v . x ', . -- -

can not raise rents. It would CIFTY-SECON- MINNKR OT A. SITTING BULL KILLED. SLNGLE TAX DEPARTMENT. D CONGKESS. 1 Wm. H. Harriot.. D 4. Jaa. N. Castle. ...D especially in a country liko B. John Llnd K 5. K. Ualvoraen.FJL The Notoriously Had Hlons Indian Killed this, where there is so much - LAND VALUES. I. OrrinM.Hnli.. .D Whlla Routine- Arrest-Hrl- af fcketob. of TAXING valuable land unusod, tend strongly to PcStloal Complexion of tho Sonata MISHlARIPPt Ills t - arer. Ilonrr George in N. Y. Standard lower them. In all our cities and House. L John M. Allen... D 5. Jos. R. Beeman..D Bt. Minn., Deo. 18 Goneral and 8. John C. Kyle... .D 0. T. R. 8t0Pkdak..D Paul, A vory common objection to tho prop- through all the country, thoro is much 7. . D evening reoelved dispatches & T. C. Catching.. D Chaa. Hooker. Miles last taxes on land which is not used, or not put to THE SENATE. 4, Clarke Lewla....D Standing osition to eoncontrato all land its t a saying that in a fight near ndd 1 values Is tlio land owner would best uso, becauso it is held at high ItofabUcans, 46; Democrat, 88; doubtful, 4 Rock agency yesterday morning bitting that Wm. H. & John J. O'NeiUt ..D valuo of Us mon who do want to or Tho terms of office of one-thir- d of the Ben- - Hatoh...D tho inerciihod tax on the prices by not 8.t Chas.H. Waniur.D 0. Both W. Cobb.....D Hull and a number ol Indian polioe bad will expire on March 3, 1801, their auo to must bo paid by who can not uso themselves, but who ton and 8. Alex. M. Dockery'D 10. BiiuiupI B,vrne...D been killed. land the rent that it eawers will be chosen by the Legislatures 4. Wilson .... D 1 1. Rlch'dP. notion in- holding of profiting RP.C. Hland..D The first dispatch was from Pierre, his U'lianU It is this that aro It in expectation fok,will meet early in the new year. In come 5. John C. Tarsniy.D IS. D. A. DoArmond.. D creased taxation of land values would by tho increased value which the growth fitates choloei have been tnado, and the Bon- - ft. John T. Heard... D U Rlch'd W. Fyant..D stating that Sitting Bull and his son D W. fall upon users, not upon tbo ownors of population will to atora cboaea will aerve until March 3, 1887, 7. Rlch'd H. Norton Marshall Aruold..D had boon killed, but giving no further tho elve it la. VtoUowlng la the Uat to date, and the probable MONTANA, of tlio land, that more perhaps than any future. Now, the effect of the L William W. Dixon D particulara tlilnff o!so prevents men from seeing tho of values would imuUoai reanlU when election! are bold: messages wcro from Stand taxation land Alabama. Itrmtr. MONTANA. TtrmfX. NBUnARKA. Tho other and beneficent effects of be to compel theso mon to seek Morgan, W. William J. nryan.DI 3. (X M. Kern FA Rock agency and stated that the JohnT. D.lfWi F. Sandra.R....l t ing doinir away with tho taxes that now tenants or purchasera Land upon which .J area L. Pun. D.1MW Thoe a Power. R.. ltftfi S. W. A. Mchougnan Indian police had started out to arrest ARKAM8A& NKUHASKA. A upon lubor or tho products of labor is no taxation even a poor man i having learned mat oe fall there Jasaes It Worry, D.1S06 A. 8. Paddock. R...1M3 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Sittinff Bull and taking for publlo use those values can easily hold for higher prices, for mmm DlHsl7 aF. Mandenton, K.18U6 McKlnneyt..D & Dunlcls....D Bad Lands at LLF. W.F. proposed starting for the roason of the taxa- OA.L1FORNIA. NEVADA. KEW JEIIHKY. m which attach to land by land oats nothing. But put heavy K..1WT R. W07 once. The police wore lonoweu Dy 1. C. A. Bcrsen R 4. Bumucl Fowler. .D rrow th and progress of society. tion upon it and even a rich man will George Hearst, D..1SW Wm.M.Btewart,R..UW 8. 5. C. A. Cadmus D troop of cavalry under Captain Fouchet COLORADO. NEW HAMP8HIHK. Jiinics UuchununR! Tho taxes levied upon land values, or, be driven to seek purchasors or tenants, Jacob A. OcUscn- - . Thox. D. EnKllsh.D and infantry under Colonel urum. R..1W7 T..1W 1 politico-econom- ic halner D 7. Ed. F. McDonald. D to uso tho term, taxes and to got them be will have to put Wolcott. R...188J W . Chandler. R..18U6 When the police reached Sitting Bull's O.K. KEY ADA. upon do upon the OORBBCTICITT. NSW JKHHKY. river, about forty levied rent not fall down the prico ha isks, Instead of pul- D.IHOn camp on the Grand a R IWt" f. R.Mol'berson, L Horace F.BortlnR user of land, and can not be transferred ing it up; for it is by asking lots, not R..HK1 Hlodgett, D. KEW YOHK. miles from Standing Rock, tney iouno Job. B. Bawlcy, llufiu .181 landlord to tho is con- by more, thoso whobave DELAWARE. HEW YOHK. Jas, W.Covort...D 18. John A. Quttcken- - arrangements being mado for departs by the tenant asking that anyl Oeorge Oray, D....18U D...1W7 8.t David A. Uoody..D bush R ceded by all economists of reputation. thing they are forced to disposo of must 18U6 R..18K3 10. ura The cavalry had not reached toe Aalbony H iRulna, R. Frank Hlscook. 8. Wm. J. Coonil)H...D Charles Tracey..D However much they may dispute as to seek customers. Rathor than continue ruoiuoA. NOKTU CAltOMNA. 4. John M. Clancy. D JO. John Banrord....R camp when tho police arrosted Bull and D..1IW7 D..1H07 6. Thos. F. Mairnur.D 81. JohnM.Wever....R other things, thore is no dispute upon to pay hoavy taxes upon land yielding J. started back with him. His followers waiuel Puaco. D...18IK1 M. W. Ransom. D..1S90 & John R. Follows.. D LeslleV.Russcll..R this uolnt Whatever flimsy reasons him nothing, and from the future in- CBORQIA. MOUTH DAKOTA. 7. Ed. J. Dunphy...D JX H. W. Uentley....!) quiokly rallied to his support and tried any may deemed ox could JL H. Coloultt D..1W0 R..IW7 a T. J. Camubellt...Dl at Oea Van Horn.... D to rescue biro. of them have it crease in value, of which he have Johja a Uordon, D.18W7, Lyman R. Caaey, R.1BU3 a A. J. Cummintrs.D A. Jaa. J. llnlden...R nediont to give why the tax on rent no expectation or profit, since Increase IDAHO. OHIO. 10. F. H. 8ulnola....D't. (ho. W. Knyt K In the fight that ensued Sltttng Bull R..1WT John Rhorman, R. .189(1 11. J. DeW. Warner.. Di27. Boreno . Payne R is said to havo been killed. Five of the should not be moro resorted to, they all in value would mean increased taxes, be mm mhKm 1897 Calvin Urloe, D..18V7 13. R. P. Flower DiB. of merely to away or to a Indian police wero also killod. admit that the taxation rent would be glad give it let . oueuon. 11 AhbelP.Fitch..D i. John Raines R diminishes tho profits of tho landowner, it revert to the State. Thus the dogs ia fibelby M.Cullom.R lfm R..18DT 14, William G. Stahl- - :W. H. 8. tlTOcnlcaft. . D The capturo was quickly made, and Dnlpb. R...16U& .11. be shifted on user of land, manger, who over country (?).117 J08. N. necker D J.W.Wudswortht.R the police were taking the chief out of can not the the all the INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. 18. Henrv Iiacont D M. D. N. Loekwoodt..D can not aid to prices, or check produc- are withholding land that they can not T. D. Voorheea, D.1RDT R..1S97 IS, John H. Ketchnm'R'Xl. Thos. L. Hunting. D camp when a body of Uncapnpa braves authorities, uso from who would CMvid a Turpie, D.vm Matt a Quay. R....18U3 17. Isaac N. Cox D 31. W. B. Hooker R and demandod the roleaso of tion. Not to multiply it themselves those IMIODB rode up IOWA. ISLAND. NORTH CAROLINA. . will bo sufficient to quote John Stuart be glad to uso would be forced to let R..1K) V. W. Aldrleh. R...1SM thoir lead. Thy were met by a stern it Wni. a Allison. 1. W. A. B. Brunch.. D 6. 8. H. Alexander... D Ho says (section 3, chapter 3, go tbolr grasp. To tax land values up ae.F. Wilson, R...18U5 Nutban F. Dixon. R.18K5 9. H. P. Cheutham.R 7. J. 8. Hemlerson..D refusal and at once attacked the po- Mill B.ANBAH. SOUTH CAROLINA. 3. Honi. F. Grady.... D H. W. H. H. Cowlos.D lice while Sitting Bull, drawing his book C, "Principles of Political to anywhere near their full amount en. Plumb. a....imr U..1W 4. Uenl H. Hunn...D 0. Wm. T. Crawford. D would bo to utterly destroy speculative (T).lbU7, MattC Hutler. D..18U6 6. A. H. A.WUliams.D knifo, stabbed one of his captors and DAKOTA. to KBNTDCKr. BOt'TR NORTH DAKOTA. away. A tax on rent falls wholly on the land values, and diminish all rents into Ulackburn.DIROT R. F. Pettigrow, R.1WR tried to broak ICS. 1. M. Thore aro no means by which he which this speculative eloment enters. loon Q. Carlisle, D.18W K..IBV7 L. Johnson... R! Hard prossod by the swarming war- lord. LOUISIANA. TENNESSEE. OHIO. struggled for a moment can shift tho burden upon any one else. And, how groundless is it to think that 1. Bollamv Storcr. .R'I'J. Wm. H. Enochs .R riors tho police D..1W7 William II. HutcD.lWS Bull, not affect the valuo or price of landlords who have tenants could shift O. U. Gibson, D lhS3 Ishum U. Harris, R1(W5 !t Jno A. Caldwell ,R 13. Irvine Dunitan . .D and then began firing. Sitting It does MA1NB TEXAS. & Goorue W. Houk..D 14. James W.Owens'.D pierced by several bullets, foil doad in agricultural produce, for this is deter- a tax on land valuos upon their tenants, ftagene Hole, R....lHM!John H. Reagan. D.1K03 4. Martin K.Gantz..D Mlchnel D.Hnrtor.D mined by tho cost of production in the can be readily seen from tho effect upon William P. Frye, R.18U& Richard Coke. D...1BU& 6. Fred. C. Lavton...Dlrt. John G. Warwick. D his tracks. 17. . tenants. MARYLAND. VERMONT. ft. D. D. Donovan.... D A. J. Pearson .. .D Moved to randnM9 by his doath tho most unfavorable circumstances, and In landlords who have no It is 7. Wm. E. Hnyne..D IS. Joseph D. Taylor. R V. P. Gorman, D...1BK1 Justin 8. MorrlU.R.1897 Uncapapas closod in on the police. For thoso circumstances, as we have so often when tenants seek for land, not when ... . K. Wilson, D . . . . IHVZiOeo. F. Edmunds,R.ltiU3 8. Dodgn D. Hare....Dl9. Kitru B. Tnvlor .R eontin-uou- a A tax landlords seek for tenants, that rent goes 1 . J.aOuthwttite..Diu. Vincent A.Taylor. R few moments tiring was demonstrated, no rent is paid. Massachusetts. Virginia. a the up. .. JJeorfaJV-Ho- H..1B86 John W. Daniel, D.1S93 10. Robert E. Doan...R 81. Tboa L.Jobnnon...D and the troops hearing tho d n on rent therefore, has no effect other tiearylT Dawes, It. IHuaijotiu R Barbour, D.19U5 11. John M. Paulson. D To put the matter in a form in which WASHIjrOTON, spoed to the scene of bloodshed. than its obvious one. It meroly takes MICHIGAN. OREGON. made all be easily understood us take fRStockbrldgo,R.1SM R..KW7 1. BIngcr Hermanu.R When they arrived they found Sitting so much from the landlord and transfers it can let las McMillan. R....18IB John B. Allen, R....1893 PENNSYLVANIA. two cases. The one, a country where WERT VIRGINIA. Bull, five of his braves and seven of the it to the State. MINNESOTA. 1. H. H B!njfhnm...RII5. Myron B.Wrlchi'.R available land is all in use and JL K. Davis, R 1KB Chas.J.Fuulkner.D. 1883 C.Hopkins. R police dead or dying. The Uncapapas, Tho reason of this will be clear to the the D..18V& 9. Charles 0'Nolll...R!l. Albert W. D. Washburn.R.l(jtijj JounE. Kenna, 3. Wm. Wolve?ton...D body accepted competition of tenants has carried rents WISCONSIN. McAleer.....Dil7. a P. having rescuod the of thoir chief, every one who has grasped the MISSISSIPPI. 4. E. Reyburn.R IK. L. E. Atkinson. ..R to a pays 1805 R. 1 803 John off declined fight of to whlcn point at which the tenant the B5.C Walthall, D... PhUetus Sawyer. 6. Hurmer.R!l8. F. E Beltzhoovert.D drew sullenly anl to theory rent that theory George. D....18U3I Alfr'dC. landlord all he can possibly earn save Ja Z. r..iew & John B. Robinson. R M. Edward Scull ....R the soldiera tho namo of Ricnrdo has been given, MISSOURI WYOMINO. 7. F. H11H....R to M.Carey, R....1W5 Edwin Hallowetl..Di21. Geonre Great excitement' followed the death and which, as John Stuart Mill says, just enough barely live. The other. D..1W7 Jos. 8. Dalxell R R. I8W Wm. Mutchlor...D;,J9. John a country where all the available land wMt Coolcrell, D...18i Fr'els E. Warren, 8. David B.Brunner.D;sa. William A. Stone. R of Sitting BulL Dtr.ng the forenoon bas but to bo understood to be proved. Present Senators whose successors are to be ia Marriott Brosiu8.RS4. Andrew Stewart.. R the Indian drums belt loudly and signal And it will bo clear to every one who is not in use and the rent that the land D. Le-Ban-d 11. Lemuel Amormun.D 25. E. P. Gillespie. ...D aboaen this winter: J. K. Jones Ark.; up from, almost every bluff consider a moment even if he has lord can get from the tenant is limited Stanford, R., CaL; H. M. Teller, R., CoL; 14. Geo. W. Bhonk....R .'. MofhewGrlgwold.R smokes shot will B. 17. W. R by the terms on which the tenant can V. H. Piatt, R.. Conn. ; W. Call, D., Flo. ; C. B. U Jumes Reil!y..D Charles Stone. and hilL Messengers rode post haste never beforo thought of tho cause and 11. W. Rife R 28. George F, Kribbs.D How, R., IlL ; Ingalls. R., Kan.; J. John from camp to camp and several headed nature of Tho rent of land repre- get access to unused land. in Vnrwell, J. J. a RHODE ISLAND. rent D.. O. G. D., Ma; J. P. I bos-tie- s either case, if a tax were imposed upon Kxtia, La.: Vest. L Oscar Laphara. ..D 8. (Vacancy) for tho Ba Lands to inform the sents a return to ownership over and Jones, Nov.: H. W. Blair, N. H.; W. M. (or could landlord a a. SOUTH CAROLINA. of the death of their chief. above tho return which is sufficient to land values rent) the Z. B. Vanoe, D.. N. G. A. Kvarta, a, N. V.; C; 1. Wm. H.Brawlcy..D 5. John J.Hemphlll'.D compel tho tenant to pay it? ; ; The Uncapapas spenly threaten to induce use it is a premium paid for Pierce, a, N. D. J. H. Mitchell a. Ore. J. D. 8. Geo. T. Tillman. .D 6. L. T. Stuckhouse..D . and Cameron, a. Pa.; Wade Hampton. D., 8. a George Johnstone. D 7. William Elliott-- D exterminate tho Indian police their permission to use. To take, in It may be well to call attention to the Moody, 8. D. : W. C. Squire, 4. George W. D closely watched by Ci O.C. a, a, Shell.. families, and are taxation, part or tho whole of this fact that a tax on land values is not Wash.; J. C. Spooner, a, Wis. SOUTH DAKOTA. the troops. premium, in no way affects the in 1. Gamble ..R! 9. John A. Pickler..R tax on land. They are very different John a Rirrixo nru.'s rAltEFR. centive to uso or tho return to uso; in no THE HOUSa TENNESSEE. Sitting Bull was born in 1S7. His nmbnsh things, and the difference should be - ft. E,Washlngton.D way, amount of land "BaajaMlaaaai.-Tt- t- - t- - V Alfred A. Taylor. Hi J. brought him fame. diminishes the because a as Tarmeva' t8 L. C. Houls R 7. Nicholas N. Oox ,.D of General Custur fir noted confusion of thought 8; vacancy, 1; wnoie lie w.-f- a "medicine chief," there is to use, or makes moro diff- v " AUUaea. uncertain, I; a H. C. Snodfrrns...Dj . BonJ. A. Enior..D I'rorious to thi it to them may lead to the assumption that umber, 333. 4. Benton Mc.Vflln.Dr 0. Rice A. Pierce... D whose boast was that never to the white icult to obtain it for use. Thus there is Fifty-firs- a tax on land values would fall on the Those marked served in the t 5. J. D. Richardson D 10. Josiah Patterson .D limn had he slioied a treuty. In the turbu- no way in which a tax upon rent or land in a previous In 1ST! u user. A tax upon land that is to say. Soase. Those marked t served TEXAS. lent times round his standard rallied can be to tho user. "Bouse. Those marked J were unseated by the 1. Charles Stewart. D 7. Wm. H. Crntn....D the treacherous and discontented of all values transferred a tax on all land of so much per acre or CVty-Ors- t House. 9. John B. Long D R L, W. Moore.. . .D tribes. He himself was regarded by many us Whatever the State may demand of this so much por foot would fall on the ALABAMA. a C. H. Kllcnre D 0. Roger Q. Mills. .D u shrewd coward, and It Is said by some that simply diminishes Dl 10. D. D premium the net user, barring such enect as xnigm RicVd H. CTarke D u. James 4. D. B. Culberson.. Joseph Bayers. at the with Custer ho it t. R Cobb..D & W. .Dill. 8. W. T. tliebeiflmiliiKof flht amount which ownership can get for its Hll'ry A. Herbert'D ft J. H. Bankboad..D Jos. Bailey... LanhamD fled where, seeing awful, have on speculation. For such a tax 0. Jo Abbott Di to a safe retreat the William C. OatesD 7. Wm. H. Forney..D uneveu conflict being (tlvon into the hands of use, or tho price which it can demand as falling equally on all lanu on the poor 4. Louis W. TurplnJD & Joseph Wbeuler.D VERMONT. purchase money, which is. of course, L H. Powers R 8. Wm. W. Grout... R his countrymen, he rushed to the front, est and least advantageously situated as ARKANSAS. a plunged Into the thickest of tho fray and es- rent, or the expectation of rent, 1. WHUwm H. William L. Terrv.D VIRGINIA. fully as on the richest and best situated CntetD 4 1. C. tablished himself a oh lef. With these mal- Breck'rlUge:D & W. D Wm. A. Jones ....D a P. Eilmunds..D 9.0 Samuel Peel. C. contents ho committed many depredations land, would become a condition imposed Tboa.a MoRae..D a John W. Lawson. D 7. T. 0,Ferral...D 4. a Geo. D. Wm. upon tenia) of pouco. Hore, for instance, is a piece of land on use of any land, from which there CALIFORNIA. a Wisen...D a H.F.Lee...D settlers and refused all the 4. James F. Epes...D 9. J. A. Buchanan.. D In 1875 the order was Issued to bring Sitting that has a value let it be where it may. could be no escape, and thus the owners 4. Thos. J. Geary. ...D 4. John T. Cutting.. .R a P. G. Lester. ...D 10. St. G. Tucker. D -- 5. K a Bull in or drive him from the country, and Its rent, or value, is the highest price a. Ant Camnifnctte.H Engene F. Loud. WASHINGTON. of rentable land could add it to their & Joseph McKennaR 6. Wm. W. Bowers..R In March, 1870. General Crook started np into J. JohnL. Wilson.. R that any one will give for it it is a ren ta I ts operation would be anologous COLORADO. the 8loux territory with a strong force. He WEST VIRGINIA. met tho Sioux on St. Patrick's day. He was premium which the man who wants to to that of a tax on a producible commod- At I. Hoaea TownsendR L J.O. DI J. D. Alderson.., Pendleton:.. a Crazy to re-tre- use land must pay to man who CONNECTICUT. Wm. 4. Joa. A. Capehart defeated by Horse and forced the the ity, and it would in effect reduce the a L. Wilson. .D May expeditions pushed Into H. Lewis Bperry D a Chas. A. Russell. R WISCONSIN. In three owns the land for permission to land could be used, Hitting Bull's country. Tli.y were led by supply of that Wash, r. Wilcox. D 4 Robt. E. DeForestD 1. Clinton A. Babbit D a Lucas M. Miller.. D use Now, If a tax be levied Generals Crook, 17 it since no land could then be used DELAWARE. a Charles Barwig..D 7. Frank P. Coburn.D Terry and Gibbon. June wua ' 1 ..,.., . on that rent or value, this in no John W. Causey.. D a AUenaBusbnell.Dj a Nils P. Hnugen..R Crook again defeated. that would not yield sufficient to i. a JohnL. Mitchell.. D a Thomas Lynch. ..D Then It was that Pitting Hull, looking lor wis adds to tho wllllngneea of any one pay the tax. But a tax on economio FLORIDA. a Gea Brickner.D better quarters and better grazing lands, to pay more for the land than Mallory.D 8. Robert Bullock.. D a rent or land values would not fall on all , t. Steph.a WYOMINO. moved over Into the broader valley of the before; nor does in any way add to the GEORGIA. L Clarence memorable it land; it would fall only on valuable D.ClarkR Little Big Horn, the stream made of , I. Rufus E. Leater.D a James H. Blount'D DELEGATES FROM TERRITORIES. charge Custer made upon Its ability the owner to demand more. land, and on that in proportion to its D 7. R. Wm. by the that . BanryG. Turner Everett. .D ARIZONA. Terry's scouts came To suppose, in fact, that such a tax a Charles F. Crisp. D a Thos. G. Lawson.D banks. General value. It would thus not have to be 4. Cbarlrs L. Mosea.D a Thomas E. Winn.D 1. Marcus A. Smlth.D. across tho trail and promptly report could be thrown by land owners upon paid upon the poorest land in use aV L. F. Livingston. D 10. Tboa. a Wauon..D NEW MEXICa ed It to him. The General decided tenants, is to suppose that the owners of L Antonio Joseph. .D. and In looking (which always determines rent), and so Ut - IDAHO, at once to "scout the trail" land do not now get for their land all CWmU8weet.....R OKLAHOMA. for a man to lead he picked out the man who it would not become a condition of use, or ILLINOIS. 1. David A. Harvey.a was at the head of bla cavalry, the Lieuten- will bring, is to suppose that simply restrict the amount of land that could L .... R II. Ben). T. Cable.... D UTAH. ant-Colonel commanding the Seventh whenever they want to, they can put up be profitably used, and so the land own- rS. Lawr. E. McGann.D 19. D 1. JohnT. Calne....D. regiment cavalry, Brevet Major-Gener- prices as they please. Ma 3. ATaE.Durburow.D ia Wm. M. SprlngerD Custer, of the United States army, a brave, ers on whom it fell could not shift it on --4. Wm. C. NewberryD 14. Owen Soott D THE MAN OF MUSCLE. dashing, Impetuous warrior, but as the event This is, of course, absurd. There the users of land. This distinction, as 'Hl BV. Hopklns'.R 15. Busey.D Aut J. Samuel T. proved a soldier lacking In judgment to deal would be no limit whatever to prices, to nature and effects, between a tax on . Robert a Hitt...R ia Geo. W. Flthtan.D The Standing of the College Athlete 17. with an enemy as eunnlng as the Bloux. did the fixing of them rest entirely with neo-essa-iy T. T. J. Henderson..R Edward Lane.... D Amouc His Fallows. land and a tax on land values, it is a Lewis Steward. ..D 18. Wm. S. Forman..D Custer was tho Ideal leador of the charge, the seller. To the prioe which will be V. 10. R. The a reoitatioc 1b very as ambitious as a to bear in mind. Henry W. 8now..D Jas. Williams. D athlete in brave to rashnoss and given and received for anything, two 40. Phillip a Poet...K Si. Gea W. Smith.. amusing. When be enters some admirer Casar, but bo was not the kind of a leader to It is also necessary to bear in mind INDIANA. "scout a trail." Ho waa too ready to fight wants or wills must concur the want that the value of land is something to- 1 usually whispers to his confidant: O-- i f. Wm. T. Parrett..DI a V. BrookahireD 26 amed by Terry as the or will of the buyer, and the want or , .v a him, a dandy?" The June was the day tally distinct from the value of improve- 9. JohnL. Brett... D a Daniel Waugh....R 'Look at isn't he day on which he and Gibbon would reach the will of the seller. The one wants to ', 3. Jaaon B. Brown. .D; 10. David A. Patton..D athlete always looks too large for bis Big Custer was ments. It is a value which arises not 4. Wm. a Holman..D IL A. N. Martin.. ...D valley of the Little Horn. give as little as he can, the other to get ax chair the class-roo- Yon wonder. expeotod from the east the same day. Custer from the exertion of any particular in Geo. W. CJoper..D ia C.A.O. MoClellaaD in as much as be can, and the point at . H. U. Jobnaom....B U. Benl F. bblvely.D why it does not break down. The book, 0.tsaiipuiiMi luaui; He got there ahead of dividual, but from the growth and pro T. Wm. D. Bynum.D too, seems of place in his big time twenty-fou- r hours too soon. The Sev- which the exchange will take place is gress of the community. A tax on land IOWA. all out enth cavalry waa with him. A few miles hands, and a pencil looks positively the point where these two desires come values, therefore, never lessens the re- t. Job F. 8eerley..D, 7. John A. T. HulI...R away was Crook with 1,500 men, but Custer, to a balance or effect a compromise. In s3i a Walter L Hayes. Dj a James P. Flick.. R funny as he handles It He wears an even If he knew it, would have none of them, ward of exertion or accumulation. It Ml ' 2 U. n. uenaerson'.Ki v. Tnomas uowman.u air of patronage, as if intellectual pur- ne seemed to want all the glory for the Sev- other words, price is determined by the simply takes for the whole community A. Walter H. Butler. Di 10. J. P. Dolliver....R himself, lifting Bull's "village" equation of supply and demand. And, ; 11. way, and a enth and value which the whole community aV JohnT. Hamilton.D Geo. D. Perkins..R suits were well in their alght bluffs that B. White.. waa hidden from under the of the evidently, taxation can not affect price Freda ..D thins; to be encouraged, even interest- alght It createa KANSAS. river. When Custer irst caught of unless affects the relative power of one ' ing on occasions, but just a little un- he drew rein, took off; his broad rimmed hat, it it. OaaeBroderlck...R a John M. Davis. ...A or otberof theelementsof equa- While it is not true that a tax on land H.'Fnnston...R a William Baker... .A worthy a man of muscle. whirled It about his hfad and shouted : "Cus- the this a a I values or rent falls on the user, and thus .X pan, Clover. ..A 7. Jerry Simpson.. ..A He to out his big limbs ter's luck The biggest Indian village on the tion. The mere wish of the seller to get a A likes stretch wigwams through Increased m. JobaO.Otu repose, knowing Continent!" Thousands of faced more, the mere desire of the buyer to distributes itself KENTUCKY. and watch them in the Indomitable Seventh. prices, true the greater num- do occasion pay less, can neither raise nor lower it is that SL Willi am J. Stone. DI 7. W.Breckinridge. D bow much they can when Aa he plunged down the alope It was the ber of taxes by which our publlo reve- William T. Kills. Ci a Jaa. a McCreary D requires. The professor even defers last that Reno and his men ever aaw of him, prioea Nothing will lower prices un- tLU. Goodnight. L 9. Tboa. H. PaynterD and soon he waa hidden In the elouds of less it either increases supply or de- nues are raised da Thus, speaking A.B.afontffomeryD 10. John W. Kendall. D to him a little unable to refuse nis generally, taxes upon capital fall, not Caruth'.D IL John R power, even dust creases demand. Now, the taxation of A'; S. AahrO. a Wilson.. instinctive homage to waa never ra: W. W. DlckeronD The story of Coster's charge values, which is aimnly the upon the owners of capital, but upon the though it be phjslcaL When he strolls learned from a man who follow him. land taking LOins IAN A. by the State of a part of the premium users of capital, and are by them trans- X Adolpta Meyer.... D a N. C Blanchard'.D across the yard men look out of their They all had galloped to their death. The ferred to the consumers of whatever the aCD. Lairaat...MD a Chaa. J. Boatner.D windows him. He is pointed out tragic history ia but the tale as It was told by which the land owner can get for the after th men who had done the capital is used to produce; taxes upon J. Andrew Price... .D a & M. Robertaon.D to the young lady visitors, and the fair Indian scouts and permission to use land, neither increases MAINE. massacre. demand for land nor decreases the buildings or building materials must Beth creatures look with awe upon the god Bitting fled for life across the border of the . TTmc a Reed...RI a L. MniIketr.R Bnll in- ultimately be paid in increased build- m. M. Diagley, Chaa. A. seen .Here he stayed until 1480, supply of land, and therefore can not r....K a sieuett like being whom they have bat the Dominion. or prices by occupiers of XABYLAJTS. gore honor of when be surrendered, to the United States on crease the price which the land owner ing rents the tling ia mud and for the buildings; Imposts upon production or f.'Haary Pa. D a Isldor Raynert....D superhuman fashion. a promise of pardon.) can get from the user. Thus it is im- X Herman Stamp.. D a BaraenComptoBtiD Harvard in upon Imports must finally fall a Wm. H. Mckalg..D during bis season of possible for land owners to throw such duties a JL Welles Kuk..D The athlete upon consumers of the commodities. MASSACHUBETTB. activity does not study much. He has ToJinsTONK. Ar a, Deals. Tbebodles taxation on land users by raising rents. the T. from being popularly TL Chaa. & RandallR Wm. CrrweU..R to reserve his energies for physical ef- of Bridger and Robinson, who were Other things being unaltered, rents This fact is far BX Elijah A. Mcrae..R a Moaes T. Stevens. D appreciated, for, if were, the masses F. Williams. D He can "smoke nor drink. by Apaohes Saturday, were would be no higher than before, while it S. John F. ABdrew.D a Gea fort neither killed would never consent to the system by Joseph HONellD 10. Joa. H. Walker.. R About all is left him Is to tailk brought in last night They ha been the selling price of land, which is de- Fkermaa Hoar....D II. F. a Ooolldge.....D that which the greater part of our revenues CroaDy...D athletics, and for this purpose he can stripped, robbed and mutilated. Cattle- termined by net rent, would be much A Ueary C Lvdfe..R!ia John C are raised. But nevertheless, it is MICHIGAN. listeners, when four men and prospectors feel unsafe, as fte diminished. Whoever purchased land the' get plenty of but vague apprehension of this leads S. J. L. Chpman...D 7. Jnstln aWhlt'ng) o'clock in afternoon comes he is in Indians are believed to still be In tha ontrigbt would have to pay less to the that 8. Gorman.D a H. M. Yonmans..D the of ideas to notion a. Jaases And from four to six be of the killing. Theso mon arei oiler, because he would therefore be by confusion the that at O Donnell..R a H H! Wheeler.. .D his element viclnltv a tax on land values mutt add to rsnta. 4. J.J oil us C BurrowtR ia T. A. a Weadoek.D toils away like a young giant Kcstoa now coming in for protect on. No ac- Icalled on to pay more to the State. V M. a. Fordt. DilL & M. SwepuenmS been taken by the military. But, while the taration of land values to bx cqstisped. LyroB G. Btonl...il Traveller.' tion has jot