USE A PICTURE FRAME TO GET PHOTO TO BE 15.35 wide by 12.41 high Pattern Title Pattern Williams K Emily by

Yarn Give a short romance paragraph here. Give yardage for each size and give a description of the that would be suitable. Sizes eg: For garments and more complex accessories: X (x, x, x, x) m / y (y, y, y, y) yds of a lofty woollen spun Sizes: 1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). For dimensions see the 100% wool sport weight yarn, which has not been schematic. super wash treated. Give details of the yarn used for the sample, including colours and number of skeins Shown in size 8 in with 5 cm / 2 in positive ease at full bust. Sample is made using: Ullcentrum 2-ply Sport Weight, 100% Swedish wool, 300m / 328 yards per 100g skein For simple accessories include a schematic here. MC - Marine, (X, x, x, x) skeins CC1 - Lion on Grey, 1 skein Needles CC2 - Light Grey, 1 skein 2.75 mm circular needles or DPNs 3.25 mm circular needles or DPNs Techniques Select from the following list of techniques: Tension Stranded colourwork, in the round, seeking, 23 sts and 36 rows over 10 cm / 4 in, in stocking reading charts, knitting, complex lace knitting, stitch and in stranded colourwork using larger brioche, needles. Block your swatch according to the finishing directions before measuring. With MC, cast on … Notions or Give a comprehensive list of items needed to With smaller needles, cast on … complete the pattern. e.g.. or Tapestry needle With MC and smaller needles, cast on … Stitch markers or 2 spare circular needles Cast on 10 sts. Join to work in the round, being careful Waste yarn or stitch holders not to twist. (If marker is needed then follow with “PM Ribbon or elastic (length and size) to mark beg of round.”) Buttons (include no. and size) Snap fasteners (include no. and size) The format for line instructions is: Sewing needle and cotton thread to match MC Cable needle Row 1: K1, p1, k2tog. 3 sts or Row 1 (RS): K1, p1, k2tog. 3 sts Abbreviations or k knit Round 1: K1, p1, k2tog. 3 sts k2tog knit 2 stitches together m1 make 1 stitch Row/Round is capitalised, followed by row number, p purl followed by colon. p2tog purl 2 stitches together pm place marker If it is necessary to indicate right side or wrong side then this is put in ( ) after the row number but before rm remove marker the colon. slm slip marker ssk slip, slip, knit 2 slipped stitches together There is a capital letter after the colon, and a full stop at the end of the instruction. st/sts stitch/stitches turn work turn If necessary, include the colour (eg, CC1, CC2) in after the row number but before the colon.

Directions Stitch Counts Units Round 3: K1, p2tog, p5, p2tog. 8 sts • All measurements in cm and inches. Use the format Or: 14 cm / 6 in. For yarn use 200 m / 230 yds. Use a round: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, ssk, k. 2 sts non breaking space between the number and the decreased unit. Next 5 rounds: K to end. • Needle sizes in mm only Work these 6 rounds a further 4 times. x (z, c, v) sts • Stitch counts should be given wherever the number Multiple sizes of stitches changes. • Give stitch counts in brackets, in italics. No full stop Instructions for multiple sizes should be put in after the stitch count. brackets and separated by commas i.e. • Give a precise stitch count if possible. “Cast on 4 (5, 6) sts.” • If a decrease/ round is to be repeated a number of times, give the change in stitch count at the end of the round. Give the total number of stitches at the end of the decrease section. Cast on 5 sts. or

Eathie Shawl, September 2017 Page 2 of 4 © 2017 Emily K Williams, All rights reserved Repeating stitches Short rows Row 1: *K2tog, k1, yo; repeat from * to end. Give short rows in the following format. Make sure Round 1: [K2tog, k1, yo] x 5, k to end. that the instructions work for any short row turn that the knitter will choose. Use “ *...; repeat from * to end.” for times when instruction is repeated to end of row or until a number or sts remain (i.e. *k1, p1; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.). e.g. Small bust darts. Please note that a semi-colon ends the instructions to Short row 1 (RS): work to m, turn be repeated. Short row 2 (WS): GSR, p to end Use “[ ]” when instruction is repeated a set number of Short row 3: work to 6 (6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12) times. Use twice, x 3, x 4 etc. sts before previous gap, turn Short row 4: GSR, p to end Ways of writing repeating rows… Work Short Rows 3 and 4 a further 2 times. Use this if the rest of even rows are different Next row (RS): work to m, working wraps together Row 1: K1, k2tog, yo, k1. with accompanying st, work to end Row 2: K1, p2, k1. Row 3: K1, yo, k2tog, k1. For an explanation of optional bust darts use: Row 4: As for Row 2. Directions for optional bust darts are included in the pattern. To determine if you need them tie a piece of If rest of even rows are all the same then write either string or yarn round your full bust, being careful to keep it level all the way round. Then have a friend Round 2 and all even rounds: K to end. measure from the shoulder line down to the string at or the front and back. If the difference is less than 2.5 cm Row 2 and all WS rows: P to end. / 1 in then there is no need to include bust darts. If the difference is between 2.5 cm / 1 in and 5 cm / 2 in If this was a 4 row stitch pattern then you would write then I recommend you work the small bust darts. For any difference larger than 5 cm / 2 in then use the directions for the large bust darts. Row 1: K1, k2tog, yo, k1. Rows 2 and 4: K1, p2, k1. Row 3: K1, yo, k2tog, k1. Charts

Work rows 1 - 4 a further 3 (4, 5, 6) times. Use stitchmastery! or Font - PT Sans, size 22. Continue to work in pattern as set for a further 12 (16, If worked flat, row numbers should be on alternate 20, 24) rows. sides (RS row numbers on right, WS row numbers on left). If worked in the round, round numbers should be If several consecutive rounds are the same, use: listed on the right side only. Round 1: K1, k2tog, yo, k24. Charts are worked from bottom to top. Rounds 2 - 4: K to end. Round 5: …

For decreases and increases at waist shaping and on arms use: Decrease round: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, ssk, k. (2 sts decreased) Next 5 rounds: K to end. Work these 6 rounds a further 4 times. (y sts)

Eathie Shawl, September 2017 Page 3 of 4 © 2017 Emily K Williams, All rights reserved Schematic Guidelines Sketch of finished object For socks, gloves, mittens, and hats: give circumference and lengths. Accessories and other: give length, width, height, circumference as appropriate. For garments: Give chest circumference, hip circumference, neck width and depth, body length, sleeve circumference (upper and wrist), sleeve length, and others if appropriate. Measurements can be listed in a table if needed.

Short Long Size Size Short Toddler Child Short Adult Short Long Toddler Child Long Adult Long

A 40 50 60 80 100 120 cm

B 22.5 25 27.5 32 40 48 cm

A 16 20 24 32 40 48 in

B 9 10 11 6.25 7 8 in

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Eathie Shawl, September 2017 Page 4 of 4 © 2017 Emily K Williams, All rights reserved