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NILES HERALD -SPECTATOR M Hoivw. M Loc NEWS SINCE 1951. Thursday, October 9, 2014 A WRAPPORTS company I A CHICAGO SUNTIMES.nn pubhcation Critics scold 01St. 219 Taxpayers upset with partnership PAGE 12 t GO Northlight Theatre celebrates 40th PAGE 36 FOUR CHARGED WITH MURDER FOOD Four suspects are held without bail in the shooting of two Niles North studentsl PAGE 6 New beet recipes are golden PAGE 40 Nues Herald-Spectator I ©2014 Sun-Times Media All rights reserved I - MONEY SAVING DISCOUNTS! CALL ME FOR A NO-OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE. -. AMERICAN FAMILY I NSURANCE Mary Marino Agency SD-TLO9 11 S3nIIN American Family Mutua' Insurance 561 7 Dempster St LOL)1VO Company and its Subsidiaries Morton Grove, IL 60053 1g t0969 American Family Life Insurance Company islai.d30 L1j:V Home Office - Madison, W! 53783 Bus: (847) 966-3200 TC0OUO0 Z000000 6T03 06ïC ©2012 006441 - 9/12 [email protected] 61 0 3LOI THURSDAY OCTOBER 9, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL Morton Grove $849,000 Morton Grove $469,000 Morton Grove $399,900 Morton Grove $389,900 Teresa Spyrka 847-384-7569 77088eckwith.into Rat ay Qamar 847-446-4000 86461iarrns.into Mana Schneider 847-724-5800 7408L100SINFO The thka Red Estate Jean 773-641-6122 New Listing Morton Grove $387,000 Morton Grove $379,500 Morton Grove $322900 Morton Grove $299900 Morton Grove $595,000 Tony Cela 630-495-3500 Eileen Hoban 847-724-5800 Pam Carmichael 847-384-7520 llsiia Fomina 847-696-0700 Steve Malone 312-965-4083 Morton Grove $298,900 Morton Grove $269,000 Nues $255,000 Morton Grnve $249,900 91J9ORIOLE.INFO Pauline Mazur 773-704-0394 5O2lMadisoninto Christina Auen 847-945-7100 O722Shermer.into Debbie Brooks 847-945-7100 Paula McGrath 847-724-5800 Morton Grove $249,000 Morton Grove $236,500 Morton Grove $475,000 Seta Ajram 773-467-5300 722OFoster.into Dean Schneider 847-724-5800 Patricia Furman 847-724-5800 Ask us about a home warranty 866-797.4788 Morton Grove $t58,000 Morton Grove $155000 Morton Grove $132,500 Patricia Forman 847-724-5800 Bill Alston 847-384-5840 Frank Genualdi 847-384-7573 Morton Grove $475,000 5B14MONROE.INfO Kevin Moore 407-487-1376 Home Loans Title Coiicierge/Home Warranty Relocation Previews Commercial 888-492-6071 847-349-5450 800-493-1181 800-323-9565 888-572-Home 800-838-7922 ©2014 Coidwell Banker Residential neal Estate LLC. All nights Reserved. CnIdweII Banker eesdential Brokerage tuOg supports the priociples st the Fair Housing Act and theEqaal Opportanity Act. Operated by a sabsidiary of SRI LLC. cnlstwell Banker and the Ceidwell Banker Lono are registered service marks owned by Coidwell Banker Real Estate LLC, Real estate agents affiliated with coldwev Banker Residential Brokerage areindependent contractor sales associates and are not employees of CoIdwell Banker Residential Brskerage. NH. A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 I 3 A bathroom that says mirror, mirror on the waiL CALL NOW ÀPCHWA 888662.4866 CONSTRUCTION a Remodeling to a higher standard. 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL NILES HERALD -SPECTATOR MMUNITY 6 M Ho.ri. MY LxL News Sece 1951. BLOTTER IO OPINION IO Timothy P. Knight CEO John Biais Robert K. 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PAGE 4 Emails with top local stories twice each week Sat.: 6:30 a.m.-4p.m. SPORTS 62 Gote: niles.suntimes.connewsletter Sun.: 8 am-noon PUBLICATION INFORMATÌON Nues Herald-Spectator (USPS 390-880) VoI. 65, No. 42. Published 52 issoos per year ADVERTISING TERMS AND CONDITIONS Acceptance at ads by Pubirsher seressy conditioned ori and subject to the tollowrngtetms. Pobjrsher means thus publication, ¡tsparant(s), sabsidrarres and athjrates. bySun-Times Medra, LIC, (ç) 2014, 350 N. Orleans, Chicago IL 60654. Snite copy $1.50. Peciodicals postage paid at Advertiser agrees that Pubjishar's liability in relahon to any act, omission, failure to pablish. or error tr the publishingofany ad Wilt not exceed the amoantpaidfnr such ad. Under no circumstanceswijl Publusherevet he liable Sttrcago IL 60607 arid additronal maitog offices. One-year subseriphon. $52.00 a-county only. 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TGREAT i.shing Hunting, A FRESH START Camping, OuTDoo Equipment Imagine your new beginning at The Homestead at Morton Grove. Se%teut4 FREDDIE BEAR SPORTS This ready-to--movein rental community Sm6Ie'1t(4ø1T 201 0 Washington SL. Waukeqan BUYING USED GUNS for those ages 55+ offers the best in c: VdaW S 005wn Amarino . taught, Said atd Traded !1ND GUN COLLECTIONS living - including Beokerfw of Estates .- Famnllyüwredsirce tWA 708 532 4133 . security, scheduled transportation, social Large Selection of Fiee Ciaas Imaintenance-free. Phone: 847-652-4034 i 7250 Oak Park Ave, Tinley Park IL 60477 activities, private patios and terraces, CIIIJCK'S GUN SUOi' indoor parking and so much more. 4%: PiS'll)L RANGE 143 I O S. Indiana, Riverdale IL, 60827 Ph: 708-849-4455 Buy,Trade & Sell VISIT US FOR A TOUR S&w, Ruger Beretta, Glock, CALL TODAY to schedule a free, no-obligation IL FOlD Cards tour at 847-581-1800. You'll find us at the corner of Lehigh and Lincoln Avenues. To Advertise Here, 6400 Lincoln Avenue, Morton Grove Please Call 847-581-1800 THE AT MORTON GROVE on Eswrx Ccanntutrdy G30-978-8277. NIL A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION THURSDAY OCTOBER 9 2014 5 s HYATT Energy Efficient PAINTING COMPANY e1COMFORT AIR Since 1949 Gas Furnace HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING AIR CONDITIONERS BOILERS PaintingCarpentryRemodeling Only 899°° Quality WorkFair Prices & FU R NACES Free Estimates 50,000- 100,000 BTU'S HOT WATER TANKS AND MORE FULL PRICE 847-477-6050 BUY AN AIR CONDITIONER I FURNACE MOST BRANDS AVAILABLE GET A FREE THERMOSTAT Receive the best psychic reading Furnaces Only Labor Not Included AIR CONDITIONERS STARTING AT of your life by Judy call today to $1995.00 find love, success, and happiness. WATER FURNACES STARTING AT Available for parties$2-5 Sethi $1495.00 20 years of experience MAINTENANCE TUNE UP H EATERS REGULAR $124.99 NOW $59.99 474 Central Ave, ilighiand Park. Hot Water Heaters Only - Labor Not Included FINANCING AVAILABLE 224-616-1872 40 GaI. Water Heater 0% INTEREST 18 MONTHS SAME AS CASH INSTALLED BATHROOM Lv $299 MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED IN BASEMENT ONLY $1999 (773) 685-7700 n clii des: AARONS SAME DAY (708) 331-3313 1. All Drain Lines 2. All Water Lines AIR CONDITIONING 3. Ejector Pump Pit (if necessary) FINANCING FREE ESTIMATES & HEATING (815) 478-9904 AARONS PLUMBING AVAl LABtE I -708-481-9714 708-481-9714 Financing Available SENIOR AND VETERANS DISCOUN WSA Licensed & Bonded - Lic #305522 TO ADVERTISE HERE, PLEASE CALL 630-978-8227 6 I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9,2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL Suspects charged in shooting of Nues North seniors BY MU ISAACS [email protected] I @SKReview_Mike same day friends and family tearfully memorialized TheNiles North High School se- nior Maxwell Gadau, Skokie Police Sunday announced the arrests of four 19-year-old males they say are responsible for fatally shooting him a week earlier. In addition to Gadau, a female Niles North senior was shot and wounded in the incident. A fifth suspect, 17, who was be- lieved to be the gunman, was also arrested Monday at his school in LEFT TO RIGHT: Nicholas Smith, Jeremy Ly, Dzevad Avdic, Myles Hughes i PHOTOS FROM SKOKIE POLICE. Chicago, but he was released Tues- day. Because he was a juvenile, po- were said to know the victim or vic- The state's case includes alleged friend not only said he was not with McTague. "We will continue to lice said, he could only be held for tims. Although Avdic's address was evidence of calls and texts made her the whole night but that he left support our students during this 24 hours and the state's attorney listed as in Chicago, a law enforce- from Avdic's cell phone to the with the suspects and returned difficult time.