640 bus time schedule & line map

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The 640 bus line (Bishop Sutton - Chew Stoke - Chew Magna - Compton Dando - Keynsham) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bishop Sutton: 12:40 PM (2) Keynsham: 9:18 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 640 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 640 bus arriving.

Direction: Bishop Sutton 640 bus Time Schedule 32 stops Bishop Sutton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Ashton Way, Keynsham Ashton Way, Keynsham Tuesday Not Operational

Westbourne Avenue, Keynsham Wednesday Not Operational Westbourne Avenue, Keynsham Thursday Not Operational Ashcroft Avenue, Keynsham Friday 12:40 PM Park Close, Keynsham Saturday Not Operational Lockingwell Road, Keynsham

Lays Farm, Keynsham

Bilbie Green, Keynsham 640 bus Info Direction: Bishop Sutton Poplars Cottage, Stops: 32 Trip Duration: 55 min Village Centre, Line Summary: Ashton Way, Keynsham, Westbourne Avenue, Keynsham, Ashcroft Avenue, Keynsham, The Compton, Compton Dando Lockingwell Road, Keynsham, Lays Farm, Keynsham, Bilbie Green, Keynsham, Poplars Cottage, Village Centre, Queen Charlton, Village Centre, Chewton Keynsham, The Compton, Compton Dando, Village Centre, Church, Publow Woollard, Publow Church, Publow, George & Dragon, , Hillcrest Top, Pensford, Whitley Batts, Stanton Wick Turn, Stanton Wick, Post Oce, George & Dragon, Pensford , Druids Arms, Stanton Drew, Round House, Stanton Drew, Norton Lane, Chew Magna, Hillcrest Top, Pensford Post Oce, Chew Magna, Sacred Heart, Chew Magna, Higheld House, Chew Magna, Whitley Batts School, Chew Magna, Chew Medical Practice, Chew Stoke, Stoke Inn, Chew Stoke, Bilbie Road, Chew Stanton Wick Turn, Stanton Wick Stoke, Picnic Site, Chew Stoke, Hollow Brook, Bonhill Road, Bishop Sutton, Post Post Oce, Stanton Drew Oce, Bishop Sutton, Rushgrove Gardens, Bishop Sutton, Butchers Arms, Bishop Sutton Druids Arms, Stanton Drew Round House, Stanton Drew

Norton Lane, Chew Magna

Post Oce, Chew Magna 11 South Parade, Chew Magna

Sacred Heart, Chew Magna

Higheld House, Chew Magna

Chew Valley School, Chew Magna

Chew Medical Practice, Chew Stoke Salway Close, Chew Stoke Civil Parish

Stoke Inn, Chew Stoke Quarry Hay, Chew Stoke Civil Parish

Bilbie Road, Chew Stoke

Chew Valley Lake Picnic Site, Chew Stoke

Hollow Brook Hollowbrook Lane, -Sutton Civil Parish

Bonhill Road, Bishop Sutton

Post Oce, Bishop Sutton Lovells Mill, Stowey-Sutton Civil Parish

Rushgrove Gardens, Bishop Sutton Rushgrove Gardens, Stowey-Sutton Civil Parish

Butchers Arms, Bishop Sutton Direction: Keynsham 640 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Keynsham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Woodcroft, Bishop Sutton Tuesday Not Operational Butchers Arms, Bishop Sutton Wick Road, Stowey-Sutton Civil Parish Wednesday Not Operational

Rushgrove Gardens, Bishop Sutton Thursday Not Operational Rushgrove Gardens, Stowey-Sutton Civil Parish Friday 9:18 AM

Post Oce, Bishop Sutton Saturday Not Operational Lovells Mill, Stowey-Sutton Civil Parish

Bonhill Road, Bishop Sutton

Hollow Brook 640 bus Info Hollowbrook Lane, Stowey-Sutton Civil Parish Direction: Keynsham Stops: 36 Chew Valley Lake Picnic Site, Chew Stoke Trip Duration: 57 min Line Summary: Woodcroft, Bishop Sutton, Butchers Bilbie Road, Chew Stoke Arms, Bishop Sutton, Rushgrove Gardens, Bishop Sutton, Post Oce, Bishop Sutton, Bonhill Road, Stoke Inn, Chew Stoke Bishop Sutton, Hollow Brook, Chew Valley Lake Quarry Hay, Chew Stoke Civil Parish Picnic Site, Chew Stoke, Bilbie Road, Chew Stoke, Stoke Inn, Chew Stoke, Chew Medical Practice, Chew Chew Medical Practice, Chew Stoke Stoke, , Chew Magna, Sacred Salway Close, Chew Stoke Civil Parish Heart, Chew Magna, Post Oce, Chew Magna, Norton Lane, Chew Magna, Round House, Stanton Chew Valley School, Chew Magna Drew, Druids Arms, Stanton Drew, Post Oce, Stanton Drew, Stanton Wick Turn, Stanton Wick, Sacred Heart, Chew Magna Whitley Batts, Hillcrest Top, Pensford, George & Dragon, Pensford, Publow Church, Publow, Village Post Oce, Chew Magna Centre, Woollard, The Compton, Compton Dando, Village Centre, Chewton Keynsham, Poplars Cottage, 5 South Parade, Chew Magna Civil Parish Queen Charlton, Bilbie Green, Keynsham, Lays Farm, Norton Lane, Chew Magna Keynsham, Lockingwell Road, Keynsham, Ashcroft Avenue, Keynsham, Westbourne Avenue, Keynsham, B3130, Chew Magna Civil Parish Culvers Road, Keynsham, St John's Church, Round House, Stanton Drew Keynsham, St John's Church, Keynsham, Post Oce, Keynsham, Ashton Way, Keynsham Druids Arms, Stanton Drew

Post Oce, Stanton Drew

Stanton Wick Turn, Stanton Wick

Whitley Batts

Hillcrest Top, Pensford

George & Dragon, Pensford

Publow Church, Publow

Village Centre, Woollard The Compton, Compton Dando Church Lane, Compton Dando Civil Parish

Village Centre, Chewton Keynsham

Poplars Cottage, Queen Charlton

Bilbie Green, Keynsham Charlton Road, Keynsham Civil Parish

Lays Farm, Keynsham

Lockingwell Road, Keynsham

Ashcroft Avenue, Keynsham Park Close, Keynsham

Westbourne Avenue, Keynsham

Culvers Road, Keynsham

St John's Church, Keynsham 24 High Street, Keynsham

St John's Church, Keynsham 5 High Street, Keynsham

Post Oce, Keynsham High Street, Keynsham

Ashton Way, Keynsham Ashton Way, Keynsham 640 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved