Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:268 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . MAY 02. 2017 -Sawar 12, 1396 HS By Farhad Naibkhel Hadith, those who make difficult soil from any sort of aggression is otherwise, at the future they the live of people, closing ways called Jihad, where security forc- would pay 20 times more com- KABUL: The ongoing fighting of and harassing them, is not called es are doing this.” Pointing toward pensation as much as they did the Taliban insurgents is not Ji- Jihad. “Currently, not only peo- rifts among the National Unity with us.” He added that “we don’t had at all, and they (Taliban) ple’s live have become difficult, Government (NUG) leaders, seek enmity with any country,” should not be tempted through but their massacre is going on, Sayyaf called on the both leaders but at the same time he asked all fake fatwa’s, a powerful ex-Jihaid thus they (militants) by practic- to end tensions. He added that we the neighboring countries not to leader said on Monday. ing this evil designs should not call are not in view for the collapse of misuse from current weakness and During commemorating the this as Jihad,” he added. He fur- the current system, but he warned challenges. Praising the interna- 25th anniversary of Mujahedeen ther went on saying, killing of in- that “if internal rifts not resolved tional community’s donation and victory, Jihadi leader, Abdul Rab nocent people, women and chil- the nation would be sinking in it.” support, Sayyaf asked them to Rassoul Sayyaf called on the Tal- dren is forbidden in Islam.