Jayhawk watch After an abysmal loss to Kansas last season, the Iowa women’s basketball team gets a second crack at the Jayhawks. SPORTS, 12

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2009 City eyes special officer The City Council also considers tenant back- ground-check changes and landlord seminars. By NICOLE KARLIS [email protected]

City officials are considering adding a special juvenile detective or an entire bureau to the Iowa City police as means to find alternative ways to reduce youth violence. The idea, inspired by the Davenport police, was just one of many discussed Monday night at an Iowa City City Hargadine Council work session. police chief CHARLIE ANDERSON/THE DAILY IOWAN “This would be a spe- April Chohon stands in front of an Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation machine in the UIHC Intensive Care Unit on Monday. Doctors speculated that Chohon cialty position enveloped with investi- had the H1N1 virus. gation, attending meetings that go specifically in the juvenile realm,” Iowa City Police Chief Sam Hargadine said. If they decide to add the position, Councilor Ross Wilburn noted it would Quick recovery at UIHC take a person with a special set of skills to help troubled juveniles. “Working with juveniles does require a certain social skill set, some people have A Des Moines woman suspected to have had H1N1 makes a remarkable recovery. a knack for talent in that area,” he said. Three Iowa City officials — made up of Councilor Amy Correia, police Offi- By SAM LANE 26-year-old had a slight fever, pain, and April Chohon cer Steve Fortman, and Marcia [email protected] shortness of breath. Soon, she arrived in a • Age: 26 hospital room in Des Moines’ Mercy Med- SEE WORK, 3 • Born: Nebraska ITH a small piece of gauze ical Center and mystified doctors with her affixed to her neck, April • Lives: Des Moines strange illness. • Family: Two children — Kalli, 4, Brendan, 3 Chohon smiled brightly as she “It was hell,” said April’s father, Gerry • Studying to become a nursing assistant W paced around a hospital lobby in Chohon, 52. “I don’t wish it on anyone.” bright flannel pajama pants — a After two days in the hospital, Chohon Students monumental feat considering she was in a traveled by helicopter to the UI Hospitals monitors, saved April Chohon’s life. debilitating state just weeks ago. and Clinics, where doctors eventually put However, she credits William Lynch, a seek UI aid “I’m lucky to be here,” she said. “It’s just her on a type of artificial lung known as UI assistant professor of cardiothoracic like a big weight has been lifted off extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. surgery, with her miraculous recovery. my shoulders.” The device, with numerous, multicolored for childcare During the last weekend of October, the cords, boxes with lights, buttons, and SEE H1N1, 3 By HOLLY HINES [email protected]

James Vineburgh needs childcare. The UI doctoral student and father of two commutes to Iowa City from In search of a quiet place to study Cedar Rapids for classes, and his wife works as a full-time Half of Big Ten universities have at least one library open 24 hours a day. school teacher. Subsidy “Without child- amounts By SAM LANE care, I wouldn’t be in DAILYIOWAN.COM a position to be in Some have [email protected] Check out a video of Hope school at all,” he said. increased this year: Barton talking about the UI’s • For students with As rain pounded against the study spaces. Since 2006, Vineb- windows of the Main Library, UI urgh has paid for pre- children under 24 senior Leslie Perk sat alone at a school and daycare months old: From quality study spaces on campus $180 to $210 wooden desk in a multi-person for his children in available for students. • For students with study carrel.Around her,students part by using the UI’s And budget issues con- Child Care Subsidy children 2 to 5 shuffled through the hallways, tribute to the problem. Programs, which years old: From $140 conversing and making noise. With recent cuts, four UI reimburse eligible to $165 “Even in the Main Library, libraries — math, psychology, students for part of • For students with where it’s supposed to be com- geosciences, and physics — their cost to have children aged 5 to pletely quiet, people are always will be forced to consolidate by someone watch their 12: Rate has stayed chatting and whispering,” Perk the end of the year and move children while they’re the same at $75 said. “That can be kind of frus- some of their materials into unable to do so. Source: Family Services trating and annoying if you’re the Main Library. And Vineburgh trying to find a quiet spot.” In addition, the 2008 flood isn’t alone. Interest in the subsidy has recently She isn’t alone in her caused supplies from the art and CHARLIE ANDERSON/THE DAILY IOWAN increased, said Jane Holland, a pro- frustration. music libraries to be moved into UI junior and mechanical-engineering major Karsen Rumpf studies differential gram associate for UI Family Services. Many UI students, and some the Main Library. equations in the Seamans Center on Monday. With a lack of 24-hour study areas administrators, are concerned and the Main Library crowded, students have moved to other places to study. about the number of quiet, SEE STUDY, 3 SEE SUBSIDY, 3


To watch Daily Iowan TV, go online at dailyiowan.com or tune into UITV. The Arts 5 Opinions 4 Check out video of Associate Director of University Libraries Hope 15-minute newscast is on Sunday through Thursday at 9:30 and 10:30 p.m., Classifieds 11 Spot light 7 45 41 Barton and students talking about whether they think there’s with reruns at 12:30 and 1:30 a.m. and 7:45 and 8:45 a.m. the following day. Crossword 10 Sports 12 7C 5C enough study space on campus.

2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 News dailyiowan.com for more news

The Daily Iowan Volume 141 Issue 102 Energy drink + BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey...... 335-5788 Editor: Fax: 335-6297 Kelsey Beltramea...... 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 Kurtis Hiatt ...... 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: alcohol = IC fun Alyssa Cashman ...... 335-6063 accuracy and fairness in the report- Clara Hogan ...... 335-6063 By PARKER SMITH a number of local bars. ing of news. If a report is wrong or Brian Stewart ...... 335-6063 [email protected] Brittany Schultz, a bar- misleading, a request for a correc- Opinions Editor: tender at Sam’s Pizza, 411 tion or a clarification may be made. Shawn Gude ...... 335-5863 Popular energy drinks S. Gilbert St., said some PUBLISHING INFO Sports Editor: containing a spike of alco- nights a majority of the The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Ryan Young ...... 335-5848 hol could soon be pulled published by Student Publications Arts Editors: alcohol she serves contains Melea Andrys ...... 335-5851 from shelves pending a fed- energy drinks. Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Jake Jensen ...... 335-5851 eral review of their safety. Copy Chief: “That’s all [patrons] were except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and But the ban only affects Beau Elliot...... 335-6063 drinking all night,” the UI jun- university holidays, and university premixed drinks and would ior said about a recent evening. Design/Graphics Editor: vacations. Periodicals postage paid Kurt Cunningham...... 335-6063 not affect those wanting to “Tall Red Bull vodkas.” at the Iowa City Post Office under the fuse the two — as in a Red Photo Editor: UI senior Sam Manthei Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Amy Oleson ...... 335-5852 Bull and vodka, a popular — sitting at the Sam’s Pizza SUBSCRIPTIONS Web Editor: request at Iowa City bars. bar on Monday — said a Call: Pete Recker at 335-5783 Tony Phan...... 335-5829 The Food and Drug Admin- drink called a “rooster” is E-mail: [email protected] Business Manager: istration issued letters late one of his personal favorites. Debra Plath...... 335-5786 Subscription rates: Classified Ads Manager: last week giving 27 beverage The drink is a tall Red PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY GEORGE POTERACKI/THE DAILY IOWAN Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Bull and vodka with a Bartender Bridget Stephenson prepares a Red Bull and vodka at a bar Juli Krause...... 335-5784 manufacturers who combine semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Advertising/ Circulation Manager: alcohol with caffeine 30 days splash of cranberry juice, in downtown Iowa City on Monday. for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Pete Recker...... 335-5783 to provide evidence ensuring but he said the catch is hav- Out of town: $40 for one semester, Advertising Sales Staff: their products are safe. ing to drink them as fast as with energy drinks had a Red Bull contains about $80 for two semesters, $15 for Renee Manders...... 335-5193 Under federal law, a sub- possible through a straw. significantly higher preva- the same amount of caf- summer session, $95 all year. Bev Mrstik...... 335-5792 lence of alcohol-related feine as a cup of coffee, but Cathy Witt ...... 335-5794 stance added intentionally Angela Reams, the UI Stu- Send address changes to: The Daily dent Health Service sub- consequences, including twice as much as a can of Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Day Production Manager: to food — such as caffeine to being injured or requiring Coca-Cola, despite having Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. Heidi Owen...... 335-5789 alcoholic beverages — is stance-abuse prevention coor- Night Production Manager: dinator, agreed the drinks can medical treatment. about 40 percent less liquid considered unsafe unless it Bob Foley...... 335-5789 have a negative effect. Consuming the mixture per serving than the can of has been approved by FDA Combining alcohol with also increases one’s chance soda, according to a report regulation or is generally energy drinks can cause of being taken advantage of by the Marin Institute, an recognized as safe, accord- problems with the heart sexually, the study states. alcohol industry watchdog. ing the FDA’s website. and nervous system Nearly one quarter of col- Though the FDA is set to The FDA has not because the two substances lege drinkers consume alco- examine the risks associat- approved the store-bought have opposite effects, she hol with energy drinks, ed with the premixed alcohol-caffeine mixtures, wrote in an e-mail. according to the Center for industry, some students which were created to com- “Mixing a stimulant, such Science in the Public Inter- said energizing their alco- pete with the growing pop- as caffeine, with a depres- est. The caffeine causes stu- hol will still be an appeal- ularity of mixing energy sant, like alcohol, can cause dents to drink significantly ing option. drinks and liquor. serious problems,” she wrote. more during a typical Manthei said he has no But if the premixed A 2007 study by night, because of physiolog- intention of giving up drinks are banned, Iowa researchers at Wake For- ical effects such as the feel- “roosters” anytime soon. City residents would still be est University found that ing that one’s level of intox- “They taste good, they able to purchase alcoholic students who reported ication is less than expect- keep you up, and they get energy-drink mixtures from consuming alcohol mixed ed, according to the center. you wasted,” he said. Police probe string of car break-ins two others last weekend. More Iowa City police to patrol the area late at night. Suspects broke into UI junior Evan Mullins’ car By MARLEEN LINARES was the one to find Arp’s Neither saw damage to and stole an iPod and FM [email protected] 2004 Black Mitsubishi their vehicles, though a tuner on Nov. 5. The car Spyder with a hole cut couple of dollars were miss- was parked at the parking Iowa City police have out in the convertible top ing from Dobson’s car. extra officers patrolling lot of his apartment com- and a large footprint on Though Dobson said the plex at 650 S. Dodge St. near a sorority after a hand- the top when she was incidents make her nerv- ful of reported burglaries. Mullins said he does not leaving the sorority ous, the house is taking feel less safe at his com- Someone broke into house at 828 E. Washing- precautions, including plex, noting that he has Alpha Chi member Abbi ton St. Strenge told Arp installing security cameras noticed an officer Arp’s car twice this month, and called the police. and discussing the issue at patrolling at night after once by smashing her win- “It was obviously done a meeting. dow and another by slash- by a sharp knife,” the UI “It really is a personal the incident. ing her convertible top. junior said. “What would decision to be aware of your “These guys are pretty Though the burglars have happened if one of surroundings,” she said. smart,” he said. “They know only stole pocket change us was out there when “There are dangers any- to break in on late week- from her car, the UI junior it happened?” where on campus.” nights when no one is out. I now faces thousands of dol- Strenge, who parks right Iowa City police Sgt. don’t ever feel unsafe.” lars in damage, and she is by Arp, also found her Troy Kelsay noted they Mullins’ girlfriend’s scared to be in her sorori- friend’s car after it was have leads in Arp’s case convertible top also got ty’s parking garage. broken into the first time after collecting fingerprints slashed, though nothing “I’m terrified,” she said. on Oct. 19. Strenge discov- from her car. was stolen. He said police “Now I always call one of ered the car had a shat- Though someone broke had told him of another my roommates and have tered back passenger seat into Arp’s car on two sepa- case in which a car had them meet me at the door window. In this incident, rate occasions, Kelsay said been broken into and of the house.” the suspects took a design- he had no reason to subwoofers were stolen. The break-in to Arp’s er purse from the car, as believe she is being target- Kelsay said police are car was not the only inci- well as Arp’s credit card, ed as an individual. looking into a potential dent in the Alpha Chi which someone used at a “A convertible provides connection to the various parking garage — there McDonald’s and a Kum & ease of access,” he said. “It’s other break-ins. Officers have been at least two Go before her company an easy opportunity to tar- arrested Darryl Marcel other break-ins this year, deactivated it. get that kind of car.” Henry, 18, 1401 Franklin leaving some sorority Burglars have also bro- Aside from the cases at St., after finding him members unnerved. ken into the cars of Alpha Alpha Chi, the city has reportedly breaking into a Katy Strenge, another Chi members Rachel Grim seen other car break-ins car on 520 S. Johnson St. on member of Alpha Chi, and Lily Dobson this year. across the city, including Nov. 13. METRO Trial reset in showed Jackson was logged onto a when the car went into the east John Landry, 28, was charged computer in the Main Library when ditch. Casey then got back on the with bribery, a felony charge. child-porn case both sets of images were posted. road at the intersection of 340th He is being held at the The trial for a man who alleged- Library employees contacted Street and Utah Avenue before Johnson County Jail on a $10,000 cash-only bond. ly uploaded child pornography in police when they saw Jackson had stopping in the west ditch. According to reports, police the UI Main Library has been reset. returned to the building, officers said. Reports show Casey’s Buick arrested Landry at 113 E. College Martin Jackson, 41, will go to Jackson has a criminal record dat- LeSabre caught fire and was a ing back nearly 20 years, including total loss. St. for public intoxication early trial Feb. 16, 2010. His pretrial con- lascivious acts with a child, assault, Casey was treated at the UI Sunday morning. Once arrested, ference is set for Feb. 3. and first-degree harassment. Hospitals and Clinics. police said he offered $300 to let Jackson is charged with four — by Regina Zilbermints — by Marleen Linares him go without being charged. counts of possession of materials After being warned, police said, exploiting minors. he increased the offer to $500. In June 2008, workers at the N. Liberty man dies Mississippi man According to reports, Landry social-networking site ning.com charged with stated numerous times he was a told police they suspected some- in crash lawyer and that he made more one with the user name “Martin” A North Liberty man died in an bribery money in a day than the police do posted child pornography to the accident Sunday after his car Iowa City police arrested a in one year. site, authorities said. went off the road. Mississippi man after he alleged- Bribery is a Class D felony, According to UI police, back- According to the Iowa State ly offered to pay officers in punishable by up to five years in tracking the e-mail address led to Patrol, Richard Casey, 20, was exchange for letting him prison and a $7,500 fine. Jackson, and investigations driving north on Utah Avenue go uncharged. — by Marleen Linares POLICE BLOTTER

Timothy Bean, 20, Cedar Francine Fisher, 49, Coralville, Burlington St. Apt. 7, was charged Timothy Rusch, 24, 641 S. Lucas Rapids, was charged Nov. 14 with was charged Sunday with fifth- Nov. 13 with public intoxication. St. Apt. 2, was charged Nov. 13 public intoxication. degree theft. Luis Marroquin, 33, Postville, Iowa, with OWI. Nathan Brown, 29, 2018 Allison Flaherty, 20, Cedar Rapids, was charged Sunday with public Kenneth Terry, 21, 1960 Waterfront Drive Lot 105, was was charged Nov. 13 with OWI. intoxication and assault with intent Broadway, was charged Oct. 26 charged Sunday with assault. Brandon Harris, 24, Bellwood, to commit sexual abuse. with possession of marijuana. Alesia Engledow, 23, 727 Ill., was charged Sunday with Michael Mijatovich, 22, 308 E. Derek Ulin, 27, 1717 California Michael St. Apt. 87, was charged fifth-degree theft. Davenport St., was charged Nov. Ave., was charged Sunday with Monday with OWI. Stacy Harris, 25, 625 E. 7 with fifth-degree theft. public intoxication.

The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 3 dailyiowan.com for more news News

allowed her to get out of bed. week’s worth of sedation, help them deal with their the South East Side of Iowa H1N1 “Instead of being chained we let her wake up all the WORK potentially violent tenants. City caught the public’s CONTINUED FROM 1 to the bed, being insulted way. It’s not typical.” CONTINUED FROM 1 The one-day training attention after increased by the hospital, she was After a mere eight days session is mandated for all crime toward the end of last walking around, waiting for in the UIHC’s intensive landlords in Davenport, summer. Area residents “She was completely Bollinger, neighborhood her lungs to get better,” care and only 11 days in Correia said. asked the council in Sep- fine,” Lynch said about services coordinator — vis- Lynch said. the hospital, Chohon left ited the Davenport police “We have a range of tember to implement a Chohon’s condition. “With- challenges with landlords After doctors in Sweden the hospital still in her in October to get ideas juvenile curfew in response. in 24 hours, she was on tested the artificial-lung in Iowa City,” said Mayor pajamas around noon on about what they could The curfew passed on its death’s doorstep.” machine by leaving a Regenia Bailey. “Just Monday. A cloudy sky, bring to Iowa City. first consideration but took While Lynch admitted he patient attached for an requiring a landlord to which showed signs of rain, They presented their a turn when Councilor Mike doesn’t know for sure what extended period, medical have this full day eight- greeted her. Wright requested a deferral caused Chohon’s illness, he professionals half a world findings Monday night, hour course is something “It was still nice even on at the Sept. 29 meeting. The said his clinical suspicion away began to follow. Lynch prompting the council to worth considering.” leads him to H1N1 influenza. a cloudy day,” Chohon said. formulate a wish-list of tac- curfew will be revisited by said Chohon’s case follows “It could have been pour- As for changes to city’s When professionals tics to curb the recent vio- background checks, tenants the council on Dec. 1. this new method of use. ing. I get to see my kids, I admitted Chohon to Mercy The UIHC Intensive lence without implementing already undergo a similar Though the neighbor- get to finish my college Medical Center, doctors Care Unit has seen at least a citywide juvenile curfew. process to check for any pre- hood’s residents are work- degree. I’m glad I get to attempted to treat her with three other severe H1N1 Other possibilities vious criminal activity. ing on ways to stop violent spend more time with fami- Tamiflu, a common flu patients so far this year. include implementing Councilors said they’d like to behavior without a curfew, medicine. When the UIHC Lynch said that five ly and friends.” more comprehensive back- see the process become more some city officials think received negative cultures years ago, if people experi- Chohon, a mother of two — ground checks on tenants comprehensive, though they the crimes will continue. for the novel virus strain, enced respiratory failure Kalli, 4, and Brendan, 5, — is and offering education didn’t speak in much detail. “The violence will get hot doctors assumed she had similar to Chohon’s, they working to become a nursing seminars to landlords to The topic of violence on again,” Hargadine said. H1N1 and the drug had would have been kept on assistant and said the entire treated the disease. the machine for 10 days to encounter didn’t turn her off H1N1 has killed 19 people two weeks. If the patient from the profession. in Iowa, including one child, still did not improve, they After she was released, Chohon returned to her according to the Department withdrew support because costs of childcare, Holland One of these state serv- of Public Health. Around 500 hometown in Nebraska, doctors decided the lungs SUBSIDY said. ices, the Child Care Assis- Iowans have been hospital- could not recover. staying under the care of Vineburgh said he was- tance Program — run ized for the strain. “What was unique [about her parents. CONTINUED FROM 1 n’t fully prepared for the through the Iowa Depart- After the preliminary, Chohon] was that she was- “I’m thankful and lucky,” costs associated with going ment of Human Services short period of sedation, n’t sick for very long,” Chohon said. “Doctor Lynch The number of students back to school. Without the doctors removed Chohon’s Lynch said. “Since she had- is by far my favorite doctor using the programs this subsidy, he and his wife — offers subsidies to par- breathing tubes and n’t had exposure to a on the face of the planet.” year is 221; last year, it would not have been com- ents whose incomes are served 199 — an 11 per- fortable with the quality of below the poverty rate, or cent spike. childcare they could have $26,500 annually. While most students afforded, he said. But unlike the UI’s serv- apply for the subsidy earli- He continued using the Ten university campuses ices, it hasn’t seen an er in the fall semester, Hol- subsidy this year because STUDY have at least one library increase in parents using High Traffic Area land said officials may see it has worked well for him open 24 hours a day. the subsidy this year, said CONTINUED FROM 1 Main Library study space an even larger increase as in the past, he said, and it Since fall 2003, the Col- statistics: the year progresses. has been more helpful Roger Munns, spokesman lege Library, the undergrad- The increase may be for the Department of “We have a double wham- • 1,120 seats at study tables given the recession. uate library at the Universi- because of the addition of Human Services. my here,” said Hope Barton, • 220 chairs at a desktop computer “It couldn’t come at a ty of Wisconsin, has been an online application, she an associate director of Uni- • 175 seats in soft seating better time,” he said. To be eligible for the open 24 hours Monday Source: Hope Barton said, noting that previous- versity Libraries. “[A lack of This year, Vineburgh state subsidy, parents through Thursday. ly, students submitted it study spaces] is something enrolled his 3-year-old must work at least 20 “I think it’s pretty impor- in-person. we’re concerned about. We tant,” said Carrie Kruse, the spaces. The IMU’s website daughter and 1-year-old hours a week, he said. At Recent economic con- certainly did not want to director of the library. “Our also highlights its abun- son in Cedar Rapids-based cerns may have also been a the UI, students must be have to lose those.” society is a 24-hour society. dance of study spaces, not- Cedar Valley Montessori factor, Holland said. seeking a degree and must When the art and music There’s a frame of mind that ing it has 344 chairs and preschool program and St. “Maybe the students Paul’s Early Childhood be enrolled at least half- libraries closed, their 230 we need to do anything 131 “comfy” chairs. aren’t able to locate the Program, respectively. time — less if they have an “user seats” were distrib- we’re able to at any hour of “Post-flood, we’ve had some jobs they had in the past,” The UI’s childcare subsi- equivalent academic uted as much as possible the day. I definitely feel changes in study space,” said she said. dies aren’t the only ones throughout the Main there’s a need.” responsibility, according to Nancy Abram, the manager The program typically available to students. Library. The consolidation As finals week grows the Family Services web- of marketing and design at awards students with Roughly 10,900 families of the four other university near, the only week the site. the IMU. “[But] we’re looking younger children the high- in Iowa have received libraries brings a loss of Main Library stays open Family Services can er subsides, which can run childcare assistance this another 190 user seats. around the clock, students to raise awareness of the award a subsidy to stu- said they have become amenities we have here.” up to $210 this year. This year, according to the The Main Library cur- dents at any point during increasingly aware of the Barton said there are no year’s amounts are up National Association of rently has 1,120 seats at between $25 and $30 to Child Care Resource & the school year, as long as shift in the library’s hours. plans to create a 24-hour various study tables or car- keep up with the rising Referral Agencies. funding is available. rels, 220 study chairs at In addition, the IMU will library at the UI, nor does be open 24 hours and its desktop computers, and she believe it’s feasible. coffee shop will stay open 175 seats in soft seating. Your turn. Are you concerned with In addition to a possible later to accommodate late- night studiers. This change the amount of study space available lack of quiet study space, follows students’ increased on the UI campus? one concern for students use of the IMU’s study Weigh in at dailyiowan.com. and university officials is the absence of 24-hour access. In fact, there are no university buildings regu- larly open 24 hours during the school year. Around half of the Big

4 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009

DOES THE SIZE OF STATE GOVERNMENT NEED TO BE TRIMMED? Read today’s guest opnion, and e-mail us at: Opinions [email protected].

SHAWN GUDE Opinions Editor • CLARA HOGAN Metro Editor CHRIS CLARK, MICHAEL DALE-STEIN, MICHAEL DAVIS, JUSTIN SUGG Editorial writers EDITORIALS reflect the majority opinion of the DI Editorial Board and not the opinion of the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the Calendar as University of Iowa. GUEST OPINIONS, COMMENTARIES, and COLUMNS reflect the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board. Editorial colander

City Council should reject attempts because some landlords wanted a full month’s rent, but people didn’t want to pay for 11 days to further restrict Ped Mall smoking that never occurred. A problem, you have to Feel free to smoke up downtown — as long as it we do not endorse the use of tobacco, taking away BEAU ELLIOT admit. doesn’t conflict with businesses’ profit margins. citizens’ right to choose whether to smoke would be [email protected] An interesting side If local business owners get their way, those a governmental overstep. Officials’ efforts to negate note to all this calendar could be the unfortunate parameters. potentially unsavory lifestyle choices, such as The world as we know chaos: The English, In an effort to stifle cigarette smoking down- smoking and drinking, hug an interstitial line it (always a dicey propo- because Henry VIII was town, business owners have asked the Iowa City between strict and draconian. As abettors of free- sition) will come crash- on the outs with the City Council to prohibit smoking on the dom, we reject this misguided proposal. ing to an end in 2012, we pope, did not jump for- Pedestrian Mall from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. We respect and understand business owners’ have it on good authori- ward 11 days. At least Councilors have agreed to consider the sugges- interest in banning smoking; we just don’t support ty. Something like a mys- not for another 200 tion at a January it. We reject their tery planet will come years. Which is why work session. attempts to put hurtling out of nowhere, George Washington “We’ll give it a their businesses’ or a neighborhood near always celebrated his further look,” profit margin over there, to smash Earth birthday on Feb. 11, not Iowa City Mayor citizens’ rights. into nothingness. Which, Feb. 22, which is what Regenia Bailey There’s no doubt on the whole (not that we, of course, know told The Daily whether loiterers that word seems appro- Washington’s birthday Iowan. “It’s going are unattractive to priate), sounds a lot to be. to be interesting the business com- like Nebraska. Confusing enough? to see how people munity and nega- Of course, some prog- Yeah, I’d say so. approach this.” tively affect their nosticators predicted the But you have to admit This superficial stores’ bottom lines. mystery planet would — if old calendars have pitch by store And forcing smok- come hurtling, etc., in such a checkered past, it owners should be ers off the Ped Mall May 2003, and, well, that seems a bit, well, silly, to deeply disturbing during business most likely did not occur. expect the end of the to anyone con- hours would force Or maybe the mystery world based on an old cerned with the some panhandlers planet did obliterate the Mayan calendar. inherent free- away from store- Earth in May 2003, and Oh, yes, I am well doms of citizens. fronts and poten- word has just been slow aware that there’s a In addition, the tially increase rev- to get to Iowa. Word is so quite popular movie out, ostensible effort enue for restau- often slow to get to Iowa. called catchily enough to snuff out smok- rants and shops. And the good authority 2012, that apparently is ing masks busi- But what sort of we have for this apoca- all about the end of the nesses’ true financial benefit lypse is the Mayan cal- world. intention: forcing will realistically endar, which, according (Personally, I always panhandlers away from downtown in an attempt occur if smoking is banned? Not enough to deny to self-appointed experts, thought the world would to bolster local businesses’ revenue. has the bad manners to come to an end if Sarah Councilor Connie Champion acknowledged that rights to smokers and panhandlers alike. In addition, the actual time frame for when peo- stop at Dec. 21, 2012. Palin ever wrote a book. even if the ban passes, people are still going to Why, you wonder, is Either I was wrong, or ple may smoke could be murky. smoke on the Pedestrian Mall. anyone paying attention Sarah Palin has never “It’s going to really confuse people,” Connie In addition, Catherine Champion, Connie to the Mayan calendar written a book.) Champion said about a potential smoking ban. Champion’s daughter, told the DI the real problem now when no one has But if the world is Merits of action on each aside, panhandling and downtown is the crowd that hangs outside of stores, paid much, if any, atten- going to end in 2012, smoking should be completely separate issues. If rather than smoking. Catherine Champion owns two tion to it in the past? I why in the world are we the council supports a Ped Mall smoking ban, it businesses downtown, one of which is on the Ped Mall. mean, have had you ever arguing so much about should not base its argument on the original inten- “I support the idea of it, but I’m not sure I sup- heard of the Mayan cal- health care? I mean, it tions of the Smokefree Air Act rather than panhan- port the practicality of it,” Connie Champion told endar until the last few seems a little bit beside dling and marketplace concerns. We hope coun- the Editorial Board. months? (No cheating.) the point. cilors will disregard the smoking-ban proposal and And lack of practicality truly is the case. The Ped I thought so. And should we be con- instead focus their efforts on more acute topics. Mall — which is already smoke-free from Linn Besides, why the cerned that the Senate Your turn. Should the Pedestrian Mall have a smoking ban from 8 a.m. to Street to the fountain outside the Sheraton, ancient Mayan calen- has confirmed so few of 10 p.m.? Weigh in on dailyiowan.com. 210 S. Dubuque St. — is a public setting. Although dar? Why not the President Obama’s nomi- ancient Egyptian calen- nations for judgeships? dar? Or the ancient (If you’re keeping score Letter Chinese calendar? Or at home, only six of the Western calendar Obama’s nominations before around 750? have been confirmed, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent via e-mail to [email protected] (as text, not as attachment). Each letter Sometime around 750, according to David must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters should not exceed 300 words. The DI I think, if I’m remember- Savage of the Los reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. The DI will publish only one letter per author per month. Letters will be ing Stephen Jay Gould’s Angeles Times. He notes chosen for publication by the editors according to space considerations. No advertisements or mass mailings, please. essay correctly, the pope that George W. Bush had GUEST OPINIONS that exceed 300 words in length must be arranged with the Opinions editor at least three days prior had the Western calen- 28 judges confirmed in to the desired date of publication. Guest opinions are selected in accordance with word length, subject relevance, and dar changed because it his first year, and Bill space considerations. was so out of whack. Clinton had 27.) READER COMMENTS that may appear below were originally posted on dailyiowan.com in response to published Unfortunately, the Savage’s article puts material. They will be chosen for print publication when they are deemed to be well-written and to forward public discussion. Europeans had no con- They may be edited for length and style. the blame for so few con- cept of the number 0, so firmations on the AD started with the year Republicans refusing to 1, which has led to all allow votes to occur. Special election a friends down on the Pentacrest I now understand better why I will now look forward to sorts of problems with Apparently, the working so hard to get stu- Cardella wanted a special elec- the special election so that we when decades start and Republicans have waste of money dents’ signatures, while not tion so badly. She tried to can welcome Janelle Rettig to end, and when centuries changed their nickname Thank-you to the tax-and- fully informing them what they mask it by telling people not to the supervisors a second time start and end, and when to G-No-P. spend Republicans who have were signing. To see them take away their right to vote and to tell Lori thanks, but no millennia start and end. But if the world is pushed the county to spend for a person to fill the open thanks. That $75,000 could If that weren’t bad working so hard to get stu- going to end in three $75,000 on an election to fill a supervisor seat. What she have been put to a much bet- enough, the pope had to dents’ signatures only a year years, who cares how Johnson County Board of should have been saying is, ter use. It could have been change the Western cal- many federal judges removed from when the Supervisors seat that will “Please spend the $75,000 so used to pay for the ever-climb- endar again around the we have? barely have a term that reach- Republicans were so critical of that I can personally gain from ing costs of bringing forward a mid-1500s — it jumped Dec. 21. Man, is that es 11 months. the Democrats for getting the it.” After all, she is now asking new Justice Center. ahead by 11 days in going to put a crimp on How ironic it was to see Lori students involved in the presi- people to vote for her to fill Lonny Pulkrabek September. the Christmas shopping Cardella and her Republican dential election. the seat. How convenient. Johnson County sheriff Which led to rent riots, season.

Guest opinion Long-term state budget reform needed By DAVID FISHER governments lost in the need to work together to Fourth, the committee drivers of spending, and the documented and reported. and GRETCHEN TEGELER across-the-board cuts. solve them. The process will provided a structure for the reasons behind them. This Major change — perma- Over the past few years, work. Six task forces were More than one month need to be comprehensive, gave everyone a baseline nent change — always budgets have been put designed around the areas ago, Gov. Chet Culver transparent, and inclusive. understanding and even entails risk. As was shown in together using a series of ordered a 10 percent across- The approach that Gov. believed to offer the great- opened the eyes of some vet- 1991, a good process can go a the-board cut in the state one-time revenue sources; Terry Branstad used in est opportunity for efficien- eran state legislators. long ways to anticipate and budget, a percentage more however, these sources have 1991 with the Governor’s cies and/or savings: Collec- Sixth, the process was manage the risks. In follow- than twice as large as any now been largely depleted. Committee on Government tions, Intergovernmental very open. Members of the ing such an approach, such cut in the state’s Unfortunately, perhaps trag- Spending Reform (the Relations, Privatization, media were personally invit- Iowans can be confident that ically, the recession-driven Public Finance, Statewide recorded history. The action “Fisher Commission”) sug- ed and encouraged to attend today’s historic challenges drop in receipts is occurring Service Delivery, and Tech- was intended to balance the gests a model that works. every meeting of the com- can be met and turned into at precisely the same nology Enhancement. The opportunities for making budget in the short term As leaders of the process mittee and its task forces. moment in time as the struc- overall result was supposed Iowa an even greater place (during the current fiscal at that time, here are some This brings us to the tural deficit must be con- to be a downsized, more effi- to live and work. year), following an 8 percent of the factors that we final, and perhaps most downward adjustment in fronted. Thus, significant believe made it successful. cient government that bet- David Fisher is a Des Moines important, factor in the pro- the estimated revenue long-term adjustments in First, the charge was ter suits economic, demo- businessman and was chairman of available. The effect is just state spending are necessary. clear. Branstad understood graphic, and technological ject’s success: accountabili- the Govemor’s Committee on beginning to be identified, Given the magnitude of the nature of a structural realities. ty. Under the govemor’s Government Spending Reform in 1991. including the local property- the challenge, all Iowans deficit. Second, the process Fifth, time was spent on direction, progress in imple- Gretchen Tegeler is former director of tax increases that will should be concerned with was inclusive and biparti- the front end to educate the menting the committee’s the Iowa Department of Management inevitably happen to replace how the problems are san. Third, roles were clear- players about the state recommendations was and a Des Moines management the state revenue that local solved, and Iowans will ly and properly defined. budget, the nature of the key assessed every year and consultant.

The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 5 dailyiowan.com for more arts and culture Arts&Culture CD REVIEW The two battling Mayers Man of the world ’s latest, Battle Studies, each other where they are Dean Jacobs will deliver the story usually separated by solos. PRESENTATION pits two John Mayers against each He does make some of his worldly travels tonight. other, and the results are middling. odd decisions on this “Wondrous Journeys” record, however. By JOSIE JONES Jacobs describes his When: 5 p.m. today On his cover of “Cross- [email protected] presentation as showing Where: Main Library Shambaugh By TOMMY MORGAN JR. Many of the songs on roads,” he had the chance people that they don’t [email protected] Auditorium Battle Studies take on a to truly showcase his At the age of 9, Dean need to be afraid of theme of heartbreak as Jacobs hopped onto his Admission: Free Since at least his second blues abilities, but he the world. war — a trope that should falls short. Whatever green Schwinn Stingray “I’m here to talk about album, , have died with Pat bicycle and rode from his there have effects are placed on his the goodness of humanity,” such kindness by people Benatar’s “Love is a Bat- hometown of Fremont, guitar on this song give it he said. “But that doesn’t who have nothing but been two Neb., to the neighboring tlefield.” It’s not hard to a decidedly synth-pop mean I’m ignoring the bad want to give me every- types of town of Arlington. He rode imagine Mayer walking feel. It almost sounds as things that happen in the thing,” he said. John by himself for miles down around pensively, as if he passed this song world. I try to shed a little Once, while in Sudan, a Mayer. gravel roads with the dan- Benatar does in that song’s along to the Cure and bit of light on the extraor- There is the ger of vicious farm dogs stranger paid for Jacobs’ video, thinking about how played guitar over what- dinary things that are “Daugh- dashing after him along bus fare in an attempt to ters” and much love just sucks. ever Robert Smith and simple but are important watch over Jacobs However, with Mayer, the way. to remember.” “Your Body John Mayer Company came up with. He recalled his curiosity because he was a guest in Is A Won- it doesn’t really work. On Mayer may, however, be During his travels, he the country. Battle Studies songs such as “Assassain” of exploring dates back to set a budget of $10 to $15 derland” the first person to use the childhood adventures, and But his experiences 1 and “War Of My Life,” it a day, including lodging Mayer, who ⁄2 out steel drum in a song that weren’t always positive. ### ever since, he has visited and food. He learned to writes sounds as if he is trying didn’t end up sounding Every time he travels, he of ##### more than 50 countries. live simply — traveling by catchy, way too hard to be deep, like the Beach Boys’ said, he loses 10 to 15 and the lyrics seem “It was a dream of mine himself with only one almost too “Kokomo.” On “Assassin,” to take a trip around the pounds and deals with saccharine pop songs, and forced and trite. An large backpack and a he uses the instrument to world,” he said. “And not sickness, and once, he was the John Mayer of the John exception to this is the small book bag for his pho- create not the feel-good just a two-week vacation even robbed at gunpoint. Mayer Trio, a budding album’s opening track, tography equipment. With music of a cruise ship but more of a journey and However, negatives won’t blues legend/guitar god. the bitter “Heartbreak such a small budget, commercial but a sort of allow the essence of the stop him from fulfilling On his newest album, Warfare,” which doesn’t Jacobs didn’t always know dreary tension. It’s a sort place to get into your skin his dream. Battle Studies, it’s hard push the war metaphor what he was eating from of exciting turn but defi- so you really get to know a “One moment out of the to tell which is which. too far and instead focus- street vendors. He tried nitely a head-scratcher. place rather than just four years of putting Songs that seem des- es on the heartbreak — various foods, including With songs such as passing by.” myself at the mercy of the tined for pop, such as where he does his best zebra, kangaroo, ostrich, these on Battle Studies, Dean Jacobs will pres- and scorpion on a stick — world and only having “Heartbreak Warfare” work. All in all, he con- it’s hard to pinpoint what ent “Wondrous Journey” all of which, he said, “taste that one-time experience and “Friends, Lovers, or tinues to share his gift of exactly Mayer is trying to today at 5 p.m. in the like chicken.” is really nothing,” he said. Nothing,” feature him catchy pop lyrics on this accomplish with the Main Library’s Sham- One of the highlights Jacobs travels brought album, but the theme doing some of his best record. Is he going for baugh Auditorium. Admis- was being invited into the him to such locations as guitar work, while such and tone are overdone pop? For blues? A combi- sion is free. homes of families living the base camp of Mount songs as his cover of and ill-fitting. nation of the two? Or is Jacobs has embarked on in developing countries, Everest, the outback of blues guitar legend Musically, he sounds as he trying to move in a three trips totaling four he said. Australia, and the pyra- Robert Johnson’s “Cross- astute as ever. “Heart- new direction — years outside the United “The richness of the mids of Egypt. roads” have a certain pop break Warfare” is catchy Caribbean-infused fla- States since 2001. He journey is to sit down and “The world really is swagger to their blues. and combines the pop and 1 menco, perhaps? spent 22 ⁄2 months visiting connect with people and far more beautiful than The result is far from a blues of his past work If he is trying to fuse 28 countries during his listen to their ideas of life, it’s given credit for,” he perfect blend of his split with a U2 feel. his blues and pop person- first trip, which was the and what their hopes and said. While embracing musical personalities. “Friends, Lovers, or alities together, Battle basis for his book Won- dreams are,” he said. his worldly travels, he Battle Studies, by the Nothing” is also a winner, Studies is a good start, drous Journey, from which When traveling the hopes to bring the digni- end, is pretty ho-hum, and does the job of show- but some miscues and off- his presentation stems. world, Jacobs’ goal is not ty and respect he even for the guy who once casing Mayer’s guitar kilter decisions make Jill Goldesberry, a pro- to tell others how to live learned to his audiences. crooned “if you want love, chops and pop voice at the sure it remains just that. gram officer for the Stan- but rather experience and “I have a treasure that we’ll make it / swimming same time, letting both Tommy’s Picks: “Heartbreak Warfare,” ley Foundation, saw one of embrace their lifestyles. lives in my heart, a treas- a deep sea of blankets.” intertwine and play off “Friends, Lovers, or Nothing” Jacobs’ presentations in He learned a lot from his ure of experience,” Jacobs Omaha about a year ago. adventures — especially said. “It’s not the kind of “It’s an entertaining issues dealing with digni- treasure to be kept to look at our world,” ty and respect. yourself, it’s a treasure to CD REVIEW she said. “I was treated with be shared with others.” Howling couldn’t be sexier By COURTNEY SPEARS dropped, eyebrows longer legs / That I could [email protected] undoubtedly raised, but fasten to your body so you’d that didn’t stop anyone and take me with you every- Shakira is back and sink- everyone from howling where / And when you ing her along with the Colombian think I can take no more claws into songstress. (Of course the (all night long) / Just keep the charts. She Wolf, cage-dancing music video on going.” Shakira’s probably didn’t hurt the Shakira doesn’t in any third full- song’s popularity.) way attempt to hide her length Eng- “Did It Again” follows sexual side with this album lish album, suit with the disco-era — in fact, it’s displayed beats, one of a handful of front and center. The lyrics is strange, Shakira exotic, and songs on the album includ- give it away as well as the positively She Wolf ing “Men in this Town,” random moans and heavy hypnotiz- which strays into a mix- breathing emanating from ing. Its #### out ture of Blondie and the speakers in such tracks disco- of ##### Madonna-esque territory. as “Good Stuff,” in which inspired In a surprising twist, the singer competes with tracks and Shakira teams up with exotic beats for a mixture echoey, sensual vox make Wyclef Jean again for all her own. this release a must-own for “Spy,” which hardly com- Shakira’s third album pop-music lovers. petes with the catchiness certainly follows her signa- Shakira can hardly be of their previous collabora- ture style: overtly sensual, described as boring, tradi- tion, “Hips Don’t Lie.” proud, and a bit kooky. The tional, or lacking in talent. The next catchy chart- she-wolf proves herself to Her songs can be a bit topper may well be “Long be “Better than to sail on strange, but a voice as rec- Time,” a hip-shaking song the Mediterranean Sea / ognizable as hers deserves about getting busy “all Better than to get a fancy lyrics to match. night long.” The vivacious Gucci dress for free.” The album’s title track is Latina probably has every Courtney’s picks: “She the most notable and the man’s heart pumping with Wolf,” “Long Time,” most risky. When the single such lyrics as “I wish I had “Why Wait”

6 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 News dailyiowan.com for more news Radon continues An end run on as silent killer smoking ban UI professor compiles data on radon levels in residences.

By LAUREN MILLS After learning about Experts, FDA, and bar and restaurant workers [email protected] high levels of radon in her Radon criticize e-cigarettes. home, Manley and her hus- According to the EPA, Radon, a colorless and band were spurred into odorless gas, seeps into Iowa has the highest aver- By CHRIS CURTLAND action. In 2006, her hus- [email protected] more than 70 percent of the age level of radon in the band added a radon mitiga- U.S. basements in Iowa. tion element to his con- Alex Fischels appeared • Radon is responsible for 6 The gas is the No. 2 struction company and a to be smoking on a Chica- to 15 percent of all lung can- cause of lung cancer and couple of years ago, she go’s restaurant patio when cers. the No. 1 cause of lung can- began her testing business. the waiter shot him a • In 2005, the World Health cer in nonsmokers. Accord- “I felt like I could help nasty glare. Organization launched its ing to the Environmental save lives if I could help But the UI senior International Radon Project. Protection Agency, radon people find out if they have wasn’t puffing on a ciga- • January is Radon Action kills roughly 21,000 people this silent killer in their rette — he was taking a Month. every year. house,” she said. drag of nicotine vapor • Around 35 percent of “It is minimized in the Testing services such as from an e-cigarette. Johnson County houses test- public eye because there is those provided by Manley “I don’t think he had a ed in 2008 were above the no one to blame,” said UI are now a common ele- clue what it was,” the 21- reference level — the level at Professor Bill Field of the ments in real estate. year-old said. “But he was which the risk of cancer JOE SCOTT/THE DAILY IOWAN College of Public Health. “If “Almost every transac- not cool with it.” greatly increases. UI student Alex Fischels takes a puff from his Blu E-Cigarette out- someone put a dirty bomb tion that I do, the buyers The white, cylindrical in our houses and killed Source: WHO and EPA side his apartment on Monday. It uses replaceable cartridges the have required a radon device looks like a real size of a cigarette filter that hold nicotine and flavoring, each worth 21,000 people, there would test,” said Tracy Barkalow, one, but it runs on a lithi- about one pack of cigarettes. Because one filter contains as much be a public outcry.” broker and owner of sucks radon-contaminated um battery and produces Field began studying Barkalow and Associates air from under the house a steam-like mist that nicotine as an entire pack, the blue light at the end of the e-ciga- radon in 1979, when the Realtors. “We strongly rec- and deposits it in the air looks like real smoke. The rette blinks when the user has inhaled enough, to prevent overdose, nuclear accident at Three ommend it because of the above the house. e-cigarette uses no tobac- Fischels said. Mile Island occurred 4 cost involved in installing At the UI, radon tests are co; rather, it atomizes liq- miles from his home. the systems and because of fairly uncommon. uid nicotine, producing a He is working on compil- safety issues.” “We mostly just test ten- vapor that is drawn into ing data on radon levels in Although Iowa City ant properties,” said Steve the lungs. homes in both North Ameri- building codes that went Henneberry, an engineer in Because the product’s ca and Europe, which into effect in 2002 require environmental services for manufacturers — includ- should be published in 2010 new construction to include UI Planning, Design & ing the brand Ruyan, sold and will help researchers radon-control measures, Construction. “It is some- at the Coralville Tobacco further understand links many older residences lack thing we just started doing Outlet — claim the e-ciga- between radon and cancer. mitigation systems, said about a year ago.” rettes have none of the “When the radon decays, Loren Brumm, an Iowa harmful chemicals found it creates small solid parti- He said he doesn’t think it City building inspector. would be a bad idea to take in the smoke of other cles that people inhale,” tobacco products, Iowans Field said. “In the lungs, Manely said 80 percent of some radon samplings the last 50 homes she tested around campus, but finding can use the device in the particles continue to areas deemed “smoke- decay, giving off small required mitigation because funding could be difficult, and of the high levels of radon. it might not be necessary. free” by the Iowa Smoke- bursts of energy that dam- free Air Act. age the sensitive tissue and Although mitigation sys- “Radon accumulates in And that’s why Fischels can cause cancer.” tems, which cost about the lowest levels of a build- splurged on one, at a cost Field conducted many $900 to $1,500, may sound ing where there is little air in an array of flavors, she of $60 online. With his radon-related research daunting, the system is movement,” he said. “Bigger said they could potential- new instrument, he can Flavors: projects, including one generally composed of a 4- commercial buildings have ly increase appeal to get his nicotine fix legally E-cigs come in these fun involving Sarah Manley, inch PVC pipe that runs forced air flow, so it is gener- young people. in places where smoking flavors: who owns Breathe Easy through the basement floor ally less of a problem. But it “Some view them as a is prohibited, including his Radon Testing. to the roof, Field said. A fan is not a hard and fast rule.” likely bridge to smoking • Almond workplace, the movie the- for youth,” she added. The • Cherry ater, and his apartment. FDA has performed “limit- • Chocolate “I saw it and was like, METRO ed testing” on them, find- • Coffee ‘What the hell? A digital ing they contain • Grape Man charged Police charge man Man charged cigarette,’ ” Fischels said. “detectable levels” of car- • Green tea “Regular cigarettes are cinogens, and the agency • Licorice with robbery with domestic abuse with eluding just as bad for you, so I fig- has warned against their • Plum Police arrested a man for Iowa City police arrested a man Police arrested a Solon man ured it’s worth a shot.” use, according to an FDA • Rose Source: e-cig.com allegedly robbing an elderly couple after he allegedly physically and ver- after he allegedly tried to avoid But experts are keen to news release. after helping them load purchased bally abused his girlfriend Sunday. being arrested for OWI on Nov. 13. point out they believe the Because the product items into their car in October. Alvin Seals, 35, 223 Woodside Cameron Boyce, 23, was devices are not risk-free. doesn’t emit smoke and is “I don’t think we would Calvin Pearson, 28, address Drive, was charged with domes- charged with eluding, an aggra- E-cigarettes contain likewise not regulated by allow it,” he said, pointing unknown, was charged with sec- tic-abuse assault causing vated misdemeanor. nicotine and other chemi- the smoking ban, it has out that if patrons saw ond-degree robbery. bodily injury. According to police reports, cals that could be toxic, left some local bar employ- someone smoking an e-cig- According to reports, the rob- According to reports, Seals Boyce was stopped by a Johnson said Mary Aquilino, the ees unclear about how arette, they might be bery took place at Wal-Mart, choked the woman after an argu- County sheriff’s deputy for director of the Iowa Tobac- they would handle a user prompted to spark up real 2801 Commerce Drive, Coralville, ment and caused her to hit her allegedly drag racing, but he co Research Center. in their establishments. ones. “It’d put out the on Oct. 16. After Pearson helped elbow on a wall. During the strug- instead started driving in the The Food and Drug “If it’s legal and OK to wrong idea.” Since Fischels bought the couple load items into their gle, the woman scraped her elbow opposite direction. Administration does not do, then I wouldn’t have a car, he allegedly got into the the e-cigarette in July, he and cut her finger, police said. Police said Boyce refused to regulate e-cigarettes — problem with it,” said Vic- back seat and placed a motel key Seals also reportedly urinated said he uses it about four stop after the officer had turned which, she said, concerns toria Messina, a server at card on the male victim’s throat, on the woman’s belongings, threw or five times a week. He on the lights and sirens. Boyce’s her because different Vito’s, 118 E. College St., pretending it was a knife. He a lamp against the wall, and threat- manufacturers use vary- who noted that she has noted the device shouldn’t vehicle reached 100 mph in a 35- then reportedly demanded the ened to “jab her face” with the ing amounts of nicotine not encountered a user. be confusing to other peo- mph zone along Riverside Drive, man’s wallet. broken lamp. Seals also told her he and other chemicals in But Tim Hopper,a ple because the end lights When the woman said he didn’t wished she was dead, police said. according to police. the production. bartender and manager up — his is blue — and the have his wallet, Pearson alleged- Reports showed Seals contin- Boyce told officers under Because they’re not at DC’s, 124 S. Dubuque vapor doesn’t have a ly said, “Give me your purse or ued to verbally abuse the Miranda that he drove away age-restricted, as are St., said he would be smoky smell. I’ll cut his throat,” according to woman. The woman said the because he was afraid of being other FDA-regulated more wary if he saw “People still try to give police. The woman gave Pearson argument continued throughout charged with OWI, police said. nicotine products, and someone exhaling a me weird looks, though,” money from her purse. the day and that Seals told her According to reports, Boyce had a because they are offered smoke-like haze. he said. After he was arrested, Pearson he would kill her in her sleep, blood-alcohol content of 0.07. The admitted to committing the rob- according to police. state’s legal driving limit is 0.08. bery, according to reports. Domestic-abuse assault causing An aggravated misdemeanor is Pearson was being held at bodily injury is a serious misdemeanor generally punishable by up to two Marshall County Jail on $15,000 and is generally punishable by up to years in prison and up to a cash-only bond Sunday afternoon. one year in jail and a $1,500 fine. $5,000 fine. — by Marleen Linares — by Marleen Linares — by Brian Stewart

The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 7 dailyiowan.com for more news News The plate never too full for Meyer

as chairwoman of the Juggling blueprints and building plans Division-I Women’s Bas- Jane Meyer with tracking women’s basketball, Jane ketball Committee in Sep- • Past jobs: Director of tember. She is in her last Education Outreach with the Meyer lives in ‘chaos,’ she says. year of a five-year commit- NCAA, associate director of By CLARK CAHILL understatement to say ment to the committee, athletics and assistant pro- [email protected] Meyer, who began her which is made up of 10 peo- fessor at the University of tenure at Iowa in 2001, is ple and is responsible for Wisconsin-La Crosse Jane Meyer can safely constantly busy. determining the final 33 • Degrees: Bachelor of say she’s affected virtually But she’s used to it. teams — 31 teams qualify Science degree in biology everyone on campus. “I’ve lived in chaos all automatically with a con- from Mount Mercy College, As the senior associate my life,” she said as a ference championship — master’s in science, and Ph.D. athletics director, she has crane picked up a mound that get into the women’s in athletics administration orchestrated $250 million of dirt outside her Carver NCAA Tournament at the from the UI • Has worked with: Alcohol- worth of projects, from the office. “I am able to take in end of the season. Mem- education programs, NCAA $88 million Kinnick Stadi- lots of information and bers also choose playing JAY SCHLEIDT/THE DAILY IOWAN drug-testing program, Title um renovation to the process it.” sites and officials. Senior Associate Athletics Director Jane Meyer sits in her office on IX/sex equity education $47 million Carver-Hawk- Indeed. The evidence is Many say Meyer has had Monday. Meyer is on the NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball • Enjoys: Running, watching eye Arena makeover to a in her demeanor. The elo- an effect on them. Committee. games $70 million Campus Recre- quent speaker, who wears “It’s a natural fit for her University,agreed Meyer will ball out there who are ation and Wellness Center. glasses and sports a but- to be the chairwoman of be a great fit as chairwoman selling out arenas every the committee, and many The projects are upgrades ton-down blouse and for the upcoming season. night,” she said. “We are Know someone we should shine a light athletes, students, and fac- sweater tied around her people saw her as very “She has great knowl- learning what the men’s on? E-mail us at : ulty will all appreciate. neck, doesn’t need much deserving for the chair for edge of the game and is a tournament has done posi- [email protected]. “It’s a lot of money, but I time to think of her her last year,” said commit- tireless worker,” he said. tively and negatively, Catch up with others from our series at dailyiowan.com/spotlight. look at the breadth of the answers, and she talks tee member Heather “I know she will be because they have been projects and whom they quickly and sharply. Gores, an associate direc- informed across the board going about 80 years longer.” are affecting,” said Meyer, Such a talent likely tor of athletics at Gonzaga of the issues that are Ultimately, Meyer, who DAILYIOWAN.COM sitting in her Carver office, proves useful when Meyer University.“She has been a important for our commit- enjoys running as a hobby, Watch a photo slide show which is stuffed with blue- is in the other role that great mentor for me com- tee to consider.” said her main objective is of the athletics director at prints and books of build- takes up a significant ing in as a committee One particular goal for to help all student-athletes work. ing projects. “We are trying chunk of her life — keep- member, and she is some- Meyer this year will be a get an education and have to make it better for our ing a close eye on the hap- one I aspire to be.” focus on growing the game positive experiences. came, to use their gifts as a student-athletes and also penings in Division-I Wood Selig, a committee of women’s basketball. “At some point, I want student and an athlete,” our students.” women’s basketball. member and the athletics “There are some great them to decide they came she said. “If we stop doing It’s probably an Meyer began her tenure director at Western Kentucky pockets of women’s basket- to Iowa for the reason they that, I’m out of here.” Need for food Millionaire dropped from Blago trial

By MIKE ROBINSON Zagel’s decision to drop including Bill Cellini in aid on the rise Associated Press Cellini from the trial was any indictment with for- expected. Prosecutors mer Gov. Blagojevich.” Church, 320 E. College St., CHICAGO — A million- requested it last week. Webb said Cellini does- Johnson County joins the rest of shared Benson Witry’s view aire power broker who was The judge did not drop n’t know Blagojevich, has the state in its need for nutrients. that the current to go to trial on corruption charges against Cellini, a never spoken on the economic situation is a key charges alongside ousted millionaire lobbyist-busi- phone with the former By SHANE ERSLAND households considered factor for the higher Illinois Gov. Rod Blagoje- nessman from Springfield governor, and was [email protected] “food insecure” rose 3.5 per- demand for food. vich was dropped Monday who for decades has been unaware of the alleged cent from 2007 to 2008, “When people are losing from the list of defendants. an influential behind-the- fundraising scheme. The decision to remove A growing number of reaching 14.6 percent, the jobs, or cutting back to scenes figure in Illinois Cellini was charged in William Cellini leaves only Johnson County residents highest rate since the part-time, I call that tight,” politics, largely on the three counts along with the former Illinois gover- are acquiring their meals organization started doing he said. Republican side. former Blagojevich chief nor and his brother on the through local the survey. Schlachter, whose church Cellini remains charged fundraiser Christopher G. defendant list for the June food-support services. Benson Witry said sets out two food baskets for with conspiracy to commit Kelly, who was found dead trial. Robert Blagojevich’s fraud, conspiracy to com- The Crisis Center doled employment issues are the attendees to fill for the Cri- in what police say was a attorney, Michael Ettinger, mit extortion, and attempt- out nearly 40,000 bags of main reason more people suicide just days before he sis Center each Sunday,said said Monday he also plans ed extortion. He is accused food to needy citizens in fis- are using the center’s serv- was to start serving eight much of the responsibility to try to get his client of attempting to squeeze a years in prison. cal 2009, compared with ices. for helping people without around 33,000 in fiscal dropped from the trial. sizable campaign contribu- Prosecutors urged Zagel “A lot of stories are that enough to eat falls on the 2008, said Sarah Benson Rod Blagojevich is tion for Blagojevich out of to drop Cellini from the their hours have been cut,” rest of the community. Witry, the Food Bank direc- charged with trying to sell Hollywood producer trial, saying Kelly had been she said. “They can’t get “It’s incumbent upon or trade President Barack Thomas Rosenberg, who tor at the center, 1121 the key figure who linked unemployment because Obama’s former U.S. Sen- owned a money manage- Gilbert St. those of us who are work- him to Blagojevich. They they’re still working, but ate seat for campaign ment company that was In addition, the center has ing and do have money to said Kelly’s death had it’s not enough, and they share what we have,” money or a high-paying job expecting to get a $220 mil- handed out around 765 bags end up coming back here for himself or his wife and lion allocation from a state erased much of the “over- per week during the second he said. lap” in evidence between for help.” Despite already high an array of other offenses. teachers’ pension fund. half of this year, up from Prosecutors could still Blagojevich and Cellini. The food baskets consist numbers, Benson Witry He has pleaded not guilty roughly 600 bags per week and said he did not commit bring Cellini to trial It might be more diffi- of standard nonperishables said the Crisis Center is during the end of 2008. — including carbohydrates, any wrongdoing. after Blagojevich’s trial cult for Ettinger to get trying to reach even more “We offer food to anyone fruits, and soup, Benson Judge James Zagel has is finished. Blagojevich’s brother Johnson County residents. who is deemed as having a Witry said. Toiletries, scheduled the trial to Cellini’s attorney,Dan K. removed from the trial “We’re always exploring food crisis,” she said. “They snacks, meat, and dairy start June 3, but Blagoje- Webb, issued a statement because prosecutors have ways to increase accessibil- not requested it. can get help right away.” items are also available vich’s lawyers are asking saying the decision to sever ity to people who aren’t Ettinger told reporters Iowa’s rate of “food inse- upon request. for a three-month delay. his client from Blagoje- located on the South East curity” — meaning families In addition to the Crisis Zagel told the attorneys vich’s trial and possibly try after court that his motion Side where we are,” she were unable to put enough Center’s aid, many families Monday he wants to keep him separately “demon- would focus on the poten- said. “We have no delivery food on their tables — also turn to federal food the trial date but left the strates what we have said tial prejudice to his client right now but are exploring jumped from 10.9 percent stamps to purchase meals. door open for a brief post- all along — that there was from being charged along that option.” of households during 2003- The amount of benefits ponement if needed. never any justification for with his brother. 05 to 11.6 percent in 2006- each household can receive 08, according to a survey by increased in April with the U.S. Agriculture funding from the American Department released on Recovery and Reinvest- Monday. ment Act. Families saw It’s a trend mirrored by a between $24 and $144 national increase in the extra per month after the number of people searching legislation passed. for affordable nourishment. The Rev. Mel Schlachter The number of American of Trinity Episcopal

8 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Sports dailyiowan.com for more sports Male runners just miss NCAAs the effort by Battista. The gotten the 25th spot. couldn’t see straight and The Iowa men’s cross-country team falls short after New Lenox, Ill., native When I was finishing my that his legs were wob- the Midwest Regionals in Springfield, Mo. had struggled and was in cool down, I gave Micah bling,” Wieczorek said. dire need of a standout the thumbs up or thumbs “But he wanted to try to By SEAN MORGAN best seventh man. These the end.” performance. down sign. He just nod- get us to nationals. [email protected] are things you look at as Helping dull the pain of “Mark is a guy who was ded.” Sometimes, teams make sort of consolation prizes.” defeat was strong per- entering his third year,” For Wieczorek, more DVDs at the end of each For the Iowa men’s Much like Iowa’s foot- formances by Thode and Wieczorek said. “He was a important than Battista’s season. I don’t know if I cross-country team to ball program, on Nov. 14, Battista, who each made scholarship guy who did- finish was how the junior will yet, but there is qualify for the NCAA the Hawkeye runners fell the All-Regional team n’t make the traveling managed it. Wieczorek already one in my mind. championship meet, it to Ohio State. The Buck- with 21st and 25th finish- team for track last season. said Battista told him That’s an image that I’m needed big-time finishes eyes, who had beaten es, respectively. He had one foot on the how he was feeling after going to keep.” from the entire Hawkeye Iowa head-to-head, won a Thode, who had failed banana peel and one foot the race. roster. tiebreaker to take the last to meet his own expecta- out the door.” It was exactly the type But while freshman Jef- spot in the NCAA champi- tions at the Big Ten cham- Battista delivered, of effort Wieczorek had frey Thode and junior onship meet — the spot pionship in State College, though his All-Regional hoped his team Mark Battista ran person- Wieczorek had hoped Pa., felt much better when finish was by a narrow would give. al bests, the Hawkeyes would belong to his squad. he crossed the finish line margin. He was the final “He told me that in the fell short of their goal, “Like Kirk [Ferentz] on Nov. 14 at runner to qualify for the last 1,000 meters that he failing to qualify for the said, ‘In the end we all get Missouri State. honor. A few seconds slow- championship meet. what we deserve,’ ” Wiec- “I paced it out and did- er, and it would have gone “This was one of our zorek said. “If we had n’t have to push it,” he to someone else. best team efforts for sure,” beaten Arkansas earlier said. “I was careful about “I didn’t really know head coach Larry Wiec- in the year at the Wiscon- how I ran this time. I did- where I had finished zorek said. “It was a com- sin Adidas Invitational, n’t change my pace when when the race was over,” plete effort from top to we would have qualified the pack started to move.” Battista said. “Wieczorek bottom. We had the third- with three points. We Perhaps the day’s and Micah [VanDenend] best sixth man, the third- were just a little short in biggest success story was thought I might have Near misses continue for harriers Despite a season of preparation, the women’s cross-country team failed to qualify for nationals at the NCAA Midwest Regional meet. By MICHÈLE DANNO Anderson said. “We had [email protected] plenty of opportunities to improve our position. We The fate of Iowa’s 2009 had good races but not women’s cross-country great racing.” season was decided at 6 With a fifth-place finish p.m. Sunday, when a overall, the Hawkeyes panel of NCAA judges ended a spot lower than chose Michigan State over last year in the regional the Hawkeyes. meet. They fell to Min- BRENNA NORMAN/THE DAILY IOWAN For the first time in four nesota, Illinois, Iowa Iowa women cross-country runners chat during the men’s race on years, the women’s cam- State, and Nebraska, then Sept. 4 at the Ashton Cross-Country Course. The team raced against paign ended at the Mid- to Michigan State. Northern Iowa and took the top seven places in the meet. west Regional on Nov. 14 in But senior captain Han- Springfield, Mo., where 30 together as a pack tively,” pacing herself more nah Roeder said she doesn’t throughout the season, throughout the course. Midwest teams competed think the loss is “an indica- for a chance to run in the hoping to have their top- Eilers said she was tion of the direction that the NCAA championship meet. five finishers gain the most nervous about trying program is going.” She said Since 2005, Iowa has qual- points possible. something different for ified through at-large points Michigan State qualifying “I wouldn’t say anything the first time during an the Hawkeyes accumulated over Iowa was based on a fell apart in this race, and I important meet, but it throughout the season. “subjective opinion.” wouldn’t change anything worked out well for her. But because Iowa’s har- Despite the disappoint- we did,” junior Lauren She finished with a time riers failed to finish in the ment of not qualifying, the Hardesty said. “It just of 21:14 in the 6-kilome- top-two in the race, qualify- women agreed they were wasn’t our time to go. Life ter race and placed ing for NCAAs was once not disheartened by their will go on, and we always 13th overall. again dependent on at- performances during the have next year.” Roeder acknowledged large points. And this time, race. Finishing first for the One positive did arise Eilers’ performance and the system did not work in Hawkeyes was sophomore from the meet, though. Eil- said she was proud of her the Hawkeyes’ favor. Brooke Eilers, who has led ers managed to successful- teammates for “putting it After tying with Michi- the “pack” for much of the ly execute a new strategy of all on the line.” gan State for at-large 2009 season. racing she had been prac- “There’s just so many points, the Spartans were Following Eilers, Aman- ticing. Anderson and Eilers variables that go into a selected to move on after da Hardesty, Roeder, Betsy agreed that her old start- cross-country race,” Roed- defeating the Hawkeyes Flood, Lauren Hardesty, off-hard style wasn’t the er said. “We’re not at all closer to the regional meet. and Lindsay Anderson best way for the sophomore looking back and saying, Ultimately, Iowa missed managed to finish within to win races. ‘We should have done this,’ qualifying by one spot. 11 seconds of each other. To address the issue, or ‘We should have done “This was a season of The closeness reflects Anderson advised Eilers to that.’ I feel like we all put near misses,” coach Layne the Hawkeyes’ aim to run start races more “conserva- forth our best effort.”

POINT/COUNTERPOINT Should Stanzi or Vandenberg start in the bowl game? Ricky Stanzi cold shoulder. No matter what “Horseshoe” on Nov. 14, red- wouldn’t be where they are if shirt freshman James Call me Kirk Ferentz, but when the situation. not for Stanzi. The junior quar- Vandenberg should be the terback has a 17-4 record as the the Hawkeyes go bowling, Ricky The upset of No. 3 Penn State starting quarterback for the Hawkeyes’ starter and has been Stanzi is starting. last year. The 10-0 deficit this Hawkeyes’ postseason a leader for this team. All the junior quarterback has season during the “White Out” in State College, Pa. bowl game. And Stanzi will still be leader done since being named the The signal-caller from Keokuk starter is win. He is 17-4 since get- The last-second 7-yard touch- of the Hawkeye offense in the down toss to Marvin McNutt to performed like a skilled veteran 2010 season, no matter how well ting the starting nod, leading against Ohio State, passing for 233 remarkable comeback wins — beat Michigan State. Completing Vandenberg plays against 92- and 66-yard touchdown pass- yards and tossing two touchdowns. Minnesota and in a bowl game. including a big Outback Bowl win His ability to throw the football es to overcome a 10-point fourth- But that’s why starting against South Carolina last season. makes me excited to watch quarter deficit to beat Vandenberg benefits both the If one wanted to get picky, him develop as a quarter- one of Stanzi’s four losses came Indiana. current and future Hawkeye All from Stanzi. back in the coming seasons. two weekends ago at football squads. He’s a Davy O’Brien Don’t get me wrong, I’m Northwestern, a game he didn’t The bowl game should be out Award semifinalist along- not giving up on Ricky get the chance to finish, which is of the question for Stanzi side Tim Tebow, Colt McCoy, Stanzi — when “Stanzi is the Manzi.” because he is coming off ankle Jimmy Clausen, and Tony Pike he is Also, his four losses were by a for good reason. still surgery. If he isn’t completely combined 19 points, so when fans Does Iowa really want to put the healthy, he will be more suscep- want to start thinking of replac- the game in the hands of a two- tible to being reinjured. ing him, they might want to think start redshirt rookie? Maybe it’s the Chicago Cub twice — like the number of times Don’t get me wrong. If Stanzi fan in me making me think ahead he has beaten Penn State. isn’t healthy enough to play, I’m to next year and beyond. But Iowa Before injuring his ankle, confident with Vandenberg will lose only seven impact sen- Stanzi led Iowa to an unblem- running the show. The per- iors from a team that was one win ished 9-0 start and a No. 4 BCS formance he turned in at away from the Rose Bowl. ranking, both bests in Hawkeye the “Horseshoe” The Hawkeyes are primed for history. Also it’s an unwritten should have made rule in football that you don’t another big run next season. believers out of That’s why Ferentz should keep lose a starting job to injury. “Manzi” — nor am I every Hawkeye fan. Stanzi on the sidelines for the Despite redshirt freshman jumping on the But for now, I final two games, so he is healthy James Vandenberg’s recent suc- foresee Stanzi. Vandenberg band- cess, Stanzi hasn’t lost his gig on and poised to get Iowa a Big Ten — by Patrick wagon (the Vand- account of his performance yet. wagon?). championship next season. Rafferty The Hawkeyes have gone on Even though By getting the opportunity to record saying they were never V andenberg start against a formidable out of a game because of Stanzi. should start the opponent in a New Year’s Day Christian Ballard once called bowl game, bowl game, Vandenberg will Stanzi “one of the greatest lead- James this is not a gain valuable experience that ers he has ever seen.” quarterback will greatly help him as he Stanzi stands straight in Vandenberg controversy. develops as the future starter the face of adversity and After a dazzling Thefor Kirk Ferentz’s program. always manages to give it the performance in the Hawkeyes — by Mitch Smith

The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 9 dailyiowan.com for more sports Sports

“[Hamlin’s] goal is to be Alexander earns co-Big BUCK NIGHT at our game on Wednes- Ten Player of the Week day,” Bluder said. “That CONTINUED FROM 12 would be a wonderful thing honors for our team to see her here Iowa junior Kachine P.R.I.D.E. Kansas returns four [in Carver-Hawkeye.]” Alexander was named co- starters from a team that Sophomore Hannah Big Ten Player of the Week won 22 games and was run- Draxten, who missed the on Monday along with Ohio ner-up in the WNIT. Those Hawkeye Challenge due to State’s Jantel Lavender. starters include Danielle a herniated disc in her back, Alexander was named reaches youth McCray, the Big 12’s pre- is “highly doubtful” for MVP of the KCRG-TV9 season Player of the Year. Wednesday’s game, the Hawkeye Challenge after By ROBBIE LEHMAN Hawkeye fans have the head coach said. Bluder she led the Hawkeyes to a [email protected] opportunity to catch the called Draxten a “slight pos- 75-67 victory over Illinois action at Carver for $1 as a sibility” for the Nov.22 road- State in Sunday’s champi- Every Monday, a group of part of Iowa’s annual “Buck opener at Northern Iowa. onship game. Iowa athletes wake up Night.” All tickets are $1, Freshman Theairra Tay- The 5-9 guard’s double- early, ready to lead. and student admission is lor will not play against double (21 points, 12 Kansas or Northern Iowa. But rather than lead- free. Tip-off is set for 7 p.m. rebounds) against the Red- She is expected to miss a ing their respective birds was her second of the sports teams during prac- couple weeks after suffer- Injury report includes ing a fractured eye socket weekend. Alexander post- tice, they lead a class- four Hawkeyes in practice last week. Blud- ed 19 points and a Hawk- room filled with lively eye Challenge record-tying Iowa’s lone senior, er said Taylor will see an fifth- and sixth-graders 18 rebounds in Iowa’s 67- JoAnn Hamlin, who eye specialist today. at Roosevelt Elementary, checked into the hospital In brighter injury news, 51 victory over Santa 611 Greenwood Drive. with a severe blood clot in Bluder hopes freshman Clara on Nov. 14. According to the organi- her right leg on Nov. 8, Gabby Machado will able “I think it’s a great zation’s website, Hawkeye remains out indefinitely. to play against Kansas. accomplishment,” Bluder P.R.I.D.E. is a program that Bluder said Hamlin was Machado has been dealing said of Alexander’s third matches Iowa student-ath- still in intensive care dur- with an ankle sprain. career Big Ten Player of letes with local elementary- ing the coach’s press con- Freshmen Morgan John- the Week honor. “Of school students in an effort ference, but she hoped the son and Jaime Printy will course, when you average to teach youngsters how to center would be in a regu- continue to fill in for Ham- a double-double over the become better students. lar hospital bed by the end lin and Draxten in the weekend, you probably The program’s acronym of Monday. starting lineup. deserve it.” stands for perseverance, respect, integrity, determi- nation, and equality — all point guard Cully Payne BASKETBALL said on Sunday. “We lessons that can be taught Iowa (0-1) vs. thought about it in the from a sports perspective. Duquesne (1-0) CONTINUED FROM 12 locker room, but now, like “I think sports have a lot When: 8:05 P.M. TODAY Coach said, we’ve got prac- of life lessons,” said pro- and sophomore Melquan Where: CARVER-HAWKEYE ARENA tice [on Monday and] we gram director Erica Bolding. The duo scored 44 Where to watch or listen: TV: play Tuesday. So we’ve got Clausen, who is a senior of the team’s 85 points in ESPNU, RADIO: KXIC-AM 800 to get right back at it.” goalkeeper on the Iowa soc- the Dukes’ season-opening Perhaps most concern- cer team. “As an athlete, win over Nicholls State on ing for Lickliter is you are put in a lot of diffi- Nov. 13. be gleamed from the 12- Duquesne’s 6-7 junior for- cult positions in your life. I point loss. If Gatens and DAVID SCRIVNER/THE DAILY IOWAN Last season, Clark ward Damian Saunders, think as student-athletes, Tucker continue to strug- Iowa senior softball player Lindsey Digmann high-fives fifth- and scored in double figures in who scored 19 points, we embrace all of those five gle from the field, the sixth-grade students at Roosevelt Elementary on Monday. Iowa 25 of Duquesne’s 33 grabbed 17 rebounds, dis- attributes of what we teach third-year head coach will tributed five assists, and athletes visited the school through Hawkeye P.R.I.D.E. to teach stu- games. Also, the team is in P.R.I.D.E.” at least need the sopho- snagged four steals dents about equality, perseverance, and respect. 8-1 when Bolding scores A division of the Iowa 14-plus points. mores to defend Bolding against Nicholls State. Student Athlete Advisory Volunteers followed the DAILYIOWAN.COM “Luckily, we don’t have and Clark effectively. The Hawkeyes’ under- Committee, the group activity with an open dis- Check out video footage of to think about it,” fresh- Duquesne, put up 108 sized frontcourt allowed a similar player, Texas-San began in 2002. Athletes cussion in which some Iowa Iowa athletes as they man Eric May said about points in a loss to Virginia Antonio’s Terry Fields, to from all sports are encour- athletes answered stu- teach elementary students Sunday’s loss. “We’re Tech in the NIT and scored aged to volunteer. about equality and score 12 points, shooting dents’ questions. jumping right into the below 70 points only seven Soccer, softball, volley- respect. 50 percent from the field. Vicki Saunders, the Tuesday game, working on times last year. ball, track, and swim- “I think we are going to teacher of the combined see that people in the com- moving forward. We’re not To contrast, the ming and diving were all grow because of it,” Lick- fifth- and sixth-grade class- munity, especially student- dwelling on this.” Hawkeyes have scored 50 represented on Monday liter said of Sunday’s loss. es, said she appreciates the athletes — some of which points or fewer in three of when players ventured Lickliter contended on “We need to do it fast volunteers’ time and energy. have large reputations — Sunday that Iowa’s their last five games, dat- because Tuesday is going to Roosevelt. “The program has been Clausen led the day’s care about them. I think defense against Texas-San ing back to last year. to be a bear. They are great on a couple of levels,” that is important to them.” Antonio was a positive to “We lost,” freshman really good.” session on equality, and Saunders said. “It gives the teams of students were kids a chance to interact challenged to build the with someone older besides tallest structure out of dif- just the regular teachers ferent objects. they see all the time. They Sixth-grader Jessie have them up on a pedestal Harder said the activity because of their sport.” helped her understand the As aspiring teachers, importance of equality and both Clausen and Digmann fairness, and her team receive important class- learned to work together to room experience through complete its structure. the organization. But it Senior softball player works both ways, they said. and volunteer Lindsey “I love what I do and Digmann said that was what I’m able to do in these exactly what te the goal of classrooms,” Clausen said. the program. “I walk away every day, and “Just being respectful it puts a smile on my face, toward each other and so I know I get a lot out of learning how to work it. I also know the kids get together,” she said. “I think a lot out of it.” hearing some of our stories A member since her will give them the determi- freshman year, Clausen nation to be able to do said, she is satisfied with the effect the program has whatever they want. Being made on the students. able to take those things that you learn and bring “For them to remember them to the kids and show me and remember the them that they can do it, activities we’ve done, I even thought they’re only think it shows that this is a in fifth and sixth grade, I program that’s stuck with think that helps a lot.” them. For these students to

Ferentz said. “We’ll play ROBINSON with what we’ve got, and that’s what we’ve CONTINUED FROM 12 been doing.” The Hawkeyes were unable to score in that third-quarter opening drive, but it enabled Robin- son to finish with 74 yards rushing on 20 carries. Considering the circum- stances Iowa faced being short-handed in the back- field and playing in front of a six-figure attendance at Ohio Stadium, Robinson’s performance against one of the top defenses in the country was nothing short of remarkable. And some- thing Ferentz said was “totally unexpected.” “He played extremely well,” sophomore wide receiver Marvin McNutt said. “For him to still be kind of injured and play that well, it’s really impressive.” As the Hawkeyes pre- pare for their final home game of the season against Minnesota on Saturday, Ferentz is hopeful to have something at the offense’s disposal it has been with- out for the past three weeks — a chance for Robinson and Wegher to split carries against the Golden Gophers. “I think we would be bet- ter off if we can split it,”

10 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible “by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth. Daily Break — Umberto Eco ” CAN’T GET ENOUGH SUDOKU? the ledge CHECK OUT DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR MORE PUZZLES STUDYING SOCIOLOGY This column reflects the opinion of the author and not the DI Editorial Board, the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the University of Iowa.

ANDREW R. JUHL [email protected] D&D spells that sound like STDs • Aching Dread

• Barkskin

• Blackstaff JAY SCHLEIDT/THE DAILY IOWAN • Blistering Radiance Filling a library table in the second-floor group study area, UI students prepare for their Introduction to Sociology class Monday. The students mentioned the class is very useful • Brambles Campus channel 4, and their professor, Michael Lovaglia, is a fun guy. UITV schedule cable channel 17 • Burning Blood 12:30 p.m. Kirk Ferentz News Victim Advocacy Program Conference, live 8 UI Programs • Camel’s Tenacity 1 UI Programs 9:30 Daily Iowan TV News 3 Women at Iowa, Karla Miller, Rape 9:45 UI Programs • Chaav’s Laugh Victim Advocacy Program 10 Kirk Ferentz News Conference 4 UI Programs 10:30 Daily Iowan TV News • Circle of Death 6 UI Programs 10:45 UI Programs 6:30 Kirk Ferentz News Conference 11 Women at Iowa, Karla Miller, Rape • Color Spray 7 Women at Iowa, Karla Miller, Rape Victim Advocacy Program

• Corpse Candle Tuesday, November 17, 2009 • Creeping Doom horoscopes — by Eugenia Last • Faerie Fire ARIES March 21-April 19 Considering how you are making money should • Horrid Wilting encourage you to look for something more challenging. Making a move or surrounding yourself with a different environment or group of associates will be beneficial. A partnership is in the stars. • Insignia of Alarm TAURUS April 20-May 20 You may be confused by the signals you are receiv- ing from partners or people you are dealing with right now. Listen careful- • Lesser Shadow Tentacle ly to be aware of what’s true and what isn’t. Don’t allow yourself to fall into someone’s trap. • Mark of Justice GEMINI May 21-June 20 You’ll be living in the moment. A love connection can lead to an exciting time with interesting new developments if you are • Maw of Chaos receptive to what’s being offered. A change in your professional direction shows potential. • Melf’s Acid Arrow CANCER June 21-July 22 Stop going down that long pathway that leads to doom and gloom. Consider what makes you happy and incorporate more of • Mestil’s Acid Sheath it into your life. You set your goals, so stop playing the role of the victim. • Nature’s Balance LEO July 23-Aug. 22 You will learn a valuable lesson if you take careful note of the behavior of people who interest you most. Be independent and protect your rights instead of giving in to someone who wants to control what you • Nybor’s Gentle Reminder do and what you can accomplish. • Quillfire VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Keep your friends close, but do not lose sight of your enemies. Someone you work with will be trying to get ahead at your expense. Emotional blackmail is apparent, and you must not give in to a sob story. • Repulsion LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Mix the old with the new, and bring your past and your • Shrink Item future together. A romantic getaway will do wonders for you. Single or not, adding spice to your life will enhance your current relationship or bring new lovers into your life. • Slow Burn SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 An impulsive decision regarding your home or per- • Spike Stones sonal life will cause a rift between you and someone you are close to. Confusion and uncertainty are apparent, so discuss your intentions with anyone whom your plans will affect. • Symbol of Pain SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Finish what you start. Take stock of where you • Touch of Idiocy are and where you want to be. Procrastination will lead to depression and a lowered self-esteem. Secret matters will turn out to be less than what • Wood Rot you had hoped. CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Focus on work, making money, and finding new — Andrew R. Juhl notes that these are all outlets for your talent. Do not let your emotions get in the way or let some- v3.5 D&D spells. v4.0 is for nerds. one who disappointed you occupy your time and hold you back. An older relative or one of your beliefs will cause you confusion. AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Trust in yourself. You have to do things your way Think you’re pretty funny? Prove it. and finish what you start. A relationship is questionable. You probably can The Daily Iowan is looking for Ledge accomplish more on your own. writers. You can submit a Ledge at [email protected]. PISCES Feb. 19-March 20 Don’t stop when you are only halfway to the finish If we think it’s good, we’ll run it — and line. A financial gain is apparent. Collect old debts, or start up a venture maybe contact you for more. that can lead to personal profits.

Want to see your super special event today’s events appear here? Simply e-mail the name, time, date, and location information to: [email protected]

• Tot Time, 9 a.m., Scanlon Gymnasi- Auditorium um, 2701 Bradford Drive • Yoga for Teens, 5:30 p.m., United • Managing Your Meds, 9:30 a.m., Action for Youth Center,410 Iowa Walden Place Retirement Residence, • Aviation Movie Night, 6:30 p.m., 2423 Walden Road Alexis Park Inn and Suites, 1165 S. • Molecular Physiology and Bio- Riverside Drive physics Seminar Series, “Novel regu- • UISG Senate Meeting, 6:30 p.m., latory functions of the laminin-binding IMU second-floor ballroom integrin alpha 3 beta 1 in tumor cells,” C. • Considering College: Where to Michael DiPersio, Albany Medical Col- Begin, 7 p.m., City High, 1900 Morning- lege, 9:30 a.m., 5-669 Bowen side Drive • Toddler Story Time, 10:30 a.m., • Generations of Jazz, 7 p.m., Iowa City Public Library,123 S. Linn Englert, 211 E. Washington • The Parker String Quartet, 12:15 • Square Dance Lessons, 7 p.m., p.m., UIHC Colloton Pavillion Atrium Mercer Park Aquatic Center, 2701 Brad- • Sexing the Colorlines: A Sympo- ford Drive sium on Sexualities in the Arts and • Lorna’s Silence, 7 p.m., Bijou Humanities, “Giving up the Funk: • “Live from Prairie Lights,” George Clinton, Perversity and the Queer Eileen Myles, nonfiction, 7 p.m., Prairie Pleasures of Parliament Funkadelic,” Lights Books, 15 S. Dubuque Francesca Royster, DePaul University,2 • Social Justice Potluck, 7 p.m., p.m., 704 Jefferson Building Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender • Microbiology Department Semi- Resource Center nar, “Rapid Immunity to Influenza Virus • Still Black: A Portrait of Black Provided by Lung Resident Cells,” David Transmen, film screening and discus- Topham, University of Rochester, 3 p.m., sion, 7 p.m.. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Bowen Auditorium 3 Transgender Resource Center • Faculty Council Meeting, • Parker Quartet, 7:30 p.m., Zion 3:30 p.m., 337 IMU Lutheran Church, 310 N.Johnson • Library Community Writing Center, 4 p.m., Iowa City Public Library • Karaoke, 8 p.m., Studio 13, 13 S. • “Provide for the World: A Christ- Linn ian Approach to Ending Hunger,” • UI Jazz Performance, 8 p.m., Mill, David Maus of Bread for the World, 4:30 120 E. Burlington p.m., University Capitol Centre • Reefer Madness: The Musical, • Dawn’s Bead and Hide Away 8 p.m., Theatre Building Mabie Theatre Staff Show, 5 p.m., Dawn’s Hide and • Iowa Friends of Old-Time Music Bead Away,220 E. Washington Tuesday Night Jam Session, 8:30 • Wonderous Journeys presenta- p.m., Hilltop,1100 N.Dodge tion, 5 p.m., Main Library Shambough • Big Fan, 9 p.m., Bijou The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 11 ROOMMATE EFFICIENCY / REAL ESTATE WANTED ONE BEDROOM PROFESSIONALS 1506 OAKWOOD- One bedroom, one bath, no MALE pets, off-street parking. 830 Miller Ave. $330 plus $525 plus utilities. utilities, large bedroom, RCPM (319)887-2187. W/D provided. (319)354-2720. TWO BEDROOM ROOMMATE #1006. Close to UIHC/ medical/ dental. Two bedroom, one bath, WANTED one car underground garage LARGE room with four sec- parking. $700- $750/ month, tions, $350, lease until July H/W paid. (319)339-4783. 2010. (319)325-9229. #1102. Two bedroom, one bath townhouse close to Kirkwood APARTMENT College. One month free rent, $625/ month plus deposit and FOR RENT utilities. (319)339-4783. 3455 E.COURT/ PERSONAL SUMMER MEDICAL 411 PETERSON- DRY SKIN??? RESIDENTIAL AIDE Two bedroom, one bath, on-site “Kermit’s Wonderful® Skincare” Full-time 3rd Shift, laundry, convenient location to Fareway, Hy-Vee, Paul’s, EMPLOYMENT 10:15pm-6:15am with every I-80. $585/ $605, tenant pays Soap Opera. other weekend. electric. RCPM (319)887-2187. Made-In-Iowa Part-time 3rd Shift, 10:15pm-6:15am every other 625 S.GILBERT ST.- weekend. Two bedroom, one bath, close HELP WANTED Apply in person: to downtown, vaulted ceilings, Chatham Oaks on-site laundry. $750 plus utili- 4515 Melrose Ave. ties. RCPM (319)887-2187. Iowa City, IA 914 WESTSIDE DR.- Two bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, W/D, two car garage. DUPLEX HOUSE TICKETS $925 plus utilities. WANT to buy 2- 6 football RCPM (319)887-2187. FOR RENT FOR RENT tickets, Minnesota. DAILY IOWAN CLASSIFIEDS THREE bedroom, quiet, #1 best deal in I.C. Large. Less (319)621-0260. (319)335-5784, (319)335-5785 non-smoking, A/C, W/D, $700, than $100/ month gas, electric. utilities included. 2000 sq.ft. $1150/ month. No WE need Iowa Football tickets. e-mail: (319)330-4341. pets. Six month lease possible. Will pick up. Cash. daily-iowan- (319)621-6213. (319)621-6409. [email protected] RUSHMORE DR. HISTORIC former fraternity Two bedroom, one bath, fire- CONDO house. 946 Iowa Ave. 10 bed- PETS place, one car garage, W/D in rooms, parking, 3 kitchens, 2 JULIA’S FARM KENNELS unit, dishwasher. $750/ month laundries. Available 8/1/10. Schnauzer puppies. Boarding, FOR RENT plus utilities. (319)339-4783. MEADOWLARK CONDOS- $4100/ month plus utilities. grooming. (319)351-3562. www.buxhouses.com TWO bedroom, one bath, close Eastside- two bedroom, one (319)354-7262. to bus stop, off-street parking, bath, secure building, carport, HAIR CARE W/Ds in building. $590/ month storage, W/D hookup plus THREE bedroom granny’s HAIRCUTS $10 includes H/W. 840 Maggard St. on-site laundry. Small pet nego- house, large bedrooms, Guaranteed lowest priced Westwinds (319)354-3792. tiable. $550/ $600 plus utilities. close-in, clean, yard, porches, salon/spa/nails RCPM (319)887-2187. quiet area, 2- 3 grad students ALWAYS ONLINE www.icjennysalonspa.com preferred, $950. (319)331-5071. (319)631-9780 www.dailyiowan.com HOUSE WHITE HOUSE Three bedroom, three bath- STORAGE THREE / FOUR FOR RENT room, Muscatine Ave. Wood CAROUSEL MINI-STORAGE 502 N.DODGE- 409 BELDON AVE.- floors, laundry, fireplace, C/A, Located 809 Hwy 1 Iowa City Two bedroom, one bath, close BEDROOM Two bedroom, 1-3/4 bath buslines, off-street parking. Pet Sizes available: to downtown area, busline, house close to City Park. deposit. $1000/ month plus utili- 5x10, 10x20 on-site laundry. $625, water W/D provided, no pets. ties. (319)338-3071. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED (319)354-2550, (319)354-1639 FAIRFIELD INN BARTENDING! $300/ day po- paid. RCPM (319)887-2187. $1100 plus utilities. Now Hiring: tential. No experience neces- U STORE ALL Self Storage RCPM (319)887-2187. AD#209. Efficiency, one, and -Part-time Front Desk sary. Training provided. Individual units from HOUSE two bedrooms in Coralville. -Part-time Night Audit 800-965-6520 ext. 111. 5’x10’ to 20’x20’. Quiet area, parking, some with 903 HUDSON. Three bedroom, Dependability, reliability and Concrete buildings, steel doors. deck, water paid. W/D facilities. two bath. New kitchen/ flooring/ FOR SALE experience a plus. PARTICIPATE in psychology Visit us online: income property Possible flexible lease. Call M-F paint. On busline. $975 plus DOWNTOWN Employment contingent on experiments! Pay is $8/ hour for www.ustoreall.com for sale. Tenants pay all utilities, 9-5pm, (319)351-2178. utilities. (319)339-4783. background check and drug intermittent work, not steady (319)337-3506. off-street parking, rented thru test. employment. To apply, email July 2010. (319)341-9385. ASSOCIATES NEEDED NOW!! ALWAYS ONLINE CLOSE-IN, 2+ bedrooms, large Apply in person: 214 W. 9th St., [email protected] 419 S.GOVERNOR- www.dailyiowan.com yard, deck/ porch, off-street Outgoing customer service Coralville. SECURITAS is seeking serious MOVING Three bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, skills and cash handling experi- MOVING?? SELL UNWANTED parking, storage shed, $800. MOBILE HOME minded, career oriented THE LODGE dishwasher, deck, W/D hook- ence is desired. Part-time. ICAS is currently seeking FURNITURE IN THE DAILY (319)331-9787. Security Officers in the Iowa The Finest in Student Living ups, no pets. $900. Fax resume to: Consumer/ Child Advocates IOWAN CLASSIFIEDS. City and Cedar Rapids area. OPEN DAILY! RCPM (319)887-2187. FOR SALE (319)887-6941 or email to: for Benton County. FOUR bedroom, two bath This position requires individu- 2 & 4 Bedroom Apartments 1998 28x52 double wide, [email protected]. Qualified candidates must 801 S.VANBUREN. 2200 sq.ft., house, 900 N.Dodge. als to work a flexible schedule. (319)358-3500 Kalona. Three bedrooms, two Fast Cash/ Express Tax Place, possess a four year degree, HOUSEHOLD three bedroom, three bath, patio W/D hook-ups, large backyard, No two days are the same as www.thelodgeatui.com baths, garden tub, dishwasher, 805 S.1st Ave., Iowa City. preferably in the human serv- and deck, two car garage, all off-street parking, $1200/ month you observe and report activi- W/D, 8x8 shed. $21,900, lot ices industry. Initial positions new carpet, new paint. $1200/ plus utilities. ATTENTION UI ties, make periodic tours of fa- ITEMS rent $200/ month. part-time, full-time potential with Desk? Table? month plus utilities. Westwinds (319)354-3792. STUDENTS! cilities, and check for irregulari- WANT A SOFA? EFFICIENCY / (319)551-4295. time. Rocker? Visit . (319)339-4783. GREAT RESUME- BUILDER ties at client sites. Must be 18 HOUSEWORKS Submit cover letter We've got a store full of clean GREAT JOB! with a HS diploma/ GED, drug 910 N.Dodge duplex, three bed- and resume to: used furniture plus dishes, ONE BEDROOM Be a key to the University's free, clean criminal and driving room, family room, W/D, A/C, Mary Driscoll drapes, lamps and other house- HOUSE future! Join record, have reliable transporta- garage. No smoking/ no pets. Independent Child hold items. All at reasonable THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA tion and means of communica- $1000/ month plus utilities. Advocate Services prices. Now accepting new con- FOUNDATION TELEFUND tion. Free uniforms available. (319)339-4865. FOR SALE up to $9.50 per hour!!! 905 D Avenue signments. Please apply online at: DAILY IOWAN CLASSIFIEDS CALL NOW! Vinton, IA 52349 HOUSEWORKS www.securitasjobs.com and (319)335-5784, (319)335-5785 (319)335-3442, ext.417 or at [email protected] 111 Stevens Dr. apply in the St. Louis region for e-mail: Leave name, phone number, (319)338-4357 NOW hiring full-time Iowa City. EOE. M/F/D/V. daily-iowan- and best time to call. maintenance personnel, [email protected] www.uifoundation.org/jobs SNOW Removal and Operators 40 hours/ week. needed. HEALTH & RENT SPECIAL! Part-time housekeeping Apply at Metal Monsters, Inc., CLOSE TO CAMPUS and front desk. Liberty Plaza, North Liberty. DOWNTOWN one bedroom loft Three- four bedrooms, two bath, Must be dependable. FITNESS Hourly pay with bonuses. Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung Fu. apartments, H/W paid. laundry room, free internet, Apply in person: Advertise for (319)339-1251 (319)338-4774. within walking distance to cam- Baymont Inn and Suites, STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM Paid survey takers needed in pus. Available now. $955- 200 6th St., Coralville. ALWAYS ONLINE potential Iowa City. 100% FREE to join! $1215/ month plus utilities. AUTO DOMESTIC www.dailyiowan.com Westwinds (319)354-3792. employees in Click on surveys. BUYING USED CARS Classifieds We will tow. ONE bedroom available 1/1/10, SPACIOUS three bedroom, The Daily Iowan (319)688-2747 $715/ month includes heat/ three bath apartment, hardwood MEDICAL internet. Close to UIHC. floors, newly painted, split level, CASH for Cars, Trucks (319)335-5784 319-335-5784 (319)331-2923. located at 606 E.Jefferson. Rent Berg Auto $1500. Please contact 319-335-5785 4165 Alyssa Ct. QUIET, clean efficiency, H/W (319)331-7487 for showing. 319-338-6688 paid, laundry, busline, Coral- ville. No smoking/ pets. AUTO PARTS (319)337-9376. DUPLEX PROMPT JUNK CAR MOVING?? REMOVAL. Call SELL UNWANTED FOR RENT MOD POD INC. (319)338-7828. FURNITURE IN Nice two bedroom, two bath THE DAILY IOWAN duplex with garage, Iowa City. CLASSIFIEDS AUTO SERVICE Mod Pod Inc. (319)351-0102. EXPERT low cost solutions to (319)335-5784 your car problems. Visa and Mastercard accepted. McNiel Auto Repair. (319)351-7130. CONDO TOWNHOUSE ROOM FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE 121 N. VAN BUREN THE DAILY IOWAN Rooms for rent in large house. CLASSIFIEDS MAKE CENTS!! Share kitchen/ bath/ laundry. All 335-5784 335-5785 utilities paid including cable. E131 Adler Journalism Bldg $450/ month. RCPM (319)887-2187. BEST location, 412 N.Clinton. Beautiful, historic, large rooms. Fee includes free parking, laun- dry. Available now. (319)354-4100. ONE large bedroom, quiet non-smoker, W/D, utilities in- cluded, $350. (319)330-4341. PRIVATE room on busline with shared bathroom and kitchen. Includes wireless internet, park- ing, utilities, cable. On-site laun- dry. Less than one mile from campus. $300/ month. Call (319)337-8665.

ROOM FOR RENT close to downtown. W/D provided. $450, utilities paid. RCPM (319)887-2187. ROOMMATE WANTED CONDO CONDO FEMALE NEEDED ASAP! Pentacrest FOR SALE FOR SALE Apartments off Burlington. Own room, air, cable. $500 is yours to move in or refer. Security de- posit waived. $535/ month. Colleen (630)209-2596, [email protected] ROOMMATE WANTED MALE 316 Ridgeland Ave. Large bed- room, gas/ water/ internet in- cluded. Close to campus, $325/ month. (515)205-0407.

SCOREBOARD P.R.I.D.E. NFL MEN’S COLLEGE Baltimore 16, Cleveland 0 BASKETBALL Iowa athletes help children NBA Duke 74, Costal Carolina 49 become better students as a Atlanta 99, Portland 95 Kentucky 72, Miami (Ohio), 70 9 Dallas 115, Milwaukee 113 Villanova 104, Penn 65 Sports member of Hawkeye P.R.I.D.E. Orlando 97, Charlotte 91 Minnesota 82, Stephen F. Austin 42 Connecticut 77, Colgate 63


Tony Moeaki FOOTBALL Moeaki a Mackey semifinalist On Monday, Iowa senior tight end Tony Moeaki was named a semifinalist for the 2009 John Mackey Award, which will be presented on Dec. 10 to the best tight end in college football. The 6-4 tight end has started in eight of 11 games for the Hawkeyes this sea- son. Entering No. 15 Iowa’s season finale against Minnesota on Saturday, the Wheaton, Ill., native has 26 catches for 302 yards receiv- ing and four touchdowns — two of which came in the Hawkeyes’ 30-28 Homecoming win against Michigan on Oct. 10. JULIE KOEHN/THE DAILY IOWAN Moeaki is one of eight Iowa tailback Adam Robinson runs the ball during Iowa’s game against Ohio State on Nov. 14 in Columbus. Iowa lost in overtime, 27-24. semifinalists for this year’s award. The others are Pittsburgh’s Dorin Dickenson, Oregon’s Ed Dickson, Florida’s Aaron Hernandez, USC’s Anthony McCoy, BYU’s Injury can’t stop Robinson Dennis Pitta, Notre Dame’s Kyle Rudolph, and Marshall’s DAILYIOWAN.COM Cody Slate. After missing two games with a high ankle sprain, redshirt Got a question for The Daily If Moeaki were to win, he’d freshman running back Adam Robinson rushed for 74 yards Iowan football beat writers? be the first Hawkeye tight They have an answer. Send them end to receive the award in the absence of counterpart Brandon Wegher. an e-mail at disportsmaibag since Dallas Clark in 2002. @gmail.com. By BRENDAN STILES counterpart, Brandon Wegher, keeps competing and plays hard. — by Brendan Stiles [email protected] was slated to start. If there’s any possibility he’s going prepared myself to mentally play The true freshman had started to get it done, he’s going to do it.” the whole game.” When Adam Robinson suffered two games in Robinson’s absence, Just before Iowa and Ohio NFL a high ankle sprain in Iowa’s 15- Early on, Robinson struggled and one of those outings included a State kicked off inside the “Horse- against the Buckeye defense, 13 win over Michigan State on 118-yard rushing performance with shoe,” Robinson learned he would Ravens dump Oct. 24, officials said the redshirt accumulating only 17 yards on three touchdowns against Indiana. start after the team discovered seven carries. freshman would miss the final Browns To play it safe, Robinson wore a Wegher was dealing with what But in the second half, he four regular-season games and CLEVELAND (AP) — For 30 red jersey in practice designating Ferentz called “internal complica- began to get things going. could make a return to whatever minutes, the Baltimore Ravens quarterbacks and players in the tions” after the Hawkeyes’ 27-24 Robinson’s first two carries of bowl the Hawkeyes play in. were inefficient, unproductive process of recovery from injuries, overtime loss. the second half both went for nine and disorganized. But it only took two weeks for meaning he was not allowed to be Robinson said he thought at yards. The redshirt freshman In 17 seconds, they the Des Moines native to return tackled. Iowa head coach Kirk some point Wegher might be able to quarterback James Vandenberg changed all that. to the gridiron, and the timing Ferentz called this a precaution, play against Ohio State, but he got hit junior Derrell Johnson-Kou- Ray Rice scored on a 13- could not have been better. concerned with any swelling of himself ready to go the distance. lianos with a 55-yard reception yard run, and safety Dawan Although Robinson practiced the ankle. “It’s just normal how I usually that got Iowa down to the Ohio Landry returned an intercep- with the team all last week before “He wasn’t saying a lot, but he prepare myself for a game, just State 7-yard line. tion of Brady Quinn 48 yards the Hawkeyes’ game on Nov.14 at just gives you a good vibe,” with more intensity,” he said. for a touchdown on Cleveland’s Ohio State, his backfield Ferentz said of Robinson. “He “Throughout the game, I just SEE ROBINSON, 9 next play as the Ravens over- came a horrendous start for a 16-0 win over the hapless Browns on Monday night. The Ravens (5-4) didn’t score in the opening half, when they used up their three timeouts in the first 6:15, com- mitted silly penalties, convert- Jayhawks to face women Dukes feature ed just one third down and actually made the Browns ‘Buck Night’ will return to Iowa City for the Iowa (1-8) look respectable. But on Baltimore’s first pos- women’s basketball team’s clash with No. 19 Kansas. session of the second half, high-powered quarterback Joe Flacco con- By JORDAN GARRETSON nected on a 41-yard pass to [email protected] Derrick Mason, who spun out of cornerback Brandon The Iowa women’s bas- McDonald’s tackle and raced offense ketball team (2-0) will face down the sideline to the No. 19 Kansas (1-0) on Cleveland 13. Rice took it in Wednesday in Carver- The Hawks won’t have much time from there to make it 7-0. On the next snap, Quinn, Hawkeye Arena, marking to dwell on their 62-50 loss to making his first start since the second-straight year being pulled 10 quarters into the two teams have met. Texas-San Antonio. the season by Cleveland coach Last season, the Jay- By SCOTT MILLER ON DAILY IOWAN TV Eric Mangini, threw high and hawks were too much for [email protected] Watch a feature on the wide to tight end Robert Royal, the Hawkeyes — Iowa lost, men’s basketball team’s and the ball bounced to 76-55, in Lawrence, Kan. When a Todd Lickliter- game against Duquesne in Landry, who scampered in This week’s meeting in coached team doesn’t make Carver-Hawkeye Arena. untouched to make it 13-0. Iowa City will give Lisa jump shots, it’s in trouble. Iowa (0-1) won’t have The Ravens missed the “Bluder’s Bunch” a shot at That’s what happened on much time to dwell on the extra point, but that hardly redemption. The 10th-year Sunday evening, when Texas-San Antonio game; mattered against a Cleveland head coach called Iowa’s Lickliter’s Iowa squad another veteran team, offense that has scored only loss last season one of the dropped its first home Duquesne (1-0), will visit five offensive TDs in its past 15 biggest disappointments of opener in 47 games and didn’t cross the the 2008-09 campaign. years to an Carver-Hawkeye Arena at Baltimore 45-yard line. “We felt like we had a experienced 8:05 p.m. today in another veteran team,” Bluder said Texas-San preliminary-round game of FOOTBALL FORUM during her press conference Antonio the O’Reilly Auto Parts on Monday at Carver- team, 62-50, CBE Classic. Be sure to visit Hawkeye Arena. “[A team] thanks to 34 The Dukes return four dailyiowan.com every day that could handle some of percent starters from a 2008-09 throughout the 2009 football Lickliter the situations, handle the shooting team that went 21-13 over- season for The Daily Iowan hostile environment and from the coach all and earned a spot in the Football Forum, an in-depth the pressure defense that field. NIT. In fact, Duquesne head discussion among DI and Daily “We just didn’t knock coach Ron Everhart’s team Iowan TV football reporters we saw.We just collapsed.” Wednesday’s meeting down enough shots,” junior was a five points away from about the Iowa Hawkeyes. may be a home game for the captain Jarryd Cole said going to its first NCAA The daily videocasts can be GEORGE POTERACKI/THE DAILY IOWAN Hawkeyes, but as Bluder after Sunday’s game. “When Tournament in 32 years. viewed exclusively online. Iowa junior Kachine Alexander rips the ball away from Illinois State said, “They just took it at us you can’t knock down the Duquesne boasts the Today’s Football Forum dis- senior Maggie Krick in Carver-Hawkeye Arena on Sunday. Alexander at their place last year, and shots that you want … it’s explosive backcourt combi- cusses the current quarter- was named MVP of the Hawkeye Challenge after amassing 21 points they’re better this year.” kind of hard to win. That nation of junior Bill Clark back situation and what bowl and 12 rebounds in the championship game. Check out a video can be corrected. We just game Iowa might play in. feature on Alexander at dailyiowan.com. SEE BUCK NIGHT, 9 had a bad shooting night.” SEE BASKETBALL, 9