Published Every UPagesToday Tuesday and Friday Itttojmttottf Sport News, Page 5 No. :v,i N. J.. FRIDAY. PRICE THREE CENTS

Humorous Incidents At | Boy Scouts Leave MIX BETTER KNOWN IN Denver Told Rotary AtWarWiftWar For Summer Camp THREE PERSONS INJURED IN President. WaRrr Warr having ro In Peaceful Rahway Troop I, Floy Smuts nf America, EUROPE THAN IS COOLIDGE" turnod from the International Con- If ft Tuesday morning on their stv VICTORY BRIDGE CELEBRATION |?ni-hm in Long Article From European Trip in Which He vention at. Denver, Colorado, ypster- Board of Education Objects. To! finth annual camping trip to High New Brunswick Man Cut On F*ce By Steel Piece From Mortar day, gave a (feneral summary of the Cannon Befor School. Peo- Bridge whert they will remain for Describes Martin Luther's Birthplace From trip, leaving the detailed account to 10 days. They were taken in auto- When Aerial Bomb Failed To Rise Due To Dampness An Historical Standpoint (J. Hnrffis Prall, the delegate, who ple Near JNew Site Up* with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Annoss will In Arms mobiles by several of the tovfnspeo- are in the Perth Amhoy tee, and Maxwel Logan rushed him By Bonhm in(* train. Now you SOP some of them arrive Sunday evening after a so- [pie. Scoutmaster R. N. Long, Troopi hospitid anH otir had to to -Qt^ Henry's office where his in a group resting beneath the shade Vvmlnil< journ at Yellowstone Park. Mr. Warr "To all appearances--mid sounds! CommiUocman It. A. Tappen, andt \s A result of thp Vic- wounds were treated. After the med- , i,,oric«in ' tourists go to of a. tree; then you see others piling V reported a 'wet" time in St. Louis ' he' tnuRi^i Scout Matthew Thompson, instructor! !°ry RH'lKt> inMii.-ati,.« iit Perth Am- attention Trempy said, "I feel \ usually expect tn see the th« sheaves nf tvheflt on a wfTgon. when 'the Sfith district • delegates tha"Vn ldldL« n-i^-u «...,.„...... I'-y y-i-^>v. like a two-year-o(d". " perhaps, (ret a glimpse Yonder is a city. The time tells while belching fire and steel from its of. Scouts, George of 22fl Lincoln An unknown man was run over ,,r, gathered on a roof garden, were I umas Robinson, ,,,„, A tourist in Geneva us that the train is due at Witten-' greatly disturbed by a cloud-burst. rifled throat". Thu* doe* the Rah- Tappen, James Dowling, accompanied avenue, Xnv Hyitiswick, was hit by by mn automobile during the even- ,.lv Felipe knowing that the .hunt. This frirmer capital of Sax- Probably "Pete" Emmons, the district way Record comment nn the situation the boys. a piece of an 18 inch mortar that ing. The hospital authorities »»id ,,'f tho I-K-atfue of Nations nny is fifi miles aouthwust of Berlin. governor, had more ill luck than any- which has arisen from the gift of a Thc tri)op ,,ovs in camp are. Ken. blew apart when an aerial bomb, that his skull was fractured. He ha» not . Inio, or that John Calrin Oh, yos, this is the city where Elector one else at the conference. He lost German field gun by the American ncth Weygandt, Albert Tcrhune, Har- failed to rise, exploded in tho mortar. yet regained consciousness so they r,t tho illustrious statesmen Frederick the Wiae founded a univer-j his pocket-book twice, had his trav- LcKinn to the city. Since its pre-,ry Armstrong, James Lee, George The steel pieces, which weighed nhout could not learn his identity. Oiclinn city. But they will sity in 1502. It wns at this univer- cljnK bag stojen and, to cap the cli- sentntion last February, it has lain Lee, Jack Sherman, Victor Sherman, 25 pounds, flew to the bridgf, side- A very large crowd witnessed the i,, a rroat deal of acrutin- «ity that Martin Luther began lee- max, an automobile, whjch he hired, in front of the new Roosevelt School Robert Heller, Clinton Uobbins, Da- glanceil a car standing under the< fireworks display and the general ,., |-,,r<> they .will, if, they ever! turing shortly nfter he was"ordain-i'mysteriously disappeared. Harry on St, George's avenue. vid Bnlfour, Raymond Demarest, bridge and hit KohinMon rtn (he head opinion was 'that it was "» good i ,„,,,), about the towns and cd into the priesthood. In the Schlos-j Rogers of Fort Warth, Texns, was Recently the Boaril of Education Russell Dcmarest, Robert Humph slashing his face from temple to chin. show". \tnrtin Luther. Thou-| skirche, restored in 1H86-92, remain j elected interniitional president. Next protested against' this in the belief'reys, Walter Houseman,' Roy Pate- '• Ue • was imniiMliately rushed to the Governor Moore addressed the American- tourists the tombs of Luther and his friend! year's convention will be held in (>s- that there was too great antithesis! man, David Shaw,"John Donnelly.! nos|)itnl fl"m whil'h llc is expected cMiwd thesis against the doctrine of in- to allow members to pparticipatp e in displaying a gun without. At this pro-1 Ix>eson, Walter' Warr, Walter TJryt- cpurists in Germany take a tcst the City Father's decided .to J czuk nnd Charles Jacob, display dampened th< bomb thus tomobile containing members of the diligences, little knowing that this act! the Victory Bridge celebration, causing it to ptick in the mortar. Junior Woman's Club of town, was or down the pictilr- would lead to n gigantic rtligious, prepare a suitable site for the relic if the Rhine. Rome at the junction, of I'icrpont street A wirtwork's company employee, hit by a South Amboy fire truck. revolution. To.divy metal letters form | John Trempy, of Port Richmond Jane Dunigan who was standing on. Berlin, but most of these tho same thesis, and in the same place and St. George's avenue. Accord- >v from there to their port ingly the spot was graded and beau- Staten Island, who ignited the aerial the running board of the automo- of those originally, put there by Lu- 150 Presbyterians At Township's Part In hrnnb was burned from powflet and bile wits badly Jnrrwl, hut did not .,,-,, at firemen or fiam- ther. The residence of Luther to-day tified. Hut just as the authorities were Reception to Dillener Bridge Dedication who served on the fireworks 'cammlt shock. f stands in the former market-place of about to roll the "weary wheels" to On rare occasions a stray ,.II in the ir'cresting this town. Outside of the Elstor Gate Also Missionary Honored By their new resting place, a contingent Woodbridge Township played a I anLud- is the place where Luther burned tho of citizens^roae up in' aims and dc- Bearcats To Run Excursion Miss Rose Flanagan ,. country of Martin Program at Church large part in yesterday's Vietojy j ii comparatively short famous Papal Bull and where the jelared, "If the. public schools do not Bridge Celebration. • Many of the Buried Yesterday , fr»m the German capital. flames <>f the Reformation burst want it, we don't either". "And then principal officials were Woodhridgc On Sunduy the Bearcats, that forth. We are on our way again anfl One hundred and fifty members of ,u j,n the morning of July th« fight began." Ki.nio n«ntimant,| renid«nts. scrappy, young baseball team in Funeral services for Miss Rose .,„.,( from an almost cloudlesi croBs the Efbre River. The distinct the Presbyterian ' Congregation at-! also has endangered the discussion. Flanagan yere held yesterday morn- tended the reception given in the],, In the parade Woodbridge- was] tuwn, are going to vary their manner [i e\pre»« 'train, leaving the and unique, spires of three churches This fe*ling is dire to the fact that represented by the Daughters of the of entert lining the public by running ing from St, James' Church at 10 o'- Sunday School room, Wednesday clock with a solemn requiem mass. ..., | dignified city of Berlin, attract a passerby's attention and a German lady gave' the Pierpont American Revolution, The Junior a bus excursion to Palisades Park. . ,,,'nl southwest. It speeds to they remain outlined against the fiky, evening, for the newly installed pa3- Interment followed in the family plot tor and his wif», Rev. and Mrs. L. street site to the city in memory of Woman's Club, World War veterans,} Bases will leave thecorner of Fulton I,, land of the great central as the historic town fades from view. the D. A. R. Spanish American War veterans, and Albert streets at 12 o'clock sharp. in St. Jamea OmeteTy. II,!,. is located the prosper-' The peasant scenes are re-enacted, Y. Dillener and the Rev. and Mrs. Miss Flanagan, 55 years of age, Ralph Nesbitt, the church's mission- Mr. George Cooper, leader of the American Legion, Boy Scouts of i People desiring tickets may purchase • M-.nce of Saxony where M)0 villages appear and disappear as the America, The Junior Order of Unit- them from any member of the team died Monday morning alter a brief aries who are home from India on a citizens, recently said, "Let us have illness. She was the daughter of the the pious and enelsl express speeds on. Presently we ar a real memoriall to the boy's. The ed American Mechanics, Sewaren His- or on Sunday at the starting place. rive in the old unversity town of furlough. 'During the hour of re- They prtmisetha t there will be a late William and Ann Flanagan. She M;n>iii Luther. ceiving, the Young People's Orches- city is doing this in a half-way fa3h-itory Club, Hopelawn and Port Read- :h,•-!• same fields and through/ Halle. Here one must change in or- good time for all who attend. is survived by n sister, Mrs. Jane tra, composed of the Misses Bertha ion and they are not going to push ing fire departments, and others. • I-,. |iciisant villages events were der to go to Eisl«ben, which is 28 Flanagan, two brothers, Edward »nd and Estelle Ohlott, Messrs John anything over on us that the Board Major J. C. Williams, of town, was Thomas, three nieces, Mrs. Frederick , i ;li:u henceforth have changed1 miles northwest of Halle. This train in charge of the fourth division of is mostly made up of the third and Stromc* John Anderson, John Short, of Education does not want. The —Mrs. Andrew A. Jackson of Lin Witheridge, Miss May Brown, Miss •..,!id'iiii. On the right and j cannon surely is not the kind of me- the parade. Hugh Kelly and J, Ed- fourth class coaches. Before the train «nd G. Stewart, played. den avenue spent Wednesday morn Alice Flanagun and a nephew, Will- . ikinK peasants we»e scatter- morial we want our children to see." ward Harned were in charge of the ing in Perth Amboy. iam Flanagan, little rectangular fields, j has gone very far, the waving grain very pleasing program was giv fireworks, Barron McNulty was secre- during the evening as follows: pi- The citizens' committee is right in I-; and grandmothers, hus-l fields are decorated, here and there, t , , voicing its appeal for the younger tary of the celebration committee and ,f,. and tho children, in .1 ^ m{nv *hBfu. Blast furnaces along! ano duet, . LustsmelOverturp e and Ro- generation. In like manner the Board Hampton Cutter acted as one of the •erfttivc society of their I the .Jine bear evidence of the rich mance, Mrs. W. A. Lockwood and of Edutat^n is correct in taking such vice-chairmen. Former Local Boy Attracts Notice i, harvesting the wheat. In i mineral deposit of the Central High Mrs. A. F. Randolphmale; Negrquartetteo Spiritual, Mes-,1 a stand. In'ttat opinion those soldiers It wa* alter nine o'clock when the •.un e a small village looms up | da. Iron and silver ore abound. Gnin' to S banquet speakers were able to take 8n srs. .1. Chal A. Levi, A. F. "Ran- who fought,\(§io killed in the World tn/.oii. There are tile-cover-j A friendly German tells me that, _ War ought to/£ealue now the terrible the floor. Governor A. Harry Moore By Unusual Radio Accomplishment :md one-half story houses of | Yin tne rjght( ,iown tnc niijT is neat-' dolph, and C. Mueller; piano solo, thing that war really is and in this did not speak as per schedule. A very delicious repast, of which the Russell Valentine, Now of Newark, Talks To New Zealand ,1 s'.one and abovp the red j ie,i the unpretentious town of Eisle-1 Impromptuitation, Kentuck, Mrs.y M . PhilosophyW. Merrill, ; RecMiss-belie- f why shouldn't the American main course boasted half spring ,v roof* is green foliage of j t)Cn. The confines of the old see- Miriam Sermayan; vocal solos, The' Legion suggest that the cannon Amateur With 9 Watt Transmitter of Short Wave Length. broilers, was served by the Palace • :.iiir trees, and the cone-shaped; tion of the town can claim as its own, Hour, The Return and A Heart of placed in the center of the city with Distance of Over 10,000 Miles Considered the greatest German of all times. A Hotel, caterers. f the village church. Thesei Gold, Mrs. R. N. Long; selection, a large sign over it reading "Thou Remarkable For Low Power Used shady winding cobble-stone road leads Because of the oncoming rain the which for centuries have ! In Silent Mead, male quartette; reci- Shalt Not Kill" or "Over Eight Mill down to the center of the town. A fireworks began at 9.40, before most '.>• homes of the peasants, ' tation. Little Orphan Annie, MUts ion Five Hundred Thousand (8,500,. friend who had spent two years in of the banqueters had left the audi-l ;. nf the most picturesque 000) Soldiers Died Dl:ring The World On December 18 of last yeat, The Independent was i at characteriw Europe. America lived in this town, and kind-j Harriett Short; violin solo, Adora- torium on New Brunswick avenue. .' •.:-_ «<:„Mis„s Miria!«;„;„m Erb, accompanied] War". the way, these, busy peas-i|y volunteered to take me around] tinn, Miss Mirinm Erb, accompanied i In the illness of Mr. Kelly, Mr. J. Ed. well pleapod to relate that Russell Valentine, formerly of i-l :iH'i-i can be seen. The men | aml through the places now sacred toint the piano by Miss Ruth Erb; pi- ward Harned supervised the fireworks Woodbridge, but now of Newark, had talked in code with •.niK the wheat with scythes, j the a,iniirers of Luther. We proceed' ano diwt, Norwegian Dance. Mrs. demonstration. Palestine, a distance of about 6,000 miles. We have now nipime.iprovedl upon sinre Biblical-Biblical- tl) iiUt,her's Geburtshaua, (the house' 1-ockwood and Mrs. Randolph. The Teachers Will Open •:- -...-• Hi.v n w Murk of Elizabeth, a for-1 learned from his mother, Mrs. Oscar Valentine of Grove \'l nearly like those used on j he was born> which ivas par pastor of the church, spoke in Keasbey Man Damages of the ancient Nile. With tially burned, later restored and now •w pastor of the church, spoke in avenue, that Russell has, for the past two weeks, con- serves aa both a museum and a school. •• his usual pleasing manner and d shorht t Summer School Here Traffic Sign, Fined i, "f the scythe grain fulls tlllks were iv n versed, on a regular schedule, with two New Zealand .ii.-kly gathered up in the! , h side into a gar--;. . -R• * b-y .Rev. Ralph Nea. Wt enter from t e i h t t stations thus setting a new record of 10,000 miles. Mr. •.!»> women. The women i, which is in the rear of- th•• e •build •-•-<•>- ! bitt of Indian and thp e present pastorT,o Use Rooms In No. 11 And John Tibak, 21, a carpenter of Keasbey, knocked over and damaged i in sheaves, which are :. An old ladyy,, tnthoe cart'Lujv^icaretaker,, i --- • — Wener. During the serv- High School For Instruction Valentine, in transmitting to New Zealand, cut the power in the traffic signal at the corner of in II pile by the children. greets us and we are ushered intotintf of refreshments Mr. Stewart of At Price of his station from 20 to 9 watts and used about enough in' peasants, pausing n few g 1 — Rahway favored with violin solos. Main street and Amboy avenue, on energy in the antenna to dimly light a small flashlight the former home of that pious miner, The 'Sunday School room was For the first time Woodbridge is 1 Wednesday afternoon. In the mu- turn and wave their hats ! trimmed profusely with the early 'inn! greetings at the pa»s- Continued f the pulpit or in the choir funs who saw an octet of very thrill- will supervise work been working European stations at needed in the American program: in the Highj Nejwun streete 20,, AugusMr. ant dCliffor Mrs.d McKirileRiveray, and easily read. "I do not feel that these things are ing cjjntests. School, MKiril intervals during the spring months Early Morning. Toiti •iiii-s It. Bennet, Grand Titan of Harris, necessary," said Mr. Bennett. "Our It is not. yet known what teach- with a power uf 20 watts, the recent In looking over) the log book of 2- I'i.ird Precinct of the New Jer- On Monday, July Bth, Mr. Horling Port Reading forefathers got along without Sunday has planned, to repeat his contest with ers will make up the faculty other Third test with less than half the power GX, a page whi(jh attracted partic- ^'an, was the main speaker. Se.v- amateurs, the than that several members of the reg- June 17..,, Anitjllo Zullo, and Sunday movies, and I[ Woodbridg- street, Mr, and Mrs. Beniy Zullo. normally used shows the efficiency of ular attention showed a list of four • riy tino statements which he upper treet and ular faculty will help to carry on the that they did a better job in ] place to b June 19, Margaret Danker, Larch Short-wave transmission as well as Australian, four Tasmanian and three • arc worth quoting: "We are not amm auisurce kiM, v..-j ^ the time, ne P. M. There are to summer schedule. New Zealand stations, all loged with, street, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dank- the transmitter used in thisj experi- to be anti-Catholic, anti-n»ijro founding our oountry than we are do- be eight faces as follows: ; For pupils who have failed one or in a period of one hourbetween 5 and< 'iui-.lew. Our duty is to clean ing in keeping it clean." 10j«u0 Yard Scooter Race—Open to ^ven two subjects there will be aw er. ment, j ; 6 in the morning. Moit of 2GX's ex- f rh«lda wuwithn i-ann1-SRA, , ua uaibal. "I that Bection uf the new building. i s it was found that he had been drink- power. , cessoI e The regular official* are: starter, i>»;nr.«*iin University. Tuesday. ' 'loon-hangar quarters located in Rome A feature of this department will be the wit oi The regular * ing something stronger than water. Princetun University,, Tuesday. on u apacial, low priced plan. Mr. K Sandarsou of Anthony's Sport •X, r jn FRTDAY, JUllB 25, 192« PAGE TWO In the Kitchen MiitMargareiHaU, nutrition estitrt of the Battle Crrek The Paulus Dairy amous Cooks Collet* of Home Economics. JOHN PAUI.US. PROP. ESTABLISHED 1890 Main Office: 189-195 New Street, New Brunswick, N. J. Phone 2400 A MEATLESS MEAL, "FIT FOR COMPANY"^ _,i,l «rtKl«» r«ntribut«i by « K«in ii« (•,«*«. Thnr rtfipmt ar» "diftmnl." Cut W i k At the Battle Creek College of Home Economics they spe- cialize in planning and prepar- ing well-balanced meals which are both attractive to the eye and nutritious to eat. Miss Mar- garet Allen Hall, dietitian HE'S AFTER THE BOTTLE and nutrition r-er tr- infant ir-tinct unerringly Fooks the best foods obtain- expert of the •IMP anrl'-o" w-r.d-r th.> t-h.U Yearns for and reaches after the pure dairy m Ik in iu hMtic! Mothers who feed their on; our college, has SaranTorf pure and whnlesome milk, have little trouble m fearm* prepared for them m hi'a'thv nnj strong children. , , ., . ... MAHGARET our readers a Placed in thoroughly cleaned and sterile bottles, un- AU^NHAU. ..companjr.. menu" which is particularly toui'hrd hy human hands. palatable, even though it is Scientific Battle Creek WALKER GORDON CERTIFIED MILK absolutely meatless. Propor- tions are given for the seeing Suydam's and Rutger's Special of ten. Raw Tuberculin Tested Milk Ens a la Klnfr Glazed S«i»t Potatoes Branch: Hitsi TomatopB Fruit Salad a la i.rem* was more than satisfied Neumann'. Delicatessen, 75 Smith St., Perth Amboy FVvpraKe N. J. Phone 1736 Butterscotch Pie s for MCH dub follow. ' DISTRIBUTION COVERS Great institution recommends New Brunswick, Highland Park, South River, Savrevilki. P«»". Egt* a la King t tablespoons batter Perfection after exacting tests Clean-, Even -- South Amboy, Perth Amboy. Woodbridge, Ford? and Hetuchen, N. J. 4 tablespoons tnlnced sweet pepper 4 caps (one quart) milk 1 tablespoons flour npRULY scientific is theBattleCreek "The Perfection is easy to handle and Cooking Heat 2 cups mushrooms (fresh or ranned) 12 hard boiled vgsa, cot In pieces A College of Home Economics. Its easy to keep clean. And I didn't have 2 teaapoons salt nutrition evpert, Miss Margaret Allen to scrub pots and pans. The long The long chimneys of the Per- HAVE IT SPIC AND SPAN Melt butter, add ptpprr and mtuh- fection burn every drop of the oil -roon™. m»*-eo«k until «o.i, sut in FUJI, cooked many meals on a Per- chimneys prevented discoloration. tnts t-« "dtvw up" for nour and add tnllh, Stir gi(,m viilck before it reaches the kettle. Thus sned. Add Beaconing ari'l eggi. fection in a nulion-wide cooking test Frorn the former knowledge I had ei you get clean, evtn cooking heat nili, "r if vnu art- merely JT>- H#*l very hot and tervt on tquarss conducted by six famo«»*ook«, Mii» ,oH »tove*,'Hiy expegUtioni were •" '"clr<• -.•* up" flir the day, have ol io»si: or nour imu a bnkliiK ilish. free from toot »IMJ amok*. < ' f -ui'. i leaned for the Fourth cel- Bprmtale with buttered, crumba and Hall expressed the most complete exceeded by the peiwmance of the ;i:i.-ii. Although we can do the brow a In a quick jtmi. satisfaction with the Perfection. Perfection." You ran he doubly sure of this in a hurry, we .Miggvrt trmt you sort °[ heat when you use s pure iK r, in imw. We can give you ln-t- • The results were fine Battle Creek Recommends water-white Kerosene that bums workmanship and scrvico. » "Whether F broiled mushrooms,boiled This recommendation came from the cleanly, evenly and without odor peas or fried timbale cases the results Battle Creek College of Home Eco- —"Standard" Kerosene. It il were fine," she said. "The stove nomics after the most exacting labo- specially refined. New York Custom Tailor lighted quickly. Its heat was steady ratory tests. Scientific Battle. Creek Cluitd Sweet Potatoes and even and so easily regulated that All impurities that might cause Next to N. Y. Candy Kitchen 12 medium-sized sweet potatoes was more than satisfied. And the Per- smoke or \fi\e deposits of soot 1 S cups sug&r I cooked all those dishes at the same fection was proved ready to meet the 68 Main St., Woodbridge ^j cup water time, using a different grade of heat are remuyed. This assures the 3 tablespoons butter cooking needs of any househojki_— maximum amount of heat. By Boll the sw«et potatoes In Baited for each. water for ten minutes, remove the All six famous cooks recommend the sticking to "Standard" Kerosene jn-r t" mlv Bkfns and cut In halves lengthwise. The flame is steady you are sure of best results from it hilps Jn l, i' ]p.- thi-m, it he'p: Arrange in a buttered pan. Make a Perfection. Everyday4,500,000women syrup by boiling the sugar and "The flame did not creep or crawl. I your Perfection. Insist on it. your pupi-r. water for three minutes. Add the tested the men with a standard oven with Perfections- in their kitchens are liuitrr Brush potatoes with ayrup You can buy it anywhere. and bake until brown heating* with thermometer and found that I could having real cooking satisfaction, remaining ijrrup. Serve In a hot STAN DARD OIL CO. covered dish. keep it any length of time at the temper- ature I desired. This is very neces- 5e£ Perfections today (New Jtney) sary for successful baking. See the complete line at any dealer's. Sizes — from a one-burner model at Odors don't mix in the oven *6.?j to a five-burner range at $120.00. "STANDARD- *« B. BREWSTER "One meal 1 cooked entirely in the Select the stove that best fits the needs oven, corn and cheese souflle, stuffed of your family. Cook on the Perfection KEROSENE Dealer in tomatoes seasoned with onions, and FLOUR, MEAL, FEED, BRAN, —approved by Battle Creek College. Ritti Tomatot* angel food cake. There was no mingling GRAIN, BALED HAY Slice bread In usual manner, shape of odors. This meal saved fuel, too, Manufactured by AND STRAW with three-lnoh biscuit cutter and toast- Slice ripe tomatoes, placa a as I used only one burner. Through the PERFECTION STOVE COMPANY slice on toast, sprinkle with salt, grated cheese or cottage cheeae and glass doors I could see at any moment Cleveland, Ohio MAIN STREET onion, and finely chopped pepper, how every dish was getting along. liako In hot oven until tomatoes axe WOODBRIDGE, N. J. cooked ind slightly browned.

Adjoining P. R. R. Tel. 66 There'i cool satisfaction in clothes Fruit Salad a la Crone STANDARD OIL COMPANY {New Jersey) like these when blazing hot days 2 large bananas come around. 1 pint sliced pineapple Distributors - 26 Broadway * New York 1 pound Tokay or Malaga, grape* Vetting suit* with little lining to 1 cap Cream Salad Dressing keep you cool a* a cucumber. Brain toe pineapple and cat Into email ptecee. Peel the grsvpea, cot Easy fitting, easy sitting Into halves and remove the seeds. Feel the banaiuu, acrape off the fuizy portions, and dice. Mix with Sheerest underwear; toftejt col- the Cream Salad Dressing and serve ars; lightest shirts. on a plat* garnished with lettuce, PERFECTION or plac« a spoonful of fruit on the Not forgetting cool, comfortable lottuca leaf with a smaller spoonful Ties in styles for sport or business. of ibe dressing. Cream Salad Dressing: Oil Cook Stoves and Gvens FINELY TAILORED ! tablespoons butter 1 tableapoooa Hoar General Hardware PALM BEACH SUITS 1 cup craam $15.00 eap lemon Juice WARNING: Use only genuine Perfection H gS y lk wicks on Perfection Stoves. They are marked Tool*. Screen Wire Mohairs $18 H t«ajB»on salt 1 Ubtetpooua «npr with red triangle. Others will cause trouble. Gabardines and Tropicals $25 1 cups whipped cream Melt the butter In a double hollar. »tlr In tht Sour aad tta* cream (sour Saltzman's Hardware milk bttmg pr**«nble). Stir unUl BRIEGS it oAglns to thicken. Beat the est> Send for this Free Cook Book yolks add to ththem thhe saltlt, lusjaax and lemol n JuiceJuie , and turn Into the Smitji St., cor. King thickenehikdd crtamrtm. Cook In a double boiler about five minutes, or until and Radio Shop PERTH AMBOY the eggs begin to thicken. Cool, and fold in the whipped creauk Tailors -Clothiers Bible of 42 Lines Yucatan'* Social Gulf Phone 74 7li Main St. The Bible of 42 lines is an edition Yucatan's SOO.CMX) iiilmhitauts are di- Haberdashers of the Vulgate, printed by Gutenberg vided between thp wfiltPH who dreys between 1450 and 1455, which had two well In the tropical fashion, and the columns to the page and for the most Maya Indians, who si>ort white cotton We Have Them - - A Complete Line of part 42 lines to the column. skirts und trousers. cuftfat I 1 teaspoon 'salt PERFECTION loa water i Mix Hit with flour. Cut fat tnto j THE PERTH AMBOY I flour with two knivea. Add luit enough Ice waler to hold mixture toe-etheth r without Its being ntlokyntloky. Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens Koll lightly from oenter outward. This la eumelenD11 t pastry for double 1 DIB JB f .f UM#*itl *- f"*"i ' 3 tw••'-•o *-—paltr— — -y — Also j GAS LIGHT COMPANY j cru»U of tms large pie, or two paltry PERFECTION BhellB. BtrtiencMek mills* (tor two pies) I 4 cufe7 B. KAHN Rwud Automatic *nd Storage Witter Ha>t«r» whlpjied creaB or m#rlll(rt». M*ke I merta«ne with thj four RAB1N0W1TZ HARDWARE Selling Grand Rapida Furniture • y I •CK whites beateu until »Utt. told In four tahleapoonruU powtered ProcMS Gas Ranges j •near piU irrerularlT 00 top of the e pile ami oaka In woileraU own Ml til Washington Ave. and Atlantic St. Carteret, N. J- birown. "* Carteret's Leading Hardware House A DM»U«M me*l. y««. Who wouM ever mist tht meali (*• MM la nod n«xt mimtVt tpttttUl caofc I 7 i rtioliT Headquarters for Paints, Varnuhes, Oils and Tools Con-Den-Rit Radiant Logs Why Long Chimney? Odorleta Many w polnt-^tbe • vary oentaf of tbe burner. LonaT ISELffl HARDWARE COMPANY chimney «love« tooua the Utat on , FRANK BROWN , the bottom of the kettles, but dlffuM Oak Tree Road, Iseljn, N. J. It over the entirb kettle bottom. General Hardware That's why food cooked ou Ions i chimney atoveu la better doua. We handle a complete line of - - 47-49 Hoo3(ivclt Avenue Carteret, N. J- CALIFORNIA Return THE WINCHESTER STORE OF FORDS ONE WAT -Reduced TM/J Rates ONE WAY R. A. HIRNER WAffEft M Mcalj uiui berth on lUumcr iiu.luiied fLAll* PERFECTION • "WlW «jul 1UU" $39* Ul Cabin */ ^t Funeral Director and Doth Waya WutM &41S i^ C*bll^ Bxpert Embaluwr i I Tone W»y Wnttf StSO l.i L'ubUi 4 Tfce only fully equipped and up-to- Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens tk California, liavapjt, 1'aituaia U Uftdertftking EstabUahuLent In Also a Wide Selection of General Hardwa<£ Cuaal auj iVuicrican cuutiucut. l^rimhintTB, Garden. Tools, Fencing JACOB GOLDBERGER, BANKER Fair Treatment to All. ' v Complete line of General Hardware Steamship Tickets and Foreign EKthange 09M Phone—9 Paints aud Varnwhea ^•' Ketabliahriil 1«HK SM4 Pb Wi State St,, Cor. W«abiii«toji St., I'erth Amboy CONTBAOTOaS' SUPPLIES BALINTS HARDWARE nd New Bmn»wick"Av»mM« . FQRPS, "._J- woof FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1926 PAGE THUS THE NEW OVERLAND WHIPPET

Th. Ligh that offers these exclusive features \.

J Advanced European engineering combined with new im- proved American performance.

.% • 2 High-torque, 31 horsepower motor; small, bore, long stroke. Over 55 miles per hour; 5 to 30 miles in 13 seconds. 4 30 miles on a gallon of gas. Incredible mileage on tires. £ 4-whegl brakes, greater safety. First time on any light car. Can stop, in 51 feet from a speed of 40 miles an hour. 7 Turns in 34-foot circle; easy to steer, easy to park. g Lower center of gravity; gives sense of security you have ^ never enjoyed in any light car before. Makes other cars seem bulky and cumbersome by comparison.

< •• • • . Q Beautiful, low European-type body. Height and length in true symmetrical proportion. „ * ' 1A Unique body design provides more inside space and greater comfort than ever found in any light car before. 11 Highest quality of construction throughout. Entire car is designed and built to give years and years of service. 1 - 1O This new-type car marks the most important light-car epgineering improvenient in America during the last 16 years, j f • '..; : " • —'

•# Europe Started it—America Finished it A. GROSS & SON 218-220 New Brunswick Ave. Perth Amboy, New Jersey FRIDAYS JUNE 25. 1926 JAG« FOU* einiiniH-d down heavily afternoon of said d.y «tt*W «nd pamllei with on the nhntihler of his cmttvhlle friend. rnn r ot 1 m It wl»'4<> I" i' K ooforp h« would difficulty leaping, stiff alorifj the same one hundred ,.-.'.'. here nml there mine that certain tract, or parrel the point nnd place of Ijejtj„,.','. of luriM d nnd premises, , hereinafter Decree nmountinfr to n,,', uf aoiind. Imi ••iilnrly dencrihed, situate, lying mately $1,500. mingled with it ••ritii they hldf tlienif and he'injr'in the Township of Wood- were riding In JI •• Together with nil and KI,,I,,., Si'lwonil had fn"'l frtr bndpe, in the County of Middlesex the rights, privilege thai It sent a chill to ''elwi SHERIFFS SALE hfrrditj,,,".'," it Ilitl* tlrrlp to m>r It. UP and Staff of New Jersey. nnd appurtenances the remit > i meimt death CHANCKKY Uf NEJW JERSKY- - liitif for derlfilctn, And fnr Heninninn at a point formed by longing or in anywise appertain;,,„ for It. Between Ronnette y. Holland, 1 n which ivlt In follow swiftly the intersection of the southerly FREDERICK COWl! Ihe trees sailed hj the atari, Complaimmt nnd Georfre W. Yca- of Wodpewond avenue with the rWni SB be- andle, et Defendants. Ft Fa line tile ciuiie np the slope, up from the dim !.'j',Vterly line of Ridfredale avenue; MARTIN & REILKY, ^""''' low t<> disappear inv it t'iive. mid f,,r sale of' mortice prpmi?e? ce running southerly ,and along ninny horsemen «hn tlntr.l JIMH- *, 191B. thence $21.42 Solicitors tlie wind sang In his c;ir* like n harp" Ihe sai••>••d• easterly• line ,,o f Ridfredal.-, .e • ? • r i-l > nn in 'led them, they left n By virtue of the above Mstod writ g.215-, 7-2, 9,16. It seemed Incredible th;it the tertl- f<>et tn llne of lands br.•:!• trail, [heir I nicks nil going up- (( to me din-cU'd and delivered. 1 will •iveniie forty /ously I'llmhed slope could I"' so O«C to cale Bt public venduo nn now or formerly of The Provident nifnl nii this passed througb hti Ijr descended—for he -«« ''I'1' tlll<'1'' n" nn !flg mind. WE1A-KSIUY. JULY TWENTY- liuilding and Loan Association;,—Mention, this paper to adverti,,.. ', Ing shadows of the m^itninin's foot y r What "us tu pri'ient him nr nny FIRST NINETEEN HUNDRED thence eastarly atnnr the name and i(. he, ou it he, tfa J raring up toward him the p«te gl«a'n, •AHf>-TWENTY-SIX • nnnllel with Wedtfewood avenue! 1 uiif else fruni riding Htrillghl up to 1hp parnMH.with^ W«d?ewood__awnue ! ^ paper_ ' ' ^l of water beyond Mln^h HK'HHI 'clock daylipht wivinR time ,!," hundred feet; thence northerly liii'lr de.-tiniillon hy broad daylight? river. And then he hcird whnt he had NAMELESS RIVER Anil then nn the liecln of thl* quos- ; been dreading—the m;ii' '•' H rifle, the iii>ii mine like H (lush of light on t ; whine of a ball, gkj li'l'1 Kivi"* up VINGIE E. ROE diirk curtain rtfift old cyiwidence in 'captuce, was trying M il.strn.tlon. time: It WHS Provine he fi When thnt flil head had vunlnhed the guq. (."athrevs had been driving down

heud ••( her mvn stork, nil open hay responded with i CHAPTER XV which seertieil certain i ,n.|.i. ,1. !,-,(.ling, kept well up on Hii'l nbu\ e board, properl\ hranded Its feet miraculous The Flange in Rainbow CHfT. tin- >.|i'|ie iilnivi- tlip river and after tleiir alid fair: cume the snap and If »a« getting nI"*D»; lut" Au( St. l\\'i hours' lmr'l iJ'iinK they were well Tliree hundred liend of steers wh"pe ep around tlie iinrihneHt end of Mystery uffiiln—and again—us tii-i us the man In fvr> i i;[• Kn'l hollow i'f th' I ninllinp hours, going down, would behind It could pump Heart Mils tde lor>(« was deepeep.. und' ridge-which flared like a IKII.V'K old 1 trample nut HII truce of (to fining up . And then, Just as t!i>- r•.t> struck the plentiful Cuttle, fic«:ter*d through fashlimed skirt, and hemline down Into Tlie *heriff's eyes were gleaming in waters of Nameless «ni- » 1(1|11' '"ll( thf htikcn couiitrj. ««ied sleek Hnd the g tlint J-r»ke the Jumbled Hie dark, liis llpe werje^sMight line fr rmrr, truwmwi i fat I'IIP) tin-1 nothing H' do tuit fill ridges f tin• t'p|er country. of determination. hcuveus Mywnpd. \\\i 'hni iiil the flrq fhfir j'auncl'.e- lii tlie sunlit KIIIJ(|# Mere 11 "Sick, n rich mnn, run Wf lie «iis lien'mning Th get hold nf the In the unlverne rlitii"wn toward the upi>er •v fur tlie injurious rustleri would, ns Smith had SiUd, have solved ' hla life to get hflck ,nto hi^s saddle. Bihes uf Nil me] ess. uf Njiiii*-l s riw-r fthe problem. And unless he missed HlK fingers dug Into the wel mane like Their hor»e.< were tired, glvlnj; p\l-, These inch ilid lint tlllk. by ii thousand miles, those his i [ t«lonn, be clawed dfspvrutely.with his t>f hurt] going, autl the Ttory mile with « pflm a* [Tight trert Bltd frit the *|.nr hoot. lookei] thflu with were uI'Tt to e\ cr\ sound, u meiit were bended for it rnan stoi-tiei.l H"n now ' For what reason In- • •oubl^iint have hoetile ejes. were tjinl JIS ttildh strings, Here was the clnince to null her said, he opened h> month and "I'retty far off our si;uiiiunj[ As thej tmtled up the glade the crimes on Cattle Kate Cathrew. to screamed—a hoarse, "ild ^oiind, like (round, ain't y. lie iitcle wind thtit drew from the run- j make the "killing:' oj his years of fail- < Ihe soul's farewell to its flesh. I'er- Fr<»\ ine ^rlti! -.l jon at Its head lirotiKht the scent of ' ure in office—und Sheriff l'rlce Sel- hapn he thought It wn- He WIIK H -i' '•> iiiovlnji cattle, itnd present!} they came upon wood, brttve man «nd honest officer of Sud Trovlne, sitting Ms sIHverlnR with a had h!.i•« rode statue In the shadow.". I again, nnd fell In beside 1he lienl. ing stop on the tnimtr) behind tilm that other niiived forwafd to join them. j men—uud he wus helping to drive huckko," he grlttwl, Unit's your last had put tin' iid upon him. "Seventy-one head," he 6tlid quietly, Bossick's steers up to the foot of Rain- 1 ride, d—n you! See lio« you like th' Important! "Ar<- fo." answered Insolently, "and all reaiiy. ' i bow cliff! water." "but hit's fr ra11K«> land at that, "Then let's get busy." said the fore- i From the few low-toned shouts and the name of the product, Ajax Six, is And he turned buck up the slope. The phenomenal success of the Ajax ain't It 7" mun, "and get out of here." i oaths he was able to identify tlie two At dawn McKane. uho slept In the herewith changed to Nash Light Six. "In thi'orv, 1 said Ilosah'k, "hut With pri'iirriinced and concerted men nearest him as Sud I'ruvino 4uid Six and the great size the business hag store at Cordova, heard something un- So that Nash models are now available It's nboui time practice ciiaugeif mat- action the seven men divided nnd • l.'aidwetl. the foreman. attained in less than a year, with well idwetl. toward. It was a rapping thul seemed ten*. I'm about fed Up on theory— circled the herd which was bedded anked bis ?tars for MB own in 3 Series—dieting as to wheelbau m th to come from, the floor of the porch o«er$27,000,000 worth of carsalready ind BO are. a few others In this man's und quiet, tin the further edge they but identical in their high standards of dtirk horse, his inconspicuous rlutlilnn. outside—an odd, lnvgnlur stroke, as shipped, has made advisable a closer country. I'd take It well If you unit were joined h\ another shudmvy rider, ! The herd was bended struiKht fur If the hand that made it was uncer- workmanship— all vuur outfit stuyed on the south fide and with silence aii'l dispatch they got consolidation of Nash and Ajax manu- the face of the cliff, und lie expected tain. of Mystery where j»u belong. ' Ymir the cattle up and moving. facturing operations. —the NEW Light Six series (formerly soon to see the riders swing them east He rose, drew on ld« pants nnd stock d"!i t riiiige this far in the Up- They made little noise, drifting toward tlie corrals of Sky Line, but With this in view thd Ajax 'Motors the Ajax Six); the Special Six series; per country.'' down the level floor of the ^lade in a hooking his suspender- o\er Ida shoul- they did not do HO. When the fore- j ders us he'Went, i i-encd tbe front Company,till now a subsidiary of The and Advanced Six series;—embrac- "IK thiit en,'1 drawled the other, "an' close-parked 1'iiihdi. At Its mouth moSt steers were close tinder the wall ' door. Nash Motors Company, has been en- ing 16 different models with a price Who R»\H IU>?" they heiuled south alonK the shore of Caldwell rode near and called to him, j A bay horse, gaunt und bedraggled, timely absorbed by the parent Com pany. range from $865 to $2090 t O. b. "I do," said Hosslck quietly, "nnd the river and followed along the stream ! thinking him one of his men: i stood at the pon-h faetory. Tut only ghinj; you a warning, I'ro- for B matter of s;'\er;il nules. Where i "Get around to the right,'' he Bald, j And in accordance with thisprocedure llip western end of Mytery turned,. edge, und hanging bai f out of its sud- Tine, which you'd better heed. You "and keep close to Sud, Bill. I'll lead ' dlVi l <1 only by r llt s >ur stl11 Namelesii inrveil and went down alone, ""' "'" ^' [ e~ i— can tnke the nyfil tu Kate Cathrew, in myself. Take it slow. Don't want ! caught In the hair cin ch and one arm too. Her hlghhninled methods don't the ridge's foot in ;i wide nnd placid 'em to jam in the neck. When tlie This announcement of the change in name from Ajax Six to Nash eel nny too well with us—and we don't How. It was here that the drivers around the pommel, HS the sheriff. tirsl ones start behind the I'lange let His ghastly face iv;i> red with blood Light Six also marks the greatest five month period of business in care who knows it." forced the cattle to the water and 'em dribble in on their own time. All I kept them in it. riding in a string from the long wound which hud split "Tu b—1 wlili you nnd your warn- ready?" Naih history. along the edfje. This was particular his scalp from Just above the left eat IngB"' flared Dig fittsfurd, his ugly The last two winds were a high call work and look tin.-sae und dispatch. across tbe temple tu the end of the The upward soaring demand during January, February, March, temper rising. "Sky Line's too strong ', addressed to all the men. From all for any d~d buiiob of backwoods This WBH the trick which had baffled eyebrow. April and May drove total sales and production to a figure approxi* sides of the, herd, come to a full stop Tbe trader leaped f/ffwurd, jumped buckaroos, an' don't you forget It! cattlemen, and it WHS both easy und i now, came replies and Selwood saw mating 70% of the total sales for the whole of last year. We're—" clever, comparatively, to the ground and caugbt 'him In bis j Caldwell ride awuy around to the arms. "Wbut up I" snapped I'rovine, and And so Bosslck's seventy-one head i right. ' "My good G—d, Price!" he cried, rede away. of steers were disappearing and there I Turning his horse the sheriff fol- "tjelwood's right," mused Bossick as was none to see. "Buy you ain't dead: You ain't bud THOMPSON AUTO COMPANY Ipwed promptly. hurt—Oh, my li-dr" h* looked after them, "they're a pre- That Is, at this stage of the pro- He waf tense as a wire, alert, dread- Selwood looked at him' with eyes 240 Madison Ave., cor. Market St., Perth Amboy cious lot of cutthroats ' ceedings. , Ing discovery every moment, yet filled that seemed dull as ashes. At Sky Line ranch there was ac- There way one to see^—one who had with excitement which sent the blood Chai. Loichle, Manager tivity. spent maiiy weary weeks of night rid- "—solved—mystery—" he said thick- pounding In his ears, ly. "—rustlers—raid—caught with the Kate Cathrew was gathering beef. ing, of patient watching which had As- he neared the fate of the preci- Riders were coming In dally with seemed likely to be unrewarded— goods^—they are—" pice on the right, he saw I'rovine sit- The thick voice failed and Sheriff little bunches of cattle, all In good Sheriff Price Helwood Kitting high on ting on' his horse, saw Caldwell circle condition, which they herded Into the the slope above Kate I'uthrew'g trail, ! In to the wall and cutting In before corrals. as he had so often, doggedly follow- the massed cattle, go straight along Its Day and night the air wag resonant Ing his "hunch" and the prospector | length. The faint starlight was juat with the endless bawling. John Smith's discovery. i sufficient to show up bulk and move- It was s little early for th» drive— Since that ride \in Hlue Stone can- ! ment, not detail. He heard the fore- but then Cattle Kate was always early. ' jun he had taken turns with Smith In man begin to call "Coee—coo-ee— And this ytar she had a particular picketing Cattle Kate's outfit, but | coo-ee"—and the neit moment he If you want to see an up-to-date reason for precipitancy. One of those | nothing untoward hud taken place. • could not believe his eyes, for horse ;; New 1'ork letters had said, '*-would Now he sat in tedious silence, lls- and rider melted headfirst Into the like to come a little sooner, If JJU». .; tentng to the night sounds, unaware •j face of Kalnhow cliff, us a knife slices •lble, so let's clean up promptly." that any one wns out from Sky Line, j into u surface and disappears! Cald- The word of those letterB was law since iCaldwell and his companions well voice came from the heart of the LONG ISLAND BUNGALOW to her. If they had »ald "ship" in De- hod dropped diagonally down the slope [ wtill, far away and muffled, calling cember, blie would have tried to do so. In their going, passing fur above him. "Coo-ee-^coo-ee"—l'rovlne edged In Now she was out on Bluefire from For an hour he eat, glouching side- | aguinst the steers, shouting, he fol- dawn to dark herself, and there was wise In hi« saddle, his hat pulled over lowed suit, ai* to movement, though he Come to little or nuthing escaped her eyv*. his eyes. The buy Iw rse stood In hip- I did not speuk, and the dark blot of She knew to a nicety liow many year- dropped rest, drowsing comfortably. ; the mass began di How into the solid lings were on the slopes of Mystery, • It was well after midnight, judging rock of the spine tliat crowned Mys- the number of weaning calves, tlie by the stars in the sky, when Selwood tery ridge! ' steers that were nady for shipping suddenly held tlie breath he was draw- Sheriff Selwood had solved the mys- and those that were n>it. Ing into his lungs. tery of the disappearing steers—kuew He had heard ti cattle-brute bawl. Whtn I'ruvint carried her BnsMck's to n certainty who were the rustlers For a moment he was still as death. message verbatim the red Hush uf of Nameless river—and lie could not Then he straightened up, every Woodbridge Gardens anger ruse In her face u^alu, und she get uwuy with his knowledge quickly nerve taut. struck the stallion u vkluua cut witu enough. He heard the sounds of cattle, the her (iuirt. Therefore lie nelned Ids horse awuy (Formerly Lockwood Farm) crack of whips, the unmistakable com- lilueflre rose on his hind lejjs, paw- to the left, dropped back; along the Ing, mid shook his head'i£'ttige, the herd, edged off a bit—a bit mon.1— wild blood uruggling wilbjthe Uuie In sidled Into a shadow—slipped behind Rahway Avenue, five blocks north of White Church him. ' the pine that made It—anil putting the "If HosBlck ever speaks to you bay to a sharp ,wulk, went down the aguls," said Kate, "you tell him tq mountain. go to b—1, and Hint Kate Cathrew ; As the sounds behind him lessened said so." he drew a good breath und strutk a •'1 did,' said liasford,"grinning, ''and spur to his horse's Hank. 5 large, cozy rooms and bath Sud objected." And rljjht then, when there was "Wliere'ii yuur alle^ianct to Sky tiiuHt need, the good buy wtfo had Line?" she asked I'rovine lnatuijtly, i Skcrvod him so long and faithfully, b*- All Modern Improvements "aiUBt Ita^iford sliyw you loyaltyY\ \ traved him. i "1 can show hliu discretion," iald He threw up his heullj Hung around I'roTlne, evenly, ''au' hit don't (uk« ] inward (lie strange horses he was lulfch braiM to see that. I>o you want ' leaving, und neighed—a sharp, shrllj Sewer, Water, Gas, and Electric Light these ranchers t' begin rldln' hard on ] ; sound thut curried up the slope like us—nights, for instance, an' now?" j II bugle. Kate frowned und tapped her boot. \ At the mouth of the Flange Big Bas- "The devil his due," she Bald pres- ford stopped. ently, "you're right, Provine," and | HIH own mount answered. Price and terms will astonish you turned away. I Once more came that challenge The corrals were choked with cattle. from below and Sud Provine. eaine Sky Line wati ready for Its drive. back out of the hidden passuge on the On the last night before the start jump, there was u peculiar tenseness in ev- "G—d d—n!" he shouted, "that ain't erything about the busy place. Kate u Sky( Line horse! Hoys—we're (Jathrew was everywhere. She saw caught! Come quick !" what homes were ready for uae, spnk« Selwood, fur down the trail, knew LOTS FOR SALE, • sharp'? *'ln every rider'to make sure with a surge of rage that the game, he knew what hit was tu do, and tohl was up and that he was in. for It. He fi SlOfle once rtore tu jet out of titt knew in the name second, however, Cash or Monthly P ayments -i^ien, H* Had Heard a CattU-Brute Bawl. that Uls own horse was fresh, while. The boy l»ughed, Jiut Minnie Pint motion uf moving bodies. An It all those others from Sky Line were not. • glanced utter her with suinulderliij came nearer below him be caught the He hud a fatr si art uud uieuut ti switsh urtil splash of water, und knew uake tbe most of it. ., ,„.-• -i "Hhe'u a d^vll—the boss," She tolii l he WUB uf lust witnessing a,raid u( And he knew Ills horse. Josef a, "1 liate her." _ j rustlers, one of the mysterious "dltjap- It wug dungerous wurk taking the After the early supter CuldwelL lixaranfu's" which Uud puzzled nil the •lope of Mystery ut a run, but there protlnc, Hasford and four others, Woobridge Gardens Realty Co. Deep Heart country for so long. was danger behind and he chose the Middled fre«h homes and rode uwuy. H« wished fervently that Smith were leaser evil. ' It was durli ut lliu uiouo—aa U wui with him that llos.iicK and Jenuyn Aa if to muke up for its defection tiways when Xky Line gathered beef and all the ivsl were there. tHa»leun bay stretched ami doubled 187 Smith Street —u soft windy dark, (deal for the con- Ills heitrl was beating bard unu to like u greyhound und •ttelWoud leuued cealniem of j'ideB, the disguising' of save bis life lie. cnuld not iwlpithe ei- low on Its neck as best he could for 1 bounds. cltemcut which look hold upon him. the pilch--for he wus listening for They druppwl down the mountain And pieseuily ho hcunl, directly be le.ud. Office on the property open every afternoon Perth Amboy at uu angle, heading northwest to ueath hliii where Kale futhreiv's trail He knew he was out of six gun circle the euj of iljstttiy, uiul tlicy crossed Name I em, Ihe, trample uud lUWje, but lie. knew ulfu tbut Sud I'ln- tollowed no trull. cruet of uiyilud tool a tukiii^ lu tlie vlne curried, a rifle ulwujs ua bis bud-

\ •$^!Sjaw*f!P^

,,.,» FRIDAY, XUN6 2^, 1926 ' ' ' mint iMMtmmmmntrm mmm iw i I 1 1 i; « i FREE! Girls FREE! Dress BedSheet Value $1.50 Seamless with Value $1.50 every $5 every $5 purchase purchase ft 10 DAY SALE begins Friday, June 25,ends July 5

4. Never irr-all-Carteret'a business history has anyone resorted to such a drastic A Sale That Will Thunder measure It's a Knock-Out A Thrilling Bargain Landslide You never saw anything like it. Full 6i A matchless value-giving sale, head and Stunning Bargains and Thrills . shoulders above anything Carteret has "i ever seen. An eye opener for Red Hot A sale of such tremendous pressure and force Bargains. Kicking through with the that will smash all records iif drawing crowds most convincing, most legitimate bona- for miles. Don't fail to come. Now is the f ide Price Reductions ever attempted in Prepare time. Act quickly, now while this great the history of local retailing. (or your Vacation sale makes money saving easy. trip < A Few Values Now is your chance A Few Values Come Early ATTENTION ± Come Early \

^ Men's Blue 2 Pocket LADIES! LADIES! • SUMMER IS HERE J WORK SHIRTS T They Were 89c PUMPS Z *°*$s £ Just think what this Sale means to you Not a whole price will be left right at a time when conditions are the Broadcasting Sale Broadcasting Sale MB talk of the world. Opportunity knocks MEN Kiddie P a n t i • 58c $1.00 & but once, which seems strange but it is Men's Scout Shoe*. Dresses, sizes '1- so. In justice to yourself and family lay housework aside and come prepared to price $'2.00. $-165 6, lx-K- $1.25 At this Sale .. 1 | Broadcasting get the greatest value of your life time. '__ Sale .... HOSIERY Men's Silk Hose. Reg. price Men's Nainsook Union Suits. YARD GOODS DOMESTICS GIRLS per pair 50c. We are broad- C Rep. 89c. CLQ White Muslin. You can't Ladies Lisle Hose, English casting .-.$1 00 Rayon Silks, Snappy Polka Girl's Fancy Top Socks. Now miss this. Reg. 19c yd.$-l 00 ribbed and plain, all colorsc . '! pairs for .... 1 Sale OO Dote. Reg. 89c yd C C 8 yds. for 1 Reg. 35c. 91 is your chance. 1 QC BOYS Sale, yd 54 Sale, pair . £9 11 Sale, pair . . , * O, Boy's Parker Knit Stockings. Men's Dress Oxfords. Brown, Sizes 7 to 10. Reg. OQC Rayon Silks, Checked and Turkish Towels, large sizes, Black, Tan. Latest Styles. 35c. Sale . . . MO colored bordera. Ladies Silk Hose. All Col- Keg. $4.95. $O45 stripes, newest patterns. Reg. ors. Reg. 59c pr. A 1 C Sale Girl's Vests. Sizes 24 to 34. Sale Boy's Wash Suits. Fast Col- 75c. yd. Sale, pair 41 er, Nice Patterns. Assortessorted Sale, yd. . . . AT Broadcasting 11^ Styles. Reg. $1.25 70C Cretonne, Fast Color, Strip- Each * * LOOK! Radium Silk.Shirti. Ladies Pure Thread Silk Sale Flowered Voiles, pretty pat ed to match the Krinkled Hose. Reg. $1.00. nnC Keg. $7.95. $r-87 Bed Spread Sets. Reg. 39c. Sale D Boy's Crepe Sole Sneaks. terns for dresses. Sale, pair 77! C Reg. 39c. Sale, yd. yd. • SHOES Sizes 12 to 6. Reg. Q7 Sale, yd. . ... 27,' $1.45. Sale ... DRESSES Ladies White Canvass Pumps Men's Color-Fast Dress William, Bros. Balhriggan Shirts. Checked, Plaids, Boy'» Pants, Longies. Assort- Toweling, good quality. Reg. House Dresses, full cut, fast C Shirts and Drawers. Silk C and Oxfords (\E\ 1'luin Colors, fine assortment. ed Colors. Sizes 8 to 15. Reg. 25c. yd. "I CC color. Reg. $1.25. £*7 45 Finish. Reg. 89c. /JOC Pair "O Reg. $1.95. % $2.25 $1 Sale, yd...... IV Broadcasting Sale . . .O I Sale . H . : . . Sale DO Ladies Men's Street lisle Venook's Dep't Store Next to Charlie's Meat Market , SOCKS CARTERET, N. J. Reg. 19c a pair Don't forget the Name, Date and Place 1 at this Broad- Rain or Shine casting Come in Time Sale 9 pairs $• $1.00

Girl's Pumps, latest styles,

st 11 strap and opera effect. Sizes Children's Pump*, l'"' -U " from 9 Va. Reg $198 5 Hy. NiztH

!«; PfHUfATION ir= committed t<. no political "social reli- Lu or racial grc^ \.r onrnniHSlM.n. l»« aim I* to allow in r « column, -nV.thinB that it know, to be untruthful NEW EMPIRE biw"'»""' ""J* TODAY—Frid.y, June 2S«h— ljn.uK or which >•• not signed »,y its author. In cases where it is retjuested. the name of the author of such iTcommunication will be SPECIAL ATTRACTION withheld in publishing. MARION DAVIES in -~^-^—- "BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARK" You'll love her — you'll laugh nnd thrill at the tale of the fetch A GOOD MOVE ing American Miss( made to take the riiagwing ot a boyish Prince whirled along the road of hilarious adventure thrilling action, ten' der romance. _ ... Nothing hotter" could have happened to the township Educational Comedy "CT<*niiw U»" „ school system trtttrV schools, a_'fj«t \vhich was accomplished by the principal of Schools I and XI, otarian that makes possible the 20,000,000 Congregational (SATURDAY—June 26th—Special Vaudeville Show- and the principal of the High School. As a result, pupils \vho: *'L is the genius' Rev. W. V. D. Strong, p5?tor. in this country and a production of 5,000,000 Lionel Barrymore knd Marguerite De La Motte in have failed one or two subjects during the school year will now motor cars ill !>.45 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A.M. Morning- Worship. "CHILDREN <>F THE WHIRLWIND" be able to brintt their1' averages up to normal by Jive or six new care for tHe current twelve months; and it is the same fn- "'""' "•' '"" "\ , flividual representented in the Rotarian that places the telephone 7 P. M. Christian Endeavor; top- He was a crook and so wasSehe. RiH he awoke in time to a reali weeks of not strenuous 'work, In turn ic; "What May Japan and Korea Ex zntlon of the tfnth and he went, straight. She called him a yellow they may avoia an, .ndustry flt the head of the corporation Hat; and it is this self- pect from Christianity?" by Miss dog and a quitter, and a squealer, but deep dnwn In her heart there extra year in school. burned a flame the Old World drawn into social upheavals. same erson that done so much to put the moving picture Elsie Schrlmpf. Of courte, considering this a good move is only theoretical,! P 7.4,3 P. M. Evening Worship. "Fighting Heard" No. 7, with Albert* Vaughn on the earth>s screen He is worthy of respect. Look him but the principal is sound and. other towns have successfully! "P - Wednesday, B P. M,' Prayer Ser- Educational Comedjr "Hold Vr Sheriff" worked the schtme. There will, naturally, be great difficulty in over and you will learn more of the' United States and the in-vice; topic: "The Essential Nature of V, ~ _.,.__," _^| dividual states than any history book can teach; you will un- Patriotism", procuring the right kind of teachers for a Rummer school, es-jj ; SUNDAY—June 27th— ppenally y where each instructor must have two outstanding• '--I] derstand from the composite of the Texas Rotarian what the Preibyterian ART ACORD in R5V. L. Y. Dillener, minister. "RUSTLER'S RANCH" qualifications, the first, a vast knowledge of divers subjects, witLonhe thStae delegatior state meann frosm i na Northwesterthe Union; nan statd bey o doinr a fag r thSouthere samne and the second, exceptional natural ability as a teacher. Nor 10 A. M. §abbath School. — and — state you will appreciate the variability of these United States 11 A. M. Morning Worship; Sub- "THE LAWFUL CHEATER" is it easy to procure teachers of this calibre for the majority and the alloy-strength behind the Union of States. ject: "In His Name." .3 P. M. Junior Christian Endeav- of them are quite well paid for their regular ten months of Take the athletic, finely-poised Antipodeans who are here MONDAY and TUESDAY—June 28th and 29th— work and they desire to rest and to further their knowledge or; Topic: "Radio Messages from Ja- for the convention, so distinctively a race by themselves, and yet pan." Leader, Lydia Ijeber. - DOUBLE FEATURE during the vacation season. having more of the traits of the younger nation than of the old, 7 P. M. Pre-pray«r service of ADOLPHE MENJOU in There is one danger which might result from the estab- and one can understand fully the wonderful reception accorded Christian Endeavor. "THE GRAND DUCHESS AND THE WAITER" 7.45 P. M. The Christian Endeav- lishment of summer schools, althuB^h thin will-ba well guarded — and — the American fleet in Australian waters and why there is such or Society will have charge of the against, especially in the High School. It arises from the well an attachment between the two countries. An understanding evening service. LEW CODY and GERTRUDE OLMSTEAD in founded principle that thosp who fail (Hunkers, in the vernac- exists already; it does not require to be put in words and carried Monday evening, the Sunshine "jfoONTE CARLO" ular) are procrastinators. That is they will "put off" study- on the sleeve. Class will meet at the home of Mrs. ing until a late part of the year, and when they find there is Russell Thcrgesen of Rahway, WEDNESDAY—June 30th— 1 Wednesday evening-, 8 o'clock, Mid- no hope say, "Oh well, I'll pass it in summer school". Just such week service. JACK HOXIE in a condition arises not uncommonly but very often. In the Christian Endeavors St. James' Societies "LOOKING FOR TROUBLE" High School, the means of checking this danger, is made prac- Bapti.t — and — tical by prohibiting students to take more than twenty-three Rev. R. Montague, minister. "SCANDAL STREET" In Charge of Pres. To Hold Carnival 9.30 A. M. Sunday School. points a year, while some in the past have taken thirty and a 11 A. M. Preaching Service. With an ALL-STAR CAST few, even thirty-five. Another method of checking the evil Services Sunday Night Also Card Party 0.30 P. M. Baptist Young People's is the requirement of a grade of "B" (from 84 to 92 per cent. Union. THURSDAY and FRIDAY—July lit and 2nd— in figures) for college certification. .Sunday evening at T.-lTi in the Pres-j Two important activities 7.-15 P. M. Preaching Service, REX BEACH'S GREAT STORY tonan ( Christian En- have just been planned by the so- Wetinesday evening. Prayer Meet- May this work prosper, and may the time come when the i ^>' hurch, cieties of St. James' Church. The ing at 8 o'clock. "THE BARRIER" deavor Society will be. in charge, of With NORMAN KERRY, LIONEL BARRYMORE town will take over the summer schools and offer advanced its second annual installation of offi- first wp be a card party sponsored Trinity EpUcopal courses as well as an opportunity to "brush up" on failed sub- cer?. Mrs. John Strome, who has by the Rosary Society and to be Rev. J. B. Myers, rector. ' and HjfNRY B. WALTHAL hel d next Tuesday evening at 8 o'- been working diligently with Chris- 8 A. M. Celebration of Holy Eu- jects. clock in the Parochial School Audi- charist. tian Endeavor since coming to Wood- torium, About 100 fine prizes have bridge and who is responsible for the been received. Following- is the com- A ROTARY ASSAY OFFICE exalted position held by that organ- mittee in charge: Chairman, Mrs. ization, will outline the method of Henry Romond; Mrs. P. Murphy, Mrs. grading Christian Endeavor work, M. Jardon, Mrs. J. Cosgrove, Mrs. E. After considering what Rotary has meant to Woodbridge che next step in the progress of young Finn, Mrs. T. Zehrer. Mrs. E. Con- since its institution here several years ago we are anxious to people's work, in the local church. nelly, Mrs. J. Doiiuhue, Mrs. M. Duni- let our readers know what the active business men's organiza- Following is the program: gan, Mrs. E. L. Romond, Mrs. J. Krug, tion means to the country. We give the views of "The Rocky Prelude; Processional, "Lead On, Mrs. C. Kenny, Mr?. M. Kiely, Mrsj, Invocation, Rev. A. Baumann, Mrs. J. Nash, Mrs. J. O King Eternal", Mountain News" of Denver, Colorado, where this year's Inter- .Song Service, led Caufield, Mrs. E. F. Faulkner, Mrs. ...eroy f. Dillener. national Convention was held. Next year the convention will by Mr. A. F. Randolph. Address of A. Delaney, Mrs. J. McGuirk, Mrs. Want A Free Lot? meet in Ostend, Belgium : Welcome, by Pastor. Message on A. Gerity, Mrs. J. Rhoder. Hedge, Miss Dorothy Leonard, pres- Second in order, but by no means When the values in a large shipment of ore are to be de- ident of I. C. E. Devotional Ser- in interest or anticipation, is the an- termined in advance the whole tonnage is not assayed or .smelt- nual carnival to be ^iven by the com- bined societies of the church on July ed, because that process would be costly, if not impossible, at presideiit of N. J. C. E. ynion. Vo- "'3, 5 and 10, being the days before the mine. Instead, "grab" samples are taken and ground down cal Duet, "Ivory Palaces", Misse Ruth and Miriaqi Erb. Special Num- and after Independence Day and thi and well mixed, after which a few pinches are given to the Saturday following this national hol- Absolutely Free? ber by Missionary Committees, In- assayer for him to determine in his laboratory the value of troduction by Minu Danner, Cbair-! iday. There will IM- dancing in the - the ore shipped. No mistake is made—the average of.the whole lady of I. C. E. ,, 1 auditorium to the strains of thfe Im- foreign Mewage, ,,. is readied in thi'a manner. •'.Jane'it Birthda- j ria] OrcieBtra (lf 1{ah ()tlu IN THE BOOM ZONE GiltJuniorss fro:m Mildre Lat.njd ! features wl|, ^^ diyers bouths This week Denver has been un assay office for the United liliowci,( Harrielt short) Bernice and refreshment stands. Ml, M_ j States. The report of the assayer in charge has been returned Cuupland, Jean Lnldle, Alvin and Kiely is chairman. More advanced to' us and checked with the "control." No discrepancies. It Mm-ns Si-hafer, Henry Myers and news will appear in a later issue of shows well. i(harlea Mueller- The Independent. BIG OPENING SALE Home Message, "Carriers of the. The Rotary International has furnished voluntarily the Light", by 5 Young People: Grace New* of All Woodbridge Township in requisite samples for the test assay to be made. The samples ltunkin, Religion, and Myrtle HoVard, the Independent, the moiJL.widely Adelt Wurter, Albert Bowers and supplied are thoroughly representative of the whole body of re»4 paper in V/oodbridge ore. We cannot recall any gathering better representative of John Strome, Summer Students. Solo This Saturday and Sunday Part by Key. Dillener. Message from the 115,000,000. No "flash" or, no "country rock;" worked in State President, Mr, Thompson. An- as ore. The "grab" samples"for assaylrig^urpos^s were pick- nouncements. Offering. "Grading Church Notes ed from each one of the forty-eight main veins and from two or Christian Endeavor", t Mrs. John At Beautiful St. George's Manor, Facing St. George's Strome. Granting of "Jiplomas, to Mcthodiit three stringers which will lead one day into veins well defined. Intermediates, hh Mrs. Strome, Supt. Rev. M. H. Senior, pastor. Avenue, Woodbridge, at the Junction of the Newark- Departing from the metaphor of the mine, the Rotarians of Jr. Wortc of East Central New 10 A. M. Sunday School. ) New Brunswick Fast Line Trolley .stand for thte ballast in this Widesperad republic of ouj-s. They Jersey; to Seniors, by Mr. William 11 A. M. Morning Sermon; top- are not all from the top and they are not from the bottom. Voui-hees, Supt. of I, C. E. Work of' jc: "Sin". iliddlesex County. Installation Ser- 7 P. M. Epwurth League; "Un- Lookkig at them in the auditorium and in the stadium, in the vices: Presentation of Old and New ried Recreation," by the leader, Mr hotel lobbies and on the streets, we know with double assurance Officers by former President, John jeorge McCullagh. This will be the BIG SALE THIS SATURDAY & SUNDAY the reserve strength that is in the United States; and we can Strome; Installation by Mr. Thomp- ast meeting until the first of Sep son; Consecration Prayer by Pastor. understand better the reforms which have been taking" place ;ember when an Epworth League ral- Vocal Solo, "My Task", by Miss ly will be held. ' ""' AT PRE-BOOM PRICES economically and socially, We know better than ever why pro- Lillian Richards, Presentation of C. 7.45 P. M. Evening Seroion; top- hibition is a fixture. We can understand easier what the poli- E. Expert Certificates to Miss Doro- c: "Question". You buy two lots on easy terms and get youir next lot absolutely tical economists are talking about wnen they tell us that capi- thy Leonard, Milton Agreen, Charles Friday, (tonight), 8 P. M. The La- Brendan and William Hiller. Presen- dies Foreign Missionary Society will free without any cost whatever. j tal and labor are meeting each other on a middle plane; we can tation of Kecognition Fund Gift to hold their annual Missionary social appreciate now as never before the many, many millions of Society by Mr. Thompson. Presen- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar tation of Junior Awards for Memory Kreutiberg on High Street. There dollars that go into life insurance every year and why that pre- Work by Pastor; Introduction by caution for the future has become such a dominating factor in will be no admission charge but a sil- Prices Range From #75 Up Mrs. John Camp, Supt. of Junior C. ver offering will be taken. The pro- the nnancial-industrial fields of the nation. In truth, without B. SentencePrayera. Closing Song, gram will include a sketch "Dream • being political in our writing, we can understand why it is "Blest Be The Tie That Binds", Ben. Voices," coached by Mrs. Albert R. Come over at once and get first choice; let us build the type of home that the plain person at the White House-has such a hold upon wdiction by Rev. pjllener. Postlude. and Miss Eethel Valentine. you want; representatives will be on the property every day including A missionary speaker and several mu- the country. sical numbers will be tneltided. Re- SUNDAY from 10 to 5 P. M. or come to our Green St. Office and let's The Rotarian is the salt of the earth; he is neither million- Money to Loan on freshments will be served. talk it over. t «1 y AiHI aire nor poor man, but "well fixed" and reasonably ambitious. Wednesday, 7.yp P. M. Choir Practice. - •He has the balance of power. He holds the nation in line if First Mortgage 8 P. M. Prayer Service. > stress comes. He is dependable. He has a great big stake in Henry St. C- L«vin 8.45 P. M. Men's Club. the country. With others, we write often of this multimillion- Last Sunday morning in addition WHITE & HESS Counselor «t Law aire and that one, and of concentrated wealth on the "street," to the Children's Day. program of 111 Main St. recitations and musical numbers, an INCORPORATED \ut, after all, the Rotarian that we haVe been sampling and as- unusually attratvive •ffering service saying to the beat of our ability is the real wealth of the United . Woodbridge, N. J. was held. Twelve young girls dress- 4 Green Street Woodbridge, N. J. States and the others are pigmies in comparison. It is hia poc- ed in white, took, the collection while 1'hone Phon* Woodbridge 116*9 [.•Mrs. Albert R. Bergej* awg "That 50 l.i'tbook that maintaine the United States\at its present gait. Sweet Story of Old". 9 , , . ^ FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Bearcats Defeat Iselin Senators For The Second Time Keasbey Juniors Win Keasbey Feds Defeated s Smashes Out Horn* Run With Two Men On Ba»e. I solid | THAT. LITTLE CAME" UUrn.t'1 Cartoon Co., B. Link Get* Only Six Hits. Jimmy Vernello Is Hero of Game. Double Header By Amboy Dublins Keating And Slebics Star. Kcisbey .Juniors added two \YL YOO fin Sunday the Woodbridtfe Itinr '.ing for li-.ibf, «ingle$ sooring Al- -1 SORE^OO CAN FIMB. • in in eleven sUrtR for the HrarcnU. icitls trounced the Wood- of Perth Amboy, in the preliminary hu\ «core AND immy Vernello, Henrcnt pitcher, wns l,,s to the tune of 7-2 and ftame at the Raritah Copper Works WHEM Yoo AB. R. H. B. ,,! victory, the Hawks were *SP»Y \n THE throughout the game, allow-[ Slehicv ,-f. 3 2 2 0 y, field .Sunday afternoon. The final 03 "(oo.CAN »tr Iselin only six hits. Iwlin UM'd a closfr contest end- Hunt, rf. i v,(tin's in wore wan 8-2. The game had to be * DEUCES UMLt>"( S HOU) wo pitcher?, n,,mtr nnil ^h«lan. The local team is playing cut short on account of time. The THB GANO HAS , 9-Mne% nnd fioka were the nnd of ball.and should .fig- B, C.erity, if. Feds played poorly behind- Rayn and VT L\WB A TOM OF COPL- urs of the day, Keating' f»t- * rue* for tne «"unty Junior Mullen. ~3b. made many costly e- rots. H. Kubi- inn « mble nnd tfco sinplrs in four KeatinR, «. «hip honors. • William Dafa- AND WONT PuAY nnk's hit, ,a circuit clout, in the sixth rips to the platel , SleW* gettinjt two1 F. Gcrity, lb, the team, inning and H. Hehowski's line drive ELSE.- IT'S too Nin-£. FOR MY double)! in threo trips to the plate, Hushes, lb., l"lM, box scores: went for a home run in the second nnd Hoka smushinn out a home run TettmonU-. If. ,,,b<-y Juniori AB. R. H. inning, . ANcs BESIDES its A J^O ©AME FOR ME'. • nnd 11 single. Jtnkn's home run came Verne 1 dill. «'• .501 The box score: •vitli two on the bans. 2 Ii Keasbey Fedt ^B. R. H. Umliert. wa,n (he only Iselin hat- 4 3r> 8 if. 2 Katrnusky, 2b. . ... I! -0 0 er tn Ret two hits from Vcrnello's •din 3 AB. R. H. E. Lund, 1b. 3 0 0 Huttertian, 3b. 4 3 0 0 0 J. Kubinak, cf. Scored in first, when Whelnfi, 2t>., p. 5 II. Kubinak, 3b :. 3 ' Whelan renched first on Hokn's I,nml>ert, ss. 4 Tolh, If. :., 2 I unl Uimhert doubled, Homer, ss. 4 D. Fee, ss. The Itcnrents scored four run" in Albcrtson. If. ..1. I'- 4 Jacobs, e. hi' third, resulting from u home rui Dul•»•, cf. •Sabo, *L- ~ I liy llokii wi(H two in nnd thus muk. Ohlmitn, 38 7 14 Rayn, p. I ing three runs. 1 I. Gerlty drew a lb., '2b. Tiger. AB. R. H. j pass; Mullen sacrificed and Keating Ueedy, rt. „„.•, 3b 4 1 drove in B. derity with a single. •Wiuky, 0 2I .3 Dublin Glee Club The Bearcats again sefired two 4 •, us °| Letts, lb. runs in the fifth when in 5 inn- .511 of hits by Vernello, Keating and ings; off Whelan, !> in 4 lnningj 0 Hunt. Struck out by Vernello !!, by Homer / Iselin scored in their half of. the ky, 0 U. by Whelan 2. Rasos on- balls off 11 IN LINE WITH THE SPORTSMEN Fords A A. ninth whfcn Albertson got ft Wseon Vernello 2, off Homer 3, off Hardware Store Opens balls, stole second and Wacky, bat 0. Wild throw, Hughes, Hi. There an; 500 football coaches looking for on Beat Orioles quar- ies, the peasants have for centuries ir. terback next fall and Dartmouth has Doolov and of Luther. The liirht in the picture ! On Rahway Ave. Square McPhail. Kaminsky and Rodner Star disposed of their products. Here is centered upon the dying reform- is the whirl of existence. were frequent demonstrations of the er and the light radiates from him rf. I The latest firm to select for a busi- Prank Carter's W. H. S. diamond peasants in their uprising against the upon the persons and objects in th«^ • ness site the group of stores at the f stars beat the Orioles for fair, Sun- nobles. Here, down through the room. I.uthcr is reclining upon a 33 3 7 I junction of Green street and Rahway Well, it seems that Jack Dempsey is going to fight %ene AB. R. II. day, on the Fords diamond, the final years, the various generations of sol- couch, with his head supported by [avenue is that to be, known as Sand- 1 Tunney, after all. Tex hasn't been able to convince New York score being 11-3. KaVninsky starred diers gave their last farewelj appear- huge pillows. His eyes are cut ford and Router, H will add one more 0 State, but New Jersey is usually the goat in the end. Will in the box, allowing only ft well scat, ance 'ere they marched from the heavenward. His devoted friends ••II. r to the list of hardware stores in, tered hits, while Rodner shined with town. Brave sons have left to fight Rurround the death bed, some star- i Woodhridge Messrs. Sandford and I they fight 12 rounds without a knockout? the stick, being at bat twice, making against the frequent sojourns of the. ing on in amazement, others breath- lib. I Rculer are both veterans of the; two hits and bringing in four runsT French. Loyal Saxons departed to H. lessly listening, »nd still others weep. World War. For their motto they Dupont balltossera expect to carry off the championship in Next Sunday the Question Marks oppose Frederick nnd his Prussian ng. A clergyman who is in charge have adopted the words of Mr. Sim-i .,.,.,,...,,.,. mi. -n i- , .7 I offer the competition. Manager hordes. Many have gone on expedi- the building, proceeds tn tell of the Oarher wants games with teams such tions to Austria and to Russia. Many I! 0 mon-H. the grand old man of hard-1 Middlesex Industrial league. The Parhn representatives the vnrious furniture, clothing, and ware. They are: "The quality is'have a fairly good lead at this date. as the. Maurer A. A. and the Ly- heroes rallied in service of the Fad- utensils that have been preserved., rt. remembered long nftt* , the price j ceums. erlaml in l'.)24. But a few years almost, as they were in the fifteenth ago Eisleben was the scene of a bit- century. In fact, the room is made :to 2 U forgotten." With such an ideal Many thanks to Howard Kinsey. He seems bound to Following is the box score: of service these young nien Fordl AB. R. H. ter struggle between the miners and o appear as it was at the time of is'h'ouliFbe'iihle to build up auude of' keep the name of the good old U. S. A. on the Wimbledon Warren, c. . 4 I soldiers of the republic in the eom- blither's death. i considerable note. The store will map. Pomeroy, If, ... . 2 1 munistic uprising that threatened the Leaving this house, we strolled CLASSIFIED ADS dpen Monday handling u full supply Rodner, ss 2 new government. Over yonder walks through the old and new sections of : i lassified advertisements only onl of hardware and household furnish- Kaminsky, p. .. 4 a soldier, he belongs to the troops the town. The cohblo-Rtone toads •int a word: minimum, chance 26c. Track, the old dead issue of sport, has been gaining ings, paints, spotting goods, glass-' Jago, 2b quartered in n former Normal School were never very wide; sometimes .SITUATION WANTED—Fo"i«l« ware, and other divers articles. ; ground. In another two years we ought to have some Olympic S. Krauss, cf. .. 4 on the hill. The troops are quite there was a pavement, sometimes no I'KNOdHAPIIKR—High School It is remarkable to notice how; stars from this ae<;tjon of the State. Fullerton, Hb. .. 4 plentiful around here since that last pavement at all. We passed an un- quickly these stores are being occu-i unsuccessful revolution. Pushing i-nidiiute desires clerical position qy Boka, rf 4 attractive cinpnin, their movies. Films E. Krauss, lb. 4 aside these visions of the past, our are shown here several times a week. • •A ledge of bookkeeping and type-, pied. Only four of the ten remain j Next September will mark the beginning of the third sea-1 attention was directed to the center Occasionally, u good American film is •ing. Write Box M, Woodbridgdj unoccupied nt the present time. { „ Miicnt. son of football's revival in the High School. A very interest- 32 11 10 of the market-place, where there i seen. In Europe, the "wild west" ing and tough schedule has been arranged. Two year's activity Oriolet AB. R. H. a pedestal on which is mounted a picture is in vogue and Tom Mix is HELP WANTED Trautwein'* Garage Open Ma/.ursky, c 4 01 life-size statue of Martin Luther, better known there and elsewhere In Large, New Quarter* i should mean a very good eleven. 2 Dresden, Frannfort and other Ger abroad than other screen heroes or I,. Id, to mind buby and do light] Sardone, If 4 Peterson, cf. .. ' 4 man municipalities may boast of an even our president. As it is charac- • list-work. Phone. 227-R or call at; ! After a delay of some weeks, ( Virgillo, 3b 4 excellent ,statue of the truly nationa teristic in European cinemas, th£ Im-n street. ; To Mile. Lenglen, being beaten and being sick seem syn- I Charles Trautwein, proprietor of the: -,...,, » i.i j. Zak, lb ....: 4 hero, Bismark, but this little town cheaper • seats are in the first few l WooVlbridge Auto Repair Shop has; onymous at least we judge that to be so from the outcome of Kidd, rf., p 2 of miners and peasant -farmers are rows, and the more exj>ensive in ROOM AND BOARD re-opened in new quarters, under the j yesterday's doubles tournament. Yes, and isn't it an old trick? Zalari, 2b 4 content to have erected a modest, ye1 the rear. name of "Trautwein's^Garage." The Experts say that Mile, is high strung and this nerve condition, Levine, ss. . impressive tribute to their native son, Once again thoughts of the W«rld nM AND BOARD with refined, establishment is in a building whom millions of other people re- War return as I see, here and there, sD inmnu WIWI ic.•••>••., npw establishment is in a uuuuiiig , . , . , Y , , . TT , Sharo, p., rf. German, rf. vere. Luther is arrayed in his famil large postets with the picture of the . family. Rooms with liitht:ju,t hvUiK compk.ted at High street ill their opinion, accounts for Lenglen s victory over Helen l-ckec ! Melanson, 2b. 0 iar gown and is standing, looking wit once popular Vbn llindunberg. My ping privileges after June )|n(1 st (;eurge avenue near Andras- Wills, this winter. But wait for a year or two. Then Helen will I daring eyes toward the people, per Telephone Woodbridge 8U2. cik's meat market. Mr. Trautwein. turn the tables. friend told me that the few words • announces that he is now in » posi-1 35 3 y I haps more so to theologians. He np- that accompanied this large picture t FOR RENT tion to give satisfactory service to j Summary: Three base hit, Radner. pears challenging anyone to disput meant that, he, (Von Hindenberg) KMTIKUL FURNISHED APART- autoists, day or night. Between a swelled head and a bad ankle "" Ruth is Two bawi hits, Jago, Rodner. Struck his right to the German Bible, wbich would make things, all right. It was : he so dilligently translated-while hid- a political poster used in the presi- unit, -1 rooms and bath, kitchen-! The repair shop in the new estab-; qujte wel] "bunged lip' out by Kaminsky 8, by Sharo 4, by r>:il Rahway avenue, Wood- lishment' has been equipped with all | Kidd 4. Bases on balls off Kaminsky ing, and which he is there represented dential campaign, a few months be- as (irmly holding in his left hand, fore, in which Von Hindenberg *a» ..i'^,.. Telephone 7'Jl. • tf- m.nlern machinery and tools and is Bobby Jones and Bill Metilhorn are leading the list in 4, off Sharo 4, off Kidd 2. Left on tightly pressed against his breast. successful. - strictly up-to-date in every respect. g i ] Fontaine has a new nomen for their sport. He calls bases, Fords 3, Orioles 4. FOR SALfc. ng an( j On each of the four sides of the Near the outside of the town i* ' The accessory department is open for pedestal is a relief picture of some a good public swimming pool, which Unfolding of Genius I scene in Luther's lffe.. This monu- is enclosed by a high board fence. ^ lent condition, Motormeter,, located in a wing A mini's genius Is always. In Hie he- When it time they gazed at the score ment is enclosed by a fancy iron This afternoon it was. very full, in- -ck wheel, »huck absorbers,'i-s still under cons»ruct,on. innlni; of life, us mud' unknown to fence. dicative of its popularity among the tally, but eitfht complete round ilmiielf. aa. .to others; and It Is only .n.r.lwirtiUidd wiper. Mar- is completed the accessor e .a - Whippet Goes 240 lies Beyond this "Lutherdimkmal" mon- •younger set of tho town. trips lay ahead of them, although fter freiiuint triitls. attended with . ,i l.o.kWod, 5H3 West avenue,; ment will be fully stocked and tilt' The town seemed to be in a stir, merchandise will be offered on a new they had scant way of knowing it ueeess. Unit be ilares Ililnk hlwM ument, the upper- side of the market. •Aaii-n, phone Hli2. i( oe.xs, mm in n.iirK limn* i.iiii*" •• i . the. people were'getting ready for a special low price basis which, Mr. Covers Distance In Traffic On at the time. ,„„ ,0 the .u^rukh.- in whictliethl i etheP «er ol«d mark» , (i sow situatedn ta ., an- big duy tomorrow. It was to be the Trnutwein announces, will nieun a Eight Gallons of Gasoline During the run, the car was hose who have wiccwded have gable end, two stories from the opening day for an annual shooting brought to » complete stop 221 times he admiration of mankind. —Hume. luli SA1,K Grocery and Delica- material saving to customers. street, with three rows of aymetrical- tournament. Men were decorating i A record which is likely to'stand at jyossings or to avoid accident in <•<• •--.*•!» in Iselin. 3 year lease. ly arranged windows, can be plain- the houses and stores. Bunting of the for sunn- time was established by an traffic. The totnl idle time so fai- :•»!,• and I rpunm. Rent $tll). In- ly seen. popular black ami red colors of the No Time to Paute I Overland Whippet sedan when it ns car movement was concerned wiis 'ii- ls*4u\ (irocery Co., Fiat St., "Tom Mix Better Beyond this, a part of the tower republic, were strung from house The fellow who liikes u cbance I covered 240 miles of city driving in 180 minutes and during this idle time ; ,!„,. ^ " " • 0-25* and steeple uf St. Andrew's Church ti> bouse across the narrow streets. cim't ulford to Ktnp mill insider , fifteen hours running time and on 8 the motor was still running. gallons of gasoline, Known In Europe can be seen. The old sexton used I had the good fortune of being i\ ROOM HOUSE, all improve- wlietbrr it lielnlitfs In him nr not. says The Overland Whippet is America's illice bit). his large iron key to open the door the guest at a merchant's home that ments, parquet tloors, open lire-j the At 0 o'clock in Ule morning the car first European type, light car and it's 1 to this church, the church where Lu- night. Accepting the true German I'l.u-e, garage. Owner leaving town. __ arteil, over a ^escribed course of performances are marvelous. The Thanjstoolidge" PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ther often preached to'crowded pews. hospitality, 1 was treated to a most W ill siu-riliee. Inquire Box B, Wood^ ve miles. Around and abound this test described abova shows the car ourse. the, car kept up its steady , Continued from twye one The very pulpit, in which,this emi- pleasant time. e Independent., T. R. WRIGHT, Oeteopathic traveling 240 miles of space on eight nent reformer preached, remains. It A little after sunset, that night,' I 20, 7-2,(J. Physician, Post Office Buildingg, ace, through traffic, through tHe gallons of gas. The actual distance Hans Luther. Within walls of the is located on {he right, a *ttle over heard the roll of the drums, and 'Main street, Woodbridge Hours: esidential district into the park covered on that amount of fuel was FOR SA|,E—Columbia talking mama-- ' d Fridays. Geburtszimmer (room in which he halfway down to the altar. It is rushing to the atreet, saw .severali lg Tueadayg an reas through the suburbs and back much greater because, in city driv- iane, full size, first class condition; The trial was to see how many was born). On the right, Margaret, raised about six feet from ^he floor, hundred veterans, in files of four, SERVICES RENDERED ing there are many stops and many the wife of Hans, gave birth to a and rests against a large st<>»« pil- puss by. In their blue uniforms they '»ig stock of recordB included. Cheap. mes it eould complete the trip on times when the driver must go slow- \|iply 151 Perahing avenue. ACCOUNTANT— B oj 0 k s openeq he measured eight gallons of fuel son on November 10th, 1483, whom lar, -which supports the massive, me- proudly marched-on. War decora- ly. The car was standing with the dieval roof. A wooden stairs winds tions, among which was the Iron closed: income tax. ' Will also tab :arrle4|4 n the gasolinli e tankk, the world knows as Martin Luther. PUPPIES, three. Great Dane female g motor running 180 minutes and it practically around the pillar up to the Cross, were in evidence. An Ameri- care of bookkeeping for small con. jl iditi th d In these rooms and around the near- ptippius three months old. Good The indication tha drivers had made 221 stops, pulpit. Aboye the pulpit, tt beauti- .GMl's thoughts ara; once more, di-' cerns on weekly or monthly baws. how far they were going was their by streets tj^ youthful Martin roam- Muc-lc; appjy Edward Reinhardt, Ise- G. Agreen, 164 Freeman St., Wood- ful canopy is suspended from the pil- verted to the past fvar. These small ^nlidence in the power plant and .From all tliis it is evident that in ed. He loft home to be tutored bridge lar. The tombs of several of Lu- groups of veterahs were merely lin, N. J. :he reports shouted to them by an ordinary use the. Whippet will make at a nearby town. At 18 he entered ther's dearest friends are beneath the marching around the streets, stirring An agency is r-ow open in your sec. inspector who read the dial on the much more than thirty miles to a the University of Erfurt and later SIX ROOM HOUSE, centrally locat- floor of this church. up interest on the eve of the big pa- tion selling our $10.00 Accident and gasoline guage each 'time the ear B»llon shown by the test, matriculated at Magdeburg. ed in Woodbridge; used only a few rade, which was to open a week of Health Policies for one of the oldest passed the score board, i , I But gas economy is only one OL IH Ambitious Martifi decided to be- Across a narrow btreet, next to a montha; like new; bargain price. shooting contests, ending up with the and soundest companies in this coun- Eoconmy had to be demonstrated features: The Whippet with its quick come a priest against the wishes of four story store, is Luther's "Ster- Monthly installments accepted. behaur", (house where he died). The crowning of the championship marks- try. Thousands of our agents have under the extremely difficult condi- pick-up, its short wheel bast and tre- his father, who desired him to be a Ktudy %ot immediate occupancy eaves are but twoi stories from the dions of traffic driving. The motor mendous motor power is a veritable lawyer. man. l'hone 885-W Woodbridge. built up permanent businesses of cobble-atone pavement. *Two rows of could not be stopped, it must be wizard in trunk. It can dash in and Prominently Jocated at an old stand The next day an invitation, to use 4-llitf, their own. Many agents retire after windows, upper tow of two and lower one of the family bicycles and t» kept going regardless of how long out of traffic jams with a speed and is a large ornutnental swun. The kind several years and live on the renew- of three, are Bet in the roof, which take an-excursion aix miles out of CARPENTER the traffic signals held the ear up grace that are amazing—and yet it old lady tells us that when John Huse als that come automatically. W>ite was about to be burned at the stake, slopes toward the street. A mass- town to the ruins of an old castle, was ODD JOBS done promptly. J at crossings. is always under complete contA-ol of Wood- Dept. A-l, Suite 614, 76 Montgomery in Bohemia, he tobi the persecutors ive medieval door leads into the accepted. All along the way farmers ish, 680 Watson avenue, Sedans of the type used in the test the driver. St., Jersey City, N. J. that in a century there would come rooms that are now preserved to the were picking their cherries. Th« bridge, N. J. are now on exhibition at the sales, The wheels are 27 inches in di- a white swan which the Ijjamea would pilgrimspig, , wwh o come tofvisij t the shrines cherry ty-ees were planted along the roonj of A. Gross und Son, 218-220 ameter so that the body is low and never quench. Luther became i of Luther. In January, 1546, Lu- road arjd were marked with large New Brunswick avenue, Perth Am- all danger of tipping over is prac- swan in Huss' prediction. She ther had come to Eisleben to secure numbers which included the owner- ATTENTION OF COW-OWNERS: bfty, who is the local dealer for tically eliminated. lates how Luther admired HUBS. A peace between the Counts of Mans- ship. Overland and W!lly»-Knight motor The Whippet can easily attain a All rows Vent bv nrivate owners within the Tftwn- speed of 60 to 65 miles pec huur large number of the original manu- field. His persistent labors were even- To my sorrow 1 had to leave thli P cars. scripts are pointed out, as well a» tually successful, but he unduly ex- section that afternoon but aomehpw ahip of Woodbridge N J., mu8t The fuel had" "been measured by a and at that rate holds the road as culin tested. steadily as the heaviest types of high many of his commentaries and trans- posed himself and contracted a se- the environment of Luther'u former representative from the bureau of lations of the Bible. The kind fates ver cold, which proved fatal. Luther country made a deep impression, and Dr. Joseph Troutwyler, Veterinarian weights and measures and the filler priced cars. In other words it sup- plies speed, comfort,convenience in have preserved much of the corres- was removed to this building, and nothing but pleasant memories of tha crap had been sealed down. pondence of Luther, must of which is here he was called from his earth- generous inhabitants of today re- Truck drivers and the ordinary traffic and economy. It is an attract- ive car, roomy and safe. in this museum. On the walls along ly labors on the 18th of February. main. While speeding un to Leipsic, rankVnd file of ear drivers on the 1 could not help but think that 1 never forward all neceswy reports to the Board of Health. A Gross & Son, local dealers \fith the stairs are many portrait paint- A narrow winding stairs leads up streets had no favors to grant in ings of the Counts of Maimfield. to the ru*r room, which is Luther's knew that Eisleben vlus the birth- the way of getting out of the way of sales rooms at 218-220 New Bruns- All private owners of cows who refuse to hjvj. their Leaving this building, we turn up "Sterbeaimmer", (room where he place uf Luther, until 1 discovered tt the car and giving it a. chance. wick avenue, Perth Amboy, have been by accident after I had come there. cows "examined will be reported to the Board of Health flooded with inquiries, by letter and the street, and presently again the died). A tourjst is first attracted to Things had to be taken as they the large and tivid painting on the Surely this town, rich in historic " for farther prosecution. cim0 without tear or favor, by personal callers. Already several market-place openB before us. J wfcieh is cftipWtol wall. Pro*. P«P« to* are- ne^ds a little publicity, pei" ' PETERSON, HealtW Offices. Aftw IW milt*' JbJ*— tb(i driven FRIDAY, JUNE 26, Rain Frequently Cauie Friend* to Mankind -of Mean Short Circuit* Without Food Hat "Tubtr Coalhouie" SUGGESTIONS TO Trnp frli-rnin ure (IIP wholn world When a car strip* In n heavy rain- woman somrlit nl'l of * London (0 OIK" nnnflirr; nnrt hr Ihnt In « fripn<) Inrin suspect the distributer, the top ! n n * Smokeless Soft Coal tn lUf without tn him""*!' i' i'" frlpnil Pf minkln<1 f (he coll or the pints and wtres of ii hutf. Thf" hospital Ktpti In n > iiiullM Ihp grpntpxt dp AID TIRE OWNER >elnR wet. Water I" :i" excpllent con- t> 'tuhpr cnall. 1 i: Itght I ink' I" "f Impnrtlntt l( t» nth Inrlor of electricity. A driving rnln- ., r, , physicians K»'C 'V "" * i'«P"Wis, prs; f"r HI'TP In nn rpllsh l» mp In tr.rm will enter thronch ventilation N«f$ary Element Halnlinin,,ng ,hp „,„„•. !ii,,e« was dne to i;in of without n Much Lo«» Gamed Becau»e lits In the tiooil nml often manage Is Good Fuel The flit nwit I- -f ' t" '«• hlchly working In thp ••••H' vnr.U , |l|t»otlhlc ,1-1 pgrlmr 11 pniiluce 11 short ckcult which stops Motorist and Repairman he enr ns efrectnnlly as If It were One The Plutocrat Fail to Inspect. •obhed ot Its spnrk plugs. The only 1 •eniedy Is to wait for the affected drate* In t>. '- ' T" 'I'" "l"" Why -In «.. < ••"> '•"••it.K.T* thin* rpi,n]l!, ,,,„ frllow you notice with We Have It ; inrts to dry or to locate them and dry rf.< ,,c fl. :,,;,t MI'! n''t!Tlty In »,e real sit'.-" " •' ' '"> ""'"' '""M t ktn,| ,,f pni^e iiroiidlook has a spnre Tim "strpfrh j-onr rnlil«•': lt ! (o SPe7 hem off with rags. The best remedy b*;>v i,,. t'.-f| in the h-rly Is. r«.KuUr n-si.!.•.,'> "" -» " ,,rp Inlllntpd by Sporetar-y nf 1,'ommorr* Give Us A Call 13 13 Perth Amboy Hprlx-rt Hoover, rewlv^l inMnnt rap- prevention. Small covers of oil- loth to fit over the coll and dUtrlbn- port from leading assnrmi."ns In the :er, «lm»lnr IA effect to the leather DTitomoMle trnfle and nnv^f tllP mo" RYMSHA & CO., Inc. lood which usually protects magnetos, torlng pnhllc. In line with Ms policy will keep ont fhp fine water spray the Chicago Motor chili. In u recent MAURER, N. J. which does the dnmace and prevent 989 State St. J bulletin, "More Tflre Mii.^ Tlirough Furnisliors of Homes Complete n annoying stop under nncorafort- i Manhgement," make* n nnmlwr of hl« crrenmRtences. MijfitMtlonii that will 11M t;••„• cur own- pr to conihat the high prl'-^s irhlrh have bwn PStahllohPil hy '"• Hrlt- aln'i rnnher monopoly. I "Thonaandu of tli-es arc Hilnoil be- \ muse the repairer and tl"1 niMnrlst PulU like 9 bull ELEPHANT full to lnnpect the IIMIHV -1 » cuslng for brenkg, nail» and pl.'.-vi -f Kinss,". nays the bulletin. "rrp puncTtlres. "Another source of tr nhie comes iiiK to.take mo to pay for it? When you are buy- from wheels out of nllgniiu'iit. The mo- torist who wants to RC ing things from McManus Bros, the answer to possible mile'aite ofiT of his tires will see that his front wheel" :ire In per that question is yes—always yes! feet alignment, he will keep out of car tracks, he will keep his spare tire covered, and he will chnnRe his ND that is why the Budget Plan as operated by Me- •• rear tlrts to the front wheels hefore the tread Is worn down A Manus Bros, is an excejjent way to buy your fur- Trouble With Novice "Still another source of undue tire niture. .. ••m. wear occurs when the novice driver uses his car In traffic. Tie uses his brakes too much, causing the nihher to slide on the pavement. The motorist OU are always assured that.the home furnishingv" who seeks to cut the cost of Ms tire bills throttles down when be sees that Y you buy here will far outlast the time you take to *' he must come to a stop In traffic and brings his C,ar to a landing post pay for them. tlon with little wear on tires or hrakes. f'lf motorists will watch their tire wear as closely >as they watch their !gas consumption," concludes the hul ilAln, "millions of dollurs would b« saved In this country." McManus Bros. East Jersey Street Near Broad THE CUSTOMBUILTMOTOR FUEL ELIZABETH COSTS 5 CENTS MORE * WORTH IT STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N.J.) SMASHING PRICE REDUCTIONS in FORD CARS ' ' ; EFFECTIVE JUNE 19th, 1926 •">•; Balloon Tires and Starter Now Standard Equipment : ••'• Coupe . . $53745, Delivered to Your Door .4 Tudor . . $54769, " ' " ' Fordor . . $59889, " " " " 1 Touring . $42375, ] " " " i~ ! Runabout $4p327, " " " " \ Pickup . . $42543, • < » »rf " REALLY CHEAPER THAN WALKING DORSEY MOTORS, INC. Phone 366-673 Maple and Fayette Sts., Perth Amboy Open Evenings Until 'reservations," or that th«lr offer is, .\| '1 I I1 To Again Boom ot hona fide. Any two unsold lots >»Kht will bring the purrlinser the id joining lot free of rhnree. St. George Manor There will be no taxes on the lot* SI. (leiirRp Mnnor, fixing the new- mtil they are completely paid for. ly piived imcl widened Stale FIi(fh- Title to the property is guaranteed ROTH'S WHO BUIUT THE wny t.ii the shore, will make its open- iy the Middlesex Title Guarantee and ing bow for tho Ifl2fi season ne.xt, Sat- >ust Company, of New Brunswick. ,NDUSTRIE$TH urday and Sunday, .June 2fi and 27, As a special inducement, White £ THIS ciiy. wheft-White & Hens, Inc., will offer Hess, Inc., offer prospective home- one adjoining lot absolutely free with lite buyers their "Pay Like Rent every purchnne of two lots botight, Man", enabling the buyer to pay a on the two opening days. mall sum down on an attractive ul- ;ra-modern bungalow, with monthly FIRE SALE The property is located in Wood brides Township, between Rhhway myments practically on his own and Woodbjidjfi'. cxifiiding a distance ;erms. of half a mil# from the St. George As an investment possible or for Begins Today, Friday,, June 25 road station on the Public Service (peculation, St. Geprge Manor is like- Newark-Trenton-New Brunswick fast wise attractive, property all along line trolley. ' the newly paved highway having ex- Entire $25,000 Stock of Roth's Variety Store must go A reward of $500 is offered to any perienced a boom also traceable to one wrm can show that there are anj the opening of the new Victory Bridge across the Raritan River, and at your own price pletion of the work according to plan beginning of construction on the Tot- and specifications. The Board io. fEd- Ed1 tenville f*rth Amboy Goods only slightly damaged by «moke and wtttejr. Stockj ucatlon reserves TFe right to rejejtc ] over the Arthur Kill to Tottenville, Women's Dresses, ooys* Suits, XThderwear, Hosiery, House 1 any or all bids. connecting,the highways of the Is- Signed: land with the main traffic thorough- lom HOARD OF EDUCATION, fares of New Jersey. ° ' Sale will last until everything is sold "Woodbridgc, N. . By: M. H. CLUM, Gold Teeth for a Dog President. . ^A Hezlin dj'ntJji Jms.-SiKm-dei In 77 Roosevelt Avenue CARTERET, N. J. iii^ materials of proven "ATfestT " making n gold dcnlul plnlc lirlitge for .land for permanency. E. CrENSIGN, ~i"(I(>g. TTils lias Been fastened ro ~~~ ,,:!, G-1T), 1H, 25. District Clerk doic's teeth. iK service in thia com- .. ,,iiiiy has helped to build its ,ln-tncs, its schools, and its .„„,:, The quality materials i; i! have (Tone into Iheir con- ,:rlll.!i,,!i insure lasting value. »rt yf j ,,n sumc "Bill Ding" job. THE MONEY SAVING CHAIN STORES |•„, Interested int SAME MONEY SAVING PRICES AT ANY OF OUR STORES NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED

if ) N»w Roof* I ) Caneral i ) A N«w PorcK TIMES SQUARE GREATEST of ALL ^TIMES SQUARE TlRE andTUBE SALE! RADIO QT TT3T>T V Inc. AddrrM ^_^ t , t , " • I AUTO OUI I JLI ^8 SUPPLY " Inc. ^fci NeveNerr before have high pres- sAI — sure Cord Tires of this quality || ^ ^ II STORAGE BATTERIES been sold at these low prices! j| US In Hard Rubber Cases Quaranteed for One Year 30x3% $r"7495'"" FOR ALL CARS (Listed) Clincher For the AUTO JB**_ For the RADIO pi spt $ 95 " *" s: FORM 9- 60 Amp.-6 Vol. 95 \t 11 Plate Standard 10" ,„ Amp._6 Volt WOODBRIDQE 13« ^^^ .95 1 2 V.ilc Si>eci»l -JC.95 ^Hl^^ 120 Amp.-6 Volt U1WBER COMPANY For DOIH.I: juniDING MATERIAL STORE DISTILLED WATER 22c j|| I TOOOBRIDCK - NEW JXMTT $1 HYDROMETER . 39c Hot or Cold Standard Make | NlU'lfE TO CONTRACTORS | . .ilril prnposals will be received' JUGS '!;<• Hoard of Education of the; eld. CORD TIRES! ii^hi|> of Wuodbridtre, N. J., for! riMIiuii and completion of a! v lllriiK'Mtiiry School, to lit' ori'i't- 30 x3V CLINCHER il Hide 2 ii 1'iTshing Avenue, Iselin, N. .)., illiriilgt' Township. 12x3!' S 10x3'/2$ 2 .95 I'IIS >hal| be made out in forms 85 <" liant .95 Straifihl Siraighl i'lu'd for that purpose and shall Ctincht •9 Side 10 Side 13 •iflivered to the Clerk of . the To fit Ford Road- $ 33x4 * ill, K. f. Ensign, ut . his resi- FAMOUS U.S. 31x4 : 32x4 i 45 Spanish sters or Coupes . LUGGAGE CARRIERS .95 .95 SirBigrit i, Woodbiidge, N. J1., or pre- TIRE GAUGE Straight MraigUt Side Skie 18 v,l in person at the meeting to For BALLOON Side 16 17 Leatherette Trin\ CORP TIRES $1.39 To fit Ford Tour- $/C .95 held in the High School, Bar- ThennMOccuratcl-i . ; 34x4 $ 32x4V2$^ -t QS ht <9 Stock on hand for the ing Models . . . V_f Avutuie, Woodbridge, N. J., on manufai- I .95 - g«uue > Straight Straight / I following curs: • I'vciimg of June '2r!th, l'J'-iti, at turei] AOiustaDle gnte type, with centre brace. Side ** J- nr 22 Mad? uf exua h^'avy steel. Black iapjin. > Side 18 Guaranteed to fit perfectly ;••'. (.'clock. Daylight Saving Time. Wi i not raltlr nr become 1^.25 ELICTRICAL Willys-Knight, Ford. 1 GENUINE i•"!• tin' oonvenivttee und us* of in. Coupling!. ... 1 TIRE THERMOS KEEP COOL! ELECTRIC FANS li!^r bidders, plans will be loaned PUMP "Huck" seal covers arc easy to l BRASS HOSE NOZZLES BOTTLES put on. Any<>m.' Ciin easily attach IF YOU CANNOT COME him ..n or after June 14th, l .l2ti, For Spray, Straight •» ^-v Universal Motor for A.-C. or D.-C.Current " *• (nii^e tlic*»*^ scut ci^vcr'' ii .i deposit of cash or certified Pt. ..93c ' USE THIS COUPON Stream it Shut-Off. /UP Regular S7.5O—8-ini-h $5.11 sTmr'icaiiJcompletoiiistr'.ii.-tK'no • • i. for the amount of $2.^00 ut the III;II it to Solid brui1n iTtraight inoiiel . . '' < of the Architect, J. K. Jensen, THERMOS LUNCH cTlidderl -! s.irv lilting are inrludnl. tviry I T1MKS SQUARE AUTO SUPPLY CO.,Inc. inthtA in $0.34 .vice Kiiarnnitird to lit J'">r car * .' Smith street, Perth Amboy, N. J. SPRINKLERS M..U Or Jet I>. L'l. tt»l 4H Suilun G KIT ... *2.69 strait,lu uiockl | pt-rfKLly. No sewing required. New York, N. Y. : i ach branch of the work. The famous Two purpose $-J.95 Regulor $3.00 1 Regular $11! 50-Wmch improved $-J 2" l'!;>iis wilu,ill be i&i&aueu d until the "lluck" seat covers arc well made oscillator modtl of heavy woven auto cloth, a Name of Cue. •I'Hy is exhausted, but at all times BALLOON special weave that'will iKt lecce r. -

V . ! in which ( JUNE 27th thp hem b:,< (• !:•• eir! up tn n Twic« Daily 2:30 and 8:30 ro

:..i.!i-r . ; llrnnr- ( '.ay* the load and !

r >.'- t» Amorira, sttil! E The BIG f:.« r:h the trouMc. It in irtr I: ' r .tnanre Hn reputu 1|1 11 pi*; Tfioatrp. »i.>n h.i- !•:•' ' I' I him and n very f.inV')- -at lover » U'wwn. Th Kinj on M«in Tt* ' X.:r.\! .I'i'i 'he siren meet an's Picturtzation of Laurence Stalling*' in IE yi>nnp V t -ma" F .r v l'i"i«ine thi^. he i^ invited tvt> to her This time, however, the Exclusive Presentation In Exact Duplicate of Runs In ;\rt> mv Kinp forpets nil he ever Irtievr about Astor Theatre, New York and Aldine Theatre, Phila '"kMipinK" and p.iy-i strict, attention K.:r. p to the business in hand—winning the y 1-..1W- • him girl's heart. DITMAS h.> —Monti in thi* paper to adv*rt.ii

MATINEE EVENING 10c—20c STRAND l0e.26t.38c Scene from "" at the Pit mas Theatre next week. PERTH AMBOY "Kish Alley," Les Ang

SATURDAY—One Day Only— DITMAS Evelyn Brent in PERTH AMBOY—Tel. 2796 PETER MAWNIS "The Jade Cup" Painting Contractor SATURDAY—One Day Only- STANDARD . A MELODRAMATIC THUNDERBOLT Painting and Decorating of AH Kindt BIG JOBS AfND STEEPLEJACK CONTRACTS A SPECIALTY VAUDEVILLE 'Whispering Smith* STEEL STRUCTURES OF ALL KINDS SUNDAY and MONDAY— With H, B. WARNER, LILLIAN RICH FACTORY BUILDINGS — BRIDGES — STACKS — TANKS PRIVATE DWELLINGS — PUBLIC BUILDINGS and LILYAN TASHMAN 2 - Big Features - 2 Purest White Lead, Oils and Other Ingredients Used Exclusively / ' Satisfaction and a Lasting Job Richard Talmadge in BEGINNING SUNDAY— GUARANTEED "THEBETOMAN" THE GREATEST PICTURE OF ALL YEARS Estimates Cheerfully Given 35 Hudson Street Monty Banks and Anne Cornwall in "The Big Parade" 1 CARTERET, N. J. "KEEP SMILING" *^*miM\im-2S, X926 HOME, DAD AND THE BOY Seattop* An One of Two Side* to Tien aid 1 By FRANK H. CHELKY the New Deviotu Satin Cttpe Make

Unfortunate Dad Route* to Distinction a French Frock HRRK Ifl B vnnt army ot them. T Ti t!ir nL'^nolea of norloty rnlse their mus. We ull ImTe n real responsibility for su<'h hoyg. Let's keep our door* ajnr for I hem nnd ojir hearts open for the lad who Is hungry for the man-touch and whose Dad Is away making g living. And lefR nut forget at the same time the vast hordea of boys who hnve no father at all and whose mothers—brave? little women are (S), 1826, Weitern Nuwsinper union.) many of them—are not only mak- Vertical. ing the living, but acting as moth- Horizontal. f 1—Winner 1—Conceit ^ o |M WOUWNO NIGHT ANODM {KM SON. er and father too. 2—Commercial curporntlon (abbr •UTtVMCC t>—LB*K'»»t city In world TO MAKE ENDS MEET All honor to them and heartfelt i—A medley (926 sympathy and support. »—Loaded 10—Neitatlve *V 4—Large farm ifc) K K. Chaler. D«nv«r, Colo.) 11—A metal 6—oirl'a name FREB-ftom •fin MUM'. N« 12—A mnnth of the year (pbbr.) 5__Formerly lUvMtd. Tux day of the bolata-e&M ditM has IS—Tnltln.18 of a U. B, President - J—Suffice . . . . , pjisrd, with iti hole, it one end lot the JJ^^Arcolor/ n-tf area for _ ..„.._.._, KtUogg't TuteloM CMIOT Oil n^SUppcdT "'" '••H-SRwtKiun •"--»• • h the origin*! twtehw t«ttor 'iiratl and an nprnirtjr *t the olhci lor the i raffles plated one , ' Ktango in America" 16—airl'a name 20—Malice oil, m«de for medicinal UK only. fn-t. It speaks volumes for the skill of other give the twice-tiered lido that 18—Moves with circular motion 666 The mango has been cultivated to 22—PoBSesslvfl pronoun the prfat designers that they were able to Paris hii bees riploitiog thil aeMOB. some extent In southern Florida and- 19—Sixty grains (pi.) n* prescription for 13—Looki! evilly FREB-liimmc. on ri^nt to WALTER Chaitreuaejrwn cttpe utia edges Itactt 14—South American pack animal 80—Marah bird JANVIER, loc, 417 Cn«) Si., NtwYork make such balil simplicity attractive. Colds, California. It has been said that some 21—A body ot BOldlera Grippe, Flu, Dengue trma 2S—ttevolvlog part of a radio varlo- Fuhion to-il»y is more ornlmtnUl, more with Its own more brilliant uadenide i effht-y<8Mir.+- •-••• ••• • importance it has for K* luPR entirely 4«—Make i tke rl* nMlng at the hip kxp oar LOUIS MORRISON is drculir and the new V ue« ^ w J +V r-1 NEW YORK Sfaoet, Clothing; and General Nothing brtnga i\ich com- have lit scalloped edge thai c t vi,n J forting relief at the original the jicasoh. CANDY KITCHEN "Merchandise BaumeBengue. It starts to Manufacturers and Dealers In Opan Erary Day Excapt Saturday drive out pain u toon aa Strictly Pure FORDS, It. J. VALET you apply it. Mutineer'* Good Work CANDIES AND ICECREAM i Main St., Woodbridge. Tel. 43 GBT THE ORIGIN ALFRENCH Under the assumed name John THE Merchants Adami, Alpiuntler Smith and Resources $325,000 For feminine hygiene DAUMEBENGUfi other mutineers of the English who advertise In AutoStrop Bounty, together with some men mid HUMPHREYS & RYAN (ANALOfSlOVE) Enlightened women are now women from Tahiti, fntinded n ciilimy this paper will give FORDS NATIONAL BANK using Zonite inatead of HARDWARE on IHtralrn lelnnd about 1788. A(li\i" Razor poisonous compounds for you best values for nii St., Woodbridge, N. J. was Its bond. He wstnblLMied worshl FORDS, N. J. this important purpose. Plumbing Ftxturaa Complete in .Itself and n school of 11. sort, and lived iim sharpens Zonite is thoroughly effec- your money. Spring Hardware died In pence, IIMIVIIIR «• proHnenm tive butharmksa to delicate CnrHen and Poultry Suppliei itself Sharpens the blade in the nnd reliRious people. Tfl. 1B10-M, 264G. tissues. razor without removing it HANSEN & JENSEN Quick. Convenient. Easy MAIN ELECTRIC GENERAL CONTRACTORS to clean. Complete seta- razor, with strop and extra Electrical Contractors Excavating, Sowaring, Gradiag, Carting of all Krnda blades, $1.00 and up. Tel., Woodbridta 549 628 Pacific Ave., PERTH AMBOY *A restful night on Lake Erie nin 4 William Sti., Woodbridj. on one of the Great Ships of the COB Une makes a pleasant THATCHER break in your journey. A good bed in a dean, cool stateroom, Valeu4\ita5trop Razor a lone, sound aleep and an appetizing breakfast in the morning. BOILERS-FURNACBS-RANGES StJlan ••SEEANDBEE"-"CrTY OF ERIE"-"CITY OF BUFFALO" GUST AY BLAUM ° Daily May 1st to JVoeemfter /51ft Groceries and Provisions DAY NIGHT Dependability \fO MATTER how wintcry the 97 MAIN ST. Woodbridge Automubilc IUte-$7.5O. Call Woodbridge •J \_,wcathef,nomattcrhowcold R*nd for fr«e sectional nuxxle chart ot Four *c G,«t Ship "SEEA&DBEE" .md C&B vSteamer. the wind, you can always depend 31-pMt booklet. 151 on a Thatcher Round Boiler to CHARLES M. MUELLER $5.50 UP-TO-DATE TAXI AND OeveUnd. Ohio deliver ample heat to every room. ::GAR AGE :: THIS SPACE GARAGE SERVICE '* Ask your Architect. He'll tell Your Bail Ticket is I WHIZ ALEMITE Cylinder Reboring Good on our Steamcti I you; for he's made many home- Service Station owners happy and contented by Tel. WoodWrldte 202 FOR SALE G. Lucas, 240 Ataboy Ave. specifing aThatcher Round Boiler , IS'i St. George's Ave., Woodbridg Free Crank Case Service —the recognized Boiler for de- pendability.'' V Mail coupon below and literaturt Raising the Family- willbeitntretardinglhe Thatcher Round Boiler here illuitraled.

111! Thatcher Round Boiler has proven vL) to be themost powerful house heaterfor rated capacity—not only in the number of thermal heat units transmitted to the water — but in (he length of time between bring periods. Write today. THE THATCHER COMPANY Sum 1130 CHICAGO NI-WARK.N.J. NKWYORK. 3flN.tUrLSi.

Might Put It That Way A promlneht New York a«tre»S By Charles Sughroe Snake Skin Shoes Huveil h*r Jewelry frum N hui'nUr by THE PRINTER'S DEVIL VI SOtW, THERE. ARE TIWES WHEU ( WA QUO I ulttlDg on It. "(.'ould you rail that MEVER WA.RRIED f OUST \WVW5\U6 A VUOWAH PAVIM' rlslnj to the OCCUMIMI?" iuiiulres 11. B. MO,; i35 FOB- A ?A>R OF SUMCEHIDE SHOES, VJMEM —Boston Transorliit. eDiUlUE RATTUSHAKE 6KW, RUKlWKMLeS AUD CUIA0 A TREE tF THERE TME LATEST TUIWS IUSMOES* f'-^ *WI EVEU A GAWERSklMCE CROSSED MER PA1M« WIV, EVEU A FISUWORW TMEV THIWK IS AVJFULs WlWAEkl, IUCOU3STEMCV SURE IS W* MAWE! AU0 SJUCE VJHEM MAS Real Estate RATOESMAKES precious FUR- Insurance Houses for sale in Perth Amboy Woodbridge and Asbuty Park BUY A FAIR OF TH£>A

A W1UAB, KJPi, CO SHOES, HIS WIFE, yum Secure your lot before price bO HOW. | VJILl HIKA cxrr -to go up in the Spring WBJTI TD avmr* A VitLP BATTUESWAKES1. Perth Ambqy 432 State St. Woodbridge Tel. 769 Tel. 56-W.


Cart for funeral*, wedding! and all occaaiona

WOODBRIDGE TAXI SERVICE FRIDAY. JUNE 25; 1926 E TWELVE Woodbridge \H1GH BRIDGE CAMP RANKS PHONE PERTH AMBOY 2 3luiif>jJCttb street, were tin' Wednesday luncheon ( the alarm. of Mr*. Fi Reyder uf Cran- MID SUMMER SALE I (i ,—Mrs. H .!<••• r weok in Tr >y. N Mis< Verna MrKlroy of Main OF all (I Mr C. •!'• K Mr- .1 A-. will leave Saturday for an «x- Mr- I'M:.tip I''i-her clmirn'' ' --dlV endi'd Kiir.ipi'iin tour. I'iiik. Sunday. nint, -i i Mr. Walter .FI. Warr, President, K Martin' and . Mr % FINE BLANKETS — Mr*. 11 'V>' rn'crtdiKod her f the local Rotary Club, returned ..lay at Olympic fjiitn:'. ilaiiffhtfr, Mr- W.iirjriuh'. and fam- 'in- il:iy from Denver, Colorado, 1'lll-k ily. Wcl^i'-liy afternoon. li'ii' be attended the Rotary Inter- offers -unusual savings. Early selection is advisable— . Mr. Mr- Chris Schnmi. en- iiMi-nal 1'onvrMition. " 'i-(,iii Perth.Anihnjy ---Mr*. Mait.-n and daughter «hop You only have until the end of this month to take ad- ]K-I ir Ni-w Hrun*wi<-k,. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Craft of vantage of these prices. M ni'lli-ld, Mam., were the week end y y Mr T'''h. who was operated nn A lain mid Au-i\ " no.! )••• A:- ir.tft "f Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Wood- llrur. -'.v:. k :i)i;i.'!]iln it;- in a Newark h lifTkusuU. "f Ni-w man "f Maple avenue. 64x76 BLANKETS *2-25 pair • fire T».-- ne WITI' cIc-1 r'-yr-'i V Wvv. ],. V. Buschman, of St.. In a splendid assortment of patterns from which to former pastor of the Presby- chooJc. ! At M.milay night's meeting the ;enan Church, was a local visitor for J Hopelawn H"p''liiw»i Fir.' Co. made final ;ir- a few hours Tuesday. He Sailed at r»ntri'miTt.+ fir participation i!i the mi'lni^ht on the steamship "By with regrets anil Kotshurk nue, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Miller blue, grey, tan, rose, and gold; tin- wa- designated tn stirreei and daughter Elsie, Mr, and Mrs. ll'T. •J.ihn Miller-and son Martin, of Port l.uthrr and the bu>ir.e.*s meeting a 66x»0 5TORM KING BfcANKETS *2.»8 P*'' ,,,,„* M^ned I farewell s.,.-ial was RIVMI. Ri-adinj;. M\*. A. N'nlnn and Miss Jen- A well known blanket at a tempting price. Good aa- iU- cs are ii"^' , , ,.,,, i _ \ novel party in honor r»f nie N.diiii of Brooklyn motored to •sortment of plaids. k> r-n.perty "^/^l ^k. .,J „.„ „,„. ... Helawan- Water Gap, Sunday, t.-r-, street < ro^-mns jat )::> home on .111liftt street T n.- -.lay MT»..AV. H. Warr of included in the paving proprn.m, | 70x60 DOUBLE WOOL 6LANRET3 — — — $8.»5Vir (lames and ref i -I'.-hmeiit- line wi^ a N'nwark visitor, ! -The mnnaK,m..n, of ^V^^ V" f- '''-"'»^-.,..Khout th, pa^y. Rev. and Mrs. I.,eroy Dillener en- These all wool blankets come in the popular Block thiil Handkerchief Iaotnry nft\e .u - j ' pres<'nt were: Margaret Simin, T tertaini'd. Wednesday, Mi'.s. F)illcnev's plaid designs in many colors and have a lustrous Sateen ranged for a c elehrati'.n A- 'he '•'•'" plotion »f a larire. new huililf a. He AI ker, Madeline ;md France cuts, Mr. and Mrs. A. Huesel, a odge. -*« vaney, Bernard and (n-ne Kohiil, -ister. Mrs. Payne of Montelair, also y [ran't Osikirvffs.'Amplia nrrd Barbara Rev. Ralph Nesbitt of India. . of UwtUin in Keu-liey nn Knmjn.'ky, Murgiircl and Knlmn Sil- —Mrs. Ella Wheeler of Ridgedale its nther liiiint'h will 'nj"V an enter vaney, Frank, Michael, K'hsard ami avenue visited relatives in Brooklyn taiinwnt frii'irrint: n;;i-ir and re- KoliiT' K<>i-hirk. over the week end. fr all activity guests of the former's parents, Mr. cital. There were a number of par- Mrs. L. B. Van Slyke and daufrh neatly everyone who qjayed received, tribute to the. dead. Other local or- development' where everything in'again. Baseball,-volley ball, hikes, and Mrs. John Roberts of Freeman ents and friends of the pupils pres- ters Alida and Esther and Mr, B. U. a prize. Among the winners were] Kanizations which viewed the remains athletics, aquatic and out-door life; archery, boating and emblem tests street. ent who greatly enjoyed the enter- Clark motored to Elizabeth Wednes- Mr?' S A Confial, Mr. S. A. Cor- J in a body were the Iselin Chemical jst,auKht; where a hoy learns how toare some of the more outstanding af- —Miss Ruth Knowlton and Mr. tainment. The following program was day. dial Mr? A Boehm, Mrs. T. Mnher,! Hook and Ladder Company, Buffalo ijv(, ^^ n|H companions; where the ternoon features. At four o'clock Stanley Knowlton of Tottenville given: Bouncing Betty by the class, —The members of the Rosary So. 1.1- _ _ t • i _ I!L r - _- Mrs li. Merrill, Mrs.C. Pago, Mrs.! Hill Troop, Iselin Boy Scouts, Holy] high ideals are to be sportsmanlike, comes the afternoo L n swim and a lit— were the Sunday guests of Mr. andSweetheart dance by Virginia Coan, ciety of St. Andrew's Church held a F J Gallagher, Mr. Lymun Andrews,I Name Society and the Altar Rosary resourceful, considerate and unself- tie later when the bugle blows forijurs. John Camp of town. Highland Fling by Jean DeYoung, most sucsessful strawberry festival Mr'-' Elizabeth Clancey, Mrs. Philip I Society of St. Cecelia's Church. ish—in camp, in school,, in college, supper- a- wild, hungry army de-j _mr4. Emerson White and son Character Dance by Marion Suchy, on the church grounds last evening. Daly ami Mrs. Jesse Haft. Among j —Escorted by a detail of soldiers in life-,—to all such the following scends upon the dining room, and theof Perth Amboy visited her mother May Walk by the class, Minuet hy —The civic committee of the Wo- the non-players who were awarded; from Camp Raritan, the body of the words must prove intensely interest- way these boys eat is praise enough Mrs. John Roberts of Freeman street. Virginia Coan and Jean DeYoung, man's Club met at the home of the prizes were Mrs. B. H. Flanagan,}; World Wnr veteran, Charles L. I , for the splendid cooking of the chef Monday. The Powder Puff by Irma Butter, chairman, Mrs. Frank Barth, on Tucs- Miss Senta imbe. Miss Mary Mv-i Squire, was brought to St. Cecelia's Camp Taylor is a real vacation'; in charge of the kitchen, Mrs, William Donovan of Fulton Bouncing Betty by Betty Labat, daj afternoon. Plans were discussed Cann Miss Alice Boyhm, Mrs. Senta: Church whore a requime mass was home for a hoy who luves life in the! After supper comes the evening's street ia convalescing from her recent Migard by the class. Miss Gallagher for the card party which the com- Brink'man, Miss Mary Pinto and scv-j celebrated. The Boy Scouts of Ise.- open It is situated about fifty miles1 entertainment period when a-great illness. 1 is a pupil of Enrico Zanffttte, Mrs. mittee will hold on Friday evening. erul others A most interesting on- lin, of which Mr. Squire was a, mem- from Middlesex County, near High variety of entertainment is provided. _Mr. and Mrs, John Camp and J. Durkin accompanied the pupils July 9th, at .the home of Mrs. Barth. tertainment was given by the girls her and the founder, acted as pall Bridge, N, j. Beautifully located jn} One night is designated as stunt daughter Olive visited Mrs, Camp's on the piano. After the program Arrangements were also made for the of the parish The. program follows:; bearers and were as follows: Nelson the mountains, looking out over Lake night and each tent of boys, with mother, Mrs. Sarah Green, at Totten- the guests enjoyed ice cream and float which the club will have in the Piano recital! Miss Dorothy Randaz-: Ohlman, Charles Hutteman, Charles Solitude, it has all the natural beau- their leader, is expected to put on a ville, Monday. cake. The class is composed of Jean parade and celebration on July 5th. 7.o' Duet, Misses Anna Cioeone and ; Lambert, Richard Shofi, Edward ty and healthful surroundings of a 3tunt. At other times minstrel shows —Mrs. Robert Ringwood of Main EteYoung, Irma Butter, Betty Labat, Senta Diibe; Solo, Cross My Heart,, Keating and Richard Duhe. After Maine Camp. The bane of many New are hastily organized among the boys street is able to be out again after Virginia Coan and Marion Suchy. Masons To Have Dinner Mother, I I-'ove You, Sung by Miss j a very solemn service, the funeral Jersey camps, mosquitoes, is not a and some nights are given over whol- her recent illness. —The Sunshine Class of the Pres- Irene O'Neill, Catherine Glynn. at! procession wended its way to St. ly to ghost stories around the camp- problem at Camp Taylor as this re- —Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Berlew of byterian Church held a theatre party Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. the piano- Recitation, Mi-s Dorothy i James" Cemetery, where interment gion is free from these pests. Pour fire. At 9.30 vesper service in the Decker place motored to Washington at the Mosque Theatre in Newark on Americus Lodge, F. and A. M., will Randaz/.o'song, Miss Lucy Ziarkow-j took place with full military honors. counties have united in making this lodge after which taps are blown,] D c., this week and spent several Tuesday evening. The members of hold a dinner and entertainment in Bky; Chorus, the Misses AgathaJ Mr. Squire was only 2K years of age,camp one of the finest in the State lights are put out and the camp dfiftsj (jays there. Schmidt, Anna Ciccone, Senta Dube,|a'nd his untiring efforts in organa- the class who attended were': Mrs. L. the lecture room of the First Con- and according to state standards into peaceful slumber, •—Miss Ruth Loreh, of the class of B. Van'Slyke and daughter Esther, Diycothy'Riindaz/.o and Irene O'Neill;! ing and instructing the Boy Scouts Camp Taylor ranks among the highest gregational Church. There will !>•• Each day^brings new delights and] in24~"woOdbridge High" School^ is Wilhelmina Schlener, Anna Baker Duet Rowing, Not Drifting, Anna is only an example of the devotion he three. promine/it speakers. Those wishing new friendships and it is always with ;raduating from Newark Normal and Agnes Crede. Ciccone and Senta Dube; Solo, Songj showed to his country. In the death This is the twelfth season for Camp regret that the boys turn their faces tickets may procure same from tin School today, and Miss Beulah Smith —The members of the cast of the building committee of the Masoni- of Songs, Master Lawrence Clancey (of Mr. Squire the people feel they j Taylor 'and each year has marked a homeward and say good-bye to old also of the same class, was ambng the with Catherine Glynn at the piunojjhavj e lost a good friend and the com- Taylor for another year. comedy, "The District School at Ave- Lodge, steady growth and improvements in graduates of Trenton Normal, this nel Hill" met at the home of Mr. and Sailor's ' Hornpipe, Miss Agatha munity, a valuable citizen. He is equipment and program. The Camp For the information of parents who morning. Schmidt, Mrs. Jesse Hoft at the pi-! survived by his wife and two child- are anxious to know about the health Mrs. Frank Barth on Wednesday opens Tuesday, June 2iHh, for boys, —Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bergen of 1 evening. The play is being given by ano- Soio, Let Me Call You Sweet- j ren, Charles Jr. and William," his and runs four weeks until July 27th. and sanitary conditions of Camp Tay- Red Bank, spent Sunday with Mr. the music department of the Wo- We Are heart Mary Kardell; Solo, My Cam., mother, Mrs. Matilda Squire of NewJuly 28th, the girls take over tho lor, they will be interested to know and Mrs. Albert R, Bergen of Grove man's Club and will be held at the lina Home, Mr. Frank Gallagher;! York City, a brother, Harry Squire, Camp and over one hundred girls a that tested pure spring water is piped street Solo, It's My Old High Hat, Mr. of Danville, Ya., and a sister, Mrs. week will use it for the following into the camp and the kaustine chem- - j School auditorium on Friday, July K>. Frank Gallagher; Solo, Sunshine in |"Mary Goinminger of New Yqrk City. four weeks or until August 2'jth, ical sanitation system and the fact Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Johnson • Th(.re are thlrty characters in the Always Ready Rainbow Alley, Mr. Lawrence Slat-] —Miss . Marie Janke, of Ridge- that there are no flies o of Grove avenue spent Tuesday | p,av wnich is B cla3S room stene. It The age limit for both boys and r, mosquitoes evening with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. j j humorous and will cause much tery; Dame, Irene Merrill, Catherine wood, Brooklyn, spent the woek end girls is twelve years or over and make it an ideal place for a boy's va- s very to serve vou with good O'Neill, Florence Boylan and Jean t the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hall of Perth Amboy. merriment as the members of the a mapy attend who have reached their cation. An expert swimming direct- —G. WinHeld Scott of Plainfteld printing. No matter what Hoft; Duet, The Proposal, Misses: Janke, of Harding avenue. nineteenth birthday. or will teach each boy to swim if cast are all well known residents. Randimo and Ziaikowsky; Solo, Mr. —Miss Catherine Dcpe.w of New and EdgWr Whitehead of Elizabeth The music chairman and her commit- the nature of the job may Until this year Oamp Taylor has he does not already know how. An spent Wednesday evening in Wood Adolph Boehm, Mrs. Boehm at the York City is visiting at the home of been known as Y. M, C. A. Camp, it efficient life-saving cre.w is always on te^are: Mrs .y. B. Krug, Mrs. 1). we are ready to do it piano; Solo, A Dream, Mrs. Jesse Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quigley of Ise- bridge. ; DeYoung, Mrs. R. A. Lance, Mrs. S. being d,iretted by tho County Y. M.the job to .supervise the swimming —Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chalmers of ait & price that will be Hoft' Solo. Let Me Call You Sweet-! lin Boulevard. C. A. Secretaries of Middlesex, Som-which is only allowed at stated peri- N. Greenha'lgh, and Mra. Forest heart', Mrs. Jean Hoft; Solo, Let's] —Mrs. Albert Fink and baby of Grove avenue spent Saturday in New Braithwaite. The next rehearsal will erset, Hunterdon and Morris Coun- ods, as is also the boating. York. Grow Old Together, Mr, Raymond Harding avenue have returned from ties. But since last October, Edward Parents and friends will be wel- be held on Monday evening at the Satisfactory Johnson; Solo, Sunshine of Your the Rahway hospital. —J. H. Thompson of Lewis street Community Club House. M. Dowling, Secretary for Middlesex comed in camp on special visiting spent Tuesday evening in Newark, Smile, Mr. Lawrence SlatU'i-J; Duet, —The Iselin Republican Club held County has given part time to the —The Avenel Community Club days, but Sunday is kept for a day -Mrs. Fred Haney of Perth Am- (vocal), Moonlight and Roses, Mr. its regular weekly meeting on Fri- Sunday Schools of the county in his of rest and parents are requested not and Mra. A. Boehm; Finale, Mother day night at the tire house on Wood- capacity as secretary for the Middle- boy, Mrs. H. Daily and daughter Lor- to visit on this day. Camp Taylor is etta of New York, spent Tuesday af- Machree, Mr. Slattery and audience. bridge avenue. A good crowd was in sex County Coupcil of Religious Edu- reached by the Central Railroad of Cake, and ice cream were served by attendance and although primary is cation. This has opened up Camp ternoon with Mrs. Carrie Peck of New Jersey, through Bound Brook, Rowland place. Our Motto: the ladies under the direction of Mrs. over it was decided to continue the Taylor to the Sunday Schools and Somervill^, Whitehouse and the Rock- John Boylan. weekly get-together meetings. It is churches as never before and given away Branch of the Central Railroad —The Sunday School picnic held plunnod to have some interesting lec- all these young pe>ople every oppor- through Dover, Wharbon and^Kenvil. Pace Haig, of Somerville's Second' under the auspices of the Ladies Aid tures in the noar future which will tunity to attend. Autoniobiles may reach thle camp by Reformed Church; we have ap array j Quality is Remembered Society of the Union Chapel at Hyde be of interest to everyone. Real Es- Many boys from this county have New Brunswick, Bound Brook, Som- of speakers unequaled in the eight 9 Park on Saturday afternoon was a tate Law will probably be the first] registered and especially in arville, Whitehouse, Clinton through years of these meetings. grand success. Thu children enjoy- High Bridge. A registration fee iof Newi of AH Woodbridge Townihip in Long after the Price is Forgotten ed themselves immensely. Game* of have a prominent lawyer who special- waiting list over and above the capa- one dollar is charged each boy ajnd all descriptions were played and izes in this branch give the talk on the Independent, the molt widely city; of the camp. the board \f nine dollars ($9.00) per rend paper in Woodbridge prizes awarded the winners. Among the subject. Other subjects and edu- boy who has not felt the thrill week. Boys comefor one, two, three the winners of prizes were Master cational features will be given during] ()j • to the clear ringing call or four weoks, Registrations,should Lawrence Doyle, William (Jill, Arthur the coming months. These will be of of a bugle after a refreshing night be sent to Edward M..Dowting, Coun Gill, Florence Hauler, Charles Haus-,| Opening Sale a strictly non-partisan nature. of sleep by the shuie .of a beautiful ty Y. M, C. A. Secretary, New'Bruns' | lake can experience it by attending wick, N. J. 1 Save Pennies- WANTED. COMING EVENTS IN THE | Camp Taylor. After a brisk ten min- Friday, Saturday and Sunday, of CLEAN RAGS wanted, size of hand- TOWNSHIP utes of calisthenics in the open, un- this week, the men . are ai Monday, June 28 kerchief or larger, He a pound. der 4iie leadership of the camp di- Camp Taylor for three days of fel- Middlentix l'resw, ^0 Green street, Waste Dollars d June 25—A Missionary Social at rectors, the cry of "all in for the lowship and fun. It is the occasion the home of Mrs. Edgar C. Kreutz- morning dip" is given and the lake for their annual get together. For {| jSome users of printing Sandford & Reuter Inc. i is a mass of wildly shouting, laugh- berg on High street, by the Woman's eight year's the Y. M. C. A. of Morris, •" save pennies by get* Foreign Missionary Society off theing humanity for a period of five Somerset, Hunterdon and Middlesex Methodist Epiiscupal Ckurch. minutes. Of course, there are always Counties have been folding these ting inferior work and lose 458 Rahway Ave, Woodbridge, NJ. a few lillies who aru nut either fully we,ek end retreats for men. With dollars through lack of ad* Hemstitching Committee of the local *0rder East- awake or else are Iwo delicate to speakers of national importance in vertising value in the work ern Star headed by Mrs. Louis make the plunge and they oftun are association and religioub circles, the SPECIALS and gently persuaded to get acquainted o,jen camp tires, the deltoiouu meals, theyget Printers as a rule Frunkel wUl hold a card party in Ma Regular 75 Cent; O-Cedar MOPS 39 Cents each sonic Hall. The usual game* will be with the joy of a nium^ng swin. Next the good fun in baseball, volley ball, charge very reasonable Buttons Covered in play and refreshments will be ser-comes breakfast, and oh! what an and bathing, together with the fel- prices, for none of ihem ved. appetite and how good things do satis- lowship and tine inspiration of the get rich although nearly Good Hammer* Made of Tool Steel July 1 -Card Purty benefit Tom's fy them. No expense U spared to fur- speakers have united in making it an all of (hem work hard. fl* 1 00 and up AUo Dry Goods, Notions and liiver Hospital by Junior Womun'n nish not only the best i>f food, but annual event for many men. all boys can eat, and a great vari- Moral: Qv* your printing to Men'* Wear at Club. f This year with John Campbell Pound of Nails Free WitK Each Hammer Sold July 22, 25, 24—Firemen's Car- ety of food as well. White, D.D, of the Biblical Seminary a good printer and taoe money. nival. Fire iluUMi* on School street. As it is often quite cuul at break- of New York, with years of experi- fast time, buys are encouraged to ence in Y. M. C. A. and church work; Ke*n-Kutter Safety Razors—Limited Quantity J. F. Concannon take sweaters with them to camp, and John W. Cook, of the Y. M. C. A. N»- Oar Printing Is New* of All Woodbridge Town directors watch that no boys sit in tional Council, and beloved Q Cents Each 80 Main St. Woodbridjje •hip in the Independent, the ttie dining hall without the proper( secretary of Brooklyn Metropolitan Unexcelled tno

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