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Index 1980s Unemployment and the Unions Banking Policy and the Price Level (book) 314, 320, 321, 322 (book) 101 1984 (novel) 372 Barber, Benjamin 263 Bardhan, Pranab 289, 290 ‘acceleration of time’ 345, 346 Barry, Norman 7–9, 240 accounting prices 65, 248, 249 Bartley III, W.W. 116 A Century of Bank Rate (book) 30 Bellante, Don 23 ‘adverbial rules’ 210 Bentham, Jeremy 17–18 aggregate demand 13, 96–7, 98, 106, Berle, Adolf 281 326, 327–8 Beveridge, William 110 American Steel Foundries v. Tri-City Blaug, Mark 59–60, 62 Central Trades Council (1921) 337 ‘blind faith’ 365–6 ‘Anglo-American approach’ 72 Böhm-Bawark, Eugen von anti-rationalistic approachj 210–11 and Austrian school 141 Aréna, Richard 28, 31 and capital theory 23, 25, 166, 168, Armentano, Dominick 335–6 182–3 Arrow–Debreu model 249 influence on Hayek 12, 37, 58 Austrian Institute for Business Cycle as ‘master’ 147 Research 1, 47–8, 144–5 and Mises 140 Austrian school of economics Buchanan, James 255, 344, 350 and capital theory 25, 26, 47–9, Burke, Edmund 225 57–8, 67, 73–4, 91–2, 166–7, business (trade) cycles 173–4 and capital theory 25, 49, 71, 82–4, and competition policy 36–7 86 hostility towards 35 and central-bank policy 132–4 intellectual paths of 11 and change in Hayek’s economic and Lachmann 165–6 theory 110 and macroeconomics 13–14 and consumption goods 19–21, 23 and market processes 130–31 and credit expansion 133–4 and methodological individualism 1 and ‘cumulative process’ 19 and methodological subjectivism 154 empirical weakness of theory 30 and Mises 138–41 and enhanced factor incomes 19 and monetary policy 346, 357 and enterprise 21 and neoclassicism 197 and entrepreneurship 20 and price system 60 and equilibrium analysis 196–7 and socialist calculation debate and full employment 21 278–9, 281–2, 286, 288, 290 and general equilibrium theory 5 and spontaneous order 226, 231, and Hayek’s relationship with 240, 242 Lachmann 166 and subjectivism 1 and Hayek’s rivalry with Keynes 1 Backhouse, Roger 35, 36 and industrial fluctuations 51, 53, bank lending 19, 21, 26, 27–8 57–8 381 Roger W.
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