Jan Kantůrek's Notes in the Translation of Terry Pratchett's

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Jan Kantůrek's Notes in the Translation of Terry Pratchett's MasarykUniversity Facultyof Arts Department of EnglishandAmericanStudies Jan Kantůrek's Notes in the Translation of Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series (B.A. Thesis) Kateřina Lengálová Supervisor: Ing. Mgr. Jiří Rambousek Brno, June 2006 Iherebydeclare that IhaveworkedonthisB.A.Thesisindependently,usingonlythe primaryandsecondarysourceslistedinthe bibliography. 28th June2006inBrno: Contents 1 Introduction 7 2 BackgroundInformationontheTranslationoftheDiscworldSeries 9 3 Groupsof Translator'sNotes 11 4 NotesonTranslation 15 4.1 NotesonWordsUsedinTranslation 16 4.1.1 Foreignor UnusualWords 16 4.1.2 UntranslatedWords 20 4.1.3 Commentsonthe Author'sWords 23 4.1.4 Incredible Words 28 4.1.5 Conclusionofthe Notes onWordsUsedinTranslation 29 4.2 References toCulture 30 4.2.1 Shakespeare 30 4.2.2 BritishCulture 31 4.2.3 Conclusionof ReferencestoCulture 33 4.3 ConclusionofNoteson Translation 33 5 SpecialNotes 35 5.1 Society 36 5.1.1 Satireofthe BritishApproach 36 5.1.2 Comparisonofthe BritishandCzechCultures 38 5.1.3 ConclusionofSociety 39 5.2 UnclearReferences 40 5.2.1 References UncleartotheCzechReader 40 5.2.2 References UnclearGenerally 41 5.2.3 ConclusionofUnclear References 43 5.3 MemoriesandHistory 44 5.4 CreativeTranslations 45 5.5 ForeignWords 47 5.6 Comments ontheText 48 5.7 ConclusionofSpecialNotes 50 6 Conclusion 52 7 Bibliography 54 7.1 PrimarySources 54 7.2 SecondarySources 57 Appendices 59 AppendixA:TableofAuthor'sandTranslator'sNotes AppendixB:Tableof Groupsof Translator'sNotes Acknowledgements Iwouldlike tothankIngMgrJiříRambousekforhisadviceandcommentson mywork.Iwouldalsoliketothankmyfamilyandmyfriendsfortheir helpwith completingthecollectionofJanKantůrek'stranslationsofTerryPratchett's books. 1 Introduction TheworksofTerryPratchett,aBritishauthoroffantasybooks,have been translatedintoCzechbyJanKantůrek,whohasaspecificstyleofwork.Thespecific featuresofhistranslationcanbest beseeninthetranslator'snotesthatKantůrekoften usesinthe Czechbookssothat theycomplementthenotes oftheauthor. Thetranslator'snotescanbedividedintoseveralgroups,mostlyofinformative orreferentialcharacter.Amongthesegroups,twoare prominent because oftheir functioninthetext.Theseare thegroupofnotesontranslationandthegroupofspecial notes. Thenotesontranslationwill bedividedintovarioustypesaccordingtowhat aspectsofthetranslationtheycommenton.Mostly,thesenotesdealwiththewords thatKantůrekusedintheCzechversionsofPratchett's book,buttheywillalso introducethedifferences betweenthecultureoftheauthor andthatofthe reader. Kantůrekwill beshowntobreakthe conventions oftranslatinginthenotes by accentingtheroleofthe actoftranslation. Thespecial noteswill,again,bedividedintoseveralsub-groupsaccordingto theircharacteristics.Kantůrekwill beshownintheroleofacommentator whoisonthe samelevelasthereader.Hisspecial noteswill be perceivedasthemeansofaddressing thereader.Kantůrekwilldiscuss inthemthenotionsofsocietyandunclearreferences thatPratchettinsertedintothetext.Therewillalsobeother typesofspecialnotes concerninghistory,creative translations,andforeignwordsinthetext.Themost specificnotesofthistypewill be classifiedas purecomments. Inthiswork,acloserlookwill be takenonthegroupsofnotesontranslation andspecial notes,becausetheirfunctionisdifferentfromthefunctionofothernotes. Eachexamplefromthe bookswill beanalysedinthelater sections andconclusions will 7 bedrawn.It will bedemonstratedthatinhistranslations,Kantůrekexceedsthe conventions oftranslatingbymovingtheroleofthetranslatorfromtheillusionarynon existententitytoa partnerinadialoguewiththereader. 8 2 BackgroundInformationontheTranslationoftheDiscworldSeries In1983,TerryPratchett'sfirstnovel oftheDiscworldSeries was published– TheColourof Magic .It wasfollowedby The Light Fantastic in1986and Equal Rites a yearlater( Wikipedia ).Today,twentythreeyearsafterthefirstnovel,therearethirty booksoftheDiscworldSeries,notincludingthree booksforchildren( The Amazing Mauriceandhis EducatedRodents , TheWee Free Men and A Hat FullofSky ) andthe shortnovel The Last Hero ,andalsoexcludingvarioussupplementaryworkssuchas TheScience of Discworld or NannyOgg's Cookbook . Tenyearsafter TheColourof Magic was publishedinEnglish,the bookwas translatedintoCzechbyJanKantůrekas Barvakouzel . Lehké fantastično and Čaroprávnost followed,andintime,Kantůrekmanagedtocatchupwiththeauthor and matchhisspeedoftranslatingwithPratchett'sspeedofwriting.Nowadays,thenovels oftheDiscworldSeries(called"ÚžasnáZeměplocha"inCzech)haveallgottheir CzechtranslationbyKantůrek,andsodosome ofthesupplementarybookssuchas KuchařkaStařenkyOggové or Smrťovaříše Only TheScienceof Discworld was translatedbyadifferenttranslator,LukášHozák,as VědanaZeměploše ,butHozák himselfadmitsthathe consultedsome problemswithKantůrek. Kantůrek'stranslationshavenot beenonlypopularamongthereadership,but alsosuccessfulintermsofawardsthattheywon. Barvakouzel and Lehké fantastično were bothawarded Ludvík in1994,the ÚžasnáZeměplocha serieswasrecognizedby Akademie science fiction, fantasyahororu asthe bestseries intheyears1995,1996, 1997,1998and1999,andKantůrekhimselfwashonouredwithanawardforthe best translatorin1995,1996,1997and1999bythesame Akademie ( Nočníhlídka ,2). Theseawardsaswellasthe popularityamongthereadershipshowthat Kantůrekmakessure thatinhistranslations,"thereaderis thecentral pointofthe 9 message"("čtenář Jestředobodem poselství"Lepilová13).Heisalwaysawarethat "thetextchangeswiththeaddressees,itcontains aninfinitenumberof potential interpretations"("text se měnísadresáty,obsahuJenekonečnémnožství potenciálních možnostíinterpretace," Lepilová17),sohetriestomakethetextmoredefined. Therefore,Kantůrek'stranslationsareatypical exampleofthestatementofMilan Hrdlička: [T]hetranslator isthe addresseeoftheoriginalspeech,andat thesametimetheauthor ifitstranslation,whichhasitsownaddressees. Fromthe pointofcommunication,a doubleshift takes place –thefirst oneatthelevelofthetranslator,the secondoneatthelevelofthe readerofthetranslation. ("[P]řekladatel JeadresátemoriginálníhoproJevuazároveňautorem Jehopřekladu,kterýmázasesvé adresáty.Zhlediskasdělovánítutedy nastávádvoJí posun,prvníupřekladatele,druhýučtenáře překladu." 29) Theshiftat thelevelofthetranslatoris prominentwithinthetranslationsofKantůrek becausehe alsopursues anotherHrdlička'sstatement: Translationisalso/abovealla confrontationoftwolanguageentities in theircomplexity.Itis aculturaltransferinitswidest possible sense. ("PřekladJe i/předevšímkonfrontací dvouJazykovýchentitvcelé JeJich složitosti.Jdeokulturní transfervtomneJširším slovasmyslu."29) Kantůrekaccomplishesthisculturaltransfer byemployingmainlynotesofthe translator.Anditis thesenotesthatwill befocusedoninthis work. 10 11 3 Groupsof Translator'sNotes "Everybodylikes them,"statesRobert Neumannabouttheauthor'snotesin "Statistics",hisstatisticalanalysisof TerryPratchett'sworks.Pratchett'snotesare frequentinhis booksandverypopularamongthereadership.Theycanbeseenas characteristicforPratchett'swork.Kantůrektakes Pratchett'sspecificsof writingeven furtherinthetranslationandaddshisown,i.e.translator's,notes.Eventhoughthis practiceseemstobeinterferingwiththeoriginaltext,it canalsobearguedthat Kantůrekonlydevelops Pratchett'sstyle,accordingtooneoftherequirementsfor translation "emulationofthestyle oftheoriginal"("vystiženístyluoriginálu", Hrdlička28).Letusnowanalyse the groupsoftranslator'snotesthatareusedinthe novelsoftheDiscworldseries. Thetranslator'snotescanbedividedintofourteengroupsaccordingtowhat messagetheywanttoconveytothe reader.Thesegroupsare listedinTable1.Thefirst eightgroupshaveasimilar purpose - theyareconcernedwithsupplyinginformation that isnotcontainedintheoriginal text butseemsnecessaryforthe proper understandingbytheCzechreader.Thenextfourgroupsofnotesareusedtorefer the readertoother booksor hisorherknowledgeofvariouscultures.Thelasttwogroups oftranslator'snotesshowhowKantůrekdisclosedhisroleas thetranslatorand commentatorofPratchett's book. 12 Table1 Translator's NotesDividedintoGroups Explanations (PunchandJudy) (Implosion) Translations Informativenotes Food Personalities Acronyms Pronunciation References Analogies Referencenotes Citations Mythology Notesontranslation Commentaries Specialnotes Groupsonetoeightoftranslator'snotescanbecalledinformativenotes.They offertothereadersomeextra information,whichKantůrekthoughtnecessaryforthe readertoknowtoproperlyunderstandthetext.Thefirstgroupofinformativenotesis dedicatedtosimpleexplanationsofforeignwords or phrases,ortoexplanationsof namesofthingsthat the readeris probablynotfamiliarwith.Kantůrekoffersan elucidationoftermsthathethinks thereaderdoesnotknowthemeaningof.The secondandthirdgroups ofinformativenotescouldbe perceivedassub-groups explanations,because theyinfacthavethesamefunction.Ingroupnumbertwo, 13 KantůrektalksaboutPunchandJudy,"a popularBritishglove-puppetshowfor children" ( Wikipedia ),whichisnotknownbyCzechreaders.Intheother group,he explainsthe meaningoftheword implosion ,whichheusuallydefinesastheopposite of explosion .However,itcanalsobearguedthat as bothofthesegroupshaveeach three representatives inKantůrek'stranslationofPratchett's books,theydeserve their ownrespectivegroups.ThefourthgroupofnotesfocusessimplyonKantůrek's translationofaforeignphraseusedbyPratchett inthetext.Inthefifthgroup,Kantůrek revealshis affectionforfoodbypresentingrecipesfor mealsanddrinksmentionedin theoriginal.ThenotesonfoodareevidenceofPeter Newmark'sstatement:"Foodis for manythe mostsensitiveandimportantexpressionofnationalculture[...]"(97).The sixthgroup ofnotesintroducestothereaderfamous personalitiesthatare mentionedin
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