LION HEAD an outstanding variety of 5ke yunnan Reticulatad

Vol. 8, No. I OFFICIAL BULLETIN October, 1954

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA SOCIETY. INC. ROSTER OF OFFICERS PRESIDENT SECRETARY WallaceH. Brown (OLympic 2-54C4) Judson K. Kirby (YEllowstcne 4-3745) 201 The Uplands, Berkeley 5 7 Elliott Drive, Route I, Ccncord DIRECTORS VICE-PRESIDENT Thurston Skei (ATlantic 3-3689) C. A. Ro!::erts (LAke:1Urst 3-2435) 3540 O'Connor Drive, Lafayette 2851 Johnson Ave., Alameda C. W. Lattin (TRinidad 2-2120) TREASURER 2246 - 83rd Avenue, Oakland Walter N. Powell (OLymj:ic 3-1586) Mrs. G. Myron Grismore (KEllog 2-3449) 423 - 60th Street, Oakland 9 3618 Victor Ave., Oakland COMMITTEE CHAlRMEN: PROGRAM CULTURAL EXPERIMENTATION C. A. Roberts (LAkehurst 3-2465) Harold L. Paige (ATlantic 3-3408) 2851 Johnson Ave., Alameda 1212 Monticello Road, Lafayette MEMBERSHIP SERGEANT-AT-ARMS C. W Lattin (TRinidad 2-2120) Lovell M. Preston (OLympic 3-1851) 2246 - 83rd Ave., Oakland 1567 Mountain Blvd., Oakland PUBLICITY RECEPTION Thurston Skei (ATlantic 3-36E9) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Foster 3540 O'Ccnnor Drive, Lafayette (HUmboldt 3-4124) LAKESIDE CAMELLIA GARDEN 7020 Colton Blvd., Oakland Albert E. Evers (ATlantic 3-3267) 2676 Happy Valley Road, Lafayette QUESTION PERIOD BULLETIN EDITORIAL STAFF Haig S. Ashuckian (ATlantic 3-2688) 3530 Hamlin Read, Lahyette EDITOR AWARDS David L. Feathers (CLiffcrd 4-2171) Judson K. Kirby, YEllowstone 4-3745 I Camellia Lane, Lafayette, Calif. 7 Elliott Drive, Route I, Conccrd HOSTESS ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mrs. Walter N. Powell (OLympic 3-1586) John D. Lawson, M.D. 423 - 60th St., Oakland 9 1655 - 13th Avenue, Sacramento, Calif. BLOOM DlSPLAY Alexander A. Payette, D.D.S. Mrs. G. Myron Grismcre (KEllog 2-3449) 356 Village Lane, Los Gatos, Calif. 3618 Victor Ave., Oakland BOOK SALES RECORDERS Mrs. Lenore Brcze (HUmboldt 3-9668) 6100 Harwood Ave., Oakland 18 Mrs. C. W. Lattin (TRinidad 2-2120) 2246 - 83rd Ave., Oakland PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM Louis J. Glomi (EMerson 6-5854) Mrs. Haig S. Ashuckian 35 Eagle Hill Terrace, Redwood City 3530 Hamlin Road, Lafayette The Northern Califcrnia Camellia Society, Inc. is a non-profit organization cf camellia fanciers interested in the culture, propagation, and development of . Meetings are held on the lirst Mcnday in each month from November to May inclusive, at 8 p.m., at the Chabot School Auditorium, Oakland. Membership is open to all those with a serious interest in the subject. Annual Dues $5.00. Membership application blanks may be obtained from Judscn K. Kirby, 7 Elliott Drive, Route I, Concord, Calif. Address all matter regarding the Bulletin to the Editor. Report change of address to the Secretary. Published by the Northern California CamelIia Society. Inc. Copyright, 1954

COVER The Society wishes to express its sincere thanks and appreciation to SCHWA­ BACHER-FREY CO. of San Francisco for their helpful courtesy with respect to the cover of this issue, including the color illustration of the variety LION HEAD, which we believe to be one of the most faithful reproductions of a camellia that has come to our attention. 2 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

Courtesy B. W. S. HoJlinRshead, Orinda

SHOT SILK (as grown in Northern California) Northern California Camellia Bulletin 3

FOREWORD It is not often that an event occurs seems obvious that this splendid of such outstanding importance as to conception might well have proven warrant devoting an entire issue of a abortive but for the financial support publication of this sort to that single of Mr. E. Manchester Boddy, Dr. Lam­ subject exclusively. Particularly is merts' employer, and the technical this true when the occurrence of the skill of his associate, Mr. Howard event is not strictly recent. In this Asper. It is also abundantly evident case, there is the further fact that the that complete success would hardly story has already been told in part, have been achieved but for the enter­ although the telling has of necessity prise and wherewithal supplied by been piecemeal, as further stages Mr. Ralph S. Peer, of Los Angeles, and of the drama unfolded. However, the Huntington Botanical Gardens, with the passing of time and the working independently in a similar gaining of further knowledge and ex­ venture jointly undertaken. It is our perience, the great importance of this good fortune to have all of these par­ happening is only now becoming ties to this collectively-successful un­ fully recognized. Because of these dertaking represented herein. reasons and the incidental circum­ There were, of course, others in stance that one or more members of the background whose help was in­ this Society played a part in it, this valuable. One in particular must be effort is being made to tell the story mentioned because her constant as­ in full- past, present and future in­ sistance, steady encouragement and sofar as we may do so under one unfailing inspiration had an important cover. bearing on results of great eventual The story of the discovery, impor­ benefit not only to those who grow tation under great difficulties from camellias but to the world of horti­ the Yunnan Province of China, and culture at large. It is, however, a successful perpetuation in this coun­ matter of the greatest sorrow to those try of the new C. reticulata hybrids, who love the beautiful that the one is full of romance and replete with a of whom we speak is now among·us spirit of high venture, enterprise and only in spirit. Miriam Schlichting dogged persistence that is both Lammerts, faithful wife of Dr. Walter highly entertaining and exemplary. E. Lammerts, did not live to see ripen More important to us, however, is the fully the results of the work to which fact that the introduction into this she and her gifted husband were so country of such a diversified group devoted, for this quiet but staunch of varieties of this somewhat enig­ friend of the camellia world passed matical probably will stand away suddenly on July 21st, 1954, as the greatest single accomplish­ while on a journey with her husband. ment of its kind in our day in the ca­ Because it deals with one of the mellia world. major accomplishments with which It must follow that great credit is she was identified, we feel it is sin­ due each and every person who had gularly appropriate that this Special a hand in this noteworthy undertak­ C. reticulata Issue be respectfully ing, irrespective of whether his posi­ dedicated to the memory of Miriam tion was or was not one of promi­ Schlichting Lammerts, that we may nence. However, the facts are quite clear that the guiding genius through­ record here her inspiring example of out was Dr. Walter E. Lammerts, the devotion to an ideal - the effort to scientist in charge of research for leave behind something of beauty Descanso Distributors, Inc., then of that lives and endures. La Canada, Calif. Furthermore, it - David L. Feathers, Editor. 4 Northern California Camellia Bitlletin

BUDDHA Northern California Camellia Bulletin 5

THE STORY OF THE YUNNAN RETICULATAS By Dr. Walter E. Lammerts Research Division, Descanso Distributors, Inc., Livermore, California In an article written four years ago search for new and interesting spe- for the American Camellia SocietY,l cies as material for hybridization and the circumstances having to do development purposes. After a year with the discovery, importation and of rather unfruitful effort on our ca- propagation of that now famous group mellia investigations, in the fall of of new camellias, the Yunnan Reticu- 1946 I decided to undertake a new latas, were recited in full. There is approach entirely and thereupon be- therefore no need to recount here gan the formidable task of contacting the details of that part of the story, botanists associated with the various but for the sake of completeness and museums, among whom was Dr. E. continuity I should like to begin this D. Merrill of the Arnold Arboretum. article with a review of the highlights It was his suggestion that, along with of what has gone before. others, I get in touch with the afore- The idea which led to my investi- mentioned Dr. Hu Hsen Hu, then at gations had its inception in a very the Fan Memorial Institute in Pei- interesting meeting held some years ping, China. This was done and in ago with a group of amateur camellia July, 1947, I finally heard from Dr. fanciers in Southern California. Their Hu, who reiterated that numerous enthusiastic interest proved to be varieties of C. reticulata' existed in quite contagious to one by profession Yunnan and referred me to Dr. T. T. a horticulturist and I soon found Yu at the Yunnan Botanical Institute, myself deeply involved in camellia Kunming, for further details. research. This eventually led me This letter had the salutary effect down a long and devious trail of of reinvigorating our efforts and I study and investigation, to the end immediately wrote to Dr. Yu in this that, by April, 1945, I had compiled regard. However, months passed by a descriptive list of no less than 80 without reply and it began to appear species of Camellia and Thea. Among that once again our trail was about the material unearthed was an article to reach a dead end. Then on Janu- by a Chinese botanist, H. H. HU,2 ary IS, 1948, a letter was finally re- which called attention to the long ceived from Prof. H. T. Tsai, of the existence in Kunming of over 70 vari- Yunnan Botanical Institute, a col- eties of the rather enigmatical species league to whom Dr. Yu had, in turn, C. reticulata. Although this informa- referred my inquiry, which stated tion was certainly quite interesting, categorically that more than 20 vari- my studies of the characteristics of eties of C. reticulata were obtainable the then known forms of this species in the province! My reaction can and reflection upon the sterility of the easily be realized when it is pointed only really outstanding variety, now out that this was almost three years called CAPTAIN RAWES, had led after our first research efforts were me to discount the significance of this begun. Arrangements were immedi- report and it was not pursued further ately made to have a complete set of at that time. these forwarded by air to San In the summer of 1945, I joined the Francisco, packed in their original staff of Descanso Gardens of La Ca- containers and entirely undisturbed. nada, California, and organized its re- This was, as I shortly learned, an un- search department. Our business was intentional violation of United States that of assembling, testing and creat- quarantine regulations, which pro- ing new plants, including camellias, hibit import of plant material in for- which brought me into an endless eign soil. 6 Northern California Camellia Btdletin

The outcome of all this was that, and it was found that the forbidden on March 10, 1948, we finally re­ soil, in which the plants had been ceived word that the plants had actu­ growing in 10" clay pots, would have ally reached Shanghai safely and to be carefully removed. With the in­ were scheduled to arrive in San dulgence of the considerate quaran­ Francisco on the 15th. Accompanied tine officials, I was permitted to un­ by my beloved wife Miriam-faithful dertake the long and tedious job of partner in so many botanical ventures washing the roots of each plant clean, -I left for San Francisco on March then replanting the camellias in gal­ 13 in a small panel truck. We went lon cans containing nothing but moist first to the University of California Bo­ peat. Then followed the process of tanical Garden at Berkeley, which fumigation, in which all plants were contains a large specimen of the subjected to methyl bromide fumes CAPTAIN RAWES variety, to get for two hours. At long last, the ship­ leaves for comparison with the new ment was released and we loaded reticulatas when they arrived. After our precious plants into the panel three trips to the airport, finally, on truck. It was late afternoon of the the night of Monday, March 15, 1948, next day, March 17, 1948, when we the plane arrived bearing our pre­ finally arrived at our ultimate destina­ cious cargo. Our excitement and tion, La Canada, California, and could hopeful anticipation can readily be say "mission completed." imagined. After waiting impatiently On the following day, Mr. Howard for the discharge of passengers, Mir­ Asper, Curator of the Gardens, and I iam and I finally saw emerge from transplanted all 20 camellias into the airplane two strange -looking large 8-inch pots, using the regular crates between the slats of which John Innes potting mixture consisting could be seen the foliage of the exotic of 7 parts good loam, 3 parts peat and camellias we had been striving so 2 parts sand. The root systems then long to obtain. Would they really looked good, with the rootlets a contain the C. reticulata varieties or healthy, glistening white. To provide be a fake - Le., tum out to be C. the optimum conditions for recovery iaponica after all? I was momentarily from the long journey and the effects afraid to look, but, completely confi­ of fumigation, the plants were kept dent, Miriam ran up to them and in specially contrived and built then called excitedly, "They are the frames, the burlapped sides of which real thing!" I immediately rushed up were moistened constantly to ensure to compare my leaf samples with a relatively high humidity and cool those of the plants which showed environment, with night temperatures through the crates and breathed a being maintained above 60 0 F. in the joyous sigh of relief. While the foli­ greenhouse. On March 19, 1948, Mr. age of each one seemed to vary Asper grafted scions from each vari­ somewhat in shape, all bore unmis­ ety, using large 5-gallon understock, takable similarity to the sample in my as an added precaution against loss. hands. Our long search was at last Notwithstanding early indications of at an end! favorable results, by April 28 it was With great reluctance, we then re­ evident that, despite the most pains­ turned to our hotel, to await clearance taking personal care, five of the vari­ of the shipment the next morning by eties would not survive. It had also the United States Customs Office. By become apparent that not a single noon, this had been accomplished one of the grafts would prove to be and the plants and ourselves arrived successful. Subsequently, arrange­ at the U. S. Department of Agriculture ments were made with Professor Tsai, offices near the old Ferry Building. on two separate occasions, for re- There the shipment was unpacked (Continued on Page 24) Northern California Camellia Bulletin 7

RETICULATA NOMENCLATURE By Ralph Peer, Los Angeles, Calif.

Until about 1935, the Western Yunnan Botanical Institute World was familiar with two varieties Kunming, China of C. reticulata, both probably ob­ Tanuary 25, 1949 tained from the Flower Market on the Ralph Peer, Esq. island in the Pearl River at Canton: Peninsular Hotel, Hong Kong (1) Semi-plena, later named "Cap­ Dear Sir: tain Rawes" (semi-double). Your telegram from Singapore ar­ (2) Flore plena, recently named rived us today. Really we have not "Robert Fortune" (full double). any kind of list, as the Camellia we produced are still on a small scale. Wild reticulata seeds sent back The famous Camellia in Yunnan is from Yunnan, a province in southern botanically called C. reticulata. A dif­ China, by the British plant explorer, ferent species to C. japonica bearing George Forrest, blossomed in Eng­ large peony-shaped flowers and large land in 1932 and this species form is bright leaves. The names of 20 vari­ now available in the U.S.A., Austra­ eties now available in our garden lia, New Zealand and in European are as following: countries. In England, two wild forms xl. Peony-flowered have been named: 2. Butterfly wings, reticulate Mary Williams; Trewithen Pink 3. Butterfly X Peony During the years 1948 and 1949, y4. The Dwarf the Yunnan Botanical Institute, located 5. Early peach bloom in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Prov­ 6. Great peach bloom ince, had as its director, Dr. T. T. Yu, 7. Great shot silk and an Assistant-Director, Professor x8. Purple gown H. T. Tsai, both of whom spoke Eng­ 9. Large Osmanthus-lvd. lish. In 1948 Dr. Yu journeyed to 10. Small Osmanthus-lvd. Edinburgh and later to London to at­ 11. Pine cone 12. Shot silk, reticulate tend horticultural schools. Through 13. Shot silk, narrow-lvd. the Chinese Government, Dr. Yu re­ x14. Queen of Tali ceived inquiries from Mr. Walter xIS. Noble pearl Hazlewood, an Australian nursery­ x16. Large carnelian man, and from Dr. Walter Lammerts 17. Chang's temple about the rumored existence of un­ 18. Rose-flowered known varieties in southern China. 19. Lion head Dr. Yu forwarded these letters to Prof. 20. Great butterfly wings TScii who carried on the correspond­ Those marked x are most highly valued. Plant two feet high is suitable ence and eventually shipped twenty for air shipment. Price is $15.00 U.S. different varieties to Dr. Lammerts Gold each, f.o.b., except those marked (Rancho del Descanso, La Canada, x which are casted in double price. Calif.) and five varieties to Mr. Hazle­ If you will order some of or the wood (Epping, N.S.W.). Mr. Hazle­ whole collection of the varieties, wood discussed this matter with me please kindly instruct us whether in December, 1948, before his ship­ you want a bare rooted or an original ment had arrived and, as I was then potted shipment. Remittance is pref­ en route to China, I wrote direct to fered through the Bank of China. Prof. Tsai for additional information. Yours faithfully, He replied as follows: H. T. Tsai (Ass't. Dir.) 8 N orthem California Camellia Bulletin

Subsequently, I used this letter as ence Report, 1950," published by the the basis for the first published no­ Royal Horticultural Society. menclature list of the Kunming Retic­ During 1951 and 1952, Rancho del ulatas. It appeared in the "Southern Descanso made preparations for the California Camellia Society Bulletin" commercial distribution of fifteen of for December 1949 including descrip­ the Kunming Reticulatas they had tions of each variety, supplied sep­ propagated from various importations. arately from Kunming. In many cases, they found the vari­ When I met Dr. Yu in London in etal names unsuitable, and, after con­ April 1950, he had his own transla­ sultation with me and other inter­ tions of the original Chinese varietal ested persons, applied several en­ names - some were different from tirely new "commercial" names. Prof. Tsars list. The key to this set of We thus have, in some instances, names is given in Dr. Yu's article three or four names for the same vari­ "Camellia Reticulata And Its Garden ety but preference has been given Varieties" which is incorporated in to the names adopted by the Rancho "Camellias and Magnolias; Confer- del Descanso.

MOUTANCHA (see page 11) Northern California Camellia Bulletin 9

Of the twenty varieties imported designated "BUDDHA" and "CON­ originally from Kunming, both by Dr. FUCIUS" but have not been distrib­ Lammerts (Rancho del Descanso) and uted commercially. myself, nineteen are old varieties Two varieties from the first ship­ which Dr. Yu assured me had been m9nts - THE DWARF and EARLY known since about 900 A.D. One was PEACH BLOOM - were lost and it a cross of the old variety Butterfly has bgen impossible to import addi­ Wings X Peony Flowered made by tional plants. Prof. Tsai. This was named by Three other varieties have not been Rancho del Descanso "Professor officially "released" by Rancho del Tsai." Descanso - LARGE OSMANTHUS Dr. Lammerts also received, in a LEAVED, SHOT SILK, RETICULATE later shipment, two additional crosses and BUTTERFLY WINGS, RETICU­ made by Prof. Tsai. They have been LATE. The following table contains essential information as to the original nineteen Kunming varieties: Prof. Tsars Chinese Prof. Tsai Dr. Yu Descanso Number Name Nomenclature Nomenclature Nomenclature 18 Tsueban or Rose Flower Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Tungtsaoban Petal Petal 11 Sungtzelin Pine Cone Pine Cone Pagoda 8 Tzepao Purple Gown Purple Gown Purple Gown 4 Hentienko The Dwarf The Dwarf (Lost) 10 Hsiaokueiyeh Small Osmanthus Small Osmanthus Osmanthus Leaf Leaved Leaf 9 Takeiyeh Large Osmanthus Large Osmanthus (Not released) Leaved Leaf 7 Tayinhung Great Shot Silk Large Pink Shot Silk 12 Mayehyinhung Shot Silk, Reticulate Leaf (Not released) Reticulate Pink 13 Liuyehyinhung Shot Silk, Willow Leaf, Willow Wand Narrow Leaved Pink 6 Tataohung Great Peach Bloom Large Crimson Crimson Robe 5 Tsaotaohung Early Peach Bloom Early Crimson (Lost) 1 Mouta.ncha Peony Flowered Paeony Flower Moutancha 20 Hoyehtiechih Great Butterfly Thick Leaf Butterfly Wings Wings Butterfly 2 Mayehtiechih Butterfly Wings, Reticulate Leaf (Not released) reticulate Butterfly 14 Talicha Queen of Tali Queen of Tali Tali Queen 15 Paochucha Noble Pearl Noble Pearl Noble Pearl 19 Shihtzetou or Lion Head Lion Head Lion Head Chiuszn-shipaban 16 Tamarnao Large Carnelian Large Cornelian Carnelian 17 Changchatiechih Chang's Temple Chang's Temple Below is a list of all other established reticulata varieties: WILD RETICULATA - Species PROFESSOR TSAI (Tzehtse-Mao- MARY WILLIAMS - Species tan - Kunming TREWITHEN PINK - Species BUDDHA - Kunming CAPTAIN RAWES (semi-plena) - CONFUCIUS _K. Garden Form unmmg ROBERT FORTUNE (flore pleno) - INAMORATA (saluenensis x retic- Garden Form ulata) - Hybrid 10 N ortbern California Camellia Bulletin

Dr. Yu mentions in his article the variety of CORNELIAN and PEIMAR­ variety Tzepao-yutai which is Purple NAO, white variety of CORNELIAN. Gown with a white stripe. He also None of these varieties has been im­ refers to HUNGMARNAO, solid red ported.

CRIMSON ROBE (see page 11) Northern California Camellia Bulletin 11


The Yunnan reticulatas have turned it and one nurseryman who has had out to be a fascinating and intriguing much experience with reticulatas pre­ group of camellias whose size and dicts that it will be the "best-seller." brilliance have, in most respects, It is a vivid bright-red mass of curled come up to their previous billing. petals SV2 to 6 inches in diameter, Imported six years ago, they have with an unusually large cluster of now been in the hands of amateur yellow stamens in the center. The growers for two blooming seasons, petals are of a heavy texture and and, although no final judgments can most of them large and much curled, be made, it is not too early to make so much so that they give the flower a preliminary report on their various considerable depth in its outer cir­ qualities. This report will deal with cumference and a depressed, cup­ what the amateur growers actually like center. The plant is one of the have in their gardens and will ignore, most satisfactory of all the reticulatas; for the time being, the tangled prob­ the leaves are large and of average lem of their nomenclature and his­ green and they grow close enough tory. together to give the plant a vigorous, In the first place, let it be said em­ healthy appearance. They do not phatically that the widely current begin to compare, however, with the dictum that "reticulatas will displace close-packed vigor and freshness of and make obsolete" all iaponicas is foliage of the japonicas Pearl Max­ simple untrue; it is the hasty judg­ well or Emmett Barnes. ment of excited persons who have Moutancha. A fine semi-double, 4 looked for the first time on one of to 5 inches in diameter and a clear their giant blossoms. Fine as the retic­ light pink in color. The flower is rela­ ulatas are, they have their limitations, tively high. The plant is a slow certainly in the matter of plant growth grower and difficult to graft. The and appearance. At present they lack above description (based on Descan­ the wide variety of forms and colors so's experience) does not agree with of the japonicas (although time may the Chinese description (light crim­ alter this situation) and they also lack, son to bright carmine marked with by a very wide margin, the adapta­ white veins and stripes on inner bility of japonicas to various land­ petals, formal double) but the discrep­ scape and garden uses. ancy can only be resolved by time. The following report is based on Foliage about average. (See page 8.) the experience of growers in the Southern California area with 18 vari­ Chrysanthemum Petal. This variety eties of the Yunnan reticulata, grown has next to the smallest flowers of outdoors both in containers and in any of the reticulatas here listed. the ground, and has no reference to They are fully formal with a high their culture under glass: center and are a warm pink in color, 3 to 3 V2 inches in diameter. Leaves Crimson Robe. The two most widely are small and very narrow. Flower distributed varieties in this area thus much like a iaponica in appearance. far are Crimson Robe and Shot Silk. Pagoda (Pine Cone). A loose formal (Not to be confused with Shot Silk about the color of Coquetti (Glen 40) Reticulate). Crimson Robe is a prime and up to 4 V2 inches in diameter. A favorite with everyone who has seen desirable and attractive variety. 12 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

SHOT SILK This varietY' does not produce as large flowers on the average as some of the other varieties but the flowers have a striking vividness and liveliness which gives them distinction. They are bright pink semi-doubles and when looked at in the sun show pin-points of sparkling reflected light. The stamen cluster in the center is relatively small. The leaves are smaller and wider than those of Captain Hawes; like Captain Hawes too, there are plenty of stems visible through the leaves. Thus far, this seems to be the fastest grower of the lot, and is quite easily grafted. Northern California Camellia Bulletin 13

BUTTERFLY WINGS When at its best, this flower always creates a sensation. It is a loose hemi­ sphere of longish light-pink petals with stamens intermixed in the center and, under glass, has reached 9 inches in diameter. Outdoors it tends to be a little tighter and somewhat smaller, but is still a magnificent flower. Leaves are flat, with a minimum of undulation like those of Captain Hawes. and the general appearance of the plant is much the same. 14 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

LARGE CORNELIAN A variegated semi-double-to-peony pink and white with the white predom­ inating. This flower, in many ways, may be looked upon as typical of the Yunnan reticulatas as a group: it has vividness - the pink runs to the lavender side and the white is clear and pure - it has that peculiar combination of size Northern California Camellia Bulletin 15 and delicacy so characteristic of the group. In fact, the combination of lavender­ pink and white in this flower is more reminiscent of the sasanquas than of the iaponicas. In size it ranges from 4Yz to 5 inches in diameter, and it builds up to 3Yz inches in height. The foliage and plant growth are average.

CHANG'S TEMPLE Much like Comelian in general appearance - so much so that many think them to be the same. This question has yet to be resolved. The plant is a fine, vigorous grower, the leaves large, thick, undulating, pointed, and spotted with variegation. 16 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

LION HEAD A rich pink, variegated white, semi-double to peony. Petals are heavy and much fluted and the flowers tend to take irregular shapes. This tendency may explain the naming of the variety; it may have looked like a lion's head to the person or persons who named it. It has a large group of central stamens which assume varying combinations among the central petals. (See cover.) (Some doubt as to identification this photo-flower may be a variation-Ed.) Northern California Camellia Bulletin 17

WILLOW WAND A vivid, orchid-tinted semi-double pink 5 inches in diameter and above aver­ age height. Leaves are long and narrow, thus giving rise to the name. This one deserves a high rating. 18 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

•• • PURPLE GOWN This variety was described by the Chinese as "deep purple-red with pin stripes of white." The flowers we have seen in Southern California have been deep red tending toward the blue or purplish side rather than the orange and have varied from solid color to splotched or spotted with small markings. No pin stripes have appeared. The flower opens in a high hemisphere with petals regularly spaced, but flattens somewhat after it ages. It shows a small cluster Northern California Camellia Bulletin 19 of stamens when fully opened. The largest flowers thus far have been 5 inches in diameter. According to Mr. Howard Asper, this variety has the best growth habits of any of the reticulatas and is fairly compact. New growth is a rich chestnut red in color.

PROFESSOR TSAI A relatively flat, light pink flower which sometimes looks like a loose formal and sometimes like a flat peony. Flowers range from 3 to 4Yz inches. Not a distinguished variety, but it is an early bloomer and tends to be more floriferous than most others. 20 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

NOBLE PEARL Another giant hemisphere of curled petals of so deep a pink that one is in­ clined to call it a red. Descanso Distributors, Inc., has had 7-inch flowers of this. The petals are large and loosely arranged; they form an arabesque pattern through which one glimpses the bright yellow stamens in the flower's center. The leaves are thick and stiff, dark green and undulating, making the plant one of the most satisfactory of the reticulatas. Northern California Camellia Bulletin 21

QUEEN OF TALI A deep rich-pink peony with an irregular burst of stamens in center. The curled and notched petals are fairly close together and give the flower a very lovely appearance. It reaches 6 inches in diameter and 3 inches in height. The Chinese description calls for "light variegation" but thus far the flowers have been solid pink. A very fine variety.

Butterfly Wings Reticulate. (Not to Shot Silk Reticulate. (Not to be con­ be confused with Butterfly Wings.) fused with Shot Silk.) It is much Semi-double pink about 3 Y2 inches in larger and has a somewhat orange­ pink cast without the shining irides­ diameter. Petals are recurved. The cence of Shot Silk. There are many plant blooms early and somewhat intertwining petaloids and the flower profusely, but is one of the least de­ is 5 to 6 inches in diameter. Leaves sirable of the lot. are long and narrow. (Continued on Page 27) 22 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

CONFUCIUS Northern California Camellia BlIlletin 23

NOTES ON RETICULATA PROPAGATION By J. Howard Asper, Superintendent, Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California In a letter from Professor Tsai of of success. Winter grafting seems not Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, to be desired unless the grafts can written prior to his first shipment of be given artificial heat either in a Reticulatas to America, he stated that greenhouse or hot bed. In the Retic­ they could be propagated only by ulatas the grafted scions seem to the approach graft method. "All other have a decided tendency to dehy­ methods," he warned, "will result in drate and it is therefore quite impor­ failure." Now, after having grafted tant that they be brought on very them for six years, I am ready to fast. This can perhaps best be accom­ admit that he was at least partially plished by late spring grafting. Sci­ correct. When the first plants were ons taken just as the growth buds are grafted here, his warning was en­ about to swell, seem to heal and tirely ignored and the cleft graft was grow quickly. Percentage of "take" used. Results were not then, nor was highest when scions at that stage since, satisfactory. The rate of loss were grafted to five-gallon size, has always been higher than when healthy understock. Summer grafts grafting japonica. have only lately been tried and while Several sizes and types of under­ final percentages have not been fig­ stock have been used. Whether sa­ ured, indications are that they will sanqua or japonica seems not to not be as good as those of late spring matter, but the size and vigor of the grafting. understock certainly does. The ratio It should go without saying that all of loss seems much higher in smaller the best grafting techniques must be plants and is also high in the real old employed. Sharp knife, good rubber plants of 2" and 3" in diameter. bands, clean, sterilized jars and Plants of the %"-1" diameter (five healthy understock are taken for gallon) size have given the highest granted. Also recommended are "take" percentage. prayers and pious living on the part In the plants imported from China of the person doing the grafting! there were several instances where A decided difference in the per­ the top or grafted part of the plants centage of "take" among different died while the root stock remained varieties is apparent even though alive. These were carefully brought conditions are identical. Shot Silk, on to blooming size and curiously Crimson Robe, Butterfly Wings and enough they turned out to be C. Chang's Temple are easiest to graft, japonica Alba Plena. Just why the while Moutancha is unquestionably Chinese used this variety is a matter the hardest. No explanation offers it­ of speculation. It is very slow grow­ self except that the aforementioned ing, but this might have been desired are more vigorous and faster grow­ since many of their plants were con­ ing plants. tainer grown. Another possibility It is entirely possible that in the could be that by using a white­ future some better understock for flowering variety the grafted plant Retics will be found. Plants grown would not be affected by the root from seed of the Forrest strain of the stock. Wild form of Reticulata offer the The time of year that grafts are greatest possibility at present. Plans made is, of course, very important. have been made to try them as soon Winter, spring and summer grafts as some such plants now growing have been tried with varying degrees have attained sufficient size. Mean- 24 Northern California Camellia Bttlletin while, by following leads herein it remains to be seen how many mentioned, considerable success can seeds per pod will be harvested, or be attained. what germination will be had. Un­ So far, no general effort to root fortunately they are practically all Reticulata cuttings has been made. chance pollinations since this seed However, from observations of the set was not anticipated. The signifi­ few trials completed, it is apparent cant factor is that these varieties do that several varieties will root. Best set seed and can be used as female showings were made by Shot Silk, parents. Results of using pollen from Crimson Robe and Butterfly Wings. these varieties on iaponica have not Whether or not these plants on their been satisfactory since the japonica own root will be as vigorous as characterisitcs seem to predominate. grafted plants remains to be seen. One need only to experience the It is now established that several thrill of watching one of these glori­ varieties set seed rather freely. These ous flowers unfold to repay him for are Crimson Robe, Butterfly Wings, any problems of propagation. Long years of patient work, by one of the Chang's Temple, Lion Head, Cornel­ most intelligent peoples on earth, ian and Willow Wand. The seed pods have gone into their development. are a dull brown and in some cases Truly we are fortunate to be able to have attained enormous size. Since grow reticulatas in our American this is the first year seeds have set, gardens.

STORY OF THE YUNNAN RETICULATAS __ (Continued from Page 6) placement shipments of the lost vari­ up a stock of these plants. This was eties but, in spite of every precaution the problem of my associate, Mr. at both ends, we were unsuccessful Howard Asper, who, in an accom­ in establishing those we lacked. In panying article, sets forth full details the spring of 1949, scions of the five of this important undertaking. varieties were imported which ar­ Careful examination of the blooms rived in excellent condition, giving of these new reticulatas had indicated every promise of success. However, the presence of fertile pollen-a fact notwithstanding the most careful han­ verified by a number of experimental dling this method also proved un­ crosses with several promising vari­ fruitful. A year had now elapsed ties of C. iaponica. Accordingly, in since our first plants were received. 1949, 1950 and 1951, an extensive About this time, we were aston­ series of cross pollinations was made ished to learn that Mr. Ralph Peer, by Mrs. Lammerts under my general independently of us, had established supervision, using proven techniques contact with Prof. Tsai and as a result and with pollen from at least 8 of the had imported a shipment of 19 of the Yunnan varieties. From this large varieties. Unfortunately, only three of number of crosses, 73 seeds were these ultimately survived the long obtained, but only 15 living hybrids trip and fumigation. Arrangements resulted. Most of these have now were made for us to graft from these flowered but the final results, while plants and fortunately, in this man­ interesting, have nevertheless proven ner, two of the lost varieties were to be disappointing. However, valu­ able information has been gained and safely established. Finally, in March a brief report on the techniques em­ 1950, we made another importation ployed and the eventual outcome, from China and succeeded in estab­ with suggestions for further experi­ lishing a total of 18 varieties in all. mentation, may prove of value to Then followed the work of building others. Northern California Camellia Bulletin 25

Methods Used color. The others were very light Single and occasionally semi­ brown, from V4 to % normal size and double flowering varieties of C. iap­ usually shriveled at one end. The onica having a good record for seed minute dried-up embryo was at the set were used as female parents in other end of the seed. order to provide conditions as ideal All of the normal seeds from the as possible for successful cross-pol­ 1949 crosses were embryo cultured. lination. All flowers were carefully A total of 20 seedlings including the emasculated and coveredwith manila two from the 1948 crosses were ob­ bags immediately after pollination in tained. Six of these were very weak order to minimize danger of contam­ and eventually died. The other 14 ination by either self-pollination or were quite normal in growth and as pollen from other C. iaponica vari­ soon as well established were placed eties. Each flower was checked care­ under continuous light. All of them fully with a 20 x hand lens before looked very similar to the C. iaponica and after emasculation so as to be female parents in foliage and plant sure that none of the anthers had al­ habit. They began flowering in the ready started to shed pollen, thereby spring of 1950 and by the winter of effecting self-pollination. All of the 1951 all had flowered. The flowers Yunnan varieties except Moutancha, were also discouragingly similar to Professor Tsai, Osmanthus Leaf, Pa­ the various female parents in color, goda and Willow Wand were used size, shape and petal number. They as pollen parents. These were too were evidently not hybrids at all but double to yield enough pollen. either accidental self-pollinations (in spite of elaborately careful technique) Results of Cross Pollination or "maternal hybrids", that is, pollina­ About 25 crosses were made in tion merely caused the parthenogene­ March of 1948 using pollen of the tic development of an egg already few flowers still on the original plants diploid through a failure of the chro­ imported from Kunming. Over 500 mosome reduction division, the male crosses were made in the spring of elements being in no way incorpo­ 1949, some on C. saluenensis. An­ rated. The fact that the plants so other even more extensive series of nearly resembled their respective fe­ crosses was made in the spring of male parents would suggest the latter 1950 and finally in 1951 several hun­ interpretation. dred flowers of Donckelari and My The seeds of the 1950 crosses were Darling were pollinated with Cornel­ planted in peat and only five plants ian, Noble Pearl and Lion Head. were obtained. Those from the semi­ Each season the results were simi­ double white and red C. iaponica x lar. About 50 percent of all flowers C. reticulata Forrest are undoubtedly pollinated set seed capsules which hybrids having the leaf venation and began maturing quite normally. After general appearance of the C. reticu­ about six weeks to two months, how­ lata parent. At least one of the single ever, some capsules began shrivel­ red x Changs Temple is a hybrid as ing and examination indicated this determined by leaf appearance, was due to degeneration of the em­ though others are very similar to C. bryos. All during the summer months iaponica. Finally 8 of the 14 plants this loss of capsules continued so that from Donckelari, which were very by fall relatively few mature capsules weak, died, leaving only 6 which could be harvested. Only 23 of the appear similar to C. iaponica but do 1948 crosses matured capsules with seem to differ sufficiently from Donck­ viable looking seed. Usually only elari to possibly be interspecific hy­ one seed was fully mature-looking in brids. Final decision on these must size and characteristic dark brown await flowering. 26 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

Discussion English specialist in the of The results so far, while disap­ this group. Presumably they should pointing, are similar to those previ­ then cross with C. reticulata varieties ously reported for other plants such much more readily than do either C. as tobacco (Nicotiana) and Wheat iaponica or C. saluenensis, each of (Triticum).3 At the time the crosses which is diploid and has only 15 between C. iaponica varieties and the pairs or 30 chromosomes. The fall Kunming reticulatas were made, their flowering behavior of the C. sasanqua chromosome number had not yet varieties might thus be combined been reported. Later Patterson, Long­ with the remarkable flower quality ley and Robertson4 reported C. ret· and size of C. reticulata and conceiv­ iculata as being hexaploid, Le., hav­ ably the fragrance of c. oleifera! ing 45 pairs or 90 chromosomes. C. c. rusticana is reported by Barns­ iaponica has only 15 pairs. Evidently ley as being winter hardy,G The then the same behavior is here oc­ leaves of this species resemble those curing as experienced with tobacco, of c. iaponica in gloss and texture. wheat and other plants. Since large Since it is also diploid, cross-pollina­ specimens of the various C. reticulata tion with genetically desirable semi­ varieties are now available, crosses double C. iaponica varieties might using pollen of C. iaponica varieties result in reasonably fertile hybrids. on selected C. reticulata varieties Treatment of these with colchicine would possibly give much better re­ would be worth trying in hopes of sults than the reciprocal crosses of inducing tetraploids. By back cross­ high chromosome C. reticulata on ing to C. rusticana using the colchi­ low chromosome C. iaponica varie­ cine-induced tetraploid as female ties, reported above. Successful hy­ parent, triploid hybrids having two brids of C. reticulata varieties used sets of C. rusticana and one set of as female parents have been ob­ c. iaponica chromosomes would be tained, particularly with C. pitardii. obtained which, if successfully treated ide~l A number of the Kunming varieties with colchicine, would give the such as Lion Head, Crimson Robe hexaploid for crossing into the C. and Shot Silk set seed readily. reticulata x C. sasanqua hybrids. In This brings us to the final consid­ this way the stage would be set for eration of this paper. Though many combining the desirable cold resist­ fascinating possibilities could be real­ ance factors of the C. rusticana with ized should fertile hybrids between the most desirable flower qualities of C. reticulata and C. iaponica ever be c. reticulata, the fall flowering quali­ obtained, other even more interesting ties of C. sasanqua and fragrance of and probably more readily obtain­ C. oleifera. able hybrids are possible. Thus as Though of course a program such reported by E. K. Janaki Amma!,5 C. as outlined above calls for patient oleifera and C. sasanqua also are and long-continued hybridization, it hexaploid having 90 chromosomes. is not at all beyond the realm of pos­ They are, furthermore, all placed in sibility. All steps of it have been ac­ the section CAMELLIA by J. R. Sealy, complished in other plants and so the Northern California Camellia Bulletin 27 various suggested steps are not seed set were used as female parents, merely imaginative dreaming. Hoff­ and yet not a single seed capsule man7 reports various techniques for was obtained. C. sasanqua evidently applying colchicine to camellia seeds then differs genetically even more and seedlings. Though actual tetra­ from C. iaponica than does C. reticu­ ploids are not reported by him, at lata and so from this point of view least his data on treatment and sur­ vival are helpful. Since tetraploids might be expected to be more cross­ have been successfully produced by fertile with C. reticulata than either colchicine treatment in both the peach one has been found to be with C. and cranberry, it should also be pos­ iaponica. Of course the possibility sible to obtain them in the camellia. always exists that the genetic diver­ The results, then, so far attained by gence may be in the opposite direc­ hybridization of C. reticulata indicate tion, but certainly careful cross pol­ that though much more difficult than lination studies would seem to be expected, crosses resulting in true abundantly worth trying. hybrids are possible. By taking ad­ vantage of the well established prin­ lLAMMERTS, W. E.: "The New Camellia ciple that when species of a poly­ Reticulata Hybrids," Yearbook American Camel­ ploid series are crossed, the most lia Society. (1950), pp. I-II. successful ones are those in which the female parent has the larger 2HU, H. H.: "Recent Progress in Botanical Exploration in China," Tournai Royal Horticul­ chromosome number, we may confi­ tural Society. (1938), No. 63, pp. 381·389. dently expect a much greater degree of success. Since the distinctive fea­ 3LAMMERTS, W. E.: "Interspecific Hybridi­ tures of the hexaploid species may zation in Nicotiana. XII. The amphidiploid rustica. paniculata hybrid; its origin and cyto­ be in part due to geographic isolation genetic behavior." Genetics 16, pp. 191-211 from one another there is a good (931). chance that they may be genetically 4PATTERSON, EARL B., LONGLEY, MARY rather closely related and therefore 0 .. ROBERTSON, DONALD S.: "Chromosome more readily intercrossed with each Numbers in Cultivated Camellias." American other than with C. japonica. Along Camellia Yearbook. pp. 107·113 (950). this line of thought it is of interest to 5AMMAL, E. K. JANAKI: "Chromosome Rela­ report that several hundred attempts tionships in Cultivated Species of Camellias." American Camellia Yearbook, pp. 106-114 (952). to cross C. iaponica with C. sasanqua varieties have been completely un­ GBARNSLEY, W. H.: "Scme Notes on Camel­ lia Breeding." American Camellia Yearbook. successful, both when used as female pp. 114·119 (1952). and pollen parent. In all cases C. ia­ 7HOFFMAN, R. M.: "The Use of Colchicine ponica and C. sasanqua varieties in Camellia Breeding." American Camellia which had an excellent record for Yearbook. pp. 122·126 (952).

AN AMATEUR GROWER'S REPORT (Concluded from Page 21) Large Osmanthus Leaf. A medium­ Small Osmanthus Leaf. This variety pink, medium-large flower with an has the smallest flowers and leaves orchid-pink cast and many very fine and very wavy petaloids with sta­ of any. The flowers are orchid pink, mens intermixed. While not as large fully double, with incurved petals as some others this flower is out­ and are 2 Yz to 3 inches in diameter. standing because of its vividness and striking beauty. Leaves are not large One of the least desirable in the and the plant is fairly compact. group. 28 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

Photograph courtesy Freder;c HeUl/e

CRIMSON ROBE A one-year graft with five blooms, as grown on the Atlantic seaboard Northern California Camellia Bulletin 29

RETICULATAS IN THE NORFOLK-SUFFOLK REGION OF VIRGINIA By Frederic Heutte, Superintendent of Parks, Norfolk While three years is a short time 50" high with a 40" spread and has in which to pass judgment on the set an average of a dozen buds each acclimatization of any plant to a given of the past 5 years. This plant is a section of the country, it is, however, graft made in 1945 of a scion obtained sufficient in the case of the "Yunnan from the famous W. R. Cae collection, Reticulatas" to permit of a fair ap- Long Island, New York, where it is praisal of their worth. Because I speak grown under glass. Our CAPTAIN as a representative of this area I prob- RAWES graft bloomed for the first ably should begin by giving a gen- time in the spring of 1948, when it eral evaluation of the species as it was 3 years old. It set no buds in was first introduced here about ten 1949 and in the following three sea- years ago through the original va- sons (l950, 1951 and 1952) dropped riety now known as "CAPTAIN all its buds, although the winters RAWES." Because this variety has were not unusually severe. However, not proven very satisfactory in this it had about a dozen good blooms in area, or perhaps I should say in the 1953 and in 1954 appears to have Southeastern part of the United States, about 15 flower buds. for that matter, there was a good deal Our collection of the so-called Kun- of skepticism as to the desirability of ming Reticulatas was purchased in the Yunnan group when they were 1952 and two of the varieties bloomed first offered for public sale. The feel- in 1953. At the time of this writing ing seemed to be that the species C. (August 10th) these plants are 30 to reticulata had suffered in comparison 36 inches in height, show good an- with the good results obtained here nual growth and our plant of CRIM- with C. japonica and C. sasanqua. SON ROBE now has about a dozen Consequently, when the Yunnan healthy -looking buds. No attempt group was offered only as a unit of was made the first year to propagate 15, very few were purchased here these reticulatas and they were placed and to the best of my knowledge the out of doors in a lath-house. While collection of the Misses Hill at Lynn- we kept a sharp eye on them owing haven, Va. and that so kindly given to the fact that we then had only the to our Bureau of Parks by Mrs. Charles original 15, they were not coddled R. Grandy of Norfolk are the only and on only two nights during the ones in this section. winter 1952-53, when the temperature Here in Tidewater, Virginia, and dropped to 20°, did we bring them neighboring Suffolk, in an average in as they were then still in the orig- winter the temperature will go down inal lO-inch pots. as low as 12° F, and in Norfolk about In 1953, we made 12 grafts, of 18° above zero. The iaponicas seem which 7 were successful, and this to be able to withstand these temper- year (l954) we grafted 31 scions, of atures, although the buds of imbri- which 17 survived. Our results in cated varieties will sometimes blast. grafting have therefore been some- Consequently, the late blooming sea- what disappointing (slightly better son of the Reticulatas, as well as their than 50% success). A graft of the va- flower form, is in their favor in this riety CRIMSON ROBE, made in 1953 regard. on 6-year understock, produced five The largest plant we have of C. good blooms this past season and is reticulata in the Park collection is of now the finest in our entire collec- the CAPTAIN RAWES variety, and tion, including the original plants. is now about ten years old. It is now (See cut.) 30 Northern California Camellia Bulletin

This plant has been given to Mrs. of Cornelian, Crimson Robe, Shot Grandy in appreciation of her many Silk, Osmanthus Leaf and Lion Head, favors to the Park Department of the out of approximately 20 blooms City of Norfolk over the years. which were produced from March All of the reticulatas, including the 10th to April 10th. Mr. W. H. Bacon grafted stock, are now planted out-of­ brought in a magnificent bloom of doors and are putting on normal the variety LION HEAD, which he growth. To all appearances, they said was grown out-of-doors at his have become acclimatized and evi­ place in Richmond, Virginia, and dently are perfectly healthy and thriv­ which was exhibited at our show on ing. Miss Elizabeth Hill and Miss Ev­ March 20, 1954. elyn Hill, who have the other local In conclusion, I might say that it collection, like ourselves have not is my present feeling that the Kun­ babied them. These two famous ama­ ming Reticulatas will eventually play teur horticulturists, who have suc­ a very important part in the future ceeded with more unusual plants in culture of the genus CAMELLIA in this section at their lovely estate on this area. This will come about after the Lynnhaven River than anyone they have been thoroughly integrated else hereabouts, casually remark that into our climate and soil, and their reticulatas seem to have possibilities place in relation to the other species in this section. Although they have has been established. On the whole, lost one out of their original collec­ I am of the opinion the genus CA­ tion of 15, they have not yet attempted MELLIA has by no means reached its to propagate them. Their cultural ultimate point in geographical distri­ technique is exactly the same as with bution. I feel that too much stress is any other member of the genus Ca­ laid upon temperature drop here­ mellia. To date, their reticulatas ap­ abouts and that succeeding genera­ pear to have grown rather slowly tions may disprove many of our pres­ and somewhat on the gawky side, al­ ent-day theories. However, a few though no taller than ours. However, more years will be needed in which our plants appear stockier and bush­ to judge these Reticulatas by actual ier, no doubt due to the pruning for experience and the observations scion wood. They are planted out in given here must necessarily be qual­ the open under a grove of oak trees, ified accordingly. At the moment I where there is good soil and plenty am one of the comparatively few of natural mulch. growers in this section of the Camel­ At our 1954 Annual Camellia Show lia Belt who regards these new Retic­ in Norfolk we exhibited nice flowers ulatas with an optimistic view.

ADDENDUM It is perhaps pertinent to this presentation that we make one or two editorial comments. First, as we go to press there is a report, as yet unconfirmed, that a completely white flower has appeared on one of the Yunnan Reticulatas in Southern Cali­ fornia. If so, it remains to be seen whether this mutation will remain fixed. In any case, it would seem merely a question of time until this happens, thus completing the color cycle. Secondly, and this is entirely a personal observation, one cannot help but reflect upon the strange parallel between the long obscurity of the CAPT. RAWES variety in the Western WorId (fully 100 years) and the complete secrecy which surrounded the Yunnan Reticulatas for so many centuries-even eluding such horticultural sleuths as Fortune and Forrest. Northern California Camellia Bulletin 31

The NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CAMELLIA SOCIETY is a non-profit organization whose objects and purposes are to further the knowledge and enjoyment of the Camellia, in pursuit of which it publishes at least four times per year its Official Bulletin, of which this is a specialized issue. In addition, its members receive biennially the useful and inform­ ative NOMENCLATURE BOOK, free of charge, and occasional other valuable literature. Membership in this Society is open to all persons with a serious in­ terest in the subject, to whom a cordial invitation is extended to join. There are two classes of membership open to the general public: a full­ fledged participation, including all Meeting and Show privileges, is $5.00 per year payable in advance - those at a distance which pre­ cludes attendance in person may participate on a membership-by-mail basis at annual dues of $3.00. Persons desirous of joining this organization, now beginning its tenth year of existence, may do so by filling out the form of membership application below. A husband and wife are included in a single mem­ bership. We cordially invite your participation and support.


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This special issue is the result of the collective effort of a considerable number of persons, all of whom have contributed materially to its completion. The Editorial Staff would like to acknowledge its grateful appreciation to the following, in addition to the authors of the several articles, for their individual contributions cf time and material: For black-and-white photographs not otherwise credited: To L. O. Huggins, of Santa Barbara, for illustrations of LION HEAD, NOBLE PEARL, CHANG'S TEMPLE, WILLOW WAND, LARGE CORNELIAN and BUTTERFLY WINGS; To Descanso Distributors, Inc. for PURPLE GOWN, MOUTANCHA, PROF. TSAI, BUTTERFLY WINGS, SHOT SILK and CRIMSON ROBE; To Roy T. Thompson and Pacific Camellia Society for photo and cut, respectively, of QUEEN OF TALI, and cuts of CRIMSON ROBE and SHOT SILK; To Schwabacher-Frey Co. of San Francisco for photos of BUDDHA and CONFUCIUS, as well as other courtesies heretofore mentioned; And to Messrs. Ralph S. Peer, Roy T. Thompson, Clifton W. Lattin and Frank Farnham for their helpful assistance generally. 32 Northern California Camellia Bulletin