
The Board of Deputies of


Dr Lionel Kopelowitz JP President

Eric Moonman MSc Senior Vice-President

His Honour Israel Finestein QC Vice-President

Jeffrey Pinnick FCA Treasurer

Hayim Pinner OBE Secretary General

Published by: The Board of Deputies of British Jews, Woburn House, Tavistock Square, WC1H OEZ. Telephone: 071-387 3952. Fax: 071-383 5848 Printed by: Freedman Bros (Printers) Ltd, St Albans Lane, London NW11 7QB. Telephone: 081-458 3220. Fax: 081-455 6860 INDEX

Page Page

1 President's Statement 2 10 Obituary-Mr Michael FidlerJP 34

2 Anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe 3 I I Obituary - Mr Myer Domnitz 36

3 Israel Tour 4 12 Central Enquiry Desk 37

4 The Year in Retrospect 6 13 B.O.D. Promotions Ltd 38

5 The Board of Deputies of 14 Board Statement on Israel 39

British Jews 8 I 5 Board Resolutions and Protests 40

6 Senior Staff 9 16 Board Resolutions and Protests 44

7 Notes on Committee Membership.... 10 17 Treasurer's Report 45

8 Executive Committee 11 18 Accounts and Balance Sheets 46

9 Committee Reports: 19 List of Constituencies and Organisations 53 a. Central Jewish Lecture 20 List of Subscribers 58 and information 12 21 Donations 61 b. Community Research Unit 14 22 Past Presidents of the Board 62 c. Jewish Defence and

Group Relations 16

d. Education and Youth 18

e. Finance 19

f. Foreign Affairs 20

g. Israel 24

h. Law, Parliamentary and

General Purposes 26

i. Provincial 28

j. Public Relations 30

k. Shechita 32

1. Yad Vashem Charitable Trust 33

1 PRESIDENT'S in the countries of Eastern STATEMENT Europe, where the freedom activities carried out by the to express oneself at grass- Board on behalf of the roots level is a new British Jewish community. phenomenon. In these Broadly speaking, all our circumstances, Jewish activities come under two communities are at risk if headings: economic circumstances are adverse, and therefore Jews "...if the reunification of a) The need to defend the must be keenly aware of the rights of the Jewish dangers existing within the Germany is inevitable community in this present situation. then there must be country at every level, and built-in safeguards to to maintain the security of The Board will continue to the Jewish community. plead the cause of these ensure that a new communities and to Germany will live b) To speak out effectively highlight their needs and on behalf of all those their problems to H.M. peacefully with all her other Jewish Government and to ..." communities, who are world at large. Furthermore, unable to speak up for the demand for a themselves. reunification ot Germany is a matter of major concern to This has been a most Jews everywhere, and if the exciting and challenging reunification of Germany is year. Political change in the inevitable then there must countries of Eastern Europe be built-in safeguards to has been swift, and the ensure that a new Germany changes have blown with will live peacefully with all the force of a hurricane. her neighbours, and that no Beginning with Poland, the country can be allowed to changes in political feel at risk or exposed as a structure spread to East consequence. Our tasks are Germany, then to absolutely clear, and we will , and be failing in our duty, both subsequently to Romania. to the martyrs of the past, These changes have also and to generations yet affected the Soviet Union. unborn, if we do not speak out loud and clear. There can be no doubt whatsoever that the force of I commend this Report to change has been encouraged every Jew and to all both by travel and by interested in Jewish affairs• television. People from the Eastern European countries LIONEL KOPELOWITZ have seen the facilities President available in the West, and the scenes on television have encouraged the movements for liberation from one country to another. We arc now witnessing the total disintegration of the post- war European settlement as it was determined at Yalta 45 years ago, in January 1945.

Changing governments do not necessarily mean changing living conditions, and we arc now living through a transition period ANTI-SEMITISM IN Fascism has begun to crawl and he says that the EASTERN EUROPE out of the woodwork 111 the campaign for reunification wake of the collapse of the is growing stronger each Eric Moonman communis): regimes in day. Senior Vice-President Eastern Europe. For example, over 500 neo- Whatever route the Nazis turned out at a Germans take in the future, "These past twelve demonstration in Leipzig to have we in Britain got any months have been the demand a reunified relevant answers to the Germany. Though they German people's demands busiest time for my were shouted down with and desires? Commission on chants of "Nazis out" from sections of a large crowd Anti-Semitism within I suggest that this is an issue they were still able to put we shall have to explore, the European Jewish themselves at the head of the calmly and thoroughly over demonstration. Congress." the next year. The Board of Deputies Executive In East Germany last year, Committee has already IRST, the reports from there were over 200 begun to examine the major Findividual countries recorded incidents of rascist policy issue involved, but a highlight that antisemitism incitement and antisemitic more fundamental has not left the European daubings. examination is required. scene. The high level of There is no doubt that East recorded incidents This situation is almost no Germans are crossing the continues. In Britain, the better in Hungary and border to the West with Defence Department at the Poland, nor is antisemitism much spirit and Board of Deputies does a rejected by Poland's Roman determination. Their fine job in monitoring, and Catholic Church. In reasons for doing so is only drawing attention to, the particular, Cardinal Glemp partly due to their rejection wide range of attacks on launched a bitter attack on of the ideology of Jewish people and the Jewish community at the communism, but it is very institutions. Jewish protests about the much to do with their deep- Carmelite Convent at felt desire for an improved Auschwitz. The Cardinal's standard of living for In France, there has been the angry words did not make themselves and their most dramatic rise of for good relations. families. antisemitic incidents, stimulated by the activities of M Le Pen, the National Whilst writing this report, I In all these matters, the Front leader, whose obscene have spoken to Ignatz Bubis, Board, on behalf of British fascist views and behaviour the leader of the Jewish Jewry, has something to say in the French National community in Frankfurt, and do• Assembly, the European Parliament and also on the streets greatly concerns the community. The other reason for the increase is the 'scapegoat' practice in blaming all who appear to be 'foreigners', whether North African or Jewish.

But the main area of concern in Western Europe has been the dramatic political and social change in the Eastern sector and the issues thrown up by the likely reunification of Germany.

3 THE ISRAEL TOUR HROUGHOUT the condition of Israel's by Israel Finestein T week beginning 27 information services and the December 1989, a group of public relations of the Vice-President deputies, accompanied in Zionist movement most cases by their spouses, generally. It was clear that were engaged in a busy and the need for reappraisal and exciting schedule. The tour expanded resources was was under the auspices of widely appreciated. the Board's Israel Committee in co-operation The celebrated Michael with the Development and Elkins addressed us with Community Services typical pungency and deep Department of the WZO. understanding, on the mood of the country. Another Everyone gained new and journalist who visited our sometimes unexpected hotel as part of the insights into the life and programme was Ziad Abu thinking of Israelis in varied Zayyad, a prominent walks of life. member of the Arab Council for Public Affairs. At private meetings with He addressed us on "The many leading politicians, Peace Process — A ranging in outlook from PM Palestinian Perspective". Mr Mr Itzhak Shamir to Mrs Abu Zayyad responded to Shulamit Alloni, the vigorous questioning with questions and replies were courtesy and sometimes usually frank and with diplomatic skill. I uninhibited. We arrived in chaired this session and it the middle of a Cabinet became obvious to me that crisis. Somehow, all the the visitor greatly welcomed appointments with us were the chance to hear Deputies' kept by public figures, opinions as well as expound despite being closely his own. involved in the ceaseless negotiations, including Mr The most heated encounter Shamir, Mr Shimon Peres was with Mr Gerald Butt of and Dr Moshe Arens. the BBC and Mr Ian Black of "". One of "Many members of the One of the main subjects in the points they made was the our discussions again and pressure upon them in many party regarded this again was the expected cases to produce instant blossoming of the desert, influx of Jews from the reports at short notice and Soviet Union, and the with limited time for which has proved so requirements which this presentation. They were left valuable to Israel's imposed upon Israel and the in no doubt of the Jewish world. widespread Jewish responses economy and standing, to some of the media as a kind 0J epitome Among the topics presentations, including frequently raised with theirs. of the entire tour. " concern by Deputies was the THE ISRAEL TOUR There was a striking contrast of the party regarded this one day between the analysis blossoming of the desert, by Dr Yaacov Cohen, a which has proved so leading member of the valuable to Israel's economy Economic Affairs and standing, as a kind of Department of the Foreign epitome of the entire tour. Ministery, of Israel's Some felt that Perlmutter's Planning for 1992 in the personality dominated the fields of manufacture and week. commerce, and our guided tour of the ancient tunnels There were also some and halls under the Western agreeable receptions, which Wall. To bestride a couple added to the enjoyment as of millenia in an afternoon well as the practical value of was an experience which the tour. In particular, we will not be forgotten. were welcomed at the Beit Another contrast, so typical Hanassi by President Chaim of the Israel scene and of Herzog, who dealt Jewish experience generally, engagingly and impressively was the combination of a with a series of current visit within a day to the issues which were raised exciting development town with him by Deputies. Our of Beit Shemesh (where we reception at the British were shown round a factory Olim Society enabled us to and lunched at an meet old friends, as also did impressive centre for the more formal reception at socially handicapped young the spacious residence of the people) and our inevitable British ambassador Mr Mark attendance upon the great Elliott, where many Israelis Yad Vashem memorials. were among the guests. Mr and Mrs Hyam Morrison, One of the highlights on the long-standing friends of journey south (where we many of us, entertained the visited Qumran and the tour party to a delightful nearby important Dead Sea evening in their elegant works) was our meeting home. with Professor Menachem Pearlmutter, an agricultural The Deputies in the party engineer of world renown. were of different age groups At Neot Hakikar, a moshav and a diversity of points of in the Arava, he view on many matters. We demonstrated to us in words were all united in the and in the fields the newest common bond of Jewish irrigation and agricultural attachment and Israel techniques which have orientation. It was a superb made that area a model for week, including the well- production to other parts of earned Shabbat• the world. Many members

5 THE YEAR A (jQ/j was m many opening of the Solomon IN RETROSPECT 198X y O 9y ways an annus Mikhoels Centre and in mirabilis. It will rank in March went to Jerusalem for world history with 1789, a Solidarity Conference, 1848/49 and perhaps even convened by P.M. Shamir. 1939. Events in Eastern and In the same month, Central Europe as well as in President Gorbachev visited the Middle East London and the Board overshadowed and submitted a memorandum influenced all our activities. to Mrs Thatcher on Soviet Jewry. The President spoke "The Board was to face, It was a year in which the to Mr Shevednaze at No 10 Downing Street, on the during the year, the Board and its Officers and Committees, elected in need to re-establish Soviet- problem of how to react 1988, got well into their Israel diplomatic relations. The Board led a broad to a "moderate" PLO stride and immersed themselves in a welter of campaign to canvass which claimed to have activities on behalf of the candidates in advance of the community and beyond. elections to the European recognised Israel, without Parliament. changing its covenant... " The year began with the now traditional Israel An issue which continued to Mission which even veteran arouse Jewish passions was participants agreed was the the presence of the best of its kind so far. Carmelite Convent in Meetings with the President, Auschwitz. Many the Prime Minister, Foreign representations were made Minister, leaders of virtually and Cardinal Hume and the all groups and visits to many Polish Ambassador were parts of the country, most helpful. By the end of provided an insight into the the year, and following a problems which the Jewish meeting between Sir State faced in the light of Sigmund Sternberg, a senior relentless hostility from member of the Board, and Arab sources. Cardinal Joszef Glemp, Primate of Poland, The Board was to face, agreement was reached for during the year, the problem the removal of the Convent of how to react to a and the establishment of a "moderate" PLO which multi-faith centre. claimed to have recognised Israel, without changing its A major issue was that of covenant, and renounced Nazi War Criminals in terrorism whilst continuing Britain. The report by Sir to attack innocent civilians — Thomas Hetherington and Jews and Arabs alike - Mr William Chalmers was within and outside the positive, its unpublished framework of the Intifada. section devastating. A debate in the Lords proved The leadership of the Board disappointing, but the held meetings with Commons voted government at the highest overwhelmingly for action level, met Ambassadors and and it looked as if, after 40 received important guests in years, some of the surviving public and in private. In mass murderers would be February the President brought to the bar of British visited Moscow for the justice in the early 1990s. THE YEAR IN RETROSPECT

Changing times . . . Mikhail Chlenou from Moscow representing Jewish organisations in the USSR, attends an LJC meeting for the first time. He is seen here with Dr Lionel Kopelowitz in London.

The Board's international discussions with Oxfam , were activities included meetings, about an anti-Israel but a few of the issues dealt receptions and lunches with document which was with. The "Jewish Way of the West German Foreign effectively withdrawn, anti- Life" exhibition continued Minister, the Chief Rabbis missionary activities and of to be shown and "Weeks of of Romania and South course, constant scrutiny Welcome" took place in a Africa, Poland's Lech and representations on number of synagogues for Walesa and the President of media matters. A "Desert the first time with the France. Some of the Island Discs" programme support of the Commission representations went with Lady Diana Mosley as for Racial Equality. beyond the normal Jewish castaway was postponed concerns. The Board three times and evoked great Alas, the Board did not commented on events in controversy. obtain a Community Radio Peking, genocide practised Licence for North London, on Kurds and the fate and Letters to the press were but negotiations were future of the Vietnamese legion and an excellent completed for LBC to host Boat people in Hong Kong. Board supplement appeared "You Don't Have To Be in the "Jewish Chronicle". Jewish", the popular radio The Board continued to be A meeting with Mrs Helen programme presented for active in WJC with the Suzman was a pleasant the past twenty years by President serving as head of interlude and the Board Michael Freedland. The European Jewish Congress. reiterated its opposition to Board's Charity shops were He made many forays in that Apartheid and racialism of active and the Central capacity. A particularly sad all kinds. Enquiry Desk dealt with occasion was his attendance thousands of queries on a at the funeral of Professor Education and the new core staggering variety of topics. Wybrand in , a curriculum exercised our leader of Belgium's Jewish attention, as did the teaching What was in many ways a community shot down by of World War II and the difficult year, full of terrorists. It was a poignant Holocaust in English uncertainty and anxiety, reminder of the need for schools. A booklet by Dr ended with a Gala evening at continuing security, a John P. Fox was published. the Banqueting Hall, burden which the Board There was a discussion in Whitehall, in honour of Sir continued to bear for British the Executive on the Jewish Isaiah Berlin and with Jewry. view of the environment and preparations in hand for a a paper 011 the cultural Front visit to the Board by the There were many domestic was considered. Continued Prime Minister. 1990 was to matters to be dealt with. involvement with the mark the 230th Anniversary New regulations for Council of Christians and of the Board's Shechita were scrutinised Jews, the Inter-Faith establishment• and negotiations with the Network, links with other Ministry of Agriculture were minority groups and the lengthy. We helped launching of a broad survey HAYIM PINNER, OBE safeguard Shechita in of the Jewish Community of Secretary General Sweden. There were

7 THE BOARD OF ...maintains contact with DEPUTIES Jewish communities around the world, supports / ״ affect the Jewish OF BRITISH campaigns for Soviet Jewry, community, helps to JEWS for Jews in Arab lands and administer Sunday Trading The Board represents, defends for others who suffer and Marriage Laws, defends and serves the Jewish discrimination, injustice and Shechita. community distress. ...collects statistical and demographic information ...exposes anti-Semitic and and conducts surveys to racist activities and helps to enable essential forward preserve the democratic planning to take place. nature of British society.

...deals with all matters that ...supports our youth, affect the relationship defends Jewish students on between ourselves and the campus and monitors trends State of Israel, presents in education. Israel to the wider community and answers her ...develops contacts with critics at all levels. the wider community, providing them with ...counters biased coverage information about the of matters concerning Jews Jewish community — its life, in the media and ensures history and beliefs• that Jews enjoy the unfettered rights of all Britsh citizens.

...presents the facts about the Jewish community to the country at large and is its voice to the Government and other public authorities.

BBC interview at the Foreign Office immediately after the officers met Mr Wahiegrave. 6

Presentation at Buckingham Palace: Hayim Pinner, Secretary General of the Board, was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in the Queen's 1989 Birthday Honours List.


Hayim Pinner - Secretary General

David Massel - General Administration, Law, Parliamentary & General Purposes Committee, Provincial Committee, Shechita Committee

Edmond Cohen - All Aboard Charity Shops, B.O.D. Promotions Ltd

Dr Jack Gerwitz - Foreign Affairs Committee

Rona Hart - Israel Committee, Public Relations Committee

Laurie Rosenberg - Central Jewish Lecture & Information Committee, Education & Youth Committee, Yad Vashem Committee of the UK

Marlena Schmool - Community Research Unit

Gus Swerner - Finance Committee


Plenary session of the Board, Woburn House, November 1989. Visitors are welcomed and may view from the balcony

ommittees were elected in July 1988 for a period of three years, and by-elections to fill vacancies Cwere held in November 1988 and November 1989.

The number of meetings held during 1989 is shown after the name of each Committee, and ot the number of attendances recorded by each member appears after his or her name. The number is given as a fraction if membership commenced during the year.

The Honorary Officers are members of all Committees and their names do not appear in the Committee

An * indicates a co-opted member, co-options having been made at various times since the Triennial Session commenced.


(10 meetings) Raymond Kalman (8)

*Marcus Bower (7/8) Menny Klausner (10)

Lt. CI. Mordaunt Cohen (4) *Steven Kurer (6/8)

Zina Cohen (8) Harold Langdon (9)

Michael Fidler, JP (deceased) Wally Leaf (9)

Sidney Frosh, JP (6) Jerry Lewis (10)

Vera Goodman (9) Eleanor Lind, QC (4)

Alan Grant (8) *Victor Lucas (7/8)

Percy Gourgey, MBE (8) Harry Rich (8)

Aryeh Handler (8) Aubrey Rose, OBE (7)

Ben Helfgott (4) Martin Savitt (5)

June Jacobs (10) Ronald Shelley (8)

Greville Janner, QC, MP (6) Ruth Winston-Fox, JP (5) CENTRAL JEWISH exhibition attracts large LECTURE AND numbers of both adults and Jewish Lecture and children and acts as a vital INFORMATION Information Committee are educational and cultural aid COMMITTEE the contacts with the to mterfaith understanding. non-Jewish world, and we are very much engaged in JEWISH LONDON explaining Judaism in a TOURS COMMITTEE positive manner to the wider In 1989, Jewish London MEMBERS community. The help of Tours continued to be a volunteers for this essential (5 meetings) popular and vital activity. and rewarding work is Over 35 tours were Chairman greatly appreciated. organized to various places Ronald Shelley, (5) of interest in the community Vice-Chairman INTERFAITH and all groups experienced Michael Harris, (5) In addition to support of the the pleasure of good Jewish *Jack Album (4) Council of Christians and food! Tour participants Edward Goodfriend (2) Jews and other interfaith ranged from school parties Raphael Hart (5) activities, the most exciting to groups of nuns. There is Harry Kardo (4) new venture during the year always demand for these popular tours, but they have Jean Karsberg (3) was the "Week of Welcome" to be limited with regard to Gabriel Lancaster (5) in co-operaton with the PR Committee organized the number of tour leaders *Clifford Lawton (5) simultaneously at five available. Betty Manners (4) synagogues: EALING US, Sion Mehdi (2) KENTON US, NORTH- PUBLICATIONS AND August de Mesquita (4) WEST REFORM, PAMPHLETS Aubrey Rose, OBE (2) COCKFOSTERS & During the year, over 25,000 Marilyne Rose (2) SOUTHGATE US and pamphlets were distributed Carl Rosen (5) WIMBLEDON REFORM to interested parties. In Jennifer Sampson (2) in November 1989 with a addition, the Committee has Jo Velleman (3) cultural and educational been directly involved in Syma Weinberg (2) programme, supported by assisting the Association of Ruth Winston-Fox, JP (2) an exhibition, primarily for Jewish Teachers in the 1 vacancy the benefit of the launch of "The Guide to non-Jewish community and Jewish Educational as part of our interfaith Resources", an excellent activities. The "Week of publication which will be of Welcome" is a project which immense value to should well be repeated. educationalists throughout The financial support by the the country interested in Commission for Racial Jewish matters. Equality is much appreciated. SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS JEWISH WAY OF The Committee's plans for a LIFE EXHIBITION register of speakers and The Jewish Way of Life refresher courses for Exhibition continues to be a competent speakers did not focal point for both Jews and materialise but still remain members of the wider part of the policy of the community wherever it is Committee. Many exhibited. It has been shown individual members of the in Lincoln, Bromley and Committee carried out Leicester and plans have speaking engagements to already been made for York, the non-Jewish community Bracknell, Chatham and throughout the year. Glasgow in 1990. The CONCLUSION The year has been difficult for the department due to lack of staff. Mrs. Paula Leaman left in June 1989 to have a baby (and has not been replaced) and Mr. Stuart Polak left in August 1989 to take up another communal post. It must be stressed that the role of the Executive Director is essential to the fulfilment of the Committee's aims and objectives and the efforts of Mr. Stuart Polak up to August 1989 and his personal involvement with the non-Jewish community should be appreciated by the Board as a whole. Credit must be given to Ms. Rochelle Gladstone and A Jewish London Tour visits Rosh Pinah Primary School, Edgware Mrs. Esme Daniels for coping so well during the year•

13 COMMUNITY Councils in Manchester, RESEARCH UNIT Bournemouth and Sheffield British Jewry, the Unit the Chairman referred to the provides information to implications of both the Jewish and general demographic change for the COMMITTEE communities. This aspect of community. During the year MEMBERS its work is reflected in the the Director spoke on Eric Moonman, Chairman volume and variety of migratory patterns of the London Jewish community, *Dr Ann Abel enquiries it receives. These ranged in 1989 from on the changing position of Professor Geoffrey Alderman questions about the number women in communal life, Alan Conway of Jews in Barnet who might and on the population Dr Hilary Curtis require a special pre-Pesach structure of British Jewry. *Professor Derek Diamond refuse collection to queries Results of work completed Leslie Gatoff from undergraduates about when Professor Stanley Dr Mervyn Goodman contemporary Jewish living Waterman was a consultant *Arnold Gould in Britain and Jewish to the Unit appeared this *Professor S J Gould immigration to the year when Queen Mary Salmond S Levin, OBE Midlands since the 1930s. College published his paper "Jews in an Outer London *Dr Vivien D Lipman, CVO Where it can the Unit answers these questions: in Borough: Barnet". Dr Steve Miller other cases, acting as a *Spencer Nathan clearing-house, it refers the *Professor Aubrey Newman Liaison with national and questionner on. Robert Owen international institutions continued. The Unit devised *Renee Short Dissemination of findings is the questionnaire to be used Ruth Winston-Fox, JP included in the Unit's brief, at an outreach meeting for *Denotes member is not a and fulfilled by open intermarrieds at the Deputy meetings, by lectures to Sternberg Centre. This co- research and adult education operative venture will, for groups given by the the first time, look at the Executive Director, and by attitudes and social milieu of publications. A Symposium Jews with non-Jewish on "Jews in the Year 2000" partners. Further was held at Hampstead consultancies have included Garden Suburb Synagogue a study of youth leaders and in April with Dr Steve Miller madrichim (for the Youth joining the Chairman and and Hechalutz Department), Director on the panel. In exploratory research about talks to the Representative Jews in Hackney (for the

"As the main social research centre in British Jewry, the Unit provides information to both the Jewish and general communities." COMMUNITY Jewish Welfare Board) and hand and involved building RESEARCH UNIT guidelines for a local a data-base of some 23,000 community study (for the deaths' records with Birmingham Representative information provided by 120 Council). different institutions. Other studies embarked on Termly academic seminars included "Synagogue have been held at City Membership 1989" and University concentrating on "Provision of Facilities in methodological and cross- Small Communities" cultural issues. Dr Barry undertaken in conjunction Shenker asked "Is Anglo- with the Board's Provincial Jewry an Ethnic Committee. Community?" Vassilios Mavrou spoke on "Ethnic Background work for the Jews as a percentage of total population Business in : the proposed study of Cypriot Example" and Dr for the London Boroughs of Hackney, Redbridge Manchester Jewish Lewis Glinert gave a paper Population continued. and Barnet on "Teaching their Children Efforts concentrated on Yiddish: Language and developing grant A Identity among the Ultra- applications to be submitted BARNET Orthodox". to the EEC and the

Borough = 16.9% Economic and Social In addition to the annual Research Council with the compilation of synagogue support of the local marriage and communal committee and The City death statistics, the Unit University. The Telephone began co-ordinating data on Pilot Study, begun in divorce (Gittin) and on male October 1988, was births (brit milah). As with completed. This tested all vital statistics enquiries communal receptiveness to the Unit ensures that all telephone interviewing.

1. Childs Hill sections ot the community More than half the group of 2. Edgware are involved. This principle Manchester Jewry 3. Finchley approached were ready to 4. Garden Suburb was rigorously adhered to in 5. Golders Green the major studies identify themselves as Jewish 6. Hale undertaken this year. The over the phone auguring 7. Hendon 8. Totteridge re-estimation of the British well, in statistical terms, for 9. West Hendon 1981 Boundaries Jewish population for the future research• period 1984-88 was put in

Percentage of Jews HACKNEY Borough = 13.78% 35% and over

25% - 34.9%

15% -24.9%

5% - 14.9%

0% - 4.9%

0 miles 2 1. Aldborough 3. Clayhall 1. Downs 4. Northfleld Lea Bridge 5. Northwold .2 1 י I 2. Barkingside 4. Cranbrook 0 km 2 1971 1971 Boundaries Boundaries 3. New River 6. Springfield

15 JEWISH DEFENCE & Lockerbie disaster and the extremists still referring to GROUP RELATIONS assassination of Professor "The Satanic Verses" as a Wybrand, the President of Jewish plot against Islam. COMMITTEE the Belgian Jewish Together with the growth of Community, were only two anti-Zionism promoted by of the tragedies arising from the same Fundamentalists, COMMITTEE the Middle East conflict. there is a real danger for long-term Moslem/Jewish MEMBERS Further tragedies will have relations, which the Board (11 meetings) been averted by the actions through its inter-faith work Chairman of the German, Danish and seeks to improve. Raymond Kalman, (10) Spanish police in Martin Cohen, (10) uncovering major arms and Extremist Moslem students *Stuart Arbisman (9) explosives stockpiles during continued to promote anti- Moss Amias (10) the course of the year. The Zionism on British Eric Briskman (2) huge quantities found campuses and the Union of would indicate that it is *Peter Conway (5) Jewish Students have spent likely they were for use in the year resisting and 111 Dennis Creeger (6) more than one country, with many cases taking the Alfred Crossick (6) Jewish communities among initiative. In May, Arab Nat Dykierman (9) the possible targets. students at UMIST *Alan Etherton (3) overturned the Jewish Jack Gayer (5) Extreme Moslem and Arab Society's stall and assaulted Joe Gellert (3) organisations met twice the students manning it. *Lotte Green-Lubett (5) during the latter half of 1989, That the universities in Gabe Marks (8) significantly in Tehran, and Manchester are a centre for *Jonny Mendelsohn (1) held talks with Iranian Fundamentalist activity was Philip Mishon (6) Government given further proof by the Lawrie Nerva (5) representatives. One expulsion in December of Leon Newmark (7) purpose of such contacts three students. Manuel Rabstein (4) could be the co-ordination Ronald Stekel (7) of further outrages aimed at During the course of the frustrating Israel/Arab/ *Peter Style (4) year four items of literature, Palestinian negotiations. Roderick Taylor (5) (two of them produced Previous attempts by these within the UK Moslem Alan Tyler (5) groups to stop the PLO's Community) were referred Saul Veeder (3) diplomatic initiative have to the Attorney General's Henry Morris (8) included attacks on Jewish Office on the grounds that Ex-offuio communities in Europe. they breached the Race Relations legislations. The The Board's application to Board has become ever- have Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, more concerned at the Law the anti-Jewish (and anti- Officers failure to prosecute HE Defence and Christian) South African racist literature and it is with TGroup Relations Moslem agitator, barred this in mind, that a sub- Department continues to from UK entry, was Committee has been monitor and combat anti- unsuccessful as he holds established jointly with the Semitism in the United British citizenship. Law and Parliamentary Kingdom. The Board's Although his message is Committee under the Community Security condemned by responsible Chairmanship of Eldred Organisation is responsible Moslem leaders, his two Tabachnik QC to pursue the for defence and security visits drew large crowds feasability of promoting within the Jewish around the country. Group Libel legislation. Community and monitors However, and in response to a request from Greville the activities of those The Salman Rushdie affair Janner MP for their opinion, opposed to the Community continues to dominate the the Committee decided The threat of terrorism Moslem Community in increased in 1989; the Great Britain, with Islamic JEWISH DEFENCE & against supporting any Mason of the Anti- GROUP RELATIONS amendment to the Public Apartheid Movement; and Order Act to allow the Philip Rubenstein of the COMMITTEE Home Secretary to ban All-Party Parliamentary War rallies and static meetings on Crimes Group (twice). the grounds that the Police have sufficient powers at Various synagogues, local their disposal already. Jewish communities, Jewish schools and B'nai B'rith The latter half of the year lodges were addressed by saw an upsurge in anti- members of the Jewish right-wing activity Department. and with it the distribution of racist and anti-Semitic A submission was made on literature. The Crown the Committee's behalf, Prosecution Service has now which formed the section on "The Salman Rushdie affair agreed to prosecute the "racially or religiously distributors of "Holocaust offensive material" of the continues to dominate the News" under the terms of Board's paper to the Moslem Community in the Malicious Broadcasting Standards Communications Act but Council. Great Britain, with Islamic only if there is any further extremists still referring to large scale distribution of The Department was able to the magazine. assist the Police and the "The Satanic Verses" as a landlords in stopping the Jewish plot against Islam." The successful campaign to sale of neo-Nazi have War Crime legislation memorabilia by shops in the enacted occupied much of Carnaby and Riding House the year and the Board Streets. In particular the played a leading role in this. activities of the Blood and A backlash is expected as the Honour skinhead group and enabling legislation and Andrew Benjamin, the then possible war crimes Jewish retailer of the trials take place. memorabilia and promoter of their concerts, were The Department was also curtailed. concerned to strengthen the Board's general anti-Racist The campaign to force stand by increasing the Oxfam to withdraw its involvement with such biased and inaccurate report organisations as the Anti- on the Palestinians was Apartheid Movement's successful, but we remain Multi-Faith Committee, the concerned by the ease with Commission for Racial which false reports on the Equality and Community Middle East situation, its Relations Councils. history and background, are circulated and accepted at To this end the following face value particularly by the guest speaker addressed the media. Revisionist history in Committee during the all its many different forms course of the year; Dr is likely to pose an Margaret Brearley, Senior increasingly greater Fellow at the Centre for the problem as we go into the Study of Judaism and Jewish 1990s and as memories of Christian Relations on "The the Holocaust, its aftermath New Age"; Canon J. and the re-birth of the State Richardson, Secretary of Israel, recede• General of the CCJ; Cedric

17 EDUCATION & YOUTH The Committee has also COMMITTEE been concerned to learn of Committee is "keeping the content of certain abreast of new and proposed courses being held at school legislation affecting and university level on the COMMITTEE education" and "to Arab/Israeli question. The MEMBERS safeguard statutory rights of danger of bias and (8 meetings) Jewish children and propaganda in such courses has been drawn to the Chairman students". The Committee has been concerned during attention of the bodies Alan Grant, (4) the year with the impact of concerned. It is envisaged Vice-Chairman the recent Education that this problem will Gerald Cass, (6) Reform Acts. persist. *Jacqueline Alexander (2) Deborah Barnett (1) Of particular concern is the A number of cases have David Clark (6) area of Religious Education been drawn to the Dr. Hilary Curtis (4) and Collective Worship. Committee's attention of Clive Feigenbaum (0) The Committee has been students being prejudiced by involved in nominations of examinations falling on one Prof. Ludwik Finkelstein representatives to the of the Yamim Tovim. (3) Standing Advisory Generally speaking, David Finlay (6) Committee for Religious alternative arrangements Leslie Gatoff (5) Education. It is proposed to have been secured and Jane Harris (1) hold a meeting with the calendar 1989-2000 has been SACRE representatives and widely circulated which it is Jeremy Lawrence (0) to work out guide lines so as hoped should largely deal Michael Lewis (5) to ensure that there is an with the problem. Delia Marmor (4) agreed policy on major Maurice Owen (6) issues arising out of the This report can merely give Naomi Pearlman, JP (4) legislation. a broad view of some of the Betty Segalov (2) issues the Committee Paul Westbrook (3) The legislation requires to tackled during the year. be carefully monitored and They are ongoing matters Sion Mehdi (Ex-officio) (3) certain aspects as, for which are likely to be with 1 vacancy example, the holding of us during the coming year. Jewish assemblies and withdrawal from R.E., have As this report is being "Representations have also already resulted in written, matters are well in representations being made hand for a "Youth" Debate. been made with respect to heads of schools. It is hoped that this will act to the National Curriculum, as a catalyst for practical Representations have also proposals which can then be particularly in relation to been made with respect to initiated and pursued. the proposed omission oj the National Curriculum, particularly in relation to the No report for 1989 could the Holocaust..." proposed omission of the end without a tribute to Mr Holocaust from the modern Stuart Polak, Executive history course. Likewise, the Director, who left during omission of Modern the year. His input into the Hebrew from the DES Committee and its work was paper on Modern tremendous. We wish him Languages resulted in a well in his new position and successful protest by the look forward to an equally Committee. successful period with his successor Mr Laurie Rosenberg• ALAN GRANT Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE reminders were sent, Benefactors would be comparing performance at approached to endow such a intervals during the year building, as the with expectations. Headquarters of the Anglo- Jewish Community, housing COMMITTEE MEMBERS Kurt Gottschalk (5) Despite vigorous efforts the Board and providing a Geoffrey Harris (5) (7 meetings) through Deputies and "clearing house" of Chairman Arthur Hill (6) meetings with communities, information on all Jewish Jeffrey Pinnick, Maurice Michaels (3) the level of income was yet organisations and activities Vice-Chairman Felix Mitchell (5) again disappointing and in this country. Allan Conway, (7) Roger Morris (3) recommendations were Dr. Martin Been (1) *Martin Peters (2) made to increase the per B.O.D. PROMOTIONS Ernest Bello (4) Josef Reid (2) capita Commual Levy LTD charge to £15 per annum Henry Clifford (5) Paul Shrank (7) The Committee has (for each synagogue Stanley Frankfurt (2) Cynthia Taub (4) responsibility for the member entitled to vote in Michael Gee (7) Leo Winter (4) financial operation of the the elections for Deputies). Alistair Glickman (5) 1 vacancy Board's promotional company, whose activities The Committee were are detailed in a separate strongly of the view that an report. alternative method for HE Committee's main collection of the Communal The Subscriber Scheme, TT task has been, as in Levy should be sought. "All Aboard" Charity Shops, previous years, the Discussions were being held the Annual Report, Jewish monitoring of income and with synagogal Chronicle Supplement and expenditure. Its detailed organisations and fund-raising events, were all consideration of this overall independent synagogues, to monitored, and the responsibility is delegated to seek their agreement to Committee were most sub-committees which deal accept responsibility for the encouraged by the with the regular control and payment to the Board, with increasing level of financial consideration of particular either the synagogue support being received from matters, which are then organisation or the these activities. reported back to the full individual synagogue itself committee at its periodic arranging its own method of COMMUNITY meetings. collection from its FUNDING SCHEME membership. It was Consideration was given to recognised that there were The work of the sub- the possibility of initiating many obstacles to this committees relates to the moves within the proposal, but discussions following aspects of the Community for a would be pursued to effect Board's financial affairs. co-ordinated Funding such an arrangement, which Scheme. It was agreed that would be the most effective BUDGET ultimate acceptance of such and efficient as far as the This is set at the beginning a proposal, which was Board was concerned. of each year and monitored generally agreed to be at regular intervals. beneficial and desirable, PREMISES would be a lengthy process In view of the very large The possibility of the Board but, nevertheless, a start deficit incurred in 1988, having to find alternative should be made. substantial economies in premises, ifWoburn House expenditure were effected at was no longer to be Outline proposals for such a the beginning of the year available, was considered. It scheme and a timetable for and maintained during the was recommended that if its progressive year. Actual expenditure for such circumstances arose, implementation, from an the year was lower than the Board should find initial stage of gathering forecast and such reduction accommodation in• Central information to the ultimate will be maintained in 1990. London, suitable for its own stage of a "community staff and committee chest" arrangement, were COMMUNAL LEVY requirements. Outside halls being drafted and it was Targets were set for every would be hired for the hoped to circulate this paper Community represented on Plenary sessions or larger and promote the concept, the Board and regular meetings. early in 1990•

19 FOREIGN EASTERN Soviet delegates there were AFFAIRS EUROPE some 150 Jewish delegates from abroad, including COMMITTEE representatives of the Jewish Agency for Israel and the historic changes in the . countries of Eastern Europe. COMMITTEE The symbolic Iron Curtain Great Britain was which clanged shut during represented by delegates MEMBERS the Stalinist reign of terror - from the National Council (9 meetings) with echoes of the campaign for Soviet Jewry, which is against "rootless Chairman closely associated with the cosmopolitanism", the Board of Deputies. June Jacobs (9) infamous Doctors Plot, Vice-Chairman Slansky trial and the purge But there were clouds on the Jonathan Arkush (8) of Jews from public life — horizon still. In the wake of Sidney Assor (6) was finally dismantled. glasnost has come a Walter Bentley (8) recrudescence of Frank Brandenburger (8) The new "in" words, glasnost antisemitism in the form of Pamyat, a throw-back to the Harold Cowan (4) and perestroika signified revolutionary changes not pogromist Black Hundreds Alfred Dunitz JP (4) only in the Soviet Union but that terrorized Russian Jews Renzo Fantoni (5) throughout the Communist in the twilight of the Tzarist *John Fenner (1) bloc. The change to a more regime. In Romania and (deceased) open, democratic way of life Hungary there loomed *Rochelle Gold (3) was bound to have threats from long dormant remnants of pre-war fascist Danny Handler (5) important repercussions for Eastern European Jewry. movements. Unlike the Barbara Harding (4) west, Jews in Eastern *Steven Hilsum (6) In the Soviet Union itself, Europe lacked organised Raiejager (7) the "Prisoners ofZion", structures to combat anti- The Ladyjanner CBE, JP, (7) who had been prevented semitism, a Moscow Jewish *Bernard Krichefski (2) from emigrating to Israel, cultural activist Mr. Mikhail Chlenov told a joint Victor Leigh (1/1) were allowed to do so. meeting of the FAC and the Jack Lennard (1/1) Emigration restrictions were eased for some 300,000 Jews NCJS. Mr. Chlenov also *Michael May (5) who sought to emigrate to made history as the first Robert Owen (8) Israel and the west. Soviet Jew to attend a *William Rawlinson, CBE, (6) session of the European Jewish Congress. Dr Stephen Roth (5) The remaining two and a Martin Savitt (3) half to three million Soviet Colin Shindler (1) Jews could expect to benefit On the refusenik front, too, from the new tolerance the situation was clouded by being shown to national and uncertainty. A meeting in ethnic minorities. Jewish between Mr. cultural associations were Jonathan Arkush of the "The new "in" words, emerging with the apparent Foreign Affairs Committee glasnost and perestroika approval of the and Dr. Yuri Reshetov, a Government. The Riga high ranking official in the signified revolutionary Conference of Jewish Soviet Foreign Affairs changes not only in the Cultural Associations last Ministry, revealed that the May was followed by a much vaunted liberalisation Soviet Union but larger conference in of emigration restrictions Moscow in December, would not affect those Jews throughout the attended by 800 delegates who were prevented from Communist bloc." representing thousands of emigrating on spurious cultural activists throughout grounds of "security" or the USSR. In addition to the "secrecy". FOREIGN The turning of a blind eye CARMELITE AFFAIRS by Soviet authorities to CONVENT provocations by anti-semitic COMMITTEE The Geneva agreement of organisations and the denial 1987 signed by the of the right to emigrate to representatives of the so-called "security risks" European Jewish Congress constitute serious and four cardinals continued impediments to the holding to be monitored. of the Human Rights Conference in Moscow in The extended date of July 1991. The Board of 22, 1989 came and went with Deputies, along with other little sign of change. There main representative Jewish were appeals to the Papal organisations in Europe and Nuncio, special prayers on the Americas, will oppose the Fast ofTammuz and a the holding of the meeting took place between conference in the Soviet the President, Vice- Union until it accords full President and Chairman of human rights to its Jewish the FAC and Cardinal citizens. Hume.

The dramatic changes in In September 1989 the Pope Eastern Europe and the indicated that the Holy See British Government's policy would offer financial on German reunification support towards the were among the subjects building of an information raised by a Board of centre for Jewish-Christian Deputies delegation during understanding in fulfilment their meeting with the of the Geneva Agreement. Foreign Secretary in This was confirmed by December. Cardinal Glemp in a letter to Sir Sigmund Sternberg, Chairman of the International Council of Christians and Jews. The Cardinal stated his agreement with full implementation of the Geneva Agreement.

Also in September, at the meeting of the E.J.C. in London, delegates from 17 countries confirmed their confidence in the delegation, led by Maitre Theo Klein, which was negotiating the agreement.

Despite the promises and assurances given there have been no signs thus far of the movement of the nuns from the present site of the Auschwitz convent as at 31st December 1989. Warm greetings at a reception held in honour of the Chief Rabbi 0J Romania: I to r: His Honour Israel Finestein Mrs Rosen, Dr Kopelowitz, Rabbi Moshe Rosen, Mr Brie Moonman.

21 FOREIGN EUROPEAN A Foreign Affairs AFFAIRS PARLIAMENTARY Committee seminar on COMMITTEE "The Jews and Islam" was ELECTIONS held at the Oxford Centre The European for Jewish Studies at Parliamentary Elections saw Yarnton which was a pronounced polarisation addressed by Dr. David of political extremes. The Patterson, Professor Ron resurgence of neo-fascism in Nettler and Dr. Tudor France and Germany and Parfitt. the growing strength of the anti-Israel left gave rise to As in the previous year, serious concern, as did the Shabbat Zachor (18 March) re-emergence of neo-Nazi was designated as a special elements in East Germany. day of prayer for Syrian The German Democratic Jewry. Republic had never accepted its share of guilt for the ETHIOPIAN destruction of six million Jews. JEWS The Chairman of the FAC In the run-up to the and the Secretary General 'The position of Jews European Parliamentary met the Ethiopian Elections, British MEP's Ambassador to voice the in Arab and Islamic were canvassed regarding Board's concern about the countries remains their attitudes on issues of plight of Ethiopian Jewry in Jewish interest. Of those Addis and the Gondar critical." who responded, 95% region, where rebel forces expressed support for the were active. The region was extension of full civil rights also suffering the effects of for Soviet Jewry. 65% severe drought. The supported a resolution restoration of diplomatic calling for abrogation of the relations with Israel 1975 UN Resolution presaged an improvement in equating Zionism with the situation. The Chairman racism. and vice-Chairman of FAC also met with the head of the Ethiopian Desk of the Foreign and JEWS IN Commonwealth Office to ARAB LANDS alert the British government to the problems faced by The position of Jews in Arab Ethiopian Jews who wanted and Islamic countries to emigrate to Israel. remains critical. Especially worrying was the fate of the UNITED 4,000 Jews in Syria, hostages of a hostile regime. A NATIONS glimmer of hope was AFFILIATES: offered by approaches made SUB by the USA State Department to the Syrian COMMITTEE Government to permit the OF FAC emigration of the Jewish The Jewish Affiliates of the community. There were United Nations Association indications that the Syrians were successful in toning might be prepared to allow down anti-Israel resolutions single Jewish women to introduced by pro-Arab travel abroad for reasons of delegates at the Annual matrimony. Conference in Nottingham.

22 FOREIGN EUROPEAN AFFAIRS JEWISH COMMITTEE CONGRESS The Annual meeting, chaired by the President of the Board, was held in London in September. Representatives of the FAC attended, along with delegates from 17 European countries. WARSAW SPECIAL GHETTO EVENTS UPRISING A combined Foreign Affairs MEMORIAL and Israel Committee MEETING luncheon was addressed by former Egyptian The Warsaw Ghetto Ambassador to Canada, Mr. memorial meeting took Takhsin Bashir, who served place in April at the Adelphi as advisor to Presidents Theatre. The guest speaker Nasser and Sadat. He was His Excellency, Mr. affirmed his country's Yoav Biran, Ambassador of determination to stand by Israel. The Chairman of the the Camp David agreement FAC, Mrs. June Jacobs, and said Egypt would speaking for the Board of continue to press for a Deputies, declared, "We negotiated settlement. remember the dead today, as always, with pain and pride, A luncheon co-sponsored with sadness and by the FAC and Ajex was determination: a held in honour of Col. Yuri determination not only that Sokol, Chairman of the it must never happen again Moscow Jewish Education but that we will never cease and Cultural Society. in our support for a safe and secure Israel. Jews here in The FAC held a briefing Britain and world-wide session attended by would, by their example, representatives of major show that inhuman Anglo-Jewish organisations, behaviour will not be who heard a survey by Dr. tolerated, whether it Baruch Gur of the Israel manifests itself in racism, Embassy of the present intolerance, discrimination situation in the USSR and cruelty and whether particularly as regards perpetrated by individuals, Jewish Education and groups or states". Culture. Professor Mikhail Zand, Professor of Linguistics at the Hebrew University, was among those "We remember the dead present. today, as always, with Among the highlights of the pain and pride, with year were receptions held sadness and (by the Honorary Officers) for Chief Rabbi Rosen of determination..." Romania and the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Rabbi Cyril Harris•

23 ISRAEL COMMITTEE In June the Chairman again Conservative Friends of visited Israel, this time to Israel, Labour Friends of attend the annual meeting of Israel and the Israel Desk of HE year started with a the World Zionist the Reform Synagogues of Tcritical visit to Mr Organisation Actions Great Britain. Information is William Waldegrave, Committee and the Jewish exchanged and there is Minister of State at the Agency Assembly. He took useful co-ordination of Foreign Office by the the opportunity to meet Mr activities. Honorary Officers and the Arieh Wolf, Director Committee Chairman, to General of the WZO MEETING OF discuss the comments made Development and DEPUTY WITH Community Services by the Minister when PLO REPRESEN- visiting the PLO HQ in Department, and Mrs Nitza Tunis. Ben-Elissar to initiate TATIVE arrangements for the The committee was highly Board's 1989-1990 Study In February the Chairman of critical of an "unofficial" Mission. the Committee joined the meeting between a repre- President and Honorary sentative of the PLO and a Officers in a meeting with STATEMENT Jewish delegation, which in- Mr Moshe Arens, Israel ON ISRAEL eluded a senior member of the Board. It was agreed at a Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Chairman and Vice- plenary session of the Board who was in Britain on an Chairman, together with the that in future no Deputy official visit, and consulted Vice-President of the Board, would take part in such with him about the calling His Honour Israel Finestein, meetings while holding of a Solidarity Conference in held several meetings with Board office. Jerusalem. representatives of the . There In March the Chairman and were full discussions with the President of the Board the whole committee which attended the Solidarity eventually resulted in a Conference in Israel. Jewish statement being presented leaders from all over the to the plenary session of the world met to express their Board in September. After a solidarity with Israel and her full debate the statement elected government. was adopted almost Reservations were expressed unanimously. regarding the PLO's recent statements on the MEDIA relinquishment of terrorism and recognition of Israel. MONITORING COMMITTEE His Excellency Yoav Biran, The Media Monitoring Ambassador of Israel to the Committee, set up under the Court of St James, addressed auspices of the Israel a plenary Board session on Committee under the the occasion of Israel's chairmanship of Senior Independence Day. This Vice-President Mr Eric Yom Ha'atzmaut event has Moonman, continued to become traditional. meet on a fortnightly basis throughout the year. The Chairman, together with members of the Israel Meetings were held with Committee, attended the representatives from the gathering at Guildhall in Embassy of Israel, the London in May, when the Zionist Federation, the Prime Minister of Israel Britain/Israel Public Affairs spoke. The Chairman was Centre, the Council of among those who met Mr Christians and Jews, B'nai Shamir for a private B'rith, AJEX, the Union of briefing. Jewish Students, ISRAEL COMMITTEE 9TH ANNUAL He suggested that STUDY MISSION conferences be held in Israel, and discussed the 26 December to proposed privatisation of 3 January 1990 parts of El Al. The Annual Study Mission, Mr Natan Meir, Economics led by the President of the COMMITTEE Councillor at the Israel Board and the Chairman of MEMBERS Embassy, spoke on the the Israel Committee, was impact of the EEC on (10 meetings) again highly successful. Israel's economy. * Chairman Menny Klausner, (10) A personal account written Mr Shmuel Toledano, by his Honour Israel Vice-Chairman former Member of Knesset Finestein, appears on page 4. Sidney Shipton (8) and adviser to the Prime Menachem Arad (10) Minister on Arab Affairs and Rabbi Meyer Frydman (6) SPEAKERS author of "Imperfect Spies", Michael Goldblatt (9) gave a detailed assessment of Brian Gordon (6) During the year the the prospects for peace in committee was addressed by Percy Gourgey, MBE (9) the Middle East. a number of distinguished Eric Graus (5) speakers. Arieh Handler (7) Mrs Emma Grossman, who Jeanette Jonas (6) had been a most diligent and Mr Zvi Rav-Ner, hardworking Executive Florence Kaufmann (9) Information Councillor at Director of the committee Dr. Schneier Levenberg (5) the Israel Embassy, regularly since September 1987, left in Salmond S. Levin, OBE (8) gave briefings on the current March and Ms Rona Hart, Harold Pearlman, JP (4) political situation. the Board's Public Relations Simon Reiss (2) Officer, took up this *Rabbi S. Silberg (1) Dr Anat Gonen, Director of position. Mitchell Wax (6) the UK Aliyah Department, Devorah Wineman (8) and two of the Department's Israel remains at the top of Leila Wynbourne (5) shlichim spoke and the Board's agenda and answered questions on events in and around the British aliyah. Jewish State are monitored carefully and on a day-to- Mr Martin Lever, director of day basis• the British-Israel Chamber of Commerce, spoke on the boycott of Israeli goods and called for the Board's assistance in obtaining more members for the B.I.C.C.

"Israel remains at the top Mr Ehud Olmert, MK, of the Board's agenda Minister without Portfolio, met members of the and events in and around committee and outlined the Israel Prime Minister's the Jewish State are policies on the eve of Mr monitored carefully and Shamir's visit to the United on a day-to-day basis." States. Mr J Yaron, Vice President and General Manager of El Al spoke on the airline's activities in the UK and called for members of the Jewish community to visit Israel as often as possible.

25 LAW, PARLIAMENTARY National Census of 1991, expressing the view that ־ GENERAL PURPOSES A & examine projected such a question is COMMITTEE legislation and Government unnecessary and divisive, proposals to ensure that they and that there was unlikely do not infringe any of the to be any simple form of basic requirements of the question which would Jewish religion. completely satisfy everyone. Advice was given to the When the Government Jewish Community in the issued a consultation paper areas where there was a pilot with a proposal that clock scheme census in the Spring times in Britain should fall of 1989. COMMITTEE in line with Western Europe, MEMBERS involving an additional hour In reply to an invitation by to G.M.T. in the Winter the Registrar General to (8 meetings) months and two additional submit comments on the Chairman hours in the Summer Registration Services, the Eleanor Lind, QC, (6) months, the Committee felt Committee endorsed a Vice-Chairman that difficulties would be suggestion that the form Henry Grunwald, (8) created for many Jews. The recording Registration of Sonia Abrahamson (2) earliest times for Shachrit in Marriages should show full Keith Barnctt (4) the Winter would be after details of the mothers and Diane Bramson (8) the working day had begun, fathers of the groom and the Hyman Diamond, JP (7) and in the Summer months bride rather than brief the late termination of *Alan Fell (3/6) details of the father only, as Shabbat would be on the present forms. The Sidney Frosh, JP (1) particularly awkward for proposal had the backing of Bruno Grunfeld (7) Jews living in the North of the Board's Ecclesiastical *Paul Infield (4/6) England and Scotland. A Authorities and other Jerome Karet (4) comprehensive religious leaders as it would Frederic M Landau (6) memorandum on the help to indicate the status of Harold Langdon (7) subject was presented to the the parties to a marriage. Peter Levi (5) Home Office after Jacob Levy (6/6) consultation with the The Committee proposed D Jerry Lewis (8) Ecclesiastical Authorities. to the Registrar General that Henry Morris (6) The Government's plans are when deaths take place at a Dawn Shestopal (6) still awaited. weekend, there should be Maxwell Simon (6) special centralised Warren S Starr (7) The Committee reminded registration facilities for the Clive Winston (7) the Home Office of the Jewish community to enable David Graham, QC, (2) Board's long standing interments to take place (Ex-officio) opposition to the inclusion more speedily and avoid of any question on ethnic waiting till registrar offices origins being included in the re-open.

"The Committee reminded the Home Office of the Board's long standing opposition to the inclusion of any question on ethnic origins being included..." LAW, PARLIAMENTARY "A sub-committee has been & GENERAL PURPOSES formed to enquire into the COMMITTEE problem of failing to obtain or retain jobs because of refusal to work on Shabbat and on Yomtov."

Meetings continued of The Board of Deputies is representatives of all the not in itself a social service main synagogal groupings organisation but it is with a view to legislation represented by the being put forward at an Vice-President, His Honour opportune time to deal with Israel Finestein QC, and the the problems that arise Vice-Chairman of this when a Get is not issued or committee, Mr Henry not accepted. There are Grunwald, on the Social many demands for Council for Jewish Social appropriate legislation, but Service so that the Board is the Halachic aspects have to kept aware of all the be very carefully examined essential developments in before any definite this important aspect of proposals and wording are communal life. put forward. If a change in the laws of divorce generally Panels appointed by the is contemplated as a Board continued to Government measure, it interview applicants who might be possible to have an claim to have a appropriate clause about the conscientious objection on אז תבין צדק ומשפט at ; • I • J•• I n Get inserted. Alternatively, a religious grounds to trading Private Members' Bill could on the Jewish Shabbath so ומישרים בל־מעג ל״טוב: be promoted in the Lords or that they can trade on Commons but costs would Sundays instead. be very heavy and at present Then shalt thou understand there is no obvious source The Jewish Association of for funds. righteousness and justice, and Cultural Societies was granted representation on equity, yea, every good path. the Board and it elected A sub-committee has been three deputies. PROVERBS, chapter 2, verse 9 formed to enquire into the problem of failing to obtain A clause in the Board's or retain jobs because of Constitution now stipulates refusal to work on Shabbat that before a person can be and on Yomtov. elected as a Deputy, he or she must have been a In conjunction with the member of the constituency Education and Youth electing him or her for at committee, a calendar least a year prior to the date showing the civil dates of of the election. It is hoped Yamim Tovim to the year that this will mean the end 2000 was prepared and sent of "Rotten Boroughs". to numerous organisations, These have been a source of commercial firms, public much criticism of the Board authorities, professional in the past but there are very bodies, and courts of Law. few now•

27 PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE tenth year, provides an opportunity for Deputies representing provincial constituencies to discuss and COMMITTEE MEMBERS deal with matters which (3 meetings) Rev Chaim J Heilpern (1) affect them to a greater Chairman Lena Hilsum (2) degree than they affect Lt. Col. Mordaunt Cohen, Sidney Jacobs (1) metropolitan congregations. TD, DL (3) Harry Kingslcy (1) Vke-Chairman Peter Kirsch (2) Provincial communities fall Sonia Abrahamson (2) Simon Kugler (3) within six categories: Jack Album (2) Gabriel Lancaster (2) Arthur Appleton (3) Dr Charles Levene (3) a) Flourishing Communities (with or Ronald Arden (1) Jack Mack (1) without a Representative Dr Sydney Baigel (1) S S Mendelsson (3) Council) with adequate Elisabeth Baker (2) Bernard Millett, JP (1) religious, educational, Jeffrey Barcan (2) John Myers (3) cultural and social Dr Martin Been (1) Neil Nisse (1) facilities and some ability Victor Bishop (1) H H Pearlman (1) to provide assistance Harry Brown (1) Karen Powell (2) elsewhere. Esme Cohen (1) Dr Israel Rocker (1) Dr Hilary Curtis (1) Aubrey Selig (3) b) Fair-Sized Kenneth Davidson (1) Leonard Shulman (1) Communities with a Philip Dennis (2) Dr Walter Sncader (2) static Jewish population, Roland Diamond (1) Michael Spungin (1) an acceptable degree of facilities, but not able to George Elias (1) Roderick Taylor (1) provide more than Ronald Field (1) Dr Henry Warson (2) minimal help to smaller J Norman Firestone (2) Joyce Rose (2) communities. Lionel Freedman (1) Israel R Singer (1) Mona Garfield (2) Alfred A Summers (1) c) Small Communities still Shalom Goldblatt (2) Dr Heinz Shire (2) able to provide regular Martin Goldstein (3) John Kasmir (1) religious services and Dr Mervyn Goodman (1) Jack Lennard (1) some Hebrew education, Colin Grazin (2) David Sayliss (1) but where other facilities Barry Green (1) Henry Tankel (1) cannot be provided and Sidney Hart (2) Judith Tankel (1) who would welcome help from other sources.

d) Declining Communities with a sufficiently-sized population to continue for some years, but with limited facilities for religious services and education.

e) Declining Communities with the minimal facilities for Jewish life and who are aware of the strong possibility that they will not be viable for more than another eight or ten years. PROVINCIAL f) Small, Growing Consideration was given to COMMITTEE Communities with an the possibility of forming enthusiastic membership, regional councils in various making strenuous efforts parts of the country where a to expand religious and representative council — educational facilities, but based on a particular large מועצת הנציגות who will, for a number of town — cannot be formed. years, require help from Such a council might well central organisations and cover the South East of the from large provincial country from points as far centres before becoming apart as Norwich and truly viable and Hastings. The Councils independent. would lead to increased liaision between the communities and the exchange of ideas as to how היהודית לידס Prior to the Board's each of them cope with the LEEDS once-yearly-meeting in the type of problems which are provinces (this year in common to all. Birmingham) papers were produced by the Board's Reports of the current two Vice-Presidents as a "Defence" situation in prelude to the preparation, provincial towns show that in conjunction with the the general situation is Board's Community quiet, although there are a Research Unit, of a few reports of vandalism questionnaire to assess affecting communal essential statistical data as buildings, and occasional well as the facilities and propaganda exercises on needs of all Jewish behalf of the P.L.O. Communities outside London with a population The Committee was pleased of less than 1500. The that there was practical GLASGOW questionnaire was manifestation of the distributed in the Autumn of recommendation by the 1989 and most of the Finance Committee that communities concerned had Provincial Deputies replied by the end of the attending Board Meetings year. A full account will be reimbursed, if they so appear in the Board's annual wish, for their travelling report for 1990. expenses•


Badges of three of the ten representative councils sending deputies to the Board.

"Reports of the current "Defence" situation in provincial towns show that the general situation is quiet, although there are a few reports of vandalism..."

29 PUBLIC RELATIONS Israel Embassy, the Britain/ COMMITTEE Israel Public Affairs Centre, to protect, preserve and the Zionist Federation, promote positive concepts AJEX, the Council of of the Board and the Jewish Christians and Jews and the people. Parliamentary Friends of Israel groups throughout the COMMITTEE In doing so, both year. The Media Monitoring MEMBERS Committee and staff have Committee, chaired by the (6 meetings) continued to work closely Board's Senior Vice- with other Departments of President, Mr Eric Chairman the Board, particularly Moonman, is attended Wally Leaf, (6) Defence and Group regularly by the PR Vice-Chairman Relations and Israel, as well Chairman and Executive Sue Goldbart, (6) as with Representative Director. Stanley Aarons (2) Councils. Michael Brooke (5) In addition, the Chairman Leila Cumber (2) The Department continues participated, in the Board's *Michael Freedland (1) to monitor the media. Study Mission to Israel, led Vera Goodman (5) Misrepresentations and bias by the President, Vice- *Joe Grizzard, JP (6) are challenged, and, President Finestein and Mr Patricia Hasenson encouragingly, the Menny Klausner, Chairman - elected November Department is recognised by of the Israel Committee. Tony Margo (4) the media as a reliable This activity-packed and highly-informative Martin Motz source of information and contacts. The prevention of experience afforded the - elected November unfair reporting is far better opportunity of discussing Jenny Perlmutter (2) than the necessity of curing crucial issues at the highest Caroline Posnansky (5) it. level. *Karen Powell (5) *Clive Roslin (2) The Executive Director has The Chairman, Vice- David Sherman (3) maintained general contacts Chairman and several John Shaw (4) with journalists, editors and Committee members, in Heinz Shire (3) spokesmen, Jewish, addition to the Executive Gertrude Shilling (6) Christian and Moslem, for Director, have delivered an Stuart Stewart the furtherance of good increasing number of talks - elected November relations and awareness. about the work of the Board to a variety of Bernard Silver (6) congregations, social and 1 vacancy Members of the Committee have undertaken to monitor educational groups. The a range of printed and speakers are happy to accept electronic media, all the way further invitations. from local free newspapers to satellite television The Vice-Chairman has had transmissions. The task as a particular responsibility for whole, however, is so arranging inter- enormous and so vital that congregational meetings at "Members of the Committee the assistance of every which members of various have undertaken to monitor Deputy, and indeed every synagogues in a region, both member of the community, Orthodox and Progressive, a range of printed and in whatever area, would be meet together to hear and valuable. electronic media, all the question the President, Honorary Officers, way from local free Israel has been the focus of Secretary General and newspapers to satellite biased and distorted Committee Chairmen of the attention. The Department, Board on matters television transmissions." the Chairman and the concerning the Board and Executive Director have the Jewish community. maintained continuous and effective contact with the PUBLIC RELATIONS On the initiative of Mr Ron and Chinese communities of COMMITTEE Shelley, Chairman of the London, the objective being Central Jewish Lecture and to gain a licence to Information Committee, the broadcast ethnic radio Department has helped to programmes on a new organise the highly London-wide community successful Weeks of station, offered by the Welcome in a number of Independent Broadcasting synagogues. Members of the Authority. Although the Committee staffed display consortium's application stands and entertained was much commended and Jewish and non-Jewish was backed (uniquely) by visitors, who came to learn both Capital Radio and the about the Board and other London Broadcasting communal institutions. Company, it was not given the single licence on offer The Department similarly (for which 39 other groups shares with the Central also applied!), although it Lecture Committee the did establish an admirable hosting of visits by standard of inter-ethnic communal groups and human relations and a religious classes to witness resolve by the members of the working sessions of the the consortium to remain Board. It set up a Board of united to assess further Deputies stand at an Israel opportunities. Independence Day function at Redbridge and it A more rewarding radio continues to provide regular enterprise was the year-long data. The PR Officer was campaign which finally led Members of communal groups who visit the Board also enjoy a involved in the preparation to the transfer of Michael programme at the Jewish Museum in Woburn House. of a Board of Deputies Freedland's programme, supplement for the "Jewish "The Jewish World", now Chronicle" in September again entitled "You Don't and in editing the Annual Have To Be Jewish", to Report you are now reading. London Broadcasting which will give it a larger audience Through lack of finance, the and a better time. monthly journal "On Board", which supplied "You Don't Have To Be information to Jewish" will also go out in congregations and local versions to major organisations throughout centres of provincial Jewry• the country in an attractive, illustrated format, ceased publication. The Committee hopes that an early improvement in financial support from the community for the Board "Members of the will make a resumption of this much-missed service Committee staffed display possible. stands and entertained fewish and non-fewish The Chairman was elected convenor of a multi-racial visitors." consortium, which included representatives of the Board and of the Asian, Cypriot, Afro-Caribbean, Polish, Irish, Hispanic, Japanese

31 SHECHITA religious methods were COMMITTEE referred to, it should be made clear (as in the case in primary legislation) that there was a difference between the Jewish and Moslem methods.

In a regulation dealing with the competence of Slaughtermen, following a suggestion submitted by the COMMITTEE Board, the licence of the MEMBERS than in previous years, but Rabbinical Commission for close contact was (6 meetings) the Licensing of Shochetim maintained with the was equated with that given Chairman Ministry of Agriculture, by a local authority. Zina Cohen, (6) Fisheries and Food in connection with its Vice-Chairman Representatives of the proposed regulations on Isaac Rubin, (6) Ecclesiastical Authorities animal and poultry Prof. Geoffrey Alderman (5) visited the U.S.A. to see the slaughter, arising from the Mozy Cohen (3) upright pen in operation, Government's part Eli Fachler (4) and subsequently reported acceptance of the *David Fluss (4) that it would be acceptable recommendation by the in a model to be approved John Fransman (5) Farm Animal Welfare by the Jewish authorities and Ivan Grossman (4) Council. Raymond Harris (5) the Ministry. Rev. ChaimJ Heilpern (3) After the Shechita The Official Journal of the S.S. Hirsch (3) Committee discussed details European Community *Dr. Bernard Homa (0) with the Ecclesiastical published a draft Michael Kenner (3) Authorities and the Convention on the Harry Kingsley (3) Religious leaders of other movement, restraining, groups, it submitted *Dr. Charles Levene (5) stunning and slaughter of comments on the drafts, and Michael Mandel (2) animals and poultry. The gave special attention to the Richard Polak (1) Committee felt that this was definition of the cutting Garry Polikoff (4) in accordance with Jewish process in Shechita so as to Joyce Rose (4) tradition which condemns ensure that the wording did Jessica Sharman (2) any form of cruelty to not conflict with halacha. 1 vacancy animals, and that it could The Committee also concur on the proposals. suggested that where

The Chairman and Executive Director attended a meeting of the European Jewish Congress Commission on Anti- semitism and spoke briefly on Shechita. "Vigilance in matters of A new publication on Shechita is vital, and readers Shechita was drafted and it is hoped that this will appear of this Annual Report are in print early in 1990. requested to contact the Board whenever they see or Vigilance in matters of Shechita is vital, and readers hear references to Shechita in of this Annual Report are the media." requested to contact the Board whenever they see or hear references to Shechita in the media• YAD VASHEM HE Committee I CHARITABLE TRUST T!reaffirme d its commitment to promoting (Yad Vashem Committee Holocaust Education within of Great Britain) the community, schools and institutions of Higher Education.

SURVIVORS The Committee in The series of three public conjunction with the lectures, which was Holocaust Educational inaugurated three years ago, Trust has been involved in has continued. The main compiling a Register of thrust of this particular Survivors. It was important series is the reaction of the to assess how many British Community, both survivors came to Britain Jewish and non-Jewish, to after the war in comparison the Holocaust. to the tens of thousands of other nationalities who TEACHING THE gained admission to this HOLOCAUST country. Requests for The Report of the Survey on information from a growing Teaching the Holocaust in number of schools and other the by Dr. institutions and individuals John P. Fox which was continue to be dealt with by commissioned by the the department. National Yad Vashem Charitable Trust was MEMORIAL launched at the House of The Holocaust Memorial Commons. It is hoped that Service at the Dell in Hyde this survey helped to Park was attended by over a emphasise the importance thousand people, and had a of Teaching the Holocaust most significant effect in and that it may have been of Yom Hashoah, Hyde Park encouraging many some help to the provincial communities to Government's Working hold their own Party on History within the commemorative services. national curriculum. Many youth organizations who attended the communal The Committee organised a gathering in Hyde Park seminar to co-ordinate the followed up their visit with activities of Holocaust programmes and activities Teaching in the United dedicated to the Holocaust. Kingdom. A regular newsletter will be published The project for establishing jointly with the Holocaust '...however, communities the Valley of the 5,000 Lost Educational Trust within Great Britain have Communities under the emphasising Holocaust auspices of Yad Vashem in teaching activities been slow to adopt a Lost Israel has been throughout the United Community." enthusiastically taken up by Kingdom• the Committee; however, communities within Great Britain have been slow to adopt a Lost Community. The Committee hopes that over the coming year more support will be given to this vital project.

33 OBITUARY: the Presidency should go to MR. MICHAEL FIDLER, JP a Deputy long in the service September 1989 at the age of of the Board". From the 73 cast a dark cloud over the moment of his election, Board. Michael Fidler had Michael Fidler threw been in failing health for himself heart and soul into some time, but his energy the Board's activities. There and ebullience were such is no sphere of the Board's that only those in his work that did not benefit intimate circle were aware of from his advice, guidance / \ his sufferings. and encouragement. He visited communities up and Michael Fidler was born in down the country, meeting Manchester, into a family the grass-roots of the Jewish steeped in the service of the community, and carefully British Jewish community. studying the problems with His father, Louis Fidler, was which they were confronted. prominent in synagogal He met the very many leadership and Michael challenges which British followed his example from a Jewry had to face in the light very early age. He enriched of the changing situation the life of Manchester at following the Six Day War. every level - he was prominent in the civic life of There were three issues Prestwich, being Mayor in which dominated his 1957-1958 and subsequently Presidency. Firstly he being elected an Alderman appreciated the groundswell of the Council. He was a of opinion and strong Justice of the Peace and feeling that the plight of indeed a highly experienced Soviet Jewry should figure Chairman of the Bench. prominently on the Jewish agenda. He convened the In the Jewish community he first British Jewish became a Member of the Conference on Soviet Jewry Council of Manchester and in 1969 at the Piccadilly Salford Jews when in his Hotel, which was widely twenties. He subsequently reported, and the held the various Executive proceedings of which were Offices and was President of published under the heading the Council from 1966-1968. "Light on Soviet Jewry". He had a wide perspective and a broad knowledge of Secondly, he grappled with Jewish issues and from his the problem of those election as a representative synagogal bodies of the Holy Law Synagogue represented on the Board, to the Board of Deputies in which did not recognise the 1942, he played a regular and Chief Rabbi and the Haham, active part in the Board's who were and are the deliberations. Board's Ecclesiastical Authorities. He had to face In 1967 he was victorious tremendous pressures in over the then Mr. Victor attempting to resolve these Mishcon in the contest for issues, many friendships the Presidency of the Board disappeared as a result, but of Deputies. He won by a ultimately he emerged with narrow margin of 16 votes, a solution where the Board and the "Jewish Chronicle" received guidance from its reported his success as being Ecclesiastical Authorities - due to "superior as had always been the organisation, provincial situation — but which also loyalty, and the belief that required the President to OBITUARY: consult all those other Following the completion of MR. MICHAEL FIDLER, JP bodies which did not his tenure of office as recognise those authorities. President, he served a If the situation has worked further six years as well, this is a tribute to his Chairman of the Board's advocacy and his diplomatic Foreign Affairs Committee, skills. and made a very positive impact upon the Thirdly, he recognised that international Jewish scene. in the changing situation of He was a keen and regular the early 70's, the Board of attender at meetings of the Deputies had to be firmly World Jewish Congress, at entrenched in the the Memorial Foundation international Jewish arena. for Jewish Culture, and at "Michael Fidler was a He took the initial steps in the Conference of Jewish negotiation with Dr. Nahum Material Claims Against great Jew, an outstanding Goldman, to move the Germany. Zionist, and a skilled Board towards full participation with the World His membership of the leader of his people." Jewish Congress, and for the House of Commons was President of the Board to be regrettably short, but it was recognised as the Chairman during those four years that of its European Section. The he became convinced of the matters were almost need to have an effective finalised at the end of his voice supportive of Israel in Presidency in 1973, but were the ranks of the subsequently ratified in the Conservative Party. He first year of his successor, indeed created the the late Lord Fisher of Conservative Friends of Camden. Israel, and he was its Director from 1975 to only a In these and in many other few months before his ways, Michael Fidler death. He built up the C.F.I, demonstrated effective to be a most effective lobby leadership and showed his for Israel within both ability to resolve conflict Houses of Parliament, as and to maximise the well as at the European common ground within the Parliament in Strasbourg. British Jewish community. Michael Fidler was a great It was during his Presidency Jew, an outstanding Zionist, that he was elected a and a skilled leader of his Member of Parliament in people. He will be sorely 1970, and in the second missed by the Board of Triennium of his Deputies, and in particular Presidency, he effectively at the monthly meetings, combined membership of where his contributions and the House of Commons his statesman-like approach with the lay leadership of the were highly regarded and Jewish community, warmly appreciated• although there were — from time to time - some strains LIONEL KOPELOWITZ in resolving the conflicting demands of the two situations.

35 OBITUARY: stressed that there must be MR. MYER DOMNITZ no deviation from the is generally accepted that in traditional Jewish values and a country with a multi-racial he knew that the Jew was to population there must be be all the more respected mutual understanding because of that. between the various groups. School curricula stress the Contact with educationalists need for an awareness by the and with colleges for teacher majority ethnic group of the training was regarded by mores and manners of the him as particularly minority element. The important, and the success minority groups themselves of that aspect of the Central 'Our sages teach us that have to appreciate that their Jewish Lecture and a person's name frequently traditions need not be lost, Information Committee's even if the majority group activities today may well denotes his character. may not find it immediately have resulted from the initial Mr. Domnitz's Hebrew easy to understand the work which he undertook customs of those from the thirty and forty years ago. name was Me'ir - and he other side of the globe. was truly one who shed Two of his booklets, "Learning to Live with our light." Myer Domnitz, who died in Neighbours" and December 1989, was a "Education in Human pioneer in the whole Relations" should be among concept of Intergroup the matters for essential Relations, and may well reading for any student have been among the first to teacher. In the 1960's, he was use that phrase and able to extend his subsequently to devote his knowledge and expertise in life to propagating the helping with integration of concept. immigrants from the new Commonwealth, and he acted as Rapporteur to a He became the Education special working party Officer of the Central Jewish established by the Board of Lecture Committee shortly Deputies and which issued a after the Second World War, Report in 1969 on having previously trained as "Improving Race Relations a teacher and becoming the - A Jewish Contribution". In first Headmaster of what is spite of indifferent health - now the Yesodei Hatorah not only during his full time School for boys. service with the Board from 1946 to 1974 but in the years since his retirement — he Myer saw his tasks as forging devoted himself to all new links between the projects with absolute Jewish and wider devotion. communities, not only by providing lectures to Christian groups on aspects Our sages teach us that a of Jewish life, but in person's name frequently encouraging liaison between denotes his character. Mr. them on many projects in Domnitz's Hebrew name which there could be joint was Me'ir — and he was truly endeavours. In doing so, he one who shed light.

D.M. CENTRAL ENQUIRY HE Central Enquiry 9 months time and a lady DESK - 071-387 4044 TDesk is unique. The from the States who was desk, operated by 35 divorcing her Jewish volunteers five days a week, husband and wanted to be answers over 200 calls a "de-converted" week and directs callers to immediately! where they can find the answers to any number of questions. These range from Over 1,000 calls a month are Aliyah and Kibbutzim, handled by helpful, friendly Festival dates, Directions to voices who refer to a Cemeteries, Kosher constantly updated index Restaurants and Caterers, card system in order to locations of synagogues, answer callers accurately. Bookshops, Jewish Schools and many more. Most days Organisations planning bring the unusual - functions are urged to notify including a woman who the Communal Diary via the wanted to arrange a Brit for Central Enquiry Desk to her baby which was due in ensure events do not clash.

37 B.O.D. annum was 79. In 1989 this The "All Aboard" Charity PROMOTIONS figure had grown to 144, Shops operation, has once with most Subscribers again seen changes. The 13 LIMITED renewing their annual shops are run for the benefit payments. Subscribers, as of the Board and other UK well as Donors, are listed Jewish charities. The two elsewhere in the Report and shops opened in 1988 at 22 we express, once again, our Bell Lane, Hendon, NW4 grateful thanks to them. and 158 Finchley Road NW3 continued to build up For the first time in recent business. During the year, years, a four page we were offered a short term supplement on the work of occupancy of a shop in the Board was published in Edgware High Street, which in in the seven months of September. This publication operation grossed £11,000 was paid for by advertising takings. Plans are well in income. The wide hand to open an "All circulation of the Jewish Aboard" Shop in Golders Chronicle ensured that Green in 1990. unlike other Board publications, this reached Overall, the shops many more readers. More contributed to the income of supplements are planned for over 20 UK charities, as well next year. as to the Board. A sincere expression of thanks must The 1988 Annual Report go to the Convenors, Stella was published in July. This Lucas and Monique Landau, Report which had lapsed for and the large number of twelve years was widely volunteers, who assist both circulated and well received. the shops, in collections and The Report serves two in the overall organisation. purposes. 1) To inform Deputies and Two functions took place the Community at large during the year. A quiz of the comprehensive supper was held at Woburn work of the Board. House in January, which was 2) To raise additional conducted by Allan Conway funds from advertising. as quizmaster and which raised £700 and was enjoyed Sir Isaiah Berlin (centre), Guest of Honour at the Gala Concert to celebrate his 80th birthday. He is seen here with Lady Berlin and Mr The additional advertising by all participants. A Gala Willie Nagel, who hosted the event. raised, covered the complete Concert and Reception was cost of design and printing held in December, at the for the first year, and as with Whitehall Banqueting the Subscriber Scheme, we Rooms, in honour of Sir .O.D. Promotions Ltd are hopeful that all of our Isaiah Berlin's 80th birthday. B continued to contribute advertisers will continue to The Concert was well significantly to the work of support us in subsequent supported by the the Board in a number of years, as well as attracting Community and just over important ways, both new ones. The circulation of £20,000 was raised. A year of financial and promotional. the Report is over 1000 increased activity enabled us copies. I would like to pay to increase our financial The Subscriber Scheme, tribute to the work of support to the Board, as well which was created in order Maureen Fisher, who has as create awareness as to its to give business and been responsible for work• professional firms an obtaining many opportunity to support the advertisements for the JC Board's work, grew rapidly. Supplement, Annual Report EDMOND COHEN In 1988 the number of and recruiting Subscribers Executive Director Subscribers paying £100 per to the scheme. B.O.D. Promotions Ltd

38 WJg BOARD STATEMENT 2. The Board supports supply of offensive ON ISRAEL Israel's search for a weapons to Arab States peaceful political whilst at the same time At the meeting on Sunday 24 September solution to the conflict operating an arms 1989, the following statement was adopted with her neighbours. It boycott of Israel of almost unanimously following a debate welcomes the Israel offensive and defensive which lasted several hours and in which 25 Government's proposals weapons. Deputies participated. of May 14th 1989 for free 9. The Board deplores the elections in the haste with which territories leading to Western powers, 1. The love of Zion is negotiations between including Her Majesty's central to the Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Government, have religion and people. Arabs as part of the engaged in talks with Zionism is the peace process. expression of this love in PLO leaders without concern for the welfare 3. The Board sees Israel's adequate evidence of a and security of the State proposals as offering an genuine change of PLO of Israel. historic opportunity to policy. reach a settlement with 10. The Board supports the the Palestinian Arabs call for a multi-national within the framework of operation in which a comprehensive peace Britain should between Israel and her participate, for the neighbours. Any amelioration of the solution must reflect living conditions of Israel's security. Palestinian Arabs in 4. Jerusalem must remain refugee camps. The united under Israel's Board contrasts the sovereignty. pitiful effort made by the international 5. The Board calls on Her Community, including Majesty's Government the ten oil-rich Arab and the Governments of States, to help Arab the European refugees, with those of Community States to Israel, to rehabilitate contribute to peace in successfully the Jewish the Middle East by refugees from Arab supporting Israel's lands. proposals. 11. The Board urges greater 6. The Board regrets the accuracy, balance and refusal of the Arab fairness in the coverage States, except for Egypt, of Israel and the Middle to recognise the East by the British legitimacy of the State of media. Israel and to enter into negotiations to end the 12. In this forty-second year conflict. of Israel's independence, we appeal to all sections 7. The Board rejects all of the community to forms of terrorism. The intensify support for continuing cycle of Israel and her violence gravely constructive damages the peace achievements in building process and must cease if a just and democratic the Palestinian Arabs and society and a secure sovereign Arab States are future for the Jewish genuine in seeking peace people. We shall in the Middle East. continue to hope, work 8. The Board calls upon and pray for the peace of Her Majesty's Jerusalem and all Government to cease the mankind•

39 BOARD RESOLUTIONS which had given much RESOLUTION ON THE STATEMENTS AND support, was asked to CARMELITE CONVENT continue its involvement. WITH THE AGREEMENT PROTESTS OF THE DELEGATION "The South African Blacks Representatives of the TERRORISM retain their spirit and Jewish Communities in The following are extracts determination for change. Austria, Belgium, from the Presidential They know that they will Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Statement made by Dr. win ultimately", he added. Federal Republic of Lionel Kopelowitz JP at the Germany, Finland, France, Plenary Session of the Board The Board has for many Greece, Holland, Italy, of Deputies held in January years been a member of the Poland, Romania, Spain, 1989: Inter-faith Committee of the Sweden, Switzerland, Anti-Apartheid Movement. United Kingdom, <

The Board appealed to all APARTHEID synagogues to remain open REQUEST that on the basis i

41 BOARD RESOLUTIONS "Delegates to the STATEMENTS AND Conference, some of them Concentration Camp PROTESTS survivors, had to run the gauntlet of chanting neo- "The Board strongly protested Nazi demonstrators.

to the Foreign Secretary "The initial police response following the meeting in July was inadequate. They had been told to expect a between Sir Geoffrey Howe demonstration as similar and Basam Abu Sharif.." Conferences in the past had been picketed by neo-Nazis, "We appreciate your Hetherington KCB TD QC some of whom have also sensitivity to the herosim of and Mr William Chalmers attempted to gain entrance. the rescuers, and we are CB MC for "a lucid and It points out once again the certain that, with us, you see comprehensive statement of need to make more effective the dreadful incident as the position and for their the legislation against such casting blinding light upon principal recommendation, acts of racism. the problems Israel faces. i.e. that the law be changed We have every hope that, as to permit War Crimes Trials "The demonstration was an in the past, we will to take place in England and insult to the British people overcome them and that a Scotland." who resisted and ultimatedly great Jewish community, defeated Nazism." like Britain's, will stand The Board urged all MPs to beside us." give their backing to the COMMONS DECISION measures. In December the House of PROTEST Commons decided to The President of the Board The Board strongly introduce legislation to hoped that the Home protested to the Foreign allow perpertrators of Secretary would bring Secretary following the crimes outside the U.K., at a forward legislation at the meeting in July between Sir time when they had not earliest possible Geoffrey Howe and Basam been British citizens, to be opportunity. He Abu Sharif who only a few prosecuted under British commended the valuable days earlier had condoned — Law. work of the Simon and indeed justified — the Wiesenthal Centre in Los massacre of 14 civilians and Board statement: Angeles and the sustained the injury of 27 others, on a campaign by the All-Party "The Commons decision, bus travelling between Tel War Crimes Committee in by an overwhelming Aviv and Jerusalem. Parliament. majority of 348 to 123, is a welcome recognition that The Secretary General DEMONSTRATION Nazi brutalities have not reminded the Foreign A demonstration outside the been forgotten; that there Secretary that the PLO War Crimes Conference at cannot be any time limit for Chairman, for whom Sharif the Royal Westminster mass murder; that those who is spokesman, had recently Hotel in October brought committed these horrific sent a message the following response from crimes will not be permitted congratulating China's the Board: to get away with it and that leaders on suppressing the this will serve as a warning student struggle for freedom to others who may be "The demonstration was an and democracy in tempted to act similarly in affront to the victims of Tiananmen Square. the future. Nazism and an insult to the representatives of WAR CRIMES Commonwealth and other "The Board hopes that the The Board welcomed the countries, who together necessary legislation will report of the War Crimes with British MP's, follow speedily and that Enquiry in July and paid assembled to discuss War British justice will be done tribute to Sir Thomas Crimes. and seen to be done."


"The Board hopes that the necessary legislation will follow speedily and that British justice will be done and seen to be done."

DESERT ISLAND NATIONAL DISCS CURRICULUM Protests from the Board The following letter was generations. We believe that resulted in a Desert Island sent by the President to the only such a knowledge of Discs programme with Lady Rt Hon John MacGregor barbarism will ensure that Diana Mosley as castaway MP, Secretary of State for future generations will never being postponed three Education and Science: permit such inhumanity times, although it was between man and man. eventually broadcast. "I have received representations from many "I trust, therefore, that you The issue was widely sources within the Jewish will take steps to reconsider covered in the press. community, expressing the modern history concern about the syllabus curriculum, bearing in mind Extract from a letter from for the teaching of modern the points which I have Dr. Kopelowitz to Mr. history in the National brought to your י י .Marmaduke Hussey, Curriculum. I am advised attention Chairman of the Board of that the requirements will be Governors of the BBC: for the history course to end in 1939. < t It is a bitter irony that this (new) date coincides with "Whilst recognising that the Annual Parade of Jewish there will be schools who Ex-Servicemen at the would extend the teaching Cenotaph in Whitehall. of history into the Second However, our objection World War and beyond, I relates not so much to the express the concern of the date of the broadcast, but to British Jewish community the principle that access to that the statutory period millions of listeners should does not extend into the not be provided to someone Second World War. who supported Nazism and Fascism, and who revered "I am sure you will share my Hitler - the greatest enemy view that the brutality of of this country and of Nazi Germany led to mankind. Even now Lady devastating effects upon the Mosley has in no way world, and upon the Jewish repented, but seeks to justify community in particular. policies and positions which We firmly believe that the were and are abhorrent to barbarism and slaughter decent British people and perpetrated by the Nazis, as for which so many suffered part of Hitler's 'final solution' should be made and died during World War known to this and future II."

43 BOARD RESOLUTIONS "This cruel act, the killing of STATEMENTS AND an innocent man in cold PROTESTS blood, is an affront to civilised values."

MURDER OF PRESIDENT OXFAM BELGIAN SEES IRISH The Board of Deputies has JEWISH LEADER PRIME MINISTER on a number of occasions Professor Joseph Wybrand, Following his visit to since 1982 raised with the leader of Belgian Jewry, Ireland, the President of the Oxfam, the largest overseas who attended the 11 Board sent the following British charity, their September EJC meeting in letter to Mr. Charles J. dissemination of inaccurate London, was murdered in Haughey, Prime Minister of and tendentious information Brussels shortly afterwards. the Republic of Ireland: relating to the Palestinian refugees. Dr. Lionel Kopelowitz, We had a broad range of President issued a statement discussions, on a number of Their recent 'Position Paper in the name of the Board matters of interest to the on Israel/Palestine' clearly and European Jewish Jewish communities of breached previous Congress expressing the Europe, and I take this undertakings and contained horror of the Jewish opportunity again of further biased and communities. extending my good wishes inaccurate statements. to the Republic of Ireland, as "This cruel act, the killing your Government is about Following several meetings of an innocent man in cold to resume the responsible Oxfam agreed that if it were blood, is an affront to office of Chairman of the ever decided to have a civilised values. We express Council of Ministers of the popular public campaign, our sincere condolences to European Economic there would be wide the family, and call upon the Community. consultation inside and police authorities to make outside Oxfam, including every effort to bring to "I did mention that the the Board of Deputies of justice the killer or killers Middle East Peace Process British Jews, before who perpetrated this will figure high on the committing the organisation dastardly act. agenda of meetings of the to the details of such a Council of Ministers, and I campaign. The Board expressed its satisfaction that ISRAEL AND mentioned how important it the matter had been settled ETHIOPIA was that there should be a amicably. "The Board of Deputies of permanent Israeli presence British Jews views with in Dublin so that dialogue satisfaction the resumed would be much easier. diplomatic relations between Israel and Ethiopia, "You did promise to take a and hopes that those fresh look at this problem, Ethiopian Jews still waiting and I very much hope that to emigrate to Israel will you will see your way clear very soon be re-united with to setting up arrangements their families there. " so that there can be an Israel Embassy in Dublin. I am confident that the Republic of Ireland and the State of Israel would both benefit significantly from such an י י .arrangement high level of income from and professionalism to deal TREASURER S donations, advertising and with non-routine matters REPORT fund-raising. I must, on your which arise continuously 17 and which require a degree behalf, express our sincere gratitude to all those of attention which only a charities, individuals and well serviced and companies who continue to maintained organisation can support the Board in its provide. endeavours. I must continue to express Fellow Deputies A special mention must also my gratitude to the staff of be made of those volunteers the Board for their hard am pleased to present the who administer and operate work, support and efforts I "Accounts of the Board" the "On Board" charity which have maintained the for the year to 31st shops, which are proving to Board's effectiveness, December 1989. be a valuable source of despite the reduction in income not only to the financial resources. I have previously circulated Board, but also to other a combined summary of the local charitable I trust that the combined Accounts of the Board and organisations. efforts of the President, the B.O.D. Promotions Ltd., Vice-Presidents, Deputies the company through which Regrettably, the one and Staff will create that our fund-raising income is negative feature in the year greater degree of awareness, received. I am once again was the level of income from appreciation and also circulating a summary the Communal Levy. understanding in the of the separate accounts of Although slightly in excess Community, which will B.O.D. Promotions Ltd, for of the 1988 figure, it was then hopefully create that your further information. disappointingly lower than greater degree of communal the budget for the year, from support which is so Whilst relieved that the which individual targets had necessary to enable the combined deficit for the been set for each Board to carry out its work year has been reduced by community. Despite the on behalf of the nearly one-half from most intensive efforts to Community• approximately £129,000 in maximise the income from 1988 to approximately the Communal Levy over JEFFREY PINNICK FCA £67,000, this is still an the last 3V2 years whilst it has Honorary Treasurer Jeffrey Pinnick untenable deficit. remained at the same per capita amount, I believe that You will have noted from we had no alternative but to the combined summary, adopt an increase in the details of the 1990 Budget Communal Levy, to £15 per for Income and Expenditure annum. This amount is and the comparison for 1989 payable by each synagogue of the actual figures, as member, who is eligible to compared to 1989 budgets. vote in the election for Deputies to the Board. One of the most positive aspects of my report to you We are continuing to seek a is, as you will no doubt have more comprehensive system noted, that the economies in for collecting the expenditure that we effected Communal Levy, which at the beginning of 1989 everyone accepts is an were fully implemented and important communal will be maintained, and that responsibility. We must the total combined ensure that the Board is expenditure for the year was adequately funded, to carry in fact lower than the out not only its routine work budget. on behalf of the Community, but also to The other positive feature in enable it to maintain a level the year, was the continuing of vigilance, competence

45 REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS We have audited the financial statements in accordance with Auditing Standards. In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Board at 31 December 1989 and of its results for the year then ended.

London 6 April 1990 BENNETT NASH, WOOLF & CO. Chartered Accountants

The Board of Deputies of British Jews Balance Sheet as at Note 1989 1988 31 December 1989 £ £ £ £

FIXED ASSETS 3 13,566 8,907

INVESTMENTS 4 33,509 47,313

CURRENT ASSETS Bank and cash balance 2,317 426 Prepayments 8,042 13,473 Charitable Trust 115,327 2,523 Loan (secured) 3,000 3,000 B.O.D. Promotions Limited 524 -

129,210 19,422

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdrafts 367,358 186,921 Creditors, accruals and provisions 29,361 33,651 Corporation Tax 237 438 Other taxes and social security costs 5,646 5,100

402,602 226,110

Net Current Liabilities (273,392) (206,688)

(226,317) (150,468)

INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 5 Deficit brought forward (150,468) (49,637) Deficit for year (75,849) (100,831)

(226,317) (150,468)

Jeffrey Pinnick, FCA Hon. Treasurer 6 April 1990

46 \

The Board of Deputies of British Jews Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended Note 1989 1988 31 December 1989

INCOME Representation fees 2 60,780 41,013 Less: Travel allowances (3,557) —

57,223 41,013 Communal Levy 346,708 302,472 Donations 727 1,378

404,658 344,863

EXPENDITURE Share of General Expenses 6 (471,828) (438,077)

(67,170) (93,214)

Pensions paid 10,860 10,500 Less: Gross Pension Fund investment income (2,908) (3,650) Tax paid 727 928

(8,679) (7,778)

(75,849) (100,992)

Overprovision for tax

on disposal of investments - 161

Deficit for the year (75,849) (100,831)


1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES down to their residual value at the end of Accounting Convention their anticipated useful life as follows:- The accounts are prepared under the histori- Office Equipment — 10% straight line cal cost convention on a going concern Motor Vehicles - 25% straight line basis. 2. INCOME Depreciation Income represents Representation Fees (re- Depreciation is provided on all tangible duced by Travel allowances to Deputies), assets at rates calculated to write the assets Communal Levy and Donations.


GENERAL FUND £ £ £ Cost at 1 January 1989 27,044 21,454 48,498 Additions 212 (7.690 17,902 Disposals - (11,704) (11,704)

Cost at 31 December 1989 27,256 27,440 54,696

Depreciation at 1 January 1989 24,235 15,356 39,591 Charge for year 2,725 6,109 8,834 Eliminated on disposals - (7,295) (7,295)

Depreciation at 31 December 1989 26,960 14,170 41,130

NET BOOK VALUE AT 31 DECEMBER 1989 296 13,270 13,566

NET BOOK VALUE AT 31 DECEMBER 1988 2,809 6,098 8,907

4. INVESTMENTS a) PENSION RESERVE COST 1989 1988 Government Securities £40 War Stock 3V2% 13 13 £15,000 Treasury Stock 10% 1992 15,652 15,652 Listed Securities 10,000 Sears Pic Ordinary 25p shares 12,844 12,8.44

28,509 28,509 Money at Short Call - :18,804

28,509 47,313

b) OTHER INVESTMENT Investment in unquoted securities 5,000 -

33,509 47,313

During the year the Board acquired the whole of the issued share capital ofjewish Community Radio London Limited, a Company incorporated in England, at a cost of £5,000.


MARKET VALUE PENSION RESERVE INVESTMENTS 1989 1988 Government Securities 14,932 15,213 Listed Securities 10,900 11,200

25,832 26,413

1989 1988

£ £

THE ACCUMULATED DEFICIT at 31 December 1989 is attributable as follows: General Fund (234,501) (167,331) Pension Fund Reserve 8,184 16,863

(226,317) (150,468)

GENERAL EXPENSES Rent, cleaning and lighting 118,294 119,889 Telephone 23,544 21,383 Printing and stationery 34,125 65,127 Postage 11,140 11,869 Books and papers 7,138 9.959 Insurance 3,356 7,712 Travelling and motor expenses 26,220 50,331 Conference and meeting expenses 6,514 10,468 Repairs and maintenance 5,838 7,669 Committee expenses 17,858 13,724 1 World Jewish Congress subscription 1,750 ;; 1,750 Security 6,878 9,071 Audit fee 2,300 1,925 Legal fees 2,000 1,328 Bank charges and interest 24,130 12,850 Sundries 2,913 4,229 Depreciation 8,834 7,520

Profit on sale of fixed assets (841) - Salaries, social security costs and pension contributions 247,943 198,169

549,934 554,973

Allocated as follows: General Fund 471,828 438,077 Charitable Trust 78,106 116,896

549,934 554,973 REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES CHARITABLE TRUST We have audited the financial statements in accordance with Auditing Standards. In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Charitable Trust, the Disused Cemeteries Fund and the Jacob Leveen Deceased Residuary Legacy Fund at 31 December 1989 and of the results of the said trust and Funds for the year then ended.

London 6 April 1990 BENNETT NASH, WOOLF & CO. Chartered Accountants

The Board of Deputies

Charitable Trust Note 1989 1988 Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1989 £ s c t

FIXED ASSETS 4 42,582 29,135

INVESTMENTS 5 107,037 106,740

CURRENT ASSETS Bank balances 118,010 6,065 Income tax recoverable 21,090 21,028 Other debtors - 989 B.O.D. Promotions Limited 18,099 22,193 Donations promised 19,000 -

176,199 50,275

CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdrafts — 69,156 Creditors and accruals 5,257 2,645 General fund 115,327 2,523 Other taxes and social security costs 3,445 4,291

124,029 78,615

Net Current Assets (Liabilities) 52,170 (28,340)

201,789 107,535

INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 6 Balance brought forward 107,535 129,450 Surplus (Deficit) for year 94,254 (21,915)

201,789 107,535

Jeffrey Pinnick, FCA Hon. Treasurer 6 April 1990

50 The Board of Deputies Charitable Trust Income and Expenditure Note 1989 1988 Account for the year ended 3i December 1989 £ £ £ £

INCOME 2 Donations 300,171 279,593 Investment Income 1,094 1,015 Bank Interest 348 442

301,613 281,050

EXPENDITURE Salaries, social security costs and pension contributions 168,678 161,092 Allocation of costs incurred in the advance of education, studies and research 78,106 116,896 Printing and stationery 7,140 5,280 Equipment leasing 2,131 - Telephone 107 - Travelling and motor expenses 4,849 3,694 Memorial Foundation subscription 933 1,739 Committee expenses 1,586 6,229 Audit fee 575 300 Bank charges and interest 1,949 849 Maintenance of cemeteries 2,252 1,196 Depreciation 10,473 5,690

278,779 302,965

Surplus (Deficit) of income over expenditure 22,834 (21,915)

OTHER INCOME Donations towards capital expenditure 3 23,920 — Donations - Special Appeal 47,500 —

Surplus (Deficit) for year 94,254 (21,915)

51 THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES CHARITABLE TRUST ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1989 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES specifically promised and actually received since the Balance Sheet date and includes Accounting Convention £82,879 (1988 £83,192) receivable under Deed The accounts are prepared under the historical of Covenant from B.O.D. Promotions cost convention on a going concern basis. Limited.

Depreciation Investment Income and Bank interest Depreciation is provided on all tangible assets received in the year. at rates calculated to write the assets down to their residual value at the end of their anticipated useful life as follows:- 3. OTHER INCOME Office Equipment - 10% straight line In 1987 the Trust received by donation, a Motor Vehicles - 25% straight line computer system valued at £23,920 which was not then recognised in the Trust 2. INCOME accounts. The value of that computer system Income represents:- Donations received or has now been recognised as Other Income.

OFFICE EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES TOTAL FIXED ASSETS £ £ £ Cost at 1 January 1989 38,011 7,555 45,566 Additions 23,920 23,920

Cost at 31 December 1989 61,931 7,555 69,486

Depreciation at 1 January 1989 12,654 3,777 16,431 Charge for period/year 8,585 1,888 10,473

Depreciation at 31 December 1989 21,239 5,665 26,904

NET BOOK VALUE AT 31 DECEMBER 1989 40,692 1,890 42,582

NET BOOK VALUE AT 31 DECEMBER 1988 25,357 3,778 29,135

5. INVESTMENTS CHARITABLE TRUST 1989 1988 £7,000 Exchequer 12'/4% Stock 1992 at cost 7,037 7,037 JACOB LEVEEN DECEASED RESIDUARY LEGACY FUND Money at short call 100,000 99,703

107,037 106,740

MARKET VALUE Stock 1992 7,349 8,210 י/Exchequer 124% £7,000

The accumulated surplus at 31 December 1989 is attributable as follows: Charitable Trust 114,990 18,727 Disused Cemeteries Fund (5,471) (3,225 Jacob Leveen Deceased Residuary Legacy Fund 92,270 92,033

201,789 107,535


Ten meetings of the Board were held during 1989. The numbers in brackets after the name of each Deputy represents the total number of attendances as indicated by signatures on the register sheets provided. In some cases, owing to a late election, Deputies were not able to attend all meetings and these are marked with This list of Deputies was correct as at 31.12.89

PAST PRESIDENTS Michael Fidler JP (Deceased) The Hon. QC MP (6)


BARKING & BECONTREE - Harry Brent (9)

BARNET - Laurence Bruce (2), John Hayes (2)

BELMONT - Ronald Fraser (2), Herman Hirschberger (5)

BELSIZE SQUARE - Harry Davies (6), Eric Moonman (10), Dr. A. Polonsky (2)

BOREHAMWOOD, ELSTREE & DISTRICT-Jonathan Arkush (2), Leon Newmark (9)


BROMLEY REFORM - Michael Brandon-Bravo (4)


BUSHEY - Laurence Brass (5), Allan Conway (10)

CATFORD & BROMLEY - Sidney Burman (5)

CENTRAL - Sidney Diamond (8), Susan Goldbart (10), Sidney Green (3)

CHELSEA -J. Eden (3)

CHIGWELL & HAINAULT - Dr. Jessica Sharman (4), Pat Stanton (6)

CLAPTON - Prof. Geoffrey Alderman (4), John Sloggem (3)

COCKFOSTERS & N. SOUTHGATE -Jack Goulden (6), Vivienne Hoffman (resigned), Harry Kardo (6), Stanley Laufer (5), Peter Conway (3*)

CRICKLEWOOD - Michael Simmonds (5)

CROYDON - Stuart Arbisman (6)

DOLLIS HILL - Michael Brooke (10)

EALING - Dawn Shestopal (6)

EALING LIBERAL -Julian Kay (5)

EAST LONDON -Jack Michaels (3)

EAST LONDON CENTRAL - Henry Grunwald (5), Albert Rosenberg (3), David Cohen (5*)


53 EDGWARE MASORTI - David Morgale (6) KENTON - Martin Cohen (9), Freda Kosmin (4), Israel Shane (3), Evelyn Shindler (5) EDGWARE REFORM - John Fransman (5), Victor Leigh (8), Roger Morris (5), Mitchell Wax (4), Henry Tobe (4*) KINGSBURY - Stanley Aarons (5), Nat Dykierman (8)

EDGWARE UNITED - Herbert Frank (5), Brian Gordon (5), KINGSTON & SURBITON - Sidney Assor (6) Danny Handler (7), Jenny Perlmutter (8), Louis Starr (8) KINGSTON LIBERAL - Antony Spevack (2) ENFIELD & WINCHMORE HILL - Stephen Raymond (3) LIBERAL JEWISH - Sybil Gottlieb (5), Paul Infield (5), Anthony FIELDGATE STREET GREAT-Jack Gayer (4), Ivan Grossman (5) Margo (4), Delia Marmor (8)

FINCHLEY CENTRAL - Paul Westbrook (3) LOUGHTON & CHIGWELL-Alan FellJP (2), Michael Zaidner (3)

FINCHLEY PROGRESSIVE - Renzo Fantoni (10), David Pelham MACHZIKE HADATH - Ronald Stekel (6) (Resigned), Paul Silver-Myer (1*) - Simon Reiss (6), Bernard Silver (7) FINCHLEY REFORM - Mrs. Jennifer Sampson (9), John Shaw (7) NEW - Gerald Cass (9), Raphael Hart (8), Lawrence FINCHLEY UNITED -Joseph Cohen (7), Michael Goldblatt (7), Nerva (7), Samuel Smith (Resigned), Dalia Jacobs (3*) Edmund Goldstein (5), Manuel Rabstein (5), Sidney Shipton (8) MILL HILL REFORM - Gordon Shaw (6) FINSBURY PARK - Andrew Besser (6) MILL HILL UNITED - Betty Manners (6), Jeffrey Pinnick (10) GOLDERS GREEN - Nancie Craig (8), Dr. Laurance Jacobs (8), Michael Martin (6) MUSWELL HILL - Alan Kennard (7), Fay Witriol (8)

GREAT GARDEN STREET - Osias Findling (4), Isaac Rubin (8) NER YISRAEL - Evelyn Gorney (4*)

GREENFORD - Edmond Stekel (4*) NEVEH SHALOM - Jacob Levy (6)

HACKNEY - Harry Greenstein (2), Ben Weinberg (0) NEW-Alfred Crossick (5), Maurice Owen (8)

HAMMERSMITH AND WEST KENSINGTON - David Arram (8) NEWBURY PARK - Leslie Harrisberg (5)

HAMPSTEAD - Michael Gee (6), N. Geller (3), Jerry Lewis (9) NEW ESSEX MASORTI - Andrew Goodman (4*)

HAMPSTEAD GARDEN SUBURB - Zina Cohen (7), Stanley NEW LONDON -June Jacobs (10), Eleanor Lind QC (9), Caroline Frankfurt (6), Cynthia Taub (6), Devora Wineman (9) Posnansky (8)

HAMPSTEAD GARDEN SUBURB BETH HAMEDRASH - NEW NORTH LONDON - Paul Shrank (8), Colin Shindler (3) (7) NEW WEST END - The Lady Janner CBE JP (5), Jeremy Manuel HARROW & WEMBLEY PROGRESSIVE - Diane Bramson (5) (10), Ted Goodfriend (4), George Vulkan (6) NORTH LONDON PROGRESSIVE - Eric Briskman (5), HENDON REFORM - Professor Ludwik Finkelstein (4), Wally Raymond Harris (7) Leaf (9) NORTH WESTERN REFORM - Frank Brandenburger (9), Dr. HENDON UNITED - Menachem Arad (9), Raie Jager (7), Andrew Gellert (5), Jerome Karet (4), Aubrey Rose OBE (10), Sir Raymond Kalman (10), Robert Owen (8), Syma Weinberg (5) Sigmund Sternberg JP (7)

HERTSMERE PROGRESSIVE - Victor Greenberg (6) NORTHWOOD & PINNER LIBERAL - Nellie Benor Clynes (4), Jon Sacker (5), Paul Scholl (6) HIGHGATE - Naomi Pearlman JP (7) NOTTING HILL - Monty Kolsky (8) HIGHAMS PARK & CHINGFORD - M. Roberts (3) PALMERS GREEN & SOUTHGATE - Marc Bernstein (6), HOUNSLOW - Harold Ordman (6) Harry Farbey (3)

ILFORD FEDERATION - Solomon Lipman (Resigned), Michael PINNER - Stanley Fisher (6), Wally Gallick (4), Aubrey Jacobs (9) Mandel (5), A.I. Miller (5), Ashley Kissin (1*) RADLETT & BUSHEY REFORM - Barry Hyman (5), Michael ILFORD UNITED - Norman Cohen (1), Morris Finkletaub (5), Littlestone (Resigned), Lynda Schulman (0*) Bernard Gilroy (2), Cyril Kaye (3), Norma Levenstein (7) RICHMOND - William Rawlinson CBE (8) IRAQI J. COMMUNITY CONG - Avihoo Ben-David (3), Elias Dangoor (7), Nairn Dangoor (3), Shaul Shuker (6), Salim Soffair (4) RUISLIP - Frank Fisher (6)

54 ST. JOHNS WOOD - His Honour Israel Finestein QC (10), Arieh WEST LONDON-Ernest Bello (9), Alister Glickman (5), Michael Handler (7), Victor Lucas (7), Gertrude Shilling (8) Lewis (6), Felix Mitchell (8), Maxwell Simon (5)

SANDYS ROW - Dr. Schneier Levenberg (8) WILLESDEN & BRONDESBURY - Harold Cowan (8), Nicholas Kesztenbaum (8) SETTLEMENT - L. Goldwater (5), S. Goldwater (6) WIMBLEDON REFORM - David Clark (5), Kurt Gottschalk (8), SHEPHERDS BUSH - Dr. Walter Kraus (5), (Closed June 1989) Alan Tyler (7) SHOMREI HADATH - Eli Fachler (6) WOODFORD LIBERAL - Howard Joseph (3)

SINAI - Maurice Caplin (7) WOODSIDE PARK - Leslie Gatoff (7), Ruth Lever (3), Bernard Goodman (2*) SOUTHGATE PROGRESSIVE - Anthony Kerron (2), Anne Kobrin (4) WOOLWICH-Jonathan Ragol-Levy (8)

SOUTHGATE REFORM - Sylvia Fernandez (5), Jeanette Jonas (5) YAVNEH- Alec Levinson (7), Jack Saunders (5)

SOUTH HAMPSTEAD - Keith Barnett (4) YESHURUN - Leo Winter (7) SOUTH LONDON - Geoffrey Harris (5), Jane Harris (8)

SOUTH LONDON LIBERAL - Simon Miller (4), Philip Rose JP (6) PROVINCIAL CONGREGATIONS SOUTH TOTTENHAM - Ben Jacobson (6) BELFAST-Aubrey Selig (7)

SOUTH WEST ESSEX REFORM - Frances Brodie (4), Stanley BIRMINGHAM; Brodie (7), Irene Shaer (3), David Williams (7), Rita Williams (7) BIRMINGHAM CENTRAL - Sidney Jacobs (3) SOUTH WEST LONDON MASORTI - Alan Doran (3) HEBREW - Roland Diamond (2), Harry Rich (7), I.R. Singer (6) SOUTH WEST LONDON UNITED - Richard Cowan (Resigned), Woolf Perry (2*) NEW - David Cashdan (6)

SPANISH & PORTUGUESE - Mozy Cohen (9), Vera Goodman PROGRESSIVE - Dr. Heinz Shire (5) (9), Percy Gourgey MBE (10), August de Mesquita (9)

SPANISH & PORTUGUESE, HOLLAND PARK - Peter Levi BLACKPOOL REFORM - Bernard D. Davis (3*) (6), Sebastian SalamaJP (8) BOURNEMOUTH; STAINES - Dennis Paull (8) HEBREW - Arthur Appleton (7), John Kasmir (5) STANMORE & CANONS PARK - M.J. Green (1), C. Morris (4), Rosalind Preston (1), Shirley Saideman (5), Warren Starr (6) REFORM - Leonard Brown (8), Mathilda Brown (8)

SUTTON - Michael Harris (5) BRADFORD - Quentin Nisse (3)

TOTTENHAM - Lipman Kolker (5) BRIGHTON & HOVE;

WALTHAM FOREST-Julius Clements (Resigned), I.J. Miller (7), HEBREW - Ronald Arden (3), Dr. Manfred Stern (4) R. Berkley (4*) HOVE - Dr. Herzl Sless (1) WANSTEAD & WOODFORD - Michael Kenner (3), Stuart Stewart (6) NEW - M.A. Waring (1*)

WATFORD - Dr. Allan Solomon (7) PROGRESSIVE - Aubrey Milstein (0), David Sherman (5)

WEMBLEY UNITED - Leila Cumber (7), Carl Rosen (6), Louis BRISTOL; Schaffer (6) HEBREW - Dr. Ronald Greenbaum (4) WEST CENTRAL LIBERAL - Maurice Cohen (3) PROGRESSIVE - Vacancy WEST END GREAT - QC (4) CAMBRIDGE; WESTERN-Dr. Stephen Roth (3), Donald Silk (Resigned), Dr. Stanley Bloom (3*) SYNAGOGUE - Susie Ries (4)

WEST HAM - E.S. Barnett (3) TRADITIONAL - Dr. Charles Levene (7)

55 ; LUTON - Dennis Creeger (5)

NEW - Howard Bogod (3) MAIDENHEAD - Leila Blauman-Dodds (3*) UNITED - Philip Dennis (6) MANCHESTER;

CENTRAL & NORTH - Ian Rich (Resigned) CHATHAM MEMORIAL - Gabriel Lancaster (7) CHESHIRE REFORM - Kurt Heilbron (6), J.H. Shields (2*) CHELTENHAM - Barry Green (2) HALE - Lionel Freedman (0) CHILTERN PROGRESSIVE - Karen Powell (7) HEATON PARK - Dr. Simon Jenkins (3) COLCHESTER - Professor Ivor Crewe (Resigned) HOLY LAW SOUTH BROUGHTON - Dr. Sidney Baigel (3), COVENTRY - Samuel Berger (6) John Myers (6)

DARLINGTON - Peter Freitag (3) PRESTWICH - Shalom Goldblatt (3)

DUNDEE-Dr. Albert Jacob (1) REFORM - Dr. Lena Hilson (2), Werner Treuherz (2)

EDINBURGH - Mervyn Smith (3) SALE - Leonard Steinberg (Resigned), Dr. A. Nysenbaum (1*)

GLASGOW; SHAARE SEDEK - George Elias (4)

GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS - Lewis Hill (0), Arthur Lawson (1) SOUTH - Stephen Kurer (8)

LANGSIDE - Paul Morran (4*) UNITED - Rev. Chaim Heilpern (3)

NETHERLEE & CLARKSTON - Norman Firestone (5) WHITEFIELD - Jack Newman (4), Sylvia Sheff (4)

NEW - Rabbi Simon Franses (4) WITHINGTON SPANISH & PORTUGUESE - Harry Kingsley (6) QUEENS PARK - Henry Tankel (5), Judith Tankel (1*) YESHURUN - Cyril Goldstein (5), Joy Wolfe (3)

GRIMSBY-Jack Lennard (6*) MARGATE - Michael Steinbock (1) GUILDFORD - Simon Kugler (9) NEWCASTLE;

HARROGATE - Harry Brown (1) REFORM - Dr. Martin Been (3)

HULL WESTERN - Ronald Field (5) UNITED - Dr. Lionel Kopelowitz JP (9), Geoffrey Lurie (2) JERSEY - Bernard Krichefski (3) NEWPORT - Dr. Israel Rocker (2) LEEDS; NORTHAMPTON - Leonard Shulman (2) BETH HAMEDRASH HAGADOL - Dr. John Collins (0) NORTH WEST SURREY - Ivan Lawrence QC MP (6), Martin NEW CENTRAL VILNA - Nigel Manning (Resigned), J.M. Motz (3) Grant (0) NORWICH - Victor Bishop (4) SINAI - Esme Cohen (1), Mona Garfield (5)

UNITED - Elizabeth Baker (4), David Graham QC (5), Malcolm NOTTINGHAM; Rose (2) HEBREW - Bernard Millett JP (3), Michael Spungin OBE(4)

PROGRESSIVE - Barbara Peters (3) LEICESTER - Martin Peters (4)

LIVERPOOL; OXFORD - Dr. Hilary Curtis (9)

CHILDWALL - Richard Polak (2), Alfred Summers (8) PLYMOUTH - Michael Mellor (5)

GREENBANK DRIVE - Alan Goldsmith (7) PORTSMOUTH - Captain Jack Mack JP (2)

OLD - Ronald Bracey (Resigned), Sidney Edels (3*) READING - Jack Album (7)

56 ST. ALBANS - Rod Taylor (5) ASSOC. OF JEWISH WOMEN'S ORGANISATIONS -Jean Karsberg (8) ST. ANNES-ON-SEA - Cedric Feather (4) ASSOC. FOR JEWISH YOUTH (AJY) - Martin Bojam (4), SHEFFIELD - S.S. Mendelson (5), M.H. Moore (0) Cyril Dainow (3), David Finlay (9), Sion Mehdi (8), Ruth Posner (Resigned), Andrea Singer (Resigned) SOLIHULL - Dr. Henry Warson (7) ASSOC. OF UNITED SYNAGOGUE WOMEN - Stella Lucas, SOUTHAMPTON - Martin Goldstein (9) JP (5), Ruth Rabinowitz (7), Betty Segalov (6)

SOUTHEND & WESTCLIFF - Jeffrey Barcan (5), Sidney Hart (6) B'NAI B'RITH-Walter Bentley (5), Stephen Hilsum (7), Marilyne SOUTHPORT - Stewart Pactor (4) Rose (8) BRIT NASHIM - Frances Kutock (6) SOUTHPORT NEW - Martin Balsown (2*) BRITISH ORT - Philip Mishon (3) STOKE-ON-TRENT - Daniel Janner (4) EMUNAH, CHILD RESETTLEMENT FUND - Flo Kaufman (10) SUNDERLAND - Lt. Col. Mordaunt Cohen TD DL (9) FEDERATION OF WOMEN ZIONISTS - Barbara Harding (5), SWANSEA - Hyman Landy (Deceased) Leila Wynbourne (5) WELWYN GARDEN CITY - Peter Kirsch (9) 45 AID SOCIETY - Ben Helfgott (8)

SYNAGOGAL ORGANISATIONS GRAND ORDER OF ISRAEL & SHIELD OF DAVID F.S. - FEDERATION OF SYNAGOGUES - Rabbi Meyer Frydman (7), Michael Dobias (7) Morris Lederman (0) GRAND ORDER SONS OF JACOB F.S. - Barnett Ackerman (7) REFORM SYNAGOGUES OF GREAT BRITAIN - Marcus Bower (6), Harold Langdon (8), Maurice Michaels (4), Joyce Rose (6) HERUT MOVEMENT - Clive Feigenbaum (3), Joe Gellert (7), Bruno Grunfeld (7), Mervyn Kersh (8) UNION OF LIBERAL & PROGRESSIVE SYNAGOGUES - Henry Clifford (8), Clive Winston (7) JEWISH ASSOCIATION OF CULTURAL SOCIETIES - Rev. Saul Amias, MBE (1*), Bernard Davis (0*), Annette Pearlman (1*) UNITED SYNAGOGUE - Moss Amias (10*), Alfred Dunitz JP CC (7), Sidney Frosh JP (7), Alan Grant (5), F.M. Landau (9), S.S. LEAGUE OF JEWISH WOMEN - Jo Velleman (10), Ruth Levin OBE (7) Winston-Fox JP (5) MAPAM - Debbie Barnett (8) PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVE COUNCILS ETC. BRIGHTON & HOVE - David Seligman (Resigned) MIZRACHI HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI FEDERATION - S.S. Hirsch (8), Menny Klausner (8), Gary Polikoff (8), Josef Reid (4) GLASGOW - Kenneth Davidson (4), Dr. Walter Sneader (4) NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOVIET JEWRY - Neil Bradman HASTINGS & DISTRICT JEWISH SOCIETY - David Curzon (3) (Resigned), John Fenner (1*)


LEEDS — Colin Grazin (3) POALE ZION - John Lebor (2), Harold Miller (8), Henry Smith (4)


MERSEYSIDE - Dr. Oskar Dover (1), Dr. Mervyn Goodman (4) Kurzer (5)

NORTH-EAST -H.H. Pearlman JP (3), Dr. Saul Veeder (4) PRO ZION - Arthur Hill (6)

SHEFFIELD - David Sayliss (3) REFORM SYNAGOGUES GUILDS - Pat Hassenson (7)

SOUTHPORT - Sonia Abrahamson (4) TRADES ADVISORY COUNCIL Councillor John Bull JP (3) UNION OF JEWISH STUDENTS - Dr. Hyman Abel (10), Liz OTHER ORGANISATIONS Farbey (1), Stephen Franks (3*), Rochelle Gold (4*), Tammy Katz (2*), Jonny Mendlesohn (4*) A.J.E.X. - Adrian Cowan (Resigned), Hyman Diamond JP (9), Leslie Segal (0*), Gabe Marks (4), Henry Morris (6), Martin Savitt UNION OF MACCABI ASSOCIATIONS - Suzanne Alvarez (6), Ronald Shelley (8) (1), Brian Goldfarb (7), Andrew Katz (2), Beryl Rayman (4) ASSOC. OF JEWISH SIXTH-FORMERS (AJ6) -Jeremy YOUNG HERUT-Julie Gordon (Resigned) Lawrence (3)

57 LIST OF D. Ackerman & Sons Ltd Citroen Wells 15-16 Highams Park Devonshire House SUBSCRIBERS Industrial Estate 1 Devonshire Street Hickman Avenue London WIN 2AR London E4 9JG Club La Costa Management The Board of Deputies wish to thank Addison Beyer Green Services Ltd Cayendish Street 7 Shakespeare Road all the following companies and London W1M 8BD London N3 1XE individuals who either became annual Air Power Hydraulics Ltd Michael Conn & Co, subscribers or renewed their Hillington Estate Solicitors subscriptions during the year Glasgow G62 4PQ 24 Queen Anne Street Amber Day Holdings pic London W1M OAX 1 Baker Street Leonard Curtis & Co London W1M 1AA c/o Mill House Arram Berlyn Gardner & Co 32 Parkside Mortimer House Mill Hill 37-41 Mortimer Street London NW7 2LH London WIN 7RJ Danish Express Laundry Asher Fishman & Co 16 Hinde Street 1 Allsop Place London W1M 5AR London NW1 5LF Dantex Graphics Ltd Associated Henriques pic 5 Kings Road 6 Long Lane Bradford London EC1A 9HA Day Timers (UK) Ltd Messrs Auerbach Hope PO Box 809 58-60 Berners Street London NW5 2LQ London W1P 4JS Doffman, Solicitors Bank Leumi (UK) pic Number 11, Argyll Street PO Box 2AF London W1V 2LJ 4-7 Woodstock Street Econopak Removals Ltd London W1A 2AF Unit K A. Beckman pic Abbey Wharf Industrial Estate 111-113 Great Portland Street Kingsbridge Road London WIN 5FA Barking Essex IG11 OBT Benson Mazure & Co 22 Bentinck Street Elbief pic London W1M 6AB Prince of Lane Warstock Max Bitel Greene Emanuel Birmingham B14 4LA 1 Canonbury Place London N1 2NG Elman & Leigh 1 Bickenhall Street Blick Rothenberg London W1H 3LF 12 York Gate London NW1 4QS Enoch Epstein & Co 995 High Road M. Bloom (Kosher) & Son North Finchley Ltd London N12 8QX West Factory Everon Group Ltd Tunmarsh Lane London E13 9NB 174b Finchley Road London NW3 6BP W. & J. Bogod & Co F. & Z. Packaging Co 360 Newport Road Cardiff CF3 7YN 16-18 Factory Lane Croydon Bonds Ltd Surrey CRO 3RL 97-103 Church Street Faith Shoes Croydon CRO 1RN Unit 1, Frogmore Estate British Autogard Ltd Acton Lane Thousand Oaks London NW10 Meysey Hampton Nr Cirencester Farmer Miller & Elkan David Gloucestershire GL7 5LH 35-37 Brent Street Hendon Broome and Wellington London NW4 2EF Manchester House 86 Princess Street Mr. K.J. Fisher Manchester Ml 6NG Wellington House 273-275 High Street Callers-Pegasus Travel London Colney Service St. Albans 3 Osborne Terrace Herts AL2 1EU Jesmond Fisher Conway Fenton & Co Newcastle-upon-Tyne Chancery House Chancery pic Chancery Lane 14 Fitzhardinge Street London WC2A ISP Manchester Square London W1H 9PL LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS

Fisher Sassoon and Marcus Harris & Trotter Leighton Goldhill Farloy Court 8-10 Bulstrode Street 7 & 8 Conduit Street Allsop Place London W1M 6AH London W1R ODA London NW1 5LG Saul Harrison & Sons pic I. Lerner & Co Ronald Fletcher & Co Stronghold Works 38 Charterhouse Street 243 Elgin Avenue Abbey Road London EC1M 6JS Maida Vale Stratford Messrs Levy Hyams & Co London W9 1NJ London El5 3NA Treasure House Franks I. Hennig & Co Ltd 19-21 Hatton Garden 70-74 Golders Green Road 1 Charterhouse Street London EC1N 8BA London NW11 8LP London EC1P 1BL Brian Levy & Co Frimonde Heskia (London) Ltd Portland House Chronicle House 279 Dover House Road 4 Great Portland Street 72-78 Fleet Street London WIN 5AA London EC4 London SW15 5BP Robert Lewis (Marylebone) Glazers & Co D. Huglin (London) Ltd Ltd 843 Finchley Road David Huglin House 5 Argall Avenue London NW11 8NA 18-23 Bridge Industrial Estate London E10 7QD Gloverall Speke Hall Road Lewis Jacobs The Stadium L24 9HE 13 Cranbrook Road Oaklands Road Hurwitz Furs Ltd Ilford London NW2 6DN Brooks Wharf Essex IG1 4DU Gold Raymond & Co 48 Upper Thames Street Lincoln Street Sintack House London EC4V 3HR Motors 86 Ltd 43-45 High Road International Generics Ltd 221-225 High Street Bushey Heath 53 Cumberland Terrace Digbeth Herts WD2 1EE London NW1 4HT Birmingham B12 OLU Golding Bates J.L.G. Investments Ltd Norman Linton Ltd 249 Cranbrook Road 3 Claridge Court 39-51 Highgate Road Ilford Lower Kings Road London NW5 IRS Essex IG1 4TR Berkhamsted Lockville Ltd Messrs Gordon Berman Herts WP4 2AE 56 Middleway 85 Ballards Lane Jacobs Sassoon London NW11 6NH Finchley 5 Wigmore Street Longwood Travel London N3 1XU Cavendish Square 182 Longwood Gardens T. Gould Ltd London W1H 9KA Clayhall Perserverence Mill Jay Benning & Co Ilford IG5 OEW Cross Street Canberra House M. & N. Textiles Ltd Heywood 315 Regents Street Basil House Lancashire OLIO 1LY London W1R 7YB 107 Portland Street The Stephen I. Graham S. Jerome & Sons Ltd Manchester Ml 6DF Partnership Victoria Works M. & T. Office Supplies Ltd 144-146 New Bond Street Shipley BD17 7EF Old Oak Common Lane London W1Y 9PB Kelvin Reproduction London W3 7DA Ronald Martin Groome pic Furniture Ltd M.S. Marks & Co Unit 3-4 Hazelhurst Road Grange Road Trading Estate Sardinia House Worsley Grange Road 62 Lincolns Inn Fields Manchester M28 4SX Batley London WC2A 3NL Gross Fine W. Yorkshire WF17 6PB C.J. Morris 27 Princes Street Howard Kennedy, Solicitors 90 North Gate Hanover Square 23 Harcourt House Prince Albert Road London W1R 8NQ 19 Cavendish Square London NW8 7EJ London W1A 2AN Grove Securities Ltd Mosley-Stone Ltd 1 Bathurst Mews R.W. Leff& Co Wellington Road London W2 2SB I 59 Commercial Street Leeds LS12 1DU Gruber Levinson Franks London E1 Neilson & Co Peter House Legal & Trade 23-24 Margaret Street Oxford Street Scottish Legal House Manchester M1 5AB London W1N 7LB 145 North Street Cecil Halpern & Co Glasgow G3 7JP 19-29 Woburn Place London WC1H OXF


The Board of Deputies wish to thank all the following companies and individuals who either became annual subscribers or renewed their subscriptions during the year

Northampton Cabinet Co Ltd J.B. Sachs & Co Ltd Stonegrove Design & Aylmer Road 18-19 Queenhithe Management Ltd Leytonstone Upper Thames Street 7 Woodside Close London Ell 3AD London EC4 Stanmore Middlesex HA7 3AJ Northern Trading Co Ltd Saunders, Bearman, Anselm 2nd Floor, Byrom House 73 Wimpole Street Ralph Swimer Ltd 21 Quay Street London W1 Swimer House Manchester M3 3HQ Norman Saville & Co 469 Bethnal Green Road London E2 9QH Nyman Libson Paul & Co 47 Muswell Hill Broadway 124 Finchley Road London N10 3HA Selwyn Tash & Co London NW3 5JS Sol Schaverein & Sons Ltd Premier House 309 Ballards Lane Oberlander Caterers 223 Cambridge Heath Road London N12 8NE Archtype House London E2 la Cecil Road Searchlight Electrical Ltd Benjamin Taylor & Co London NW9 5EL Water Street 5 Wigmore Street London W1H OHY Bernard Oberman & Co Manchester M3 4JU Chancery House Seaside Supplies Ltd Teacher Stern Selby Chancery Lane Florida Close 37-41 Bedford Row London WC2A 1QZ Hot Lane Industrial Estate London WC1 4JH Pafra Ltd Burslem Teachers Marks Deal Ltd Bentalls Stoke-on-Trent 29 Princes Street Basildon Staffordshire ST6 2DJ London W1R 7RG Essex SS14 3BU Sherman Phillips Trident Press (Sales) Ltd Perfect Travel Ltd 78 Mill Lane 8 Embassy Lodge 20 Melcombe Street London NW6 1NL 243-251 Regents Park Road London NW1 6AH Simlers London N3 3LB Pinnick Lewis & Co 27 Harley Street J. Webber Finance Ltd Handel House London WIN IDA 96 Millway 95 High Street Messrs Simons Levine & Co Mill Hill Edgware Handan House London NW7 3JJ Middlesex HA8 7DB 769 High Road West End Travel Richard I. Racke Ltd North Finchley Barratt House Hatton Street Studios London N12 341 Oxford Street 9 Hatton Street Sinclair Goldsmith Holdings London W1R 1HB London NW8 8PL 7-10 Chandos Street Nicholas Woolf & Co Rayware Cavendish Square 1 Great Cumberland Place Unit 8-9 London W1M OAD London W1M 7AL Mersey Pride Enterprise Sinclairs Wolfe Jewellery Trading Park 32 Queen Anne Street Vault 41 Speke Hall Road London W1M 9LB London Silver Vaults Liverpool LD4 Solnick & Co, Solicitors Chancery Lane Resort Hotels pic Stamford House London WC2A 1QS Resort House 2-4 Chiswick High Road Jeffrey Young & Co Clifton Mews, Clifton Hill London W4 1TH 18 South Molton Street Brighton London W1Y 1DO E. BN1 8HR Southend Diet Centre Handel House Rickman Brooks 95 High Street Apex House Edgware Grand Arcade Middlesex HA8 7DB Tally Ho Corner London N12 OEH Sports Chalet 55 Lewisham Centre Risol Products (Imports) Ltd Lewisham Approach Road London SE13 7EP off Barton Dock Road Urmston Spring Hotels Ltd Manchester M31 2LT Spring House 398 Seven Sisters Road H.M. Rose & Co London N4 2LX 220 Stamford Hill London N16 Sterlings Lawford House Messrs Rosenthal Hass & Co Albert Place 22 New Quebec Street Finchley London W1H 7DE London N3 1QA DONATIONS The Board of Deputies Charitable Trust Alfred & Francis Rubens 21 wishes to express appreciation to all those Charitable Trust who have made donations during the year. Rubin Foundation Stephen Rubin G Abrahams Cecil Elsom Cecil Lewis Charitable (The Pentland Group PLC) Trust Eric Abrams Exilarch Foundation Rubinstein Rappaport David Lewis Charitable Alliance Family Foundation Norman Finegold Foundation Ltd Davide Sala Nigel Alliance Henry Ferster Peter Samuel Charitable Jack Livingstone Avant Galleries Mr M Fireman Trust Loft Extensions Ltd Lady Bagrit D Franklin Charitable Trust Carl 1 Santhouse London Metals Ltd Beckman-Lawson Freed, Stone Goodman B Schmidt-Bodner Sir Jack Lyons Charitable Trust Sidney Friedland Jack Shneider Stanley Mason Peter Bentwood F Frohwein & Sons Ltd Schon Family Charitable Maxwell Communications Gerald Berman Clive Garston Trust The Maxwell Corporation C E Bernstein Charitable Geoffrey & Roma Gelberg Sam Sebba Charitable Trust A Millet Trust Jeffrey Glaskie Desmond Bloom H Milner Shoshana Schreiber Louis Glatt Charitable Conrad Morris S G Bloom Settlement Michael Sears A J Burton Charitable Trust David C Morris Henry & Esther Goldblum Shack Trust R M Burton Charitable Charitable Trust W Nagel Charitable Trust Trust Shepherds Bush and Harvey Goldsmith J Najmann Hammersmith Synagogue S Burton Charitable Raymond Goldwater Michael Naughton Settlement Sherman Trust Hammana Bros Foundation Z Carnill P Shrank Sue Hammerson Charitable Anthony Oberman & Co Communication Supplies Simons (Consolidated) Trust Sidney N Ordman Dr Slotover Conroys Decorating Stores Daniel Herman H Pearlman Charitable Ltd Hillman Charitable Trust Trust Sir Sigmund Sternberg Coopers Chartered N Pearlman Ralph M Stross Accountants Infelber (Exports) Ltd Stephen Pomeranc S Corob Charitable Trust Vincent Isaacs Jacques Sultan Porter Foundation County Furnishers Philip E Kanas M Sumray Kanter Jules Grangewoods Priestley and Moore Datnow Ltd Tel-Hai Fund Puma Securities Neil Davis Charitable Trust Herbert Kaufman Joe Tishler D G Raeburn Day Timers Kennedy Leigh Charitable Walsh Lawson Fireman Trust J Ravden Alan M Dean Warner Bearman Howard Kennedy Lord Rayne De Groot Collis I Waterman (Box Makers) Sol Kerzner Rockmin Charitable Trust A Diamond Charitable Ltd H & P Kirsch Trust The Cecil Rosen D Weisz (Kirgloves Hitchin Ltd) Foundation Harry Djanogly B & A Weller Charitable Ladbrokes Jackie Rosenfield R Djanogly Charitable Trust Land & Co Trusts N Rothschild Charitable Fred Worms Erwin Landau Trust Albert Doweck F Landau Charitable Trust Rothschild Trust Wrightsons British Tags Ltd Vivien Duffield S Laufer Royal Eagle Hotel Young Charitable Trust George Elias Charitable Trust Mr Monty Levy Kenneth Rubens A Zabludowicz


1760 Benjamin Mendes da Costa 1766 1778 Joseph Salvador 1789 Moses Isaac Levy 1801 Naphtaly Bazevy 1802-1812 (No record) 1812 Raphael Brendon 1817-1829 Moses Lindo 1829-1835 Moses 1835-1838 1838 (Oct-Nov) (later Sir David Salomons) 1838-1840 I Q Henriques 1840 (May-Jul) Sir Moses Montefiore 1840-1841 Hananel de Castro (pro tem.) 1841-1846 Sir Moses Montefiore 1846 (Mar-Aug) David Salomons (later Sir David Salomons) 1846-1855 Sir Moses Montefiore 1855 (AprDec) Isaac Foligno 1855-1857 Sir Moses Montefiore 1857 (Feb-Sep) Isaac Foligno 1857-1862 Sir Moses Montefiore 1862-1868 Joseph Mayer Montefiore (pro tem.) 1868 (Jun-Nov) Sir Moses Montefiore 1868-1871 Joseph Mayer Montefiore (pro tem.) 1871-1874 Sir Moses Montefiore 1874-1880 Joseph Mayer Montefiore 1880-1895 Arthur Cohen, QC, MP 1895-1903 Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore 1903-1917 David Lindo Alexander, KC 1917-1922 Sir Stuart H Samuel, Bt 1922-1925 (Nov) Henry S Q Henriques, KC 1925-1926 (Jan) Lord Rothschild (acting) 1926-1933 O E d'Avigdor-Goldsmid, DL, JP (later Sir Osmond E d'Avigdor-Goldsmid, Bt) 1933-1939 Neville J Laski, QC (later Judge Laski) 1940-1949 Professor 1949-1955 Rev Dr Abraham Cohen 1955-1964 Sir , MP (later Lord Janner) 1964 (June) Aid Abraham Moss, JP 1964-1967 Solomon Teff 1967-1973 Aid Michael M Fidler, JP 1973-1979 Aid Sir Samuel (later Lord) Fisher 1979-1985 Hon Greville Janner, QC, MP 1985- Dr Lionel Kopelowitz, JP THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES WISHES TO THANK ALL THE FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT DURING THE YEAR We wish all those associated with this event every success


S.R. Gent pic, DodworthRoad, Barnsley, Yorkshire S70 6JE Tel: Barnsley (0226) 241434. S.R. Gent pic, Design Centre, 8 Harewood Row, London NW1 6SE Tel: 01-7234243. Manufacturers of ladies' and children's clothing BEST WISHES FROM AUDIOLINE

Telephones, Telephone Answering Systems and In-Car Entertainment. 2A Lancaster Road, Wimbledon Village, London SW19 5DP.