Central Indiana Cursillo Fall 2017 Central Indiana Cursillo Fall 2017

Making Plans…

Planning has been on my mind lately…I attended the Region IV Cursillo Encounter in October where the topic of discussion and sharing was Apostolic Planning. I came away with some great in- formation that I am very excited to share and incorporate into our own CICC Apostolic Planning session in January! With the holidays just around the corner, more planning is starting to kick into gear… Jennifer Burger We’ve all made plans for the future. Whether it is a kitchen re- model, family event such as a wedding, or for our own retire- Lay Director CICC ment – we start with the desired outcome in mind – a vision if you will – and then make a list of what steps we need to take in order to get to that point. Of course, to the extent that we can control it, we want everything to turn out “just right” so every detail in our plan is important and we stick to it!

Our plans, large or small, simple or elaborate, point and lead us in a direction – many of us would be lost without them!

So in what direction are we headed spiritually? Heaven is our future - I recently heard a say “The best plan that God has given us is Eternal Life!” I find great consolation in this as I often forget that I am not the one that has to figure it all out – He has promised each of us this future and laid the path in front of us and we just need to be faithful in our steps. This is what we are each called to through Baptism.

1 There is no doubt that this future will be MORE than “just right” – we are blessed in our Catholic faith to receive a foretaste of Heaven at each Mass! I am so grateful for this! We all know that just because God has planned this for us, it doesn’t mean we have no work to do – Making plans for our Heavenly Future relies on how we respond to what God has promised us. So how do we respond? What steps have we taken to ensure we – and our loved ones – get to Heav- en? Have we given this much thought lately, and if so, how are we doing with sticking to the plan? These are some big and important plans!

In the Cursillo we learned that our response is to live a Life in Grace! We were introduced to per- This is a beautiful vision of what I hope severance practices that will sustain us, and help and pray for our Cursillo Movement in keep our lives orientated towards Christ in our th th Central Indiana - a more engaged 4 4 day – that which is accomplished through day community – of brotherly and sis- friendship in Group Reunion and Ultreya! This is terly love that is joyful and contagious how we ensure we are on the right path. It is in and involves everyone one of us sup- Group Reunion that our individual plans porting one another in our journey to (Action), nurtured through our Piety and Study, Heaven! can become a reality as we are supported in prayer and wisdom through our friends and we Our plans always begin with Prayer – hold each accountable as we all desire the same that that is where my plans begin…for Heavenly Future! In Ultreya, we come together each of you today. to celebrate and encourage each other further on the journey we share – a joyful reminder of With Thanksgiving for the gift of Cur- being on the way together! sillo and the many friends I have made and who journey with me - From my family to yours, Blessings to each of you this Christmas Season and into the New Year!

De Colores!

Jennifer Burger CICC Lay Director

2 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like…” Mt 13:44

Why spend the money purchasing expensive last minute airline tickets, renting a car, and traveling across the country for almost 24 hours to serve a Saturday morning breakfast for Team and Candidates at a Men’s Cursillo Weekend and attend the weekend closing before traveling another 24 hours back? The answer is simple for those who are seekers…to experience what the Kingdom is like.

Dad (Monty Mountcastle) died on Oct. 3rd 2014. He deeply loved people and the Cursillo Movement. He touched so many and the response he received was that of sincere gratitude and deep love in return. Dad made Cursillo 37. And now 80 men’s week- ends later, Men’s Cursillo 117. So many on Team, Dad had the honor to work with…and I needed to be with them and the all the Cursillo Community.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like…” being with and serving the Men of Cursillo 117. Dad is a part of this Kingdom now. It’s where we all want to go. I could see him in the eyes of others. I could feel his Spirit. It’s the closest I have felt to him since he died. I’d do it again.

God Bless you in your 4th day. DeColores !!!

Robert Mountcastle, Cursillo 79, St. Paul’s Church, Juneau, Alaska

Giving Giving ThanksThanks For: For:


Group Reunion

Close Moments




3 Parish Coordinators

It’s been said that one of the qualities of a good leader is his or her ability to communicate with those that are being led. As we are called to be spiritual leaders in our environments we need to remain connected to the Cursillo method and all that it involves. To keep each cur- sillista connected to what’s going on in the local movement, it is important that we are kept informed about the 3-Day teams, candidates, ultreyas, etc. Of course, most of this information can be found on the CICC website www.cursillo-cicc.org , but not everyone uses this source. So, what do we do to improve communication? We ask a cursillista to provide leadership within their parish to pass along information coming from the Secretariat and be the person in the parish that stimulates Fourth Day activity. This person is called a Parish Coordinator.

The Parish Coordinator concept has been used effectively in the CICC for quite some time now and the majority of the parishes have someone that is currently fulfilling this responsibil- ity. But, there are still 27 parishes that do not have someone helping to strengthen the cursillis- tas’ Fourth Day experience. If you do not think that your parish has a Parish Coordinator, please go to the website and select “About Us” on the header and a menu will drop down. Se- lect “Parish Coordinators” and you will see a link to open a list of parishes that have a Parish coordinator. If your parish is not listed, you need to consider stepping up and volunteering. To find out, in detail, what the position entails, please select the link to “Parish Coordinator Re- sponsibilities.” Please feel free to contact me to discuss the subject and to volunteer. [email protected] 317-590-7689

De Colores,

Ken Corbett

Preparing our to

Keep Christ at the Center Of our Christmas celebration.

4 BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD Cursillo #117 Bob Klueg I am sure that every Rector has said it in the past, but WOW! I’m amazed at how the Holy Spirit took charge of this weekend. We were the first Cursillo weekend in a new (to us) facility that was still undergoing renovation. There were some bumps and surpris- es but all in all we were very pleased with all that St Josephs Re- treat Center did to make us feel welcome. The Holy Spirit was in control from a very early start. I received many comments from veteran Cursillistas about how awe- some the team make-up was. I couldn’t agree more and I constantly reflect on how the blessings from the Holy Spir- it guided me in making those calls. Many of the guys on the team were worried about making sure this weekend would truly be a good tool in the hand of the Lord. But the Holy Spirit was at work VERY early on in the weekend. I was told early on that I just have to turn it over to God – IT IS HIS WEEKEND. That is a piece of advice that I will be passing on to others. Our awesome candidates came from all parts of the state and they ranged in age from men in their early 20’s to those in their 70’s+. The weekend started on a real high when the candidates introduced themselves on Thursday night. WOW! They were ON FIRE from then on! The talks by the team were spot-on and made the weekend flow smoothly and our beloved who came to share the different aspects of the Holy Spirit were beyond praise. I can’t explain how grateful I am for these awesome men – especially our Spiritual Director – Fr Todd Riebe. The proof of how the Holy Spirit guided the weekend came at the closing when the men on the weekend shared their thoughts and gave thanks to the only one who counts – our Lord and Savior Christ.

DeColores, Bob

Little is much when GOD is in it.

5 Be Still And Know That I AM God— Cursillo # 117

Come And Follow Me— Cursillo # 107

6 Cursillo 107—Come and Follow Me The experience of leading Cursillo 107 was the greatest encounter with Christ I have ever experienced. It started early in the pre-formation phase. I found myself asking these questions: How would I know what Christ wanted me to do? Would I be able to hear Christ speak to me? and How would I find a Spiritual Advisor, Core Team and 25 spirit filled women to fill the team? When I shared this with a dear friend and previous Rectora, she told me to just “make yourself available to Him” and that I did. I spent many hours in Eucharist Adoration sharing my worries, struggles and praying for wisdom. Christ calmed my worries as I learned to surrender and trust in Him. He removed all the obstacles both self-imposed and those beyond my control (especially finding a Spiritual Advisor), and He imparted wisdom as I discerned each team member’s role and who was to give a talk. Through this experience I grew in the virtues of patience, trust in the Lord, and humility to name a few (can you guess what I chose as some of the table names on the weekend? GOD IS SO GOOD! The encounter continued during formation as I experienced a beautiful witness of Christian discipleship. To see the love each of the women on the team had for the Lord warmed my heart. As they looked to me to lead them, I realized it was not me they were looking to, but the Christ in me. What a freeing experience. Again, all I had to do was stay in close contact with Christ and everything would be perfect. I want to add that these beautiful women came to each meeting ready to serve in whatever role Christ had called them to even if they didn’t see themselves in that way. Christ doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. The weekend arrived, and each woman on the team stepped into her role with Grace. From my point of view, everyone was functioning like a well-oiled machine in spite of the many uncertainties at the new facility. It was a beautiful sight! As the week- end progressed, I was able to see how Christ touched each person (candidate and team members alike) in a unique and very personal way. I was able to witness the Holy Spirit transform their hearts right before my eyes. He took total strangers, who the only thing they had in common on Thursday was a desire for a closer relationship with Christ, and He turned them into sisters, sisters in Christ. Intimately experiencing the Holy Spirit work through me and watching Him work in each and every candidate and team member was an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life.

De Colores Kathy Bochenek


Be Still And Know That I AM God

Men’s Cursillo # 117

Come ….And Follow Me

Women’s Cursillo # 107

Paintings are a Gift of Ward Deglar 8 Grand Reunion Ultreya—November 11, 2017

It was a full-house at Our Lady of Grace , Nobelsville for the Grand Re- union Ultreya. Our Veterans were acknowledged and prayed for as well as our Country using a special Military Prayer . We celebrated the Holy Spirit ‘s working so hard on the weekends as the Joy-filled, ener- gized Cursillistas were filled with the love of Christ flowing through them to others around them. Our Cursillo Community was inspired, enriched and uplifted as we heard the witness speakers share their reflections of their weekends and how it has changed their lives. Praise Songs lifted our voices to the heavens in joyful exhuberance as we sang together honoring Christ for our Great gift of Cursillo.

Connect With Us: www.cursillo-cicc.org


Cursillo After Work: Just What The Father Ordered

Picture this, a long day. Your boss chewed you out. Nobody came to work, so your day was full of extra “to do lists”. Not to mention, a torturous headache.

But at last, the day is near its end. And you can’t wait to get home. On the other hand, going home just won’t do it. You need more. You need a refresh. You need; Cursillo After Work!

The Four Eternal Truths: Enter Ike & Jonesy’s

Death, Judgement, Hell, and Heaven couldn’t be presented any better. Each of the four talks, fostered an electric atmosphere. As the Cursillistas, and their guests, embraced each speaker.

Deacon Brad Anderson, Fr. Ryan McCarthy, Fr. Paul Landwerlen, and Fr. Pat Beidelman (respectively) rocked the house each Wednesday.

Their talks, followed by engaging Q&A sessions, gave all who attended, much more than they were expecting.

The School Of Leaders goal of formation, education, motivation, and evangelization, was achieved!

10 An + Our Lady: What More Is Needed?

The School Of Leaders series of five events, concludes at Our Lady Of The Most Holy Ro- sary in Indianapolis. It was an extraordinary night, of comradery, music, dinner, and educa- tion.

The night began, with dinner and desert, and yes, a trivia quiz, to test a little Catholic knowledge.

As trivia ended, the Cursillistas and their guests, processed up to the sanctuary. Here, they are serenaded by the Holy Rosary Choir.

Next, Fr. Luke Reese intrigued us with his talk on house blessings, and an actual demonstra- tion of how holy water is blessed.

Enter Fr. Vincent Lampert (Exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis). Who mystified the audience, with stories of wonderment based on . As well as, his many encounters with the demonic, and how we can better protect ourselves in today’s society.

And the man who kept the evening moving along (the night’s MC) Cursillo’s own Jim Pfen- nig. He inserted much fun into the night. Keeping us on the edge of our seats with his come- dic talent.


Overall, this series of talks did what as intended. Dinner With An Exorcist, Cursillo After Work, returned buzz and energy, to the Cursillo community.

The goal for the future, is to build on the excitement. To motivate the Cusillistas to engage more in the Movement. Further, more education, more formation in the faith. And most im- portant, more evangelization of our environment! Why? So that as we stand before God, he might say “Well done my son, Well done.”


2017 Year-End Campaign

The mission and ministry of Cursillo in Central Indiana are only made possible by our community of members. Our wonderful story and model of mission – make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ – is only possible with your commitment to foster piety, study, and action in the Church.

I am profoundly grateful for the support so many of you have shown to Cursillo in the past, and I invite you to make your impact on Cursillo this year with a gift to our CICC 2017 Campaign. Your generosity helps CICC continue to inspire the next generation of active Cursillistas, provide spiritual development and resources for our members, and ensure that Cursillo Weekends will contin- ue to make a difference in our parishes and faith communities.

As we kick off this year’s annual appeal, our goal for the CICC 2017 Campaign is to raise $8,000 and increase the participation of our membership in the annual campaign. For CICC to grow its mission and ministry, and to cover the increased costs associated with our new retreat facility while keeping weekend fees low, it’s important for everyone to show support in some way – please prayerfully consider what that means for you! I encourage you to make your gift to the CICC 2017 Campaign today by giving online at www.cursillo -cicc.org, or sending a check or money order to my home address. As an added bonus, donations in the month of December will be matched, dollar for dollar, by an anonymous donor!!

De Colores – Marty Van Der Burgt, Treasurer

Mail: Internet: Central Indiana Cursillo Center www.cursillo -cicc.org c/o Marty Van Der Burgt, Treasurer https://give.cornerstone.cc/Cursillo+CICC 3020 Dorothy Lane

“Remember, Christ is counting on YOU! "

The Central Indiana Secretariat would like to thank you for your support and wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


CityCity WideWide


St. Malachy Catholic Church

When: January 13, 2018

Where: School Cateteria

9833 E County Rd 750 N, Brownsburg, IN 46112

Mass Begins at 5:30 PM

Pitch-in Dinner at 6:30 PM


Diocese of Indianapolis and Lafayette, Indiana

Be a Friend and Bring that Friend to the Ultreya!