October 2004 Teleph One: 403- 26 1- 3662 ISSN 1205-0350 Fax: 403-269-6029 PMA #400 I003 1 E-Mail: Albertahistory @Telus.Net
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The membership newsletter of the Box 4035 Stati on C NO.4 Calgary. AB. T2T 5M9 October 2004 Teleph one: 403- 26 1- 3662 ISSN 1205-0350 Fax: 403-269-6029 PMA #400 I003 1 e-mail: albertahistory @telus.net In this issue Little Chicago Remembered Little Chicago Remembered 1 by Audrey Rice It fina lly happened. the New Members & Donations 2 .. dream ca me true. A new cairn President's Report 3 is now at the site of the town Dr. Sandra Thomson 4 ca lled Little Chicago or Alberta Centennial Ambassadors 5 Royalties. once one of Legacy 2004 Campaign 6 Alberta's famous oil towns. Barons Centennial 6 located about two kilometers The Enemy Within 7 north of Longview. on Spirit of Sexsmith 8 Highway 22. Whyte Museum 9 Ju st over a year ago a Jack Norris Story, Part I 10 -12 committee was formed and Who Was Your Most Memorable on Jul y 24. members of the Teacher? 12 Little Chicago Revisited I-lSA's Books Galore 13 Co mmittee. supported by 200 Book Reviews 14 former neigh bours and A New Day For Women 15 frie nds. un veil ed the new Chapter Reports 16-19 cairn co mme mo rati ng the HSA Calendar of Events & location of our home-town, Crossword 20 which is now near the locati on of Talisman Energy's HSA Pin "L ittle Chicago Gas Plant". It was a very emotional time, a homecoming and a The reuni on of old friends. Historical A few guest speakers, including Art Smith. a former MLA and rig hand in the area Society of said. "This is where oil was discovered and those co mpanies who run the husiness Alberta pin now owe these people a debt of gratitude because they spawned the oil industry."He is availahle. ended by saying, "Most important about this day is to commemorate the spirit that You can pick it made it happen ... from rememberin g yo ur past. you learn what your future is." up from the office or mail your cheque or money order in With the support of many people and businesses the project was an overwhelming the amount of $5 plus $.50 postage and success. handling to: Little Chicago was once a thriving tow n that at least 2000 people called home. It The Historical Society of Alberta started in 1936 when crude oil was discovered, and people without johs due to the Box 4035. Station C Calgary. AB. T2T 5M9 depression started flocking to the area . It grew to a tow n that included all the stores. Phone: 403-26 1-3662 sc hools and services that any town needed. As a child it was a great place to grow up. Fax: 403-269-6029 After the discovery of oil at Leduc in 1947. the johs moved north and the town E-mail: albertahistory @telus.net disappeared, but the memories remained. Welcome to new members T he Histor ical Society of Alberta is a registered charitable organizatio n. Cyril Carter, Prince Ru pert BC Joe Kadezabek/Ana Buzic, Lethbridge Donations are gratefully recei ved to help Belinda Crowson. Lethbridge Mary Eggcrmont-Molenaar, Ca lgary further the work of the Society which Don Dalke, Le thbridge Pincher Creek Municipal Library. includes the publication of A/berra Lana Lo nsc th, Lethbridge Pincher Creek History and this newsletter. History Doris MacKinnon. Red Deer Sheila McManus. Le thbridge NOW. Donations arc tax deductible and Henry & Just ine Wostenbcrg, Red Deer Mary Muench. Calgary will be acknowledged in History NOW. Dorothy Riva, Ca lgary Ju ne R. Wright, Red Deer unless otherwise requested. Manuel Hull igcr, Calgary Maureen Dckclvcr, Calgary History NOW is pub lished qu arterly. Dave Helps, Calgary Margaret Douglas. Taher We welcome information about your upcomin g or past events. acti vities. Lau rel Hall aday. Calgary There sa Dust, Saskatoo n publications. etc. They should he in the Bellrose CompoHigh School. St. Albert Linda M. Lcflcyt, Okotoks hands of the editor prior to deadline . West Dalhou sie Eleme ntary School. Arts & Heri tage Foundation of St. Submission deadlines: Ca lgary Albert, St. Alhert Mar I for Apr-Jun issue Jane Morrow. Ca mp Creek Garth Olson. Red Deer Jun 1 for Jul- Sep issue Myrtle Nich olson. Edmonton Sonja Richter, Ca lgary Sep I for Oct- Dec issue Co ry Gross, Ca lgary Joyce John son. Lethbridge Dec I for Jan-Mar issue Ian Kirkland, Ca lgary Duncan & Doreen Lloyd. Leth bridge Send copy to: Fra nces Jost. Ca lgary Kenn eth & Bea Nielsen. Lethbridge Sherring Amsden. Editor. History NOW. Bev & Ed Johnson, Ca lgary Rose Rossi. Lethbridge Historical Society of Alberta Box 4035. Stati on C Calgary. AB T2T 5M9 email: albertahistory@tcl us.net Phone: 403-261-3662 Fax: 403- 269-6029 Thank You for Your Donation to the HSA and/or Chapter Members of Council 2004-2005 Ca ther ine C. Co le Ernest/Margaret McEachern President Donald Hepburn Marilyn/Les Ollenherg Gladys Braml ey-Moore 1st Vice-Pesidc nt Jean Johnstone Jean Johnstone Doug Francis 2nd Vice-President Vivian Sampson 3rd Vice-President Frank Norris Betty Dahlic Frances Vesterdal Secretary David Smith Rom an J. Kicrzck Eileen Ford & Fami ly Treasurer Beverley Leggcll Edward Bredin Frances Jost Past President Ron Williams Director .u Large Liliane Maisonneuve Diane Mc Kenzie Bern Roe Director at Large David Jones Joyce A. Neary Don Hepb urn (2) Director at Large L. Douglas Rae Mary Lyn as Edward/Diana Reuther Committees: Helen G ree n Marianne Fcdori Alberta History Editor Hugh Dempsey Ken McD on ald Edward/O live Hillm an History NO IV Editor Sheni ng Amsden Ronald/Bernadette Nowell Marjorie Mci ntyre James Bowles Gordon Evans For information contact: Robert Wray Josep hlMoyra Ferguso n Office Coordinator The Historical Societ y of Albert a Glynis Grigg Vincent/Mary Ellen Erik sson #320 Barron Buildin g Robert C ue ll Shirley Walker 610 8th Avenue SW Calgary. AB. T2 P IG5 Sheila Pcthcrbridgc Robert/Margaret Watson Phone: 403-261-3662 Don Spicer Betty Runyon Fax: 40 3-269--6029 E. M. Moran Michael Tomyn & Family e-mail : alhcrtahistory @telus.net website: www.albertahistory.org President's Report by Don Hepburn As we move into a new program year. second morn ing of the co nference. and .11 1of the chapters of the Historical Society our annual awards will be prese nted at of Alberta will he involved in activities to the banq uet, mark our province's centennial year. The Lloydrninstc r is the ideal place to hold Provincial Government has annou nced its the conference. Many events of historical planning a number of tours and visits. plans. which include medallions for school significance occurred in that area. It was Possibil ities include the OTS Heavy Oi l children. public ce lebrations and a number from nearby Buckingh am House that Science Centre; the Barr Colony of major capital projects. (Details are now Peter Fidler le ft for a wi nter of travel . the Heritage Cultural Ce ntre with its public readily available on the special website first European to see the so uthern Alberta art ga llery featuri ng the wor ks of Cou nt www .alhertace ntennial.ca). Many more Rockies and rep ort his observatio ns Berthold von Imho ff. the Richard Larsen even ts will be planned at the local level by about the way of life of the nomadic Museum with its co llec tion of artifac ts o f town councils and historical societies. buffal o hunting peoples he encountered. the Barr Co lonists. and an ex tensive Each of our HSA chapters will he The North west Rebelli on sites of Frog wildlife ex hibit: and such historic sites as plann ing special eve nts. High on the list Lake and Frenchma n Butte are nearby, Frog Lake. Frenchma n Butte. the Climb will he the " his toric weeks", now an Th e Barr Co lon ists se ttled the land Th rou gh Time Mu seum in the o ne es tablis hed project in Calgary. adjacent to the city. one of man y remaining grain elevator at Parad ise Edmonton. Red Deer and Lethbridge. block settleme nts so important to the Valley and others . HSA's "how-to" manual Celebrate Our development of our two provinces . Heritage. is now available on the Alberta's first school of agriculture was It promises to be an interesting and Society's website for other communities established in 19 13 in nearby Vermilion. enjoyable co nfere nce. and we are hoping in the province. or elsewhere. to make In more recen t time s. the distric t has for a very good atte nda nce. Discu ssions use of when plann ing their ow n historic become a centre of heavy oil production. are under way about organizi ng bus vccks , and the Society is prepared to And there is muc h more. transportation to the conference for those who do not wish to drive. We are .IITer workshops to assist other tow ns and The conference will use the excellent cou nting on eac h chapter to make it a cities to get star ted. Other loca l events facilities of the Lloydrninstcr Ca mpus of special event and encourage as wide will he developed as well. Lakeland Co llege. the successor to participation as possible. So - please 2005 is not only Alberta's ce ntennial the Vermilion School of Agriculture. mark yo ur ca lenda rs now and plan to ye ar, of co urse.