouth, Georges Close, Charmouth, Newlands Fernhill Hotel, Charmouth Holiday Park, Charmouth, Ship Knapp, Morcombelake, The Post Oce, Morcombelake, Star Wood Farm, Charmouth Lane, Morcombelake, Village Hall, Chideock, Chideock Bridge, Chideock, The George Inn, Old Lyme Hill, Charmouth Chideock, Broadmead, Chideock, The London Inn, Bridport, Sprakes Corner, Symondsbury, St Andrews Church, Charmouth Symondsbury Business Park, West Allington, West Mead, West Allington, Bridport Medical Centre, West Georges Close, Charmouth Allington, Park Road, West Allington, Bus Station, Bridport, Town Centre, Bridport, Natwest Bank, Newlands Holiday Park, Charmouth Bridport, East Street Bridge, Bridport, Pasture Way, Bothenhampton, Hollow Way, Bothenhampton, Ship Knapp, Morcombelake Roundham Gardens, Bridport, Meadowlands, West Bay, The George, West Bay, Marsh Barn Farm, West The Post Oce, Morcombelake Bay, Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay, Anchor Inn, Burton Bradstock, Hive Beach, Burton Star Lane, Morcombelake Bradstock, Cogden Beach, Burton Bradstock, The Bull Inn, Swyre, Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington, West Street, Abbotsbury, Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury, Village Hall, Chideock Swan Inn, Abbotsbury, Village Hall, Portesham, Kings Arms, Portesham, Meadow Close, Chickerell, Dental Chideock Bridge, Chideock Surgery, Chickerell, Elziver Close, Chickerell, Army Camp, Charlestown, The Alex, Charlestown, The George Inn, Chideock Budmouth School, Charlestown, Marquis Of Granby, Main Street, Chideock Civil Parish Lanehouse, Fiveways, Lanehouse, Fiveways, Lanehouse, Quibo Lane, Westham, Dennis Road, Broadmead, Chideock Westham, The Adelaide, Westham, Cromwell Road, Westham, Holland Road, Westham, Bus Garage, The London Inn, Bridport Weymouth, Kings Statue, Weymouth, Prince Regent Hotel, Weymouth, Westerhall, Melcombe Regis, Sprakes Corner, Symondsbury Weymouth College, Melcombe Regis

Symondsbury Business Park, West Allington

West Mead, West Allington

Bridport Medical Centre, West Allington

Park Road, West Allington West Allington, Bridport

Bus Station, Bridport Tannery Road, Bridport

Town Centre, Bridport 35 West Street, Bridport

Natwest Bank, Bridport 23 East Street, Bridport

East Street Bridge, Bridport

Pasture Way, Bothenhampton Sea Road South, Bridport

Hollow Way, Bothenhampton Lansdowne Road, Bridport

Roundham Gardens, Bridport Roundham Gardens, Bridport

Meadowlands, West Bay

The George, West Bay 18 George Street, Bridport Civil Parish

Marsh Barn Farm, West Bay Burton Road, Bothenhampton Civil Parish

Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay

Anchor Inn, Burton Bradstock

Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock

Cogden Beach, Burton Bradstock

The Bull Inn, Swyre

Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington

West Street, Abbotsbury

Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury 24 Market Street, Abbotsbury Civil Parish

Swan Inn, Abbotsbury Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Civil Parish Village Hall, Portesham Goose Hill, Portesham Civil Parish

Kings Arms, Portesham Bramdon Close, Portesham Civil Parish

Meadow Close, Chickerell

Dental Surgery, Chickerell

Elziver Close, Chickerell Chickerell Road, Chickerell

Army Camp, Charlestown

The Alex, Charlestown Chickerell Road, Weymouth

Budmouth School, Charlestown Budmouth School grounds, Weymouth

Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse

Fiveways, Lanehouse

Fiveways, Lanehouse Westhaven, Weymouth

Quibo Lane, Westham Roundhayes Close, Weymouth

Dennis Road, Westham

The Adelaide, Westham

Cromwell Road, Westham

Holland Road, Westham

Bus Garage, Weymouth Commercial Road, Weymouth

Kings Statue, Weymouth

Prince Regent Hotel, Weymouth Victoria Terrace, Weymouth

Westerhall, Melcombe Regis Kildare Court, Weymouth

Weymouth College, Melcombe Regis Direction: Uplyme X53 bus Time Schedule 74 stops Uplyme Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:58 PM - 6:23 PM Weymouth College, Melcombe Regis Tuesday 4:58 PM - 6:23 PM Westerhall, Melcombe Regis Ricketts Close, Weymouth Wednesday 4:58 PM - 6:23 PM Thursday 4:58 PM - 6:23 PM Lennox Street, Weymouth Waterloo Place, Weymouth Friday 4:58 PM - 6:23 PM

Kings Statue, Weymouth Saturday Not Operational

Holland Road, Westham

Holly Road, Westham X53 bus Info Cromwell Road, Westham Direction: Uplyme Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth Stops: 74 Trip Duration: 100 min The Adelaide, Westham Line Summary: Weymouth College, Melcombe Regis, Westerhall, Melcombe Regis, Lennox Street, Dennis Road, Westham Weymouth, Kings Statue, Weymouth, Holland Road, Westham, Holly Road, Westham, Cromwell Road, Quibo Lane, Westham Westham, The Adelaide, Westham, Dennis Road, Westham, Quibo Lane, Westham, Fiveways, Fiveways, Lanehouse Lanehouse, Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse, Budmouth School, Charlestown, Army Camp, Charlestown, Glennie Way, Chickerell, Dental Surgery, Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse Chickerell, Meadow Close, Chickerell, Courage Way, Chickerell, Knights In the Bottom, Langton Herring, Budmouth School, Charlestown Kings Arms, Portesham, Village Hall, Portesham, Chickerell Road, Weymouth Swan Inn, Abbotsbury, Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury, West Street, Abbotsbury, Abbotsbury Hill, East Army Camp, Charlestown Bexington, The Bull Inn, Swyre, Cogden Beach, Burton Bradstock, Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock, Glennie Way, Chickerell The Garage, Burton Bradstock, Three Horseshoes, Chickerell Road, Chickerell Burton Bradstock, Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay, Marsh Barn Farm, West Bay, The George, West Dental Surgery, Chickerell Bay, Meadowlands, West Bay, Opposite Roundham Gardens, Bridport, The Crown Inn, Bridport, Hollow Meadow Close, Chickerell Way, Bothenhampton, Pasture Way, Bothenhampton, East Bridge, Bridport, Natwest Courage Way, Chickerell Bank, Bridport, Town Centre, Bridport, Bus Station, Bridport, Park Road, West Allington, Bridport Medical Knights In the Bottom, Langton Herring Centre, West Allington, West Mead, West Allington, Symondsbury Business Park, West Allington, Kings Arms, Portesham Sprakes Corner, Symondsbury, London Inn, Bridport, Broadmead, Chideock, The George Inn, Chideock, Village Hall, Portesham Chideock Bridge, Chideock, Village Hall, Chideock, Star Lane, Morcombelake, The Bakery, Goose Hill, Portesham Civil Parish Morcombelake, Ship Knapp, Morcombelake, Swan Inn, Abbotsbury Newlands Holiday Park, Charmouth, Georges Close, Charmouth, St Andrews Church, Charmouth, Old Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Civil Parish Lyme Hill, Charmouth, Wood Farm, Charmouth, Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury Fernhill Hotel, Charmouth, Golf Club, Lyme Regis, Frosts Corner, Lyme Regis, Football Ground, Lyme 20 Market Street, Abbotsbury Civil Parish Regis, Anning Road, Lyme Regis, The Square, Lyme Regis, Langmoor Gardens Temp, Lyme Regis, Holm West Street, Abbotsbury Bush Car Park, Lyme Regis, Kent House, Lyme Regis, Travis Perkins, Lyme Regis, Medical Centre, Lyme Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington Regis, Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis, Whalley Lane, Uplyme, Talbot Arms, Uplyme The Bull Inn, Swyre

Cogden Beach, Burton Bradstock

Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock

The Garage, Burton Bradstock

Three Horseshoes, Burton Bradstock High Street, Burton Bradstock Civil Parish

Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay

Marsh Barn Farm, West Bay

The George, West Bay 18 George Street, Bridport Civil Parish

Meadowlands, West Bay

Opposite Roundham Gardens, Bridport Roundham Gardens, Bridport

The Crown Inn, Bridport

Hollow Way, Bothenhampton

Pasture Way, Bothenhampton Sea Road South, Bridport

East Bridge, Bridport

Natwest Bank, Bridport 24 East Street, Bridport

Town Centre, Bridport 24 West Street, Bridport

Bus Station, Bridport Tannery Road, Bridport

Park Road, West Allington

Bridport Medical Centre, West Allington

West Mead, West Allington

Symondsbury Business Park, West Allington

Sprakes Corner, Symondsbury

London Inn, Bridport

Broadmead, Chideock The George Inn, Chideock

Chideock Bridge, Chideock

Village Hall, Chideock

Star Lane, Morcombelake

The Bakery, Morcombelake

Ship Knapp, Morcombelake

Newlands Holiday Park, Charmouth

Georges Close, Charmouth

St Andrews Church, Charmouth The Street, Charmouth Civil Parish

Old Lyme Hill, Charmouth

Wood Farm, Charmouth

Fernhill Hotel, Charmouth

Golf Club, Lyme Regis

Frosts Corner, Lyme Regis A3052, Lyme Regis Civil Parish

Football Ground, Lyme Regis

Anning Road, Lyme Regis Ferndown Road, Lyme Regis

The Square, Lyme Regis 67 Broad Street, Lyme Regis

Langmoor Gardens Temp, Lyme Regis Langmoor Close, Lyme Regis

Holm Bush Car Park, Lyme Regis

Kent House, Lyme Regis

Travis Perkins, Lyme Regis

Medical Centre, Lyme Regis Uplyme Road, Lyme Regis Civil Parish

Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis

Whalley Lane, Uplyme

Talbot Arms, Uplyme Direction: Weymouth X53 bus Time Schedule 78 stops Weymouth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:13 AM - 7:15 PM

Monday 7:27 AM - 9:40 PM Rail Station, Axminster Station Yard, Axminster Tuesday 7:27 AM - 9:40 PM

Tesco, Axminster Wednesday 7:27 AM - 9:40 PM

Thursday 7:27 AM - 9:40 PM Trinity Square, Axminster A358, Axminster Friday 7:27 AM - 9:40 PM

Lamb Inn, Axminster Saturday 7:09 AM - 9:40 PM

Loup Court, Axminster Loup Court, Axminster Civil Parish

Woodbury Lane, Raymond's Hill X53 bus Info Direction: Weymouth Hunters Lodge Inn, Raymond's Hill Stops: 78 Trip Duration: 132 min Stonecrest, Raymond's Hill Line Summary: Rail Station, Axminster, Tesco, Axminster, Trinity Square, Axminster, Lamb Inn, Cathole Lane, Yawl Axminster, Loup Court, Axminster, Woodbury Lane, Raymond's Hill, Hunters Lodge Inn, Raymond's Hill, Post Box, Yawl Stonecrest, Raymond's Hill, Cathole Lane, Yawl, Post Box, Yawl, Talbot Arms, Uplyme, Whalley Lane, Uplyme, Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis, Medical Talbot Arms, Uplyme Centre, Lyme Regis, Travis Perkins, Lyme Regis, Kent House, Lyme Regis, Co-Op Store, Lyme Regis, Anning Whalley Lane, Uplyme Road, Lyme Regis, Football Ground, Lyme Regis, Frosts Corner, Lyme Regis, Golf Club, Lyme Regis, Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis Fernhill Hotel, Charmouth, Wood Farm, Charmouth, Old Lyme Hill, Charmouth, St Andrews Church, Medical Centre, Lyme Regis Charmouth, Georges Close, Charmouth, Newlands Uplyme Road, Lyme Regis Civil Parish Holiday Park, Charmouth, Ship Knapp, Morcombelake, The Post Oce, Morcombelake, Star Travis Perkins, Lyme Regis Lane, Morcombelake, Village Hall, Chideock, Chideock Bridge, Chideock, The George Inn, Kent House, Lyme Regis Chideock, Broadmead, Chideock, The London Inn, Bridport, Sprakes Corner, Symondsbury, Co-Op Store, Lyme Regis Symondsbury Business Park, West Allington, West 38 Broad Street, Lyme Regis Mead, West Allington, Bridport Medical Centre, West Allington, Park Road, West Allington, Bus Station, Anning Road, Lyme Regis Bridport, Town Centre, Bridport, Natwest Bank, Ferndown Road, Lyme Regis Bridport, East Street Bridge, Bridport, Pasture Way, Bothenhampton, Hollow Way, Bothenhampton, Football Ground, Lyme Regis Roundham Gardens, Bridport, Meadowlands, West Bay, The George, West Bay, Marsh Barn Farm, West Frosts Corner, Lyme Regis Bay, Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay, Anchor Inn, Burton Bradstock, Hive Beach, Burton Golf Club, Lyme Regis Bradstock, Cogden Beach, Burton Bradstock, The Bull Inn, Swyre, Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington, Fernhill Hotel, Charmouth West Street, Abbotsbury, Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury, Swan Inn, Abbotsbury, Village Hall, Portesham, Kings Arms, Portesham, Knights In the Bottom, Langton Wood Farm, Charmouth Herring, Courage Way, Chickerell, Meadow Close, Chickerell, Dental Surgery, Chickerell, Elziver Close, Old Lyme Hill, Charmouth Chickerell, Army Camp, Charlestown, The Alex, Charlestown, Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse, St Andrews Church, Charmouth Fiveways, Lanehouse, Fiveways, Lanehouse, Quibo Lane, Westham, Dennis Road, Westham, The Georges Close, Charmouth Adelaide, Westham, Cromwell Road, Westham, Holland Road, Westham, Bus Garage, Weymouth, Newlands Holiday Park, Charmouth Kings Statue, Weymouth

Ship Knapp, Morcombelake

The Post Oce, Morcombelake

Star Lane, Morcombelake

Village Hall, Chideock

Chideock Bridge, Chideock

The George Inn, Chideock Main Street, Chideock Civil Parish

Broadmead, Chideock

The London Inn, Bridport

Sprakes Corner, Symondsbury

Symondsbury Business Park, West Allington

West Mead, West Allington

Bridport Medical Centre, West Allington

Park Road, West Allington West Allington, Bridport

Bus Station, Bridport Tannery Road, Bridport

Town Centre, Bridport 35 West Street, Bridport

Natwest Bank, Bridport 23 East Street, Bridport

East Street Bridge, Bridport

Pasture Way, Bothenhampton Sea Road South, Bridport

Hollow Way, Bothenhampton Lansdowne Road, Bridport

Roundham Gardens, Bridport Roundham Gardens, Bridport

Meadowlands, West Bay

The George, West Bay 18 George Street, Bridport Civil Parish Marsh Barn Farm, West Bay Burton Road, Bothenhampton Civil Parish

Freshwater Caravan Park, West Bay

Anchor Inn, Burton Bradstock

Hive Beach, Burton Bradstock

Cogden Beach, Burton Bradstock

The Bull Inn, Swyre

Abbotsbury Hill, East Bexington

West Street, Abbotsbury

Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury 24 Market Street, Abbotsbury Civil Parish

Swan Inn, Abbotsbury Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Civil Parish

Village Hall, Portesham Goose Hill, Portesham Civil Parish

Kings Arms, Portesham Bramdon Close, Portesham Civil Parish

Knights In the Bottom, Langton Herring

Courage Way, Chickerell

Meadow Close, Chickerell

Dental Surgery, Chickerell

Elziver Close, Chickerell Chickerell Road, Chickerell

Army Camp, Charlestown

The Alex, Charlestown Chickerell Road, Weymouth

Marquis Of Granby, Lanehouse

Fiveways, Lanehouse

Fiveways, Lanehouse Westhaven, Weymouth

Quibo Lane, Westham Roundhayes Close, Weymouth

Dennis Road, Westham

The Adelaide, Westham

Cromwell Road, Westham Holland Road, Westham

Bus Garage, Weymouth Commercial Road, Weymouth

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