Registered by Post: Publication number NBH 1859


qfie fpresitent and Committee of the Caizberra fBiLchukZOj?Zg C/lit utisfigouaz'enj DWeny C/IrLctmas

"-'PP!/ and active New Year


WHERE? Uriarra Crossing

WHEN? Wednesday 16 January 1991, 5.30 pm

WHAT? Join members and friends for the traditional and informal barbeque in the coolness and shade of Uriarra. Swimming facilities are available as well as wood barbeques and abundant, vibrant conversation!

BYO the lot! Especially matches for the wood barbeques!

See you there any time after 5.30 pm

Drive along Uriarra Road until you come to the yellow ribbon or corroboree frog marking the surprise turn to the left. If you happen to come to the bridge then you have gone about 1 km too far.

Any enquiries, call Debi on 250 6200 (w) or 258 1645 (h).


This issue brings us to the end of the calendar year, and to the season of getting together with friends and enjoying their company, sharing well-wishes and eating and drinking just a little too much. In addition to wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, if you are doing any travelling to Join family and frier*i , please take care and drive safely.

This past month has brought us to the end Of our commitment in Monolith Valley for this year. As many of your are aware, the work this year entailed substantially more than what was involved in 1988-89, and involved a great deal of effort from Club members and from our friends in the NSW NP& WS, Ulladulla.

The thanks and acknowledgment of the Club for a job well done goes to all of you who were involved in either the one planning trip, or any of the three work weekends. 2

On the last work trip, and on behalf of the Club, I presented Bruce Rodgie and Richard Green of NP & WS with their own corroboree frog lapel badges. Their guidance and assistance to the Club in planning and carrying out work in Monolith has been indispensable. Best of all, their company on these trips has been a pleasure.

Incidentally, have you bought you corroboree frog lapel badge yet? David Campbell

MEMBERSHIP MAilERS Proepectke Members Bruce Beaumont 12 O'Hagan St, Latham ACT 2615 2549320(h) 2511655(w) Cate Byers, 7 St Clair P1, Lyons ACT 2606 2812211(h) 818100-988(w) Marc Cattini 17 Mayo St, Weetangera ACT 2614 2541301(h) 2651410(w) Lynn Dalgarno 46 Cockle St, O'Connor ACT 2601 2470341(h) 2493465(w) Renny Horsburgh 3 Stokes St, Griffith ACT 2603 2396374(h) 2463093(w) Fiona Lynn 23 Canning St, Ainslie ACT 2602 2497728(h) 2574390(w) Grahame Muller 74, Alroy Crct, Hawker ACT 2614 2545430(h) 2684143(W) David Poulter 23 Canning St, Ainslie ACT 2602 2497728(h) 2574390(w) James Stoney 19 Henry St, Goulburn NSW 2580 048217022(h) 048231565(w) John Reid cI- Macquarie Private Hotel, National Ca, Barton ACT 2600 2824377(w) Denis Wright 19 Chermside St, Deakin ACT 2600

NN Members The Club welcomes the following new members: Erica Anderson, Bruce Graham and Julia Graham, Beverly Gregg, Susan Moore, Ick Hempton, Geoff Hooper, Elizabeth Kelly, Deborah Scott, Sylvia Sheffield, Elan Taylor, John Webster.


If your IT label has $$$$ in the bottom right hand corner then according to our records you are unfinancial. FAUMM

To those of you who have elected not to renew your membership, this Is YOSt 1110 m

We assume that everyone who wants to renew has done so, but just in case some people haven't, this IT contains another renewal form. January ITs will not be printed for people whose payments are not received by January 3 1991. All print runs for IT are based on the financial membership of the Club.

i'll.! IltI *J a PB In October

PB, or to give it its full name, Precipitous Bluff, is an impressive mountain, towering some 11 OOm above the south coast of Tasmania. The second week of October saw three of us heading off to traverse the Southern Ranges and PB. Our packs were weighed down with 12 days of food and a dozen steel rods (just to make sure the packs were really heavy!)

Our first days' walk took us over Moonlight Flats, with occasional views towards the east to Ida Bay and Bruny Island. We camped amongst the scrub on Moonlight Creek with the moon well and truly hidden behind dense cloud. The next morning we were greeted with overcast skies and soon after leaving our overnight camp we had a brief period of snow and sleet. Well, it was October after all. 3

Our route went over Hill One, around the north side of Hill Two and over the tops of Hill Three and, yes, Hill Four (such imaginative names). We camped at Pigsty Ponds, a very appropriate name. Pigsty Ponds and the nearby Reservoir Lakes are lovely places and are set in a deep glaciated valley. It rained heavily overnight but wasn't too bad in the morning as we headed over Maxwell Ridge and had our first view of PB to the west.

Descending the ridge we witnessed a wonderful display of rainbows as they moved across the sky at one time there was a perfect semicircle of colour over Pindars Peak. We arrived at Ooze Lake, another beautiful alpine lake, in time for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and breakfast! We were stuck in the tents as it blew and rained and then snowed overnight. As we poked our heads out in the morning we had a wonderful view, with a fresh cover of snow and large patches of blue sky.

This is it we thought, as we hurriedly packed up, dug out our sunhats and put the blockout on. Twenty minutes later we were battling through chest-high scrub with parkas and overtrousers on. It had begun to snow again! By this time we had traversed around the northern slopes of Pindars Peak. It had stopped snowing and we were rewarded with a magnificent view down to Prion Beach and New Lagoon and more tantalising views of PB.

The rest of the day was spent following a scrubby route out to Wyllie Plateau, From there we could hear the waves on Prior Beach and watch the sun set behind the Ironbounds. The next day's walk was the longest of the trip. We bashed our way through more scrub before scrambling up the eastern side of PB to a plateau a mere 500m away from the summit. However another snow storm saw us descending rapidly, the summit unclimbed.

The descent invotves steep (well, really verticaO gullies with occasional rock scrambles around the base of the cliffs, till a steep ridge is reached which is followed to New River Lagoon, some BOOm below. We were all very glad to reach the lagoon and rest our weary bodies and drop our packs. (We still had a week's supply of food with us at this stage). The weather had improved somewhat the next day so with daypacks, we retraced our steps and struggled back up the ridge and on to the summit of PB. It is 114 5 m above the lagoon and as the crow flies, less than 3km away. Once again we were glad to reach the camp that night after the day's exertion. Sunday saw us wading along the shores of New River Lagoon, enjoying perfectly reflected images of the Ironbound Range and glimpses of Federation Peak to the north.

Once at Prion Beach we followed the easy South Coast track east for the next couple of days and out to Cockle Creek, enjoying wonderful weather. It was even warm enough for a quick (and I mean, quick) dip in Surprise Rivulet, It began to drizzle on our last day and we drove back to Hobart in heaw rain. Given the time of year we had been very lucky with the weather and as an added bonus, we didn't see any other walkers for the nine days.

Oh yes, those steel rods we were carrying? I nearly forgot. The trip was in fact part of a track inventory program and we were to set up some track erosion monitoring sites. Well, I guess someone has to do this work. ft's great getting paid to go bushwalking! Mike Comfort

it:'. •'j7fl:.:iCii CI(5U1

Participants: Norman Becker and Eric Pickering Travel: Pioneer bus to Sydney with open return from Mittagong, $42.80 with '(HA discount. Train to Katoomba, $8.10. Overnight Katoomba Mountain Lodge, $30 B&B (Backpackers $10). Taxi to walk start on Narrowneck Peninsula $8. Maps: Katoomba & Burragorang 1:100000; Notes by Robert Sloss: The Ensign Barralier Katoomba - Mittagong Walk 1990.

Sttday Nwrowmck to Urn KownsQ The walk commenced at 8.45 am November ii at the locked gate beyond the Golden Staircase on Narrowneck Peninsula which extends the Katoomba plateau some 16km south before descending to the and Burragorang Valleys. Initial descent from the plateau is via ramps, a conventional ladder and the exciting Taro's ladder - spikes and handles in a vertical 20 metre drop. There is a plaque to the memory of Wafter Tarr (Taro). "Duke of Clear Hilt who died 14/8/69, aged 90. Another more recent plaque with a single red rose to a 22 year old is more poignant. Highlights of Narrowneck were waratahs in full bloom, magnificent mountain and cliff views and excellent walking. 4

We arrived shortly after lunch at Coxs River which was a bit slimy and smelly, presumably from the drainage of farming chemicals upstream. We decided to press on to the , just another 7 km and 450 metres up and steeply down. The track up the spur was fairly obvious but the top two hectares of heavily timbered country known as Oak Terrace - required some navigational effort to pick up the Wonga Mountain ridge and our route to the Kowmung. We arrived there at 6.20 pm tired but pleased and elated with our 33 km walk.

Siziday: Kownntig to Bttchers Creek: An easier day along the beautiful Kowmung for 15 km - clear water, cascades, giant casuarinas, kanookas (water gums), and angophoras. We passed a Water Board station with a large flying fox and water measuring equipment and access from Scotts Main Range firetrail. Ducks with iridescent blue wings, a black snake swimming gracefully, another coiled ready to protect itself, a shining black brumby mare with dependent 3-day foal on a green pasture were highlights of the Kowmung. Finding the large dead casuarina tree mentioned in the Sloss notes, we turned left up an open spur 3.5 km to Scotts Main Range and 7 km along the fire trail to our camp at Butchers Creek. We had magnificent back-views to Narrowneck, Ruined Castle and Pius Amphitheatre and forward views to Kowmung Mountain. Monday: Bischers Creek to Yen'andede: A marvellous relaxed day of about 12 km including a 3 km side trip from Bymes Gap to the Axeheads, a narrow mountain range with breathtaking views of the Blue Mountains. I sunbaked, enjoyed the peace and the great views while Norm climbed a bit higher and experienced the same contentment from a greater height. I had a marvellous time picking out our route of the previous two days, nibbling cheese and keeping very still to avoid being bitten by the several species of ants crawling over me.

A leisurely stroll down the track brought us to a beautiful, shady and grassy spot at the crossing for a two-and-a-half hour lunch, billy-boil, and bathe. On the final 3 km to the Yerranderie Camping Ground we passed through a property which has a number of restored buildings, a silver mine and accommodation. We camped further on at the free camping area on grass among pines, with kangaroos, plump cicadas and kookaburras quite unaware of bushwalkers' general revulsion to exotic pine trees. We yarned with some Water Board workers staying in the old schoolhouse nearby, and marvelled at the rough and undulating clearing which is arguably the worst air strip in the world.

Tuesday: Yerrandedeto Nattal: This is a long 28 km day as it is necessary to cross the Warragamba catchment where camping is forbidden. We made an early start to avoid the heat of the day as much as possible. We walked across grasslands, sometimes on firetrails and sometimes on bush and old farm tracks via the abandoned Twin Peaks" property, east of the Mootik Plateau, thoroughly enjoying the vistas and the feeling of being in touch with the pioneers. The most spectacular view started on a small hill just after crossing the Joorland River. The formidable looking Wanganderry Walls 350 metres above and stretching a full 180 degrees before us, looked awesome. In the distance we could make out Beloon Pass which was to be our route over the Walls to the Nattal. A kilometre downhill from where we stood, and across open grassland, the nestled in its valley, protected by the mighty Walls of Wanganderry. Our enjoyment of the morning was such that we arrived at the Wollondilly feeling fresh and elated having covered 18 km in 3.5 hours.

After an early lunch, we climbed to the foot of a spur which provides a direct route to the Pass. From there it was 100 metres of steady climb, 100 metres of steep climb and finally 50 metres of almost vertical (but quite safe) climb to Beloon Pass. It had taken just over two hours since lunch. We rested, dried off our sweaty clothes, admired the views and read the log book. Someone had written "What a challenge, almost impossible!" signed his name and proudly revealed his age - 40 years! My goodness, Fred George at 73 could have done it with a full pack as a warm up before breakfast. From Beloon Pass, we followed a track 450 metres down Travis Gully through beautiful bush and forest alive with the sound of bell-birds, to Vineyard Flat and along to Colley Flat where we made camp under old casuarinas on sand strewn with their needle-shaped leaves.

Wednesday and Thwsday: the Nattal to Mitagong: We spent the next two days walking and rock-hopping the Nattai following the blue trail markers laid by the 1988 bicentenary expedition, sometimes with great difficulty. Recent heavy flooding had either removed some matters or placed tons of trunks and branches in the way. The track we were following sometimes took elaborate measures to cut corners, involving steep up and over climbs I suspect that the route was designed by someone who basically did not like river walking. Nevertheless the up-and-overs provided some splendid views of the Nattai Gorge which we had been following. This section of the walk was not as easy as I had anticipated and the weather was very warm and humid. It took a full two days to walk the final 42 km to Mittagong where we arrived at 4 pm Thursday in heavy rain - the first rain for the trip. Approaching N 5

Lake Alexandra, one of the well-kept secrets of Mittagong, we came across beautiful waratahs and a bright orange creek which discharged its mysterious contents into the Nattai.

After visiting the Tourist Office, and changing dry tiothes for wet in the adjacent toilet, an act which engaged the considerable attention of a well-dressed gentleman obviously unfamiliar with bushwalking techniques, we flagged down a bus and soon were enjoying a relaxed return to Canberra.

The highlights of the last two days were views of the rugged Nattai Gorge especially from the flat near Starlights Hollow, a swamp with large melaleuca trees, a large and angry goanna clinging to a tree and hissing harshly at us, grevillea longifolia in flower, the evening symphony of croaking frogs with a backing group of rhythmic cicadas, and a beautiful waterfall and pool with surrounds of flat rock, set in an amphitheatre of vertical cliffs.

This is a great walk, 140 km in all. It has inspired me to do other longer walks in . Thank you Norman Becker for putting it on the program. I conclude with a quote from the Sloss Notes, which were most helpful in ensuring our full enjoyment of the trip, "each day will within itself be a separate adventure that will be encapsulated to linger in your memory".

Eric Pickering Dor4m-Noventerll-i8

Scrrunchl Violent encounters of a hard kind as the car slid into a bank on the Western Distributor. The rocks were wet and slippery, as we scrambled up the conglomerate slope, and all the enticing monolithic views thickly swathed In fog.

Grudgingly complimentary remarks about the gourmet greenies who had placed little logs here and there to fix the track. Then, Where to spend the night in this drippy grot? We opted for a descent towards Angle Creek which brought a convenient overhang in view. Dry night at least.

But the next day Huey made up for it all. Not a cloud at dawn. We groaned our way up the slope and ebbed and flowed (apologies to Linda) through the rocky ramparts. Not an early start on Donjon. And it didn't seem to have got any easier since last time. On top, the world stretched forever.

Too We to tackle Owen, so we retraced our steps past the Castle. This time the monoliths looked great

John l'Ons You ao owt abed

But you are too late to join Nic Bendeli's abseiling Instructional at Ainslie Quarry. Abseiling is surprisingly easy to learn, great fun and as safe as bricks provided that you adhere to the basic rules. Nic's Instructional had a very poor attendance, which could dampen Club spirit. In previous years abseiling instructionals have attracted upwards of 30 people but this has subsequently declined. Did you know about the practice? It was in IT. Did you know the club has such a practice every year? Well, some of usdidn'tl

Our practice began with a short drop of a few metres, with yours truly trembling enough to cause a landslide, but as is the case, once over the top edge, it was all plain sailing - (ab-sailing!) This confidence brought us over the larger drop which, quite frankly, was a bit of a let-down, so to speak. The dlfhci4 and embarassing pail is coping with the chinese puzzle's worth of abseiling devices, harnesses, ropes and safety arrangements before you even begin your descent.

This is not enough. When can we do some real stuff? Well, Nic is out canyoning most weekends this summer, but as such trips invariably invthe some abseiling, a bit of basic instruction is advisable. I must stress that new, keen faces are one of a leaders delights. What a pIty that so many missed out on practice. Well, maybe next year?


December 15- 16 Shoatven - Came Ft This walk brings us into one of the deepest, canyon-like sections of the mighty . The river bank is generally flat with sandy beaches and casuarinas, but soon rises very steeply indeed towards the tablelands above, and usually with impressive sandstone cliffs before the very top. These cliffs are present on both sides of the river and are often well over 100 metres high.

The walk down from Badgery's Lookout to the bottom however follows a well-used and safe track. Once on the river it will be necessary to cross. As a little bit of dog-paddling is involved, you will need to waterproof your pack by lining the inside with a plastic garbage bag (the orange tough kind). Canoe Flat will be çeached by lunch and you may opt to relax and swim at the superb sandy beach and balmy waters.

One optional side trip will be up a side creek, Tallowal Creek, which penetrates the tablelands as a huge V-shaped canyon, Billy Bulloo's Canyon, with the same but even more perfectly impossible sandstone cliffs beetling above. At the end of this outstanding chasm is a waterfall, plunging over the sheer lip of the cliff. Only a trickle however in drier times, but after rain, can rival any sandstone country falls in its immensity. The other side trip for Sunday morning is to climb to a rocky pinnacle at the mouth of the creek, which is situated so as to give one of the really grand views of the area. Chris Leslie

Jaaaiy 12-131991 - Btznberry Creelc/flsoas Gorge - LIR The Deua and Wadbilliga wilderness areas cover an enormous tract of wild country, generally about the coastal highlands escarpment, stretching approximately between near Braidwood to the Bega Valley. In my opinion, the best feature of this region are the seemingly endless myriad of lush creeks, cascades and waterfalls that could easily adorn a wilderness calendar. Bumberry Creek, a side creek of the , is situated in about the middle of this tract and has a number of features that auow for an exciting and nicely balanced summer bushwalk. Pioneered by Rena Lays after exploratory trips led by Terry Jordan, it has become a Club annual L/W, rendezvous-ing with the annual S/EW slack trip led by Vance Brown.

Basically we start at Tuross Cascades, head out towards the middle section of Bumberry Creek via tracks and bush, follow Bumberry Creek downstream until it joins the Tuross River, follow the Tuross upstream, back to the cascades. Some of the masochistic features to excite the adrenalin are: a traverse around a blind ledge (plenty of holds), a hand-over-hand rope down a few metres of cliff into an icy pool to bypass a waterfall, a 20 metre rope-assisted descent down a steep water chute, numerous (lost count) compulsory swims through sheer sided pools and lots of rock hopping, boulder scrambling, jumping from slab to slab, wombat crawls and belly scrambles. A pack made wS.SIIWI by inserting a canyon bag, or large tong garbage bag, lining the insides is mandatory, so is a newish pair of Dunlop Volleys with the herringbone sole for traction on smooth rocks, some warm clothing and glasses straps for those so afflicted.

The trip will be modified if the water level is too high. It is possible to pull out at many places along the creek to an awaiting fire trail along the tops. The Tuross River canyon however is compulsory once we are in it. We are not a lot of 'gung-ho's'. A more subtle feature of the trip is the unique sense of embrace by a wild and intoxicating environment!

Allan Mikkelsen is running an intermediate trip this year. bypassing Bumberry Creek and starting the river part at the Bumberry/Tuross junction on Sunday morning. The L/R group will rendezvous with this group and on Sunday afternoon will all rendezvous with the S/E group at the cascades. Should be a great weekend! Chris Leslie Jamiwyl2- 13- Ettrema- LITh'W Map: Touga 1:25000 The route will be down Dungeon Canyon, camping at the delectable spot where Tullyangela Creek joins Ettrema. About 6 km upstream on Ettrema is the somewhat obscure junction with Gallows Gully. Here we will branch off for some energetic rock scrambling (the leader will bring a short rope) through a waterfall and up some slabs. The leader did this trip about 12 years ago and hopes he can still cope with it. John l'Ons Jan.mty 26 - 28- Happy Jacks cycle tfl - LIHUY Maps: Yarrangobily 1:100000 and others And now for a bike and hike trip with some (voluntary) swimming. Interesting scenery too. The ride will start at (or nearby Anglers Reach) and go via Kiandra to the start of the Happy Jacks Road. From there it's a gravel road down to the Tumut, along Happy Jacks River, past Far Bald Mountain (may be time for a quick ascent on foot) and along the ranges to Brooks Hill and . The third day will take us back to Adaminaby along the tar. There are some fairly mighty hills (eg. out of Tumut Por4 so low gears are essential. Cooling-off in Happy Jacks River will be permitted. Total distance about 200 km. John l'Ons


Be the first bushwalker in your block to wear the latest designer jewelleryl Our famous Corroboree Frog logo has been set on metal in glorious black and yellow (it's about the same size as the frog on the front of IT). Buy some for yourself or, better still, buy lots of badges to give to your friends - what a great idea for your next trip 0/S or to Evatt. Don't wear an Australian flag, wear a frog! PS. If you go to Club meetings you can buy them there and save the postage costs. Thebadgecosts$3.0O...-. John TtTwaite Please use the tear-off order form below.

Please rush me _____ (number) Frog Lapel pins (badges) @ $3.00 each. $ -






Mail this order form to: Frog Badge Officer, Canberra Bushwalking Club, GPO Box 160, CANBERRA CRY ACT 2601 a bIT The thet-d Sederl or "A cry from the bush" Received, one phone call on a Sunday evening from a CBC leader who, when 160km north east of Adelaide, in the mulga, so to speak, had just read his IT showing a walk which he requested be cancelled (Apologies, Ick! Ed.) Said leader was frantic that the Check-in Officer would by then be worrying about the non-return of the walkers (of the trip which didn't go). Said leader was on route from Adelaide, hitch-hiking, and made the call from the phone on a property along his hitch! Such is the calibre of aforementioned leader, Ick Hempton!

I [01;! ii Frog SkSI

A few weeks ago there was an item on TV on anti-cancer sun fun garments. The item clearly indicated these garments were readily available and also had a sun rating (same as sunburn creams) of +30. I contacted the Sydney And Cancer Society and was told that Australia does not have a sun rating for clothing. The garments were made of a lightweight, breathable and quick drying material and was given the name of 'Frog's Skin' (I wondered where had all the frogs gone!), and is only available from a Sydney hospital.

The Anti Cancer Society states that this material is limited in availability and at a prohibitive cost (details not given). They discount its usefulness under and suggest that to 1protect oneself from the sun, one should wear a closely woven garment with sleeves and collar, such as a T shirt or an ordinary business shirt. Rena Lays Later to the Edict

Dear Editor

I see you have me listed as a 'prospective' member in the November It This is not correct. I have been a member of the Canberra Bushwalking Club for about 23 years! John is actually the prospective member, though he does have a history of being a past member who lapsed!! 1990 has seen a revival (of) our participation in Club walks which we have much enjoyed and we look forward to the 1991 program!

Yours sincerely .Judith Webster

We humbly apologisel In the rush to put IT to bed (ft's often at 1.00 am on the last available evening) the Membership Secretary forgot to remind the Editor that Judith was indeed a longstanding member. We were fooled by John's payment of $32 (Household rate) attached to a Membership Applicatkin form, even though Judith had already renewed! Membership Secretary & Editor For Sale

Thermarest, 3/4 length, standard thickness - $75. Phone Jan Rowland 239 6362 (h). EJ Activity Programme

Transport costs are presently 25 cents per kilometre per car divided equally among ALL participants. This amount is a guide only and can be varied at the discretion of the leader depending on the condution of the roads, the number of passengers per car, and other factors. The figures given for indMdual trips are rough estimates only, based on four people per car - the cost may ft if cars are only partly filled.

Check-in Officer is Chris Leslie 2516123(h) - he (NOT the police!) is the person worried relatives should contact if you are late returning. Leaders must also report their safe return to the Check-in Officer!.

Deunr.ber 15-16- Shoatiaven- Badg—ysto Canoe Flat - WM/W A short walk with a compulsory full swim will take us to an early base camp at Canoe Flat. Optional side excursions to cflmb Billy Bulloo's Crown, rock hop up Billy Bulloo's Canyon, or explore further down the Shoalhaven. Alternatively, simply relax and swim on the beach at Canoe Flat. Map: Caoura 1:25000. Le&Iec Chris Leslie 251 6123(h) 251 3400(w). Transport cost about $15.

December 15-18 - Rock Ctnbkig at Boomomba - Steep The leader will do easy climbs, suitable for beinners. Other leaders needed to àope with higher grades! Saturday will be instructional. Camp at Booroomba Rocks car park. Numbers will depend on leaders. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leadet John I'Ons 231 6326(h), 276 6582(w). Transport cost about $7.

December 15-18(19) - Foss Days In V'—co National Park This is a shortened version of Kate's successful six day epic last year. Start at Munyang Power Station, up Disappointment Spur. Explore the area around un Hut and Mawson and perhaps climb Jagungal. Back down via Valentines fire trail. Return home will be either late Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Maps: Khancoban and Mount Kosciusko 1:50000. LaSer. Kate Moore 2540483(h). Transport cost about $32.

Satwday December 15- Budawaigs from - 1dM Longish, >20 km, but fairly fiat and mostly on tracks. We'll whizz along the Wog Wog track to the , loll around the pools at Many Rock Ribs for lunch, then bound up the Conglomerate Slope and admire the splendid views from Corang Peak, and then trudge back to the cars. NO GOURMET FOOD; this is a traditional bushwalk. Map: CMW Budawangs. Pat Miethke 241 2798(h). Transport cost about $16.

Sisuday Deesiter 16- MLSago Creek and Musrsznbidgee Riwer - WE A late stan is followed by an easy walk down Micalago Creek to the with plenty of opportunities for swimming. lt.may be possible to lilo. Return will be via a pool at the base of Micalago Fails. Map: 1:25000. Leader Doug Wright 281 4148(h). Transport cost about $8.

Stmday December 16- Mt Pw - S/PA This will be the fourth time that I've put this trip on. The first was great weather, but the waterholes were passed too early in the day. The second and third times were either too wet or too cold. This time we will (a) do the dry hard slog in the morning; (b) have great views for morning tea; (c) lunch by a waterhole in Mulloon Creek; ( probably have afternoon tea by the same waterhole; and (e) enjoy great weather (minus the Army, hopefully, who like to organise manoeuvres in this area at this time of year. Map: Bombay 1:25000. 1 itnr John Kyan 238 2517(h) 276 3512(w). Transport cost about $8.

Wetieeday 19- Mtrnmtldgee Everlig WS - WE As there is no Monthly Meeting on this third Wednesday of the month I will be walking along the Murrumbidgee from Kambah Pool to an isolated area near Red Rocks Gorge, starting at about 6.00pm. We will have an evening meal by the river with an opportunity for swimming. The return will be by track after dark by moonlight - bring a torch. Map: ACT 1:100000. Le'W Allan Mtkkelsen 2540764(h) 2643472(w). Bookings by 8.00pm Tuesday please.

Fdday DSauuulfl 21 - if Clo.E4 the Editor, 56 Woolner Circuit, Hawker. Ph 2545373 Suiday Decanter 23 - Ghgera Widflowers Waic - WE-LI Walk from Ginini to the summit of Gingera via Stockyard Arboretum for good views of the ACT and Kosciusko National Park. There should be early summer wildflowers in abundance. Suitable for beginners. Leader. Allan Mikkelsen 254.0764(h) 2643472(w). Transport cost about $11.

Tuesday December25 - SpcthgbeSc Island for ClSmes Day Festtvlles Once again Doug has scheduled his famous Christmas Day on Springbank Island. Meet at noon at Hospital Point close to Springbank Island for the canoe/row across. BYO gourmet lunch. Contact Doug if you wish, particularly if you have a canoe or boat but otherwise just turn up with strong rowing arms. I nolec Doug Wright 281 4148(h).

December 26-31 - Mwcyle River Canoe T4 - WEIIW Canoeing trip from somewhere to Dubbo. Fasthowing but flat. New Years Eve to be in Dubbo. May be car camping if there are enough starters to provide cars. Leader. John Kyalt 238 251 7(h) 276 351 2(w).

December 27-January 1 - SIX Days In the Brogo - S/M-RW Due to popular demand and marital harmony I've changed the start to Thursday 27 December. We will start at the same place as Allan's trip (see below) and spend the extra three days exploring some of Galoon Creek - I went a short distance up it some years ago and it looks great. We will then rendezvous with Allan's party, hopefully to stock up on more goodies, but don't let them know that. This trip is NOT suitable for those wanting exercise! Please book early - closing Thursday 20 December. Map: Puen Buen 1:25000. Leader Alan Vidler 254 5373(h) 243 5315(w). Transport cost about $24,

December 29-January 1- Foir Days In the Brogo - SIM-RIW A leisurely trip taking in the many pools and sandy beaches on the and Yankee's Creek. Plenty of time for swimming, admiring the views of the Deua and Wadbilliga areas, and celebrating the New Year. On the return journey we will stop at the famous Pie Shop. Map: Puen Buen 1:25000. I nwIC Allan Mikkelsen 254 0764(h) 264 3472(w). Transport cost about $24.

Jarisiy 54 - Mah Range Summer Ramble - WM Enjoy fields of wildflowers, alpine scenery and snow drifts in this alpine stroll. Starting from Charlottes Pass, we visit the Ramsheads, Lake Cootapatamba, Mount Kosciusko, and . Fuel stove or pre-cooked foods only. Map: A Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader Chris Lesfie 251 61 23(h) 251 3400(w). Transport cost about $28.

Sinlay Janisy 6- Corang Lagoon - StE This trip is entirely on a track without major climbs and allows for several hours bludging at the Al swimming spot lOOm downstream of the lagoon. Map: Corang 1:25000. Leader. Rosemwie Pretty 288 6768(h), 246 9490(w). Transport cost about $16,

StrdayJanuary6-MarryRockRbe+CcmngLaijoon-LJM This is a much longer version of the above trip. We will start with or before Rosemarie's party, go to Many Rock Ribs, then across country (mainly) to Corang Lagoon to rendezvous with the others - all plans subject to weather and lethargy effects, but Many Rock Ribs is also Al swimming. Map: Corang 1:25000. I aL.. Alan kidlar254 5373(h) 2435315(w). Transport cost about $16.

Tuesday January 8-IT Co&db.. i At the John Kyatt rural retreat, RMB 151, Hoskinstown NSW. Collation at 8.00pm, preceded by a BYO barbecue starling at 6.00pm. Drive approx. 19 km along Captain's Flat Road from Queanbeyan until wide plain is in view. Turn left at "Bungendore Hoskinstown" sign. Drive about I km, cross , turn right at "Hoskinstown 7 km'. Tum right at bitumen, drive about I km, JK ison left at the fork. JohnKyatt23825l7(h)2763512(w).

Sauday Jenny 12- Goo&ee Jo Tl% - SIWW Stan from the Brindabella Bridge. Good rapids for liloing/rafting towards Flea Creek. When finished, walk back 3 to 4 km by track (the river meanders, the track does not). This trip is usually NOT suitable for first time liloers. Please discuss with leader if you fit this category. I wit.. BLVBronn 248 9948(h) 2764984(w). Transport cost about $11. 11

Jamary 12-13 - Ttzoss Gorge - WR Walk into Tuross Cascades on Saturday for swimming and rock hopping. We will explore the top of Tuross Falls before walking out along the fire trail to our campsite above the Tuross/Bumberry Creek junction. On Sunday we work back up the gorge to the base of the falls with lots of compulsory swims, rock hopping, and boulder scrambling. Confidence on rock essential. See preview in November if. Map: Belowra 1:25000. Ia4ec Allan Mikkelsen 254 0764(h), 2643472(w). Transport cost about $20.

Jnary 12-13 -11th ArnuaI Bunbeny Creek, Tuross Gorge - LIR Heaven for dedicated rock hoppers, absolute hel for others. Several short descents with the aid of a rope (not abseiling), numerous compulsory swims, and many hours of constant rock hopping/boulder scrambling. Will possibly meet up with the Tuross Gorge and Bludge trips on Sunday. Map: Be*mra 1:25000. Under. Chris Leslle251 6123(h) 251 340(w). Transport cost about $20.

Jnay 12-13 - EUiema - Dtrgeon Canyon - Galows Guly - LIR We will walk down the long and enjoyable Dungeon Canyon with time for swims. Scramble back via Gallows Gully. Some rope work. Map: Touga 1:25000. I John l'Ons 231 6326(h), 276 6582(w). Transport cost about $22.

Stmday Jw*ay 13-7th ArnS lUtes Cee'Ioa Bkidge - WE Walk about 3 km down a fire trail to a great swim/bludge spot. Tuross Cascades is a series of rock pools one of which has a natural waterslide. There is an optional side trip(S/M) to spectacular Tuross Falls if someone will lead it, where we will meet up with the survivors of the weekend Bumbemj and Tuross Gorge trips. See preview in November It Map: Belowra 1:25000. Leader Vance Brown 251 3997(h). Transport cost about $20.

Wednesday Jamsy 16- BBQ at Urlarra - WE The January Monthly Meeting will take the form of a BYO barbecue at Uriarra Crossing. Full details will be published in the January FL

Jsiatylv-20-Fo4Pofl- M/ll More details in next if or contact leader for early information. Map: CMWBudawang& Leader Alan Davey 281 3545(h).

- 19-20- EtIrema - MyM - Dun- Jones - Betty Ba Canyon - WR Descend via spectacular and scenic Myall Creek to Ettrema for an early camp near a swimming hole. Next morning we will go downstream to Jones Creek (to me, the pick of the Ettrema system), walk up It to the base of the top waterfall then return - a 2-3+ hour trip depending on the allure of the many swimming holes. We return to the cars via Sentry Box Canyon and up the down route to be used on the day trip in February. Map: Touga 1:25000. Leader Alan I/idler 2545373(h) 24$ 5315(w). Transport cost about $22.

Sinday Jawy 20- Bki%.I Rock Sb.t.. - GtrSw Peak, Mu.alroom Rock - WE This walk takes in the site of the oldest recorded human occupation in the region and other interesting features of the Birrigai area Map: lidbinbilla 1:25000. I aac Maiparet Cole 288 6947(h). Transport cost about $7.

Suiday Jaasy 20 - Bkie Lace CVcst - LIE More details in next IT or contact leader for early information. Map: Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader. Gerald Dodgson 254 94$2(h).

flasday Jnsy 22 - Mobo Gorge Evertu Walt - WE An evening walk staiting about 6.00 through Molonglo Gorge and Kowen Pine Forest. We will stop for a meal beside the river and if it is a warm evening there will be plenty of chances to cool off In the river. The return will be after dark so bring a torch. Map ACT 1:100000. Leader Alan PAflelsen 2540764(h) 2643472(w). Bookings by 8.00pm Monday please.

Jwiay fl - N Nfl. Reserve - WE pS opds Easy walking on beaches, headlands, and coastal heathlands with lots of opportunities for swimming, fishing, rock pool viewing, feasting and bludging. An optional day walk south to Cape Howe with its spectacular sandhills. Book early, as limit set by the Nature Reserve rangers is not fle,dble. UNCIM BE Brown 2489948(h) 2764984(w). Transpott cost about $40. iptl

Jwtary-28-OycIeT4-HappyJa*s-LIHIy Drive to Adaminaby. Cycle Kiandra - Cabramurra - Tumut Pond -Eucumbene - Admiriaby via Happy Jacks Road. Hills aplenty - low gears required. May be a bit rough. Exploratory tripl Maps: Various 1:100000. Leader John I'Ons 2316326(h), 2766582(w) .Transport cost about $25.

- 26-28 - Canoe T4 - River - TBA More details next IT or contact Leader John Kyalt 2382517(h) 2763512(w) for early information.

Fetnary 2-3 - and Rèturem. of the Budasangs - WM On Saturday, we will walk in through Monolith Valley and the famous 'green room, follow the magnificent upper Angel Creek. rainforest to the top of Crooked Falls then descend into Hollands Gorge to camp. Sunday will be a swimming day as we follow Hollands Creek to the Clyde River and sample numerous pools and beaches. Map: Corang 1:25000. I aat.0 George Ca,ter251 2130(h) 263 3549(w). Transport cost about $22.

Stnday February 3- Nu.neiy Creek and Feb - WE A pleasant walk on tracks through forest and a high grassland valley to an Aboriginal rock painting site and waterfalls at the head of Nursery Creek. Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leader Mike Morriss 288 6947(h), 289 3422(w). Transport cost about $8.

Febnaiy 9-10 - Monoth Valey - WM-R After ascending Kalianna Ridge we will make camp at the Cooyoyo Creek. In the afternoon we will visit the beautiful green room and on Sunday morning climb to the summit of Mount Nibelung for commanding views. This walk is a joint activity with the Family Bushwalkers. Map Corang 1:25000. 't Margaret Cole and Mike Moniss 288 6947(h), 289 3422(w). Transport cost about $22.

St.mday February 10- txnrleeflh Atnal Etfrema Day It - S/R A short walk to the cliff line for spectacular views then a short steep descent to Ettrema for several hours of lolling and swimming in the crystal waters of Ettrema before a short steep climb up Rock Slabs Creek about 3 km upstream of the entry point. Due to the popularity of this trip and the sensitive nature of the access routes a tnt of 12 apples. Map: Nerriga 1:25000. Leader A/an V/cl/er 254.5373(h) 243 5315(w). Transport cost about $22.

T'ethig Febnary 12- It Colalkin

February 18-17 - Shoelw,en - Birigoila to the Blockip - WItW. We begin from the Bungonia Lookdown and follow the Mt Ayre track to the Shoalhaven, following upstream to an area of spectacular walls at the downstream entrance to the Blockup. Optional side excursion inside Fordham Canyon. Return through Bungonia Gorge Sunday afternoon for more neck exercises. Map: Caoura 1:25000. 1 Chris Leslie 251 6123(h) 251 3400(w). Transport cost about $15.

Wednesday 3) Febnay - Moritly MemMg, Dickson Library Community Room, 8pm.

Swiday Fetnary 24- Ttgeranong. Lanyon Abo4tgPal Sloe - WE We will take in the axe grinding grooves at Theodore and the Canoe Tree near Lanyon homestead in a pleasant walk along the Murrumbidgee with the possibility of some swimming. Map: ACT 1:100000. iw1ec Mike Morriss 288 6947(h), 2893422(w). Transport cost about $7.

Wednesday 27 Februaiy - Corriniftee Mehg and It CksWig

March 2-3 - Queens PourS River - WR This is a beautiful and remote river in the . It flows over pink granite, through pockets of rainforest and has many pools. The descent into the gorge Is steep and scrubby but the river is very easy and the track back to the cars is very scenic. Mx Yowrie 1:25000. I awt.,, George Carter 251 2130(h) 263 3549(w). Transport cost about $22. 13

See comma issues of IT for more information (arid Corrections) on future activities. includi

February 23- Tomat Falls and Bindook Gorge M/R - Rene Lays and Alan I/idler February 2(pm)- provisional - Kambah Pool - Pine Island - Vance Brown February 9-10- Spring Creek Abseiling - Eddy de Wide Saturday February 9- Three Peaks - Tudbinbilla - A/an Davey February 17-18- Goodradigbee Fishing Trip - David Campbell Sunday February 17- Murrumbidgee, Angle Grossing - Tharwa - S/M - Rosemarie Pretty February 23-24 - Beginners Weekend walk to a swimming spot - A/an I/idler Saturday March 9- Club Hangi at home of Rene Lays Sunday March 10- Day trip to Bimberi - VL/R - Roger Edwards SundayMarch 24- Clean Up Australia Day

Plus several more walks already programmed for April

Any additions or corrections to Allan Mikkelsen please.!


Note: The Walk Secretary, Allan Mikkelsen is pleased to accept walks from leaders at any time. Please contact him to put your walk on the program.

Bookiigs: For trips should be made by telephoning the leader no later than 2pm on Thursday. There is a Club limit of 16 on most walks.

Waters: are reminded that there can be dangers associated with bushwalking and that they participate entirety at their own risk.

Equment: for Club walks can be hired from Roger Edwards 2954.598(w) 2887863(h).

Librwy: The Club Library is held at the home of Keith Thomas, 26 Allport Street, Downer 24$7816(h) at 6- 7.45pm on the night of Club meetings.

(5) Short - under 12km/day (E) Easy - firetrails, tracks, beaches etc. (M) Medium - 12-20km/day (M) Medium - bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub (L) Long - over 20km/day (R) Rough - much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles (W) Wet - compulsory swims, many river crossings

NOTE: In calculating distance 1 km is added for every 100 metres climbed.

NOTiCE TO ALL WALKERS: The leader should check that:

(A) Each applicant is capable of completing the proposed trip. This is done by observation on previous walks or by contacting them personally and asking where, when and with whom they have walked previously. ) Everyone is aware of what the trip entails and of any special equipment or skills needed.



S&R Contacts we: Dave Drohan 2662728(w)2413566(h), David Campbell 24691 56(w)2541 511 (h),Allan Mikkelsen 2540764(h), 2643472(w). -

Area Coordinators: Belconnen - Frank & Meg McKone 2541311 (w)2545902(h), Pat Miethke 2493085(w) 2412798(h), Inner Canberra - Jim Dick 2702638(w) 2473158(h), Keith Thomas 2819468(w) 2467816(h). Woden - Doug Wright 2814146(h). WL Wit BUStWASIG COCE

The need for long tracts of duckboard in the popuar wak Wig areas of KOsCkJsko at elsewtiere to coitol erosion at damage to pat species, dicarded dñ* cans and ugly cainite rngs pled with tSn and bottles, all testdy to the Wnpact recreaion6ts have had on the ervâorvneit.

Two decades ago care for the ervvlonmef I did not seem to matter much We flew ott cars on the fire or binS them. Now t is difererl. There are so many more people usmg widerness areas. The code below, coinplod from several sauces, gives poslive steps that we can take to miiin5e our Enpact on the resoute that provides ts with so much pleasize.


1.1 Use an exiethg campste rather than make a new one in the saiie area Sattlig up camp WE be easier and addionS grout cover will not be damaged. Leaden shoild ml the size of ttiei patty. especialy WI senelive area 1.2 BrEg your own test poles or use dead tinber. Never cit Pve trees for poles. 1.3 Use of sensltve areas reqises special care. Do not camp in the catciTnerl 01 glacial lakes


2.1 Free shodd not be It in senstive area such as sit-aflie regions. Stoves must be used WI Ngh-use areas (rae: WI some area for example Tasmar* leglelation prescttes 'stove OIif areas). 2.2 Use estabhed fresies wherever possble. Dletrtxte ashes at insed fiewood. Spread leal Iter or sal over the Waste. In sandy sod buy ashes. 2.3 Use only falen dead wood for Was. 2.4 DaM make Wes now nuts of trees, on roots, on peaty sod, or where the We codd spread 2.5 Querch the We complately. Keep water tandy to corirol the We shodd it spread 2.6 Don't even dfl of iglirig a We or stave du.nig a total We bail 2.7 Don't depose of akfltn 101, plastIcs or cars by bflg (note: some corlaliers wl) fl tO be made 01 carboagd bit can be tied S 104. When in doib carry toil! Don't depose of other material unkiss the We a very in at you we size that it will be reduced to ash. 2.8 Exerclee care with Moves. Do not t excess presare with may case sSsty valve igr*lorL •

:' i(_\i

3.1 Bi.iy twai wastes. Take a trowel at dig a sinai hole wet away from any open water. 3.2 It in snow bun mist paper alter use, (or use snow!). 3.3 Diaposal of hnan waste at heavly-tsed campstes reqttes more effort Go nxdi fallier away! 3.4 Wash wet away from streams at ensue that soap, detergerts at food reftae do not ester watercoines. When cleatig temt use gttty said rather ttai soap.


4.1 Apply the 'catty vi, carry our rUe. INS apples to orange peel, tnt cores, salary lena, $eeds at egg shels. Remember to take some ptic bags. - 4.2 Bdore leaviig a trch spot or canpste check that no ittbish a left

a mcia AND ROUTE

5.1 Go in sinai parties at tread caeMy to avoid damagrig vegetation. Use stepplig stones WI eroded areas I avallabW 5.2 LInt wSWIg WI areas Ut have been over-wed. 5.3 MEtnlee w*rg on loose groufl wee slopes dines, marshes at bogs 5.4 Keep to matted or formed tracks. Do not take short aSs on zigzag tracks


6.1 Naive flora and fairia shoUd be left usidStvbed. Do not kill snakes. 6.2 Do riot take domestic annals on wa&s. 6.3 Report sigllligs of feral ar*rials, iegal forest grazrig or legal use of protected areas (eg. wood cistlig or removal of rocks) to park or forest aittiortes as appropriate.


7.1 Radios and cenette players shodd be left at ttme.

14 SUMWRY - BE PPAD AND SE 1*OI CANBERRA BUSHWALJCING CWB INC. Membership Renewal Form For 1990-91 (Current members only)

Please use BLOCK letters and please PRINT clearly! Name:

Postal Address: Postcode: Home Address: (If different) Postcode: Home Phone: Work Phone: Other person's name: Work Phone: (If Household membership)

Additional Information: (Please circle whichever is TRUE)

I am willing, on occasion to lead day walks YES NO

I am willing, on occasion to lead weekend walks YES NO

I am willing to take part in Search and Rescue activities YES NO

S&R Availability: (Please circle the appropriate response)

Ready to go at any time at 2 hours notice YES NO

Ready to go at 12-24 hours notice YES NO

Available at weekends and public holidays only YES NO

Please indicate any special skills: (Doctor, nurse, rock climber, 4WD owner, radio operator, etc)

I/We enclose (please circle appropriate amount)

$24 Ordinary Membership OR $32 Household Membership (2 adults at same address)

being the membership subscription for Canberra Bushwalking Club for 1990-91.

Signed: Date: / /19

Please forward forn and subscr,otion to: Membership Secretary, Canberra Bushwalking Club, P0 Box 160, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601. Registered Publication No. NBH 1659 It undekverable return to P0 Box 160, Canberra City ACT 2601 Postage SURFACE Paid CANBERRA CANBERRA MAIL ACT 2601 BUSH WALKING AUSTRALIA A ft CLUB INC. E€€'t VALLAI<: F1' 1 1t4!10(j St WESTON ACT 26 :1 1

'!990 -91

Work Home Fax PRESIDENT: David Campbell 2489156 2541511 ViCE PRESIDENT/TREASURER: Geoff Wood 2666348 2959558 SOCIAL SECRETARY: Debi Williams 2506200 2581645 CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY: John Thwaite 2935315 2543193 WALK SECRETARY: Allan Mikkelsen 2643472 2540764 2532405 ASSISTANT WALK SECRETARY: Chris Leslie 2513400 2516123 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Alan Vidler 2435315 2545373 2435888 MINUTE SECRETARY: Janet Duncan 2862788 2881398 EDITORS: Sue Vidler 2765317 2545373 PUBLISHER: Eddie De Wide 2824877 CONSERVATION OFFICER: Mike Morriss 2886947 RIng (w) beforehand

Dave Drohan 2662728(w) 2413566(h) is the Search and Rescue Officer and Chris Leslie 2516123(h) isthe Check-in Officer. Rod Daigleish 2813614(h) and Sandy Lolicato 2515441(h) are the conservation representatives. Vance Brown is the public officer, Alan Vidler is the Club record keeper and Doug Wright is the Club archivist. Roger Edwards is the Equipment Officer 2954598(w) 2887863(h).