Congressional Recordo
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I CONGRESSIONAL RECORDO . .) PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. \ t I SECOND 8E88I.ON. SENATE. SENATORS PRESENT. The following Senators were present: MONDAY, December 5, 1892. From the State of- The first Monday of D-.,cember being the day prescribed by the Alabama-John T. Morgan and James L. Pugh. Constitution of the United Stakls for the annual m€\eting of Con Arkansas-James H. Berrv and James K. Jones. gress, the second session of the Fifty-second Congress commenced California-Charles N. Feiton. this day. Colorado-Henry M. Teller and Edward 0. Wolcott. The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. Connecticut-Orville H. Platt. The Vice-President of the United States (Mr. LEVI P. MoR Delaware-Anthony Higgins. TON, of the State of New York) took the chair and called the Florida-Wilkinson Call and Samuel Pasco. Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. Georgia-John B. Gordon. Idaho-Fred. T. Dubois and George L. Shoup. PRAYER. Illinois-Shelby M. Cullom and John M. Palmer. Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D., Chaplain to the Senate, offered the Indiana-Daniel W. Voorhees. following prayer: Iowa-James F. Wilson. 0 God,-we gather devoutly at Thy feet amid unnumbered Kansas-William A. Peffer. mercies to us as individuals in our families and upon our land. Kentucky-Joseph C. S. Blackburn and John G. Carlisle. Thy kind hand has led us during these months of separation. Louisiana-Edward D. White. We thank Thee that we live. Remember very tenderly those Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. who are sick. Grant them healingl if it please Thee, and pre Maryland-Arthur P. Gorman. pare the dying for death. J..fassachusett.s-Henry L. Dawes and George F. Hoar. We look to Thee as we come to these responsibilities, asking lrfichigan-James McMillan and Francis B. Stockbridge. Thy guidance and Thy rich blessing-. 0 God, the God of our Minnesota-Cushman K. Davis and William D. Washburn. fathers, in whom we have ever trusted, may we ever rely upon Mississippi-James Z. George and Edward C. Walthall. the Word of Thy promise and the abiding presence of Thy Spirit. .Missouri-Francis M. Cockrell and George G. Vest. Bless our Government in all its departments, legislative, judi Montana-Thomas C. Power. cial, and executive. Remember very tenderly Thy servant, the Nebraska-Charles F. Manderson and Algernon S. Paddock. President of the United States. We thank Thee for his faith Nevada-William M. Stewart. and fortitude. We pray Thee sanctify to him and to his house ]{ew Hampshire-William E. Chandler and Jacob H. Gallinger. hold Thy sore chastening. Touch our hearts in sympathy with l{ew Jersey-Rufus Blodgett and John R. McPhersvn. suffering, and help us day by day to walk as the children of God North Oa1·olina-Zebulon B. Vance. ought to walk, conscious of our own mortality, with our faces JYO?·th Dakota-Lyman R. Casey and Henry C. Hansbrough. ever set toward the heavenly city. Ohio-Calvin S. Brice and John Sherman. Bless abundantly, we pray Thee, these Thy servants, dwelling Oregon-Joseph N. Dolph and John H. Mitchell. in each heart by_Thy Spirit. Upon the other House of Congress Pennsylvania-James Donald Cameron and MatthewS. Quay. pour very richly of heaven's benediction. Bless all the people Rhode Island-Nelson W. Aldrich and Nathan F. Dixon. of this land, 0 L01·d, whose industries Thou hast so richly re South Oa1·olina-M. C. Butler. warded. Exalt us more and more in righteousness among the South Dakota-James H. Kyle and R. F. Pettigrew nations. Preserve to us our Sabbath and our sanctuaries. Con ~Tennessee-William B. Bate and Isham G. Harris. tinue to bless all the agencies employed to enlighten and educate Texas-Richard Coke and Roger Q. Mills. and elevate this great nation, hastening the time when the reign Vermont-Jus tin S. Morrill. of the Prince of Peace shall come and men shall learn war no Virginia-John W. Daniel and Eppa Hutton. more. Washington-John B. Allen. Guide us by Thy divine counsel. Have us in Thy holy keep West Virginia-Charles J. Faulkner. ing. Give unto us richly of Thy peace. A Father's benediction Wisconsin-Philetus Sawyer and William F. Vilas. we crave from day to day, and we aslf all in the name of Christ, Wyorning-Joseph M. Carey. who hath taught us when we pray to say: ''Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will SENATOR FROM: VERMONT. be done upon earth as it is in heaven. Give us tl;lisdayour daily Mr. MORRILL presented the credentials of REDFIELDPROo bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tres TOR, chosen by the Legislature of the State of Vermont a Sena I • pass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us tor from that State to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, of George F. Edmunds in the term ending March 3, 1893. forever. Amen." The credentials were read. 1 \ ~ ... .._ ' ..... 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 5, . The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect will please come l!OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. forward and take the oath of office. Mr. PROCTOR was escorted to the Vice-President's desk by 1\foNDAY, Decem,ber 5, 1892. ·Mr. MORRILL, and the oath-prescribed by law having been ad This being the day desilmated by the Constitution for the an ministered to him he took his seat in the Senate. nual meeting of Congress,-the members of the House of Repre Mr. MORRILL presented the credentials of REDFIELD PROC sentatives assembled in their Hall for the second session of the TOR, elected by: the Legislature of the State of Vermont a Sena Fifty-second Congress. tor from that State for the term beginning March4, 1893; which At 12 o'clock noon, the Speaker, Hon. CHARLES F. CRISP, a were read and ordered to be filed. Representative from the State of Georgia, called the House to NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. order. Mr. SHERMAN submitted the following resolution; which PRAYER. was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: The Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D., offered the fol Resolved, That the Secretary inforn). the House o:f Representatives that a lowing prayer: quorum o! the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed to business. Almighty God, we devoutly bless Thee that through Thy good NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. providence so many of the members of this .House are brought Mr. HALE submitted the following resolution; which was con back to their places in safety and in health. Let Thy peace be sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: theirs, the peace of God which passeth understanding, control Resolved, That a committee consisting of two members be appointed, to ling their tempers and their tongues, keeping their minds and join such committee as may be appointed by the Hotise o:f Representatives, hearts in Thy knowledge and Thy love. Lift their thoughts to wait upon the President o:f the United States and inform him that a and wills to a level with the high dignity of the position to which quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive they have been called, and grant that they may be enabled to any communication he may be pleased to make. act wisely as they are summoned to enact laws and to adopt By unanimous consent, the Vic.e-President was authorized to measures for the safety, honor, and welfare of this great nation. appoint the committee on the part of the Senate; and Mr. HALE Protect them and their families from all perils to person, prop and Mr. GORMAN were appointed. erty, and reputation, and prosper them in all their ways: We HOUR OF MEETING. humbly beg. through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. Mr. MORRILL submitted the following resolution; which was CALL OF THE ROLL. considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Resolved, That the hour of the daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock The SPEAKER directed that the roll be called, when thefol meridian until otherwise ordered. lowing-named Members and Delegates responded: RECESS. ALABAMA. The VICE-PRESIDENT .. Wbatisthepleasureof theSenate? Hilary A. Herbert. William H. Forney. Mr. SHERMAN. I think, under the circumstances, in view William 0. Oates. Joseph Wheeler. of the probability that the President's message will not come in John H. Bankhead. J. E. Cobb. to-day, that the Senate had better adjourn until to-morrow. I ARKANSAS.· make that motion. William H. Cate. William L. Terry. Clifton R. Breckinridge. Samuel W. Peel. Mr. HARRIS. Does the SenatorfromOhiothink it i.s proper Thomas C. M:eRae. to adjourn until the committee has waited upon the Pt'esident and we have received his answer? CALIFORNIA. Mr. SHERMAN. As we are practically assured, by informa Eugene F. Loud. William W. Bowers. tion in the public prints, that no message will come in to-day, I CONNECTICUT. thought it hardly worth while to go through the form of re Lewis Sperry. Robert E. De Forest. maining in session . Charles A. Russell. Mr. HARRIS. I do not know that we can rely upon the in FLORIDA.. formation derived from the public prints. I suggest that we Stephen R. Mallory. Robert Bullock. take a recess and allow the committee to wait upon the Presi GEORGIA. dent and make its report. Rufus E. Lester. R. William Everett. Henry G.