Who in the World Picks of the Week
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DEDICATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE MUSIC/RECORD INDUSTRY C'NE DOLLAR L11 l D .111P3 0/118 OOp6 djp 135S OCTOBER 23, 1971 WHO IN THE WORLD rZl ds ONlyOGoZfMz7pH z z o The Doors, Now a Trio, Have Re-signed with Elektra Records and Are Ready With A New Album, 'Other Voices,' And New Single, 'Tightrope Ride.' Story This Issue. PICKS OF THE WEEK tis ARETHA FRANKLIN, "ROCK STEADY" (Pundit, cr STEPPENWOLF, "FOR LADIES ONLY" (Steppen- >MELANIE, "GATHER ME." Melanie has changed BMI). Believe it or not, Lady Soul is W wolf, BMI). Title cut from the Dlabels, but she is still making the same idio- in the midst of the most successful j group's brand new album is solidly 2.3jsyncratic, highly -personal music that has made stage of her career to date. Self- W in its hard -driving, hard -rocking <her one of the foremost figures in the current penned rhythm number will add to tradition Top 40 prospects would woman's musical vanguard. This package should her streak. B/w "Oh Me, Oh My" appear bright. Richard Podolor pro- do big business. Neighborhood NRS 47001 (Noontrac, ASCAP). Atlantic 45-2838. duced. Cunhill D-9292 (ABC). (Famous). THE WHO, "BEHIND BLUE EYES" (Track, BMI). BUFFY SAINTE -MARIE "I'M GONNA BE A COUN- RICK NELSON, "RUDY THE FIFTH." Rick Nelson Follow-up to "Won't Get Fooled TRY GIRL AGAIN" (Gypsy Boy, BMI). should be recovering any day now from his case Again" slows the pace consider- Country flavored title cut from one of vestigial image-itis, which means that his ably until its break. Then the guys of Buffy's earlier albums has al- home -grown -sounding packages should begin to get down to some smashing, crash- ways soLnded like a hit single. Now get their proper attention. Very tasty here. ing British rock & roll. From "Who's it gets is chance to prove itself. Decca DL 75297. Next." B/w "My Wife" (Track, BMI). Try some. Vanguard 35143. Decca 32888. B.B. KING, "AIN'T NOBODY HOME" (Rittenhouse, HOOKFOOT, "DON'T LET IT BRING YOU DOWN" J. GEILS BAND, "THE MORNING AFTER." J. Geils BMI). Highly commercial Jerry Rago- (Broken Arrow/Cotillion, BMI). Band and his band seem to be modeling their look voy-penned cut from Riley's London that's ben associated with Elton and sound after greasers of the '50s, and they sessions album features girl vocal John maes this Neil Young lament are succeeding admirably. This package of nifty RECORDSAM backup and some swirling organ its first single and it's got real pos- grunts and groans will go. Atlantic SD 8297. work. Tasty. B/w "Alexis' Boogie" sibilities B/w "Coombe Gallows" (Alexis Korner, ASCAP). ABC 11316. (Dick Janes, BMI). A&M 1300. CHILITES, "HAVE YOU SEEN HER" (Julio -Brian, LITTLE JOHNNY TAYLOR, "EVERYBODY KNOWS OZONE, "COMMANDER CODY AND HIS LOST in. And BMI). Group ranks with the hottest ABOUT MY GOOD THING (PART 1)" PLANET AIRMEN." Yes, the '50s are here's r&b acts. Latest won't impede their (Respect BMI). The "Part -Time another group who have been making their name 4';u2uru iz progress one bit. 5:08 but long Love" man eure can belt the blues. on the circuit by imitating early rock groups- of recording spoken intro and fade. B/w "Yes Here he gets right to the low-down even to getting that special sound air. Paramount PAS 6017. I'm Ready (If I Don't Get To Go)" nitty gritty substance of the sub- studio (Julio -Brian, BMI). Brunswick 55462. ject. Great singing. Ronn 55 (Jewel). All Nashville Convention News WB, Elektra, Atlantic in Quad on Tape Only NARM on Anti - Piracy Legislation Dialogue: Alan Douglas & Industry Responsibility MIDEM Meet Jan. 15-21 Bienstock Atlantic Custom Chief Superstar Reviewed www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com Our Stars Earn Their Stripes. Our country release for October is a lineup of proven performers. Every month ít's been that way. And will be that way. That's why we're country's number one company. You Earn Too. is the RCA trademark for a new develop- ment in record manufacturing that provides a srnoother, quieter surface and improved ability to re- produce musical sound. This lightweight record also virtually eliminates warpage and turntable slippage. ce vice" vtcrog 0.trierilirAY ro kssi ca,ORS 117"'C'n" nit* ritCwiel ,7-(jcsis, -Go" eamithechidten- -spLA or ARItel 3,1, Kanter DarMit 13E9"d LSP-4611 LSP-4609 LSP-4601 LSP-4603 LSP-4606 LSP-4605 LSP-4597 P8S-1833 P8S-1827 P8S-1832 PSS -1829 P8S-1821 P8S-1826; PK-1826 RCA Records and Tapes October is country music month. www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com Dedicated to the Needs Of the Music/Record Industry October 23, 1971 NARM on Anti -Piracy WB, Elektra, Atlantic Legislation Bill In Quad on Tape Only BALA CYNWYD, PA.-Jules The statement follows: NEW YORK - Mo Ostin, Malamud, Executive Director S-646, the anti -piracy legisla- President of Warner Bros. Rec- Complete Nashville Conven- of NARM, issued a statement tion, has been passed by the ords, Jac Holzman, President of tion Coverage Starts on P. 42 last week on the new anti -piracy Congress and sent to President Elektra, and Ahmet Ertegun, legislation signed Oct. 15 by Nixon for signature. The bill President of Atlantic, announce President Nixon. accomplishes two major objec- that they will not manufacture ahead now with `discreet' quad Malamud, in making the tives. First, it amends existing compatible quadrophonic discs tapes only. statement, noted to Record Federal copyright law to pro- at the present time, although "We will intensify our re- World that the four -month pe- vide a copyright in sound re- they will go ahead with quadro- search into quadraphonic be- riod before copyrights can be cordings and thereby makes phonic tapes. cause we believe that disc will obtained is to accommodate unlawful the unauthorized re- "We believe that quadrophonic ultimately become a quad me- implementation of new copy- production and sale of copy- reproduction is an important dium just as tape is now. The righting processes and he also righted sound recordings. Sec- new dimension in home enter- research will be guided by our called special attention to the ond, the legislation provides tainment," said the company engineering departments under fact that during this wait man- that remedies for unauthorized presidents in a joint statement. the direction of Tom Dowd at ufacturers and retailers are reproductions of sound record- "The best and easiest method Atlantic, Bruce Morgan at Elek- liable for their knowing in- ings containing copyrightes mu- of bringing quad to our audience tra and Lee Hirschberg at War- volvement with pirated prod- sic shall be the same as those at present is via `discreet' four ner Bros." uct. (Continued on page 40) track tape, either on cassette or Ampex will distribute the first cassette or eight track cartridge. quad tapes from Warner Bros. "As yet none of the matrixing and Atlantic later this year. Sixth MIDEM Meet systems necessary to quad discs Elektra's first quad tapes are compare with existing tape me- expected to be released early Set for Jan. 15-21 diums. Therefore we are going next year. CANNES-Plans are under- The schedule this year will way for the sixth annual include three international MIDEM meet to be held here galas in the hall of the Palais Bienstock Heads Jan. 15 to 21. des Festivals and an interna- Five thousand participants tionl groups night. Atlantic Custom Div. representing 700 music firms in MIDEM "Wide Open," custom labels, scheduling all 45 countries are expected. another event, will give an op- LPs, coordinating all activities Already 80% of the 348 portunity to artists to perform relating to these labels, includ- available offices have been in public and autograph their ing advertising, promotion and booked. records. sales. He will work with album sales VP Dave Glew on sales and marketing; with Promo- O'Brien, Altschuler Named tion VP Henry Allen and Oper- ations VP Jerry Greenberg on To Playboy Positions promotion, and with Advertis- ing VP Bob Rolontz on ad pro - the A&R Rock Department at (Continued on page 37) Paramount for whom he pro- duced such acts as the Brady Bunch and Gary St. Clair, and Three New prior to that, he was with Col- Johnny Bienstock umbia where he produced the Chambers Brothers, among Jerry Wexler, Executive VP Wherehouses other contemporary acts. of Atlantic Records, announces Altschuler, as Manager of formation of the Atlantic Rec- TORRANCE, CALIF. - In- Popular Music and Special Pro- ords Custom Division. The new tegrity Entertainment Corp., jects, brings to Playboy Records division will comprise all of owner and operator of the and Music an in-depth knowl- the outside labels distributed Wherehouse record and tape new Tim O'Brien, Bob Cullen, edge of popular music. He has by Atlantic. They include Cap- stores, has opened three Ernie Altschuler been nominated nine times for ricorn Records, Flying Dutch- stores in the Los Angeles area, the Grammy for record of the man, Rolling Stones Records, announces IEC President and LOS ANGELES - Bob Cul- year. He has won it twice with Alston, Stone Flower, Prophesy, Chairman of the Board Leon len, Executive VP of Playboy "I Left My Heart in San Fran- Chimneyville, Pelican, Clean, C. Hartstone. Records and Music, has ap- cisco" and "Theme from a Sum- Dakar and Embryo Records. The new locations are in pointed Tim O'Brien as Man- mer Place." Before joining Johnny Bienstock will be in Granada Hills and Woodland ager of Contemporary A&R and Playboy Records and Music, charge of the new department Hills in the San Fernando Val- Ernie Altschuler as Manager of Altschuler was VP in 'Charge of noted Wexler, with the title of ley and in Lakewood, bringing Popular Music and Special Pro- Popular Music at RCA in New Coordinator of the Atlantic to 15 the number of Where- jects for the newly formed com- York where among the hits he Custom Records Division.