RYFA - Flag Football Rules 2nd / 3rd Grade

The purpose of the RYFA Flag Football program is to have fun and develop skills for all players. Coaches are expected to work with their players and provide them the opportunity to participate in all positions that they are comfortable playing. This is an informal league in which scorekeeping is not a priority. Coaches from both teams are expected to work together to manage their respective games.

TEAMS: Teams will ideally have from 8 to 12 players. This is a 7 on 7 league. If a team does not have 7 players to start a game, coaches can decide whether to “loan” a player(s) to the team that is short. Otherwise coaches can decide to play with less than 7 players for both teams. Jerseys are solid color/white reversible and the coaches can decide which colors the respective teams will wear. Flag belts are to be worn outside the jerseys and untucked jerseys should not be hanging over the flag belts. Defensive players should have clear access to an offensive player’s flags.

PARTICIPATION: Coaches are expected to rotate their players so that players participate fairly and equally. Coaches are expected to rotate their players’ positions fairly and equally, allowing each player a chance to play all positions that they are comfortable playing. Players should not be sitting out extended periods of time unless it is health related or at the direction of the player’s parent.

FIELD DIMENSIONS: For 2nd/3rd Grade, fields will be 25 yards is length. Two games may be played simultaneously on a respective field, utilizing the opposite end zones. Field width should be ⅔ of the width of the field, with the yard markers set along the hash marks along one sideline.

RULES: Coaches are expected to work together regarding the rules and the enforcement of the rules, especially in the first few weeks of the season as the players are learning the game. RYFA Board Members will be available for clarification if needed; but ultimately coaches are expected to manage their games, keeping in mind that this is an informal league in which player development and having fun are the main goals. 1. Game length is determined by the schedule. RYFA may use an air horn to signal the end of a game. The standard game is 40 minutes in length. 2. Initial possession is determined by the coaches or a coin toss if needed. 3. Ball carriers are down after their flag is pulled or they fall to the ground. 4. Fumbles are dead as soon as the ball touches the ground. A play is dead if the touches the ground. Coaches can decide on whether to replay the down if the snap is unsuccessful. 5. Number of coaches on the field: Use discretion. Coaches should be available to coach up the 7 players on the field, but too many coaches can cause congestion and confusion for the players. A sideline/bench coach is helpful to keep track of the kids and to assist with rotating players. Coaches should focus on their team’s players instead of the other team’s players, especially for correcting penalties and game rules. 6. For the end of the year tournament, in the event of a tie game at the end of the time session, both teams will get one play from the 5 yard line to score. Both teams will get an equal number of attempts from the 5 yard line until the tie is broken.

OFFENSE: 1. Ball starts on the 25 yard line. 2. An offense will have 4 downs to either get a first down or score. First downs can be gained by crossing the 20 yard line and the 10 yard line. If the team doesn’t get a first down or score, the ball goes to the other team who starts at the 25 yard line. 3. One player must be lined up in the backfield behind the quarterback as a running back. One running play is allowed for each series of plays needed to obtain a first down. All players are eligible receivers. 4. Only one exchange (handoff or pass) per play by the quarterback after obtaining the snap. 5. A legal snap should be one fluid motion and does not need to be made through the legs. 6. A must be made from behind the line of scrimmage and a receiver only needs one foot in bounds to complete a catch. 7. Only screen blocking is allowed in flag football. No contact can be initiated by an offensive player attempting to block a defensive player. Any use of hands, arms, or any part of the body is an illegal block. A screen blocker shall have their hands and arms at their sides or behind their backs when screen blocking. 8. A player in possession of the ball may not “guard” their flags from a defensive player by using his hands, arms, or any body part. A defensive player should have clear access to an offensive player’s flags. If a ball carrier’s flag or belt unintentionally falls off they are considered down. 9. Touchdowns are worth 7 points. There are no Point After Touchdowns (PATS) 10.For 2nd/3rd Grade, the quarterback will wear flags and must throw or hand the ball off within 5 seconds. The quarterback cannot run the ball.

DEFENSE: 1. Interceptions are live and can be returned to the 25 yard line for a touchdown. If the player intercepting the ball does not successfully return it to the 25 yard line, their team starts on offense from the 25 yard line. 2. All defenders must be lined up at least 3 yards off of the line of scrimmage. The defense can play zone or man to man coverage. There is no “press coverage” or “bump and run” coverage. Pass interference is a 5 yard penalty from the line of scrimmage. Coaches are expected to work together in the enforcement of penalties, focusing primarily on the players on their own team. 3. Defensive players must go around an offensive player’s screen block. A defensive player cannot attempt to “play through” an offensive player’s screen block. Contact between players is discouraged and coaches have discretion to determine whether any contact is illegal or unintentional. Illegal contact is a 5 yard penalty from the line of scrimmage. 4. The defense cannot rush the quarterback.