Floods of August 1955 in the Northeastern States
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 377 FLOODS OF AUGUST 1955 IN THE NORTHEASTERN STATES MERVIN S. PET(:i<SEN - flood Specialist .jl 1 MERVIN S. PE-1 '""""" f)\ Flood Specialist UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Douglas McKay, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CffiCULAR 377 FLOODS OF AUGUST 1955 IN THE NORTHEASTERN STATES Prepared by Water Resources Division Washington, D. C., 1956 Free on application to the Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. PREFACE This preliminary report on the floods of August hydraulic engineers from all sections of the country 1955, has been prepared by the U. S. Geological Sur were brought to the flood area. The assignment of the vey, Water Resources Division, C. G. Paulsen, chief, additional personnel, much of the work of processing under the general direction of J. V. B. Wells, chief, computations of peak discharges by indirect methods, Surface Water Branch. Much of the collection of the and the assembling of this report were performed by basic streamflow records by the Geological Survey has hydraulic engineers of the branch staff, under the been made in financial cooperation with public agencies supervision of Tate Dalrymple, chief, Technical in the States in the area of major flooding, under the Standards Section. direction of the following district engineers: Massa chusetts, Rhode Island, H. B. Kinnison; Connecticut, Several Federal and State agencies contributed B. L. Bigwood; New York, A. W. Harrington; New technical data. The isohyetal maps were adapted Jersey, 0. W. Hartwell; Pennsylvania, J. W. Mangan. from maps furnished by the U. S. Weather Bureau. Damage figures are those provided by the Business Because of the urgent need to perform the field work and Defense Services Administration.
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