The Ithacan, 1980-02-14
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1979-80 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 2-14-1980 The thI acan, 1980-02-14 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1980-02-14" (1980). The Ithacan, 1979-80. 16. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1979-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. r A Weekly Newspaper, Published Independently by the Students of Ithaca College Vol. 49/No. 16 lth.i< ,1 N"'' 'r ork "fehruary 14, i980 Faculty Evaluates Whalen - hy Marie Morrissey body and conducted in a . A new conflict has professional manner." The developed between the faculty President is also concerned as and the administration in the to \'vhom the evaluation will form of a faculty evaluation of be released • Jake Ryan, President Whalen and his ad spokesperson for Faculty m instration. Faculty United United, stated in the_ Jan. 31 put together this questionnaire issue of the Ithacan that evaluation and though the "the results or the tests will be ~-J evaluations have been com made available to the com- ·, pleted by the faculty, the munity, the press, and the .- , _ results have not yet been Board of Tr• ·•,tees." President tabulated. Faculty United is a Whalen, in his letter, wrote group of faculty members not that "the questionnaire itself affiliated with Faculty Council docs not included a statement or ICFA and is not recognized advising the participants that. by the Board of Trustees. the results of the survey will be Faculty Council is the only made public." organization recognized by the According to Jake Ryan in a James J. Whalen administration and the Board Feb. 12 interview, "The photo by Alan Friedman of Trustees as being represen tabulation of the question release. The faculty will be in been asked to endorse the up to the public is unhealthy to tative of the college faculty. naire has been delayed in formed of the results through questionnaire and has taken the College. Whalen, in a letter to Faculty definitely as Faculty United a process that is presently un no stand on it at this time Whalen said that he had no Council Chairperson Harold has been denied access to the der consideration." Faculty though it may be discussed at statement at this time but Emery, expressed his reactions College Computer Center. United has also written a letter the next Council meeting.'' would be available for a to Faculty United's evaluation Releasing the 1 :>suits of the "f response to President Walter Borton. director of statement after his weekend "ntmg that he "would questionnaire to the public is Whalen's letter. (See page 3). college relatiom ~aid that meeting "itli the Board of ,,elcome an evaluation of this being reviewed with the According to Emery, the disagreement between faculty Tru<,1ce,. adminstration were it to be possibility of reconsidering the Faeultv Council's position i~ and adminiqration is to be ex mitiated by the appropriate intention to make a full public that :.the ·council has not pected but that opening issue~ Ithaca College Lawyer Responds h) Paul Ne"man t!.eir actions, the students Kerrigan·~ second asser responded that under the cir problems ,uch as lighh, Attorney Dirk Galbraith, overstepped the boundary of tation, that the student~· cumstance, "Whalen could chair,, food and to help representing IC in the recent protection :ifforded by these punishment was "harsh and not have remained silent. A ,cl1edule things and e,plain KKK issue, has responded to amendments. Galbraith cited arbitrary" is, as far a~ statement by him wa, ,ome rules, although Abby allegations made by the example of the case Galbraith is concerned, unavoidable comidering the [DeLoache] did most of that." prosecuting attorney James "Whitney vs. California." In Kerrigan's opinion. Galbraith tenseness of the ~ituation." Kerrig:an's nnt contention Kerrigan (see Ithacan l /24), this case the court decided one does not believe this point will Under the same point, wa, "that a fair appeal '-lating that Kc:rrigan's con does not have the right to "yell carry substantial weight in Kerrigan also charged that sin hearing should include the tentions have little foundation 'fire' in a crowded theater," court. ce V.P. of Student Affair~ right to prc,ent additional and contain more opinion since this could very possibly Kerrigan's third point, that Richard Correnti was in and L'Vidence" and that his clients than fact. cause. a riot. Galbraith draws a students were "denied the out of the hearing room, he \':ere not allowed to do so. According to Kerrigan, the parallel between this case and right to a fair hearings," wa~ could have influenced the This related to Kerrigan·, '>ludcnts' constitutional right5 the students' actions, because prompted by President Jame~ board's decision. Galbraith a,,ert ion that four cla~, prior under the first and fourteenth according to several people .I. Whalen's appearance on responded to this statement by 10 the incident, a person had amendments gave them tht present at the incident and the WI CB-TV. Whalen made stating that "Dick[Corcnti] drL',,cd up a, a KI-:K member right to free speech. Galbraith administration's own view, the what Kerrigan viewed as a never really participated in the and \\ on a prve at a maintains that these rights are students' actions could have ~landerous statement against hearings." He was ju~t there ma,queradc party. (Thi, 11nt absolute ones, and that b:- started a riot. the 5.ludent,. Galbraith to help out \\ith mechanical 1epl)rt still remain~ un,ub~tan iarcd b~ Ct)lle~e ,omcc,). Galbraith rc~pnnded to tlm, Senior Class Conjus ion h~ · '1atin~ 1hat 1'c111ea11', client~ \H're ad, 1~ed that thL·~ part." stitution did not e"\1,t nr could L'l'tild appca1 hdorc tht ap How did ,ome of the~e not be found. Hoow·:crc, Tom peah board and prl·,cnt ad problems come about? One Erbland, congress chairper Jit it,nal e,·idencc; ft hey 1, ant L'd major problem was that of ,on, produced a leuer he Ill. fln\\e\e1, ,aid (ialb1ai1h, drafting a senior cla,s con received from Furstman lasr 1-:crrigan \H)tild not let h1, qitution. A constitution \,as Fall in which she ~lated that client, appear hcfmL' thi: ap supposed to be handed to th~ constitution had remained pcah board without h1111, and Student Government in the "unchanged ,ince l,N Spring" ,111ce legal repr1:,en1a11rn1 " Fall, but for one rea~on or and that "it still meets all the Ill)! allowed before the hoard, another, was not presented to requirement~-'' Erb land ~aid (,inCL'. according to Cialhi.uth, Congress until this past that he wa~ made a\1 arc of the It ,,ould mcreh· hP!l down thL· Tuesday. The reason or nonexistence of the con entire proce") th~ ,1utkn1, did Jill Furstman photo by Alan Friedman reasons for this delay varied. stitution when he was ap nnt appear. The appeal, bna1 d did receive a large \Hitti.:11 ap by Linda Levermore the planning of senior class Two seniors who attend the proached by senior class peal from the qudc111,, "ml Last Sunday's senior class events has been hindered by weekly class meetings said that meeting members whn were G;·.Jbraith. (Kerrigan could 1101 meeting "went very adjustment problems, misun r,o one had ever been dissatisfied with clas, leader be reached for t hi.:r com - smoothly," said Betsy derstandings, lack of designated responsibility for ship. Erbland said he would J't11 need to see the constitution ment on tlfr,.) Dayton, senior class treasurer. delegated responsibilities and drafting a constitution. .Jill before advising any action. Kerrigan', l.1,1 po111t wa, According to more than a poor leadership. Dennis Mino, Furst man, senior class Those seniors returned to him, · that the ,chool violated 1hc half dozen seniors who attend senior class vice president, in president, said it was not clear telling him that Furstman contract it ha, with th<.: ,111<!<-11- the weekly class meetings, but dicated that misunderstan to her "what it (a constitution) wish to remain anonymous, dings occurred "on everyone's was," and that last years con- COIITinU('d Oil page 6 conrinued on f}Uk,e I I ---- Page'2'·' February 14, 1980 ITHACAN EDITORIAL A new conflict has developed in the labor management dispute that has existed at I. C. Jor over Jive years. Faculty United (F. U.) was created in response to the ineffectiveness of Faculty Council INQUIRER (F.C.) and the Ithaca College Faculty Association efforts to deal with the administration on personnel matters. Faculty United is in the process of compiling a faculty oriented evaluatioh _ photo by Alan Friedman of President Whalen and his administration. The questionnaire distributed among the faculty also has questions directed at unionization, tenure policies and hiring policies. Do you know what the Joint Commiltee is? Last Friday's Ithaca Journal and today's Ithaca Times had front page stories referring to a "showdown" between Whalen and the I. C. faculty. It's unfortuante that this problem has reached such a point of mutual paranoia and mistrust. During the past few days. two poison "poison pen letters" have passed by, one from Whalen to the faculty and F.C.; and one from the steering committee of F.