JEWISH VOICE FROM GERMANY Special Report on Saxony-Anhalt


Germany; and Schkopau has be- on the proposed list of sites. The come an important center for fabled Bronze Age Nebra sky disk Dow Chemical Company. and the Hornhausen rider stele The revival of Saxony-Anhalt as dating from the eighth century a center of research and innova- are also among the cultural trea- tion is another one of the success sures located in the state. stories of post-reunification Ger- In addition, Magdeburg is of ex- many. The state is now home to emplary importance to the early numerous cutting-edge enter- history of the Holy Roman Em- prises and important research in- pire. No other city is more closely stitutes. Saxony-Anhalt enjoys an associated with the legacy of Otto outstanding reputation in the ar- the Great. And 2017 will mark the ea of new technolo- gies, and we have a long tradition of sci- ence and research.  The region around “Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg is known as a cradle of has a rich past and German engineer- ing. In 1856, the re- a bright future nowned Association of German Engineers was found- 500th anniversary of Martin Lu- ed in Alexisbad, in the re- ther’s posting of the Ninety-Five gion. In 2008, Leopoldina was Theses. Wittenberg is an impor- named the new German National tant center in the history of the Academy of Sciences, further Reformation and the city is home strengthening the state as a cen- to many of the most notable Lu- ter of science and research. The ther memorials, including the Academy, which has been located Castle Church and Parish Church in Halle since 1878, has brought St. Marien, the historic Augus- further prestige to the state of teum college, the Luther House, Saxony-Anhalt. and the old universi- Saxony-Anhalt is ty. The “Decade of the also a center of mu- Reformation” was sic. To this day, a launched in Witten- rich musical tradi- berg in 2008. In 2017, tion can be found the city will be one of across the state, the central sites of the Wernigerode’s Rathaus, first documented which boasts many celebrations. in 1277, is considered one of Europe’s illustrious concerts Just two years after finest town halls. It is a good starting and music festivals, that, the Bauhaus will point for a tour through Saxony-Anhalt, also known as the land of early birds as its including the Handel celebrate its 100th residents get up before the rest of Germany Festival in Halle, the anniversary. The his- Telemann Festival tory of the Dessau in Magdeburg, the Bauhaus is closely Bach Festival in Dr. Reiner Haseloff tied to the political Köthen, and the and cultural history Where the Early Birds Live Kurt Weill Festival in Dessau. of the first German republic. The Moses Mendelssohn, who was Dessau Bauhaus helped shape born in Dessau in 1729, was a classical modernism and pro- An Invitation by Minister-President Reiner Haseloff leading representative of the ed- posed the most radical critique ucated Jewish middle class, of design as a means of master- which was shaped by emancipa- ing the challenges of modernity. elcome to Saxony- least because the state was domi- are operating successfully on the tory and enlightenment ideals. The Bauhaus went on to become Anhalt – Germany’s nated by large industrial com- global market. Unemployment in Not far from Dessau is the town one of the most important Ger- Wyoungest federal bines, particularly in the Leuna, Saxony-Anhalt has undergone a of Coswig, birthplace of Her- man art movements of the early state. But Saxony-Anhalt is only Halle and Bitterfeld “chemicals significant decline, also in rela- mann Cohen, a philosopher and twentieth century. And after young when it comes to its sta- triangle” and in the machine- tion to the national average. founder of the neo-Kantian Mar- classical music, Bauhaus design tus as a state in the Federal Re- making area around Magdeburg. Just eight years ago, Saxony-An- burg School. And Friedrich is arguably Germany’s most im- public of Germany. The history But ultimately the leap from halt’s unemployment rate was Nietzsche was born in Röcken. portant cultural export. of the region itself is a far older Marx to market economy was a 20.2 percent. In October 2014, it Saxony-Anhalt also boasts a Geographically and culturally, and a far richer one. successful one. Today, Saxony- fell to under ten percent for the wealth of culture and history. The Saxony-Anhalt is situated at the In 1990, upon re-unification Anhalt’s economy has made great first time. Old Town of Quedlinburg, the heart of Germany and Europe. Saxony-Anhalt was founded as progress in terms of stability, dy- The chemicals industry is one “Luther cities” of Wittenberg and This in turn contributes to the one of five new German states. At namism and competitiveness. of Saxony-Anhalt’s leading sec- Eisleben, the Dessau-Wörlitz unique character of the state as the time, the state faced major The inefficient state enterprises tors. Today, Bayer produces as- Garden Realm, and the Bauhaus a center of culture and history. structural challenges. The pro- are a thing of the past, replaced pirin for the global market in Bit- Dessau complex are all UNESCO Taken together, Saxony-Anhalt cess of economic restructuring by modern and competitive com- terfeld; the Total refinery in World Heritage sites. The is a place with both a rich past was exceptionally difficult, not panies. Many of these enterprises Leuna supplies fuel to much of Francke Foundations in Halle are and a bright future. ■

Travel Media Industry Reformation Friedrich Nietzsche Icons of arts and culture Hollywood in Saxony-Anhalt Germany’s chemistry lab 500 years of Luther’s theses One of Europe’s brightest minds

CONTENTS PAGE III PAGE IV PAGE V PAGE VI PAGE VIII © 2014 Staatskanzlei Sachsen-Anhalt, Photo: Archiv Wernigerode Tourismus GmbH, Staatskanzlei Sachsen-Anhalt, h_mtrienke, © 2013 Twentieth Century Fox, FuFuWolf, Torsten Schleese, public domainTorsten (2) FuFuWolf, Fox, Century © 2013 Twentieth Sachsen-Anhalt, h_mtrienke, GmbH, Staatskanzlei Tourismus Sachsen-Anhalt, Wernigerode © Archiv Photo: 2014 Staatskanzlei II | Saxony-Anhalt SUPPLEMENT | JANUARY 2015

FACTS & FIGURES Saxony-Anhalt THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE WE GO Surface area: 20,451 km² Neighboring the federal states of Lower Saxony, Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia UNESCO Population: 2.24 million Population density: 110 Saxony-Anhalt has the largest density of inhabitants per km² UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Germany 1.9 % of the population hold a foreign passport 80 % undenominational, 15.3 % Protestant,  Old Town of Quedlinburg 3.8 % Catholic, 0.9 % other denominations 600 km of navigable inland waterways and 18 ports/  Bauhaus sites in Weimar and Dessau transshipment points  Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Capital: Magdeburg (231,000 inhabitants) Wittenberg Saxony-Anhalt’s coat of arms represents its historical origins. The state  Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm was formed of the former Prussian province Saxony and the German Free State Anhalt. The upper part of the coat of arms with the eagle and the Saxonian crown represents the Prussian province while the lower half shows the bear of the Free State. Tradition Sympathy for the Devil… Food&Drink Since days of old, during the night of April 30, Wal- purgisnacht (Night of Walpurgis), witches convene on Baumkuchen – “Tree Cake”, the “King of Cakes”, is a the (Witches’ Dance Square), a plateau speciality from Salzwedel. The delicate cake is baked layer perched high above the gorge. From here they fly by layer on a spit over an open wood fire. When sliced later, to the , the highest peak in the Harz mountains, the cake resembles the growth-rings of a tree – hence its for a night of reveling and mischief – with the devil. The name. Between 15 and 20 layers of batter tradition still draws tens of thousands to this day. They make a Baumkuchen. gather on the Harz peak, bonfires are lit, wild dancing Saale-Unstrut Wines – Germany’s and merry-making ensues. northernmost wine-growing region For those who have forgotten their broom, the Hexentanzplatz can also be reached by produces exquisite, mainly dry wines. cable car. The Brocken can be conquered on foot or with the Brocken Railway. Beautiful landscapes, ancient castles and traditional wineries with wine-tasting facilities make for a memorable journey. The area is also the home of Germany’s most popular “sekt” – sparkling wine – called Rotkäppchen Great Outdoors (Little Red Riding Hood). Saxony-Anhalt is proud of its more than 200 nature sanc- Milbenkäse – A rarity these days, this cheese from Würchwitz tuaries and landscape conservation areas. In the Harz is made with the help of cheese mites … The traditional way of National Park (24,700 hectares) mountain peaks, spectacular manufacture and its distinctive slightly bitter formations and deep forests await the visitor. With a bit taste makes this cheese so special. The trusty mites in the of luck, you can observe black storks, lynx and European rind are also eaten. wildcats here. Why not wander through Europe’s largest lime Halloren – The tasty chocolates are said to owe tree forest in the park Colbitz-Letzlinger Heide? Nature park their shape to the buttons of the traditional salt- Drömling, also called the “Land of the 1000 Ditches”, is home panners’ garb of the town of Halle. Made from to endangered species. Or you can watch cranes and sea eagles and catch a sight of beavers cream and chocolate, more than 180 million Hal- at work in the fluvial topography of the Dübener Heide nature reserve. loren are sold each year.

Arts&Culture In Touch With Heaven MELT! Festival – The location near Gräfenhainichen is The Nebra Sky Disc breathtaking, the music intoxicating: Melt, the festival In 1999, a spectacular archaeological find was made – only to im- for electronic and rock music takes place annually at mediately disappear again: treasure hunters excavated a disc, weapons Ferropolis, the City of Iron, against the backdrop of and artefacts dating back some 3,600 years. They sold their find right away gigantic former brown coal excavators. Björk, Franz but it was restored to its rightful owner Saxony-Anhalt in a spectacular operation. Ferdinand, Oasis, Tocotronic … have all played in this The Nebra Sky Disc, a bronze disc with gold insertions showing the sun, the moon and industrial monument. Next Melt!: July 17–19, 2015 stars, is the oldest concrete depiction of cosmic phenomena. According to the UNESCO Memory of the World Register, the Nebra Sky Disc is “one of the most important archae- Handel Festspiele Halle – At venues in and near Halle, the annual festival celebrates ological finds of the 20th century.” It can be seen in Halle’s State Museum of Prehistory. the famous Baroque composer. World-class musicians perform music by Handel and his contemporaries. Tickets for the next festival (June 4–15, 2015) are already on Solar Observatory Goseck sale: It seems that the people of Saxony-Anhalt have always had a special affinity to celestial Rosarium Sangerhausen – A must for all lovers of the Queen of spheres: The Solar Observatory of Goseck, a monument of the Neolithic age, dates back Flowers, the Rosarium boasts the largest collection of roses world- some 7,000 years. Discovered in 1991, it is one of the earliest sites testifying to man’s wide – more than 8,500 varieties. A magic place for all seasons, observation of the skies. but make sure not to miss the first blossoming in early May. Find out more about archaeology in Saxony-Anhalt: www. JVG, Photo: FOTO-Design Werner Klapper/Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH, © 2014 Staatskanzlei Sachsen-Anhalt, public domain, erix!, SPBer, Doris Antony, Ralf Lotys (Sicherlich), Alec Luhn, Dbachmann, Frühstückbeistefanie Dbachmann, Luhn, Alec (Sicherlich), Lotys Ralf Antony, Doris SPBer, erix!, domain, public Sachsen-Anhalt, Staatskanzlei © 2014 mbH, Sachsen-Anhalt Marketinggesellschaft und Klapper/Investitions- Werner FOTO-Design Photo: JVG, JANUARY 2015 | SUPPLEMENT Saxony-Anhalt | III

TRAVEL Icons of Arts and Culture Discover the historic heart of Germany

Saxony-Anhalt and its capital Magdeburg are always worth a trip. Here one can experience central Europe’s cultural traditions in their purest form. More than 1000 years ago, it was from Mag- deburg that emperor Otto the Great set out into the world; he is regarded as the founder of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, which existed until 1806. Magdeburg Cathedral is the oldest Gothic church in Germany. It houses a great number of treasures and to this day shapes the silhouette of the city on the river Elbe.

The Harz mountains and their Brocken peak are steeped in legend and were a source of fascination even to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Heinrich Heine, prompting them to explore this mountain landscape of forest, moors and flowing rivers. Today, the Harz National Park and Nature Re- serve is an important habitat for rare animals. It offers hik- ing routes, many ski slopes and perfect cross-country skiing conditions – and the legendary Brocken Railway. “The building is the ultimate goal of all fine art,” the Bau- haus manifesto proclaimed back in 1919. As a school of design, the Bauhaus revolutionized artistic and architec- tural thinking and production worldwide, and is consid- ered a headstone of the modern age. Today the cultural inheritance of the Bauhaus is preserved and carried for- ward by the Dessau Bauhaus Foundation. There are tours When Italian philosopher Umberto Eco was asked which woman of the Bauhaus and the Masters’ Houses; one building in from European art he would most like to spend an evening with, the Gropius estate is dedicated to the life and work of he answered: “In first place, with Uta von Naumburg.” Uta’s stat- Dessau born philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. ue is a highlight among the medieval Naumburg Master’s depic- tion of the twelve cathedral founders. There is much more to discover in this impressive church, its adjoining cloister, gardens and castle. During a tour of the historic old town, tasting special- ties of the near-by wine-growing Saale Unstrut area is a must.

”It is now endlessly beautiful here,” wrote Goethe in 1778 about the “new” he found all around him in Wörlitz Park. Laid out in the late 18th century, with an extent of 277 acres (112 ha) it is not only one the largest but also one of the first and most distinguished landscape parks of continental Europe. A garden for the people, it is cluttered with follies and artistic arrangements. Once a haven for the enlightened, the unrivalled Garden Realm was designated a

Photo: Michael Bader/ Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH, h_mtrienke, Lelikron, Linsengericht, nikater, Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH Investitions- und nikater, Linsengericht, Lelikron, Sachsen-AnhaltmbH, h_mtrienke, und Michael Photo: Marketinggesellschaft Bader/ Investitions- World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000. IV | Saxony-Anhalt SUPPLEMENT | JANUARY 2015

MEDIA George and Matt in Halberstadt Saxony-Anhalt has become a major player in the international movie industry

By Rainer Robra Christian Schwochow went to Marienborn inspection n 2014, twenty feature post. Actor and director De- films and television tlev Buck has twice chosen movies were made in Vitzenburg Castle near Na- Saxony-Anhalt. The umburg as the backdrop for yearI before, “Monuments his successful Bibi und Tina Men” was filmed in Halber- children’s films. In 2012, the stadt, Merseburg and Os- Munich based production terwieck to worldwide ac- company Claussen-Wöbke- claim. George Clooney, Putz went to Quedlinburg Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, and to film the movie version of Bill Murray all had starring Otfried Preussler’s The Little roles. Behind the scenes, up Ghost. This past summer, to 600 people took part in they returned to the UNES- the shoot. “Monuments CO World Heritage City to Men” went on to premiere film several scenes forHeidi . at the Berlin International The many films produced Film Festival in February in Saxony-Anhalt have 2014. Minister-President been a boon to the econo- Reiner Haseloff was on my. Every euro that MDM hand on the red carpet to has provided in film and greet George Clooney, who media funding has been re- produced, directed and paid many times over, starred in the film. He in- bringing jobs to the state vited the Hollywood star to Hollywood stars filming “The Monuments Men” at locations in Saxony-Anhalt clearly enjoy working here: Damon and Clooney and boosting demand for return to Saxony-Anhalt, goods and services, includ- where his film crew had spent what ing catering for the film crews. was by all accounts an enjoyable In 2014, the regional effect was three weeks in the idyllic town of pegged at 311 percent; in con- Ilsenburg in the Harz region. crete terms, this means the state The people of Saxony-Anhalt are not only media provided about 2.4 million euros Courageous and forward-thinking “ in financial support, and gained consumers; they are producers and important about 7.5 million euros in re- But even before George Clooney, turn. This, too, is evidence of the many other producers staged their contributors to the state’s creative economy positive economic impact of the films in Saxony-Anhalt. And oth- film industry. er exciting projects are in develop- ment for the coming year. The wood seemed but a distant galaxy. The decision of the state gov- dia. The company was the first Nominated for the Oscar small state in the heart of Ger- In the mid-1990s, the new state of ernment to take part in what was to move to Halle after the state many has become a contender Saxony-Anhalt, which had only then still at best a fledgling me- government decided to pro- But the cultural impact and among film locales worldwide. But been called into existence after dia industry was both coura- mote the media sector. Today, value is also important. Films this success was nowhere on the German reunification, was faced geous and forward-thinking. Motion Works is one of Eu- made in Saxony-Anhalt have horizon when the minister-pres- with difficult economic and social This political decision helped se- rope’s largest animation stu- garnered countless nominations idents of the central German states challenges. In statistical compari- cure Saxony-Anhalt its place in dios, known for its work in tele- and awards at national and in- of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and sons with other German states, what is today one of our leading vision and feature films for ternational film festivals, with Thuringia founded a joint asso- Saxony-Anhalt could often be social, cultural and economic in- children including The Little Po- films sponsored by MDM receiv- ciation for the promotion of film found languishing at the bottom. dustries. But in the late 1990s, lar Bear and Laura’s Star. ing frequent accolades. In 2012, back in 1997. The Mitteldeutsche Its public image was equally unfa- when the analogue age was only Public broadcasters are another the drama In Darkness, a co- Medienförderung GmbH (MDM) vorable. The great historical and just drawing to a close, no one important partner for the state. production by SchmidtzKatze- association commenced its work cultural achievements of the state could have anticipated that the Together with the states of Saxony Filmkollektiv from Halle, re- in 1998. Since then, it has pro- and its beautiful landscape were production and distribution of and Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt ceived an Academy Award vided a total of 198 million euros rarely mentioned in the media. digital audiovisual works would founded the Mitteldeutscher nomination in the category of of funding to 1,669 projects in all. Nor were the many accomplish- become one of the world’s most Rundfunk (MDR). The broadcast- Best Foreign Language Film. Before MDM was founded, no ments that had been achieved dynamic economic sectors. er has seen nationwide acclaim The film by Polish director Ag- film intended for commercial re- since reunification, such as the for its films, television series and nieszka Holland is based on a lease had ever been made in Sax- reversal of much of the environ- Artistic and technical qualities feature film coproductions. true story: that of a group of ony-Anhalt. The dominance of mental damage which had been To mark the 25th anniversary Jews who escaped the ghetto in the established media locales Ber- wrought in the former East Ger- All national and international since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Lviv and then hid in the city’s lin, Munich and Hamburg seemed many, and the construction of media platforms are always on German public TV produced the sewer system. The rising pro- entirely out of reach, and Holly- new infrastructure. the lookout for new content. film Bornholmer Strasse. In a duction company 42 Film, also Productions from Saxony-An- memorable performance, Charly based in Halle, hopes that its co- halt are known for both their Hübner in his role as the border production Corn Island, which high artistic and technical quali- police officer responsible that was nominated by Georgia, will ties. One example is the Studio night captures the inner conflict take the coveted Oscar in Los Halle group, which is based in of the guards between the tragic Angeles. Halle (Saale). Since its founding and the grotesque. Director Chris- Saxony-Anhalt has success- in 1999, the company has fo- tian Schwochow shot the film at fully established film as a cul- cused on what was then the new a former border inspection post. tural and economic institution DVD media format. Today, the It was a fitting locale, which still in the state. And now the people Studio Halle group has an ana- gave off the forbidding air of Saxony-Anhalt are logue and digital archive en- of former East Germany. not only media con- compassing thousands of film This air of authenticity is sumers; they are pro- titles, which are being restored, crucial for many produc- ducers of media and digitized and reissued. ers, directors and set de- important contribu- But media technology is only signers. While director tors to the state’s cre- one component of Halle’s suc- George Clooney turned ative economy. ■ cess as a media locale. The Mo- to Osterwieck’s narrow tion Works animated film stu- streets lined by half-tim- Minister of State Rainer dio, for example, offers an bered buildings and the Robra is the head of the The TV-production “Bornholmer Strasse” with Charly Hübner as patrol officer outstanding example of the ar- fabled Ladegast organ in State Chancellery of on November 9, 1989 was shot at former border inspection post Marienborn tistic potential of modern me- Merseburg cathedral, Saxony-Anhalt Sachsen-Anhalt Staatskanzlei Konietzny, FICTION/Nik MDR/UFA Fox, Century © 2013 Twentieth JANUARY 2015 | SUPPLEMENT Saxony-Anhalt | V

INDUSTRY Germany’s Chemistry Lab Innovative spirit and modern infrastructure make Saxony-Anhalt attractive to investors

By Dominik Bath graphic change and a shortage of skilled workers. n the former East Germany, the city of Today, the chemicals industry in Sax- Bitterfeld was known for the stench ony-Anhalt is populated by modern, for- of its chemicals industry. Aging and ward-thinking companies. Since reunifi- outdated chemical facilities polluted cation, international corporations like Ithe air. But those days are a thing of BASF, Linde and TOTAL have the past. Instead, the Miltitz Aro- opened facilities in Leuna. One matics company helps perfume the of the best-known companies in air. As managing director Peter Bitterfeld-Wolfen is pharma- Müller notes, “We sell scent.” And ceutical giant Bayer, which has in that, they’re a success. The mid- been manufacturing aspirin sized firm based in the Bitterfeld- there since 1995. As Gerhard Wolfen chemicals park has cus- Heimpold of the Halle Insti- tomers in nearly 30 countries. tute for Economic Research From Dior to Gucci to Joop and notes, “With its modern infra- Jil Sander, nearly every flacon of structure and well-developed perfume contains aromatic chemicals parks, Saxony-An- scents made by the family- halt is an attractive location owned firm. for the chemicals industry.” “The perfumer is the one who draws the picture. And Five future markets we’re the ones who give the Leuna: once belching pollution, today state-of-the-art chemicals park perfumer the colors to use,” As a scent manufacturer, Müller explains. He founded Miltitz Aromatics is some- torion supplies drive shafts to all the a real compliment for us. We’re all very Miltitz Aromatics in 1993. thing of an exotic creature world’s major automotive manufacturers. proud,” Waldeyer says. Today its 43 employees pro- in the Bitterfeld-Wolfen MWG Manufaktur from the Harz region duce close to one hundred chemicals park. At the produces guidons that decorate the official Strong partners aromatic substances and same time, though, it ex- vehicles of heads of state from all over the scents. The scents are cre- emplifies the economic world. The world’s smallest and lightest F-Glass has a staff of 230, and produces ated in an in-house labora- landscape of Saxony-An- electromagnetic industrial brakes are 600 tons of ultra-thin glass every day. tory and developed espe- halt, which is dominated made by Bischoff, a company based in Last year, the company had a turnover of cially to the customer’s by small firms, with a Stassfurt. And chocolates manufactured about 70 million euros. But this success request. It’s both chemistry smattering of mid-sized by the Halloren company of Halle graced has been somewhat dimmed by a current and art, and business is companies mixed in. the table at the wedding of Swedish Crown slump in orders. “The glass market is booming; in 2014 Miltitz Large, capital intensive Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling. quite difficult right now,” says Waldeyer. expects a turnover of about enterprises and corpo- 11.5 million euros. Even the rate headquarters are world-renowned Chanel rare in the state. As No. 5 perfume has a splash Saxony-Anhalt’s Min- of Saxony-Anhalt in it – ister of Economics Miltitz produces one of Hartmut Möllring Today, many companies from the important scent ele- notes, “Our goal must “ ments for the fragrance be to encourage originally launched by companies to be Saxony-Anhalt are powerhouses French fashion designer more innovative and Coco Chanel. to move into mar- in the European and global market kets outside Europe Investment and new jobs as well. That’s the Engineering made in Saxony-Anhalt Demand from the solar industry, which only way we can has also found its way into the new One is in the throes of a crisis across Europe, Currently the 360 com- promote economic World Trade Center in New York. Spe- is down sharply. Some companies in Sax- panies with facilities in development in cial glass made by F-Glass from Oster- ony-Anhalt have also been forced to Bitterfeld-Wolfen em- our state.” weddingen was used on the lower 20 close or undertake layoffs. But F-Glass ploy about 12,000 people His ministry has floors of what is now the tallest building will weather the crisis. “We have a strong in all. According to the identified five in the United States. F-Glass won the partner,” Waldeyer notes. That’s the Jap- chemicals industry as- markets as the fo- contract due to its technological innova- anese company Asahi Glass, which is the sociation, the Bitter- cus for future in- tion – a colorless flint glass that until majority shareholder in F-Glass. “We feld-Wolfen ch emical vestment ef- now has mainly been used in solar en- have good contacts in Asia,” Waldeyer and pharmaceuticals forts: machinery ergy units. “The contractors wanted the says. And in Asia, the solar industry is plants are among the Special glass from Saxony-Anhalt was used in and plant engi- glass in the concrete wall to have a me- still booming. most modern facilities the construction of the One World Trade Center neering, health tallic sheen to it. And our glass was the According to a study by Ernst & Young in Europe. But this was and medicine, only one that could provide that,” as consultants, Saxony-Anhalt is attractive not always the case. After German reuni- mobility and logistics, chemistry and managing director Dominik Waldeyer to foreign investors. The study revealed fication, Bitterfeld was ranked among bio-economy, and food and agriculture. explains. The windows in the remaining that local branches or divisions of 30 Europe’s most polluted cities. The indus- The ministry also aims to help close the floors were provided by US-based com- foreign companies have created 1,531 trial plants were outdated and in disre- investment gap for mid-sized firms. “In panies. “Obtaining this commission was jobs in the state, a number second only pair, and their products could not com- terms of research and development, to North Rhine-Westphalia. But Sax- pete on the open market. Thousands of companies in Saxony-Anhalt still have ony-Anhalt is still a relative unknown employees lost their jobs. The post-re- some catching up to do,” Gerhard Heim- when it comes to industry decision- unification process of economic integra- pold agrees. makers. The study surveyed 200 inter- tion in the area was a slow one. But by About ten staff members in Miltitz Aro- national executives about business loca- the mid-1990s, investment had increased. matics’ R&D department are working on tions in Germany. The executives cited Meanwhile more than 600 companies improving existing products and develop- Bavaria, Berlin and Baden-Württem- have moved to Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Leuna, ing new ones. The company has firmly berg as top locations, with Saxony-An- Zeitz and Piesteritz. Nearly 17 billion established itself as a global leader in this halt receiving no mentions. But Eco- euros have been invested in southern market niche. Miltitz Aromatics ranks nomics Minister Hartmut Möllring is Saxony-Anhalt, creating a wealth of new among the “hidden champions” – the lead- undaunted: “Our state is better than jobs. Over the past years, the unemploy- ing lights of Saxony-Anhalt’s business many people think. And more and more ment rate has continued to decline. In sector. Although many of these companies decision-makers know that.” ■ October, it fell to under ten percent for have little public visibility, they are pow- the first time since reunification. Now erhouses in the European and global mar- Dominik Bath is economics reporter at the

Tanenhaus, Photo: Fechner & Tom/TOTAL Raffinerie, FuFuWolf & Fechner Photo: Tom/TOTAL Tanenhaus, the problem in Saxony-Anhalt is demo- ket. For example, Haldensleben’s Ifa Ro- Chanel No. 5 has a splash of Saxony-Anhalt in it daily Magdeburger Volksstimme VI | Saxony-Anhalt SUPPLEMENT | JANUARY 2015

500 YEARS OF REFORMATION The Two Sides of Luther Wittenberg celebrates and wonders

and where he was headed when Today, it is hard to believe, but Chairwoman of the Council of he died of a heart ailment on when Martin Luther arrived in the Evangelical Church in Ger- February 18, 1546. Wittenberg in 1508 to study the- many and currently the Special In 1997, the Luther Memorials ology, the town had just over Envoy to the Luther anniver- Foundation of Saxony-Anhalt 2,000 residents. And a univer- sary of 2017. was founded to prepare for the sity, of course. Frederick III, 2017 event. The foundation is Elector of Saxony, also known Shameful legacy based in the German state with as Frederick the Wise (1463– the largest number of sites rel- 1525), made Wittenberg his This is evident in Luther’s 1543 evant to Luther’s life, and is residence. In 1502, he founded treatise Of the Jews and their Lies, headed by Stefan Rhein, a phi- the University of Wittenberg, in which he presented a religious- lologist who somewhat surpris- which was the first university in ly based but irredeemably anti- ingly is a Catholic. According to the empire established by a sec- Jewish screed that also made Rhein, the foundation aims to ular ruler rather than by Papal reference to Wittenberg’s “Jew’s “bring the religious and spiri- sanction. This was also where Sow”, a stone relief dating from tual legacy of Luther and the the fourteenth century that dec- Reformation to life for a contem- orates the roof cornice of the porary audience.” This includes Parish Church. Behind the sow maintaining the collections be- stands a rabbi; underneath him, longing to the Foundation’s five piglets and Jews are shown suck- museums: the Luther House and ing from the pig’s teat. This was the Melanchthon House in Wit- a popular image dating from the tenberg; Luther’s Birth House Middle Ages, which was used on and Death House in Eisleben, Christian churches throughout and the house where his parents much of Europe. lived in Mansfeld, where Luther Two new books by German re- spent part of his childhood. searchers have taken up this longstanding debate, offering a Renovation and restoration fresh assessment of the issue: War Luther Antisemit? (Was Lu- Luther City Wittenberg is spruc- ther an Anti-Semite?), by Dietz ing up for the big event. Across Behring, and Luthers Juden (Lu- By Michael Dultz fact or legend remains a matter the city, renovation and restora- ther’s Jews), by Thomas of debate. Although Philipp Mel- tion work is underway, and build- Kaufmann. Stefan Rhein has t was the evening of Septem- anchthon, a later confederate of ers and diggers are everywhere. also offered his assurance that ber 24, 1983. Stefan Nau, a Luther’s, claimed to have docu- Scaffolding and tarpaulins still this debate “has been an integral craftsman who worked with mented the event, he would not component of the preparations metals, was about to raise arrive in Wittenberg until some- for the anniversary celebrations theI hammer to turn a sword he time afterwards. Either way, Lu- from the very start.” had made into a plowshare. ther’s Theses excoriating the The 500th anniversary is expect- About 2,000 spectators were on abuses of the Roman Catholic ed to draw up to a million visitors hand to applaud him and sing Church and its sale of indulgenc- Wittenberg Castle Church from all over the world – even church hymns. The event was part es (“When the coin in the coffer Pope Francis is among the invi- of Wittenberg’s 500th anniver- rings, the soul from purgatory Luther received his “Doctor tees. It will commence on May sary celebrations of the birth of springs”), which he had penned Theologiae” in 1512, after which 20, 2017 in Wittenberg with a reformer Martin Luther, held in in Latin, spread across the empire. he assumed a post as professor “world exhibition” on the Refor- conjunction with the German Ultimately this act marked the of biblical theology, a position mation under the theme “doors Protestant Church Congress in beginning of the Re- he held until his death. of freedom”, which will be shown the former East Germany. The formation, leading to the split of at 95 historic locations in and slogan of the event was “Dare to Christianity in the West. Salvation through faith around the city. Stefan Rhein’s Trust.” The festivities in the Luther In 2017, the 500th anniversary foundation is also planning a ma- complex had not been officially of the Reformation will be cel- Luther believed that salvation jor exhibition in the Augusteum. approved. But the authorities did ebrated around the world with could be achieved through faith But as yet, there has been little not intervene – even though the major exhibitions and religious alone, and not by deeds. No said about when, where and how “swords into ploughshares” slogan and cultural events. The anni- clerical intermediary was neces- vigorously Luther’s hatred of of the German peace movement versary will be of special impor- sary between God and the or- Jews, which remains a shameful had already been banned by the tance to the nearly 400 million dinary believer. Luther preached history for the Protestant East German regime. Protestants around the world, The pamphlet “Of The Jews the freedom of all Christians, Church, will be addressed and whose faith has been shaped by And Their Lies” (1543) and went on to defend his teach- debated during the events. ■ 95 theses legacy of the Reformation. In ings in 1521 at the Diet of Germany and elsewhere, the cover the Parish Church of St. Worms. He was declared a her- 466 years earlier, on October 31, Reformation had an impact on Marien, where Luther held many etic and an outlaw, but with the JEWISH VOICE FROM GERMANY 1517, another defiant Wittenberg language, culture, politics, and of his sermons; the church also protection of Frederick the resident set to work with his ham- society. The celebrations will holds the newly restored Refor- Wise, he sought refuge at War- SUPPLEMENT mer. Martin Luther, an Augustin- center on two separate loca- mation altar, designed by Lucas burg Castle near Eisenach, SA XON Y-ANHALT ian monk, priest and professor of tions, both of which lay authen- Cranach the Elder. Still under where he translated the New Publisher, v.i.s.d.p. theology, nailed his “Ninety Five tic claim to the title “Luther renovation is the Castle Church, Testament into German in just Dr. Rafael Seligmann Theses on the Power and Efficacy City” – Wittenberg near the Elbe its fabled doors now preserved eleven weeks. Later he also Editors of Indulgences” onto the wooden River and the smaller town of in bronze, which also holds the translated part of the Old Tes- Hartmut Bomhoff, Richard Henschel, Dr. Elisabeth Neu door of the northern portal of the Eisleben where Martin Luther burial places of Luther and Mel- tament into German. Both soon Castle Church. Whether this is was born on November 10, 1483, anchthon. appeared in print, which made Art Director Michal Blum the Bible available to ordinary people. The importance of Lu- Printed by Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei GmbH ther’s life and work for the Prot- Bartash Printing, Inc. estant faith and the German Contact language are beyond dispute. SVoice from Germany GmbH But a German national hero he Postfach 311310 is not. “Luther was definitely not D-10643 Berlin a role model with respect to his [email protected] statements about Jews,” notes

“I have once burnt the Papal Bull here at Wittenberg and I dare to burn it again” – detail at Martin Luther’s house in Wittenberg Margot Kässmann, the former Sachsen-AnhaltmbH, _annemie_, und public Marketinggesellschaft domain, onnola Investitions- Photo: JANUARY 2015 | SUPPLEMENT Saxony-Anhalt | VII

PEOPLE Humanism, Music, Knowledge and Freedom Famous natives of Saxony-Anhalt and their legacy

Hans-Dietrich Genscher (Halle 1927) Georg-Friedrich Handel (Halle 1685–1759 London)

Liberal politician. As Ger- One of the most productive composers of all times, wrote operas many’s Foreign Minister in (Julius Cesar, Semele), concertos (Water Music) and oratorios the 1980s he played a key (Saul). Settled in London. The Baroque giant was robust and role in the easing of relations also headstrong when it came to the performance of his works, between NATO and the East- famously threatening to throw his primadonna out of the win- ern bloc, and subsequently dow should she refuse to sing to his tune… in the dissolution of the Ger- man Democratic Republic. His pragmatic approach led to the historic moment on the Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben (Magdeburg 1730–1794 Utica, NY) German embassy balcony in Prague. Genscher announced Prussian officer and US general. Served as a soldier that GDR citizens would be under King Frederick the Great of Prussia. As George granted permission to leave the Washington’s Chief of General Staff he was a central country for West Germany. This was a milestone on the way to figure in the American War of Independence. Author of German reunification in 1989. the Blue Book, a.k.a. Regulations for the Order and Dis- cipline of the Troops of the United States. The annual Steuben Parade in New York City is held in his honor. Moses Mendelssohn (Dessau 1729–1786 Berlin)

Philosopher and humanist, epit- ome of the haskalah, the Jewish enlightenment. Otto von Bismarck (Schönhausen 1815–1898 Friedrichsruh) The outstanding Talmud scholar settled in Berlin Politician and statesman. The “Iron Chancellor” forged German and translated the Tora unity after the victory over France in 1871, stating that henceforth into German. The story “We do not pursue power politics but security policy.” Though a goes that when Mo- staunch conservative, he was instrumental in establishing social ses Mendelssohn asked security laws in Germany. His high art of diplomacy was brushed Fromet Gugenheim to aside by Emperor Wilhelm II., Bismarck was dismissed in 1890, marry him, she hesitated on with Germany taking a course towards disaster. account of his being hunchbacked. He thereupon told her that heaven, which makes all marriages, had once given him the privilege of viewing his future bride. And behold, she was somewhat deformed. He asked God to take the deformity away from her and give it to him, for he Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (Magdeburg 1942) wanted nothing to mar her perfection. Fromet was so touched Biologist. She was the first German woman to earn the that she accepted – the beginning of a very happy marriage. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1995, honored Together with his friend Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Mendels- for her development of fruit fly embryos, thus making sohn is one of the icons of German Enlightenment. genetic control of embryonic material possible. “It is tiring to be an exception, to be the first, the only,” says Nüsslein-Volhard, who has established a foundation to support young women scientists who have children. A Carl von Clausewitz (Burg 1780–1831 Wroclaw) bright star – also in the sky: main belt asteroid 15811 is General and Germany’s named after her. most intelligent military theorist. His main work On War (1832) discusses the impact of “friction” Kurt Weill (Dessau 1900–1950 New York) (i.e. the disparity be- tween the plan and re- Composer, son of a cantor. During the “Golden Twenties” in ality of war) and states Berlin he co-created The Three Penny Opera and Rise and “War therefore is an act Fall of the City Mahagonny with Bertolt Brecht. Wrote op- of violence to compel eras, chamber music, songs. Emigrated to the United States in our opponent to fulfill 1935 to become one of Broadway’s leading musical compos- our will ... War is a mere ers wowing audiences with works like One Touch of Venus continuation of politics by other means.” His thoughts are and Lost in the Stars. Forever unforgettable is his “Speak Low

public domain, Poliphilo, Rama, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R68588, public purpleslog,public Skara, domain, domain, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-2005-0119 Stifts-i Poliphilo, och landsbibliotheket taught to this day at military academies the world over. When You Speak Love…” VIII | Saxony-Anhalt SUPPLEMENT | JANUARY 2015

FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE AND THE JEWS This Cursed Anti-Semitism! Saxony-Anhalt’s most brilliant thinker and a fatal misinterpretation

By Elisabeth Neu visits to his mother and sister in Naum- by step to everything I de- burg. His restless search seemed never- spise, even to anti-Semi- small town in Saxony-An- ending. But during that time, he still tism … Richard Wagner, halt produced one of the managed to produce an impressive body ostensibly the most trium- greatest and most prolific of work. phant creature alive … sud- German philosophers – the denly fell helpless and bro- author of works such as Breaking with Wagner ken on his knees before the ThusA Spoke Zarathustra, Ecce Homo, Christian cross.” Finally, and Human, All Too Human. Friedrich Time and again, Nietzsche turned to Nietzsche asked, “Is Wag- Nietzsche was born in Röcken on Octo- the topic of Jews and Jewish history. He ner actually a man? Or is he ber 15, 1844, the son of a family of pas- admired the “ancient Hebrews”: “All not rather a disease?” But tors. His father died at a young age. honor to the Old Testament! In that I the philosopher was unable Friedrich – called “Herzensfritz” or find great men…” But this respect for Old to banish the composer “Sweet Fritz” by his family – grew up in Testament Jews went hand in hand with from his thoughts. His last the bigoted atmosphere of a Protestant his contempt for the later Jewish priests, work was Nietzsche contra parsonage, the only boy in a household whom Nietzsche accused of “slave mo- Wagner, which he penned of women. “I was always sick when I was rality” and “ressentiment”. That was also not long before he began with them,” he would later remember. when Christianity appeared on the scene his long journey into the Eventually he enrolled at the nearby – the religion of which Nietzsche was a darkness of dementia. Schulpforta boarding school, which more radical critic, as is testified by his later “A heap of ruins” is how than 150 years later still enjoys a reputa- work, The Antichrist. For Nietzsche, the Franz Overbeck described tion as an elite institution. For the gifted destruction of the Temple and the begin- his friend after his break- Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) young student, life at Schulpforta was a nings of the diaspora was when the Jew- down. Nietzsche’s illness, breath of fresh air for body and spirit. ish people acquired “energy,” “an accu- the precise cause of which Nietzsche went on to study philology mulated capital of spirit and will” and still remains a matter of speculation, one day invoke my authority.” And that and theology, although he soon aban- “spiritual independence” – qualities that forced him to rely on the care of another indeed came to pass. After her brother’s doned the latter subject. As a young Nietzsche both admired and emulated. notorious anti-Semite, his sister Elisa- death, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche ap- man, he absorbed the anti-Semitic senti- Continually, Nietzsche was confronted beth. Friedrich and Elisabeth were close, pointed herself custodian of his papers, ments of his day and time. He was also by anti-Semitism, which he called the which did not stop them from having and even stooped to falsifying aspects of known to parrot anti-Jewish slogans “great disease of our century.” And then, bitter arguments. “This cursed anti-Sem- his life and work. For example, she made from time to time, for which he later ex- of course, there was the matter of Richard itism is the cause of a radical break be- a compilation of his writings and pub- pressed deep regret. Wagner. What was at first an exuberant tween me and my sister…,” as Nietzsche lished it as Will to Power. The door to wrote to Overbeck. To Elisabeth, he misrepresenting his work had been wrote, “It is a matter of honor to me to opened. An ardent anti-Semite, Elisa- be absolutely clean and unequivocal in beth Förster-Nietzsche became an fer- relation to anti-Semitism.” Nietzsche vent admirer of Hitler, “our glorious was also aware that his writings were be- Reich Chancellor,” as she called him. ing misused: “And that I am unable to do Hitler paid her a visit in Weimar, and anything against it, that the name of soon the Nazis went on to lay claim to Zarathustra is used in every anti-Semitic Nietzsche’s “Übermensch” as an aspect periodical, has almost made me sick sev- of their own will to power. eral times…” Elisabeth gave Hitler her brother’s walking stick, which he had taken on so “I’ll have all the anti-Semites shot!” many of his own wanderings. There is also a disturbing photograph of Hitler Elisabeth married the virulent anti-Sem- in front of a bust of Nietzsche – on the ite Bernhard Förster. Together they emi- one side, carved out of stone, the free grated to Paraguay in order to take part in thinker, universalist and author of the the founding of the Aryan colony of Nue- life-affirming dithyrambs of Dionysus; va Germania. The project failed and the on the other side the obstinate philis- “strange apostle”, as Nietzsche had called tine, hate-filled ideologue, and mass- his brother-in-law, committed suicide. murderer. In exchange for caring for her brother, Nietzsche’s occasionally bombastic lan- who had meanwhile descended into the guage, his at times impenetrable irony, depths of insanity, Elisabeth extracted a his mental leaps and fragmentary As a youth, Nietzsche attended the elite boarding school Schulpforta high price – control over the interpreta- thoughts, and then also the later falsifi- tion of his works. In just one of her many cations of his work, all contributed to the unpleasant practices, she also brought in blatant misinterpretations of his ideas. After completing his university studies he friendship and mutual admiration even- visitors to see her ailing brother. Fried- Nietzsche himself would have been pro- was offered a professorship in Basel. Short- tually ended, to be replaced by conflict rich Nietzsche died in 1900 in Weimar. foundly repelled by fascism and Nazism. ly after arriving in Basel, he struck up a and contempt. Nietzsche the cosmopoli- Nietzsche had once written to his He opposed nationalism and hated the friendship with Paul Rée, a philosopher tan abhorred the small-minded anti-Sem- friend and mentor Malwida von Mey- idealized cult of Germany, and loved and physician of Jewish background. ite. Richard Wagner’s essay Judaism in senbug, “…the thought still terrifies me France, Switzerland and Italy – in his Throughout his life, Nietzsche sought Music was first published in 1850 under as to how totally unsuitable people will own words, he was an “unrepentant Eu- companionship and conversation among the pseudonym Karl Freigedank. The vit- ropean.” And, as he once an- his Jewish friends. The friendship between riolic anti-Semitic pamphlet struck a nounced, “I’ll have all the anti- Nietzsche and the Danish philosopher and nerve and went on to become a best-sell- Semites shot!” author Georg Morris Cohen Brandes was er. Twenty years later Wagner felt com- Nonetheless, for many years also mutually rewarding. “May God have pelled to strike another blow, republish- Nietzsche was seen as “contam- mercy on European reason if Jewish reason ing the essay under his own name and inated” by his appropriation by is removed from it,” Nietzsche wrote. with a new addendum. As Wagner warned the Nazis. Nietzsche’s cause was But the young scholar suffered from the Jews, “But, remember, there is only finally taken up by the “genera- many physical frailties. Throughout his one real form of deliverance from the tion of 1968”, who restored him life, Nietzsche, who was known for his curse that besets you – that of Ahasverus to his rightful status as a free- sensitive and nervous disposition, suf- – extermination!” This was but a short thinking philosopher. But fered from headaches and stomach ail- step to the genocidal hatred of Wagner’s Friedrich Nietzsche did not live ments. He was severely myopic and for- admirer, Adolf Hitler. to see his own elevation to the ever struggled with his vision. He was Nietzsche was present at the laying of ranks of philosophical greats. plagued by restlessness, spending much the cornerstone of Wagner’s Festspiel- His last journey took him back of his life traveling from one place to the haus, his opera house, in Bayreuth. But to Röcken, in the state of Sax- next. He went on long hikes, often in the not long after, he rejected his friend the ony-Anhalt. That is where he public domain, Investitions - und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH/Juraj Lipták,Thorbjoern mbH/Juraj Sachsen-Anhalt public - und domain, Marketinggesellschaft Investitions mountains. For many years, he also paid Maestro: “Wagner … condescended step “Röckener Bacchanal” near Nietzsche’s birthplace and grave lies buried today. ■