Catholic Clergy Abuse: Planificacion Quarterback Shocks Separating Facts Natural de la Sports Reporters from Fiction Familia Page 14 Page 5 Page 19 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC The Newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa • • NOVEMBER 2018 Noticias en español, pgs. 18-19 After Synagogue Shooting, Bishops Decry Anti-Semitism and Pray for Victims Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct 29 (CNA/EWTN News) - Catholic bishops promised prayers for victims and their families while condemning anti-Semitism, after a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday killed 11 people. Synodality and Sexuality: “To our brothers and sisters of the Jewish community, we stand with you,” said Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of What The Youth Synod Document Said and Didn’t Say Galveston-Houston, president of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. By Ed Condon “May Almighty God be with them and bring them comfort at this tragic time.” Vatican City, Oct 29 (CNA) - The fifteenth ordinary was about how the synod would address topics The cardinal, originally a priest of Pittsburgh, con- general session of the Synod of Bishops closed on only tangentially linked to the synod’s official demned the shooting and challenged officials “to con- Saturday. After a long afternoon of voting by the program. front the plague of gun violence.” synod fathers, a final document was approved, mostly The three most prominent of these were the clerical Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh said the diocese addressing the topics of young people, faith, and voca- sexual abuse crises still engulfing the Church in some and the synagogue’s relationship has been “close over tional discernment. parts of the world; the ways the Church speaks about many years.” After nearly a year’s preparation, and more than human sexuality, and especially homosexuality; the three weeks of synodal sessions, the Oct. 27 docu- concept of “synodality” in the exercise of the Church’s ment had been keenly anticipated by Church lead- teaching and governance. ers and the media. But most of the anticipation (see Synodality, page 4) New York Friar’s New Album Says Life Is a Pilgrimage Made ‘Poco A Poco’ By Mary Rezac New York City, N.Y., Oct 24 (CNA) - Musical inspiration can come from unex- Michael Eisenberg, a former president of the synagogue, said pected places—like a Franciscan friar’s an estimated 85 people would likely have been gathered at the struggle to learn Spanish. synagogue, spread over three separate services. The inspiration for the title and theme of “Poco a Poco,” a new CD from the The bishop said “anti-Jewish bigotry, and all religious Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, came and ethnic bigotry, is a terribly sin” and emphasized the from a friar living in Honduras, who importance of prayer and charity after the shooting. worked at a hospital that serves the poor- “As we pray for peace in our communities and comfort est of the poor. for the grieving, we must put prayer into action by loving Although he was having a hard time our neighbors and working to make ‘Never again!’ a Brother Isaiah is a young Franciscan Friar from learning Spanish, the friar wanted to re a l it y.” Marin County, CA (see Friar’s Pilgrimage, page 6) (see Synagogue Shooting, page 6) The Reality of Perception The Report of the Attorney General of the State of vigilance needs to view every potential volunteer and necessarily the same as what should be done or what Pennsylvania which charged that the Church con- every prospective employee with a very critical eye, the law allows me to do. What I can say now is that tinued to be complicit in the cover-up of child sexual both before and after they have been fingerprinted none of the priests on the list is involved in any active abuse has shaken the confidence of Catholics all and ‘cleared’. I can recall an insurer saying, “Only Church ministry. All of them are deceased, laicized across this country. While much could be said about those you trust can steal from you.” The same applies or permanently removed from ministry. the Pennsylvania report the reality is that perception to those who seek positions where there is access to It is precisely to help me discern the release of is as powerful as truth. The perception of many is children, “Only those you trust can perpetrate ongo- certain records that I have added two additional that the report points to serious gaps in the Church’s ing crimes against children.” At the Diocesan level, members to the Diocesan Review Board: Honorable dealing with child sexual abuse. The there have been regular meetings with Charlotte Walter Woolard, Retired Judge of the Cali- fact that the report mainly references the Diocesan Review Board, which fornia Superior Court and Honorable Daniel (Mike) crimes and mishandling in the 60’s, has been in existence since before Hanlon, Retired Justice of the California Court of 70’s and 80’s and makes no mention 2002, about ways to help assure the Appeal. I have had an initial discussion with them of what has been done since 2002 safety of children as well as to discuss about the priests accused and plan on additional con- gives the impression that it is point- any new allegation which may have versations with them. Sometimes the determination ing to failures in 2010 to 2018. While come forward. that a name can and should be released is easy. Some- there have been failures in these The question which many have times this is not so easy. While concern for the healing years, they are far different than the concerns the actions the Diocese of of a victim can be and is a very strong consideration ones reported from decades ago. Santa Rosa is preparing to take in it is not the only consideration. I want any victim to In recent decades the Church has From the Bishop regard to the revelation of the names know that I take their allegation very seriously and taken very strong and active measures of those who have been accused of yet, at the same time, I want to follow the law. State to help assure that children under the some kind of evil in regard to chil- law regarding the confidentiality of employee records care and supervision of the Church Bishop Robert F. Vasa is dren. I have been reviewing files for (which includes priests) is very important. I cannot the sixth bishop of the are kept as safe as possible. This Diocese of Santa Rosa. the past month and have established act in a way which, even with very good intentions, effort includes fingerprint screening what I believe to be a complete list of violates that law. of every employee and volunteer who all of the accused. Now I must deter- I plan to talk to all the priests of the Diocese about has regular access to children. In addition, these same mine if there is some legal reason why I would be these matters in November, I have a meeting of the persons are required to view a training video which prohibited from releasing certain names on that list. Diocesan Review Board scheduled in December and points out some of the sign of predatory behavior on There is a strong tendency to use the word ‘cover-up’ hope to set a January date for the revelations of the the part of ‘trusted adults’. The fingerprinting reveals in regard to the due diligence which I am trying to names which I am able to release. While this is going who has prior criminal convictions but it does not exercise. I have no desire to cover up anything. My on there is ongoing need for prayers. Prayers for heal- necessarily identify all those who have offended desire is to release all of the names but what I want ing and reconciliation. Prayers for restoration of trust. but have never been arrested. Sadly, the level of our to do and what others may want me to do is not Prayers for wisdom. Prayers. Prayers. Prayers. ❖ CONTENTS PRIESTLY SYNODALITY AND SEXUALITY .......................................1 FAMILY LIFE OFFICE: PRAYING TOGETHER AS A AMID LAWSUIT, FIRM PUBLISHES LIST OF COUPLE – 3 SIMPLE STEPS! .....................................7 CALIFORNIA PRIESTS ACCUSED OF ABUSE ............17 ORDINATION NEW YORK FRIAR’S NEW ALBUM SAYS LIFE IS A PILGRIMAGE MADE ‘POCO A POCO’ ...................1 SOME FIGHTING IRISH ARE FIGHTING PORN ...........7 LA REALIDAD DE LA PERCEPCIÓN..........................18 ANNIVERSARY AFTER SYNAGOGUE SHOOTING, BISHOPS DECRY BISHOP HOLLEY SAYS ‘REVENGE,’ NOT WHAT IS “SYNODALITY”? EXPERTS EXPLAIN .........18 Rev. Angelito Peries, ANTI-SEMITISM AND PRAY FOR VICTIMS ................1 ‘MISMANAGEMENT’ LED TO HIS REMOVAL ..............9 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL ..........................................19 November 16, 1974 THE REALITY OF PERCEPTION .................................2 NIKKI HALEY PRAISES “EVERYDAY MIRACLES” OF Rev. Gary Logan, CHURCH DESPITE ABUSE CRISIS ............................10 YOUTH NEED CONSTANCY FROM THE CHURCH, NOT CHINESE AUTHORITIES DESTROY TWO MARIAN CHANGE, SAYS IRISH ARCHBISHOP .......................21 November 21, 1993 SHRINES DESPITE VATICAN-CHINA AGREEMENT ....3 AT LATE BISHOP’S REQUEST, SAGINAW CATHOLICS ADORE THE EUCHARIST .........................................11 ‘WHAT IS A YOUTH?’ A SYNOD GLOSSARY ...............21 Rev. Chinh Nguyen, CARDINAL ZEN: THE VATICAN IS BADLY November 25, 1994 MISHANDLING CHINA SITUATION ...........................3 HHS CONSIDERS DEFINING SEX BASED CALENDAR .............................................................22 ON BIRTH, GENETICS .............................................11 CLERGY ABUSE: SYNOD BISHOP: ‘JOHN PAUL II GUIDED ME THROUGH Prayer for Priests SEPARATING FACTS FROM FICTION .........................5 HOW A NEW STUDY SAYS PREMARITAL SEX MY YOUTH’ .........................................................................23 AFFECTS MARITAL HAPPINESS ..............................13 Gracious and loving God, we thank your for the gift of our priests. Through them, we PILGRIMS WITH STORIES .........................................6 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT NEWS .......................................23 CATHOLIC NFL PLAYER SHOCKS INTERVIEWER WHO experience your presence in the sacraments.
Individual Confession Bishops Asked to Avoid Abuses of Generai Absolution by Agostino Bono VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II Has Told U.S
The Denver Catholfc R j^tster JUNE 8, 1988 VOL. LXIV NO. 23 Colorado’s Largest Weekly 28 PAGES 25 CENTS Individual Confession Bishops asked to avoid abuses of generai absolution By Agostino Bono VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has told U.S. bishops to promote greater individual Confession and to avoid abuses of general absolution. The sacrament of Penance is in crisis in many parts of the world because of “unwarranted interpretations’’ of the requirements for general absolution, he told a group of U.S. bishops May 31. The renewal process envisioned by the Second Vati can Council requires “the practice of integral and individual Confession of sins,’’ he added. The Pope said national bishops’ conferences must continuously promote better understanding of the re quirements for general absolution contained in canon law, the church’s legal code. “Sporadic efforts are not enough to overcome the crisis,’’ he said. Not criticizing U.S. One U.S. bishop who attended the papal meeting said the Pope was not criticizing U.S. practices but reiterating general principles. “I welcomed it," said Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly of Louisville, Ky. “It was encouragement to foster the sacrament of Penance.” The Pope spoke to 20 bishops from Louisiana, Ken tucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama and the Archdiocese for the Military Services. They were at the Vatican for their “ad limina ” Photo by Mark Beede visits, required of diocesan heads every five years to Charity Chase report on the status of their dioceses. General absolution takes place when a priest grants Proper tension on a sweatband is important or than 2,350 runners traversed the three-plus-mlle absolution from sin to a number of people at the same runners might iose their concentration.
"Catholic Church, Where Are You Going?" a Conference. That It Not Lose Its Way
"Catholic Church, Where Are You Going?" A Conference. That It Not Lose Its Way Dm, 20/03/2018 URL article: … > Italiano > English > Español > Français > All the articles of Settimo Cielo in English * It is confirmed. Next April 7, the Saturday of Easter Week, a very special conference will be held in Rome. The intention of which will be to show the Catholic Church the way to go, after the uncertain journey of the first five years of the pontificate of Pope Francis. The reckoning of this five-year period, in fact, is rather critical, to judge from the title of the conference: “Catholic Church, where are you going?” And even more so if one looks at the subtitle: “Only a blind man can deny that in the Church there is great confusion.” This is taken from a statement of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra (1938-2017), not forgotten as an endorser, together with other cardinals, of those “dubia” submitted in 2016 to Pope Francis for the purpose of bringing clarity on the most controversial points of his magisterium, but which he has left without a response. In a Church seen as being set adrift, the key question that the conference will confront will be precisely that of redefining the leadership roles of the “people of God,” the characteristics and limitations of the authority of the pope and the bishops, the forms of consultation of the faithful in matters of doctrine. 1 These are questions that were thoroughly explored, in his time, by a great cardinal who is often cited both by progressives and by conservatives in support of their respective theses, Blessed John Henry Newman.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE To the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): "What we hope for from the National Conference Assembly of Bishops in Baltimore on November 12-14, 2018." Leadership from Baltimore area Catholic churches are heartened by the three goals Cardinal Daniel DiNardo announced in his 16 August statement on the measures to be taken by the USCCB and the Holy See to address the moral catastrophe that has overtaken the Church. An open letter created by the St. Ignatius "Women of the New Testament Ministry" has now been sent to DiNardo, Archbishop William Lori, and his auxiliary bishops which proposes further steps in increased accountability and transparency we believe necessary for restoring trust in the bishops and for advancing the reform of the clerical culture of the Church. That letter can be accessed here. We would appreciate your support in this effort as the USCCB gathers in Baltimore on November 12–14 to discuss "stronger protections against predators in the Church and anyone who would conceal them, protections that will hold bishops to the highest standards of transparency and accountability." If you agree with what is proposed in the open letter, would you please share it with friends at parishes and ask them to support this effort? This can be accomplished by doing the following: 1. Print out letter (upload letter) 2. Sign it 3. Mail it to Cardinal DiNardo at the address listed in letter. For the maximum impression, the letters should be received by Cardinal DiNardo before the Conference begins. The Conference will be held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront.
Thousands Rally in Support of International Debt Relief
Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial. 4 From the Archives. 16 Question Corner . 11 TheCCriterionriterion Sunday & Daily Readings. 11 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 April 14, 2000 Vol. XXXIX, No. 27 50¢ Lenten cross Gallup Poll brings Christ explores anti- to Indianapolis Catholic bias PRINCETON, N.J. (CNS)—A Gallup neighborhood Poll has found that roughly one-fourth of Americans have a negative view of the By Mary Ann Wyand Catholic religion and nearly two-thirds view it favorably. Taking the Gospel message of Christ to Contrary to widespread opinion that the streets is a Lenten tradition at St. Philip anti-Catholic bias exists disproportionately Neri Parish in Indianapolis. among evangelical or born-again Pro- For six years, members of the near- testants, the survey found that only 29 per- eastside parish have carried the St. Philip cent of that group—compared to 30 percent Neri Neighborhood Cross to a different of Protestants generally—described their parishioner’s home after the 10 a.m. opinion of Catholicism as “unfavorable.” liturgy each Sunday during Lent. Despite recent flaps over alleged insen- After processing through the neigh- sitivity to Catholic feelings by Republican borhood, Father Carlton Beever, pastor, leaders, the poll found that Democrats and a group of parishioners erect the and independents are slightly more likely six-foot wooden cross in a parish mem- than Republicans to view Catholicism ber’s front yard, then offer prayers and negatively. petitions. Ann Wyand Photos by Mary The poll results, released March 27, Parishioner Kathy Hodgson said the Above, St.
A Feminist Jungian Analysis of the Representations of Teenage Females in Films 1950S to 1970S
Edith Cowan University Research Online Theses : Honours Theses 2005 A feminist Jungian analysis of the representations of teenage females in films 1950s ot 1970s Lea O'Dea Edith Cowan University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Critical and Cultural Studies Commons, and the Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons Recommended Citation O'Dea, L. (2005). A feminist Jungian analysis of the representations of teenage females in films 1950s ot 1970s. This Thesis is posted at Research Online. Edith Cowan University Copyright Warning You may print or download ONE copy of this document for the purpose of your own research or study. The University does not authorize you to copy, communicate or otherwise make available electronically to any other person any copyright material contained on this site. You are reminded of the following: Copyright owners are entitled to take legal action against persons who infringe their copyright. A reproduction of material that is protected by copyright may be a copyright infringement. Where the reproduction of such material is done without attribution of authorship, with false attribution of authorship or the authorship is treated in a derogatory manner, this may be a breach of the author’s moral rights contained in Part IX of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). Courts have the power to impose a wide range of civil and criminal sanctions for infringement of copyright, infringement of moral rights and other offences under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).
Pope Francis, Common Sense and Contemporary Ecological Science (The Green New Deal As Neo-Catharism in Drag)
Peter A. Redpath Adler-Aquinas Institute, Colorado Springs, USA Pope Francis, Common Sense and Contemporary Ecological Science (The Green New Deal as Neo-Catharism in Drag) Introduction Before starting my presentation today, I want to thank Professor Piotr Jaroszyńki for, once again, inviting me to give a tale at this annual Man in Culture international conference. While I would much prefer to be able to be present with you physically in Po- land, I am pleased I can at least join you virtually today to speak about an issue of pressing historical and philosophical importan- ce. Being at present 75 years old, I have lived through the papacy of 6 popes: Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio). During this time, I have never experienced a pope as politically divisive among Catholics and Christians in general and as intensely disli- ked by people who tend to identify themselves as believing, or- thodox Catholics as is Pope Francis. Among people often referred to as ‘Practicing’ (not ‘Cafeteria’) Catholics, ‘Evangelical Chri- stians,’ and other denominational Christians who try to put into practice tenets faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ as passed on to posterity by the Apostles, Pope Francis tends to be as inten- sely disliked today as is Donald Trump among the global political Left. 264 Peter A. Redpath Why is this? What is the psychological disposition of Pope Francis that causes so many traditionally-minded Catholics and other Christians to dislike him so much and to wish for him simply to go away as soon as possible.
Path to Sainthood Cleared for Foundress of the Sisters of Providence
50¢ March 5, 2006 Volume 80, No. 10 Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC The road ahead The path toward stewardship Path to sainthood cleared for calls us to make choices foundress of the Sisters of Providence Pages 11-15 Campaign launched She will be the first person from Matthew 25 begin $2.9 Indiana to be canonized. million drive to expand BY DAVE COX Page 4 SAINT MARY-OF-THE-WOODS — The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods announced Feb. 22 that the path to sainthood in the Catholic Abortion debated Church has been cleared for their foundress, Blessed Mother Theodore Guerin. Mother Theodore is consid- State and U.S. Supreme Court ered a co-foundress of the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. consider bills and partial The Ordinary Congregation of the Cardinals in birth abortion ban Rome on Tuesday, Feb. 21, made a positive declara- tion concerning a second miracle attributed to Mother Page 5 Theodore’s intercession. The way is now open for her canonization. Information about the cause will now be shared with all cardinals, archbishops, bishops and other church leaders before it is sent to Pope Benedict XVI for his approval. Discovering Previously, committees of medical experts and the- ologians in Rome also gave their approval. friendships Canonization of Mother Theodore will make her Catholic and Muslim women the eighth saint who spent most of his or her ministry life in the United States. She will be the first person dialogue in South Bend from Indiana to be canonized.
The Exorcist" - - Textual --Topical Scripture Reading'------Devotional
SATAN SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: TEXT Deuteronomy 18:9-13 --EXPOSITORY --BIOGRAPHICAL _____________________"THE EXORCIST" - - TEXTUAL --TOPICAL SCRIPTURE READING'---------------- ---DEVOTIONAL DELIVERIES: Date Hour Place Results and Comments: F.B.C. 8-8-82 p.m. San Angelo, TX (XXX+++) F.B.C. p.m. San Angelo, TX (XXXX++++) 5L; lB; 1 Sp. Ser. BIBLIOGRAPHY------------ E.F. CLASSIFICATION: TEXT ---EXPOSITORY "THE EXORCIST" - - BIOGRAPHICAL --- TEXTUAL --TOPICAL SCRIPTURE READING·- ---------- ----- --DEVOTIONAL DELIVERIES: Date Hour Place Results and Comments: FBC 4-21-74 a.m. San Angelo, Texas XXX++++ FBC 8-8-82 p.m. San Angelo, Texas XXX+++ BIBLIOGRAPHY _ I Scripture: Deut.1 8:9-13 '17 · ntro: f the The Exorcist, continues at its present level of success it has every chance of becoming the most widely viewed movie in the world as well as the first billion dollar producer. During its week it grossed $2,000,000. Newsweek, average 9 a day faint ... The movie is based on William Peter Blatty' s book, The Exorcist, which relates a reported experience in 1949 of a demon-possessed 14 year old boy living in Mt. Ranier, Maryland, adjacent to Washington, D. C. Blatty was a student at Georgetown University at that time and attended a series of lectures by a Jesuit R.C . priest, Franci s Galiger, who centered his lectures on a case s tudy of this 14 year old boy. Phillip Hannon, now in Orleans, was in the Washington diocese when the exorcism of the boy was originally performed. The archbishop contends that Blatty has committed a real travisty with the historical facts of the case of the exorcism.
St. Mary of the St. Vincent’s ¿ En Que Consiste Angels School Welcomes El Rito Del Ukiah Religious Sisters Exorcismo? Page 21 Page 23 Pagina 18 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC The Newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa • • OCTOBER 2017 Noticias en español, pgs. 18-19 Pope Francis Launches Campaign to Encounter and Since early May Catholics around the diocese have been celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Welcome Migrants Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Fatima. The Rosary: The Peace Plan by Elise Harris from Heaven Catholics are renewing Mary’s Rosary devotion as the Church commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions by Peter Jesserer Smith (National Catholic Register) “Say the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world promised as the way to end the “war to end all wars.” and the end of the war.” The great guns of World War I have fallen silent, but One hundred years ago at a field in Fatima, Por- these words of Our Lady of the Rosary have endured. tugal, the Blessed Virgin Mary spoke those words to In this centenary year of Our Lady’s apparitions at three shepherd children. One thousand miles away, Fatima, as nations continue to teeter toward war and in the bloodstained fields of France, Europe’s proud strife, Catholics have been making a stronger effort to empires counted hundreds of thousands of their spread the devotion of the Rosary as a powerful way “Find that immigrant, just one, find out who they are,” youth killed and wounded in another battle vainly (see The Rosary, page 4) she said.
Volume XXXVI No. 9 March 2016 “Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life….” – Pope Benedict XVI Inside this issue: CHAPLAIN’S REPORT Chaplain’s Report ...................................................... 1 Father David McGuigan Grand Knight’s Report ............................................... 2 Brother Knights, our Catholic faith is filled with blessings and challenges that make life Supreme Council Report ............................................ 2 interesting in a variety of ways. For example, at State Council Report .................................................. 3 the risk of repeating myself, I’m not aware of any District Deputy’s Report ............................................ 3 other religious body in the world represented by someone, in our case the Pope, whose influence Council Benefits Advisor ........................................... 4 can be so powerful, palpable, helpful, Activity Reports ......................................................... 4 controversial, and so on. This is not always easy to deal with. Our own Supreme Chaplain, Family ........................................................................ 7 Archbishop William Lori has written about his Chancellor’s Report ................................................... 9 experience in his pastoral letter, A Light Brightly Visible: “I find Pope Francis to be a challenging Holy Father, a Pope who is stretching me, other Pope, is certainly a political figure insofar pulling me and occasionally pushing me. The as Christianity is concerned with the right challenge he lays down in my life is not ordering of relationships, both vertically and ideological but evangelical. He is asking me, as horizontally, i.e., relationship to the Supreme a bishop, to test the quality of my encounter with Being, and to other human beings.
Theological College Annual Report | July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020 I S
The Catholic University of America Theological College Annual Report | July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020 I S. SVLP RI IT A II N I W M A E S S H I N M G V L T L O I N G I S ✣ Rev. Gerald D. McBrearity, P.S.S. ’73 Rector Jean D. Berdych Difficulties, even tough ones, are a Senior Financial Analyst Carleen Kramer test of maturity and of faith; a test Director of Development Ann Lesini that can only be overcome by relying Treasurer, Theological College, Inc. Suzanne Tanzi on the power of Christ, who died and Media and Promotions Manager Photography rose again. John Paul II reminded Santino Ambrosini Patrick Ryan, Catholic University the whole Church of this in his first Suzanne Tanzi Theological College encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, 401 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, DC 20017 where it says, “The man who wishes 202-756-4900 Telephone 202-756-4908 Fax to understand himself thoroughly... The FY 2020 Annual Report is published by the Office of must with his unrest, uncertainty and Institutional Advancement of Theological College. It gratefully acknowledges contributions received by the seminary during even his weakness and sinfulness, with the period of July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020. Every effort has been made to be as accurate as possible with his life and death, draw near to Christ. the listing of names that appear in this annual report. We apolo- gize for any omission or error in the compilation of these lists. He must, so to speak, enter into him Cover: In recognition of the 100th anniversary of the birth of St.
The Holy See LETTER OF POPE JOHN PAUL II TO CARD. TOMKO ON THE OCCASION OF THE SEVENTH CENTENARY OF GIOVANNI MONTECORVINO'S ARRIVAL IN BEIJINGTo my dear Brother Cardinal JOZEF TOMKO Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of PeoplesI am very pleased that you will preside at special ceremonies in Taiwan to commemorate the singular missionary achievement of Giovanni da Montecorvino, first evangelizer among the Chinese people and first Archbishop of Khambaliq, the present-day Beijing. In fact, seven centuries have passed since the great Franciscan missionary arrived in Khambaliq, after a journey which lasted five years, carrying with him a letter of Pope Nicholas IV to the ruler of the vast territories of the Far East. From his own letters and from the writings of contemporaries we know that his apostolate in China produced abundant fruits, to the point that Pope Clement V in 1307 raised him to the rank of Archbishop and granted him extended faculties to establish and organize the Church in that distant region. His ordination took place in 1310 in the presence of the Khan, when the Bishops sent to consecrate him finally arrived in that Capital.By the time Giovanni da Montecorvino died in 1328, his thirty-four years of wise and untiring missionary activity in Khambaliq had given rise to a numerous faith-filled Christian community and a wide network of churches, convents, schools and other institutions.The celebration of the seventh centenary of Giovanni da Montecorvino' s arrival in Beijing offers me the occasion to direct my thoughts to the present Chinese Catholic community, which is the continuation and growth of that first plantatio Ecclesiae on Chinese soil.I am indeed happy to reaffirm my deep affection and esteem in our Lord Jesus Christ to all the Catholic sons and daughters of the great and illustrious Chinese family.